Global Broadcast | September 16 2021

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[Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] won't she [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] i want to see [Music] hello friends here we are on yom kippur yomaki purim the day of atonement i love this song that we just sang for a number of reasons but uh one of them is talking about yeshua being our savior and how was he our savior that he was willing to be an atonement for us what a crazy idea what does atonement mean it means an exchange one person is willing to take the punishment for someone else i know ariel's gonna speak about that today in in the message but you know we were just praying for our people and i want you during this broadcast today just to join together with us in praying for our people imagine that here we are in jerusalem and everybody here is orthodox jews that are celebrating keeping the day of atonement and you know what they don't have any atonement can you imagine it and they're talking about this is the day that their judgment is sealed they're asking for that may they be sealed for a good destiny but they don't have atonement what a terrifying thought to be on the day of atonement with all the fear of god and the holiness and the fasting and not know where your atonement is but yeshua gave his soul for our soul that's what the great law of moses is about eye for an eye tooth for tooth but more than that so for soul he gave his soul to save our souls who could have even thought of something this is a god idea a god idea that god gave to the jewish people a couple thousand years before the time that yeshua came because somebody had to be ready even for the concept that someone else could give their life in exchange for you and so we just want to pray this day for our people to come to know their salvation and and we as messianic jews we it's kind of a day where we have two different kind of feelings we feel the fear of god on this day and the seriousness of it and the judgment and yet at the same time the joy the grace thank god that we have atonement so let's just step into that that beautiful narrow place of the fear of god in his judgment and at the same time the joy of the grace that we have and father we pray right now for people everywhere all over the world but father particularly for our people here in israel and even more there's a day to pray for orthodox jews in jerusalem on this day of atonement that they would come to know that atonement is in the savior it's in yeshua who came to give his life in exchange for us die so that we could have forgiveness rise so that we could have eternal life hallelujah is coming soon to establish his kingdom on the earth for all that we're praying and praising and worshiping the lord join us together in faith on this yomakipurim day of atonement [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll call you my [Music] is [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] now you'll see [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] i don't know [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] i don't know [Music] me [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] man [Music] man is [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's is [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] feelings [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] a [Music] my [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] you are worthy of [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] day and night [Music] [Music] day and night night and then [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today [Music] is [Music] fear [Music] do [Music] m [Music] i [Music] with [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] go [Music] i [Music] an me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure is [Music] it's gone [Music] so here we are in the day of atonement yomaki boring sometimes it's difficult for people to understand that god sets times of course everything he does is eternal and it's eternally present any day any time is okay but god also sets times and this is a special day maybe the most special day it's interesting that in genesis chapter 1 that when he set the stars in creation he said i said them also not only to light the heavens but to set times appointed times in hebrew and then that same word he took it in in leviticus chapter 23 and he set these times of these special holy days and there was one holy day in the year the only day that the high priest could go into the holy of holies was on this day the day of atonement this is the holiest day of the of the jewish torah biblical calendar amazing enough after that the prophets came and they began to speak of a day the day the day of yudhatya the day of the lord a special day which would be the judgment day one day for all of the world and it's coming this is a special day for us and it's amazing that on this day at the end of the day one last shofar one last trumpet is blown one long blast that ends up all the show for blessings not on the day of trump it's on the day of atonement the last blast the great and terrible day of the lord what is the greatest day in history i believe it's the day and the heavens will open yeshua return the dead will rise his coming his apparition the day of all days it's a day of holiness a day of power and i believe before because of that again any day is okay the holy spirit is here with us all the time all of god's principles are now at all time but this is still a special day of mo end of agreement and i believe a time if we agree together that the heavens can open and how much our world needs is today with all the trouble going on in the world today i don't even need to list them out for you you know all the difficulties around but let's pray together on this special day this year for a special release of god's presence and spirit and power and holiness let's agree father in the name of you shall we pray on this day that the high priest entered in the holy of holies we pray for open heavens right now we agree together to open open open the gates of heaven and close close close the gates of hell lord and release the people of this suffering planet lord your grace your holiness your power your love your revelation your knowledge of the kingdom of messiah yeshua that's growing in our midst and coming soon to be appear in all the world thank you father we bless you on this day the day of atonement father we pray also to bless right now the teaching coming from ariel going deep deep into the meaning of what is this that yeshua gave us atonement in his death and resurrection amen um greetings shalom uh i would like to say happy holidays but we can't do that on yom kippur we don't say it is a moed an appointed time as usher just shared uh but it's not a happy time it's a time of afflicting our souls as it says in the bible and of uh fasting and praying i'll talk a little bit at the end about some of the things that the jewish people do uh that jewish people do in synagogues on this day so i'm going to take a break from the series on the book of ephesians um but it's actually going to connect very strongly with uh where we are in the book of ephesians on chapter f in chapter 4 when we get there next time so um as i said this this day is a very special day uh it's a day when everyone in israel even the secular people people who don't believe in god are fasting no one drives their cars kids can play in the streets and do play in the streets and ride their bike in the streets with with no fear so it's a very special time in israel it's a very special time for us to study the bible and what this what this means this day of atonement um the hebrew word for atonement the verb is or the atonement means and it's it's fundamental meaning is to cover to to to cover over and to pacify and to satisfy to make the the new testament word that that we get in english to make propitiation to satisfy to cover over the wrath of god or the punishment of god in this case during this time nyom kippur there are a lot of texts things in the torah that talk about what is to be done on this day my favorite and the one which i love to study each year is in leviticus chapter 16 which is the story of the two goats and i want to focus on that today actually it's it's the end of chapter 16 that it talks about the day of atonement but it became very quickly became jewish tradition that everything that's described from verse 1 until verse 28 in chapter 16 is for the day of atonement and it's actually the torah reading in all of the synagogues on the day on this day of atonement on this day of yom kippur okay so let's look at the story of these two goats in leviticus chapter 16. it describes how aaron is supposed to go into the holy of holies only on this one day per year with all the special clothes with the blood of a bull and the blood of one goat and to cleanse himself and to cleanse the altar to cleanse everything with with blood okay and it says uh in verse 8 that aaron shall cast lots for two goats they're gonna out of all the goats they're gonna choose two goats one lot one goat is for the lord you'd have a and the other is for azazel your your translations english translations may say for a scapegoat that's kind of translating an idea others may just keep it as azazel it's a mysterious word we'll talk a little bit later about what that word means but it's clear that the what first goat is for adonai for hashem for you and becomes a a more or less standard sin offering especially for aaron and his priestly family and the second one is to be we'll find out in uh in the next verses verses 21 and 22 then aaron shall lay both of his hands on the head of the live goat that's the second goat that's still alive after the first one was sacrificed and confess over it all the iniquities of the sons of israel and all their transgressions in regard to all their sins and he shall lay them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the ma by the hand of a man who stands in readiness or who's ready or who's prepared in verse 22 and the goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities that's for the whole children all the the people of israel into a solitary a cut off land ered a land that is cut off from from us from every other land and he shall release the goat into the wilderness okay i don't know about you but every year i read this i see more and more i see this goat this who is released to azazel as a type as a shadow as a prophecy of yeshua even and the first goat is also almost all of the sacrifices okay we as messianic believers and as christians we've understood we can read it and we can understand it we see that it's a type it's a prophecy it's a metaphor it's an analogy of the work of messiah yeshua of what he has done what he's doing and what he's going to do you know it's amazing i hear this story so many times of dear christian friends who uh fly we're flying to israel you know people used to fly to israel and come here as tourists but it used to happen until the coronavirus we're hoping it's gonna happen again soon but they'd be coming and they'd be sitting there on the airplane they sat next to an orthodox jew a man or woman and and they take out their bible and they start reading the bible like we do and they're reading their old testament portion in the torah and then the psalms and the new testament and i really i've heard this story at least three or four times and they become aware of the fact that their orthodox jewish neighbor sitting next to them is looking like this like this you know and then and they said what's wrong he said well what are you doing so i'm reading my bible i'm reading the torah the old testament new testament he said well you're just reading it like and you understand it how can you just read it you see because in in judaism and orthodoxy you can't just read the torah and understand it directly you have to read it with the mishnah and later on the talmud and later on the commentators because without it as it says in corinthians there's like a veil you can't understand it without knowing the messiah if you had to if you don't have the purpose and end and goal of the torah as it says in romans 10 4 that is the messiah then it's all just all these things for the temple and blood and things that we don't have today and we haven't had for 2000 years and how to understand it you have to study what this rabbi says in that but we can we can read it and we can understand it by the holy spirit because we know about the messiah what he's done what he's doing what he's going to do and he's in here by the holy spirit okay so i want to talk about three types three prophecies of the work of messiah yeshua that we see by studying this goat the second goat the scapegoat if you will the goat to azazel the first thing i want you to focus on well i'll give you the three of them at the beginning three catch catch phrases okay the first one is all our sin the second one is only god and the third one is yeshua's victory the serpent's defeat all our sin only god yeshua's victory the serpent's defeat the first one it said we read it in verse 21 leviticus 16 21 all of our avon is the hebrew word our iniquity it's translated that's not a word i use or you use very much iniquity all of our transgression our pesha and all of our sin these words are used interchangeably all through the torah hundreds of times to get an exact meaning is a whole study it would take us an hour i don't want to do that but it's basically talking about every possible sin intentional sins unintentional sin sins of the mind physical sins it's talking about the guilt uh the condemnation that we experience as a result of sin it's also talking about the punishment all of that is is wrapped up in these terms in the new testament it basically gets summed up in one greek word hamartia and other forms of that word okay but whatever however you want to define all it all of it is laid by aaron's hands on the head of this one goat who is not who does not become a sacrifice it's the only time of the year this happens once they do this i want us to think about the imagery okay and and the the idea that all of our sin everything can be placed on this one goat well if that doesn't speak to you about yeshua i don't know what does here's a few verses to help us isaiah 53 verses 5 and 6. he was pierced through for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities there are the different words pesha avon the chastening for our well-being fell upon him and by his scourging by his stripes we are healed all of us like sheep and goats have gone astray each of us has turned to his own way but the lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him and in the new covenant in john chapter 1 verse 29 when john the baptist first saw yeshua he didn't know who he knew he was prophesying and preaching about the coming of the messiah he didn't know exactly who it was or when he was going to come but when he saw him the holy spirit stirred him and he declared behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world think about that you know how think about what you can do just as an individual or what i can do as one person to try to atone for my own sin what can i do i could cry i can apologize i can try to make amends i can do a lot of things that are good things but what about the sins my unintentional sins what about the times i've i've raised my voice or i've spoken in a way that was slightly selfish and i hurt my wife or another person these little things that happened to me at least almost every day how could i even think about wiping away or atoning from my own sins my own family aaron he's given instructions here at least for for himself and for his whole family but the sins of the world or this case in leviticus of the entire people of israel of all of their different kinds of sin brothers and sisters that's only something god can do or god could even imagine that he could speak through the prophets to even give us this concept because none of us could even conceive of such a thing think about that and think about that during this time on this day of yom kippur this is a day when we want to speak and declare as usher said it's it's it's it's a difficult day for us our people are are crying out for uh uh uh forgiveness and that you'll finish with your name being inscribed in the lamb in the book of life but nobody really knows because they don't have the kapoor they don't have the atonement that we have in yeshua so remember that on this day all all all all our sins all our iniquity all our transgression all the guilt all the stain are removed are pacified are covered are atoned for by this one one goat lamb man yeshua let's move on to the second one the second one i just mentioned it is only god only god it's a god thing think of the imagery again of this story they send out there's a man who is prepared it says most of the translations say he's ready for this time it's think about the job that this guy had the commandment says take the goat and send him out into the wilderness not just the wilderness but to a cut off place well how do you do that i mean it might be easier for us today to put him in the back of a pickup truck or something you drive halfway down uh the hill to jericho out there in the judean wilderness and drop them off and then run away and drive away quickly well they couldn't do that you know i mean someone had to figure out how to take this goat go i don't know how far he could go in a day walk walk walk walk to this lonely place and then release him and i don't know run away make sure that the goat wasn't going to follow him back he had to leave him where nobody could see him later on in jewish tradition and legend it's written in the in the uh in the talmud in tractate yoma i think there's this whole story of how they used to tie a red string to his head and they would take him to this cliff and push him over and watch and that that there in the good times uh the the red string would turn to white as a sign that god accepted him and forgive it i i think it's a legend i don't may have happened may not have happened but it's not what they were supposed to do according if they did we're doing that it's not what's what they were supposed to do because you see there there are two images here there's the first goat the first goat is a sin offering it's according to the law it's according to what moses just like all of the other things it's part of our god gave us this system this torah we're supposed to do it like this a b c d religion aleph bed kim il dali we do this we do this and god forgives us god atones for us and then slowly we begin to think well it's it's under our control it's our system we know what to do in order to appease in order to pacify god that's the first coat but the second goat is a mystery take him away send him out into the wilderness a way where no one is there no human being is supposed to see it be there no human being is supposed to know what happens to this goat okay that's a god thing it's it i don't know if you feel it if you sense it it's just it's sending out it's saying to us this atonement thing is something that is not in our control you can't get it even if you do even if you do the tour like it says in galatians 3 21 if there was a torah if there were sacrifices if there were mitzvot that could bring righteousness and life it would be the torah of moses it's the greatest religion ever given but it couldn't it couldn't it couldn't do it because it was weak in the flesh and finish this point with romans 8 verses 3 and 4. for what the law the torah that's represented by that first goat could not do weak as it was through the flesh god did god did god did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh he wasn't sinful but he was like us in every other way and as an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh okay in which flesh the flesh the body of his son yeshua the messiah on the cross in order that the requirement of the torah might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit okay so think about that think about that you know it says another parallel to to yeshua is found in in the verses uh in hebrews chapter 13 verses 10 through 12. we have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle or in the temple have no right to eat for the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin are burned outside the camp and listen to verse 12 therefore jesus yeshua also that he might sanctify the people through his own blood suffered outside the gate outside the city have you ever thought about that i mean if if yeshua is going to fulfill all the sacrifices and the priestly system then he should have been slaughtered he should have been killed in the temple on the altar or close close to it just like when abraham was ready to give his only son the son of promise isaac wasn't his only son he's the son of promise and to and he put him on the altar and was ready to sacrifice on an altar that's what should have happened if yeshua is going to fulfill all the the temple sacrifices but hebrews says no no no there's a type there's a shadow there's the there's the this goat this sending away outside the camp outside the temple all of the sin all of our sins are on this one out there it's a god thing and it's a picture of the cross that it happened outside the temple and even outside the gates of jerusalem outside in that camp okay that's the the second point the first point remember all all of our sins all of our iniquities all of our transgression all of our guilt on him second one is it was a god thing it didn't happen according to the the minutia of the laws of the torah it happened outside in the wilderness outside the gate where yeshua was crucified the third point the third type i called yeshua's victory and the defeat of the serpent and this is where it's going to connect in the end to next time's teaching uh in ephesians chapter four it has to do with the word uh azazel uh and it's a word that only appears in this chapter in leviticus uh it's there are some different interpretations and in history both jewish and christian trying to understand this word the the best possibilities are a a goat who is removed a goat who is sent away but later interpreters where they had some more information about some of the canaanite language and some of the background in that in that part of the world began to realize that the name was also the name of a demon like the goat god of the wilderness in canaan in canaanite symbology okay i mean it's just it's a little hard for us to imagine but in the pagan world you know like pan pan is the greek god who's also like looks like a goat right the god is a god but he also has this animal representation like this totem you know that's how it was and in that in that place azazel was the name of this canaanite greek and not create not greek he's a canaanite uh demon for us it's a demon for them it was a god right um a goat-like figure who was associated with the wilderness okay um so so we if you put all those things together all right when this goat was sent out into the wilderness but sent to azer sent to this demon sent we might even say back to satan all of our sin all of our iniquity and here's there's an amazing truth here because as we know our sin all of our iniquity all our transgressions did not begin with humanity think about that right we talk about original sin in the garden when adam and eve sinned but that really isn't original sin why because someone sinned before them who is that someone it's that serpent it's that satan it's that one who came and began to speak to eve this being had already fallen from god this being came to deceive and to cheat to lie and to steal and to murder okay and we understand that there was something that happened in the heavenly realms that satan was a great angel a high angel who rebelled who became jealous of god who wanted to be like god or like yeshua and fell and was judged and then came to this earth in order to trick us and deceive us so that he could become the god of this world okay so you see a picture here of this goat this being sent out to azazel you know in modern hebrew by the way this expression go to azer basically means go to hell okay it's become a kind of parallel word for that because that's the understanding of what this this word has come to mean so think about that picture the goat is sent out sent back to azazel brothers and sisters this doesn't just suggest it reminds us that there is a whole set of teachings in the new testament about yeshua descending into hades okay i have a list here of course we don't have time to go over them there's first peter chapter 3 verses 18 through 22. first peter 4 verse 6 uh ephesians 4 as we'll see verses 8 through 10 which is based on psalm 68 acts chapter 2 verses 24 through 31 which is based on psalm 16 talks about hades and romans 10 verses 6 through 7 also talk about yeshua descending and the understanding and traditional understanding from very very early in church history is that when after yeshua died physically died on the cross that he descended into hell we mentioned it last last time when i was teaching on ephesians from the up this is the in the apostles creed which is very ancient okay he died he descended into hell and then he rose again um so i see that i feel that when i read the story of this goat it's another picture of what yeshua did what happened to him after he died physically on the cross and before he rose from the dead and before he then 40 days later rose in ascension to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father the place of all authority in heaven and earth just to summarize and we're going to talk about this more next time when i i'm we're actually at it's a nice coincidence that we're at ephesians 4 verses 8 through 10. so we'll talk about it in more depth next time but there are three major reasons that yeshua had to descend number one to suffer the consequences man he is our propitiation he is our substitute he is taking upon him the death and the punishment all of it not just physical but spiritual and mental so i believe and this is what's taught that he had to suffer some the the the fullness of that torture of that punishment in a spiritual way in hades doesn't mean that he died spiritually that's what some people have taught we don't want to go there but that he experienced it in his spirit what we would what we were supposed to experience uh because of our sin the second reason he had to do that is he it says especially in first peter 3 verses 18 through 22 he went to preach to the spirits again we i don't want to go into a lot of detail here but there are all the dead spirits people who died from the especially from the time of noah onwards who obviously had never heard the gospel but he went and he preached to them and then the third reason and this is what it says in ephesians that he could rise victoriously and bring captives take that a picture that in hell in in hades satan had had captives many but not all of them but yeshua came in through his preaching of the gospel and through his victory he took some i don't know how many a lot of them with him in this spiritual victory as he rose in the resurrection and ultimately in the ascension which then leads to the gifting of the five-fold ministry and that's what we'll talk about next time so again this scapegoat he didn't come back victoriously we don't know what happened to him but he did go to azazel to this place that represents hades that represents demons and satan in the realm of the dead and all that kind of stuff that's what it would have sounded like back then the wilderness by the way was a place like that think about it when yeshua was baptized right and he heard the voice of the father this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and he was also baptized with the holy spirit but as a dove came upon him the first thing that the holy spirit led him to do was to be tempted after 40 days of fasting and praying by satan where in the middle of the city in the temple no in the wilderness yeshua also taught that when uh when us when he casts out a spirit when we cast out demons they go through these dry places the word wilderness meet above in hebrew means wilderness it means desert okay somehow this dry wilderness was associated associated with that a place of the demons and of the dead okay so let's summarize and let's pray we are on yom kippur this very special day uh and we are fasting and praying with our people but we're also as asher alluded to in his introduction that it's a it's a it's a struggle for us on this day maybe i i was thinking about it more than any of the other moadim you know on passover everyone's kind of celebrating some kind of freedom we're celebrating the ultimate freedom okay but it's a happy family event right rosh hashanah the feast of trumpets we've turned it into this traditional family time with apples and honey and okay we we can participate in that but on this day our people actually starting 10 days ago on on yomatrua they are crying out they believe in judaism teaches that there's a special window of time where god makes his judgments about your your deeds over the last year and he's going to inscribe or not inscribe your name in the book of life that's what they believe and there's lists of of the oh the details list of the kinds of sin of pesha von of all this list of sin that people fasting and praying in the synagogue pounding their chest repenting saying forgo god i did this i did this i did this i did this i did hoping believing or maybe just doing a religious ritual because that's what you're supposed to do that there's atonement that there's a book of life we know for us we're there we're with our people but we're not with them just like yeshua and just like it says in the next verse in hebrews 13 after what we read in verses 10 11 and 12 it says this hence let us go out to him outside the camp bearing his reproach for here we do not have a lasting city but we are seeking the city which is to come so we're we're there we're here like all of you we're in this world we're part of our families our peoples our customs our life the good the bad the pretty the ugly but we're also always outside the camp as believers we're in this place of of of knowing that there's a new jerusalem that we have a city that we have atonement that we have the glory of god but it's not here yet and we're waiting for it and we're looking for it so i pray for all of us here in israel and i pray for you that we would just be able to stand in this place with one foot in the camp and one foot out the camp and there's a reproach there's a shame of the cross we're a minority i think of our brothers and sisters in a place like afghanistan today and what they're going through they're bearing the reproach of the wounds of jesus and all of us are going to go through that somehow some way in these times so lord strengthen us strengthen us through these words strengthen us through the picture of this goat who is sent out in this place of of wilderness and of atonement and where we meet you and where we experience all of yeshua's victory over all the powers of hell and hades where we know and experience that he has the keys he is the son of david who has the keys to hades and he has released us and he has given us the same keys to pray and to release millions during this time beshem yeshua amen [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i [Music] say [Music] me [Music] is [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] a [Music] [Music] me is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] say [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] let's close in prayer with that uh beautiful verse from zechariah that our worship team is saying now from zechariah 12 10. and it says [Music] god said i was pouring out my spirit in the house of david and the inhabitants of jerusalem and they will look upon me whom they have pierced this is a day to pray for that father we pray for right now over the house of david over the inhabitants of jerusalem over all the people of israel over the scattered dispersion and really over any person anywhere lord we pray for a window of heaven open the pouring of the spirit of grace and supplication when people turn and look for forgiveness from god that they will see the one who was pierced for us we thank you for that hallelujah thank you arielle also for that uh wonderful message i was thinking as i was sharing that you know two three four thousand years ago they didn't have uh internet or social media didn't really have any books either but so god gave them this like picture show and they had to ask themselves what does that mean the pro the high priest puts his hands on an animal kills him takes the blood into the holy of holies sends another animal out into the wilderness and think about that thank god now we know that that one goat was killed was yeshua on the cross for us taking care of the problem of sin and death and the other one going out to take care of satan and hell it's all the problems yeshua did it all he said and now i'm alive forevermore i've got the keys death and in him hallelujah father i pray for just a spirit of victory of resurrection of power of forgiveness a purity of holiness for the one who rose into heaven that the sound of the last great trumpet will return again the skies will open and he will return to set up his kingdom on this earth hallelujah hallelujah we love you dear friends global family don't forget to like us love us embrace us sustain us hug us and kiss us see you next week [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] love [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ReviveIsraelTV
Views: 538
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revive, Israel
Id: ahgM4PNwB6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 1sec (4921 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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