Glock 48 9mm Handgun Review: Glock 19 Killer?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back everybody today we're going over this pistol that you see in my hands right here this is the Glock 48 pistol and as of right now this and the 43 X which I've previously reviewed are Glocks newest pistols but they just released some pictures of the 47 but that's for a video for another day anyway these are released at shacho 2019 and they have a 10 plus 1 capacity and then we have here on 48 a slightly longer slide than what you're gonna get on the 43 X so a lot of people are looking at these and thinking that they're a happy medium between something really compact like a 43 but only has limited rounds capacity and something a little bit bigger and thicker like a 19 or a 17 some people are looking at these and thinking there's no reason anyone should ever own one just pick the smaller one or the bigger one either way we're gonna go over it today and try to sort of add to that discussion and give you our thoughts on it but before we get into the details and before the dogs check it out I want to thank the folks over at Big Daddy Unlimited they're the ones who sent this pistol out for the review so without them you wouldn't be seeing it and for those who don't know Big Daddy unlimited is essentially like Costco from guns so you have to be a member but once you're a member they pass everything along to you at distributor pricing so this one's definitely the cheapest I've seen it over there and the memberships right now are I believe $0.99 for the first month and after that it's $9.99 so again thanks to Big Daddy unlimited now we'll let the dogs take a look at it then jump into all those details [Music] [Music] [Music] now we'll get into the details of the pistol we'll start down here and sort of work our way around for some some one Supporter it does come with two 10-round magazines you cannot stick in glock 19 or vox 17 mag in there for those of you guys wondering I got a lot of questions on that on social media the mags our Gen 5 so we have that him and extras cut here for mag release the mag release comes on the left side of the pistol but you can't swap it over to the right side and we have this a little bit of a lip here out front that's really new for Gen vibes what that's for is originally they had a little bit of a cutout right here on the Gen vibes and that would allow you to get a little bit more purchase on it and strip and rip it for a double feed that said as you guys can see there's a little bit of a gap with this pistol which is good because it gives you leverage if you have to actually rip that magazine out again during a double feed it's going to be steel lined and a polymer mag from what I've read there are some aftermarket mags coming out for these guns that will accommodate higher capacities so stay tuned for that but as of right now get ten rounds plus the one in the chamber down here on the mag well you can see we have a slight flare which includes that little forward movement there at the base of the grip one thing I do like that for is that it drives your hand up high into the gun so when you grab it your hand naturally comes up and into this undercut here on the trigger guard that's good because of course the higher you are up on the gun the better you control recoil and get your sights back on target the grip texture is okay it's not bad you guys can see we have no finger grooves like a lot of the earlier Glock models people definitely liked that I don't really have a preference either way but it does feel good in the hand for a Glock it's pretty comfortable I wish the texture was a little bit more aggressive but it's not bad it's not like a Gen three Glock where you basically have to stipple it or add grip tape if you don't want to move around your hands if you're shooting on the heat or if you have blood on your hands or something like that it will stay put Jenner speaking however a little bit more aggressive would be something I'd prefer one thing some folks hate and some folks love about Glocks is that there is no external safety on it the gun does have some internal safeties which we'll get to here in just a second but the only button lever switch et cetera on the pistol is this slide lock and slide release you guys can see it is on the left-hand side of the pistol only so those of you guys that are lefties most of you are a priority already used to it but there's different ways to of course release the slide you come over the top release it or you can use your index finger as a lefty for those of us that are right-handed we can just actuated with our thumb one thing to point out is that all of the gym five bucks I've had so far have an abnormal amount of wear on that slide release I don't think it actually causes any functional issues however it's just something to point out may want to relook at that continuing on forward you guys will see we have no late rail on there and the reason for that is that in nineteen thirteen or even Glocks BEC rail is wider than the actual pistol itself so they would have had to make it wider if they were going to include that on there however there are options for it one that you guys have seen throughout the review is this one right here it's a streamlight tlr-2 say 100 lumen light so it's not super bright but it's infinitely better than nothing in my opinion so if you do want to carry it with the weapon light there are options out there for you the trigger on the pistol is serrated like most compact imported Glock pistols and for those that don't know that's because there is a law in terms of importing pistols in certain sizes that counts points it's a silly archaic law but it exists in a serrated trigger is another point for importation but I'm not a fan of a nice or for the smooth triggers but it feels just fine and the good news about this pistol is that like all of the Gen fives folks who've watched Channel know they are my favorite Glock triggers to date they're not any light or anything like that however they're more predictable and they're a little bit cleaner in terms of the break in my opinion so we have our trigger safety here if you don't depress this little lever the trigger will not move back because you guys see there so that's one of the safeties that's inherent with Glock pistols a little bit of slack and once you pull that up there's a little bit of sort of sponginess to it not much but then we get the break break super crisp again right at six pounds and the resets very tactile and very audible you guys should be able to hear that here and it's relatively short as well so your follow-up shots there's not a lot of input needed on the trigger moving on to the slide the finish is one thing that really jumps out at a lot of people some folks love the two-tone look some folks hate it I would tell you personally I like it and the finish itself seems to be very durable both on my 43 X in this one we have nowhere at all that I can see so you can't complain about that this pistol right now has right about 800 rounds through it so going strong in terms of where and we've had it in a holster out of a holster and again no issues you can see some grit in there that's probably pieces of my skin from running the slide but it's a nickel based finish and seems to be doing really well I haven't seen any bad reports online either so one thing and speaking of bad reports that isn't that we're gonna get to now is gonna be the sights the sights on the pistol the plastic ones that they ship was standard or terrible in my opinion generally speaking they don't really shoot point of impact point of aim plus they're very easily broken and sometimes fall off however that is rectified with effort market sights this pistol takes any of the sites that your Glock 43 or 43 X would take we put the excess sights dxt twos on there and these are great we have that little dot there in the rear with tritium to line up here with our front sight and of course you have the big yellow ring around there drives right eye to it and it's very quick to pick up but again there's a ton of different art market sites out there just one thing that is very good about going with a Glock versus some of the other brands out there something else to point on the slide is that like all Glocks that I'm more of anyway at least Gen 2 and newer we do have a loaded chamber indicator so when there's around the chamber that little thing right there will stick out and that'll let you know that there's a round in the chamber whether you can see it or not because it's also tactile just assembling the pistol is pretty classic Glock so we're gonna walk our slide to the rear make sure of course that we are clearing all around the chamber no magazine at this one remote so I go home put the pistol in a safe direction pull the trigger and at this point we're going to pull down on these two tabs here while pulling back on the slide about it just like so that releases slide and we're gonna take our metal recoil spring out is a dual recoil spring we're going to take our barrel out as well the barrel itself is a cold hammer-forged barrel it has what God calls their marksman rifle and some folks have argued out there whether or not it's still a polygonal or polygonal rifling lock has clarified and said that it is however they say it's different than their old ones that said my gen5 Glocks all shoot really well really really well in terms of accuracy they're more accurate than I am so that's certainly always a good thing take a look there on the inside of the slide you guys can see the finish is the same as it is there on the outside we have another one of our safeties right there that's your striker safety so your trigger as it moves rear this little piece right here presses up there on that little plunger and that allows our striker here to go forward again preventing any sort of accidental firing if you drop your pistol or anything like that putting it back together very simple I'm gonna drop our barrel and puts the guide rod back in slide it back on the frame and we're done with any relatively new gun I always like to do some size comparisons because people oftentimes have not actually seen these in person and they're over the gun shop or something like that so we have our 43 X which is the same size in terms of length as the 43 so if you're used to the 43 43 X is the exact same size in terms of length in fact the slides are interchangeable of course these though the 48 and 43 X have those forward serrations on there you can see there with the 48 it's definitely gonna give you a little bit more barrel length that's gonna give you a little bit more slide length and it's 2 ounces heavier than our 43 X you're generally speaking with a difference in barrel lengths that you guys can see here you're gonna get depending on the round about 25 to 75 feet per second more with that longer burro there from the 48 shooting wise I know people are gonna ask that I would say the 48 is maybe a touch softer but it's really in perceivable and the actual round you're using is gonna have more impact in terms of recoil impulse and those sorts of things than the actual pistol in terms of the 4:3 accent versus the 448 now you guys can see here with this method Wesson shield how it stacks up it's gonna get it's longer in the slide also gonna be longer in the frame but you're getting more rounds and then the big one that every all this is gonna compare these pistols to is the Glock 19 so functionally and size-wise this thing is a Glock 19 with a little bit thinner of a profile so you guys can see they're the magwell is identical the slide length is identical one difference though and this is an old gen 3 but we do have some beveling there on the nose to make it a little bit easier to get in and out of holsters but it's just a little bit thinner and again you're giving up 5 rounds so that's something to consider as well in terms of weight I already sort of mentioned that briefly we'll throw it on the scale here to see what it weighs unloaded with no mag you guys can see there we're at 1 pound 2.6 ounces so it's not a heavy gun at all that definitely is gonna be one of the things that is good for it it's very lightweight for the size and that's something that Glocks always been good at they've always been good at giving you a lightweight pistol that has decent capacity and the 48 here falls in line with that just to further beat a dead horse accessories are very much so available for this pistol and this one here the holster is made by Priority One holsters you can see it's made for the 48 with a TLR sticks on there so regardless of the combination you're going to go with there's definitely holsters available for it we've covered most of the important details one I know folks always want to know about it's going to be price I think the MSRP on this one here is like 495 or something like that or if you look around you can see it lower than that some places with sales and stuff you'll see it around 450 ish however like I said in the beginning been getting limited ones who sent this out they also had the lowest price on it that I've seen to date I can't put it up because of map violations but if somebody else who's a member wants to do so feel free there will be a link down below if you guys are looking to pick it up as well but price-wise it's actually quite a bit less than most Glocks out there so if you look around most Glocks are gonna be a nice heard Pete around 600 or more for the mos models and stuff like that so this one is definitely lower price point I think my opinion that's to compete with like the shield and other pistols like that what are significantly lower priced and definitely trying to compete in the same territory capacity and size-wise so speaking of that why would you ever want a Glock 48 versus a 43 X number one we mentioned it earlier it might shoot a little bit softer although I it's tough to say I've shot them again both back-to-back and maybe maybe a little bit softer but you do get extra velocity that's important for some folks the thing that's really important that a lot of us us shooters don't understand at all is that this pistol is Canadian legal and the 43 X isn't and yes Canadians do buy pistols and I'm sure they buy plenty of Glocks so if you guys are up there north of the border like eatin maple syrup and drinking molten xxx this is the one that you guys are able to pick up so that's certainly good news as well but there's plenty of Americans are gonna pick it up as well they just like the long side type of form factor and I think for a lot of folks the duct 43 X and then the 48 as well are sort of like Goldilocks guns so what I mean is they have enough capacity to fill multiple roles so a lot of people would be very confident with all eleven rounds you know in the chamber for a home defense pistol shoot there's a lot of people that use a 1911 hk45 to this day and you know it's similar capacity again you can add the light on there if you need it and then if you want to you can also carry it as well so if you sort of want one gun to do it all the 48 in the 43 X or something that I think a lot of people would consider course my teens just a little bit thicker but for concealed carry that little bit sometimes does matter so pros and cons to each there that's pretty much it guns been reliable can't complain about that finish this held up really well the sights stink from the factory but you can fix that very easily if you guys have any questions about a pistol or anything like that you can always post down below in the comments section as always however if you need a response to your question the best place to refuse over at my Facebook page I respond to all my messengers I get over there sometimes 16 a day or two but I get to them for sure if you guys also aren't subscribed to channel your like these types of videos hit that subscribe button hit the notification bell as well because apparently being subscribed to my channel isn't enough to get you rather my videos in your feed sometimes these days with YouTube and then also if you guys aren't at all definitely sign up for my email list I sent an email out pretty much every week has all the weeks videos and some really good deals that I find along the way that I think you guys can take advantage of so that's pretty much it thanks for watching guys thanks for subscribing I want to see all of you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mrgunsngear Channel
Views: 108,098
Rating: 4.9336157 out of 5
Keywords: glock 48, glock 48 vs 19, glock 43x, glock 48 and 43x, glock 48 9mm, glock 48 shooting, glock 48 vs 43x, glock 48 hickok45, glock 48 vs glock 19, glock 48 review, self defense, glock 48 and 43x review, glock 43 vs 43x and 48, glock 48 shooting review, glock 48x, glock 43x and 48, glock 43x hickok45, glock 43, glock 48 canada, best gun for canadians, glock 19 killer, new glock, best glock
Id: S9PKluzIkk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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