Gmod FNAF | Torturing Security Breach Roxanne Wolf!

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what oh hello oh i'm so glad you decided to drop by oh look it's all of my favorite fans oh you're all here oh my goodness i i oh i'm i'm so glad you're all here oh you guys do not know how happy you make me to be able to see all of y'all oh i just i just really hope that i'm i'm your favorite i put in putting so much work for you and i just really hope that i'm your favorite out of everyone else i know i'm your favorite right yeah that's right i am your favorite and that is why i'm gonna put on a special show for you yes you all right you ready for my my spectacular show all right i'm gonna put on a nice boom what do we have here a simp yes that's right i caught you red-handed shame on you you think you can sip you think you could get away sipping not today i got you in the act i got you red-handed there's no excuse what you got it what do you have to say for yourself go on go on admit it admit you were simping go on confess yep that sure is right you are a simp and yep that's right i sure did kill your waifu your waifu is dead now hahaha what are you gonna do about it nothing you can't do anything about it wait wait what'd you just say wait no no don't dislike the video i'm sorry i'm sorry oh no please don't dislike the video oh no my one weakness oh no oh no clean up clean up where's the bucket i gotta get the bucket oh no which way's up which where's the bottom where's my sponge where's the soap clean up clean up please don't dislike i'm sorry i'm sorry here i'll make a deal for you i'll make a deal with you please don't dislike the video please leave a like instead um if if you leave a like every every like this video gets uh one roxy gets saved from being tortured how about that there you go please leave a like don't don't hate me it's just a this is just a joke please don't hate me forever please oh i'm already getting flashbacks i'm getting vietnam flashbacks to to when foxy got tortured and everyone hated me for torturing foxy i'm like i'm sorry i have to do it it's for the series please you must understand i'm being held against my world i'm located i'm locked in the basement please help me but i do have to say at the end of the day i think i'm a pretty nice person and besides even though i torture animatronics at least i don't hurt anyone else oh whoops um i'm sorry mister i i didn't mean to well time to clean up clean up clean up clean up clean up clean up clean up clean up clean up clean up there we go my mess has been cleaned up let's go all right time to get started mr sun what what do you think you're doing glitch trap left me in charge of the show so i could torture the security breach animatronics what what are you doing i i'm the one who's supposed to be torturing nina no sipping no slipping alone [Music] [Music] anyways roxy are you ready to have some fun um oh yeah sure what what what are we doing well first of all it's time for your execution my my what it's time for your execution come on please stand up to the podium uh you know on second thought i don't i don't want to do this come on it will be fun don't worry uh we it's um you get to come back to life because that's how logic works in this plane of existence i don't know why but that's what happens so anyways go ahead uh go ahead and put your head right here are you sure this is safe why should i do it well um you see it is the latest tick-tock trend what tick-tock oh i'll do anything for tick-tock oh dang that just shows how desperate people are nowadays but anyways let's go ahead all right time for your execution and ow well dang i don't think it like ow can you stop hang on hang on i think my machine is faulty um okay here there we go here go right there my nose uh on second thought maybe we should not do the execution um yeah i would not like to be executed thank you very much um okay well what happened to your leg i got hungry what now that's cannibalism well anyways come on over to the next machine it's called the grinder what the the grinder what what does it do well you see it grinds you up into little tiny tiny tiny pieces oh well maybe this machine it could maybe it could grind on my oh yay new friends yay friends are forever epis for um fs for fuel to power the machines you is for you are dead n is for nuclear bombs anyways let's go see how roxy's doing i'm sure she's fine yay new friend how's it going i'm in vain oh um well i'm uh i'm sorry to hear about that um um i missed the part where that's my problem oh okay roxy are you ready for the next machine um what what is this machine gonna do well basically this giant hammer is gonna come down and it's gonna clap them cheeks oh so wait is it so it's basically gonna like spank me uh yeah well in that case please spank me okay all right roxy can i have a serious talk with you um sure what wha what's up well you see it's come to my attention that um your hair it's awful what what my hair what what's better than my hair i think it looks good is it really that bad yep it's pretty disgusting i'm not gonna lie what oh no and all your fans think that too wait really oh no i have to look beautiful for them um what should i do about it well don't worry you came to the right place because i'm a hair stylist wait you are yep so uh please just uh stand still and i will do all the work to fix your hair um okay um all right also i think your tail could use some trimming too so uh here don't worry i'm gonna i'm gonna fix you up so i hear you stand right there i'm gonna go get my scissors okay and i'm gonna cut it up and then you're gonna look beautiful i'm gonna look beautiful again yes yes yes you will so here let me go ahead and pull your hair back too and uh okay you stay right there and let me get my tiny tiny tiny little scissors and oh here they are here are my tiny tiny little scissors so these are my little safety scissors i used these back in preschool all right don't worry roxy i'ma cut up your hair and you're gonna look beautiful again so uh there you go all right there you go your tail is good um let me see here i think your hair we could be cut just a tiny bit more there we go and perfect here we go all right roxy your hair appointment is over wait hold on a second what did you do to me oh my hair it's it's gone i look ugly now well it's not all gone oh wait now it is what no where's all my hair oh no i'm bald i look so ugly why would you do this to me well you see i i had to make you less attractive so that way people will stop sipping for you what no you you did this on purpose yup sure did now you will be ugly forever no what what will my fans think about me oh i'm sure they'll hate you now and that's a good thing yay no more simps no more simps yay but i want people to sip for me what did you just say i uh i want people to sip for me oh go down the stairs all right roxy um uh all right all right what what what do you mean i don't have to i don't have to explain anything what is this oh this this giant pit oh wow i didn't even see this here well roxy i'll tell you what it is it's the pit okay and i'm gonna throw you into it wait what into the pit i must admit i'm in crippling debt yay okay roxy i got great news for you what what is it mr sun i i found your biggest fan wait you you found my my biggest fan yep i sure did and he's here now oh my goodness oh my goodness wait is is that him yep it sure isn't a wait who the frick are you i'm a i'm a semp band anyways roxy this is actually your biggest fan right here this biggest fan is just for you it's my biggest fan please have my chill oh um excuse me sir are you a simp no good i'm glad you're not oh wait whoops i killed him okay roxy do you know why i brought you up here today um no not not really could you if if you could explain it to me that would that would help me out so much all right roxy i'll go ahead and explain so you know the pizza plex right it has lots and lots of different treats right uh-huh well one of the treats used to be montegu oh yeah i remember that stuff well anyways it appears that they've uh they've ran out of stock and uh unfortunately they do not require the materials to make any more of it so they've decided to come up with something new wait really yup we're gonna make some roxy juice what roxy juice yep and we're gonna make it out of you so we got this giant blender up here so we can blend everything together so uh so um and implying that the name is roxy juice i i think you know what the what the main ingredient of it's gonna be oh oh i see i see yeah there you go okay i'm glad you're on board with it wow i thought i was gonna have to shove you in here against your will but i'm glad i'm glad you're on board with it so so for this roxy juice it so what you're saying is that that it's gonna it's gonna need my juices get in the blender wait what okay roxy are you ready for the next machine what what is this i don't know let's find out come here um okay what do i do first you gotta go inside here i'll open the door go on in um okay i guess i'm in so wait what what does this do well anyways it's it's uh it's it's the latest creation soon i'm gonna put this in the daycare it's like an anti-gravity chamber what an anti-gravity chamber whoa so that's gonna be like a simulation of what it what it feels like to to be in space oh sure go with that anyways have fun [Applause] oh whoops i don't know why she instantly combusted like that but um whoopsies oh wait hey i think i left my penny in there hello mr pitty oh my pretty oh okay roxy are you ready for the next machine um oh can i guess what this one does oh sure go ahead take a guess is is this is this is this machine is it is it gonna pound my oh whoops i forgot i had a timer set on it um oh well guess i'll never get to know what she said and uh hey wait who are you what are you doing here i'm a simp band i can't deal with these stems why is everyone sipping over you oh gosh the body's on fire i'm sorry roxy i'm sorry oh gosh get out of the fire i'll save you i'll save you come here oh gosh are you okay stop dropping raw stop dropping extinguish extinguish okay there we go roxy's roxy's safe and sound right hey excuse me mr sun i couldn't help but notice that you got a dead body on your hands oh yes you're right mr garbage man i do have a dead body on my hands well i'm i'm the garbage man so i can throw away that dead body for you okay thank you so much how convenient here you go all right thank you mr sun all right enjoy that dead body oh i'll dispose of this body myself because i have no idea what your freaks are up to nowadays there we go adios okay roxy i'm uh i'm sorry i the last machine kind of killed you before before you could guess what it would do to you so i i deeply apologize for that but uh do you want to take a guess at this one i'll let you guess at this one and there's no timer set oh okay how um how thoughtful of you um well i i see it's a giant drill and i'm assuming it's gonna come down and uh oh i i know what it's gonna do you you do yeah i do know what it's gonna do it's so it's gonna this machine is gonna it's gonna drill my no oh well i thought it would uh you know she had it coming i'm not gonna lie all right roxy do you know where we're at right now um i uh i think we're on uh on top of a building right now yup yup that's right oh oh no i think i know where this is gonna go yep you sure are right and he lost where's roxy before i throw you off this building um please don't i'm ah wait why am i falling so slow well you see ever since the last drone for that for building video people got so upset that i threw off a building and that you died and no that wasn't supposed to happen clean up clean up clean up oh oh oh no oh now everyone got so mad at me oh god dang it get in there clean up clean up everyone got so mad whenever i threw roxy off a building and threw up a nap off a building and i got so many comments and they don't hated me for it oh no i'm sorry roxy i'm so sorry that wasn't supposed to happen you're supposed to survive i don't know oh no clean up clean up all right roxy um get in what what what does this do oh don't worry about it it's like a massage chair what a massage chair so if i like if i lay down on my back in there it will massage my back yep it sure will you got to get your beauty in um okay you're right i gotta get a nice massage and oh this is gonna be nice and relaxing oh it feels so good oh well i think it might be faulty um oh no i didn't keep the receipts oh no how am i gonna get a refund okay roxy for this next machine in order for it to work properly we're gonna have to strap you down are you okay with it uh yeah i guess i'm fine with being strapped down okay well that's good enough daddy likes that what though what the sip be gone oh oh my goodness oh these steps they keep coming out of nowhere oh my god dang it clean up clean up get in there all right well anyways roxy i'm so sorry about that but anyways i'll let the fun begin whoops thank god maybe maybe we shouldn't have strapped her down um whoopsies um well welcome back roxy we're gonna try this one instead um okay what is this what's this machine gonna do here you sit right there and uh here sit here here um just uh okay just i need you to stay right there this machine's gonna come down and it's gonna it's gonna do a little mild surgery on you mild surgery yep sure is okay there we go this machine is gonna come down and oh whoopsies um i think she needs to be moved back a bit more um sorry roxy um okay let's try it one last time [Applause] oh well my attempt was much worse and more gruesome [Music] all right roxy you ready for the next one what is what does this do oh it's just a laser what wait what is that what does that mean it's gonna do it's gonna kill you yeah just like that did what it said what a good little laser boy and uh okay roxy it's time for another fun machine oh oh no i'm so sorry okay roxy it's time for another fun machine are you ready uh yeah i guess i'm i guess i'm ready what is this one going to do well i think you'll be able to find out wait what the ah wait why am i going into the floor what's going on and uh wait what the uh the walls they're closing yup have fun oh they're gonna they're gonna crush me yup have fun with that oh no dress me harder what the hell all right that is it i'm throwing in a grenade just for you saying that all right let's see here okay could you die any slower oh my goodness okay oh there we go the machine is closing in it's closing in okay there we go good good good all right time to clean it up all right clean up clean up but that is gross all right roxy this will be the last one for today what are we doing now well you see i'm gonna put you through this machine and this machine is gonna fix your features up what my features what what do you mean by that we need to we need to make people stop simply for you so uh this machine is gonna do the trick just for that so don't you worry about just hop on in no questions asked and uh i think you'll be very proud of the results um okay i guess i trust you um it's not like you've been killing me all day or anything like that but i guess i can trust you oh yeah i'm trustworthy all right go ahead so what this machine is going to do to you is it's going to you know cut off trim your nails you know here and there you know get a nice little trim in okay thank you thank you thank you yup i love to help out people oh that cut off my hair yeah you're not going to need that anymore so now this next machine is going to come down do this okay there we go perfect finally she can shut off oh my goodness her voice is so annoying i hate her voice so much and so annoying like who would ever have such an annoying voice not me my voice is not annoying well anyways this machine's gonna do a little clapping that's gonna do a little stabbing there we go stab her up stab her up and uh there we go and uh oh whoopsies that wasn't supposed to happen okay i guess we'll do some more stabbing i wish i had the daycare theme playing right now that would uh that'll make this even worse but uh anyways there we go and finally as you can see we have all these cursed parts right here and all of them go into the eternal fire well they're where they will never be seen from ever again and uh you might be wondering to yourself well wait if this is supposed to um fix roxy up and uh you just got rid of all of her and yep that's the key she's up she's too hot so uh we we had to get rid of her so uh there you go problem solved well anyways that's the end of this video and just remember this is just a funny little joke so well please please don't hurt me today and remember if you leave a like it'll save a roxy so uh anyways hope you enjoyed and uh i'll see you since later bye bye [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 733,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Torturing, SB, Security Breach, Roxanne, Roxy, Wolf
Id: N0atbzYQ1AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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