Glock 48 Possibly The BEST Glock Ever

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the channel today we're going to be doing a shooting review and just my first initial impression in general of the Glock 48 I was able to get my hands on one of these little early thank goodness I always try to do that for you guys get a PDF as soon as possible and and I was able to do that with the Glock 48 as well now I didn't get a 43 X I've already got a 43 and I've said before I don't know if I will ever buy 43 X but I depend on how this thing shoots that may all change I said yesterday on a post on Instagram if you carry a hybrid holster such as actually working that even as thin as this gun is it will still work in a hybrid holster when you put the belt on it kind of pulls it into your body a little bit and this will work in hybrid holsters now if you're a context fan which I am a context fan as well you have to get that made specifically for this of this firearm because of the narrowness but like I said if if you use a hybrid for a Glock 19 this will work so uh the weather is pretty crappy day so I'm actually having to do this at my house you all know there's a big field behind the house I can't shoot in that field I really don't like doing that most of time because of the neighbors and my dog doesn't like that the sound and stuff like that but I want you to be doing a lot of shooting today because well it's just I started go to North Carolina and it was raining so bad over there there was no way I can do this video and it's starting to rain here as well so we're gonna play put 30 40 rounds through this I'll do the normal thing I'll do my first initial you know ten rounds tell you what I kind of think about it because I've not even fired this yet and then we'll do kind of like rapid speed shooting so you can see how the recoil management is with this longer a thinner grip I do want to say this actually feels really good in the hand and this actually points as well as almost eight o'clock I've ever had in my hand I was pretty amazed so I picked this up and just do it up to two pull up the sights they just seemed to be right there and I was pretty impressed now I don't know what the recoils gonna be like or anything like that but like I said this is gonna be seeing how that works so uh we've got ten rounds it's just you know regular Winchester white box and we're gonna see how it works we're gonna it was nice first rounds fixed and go downrange a lot of water on my glasses we're about ten yards as normal okay my first initial impressions of this guy is uh it's a soft shooter it's really really a soft here it's actually pretty amazing how soft this thing actually does shoot I figured as narrow as it was it might have a little jump to it but you can really get a good purchase on that even with my hands being as large as they are I can really get a good purchase on this firearm so next what we're gonna do is some quick shooting you know kind of see how Rico man's butt really is I didn't do some really fast shooting there and but we're going through right here and just see how the recoil management is on then again same ammo just kind of speed so there again the recoil management of this firearm is pretty amazing and in all seriousness it it's actually becoming one my favorite Glocks just in the short time I've shot it I know that's a lot to say because you know I'm a big nineteen fan but I've said before I think this is kind of the best of both worlds between the 19 and a 43 because you get that 19 size but you get that 443 thickness which is pretty nice so uh and I just I really can't stress how well the recoil management is on this it's pretty amazing I think the recoil management on this gun is actually better than a Glock 19 like Gen 5 in my opinion I don't know what it is like I said the crib feels really good in the hand and when you pull it up it just seems to be right there the sights just seem to be on money and now I'm not a big fan of this silver slide I have to say that I'll probably get this slide Sarah coded my cousin got one of these as well and he actually likes the silver slide but I want to show you what little bit I've had it in the holster it actually starts showing like some black marks on stuff like that and you know I don't care about my guns having some marks and stuff but I mean I've really not carried this thing and it's starting to show you know some signs for its wearing off on it and stuff like that and I just don't like that I think if it was a black slide which is where I got this out they had a few of them in stock and hadn't even put them on the shelf yet I just happened to get lucky and call in and say hey I'd like to have all these and they were like hey okay well we'll save one so you know I read a play right took me about an hour and a half to drive up there and get it but uh I'm just not a fan this slide now I don't know if they will come out with you know the black coating on the slide kind of a the gym five Glocks have I hope they do it really doesn't matter to me the way now we got one but I will definitely probably have this one zero in some color I'll keep you all posted on that you seen it it's starting to rain a little harder now I just want to get this video up I'm going to throw up a shoot and see on this and we're gonna see how accurate is now remember I put 20 rounds to it the trigger on this thing is actually a little squishy if it's pretty squishy for a Glock trigger it will definitely get a trigger upgrade as you can see here I don't know it just feels mushy it feels like it's got some kind of sludge in or something I'm sure that'll play working some way out but I'll probably wind up putting like an overwatch precision trigger or something in this gun and definitely new science it still has the stock Glock sights on it and I'm definitely not a fan of those sights as most people in the world are not a fan of those signs so what we're going to do now is set the target up throw up a 6-inch shooting seat and step back about like I said about 10 yards and we're going to see what kind of accuracy when get out of this after 20 rounds who knows but uh it should at least I'll print the same place I hope see in a minute okay it's really starting to rain now see we got the target set up every shooting seeing the reason I use these shootin sees because they don't lie you can see exactly where they hit and that's why I do that so I've got that Center for y'all let me get the camera a little closer we'll walk back here I've got eight rounds in the magazine and we'll see what kind of accuracy we can gather this little gun by shooting a little slow all right you can see the target doesn't lie this trigger like I said it's pretty smooshy I'm just not digging the trigger I like the way the gun points I like the way you know I like the way it feels their hand and I like how quick the sights are to acquisition but just in the target right here you can see that we had three here and a couple hit the the bullseye but only had a couple of flyers over here I'm not real happy about that I may actually try this again and stick it on video and then if I get the same results I'm not gonna say it's the trigger it's why the shooter it is raining it is cold and it is windy but you know I'm not making eyes excuse let me throw up another target we're gonna try this again okay I got eight more rounds in the magazine we got up a fresh target again as you can see right here we're gonna try this a second time if it doesn't get better this time we're going to go talk about that I'm just having a bad day I guess but I do think a better trigger would help this gun out a little bit I can't it's almost like it has molasses in or something it just really slows it now I feel sluggish feeling it's not that it's not smooth it's just sluggish so we're gonna try this one more time like I said about ten yards or so and I'm really gonna slow down and try to do better the rains starting to pick up so this is probably the last one we do regardless how I do shooting so let's turn it in and see how it works okay so if the trigger must be smoothing out or I'm getting better blowing the rain must be helping me I don't know but this is a lot better group I'm not saying it's great one big ragged hole right here with two little flyers I always have a flyer I don't know I'm just continue know just condemned to have flyers I guess but you can see right here this is just one hole makes it my finger string dude it was just real town and then these two Flyers so the gun does shoot well I'm it's it's eight the bullets no problem at all it's ain't everything I put through it great little gun the rain is really starting to come down so my final thoughts on this gun I love it this could very likely replace my Glock 19 as my CCW EDC pistol it feels so good in the hand as you can see you can get a full grip on it it's just I don't know I just can't explain until you get a hold on one of these and actually hold it in your hand it's hard you can have a Glock 43 and you have it 19 but now you can have both and in my opinion the Glock 19 is a little thick sometimes for carry it you know you can kind of feel that pushing into your body the Glock 43 is really really good for carry and this is gonna be really great for carry so Glock 48 two thumbs up as normal Glock hit a home run with this one in my opinion you made your opinion may may differ but I think whenever you get a hold of one you're really gonna like it so I appreciate you watching this video please like share and subscribe see you next time you
Channel: Gear Runner
Views: 25,246
Rating: 4.8391962 out of 5
Keywords: Gearrunner, Gear Runner, Glock, Glock 48, Glock48, New Glock 48, Glock 9mm, 9mm Glock, Glock 19, Glock 19x, Glock 43, Glock 43x, Glock 43X, CZ, P10c, CZ P10c, CZ P10s, Glock 48 accuracy, Best Glock made, Best Glock ever, Best Glock for edc, EDC, Ccw, Best Glock for ccw, HK VP9, M&P 2.0 Compact, Slim line Glock, Tuxton Tactical, Stealth Gear holster, EDC pocket dump, Glock 48 vs Glock 43X, Glock 48 vs Glock 19, Glock 48 vs 43x
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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