Call to Prayer for Revival in Israel

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody i'm ron kenner the president of shilano tv in israel and i'm also the regional director for god tv in israel and today is the day of atonement it's the holiest day on the calendar for the jewish people in hebrew we call it yom kippur today where jewish people all over the world they're fasting they're praying their their hope is national forgiveness atonement and of course those of us who have found uh salvation in yeshua the messiah we know that the once for all time sacrifice was made two 000 years ago but we wanted to take some time today i've got three friends with me and we want to take some time today to join in in fasting and praying with the jewish people all over the world and we want to pray for their salvation the bible says very clearly that gentile believers who have received this free gift of salvation are called romans 11 11 to provoke israel to jealousy one way we can do that is by praying for them and of course the great temptation for us preachers is to talk a lot on a prayer meeting so i'm going to introduce my friends right now and then we're going to get to praying first i've got asher in trader in jerusalem yes ron thanks i it's interesting you know i've been walking around here uh in jerusalem and there's such an environment here of people seeking forgiveness they're asking people on the street on television do you need to forgive someone is there something you repent of and people are walking around there's really an atmosphere of of something in the air of of that you have to get right with something but it's a little it's kind of a tragedy because you see it's going somewhere and it doesn't come to an end um i was just noticing on on the street as i was praying for them that there's actually a way today where people buy atonement you go up to the little stands and you give them money they put the money in an envelope and then they say a blessing over you wave the envelope over your head and then and then that's as if you're buying your kappa rule they say buying your atonements and um it's a tragedy because you see they they feel like they want the right thing but they don't have it and i i've said that it's almost like we've got a day of atonement with no atonement our people may be the only people in the world that are asking for atonement and you don't have it and so i just want to say that as an introduction to draw everybody in to pray together with us that our people here from jerusalem to the ends of the world would really get to know the the atonement that god's given us amen thank you asher let me introduce ayton shishkoff shishkoff who is in the western galilee area eton there are two things on my heart one in follow-up to what usher was saying uh in the north things tend to be more secular so uh they're not people uh walking around buying atonement uh but everyone is wishing each other to be inscribed in the book of life that's kind of like the typical blessing and greeting that everybody makes which is interesting because it acknowledges that there is a book of life but as asha was pointing out nobody knows exactly how to get written in it so it's just you know you wish everybody you know made this happen for you the other thing i wanted to emphasize ron is the deep connection uh between the hebrew scriptures and the new covenant the new testament in the book of leviticus in the middle of the of the torah the first five books of the bible we read that it's the blood that makes atonement for the soul and whereas many people are not clear about the difference between old testament new testament in fact the roots of forgiveness through blood sacrifice are solidly in the old testament or the hebrew scriptures and in fact the word forgiveness is mentioned 10 times in the book of liberty as the as the result of atonement then we zoom forward to the book of hebrews uh and we see that uh it is through the blood of yeshua the blood of jesus that we can enter the place where historically only the high priest could enter because jesus is our high priest forever this is an amazing privilege it's something unspeakably uh profound and holy that god welcomes us this passage in hebrews 10 says come boldly into his into his presence and so now through the blood of the eternal high priest yeshua we have access to the mercy seat of god which really is the basis of our prayers today amen amen thank you etan and by the way if you're watching this on facebook on social media please share this with your friends we need thousands upon thousands tens of thousands of people contending in prayer for israel let me bring in my good friend and no stranger to god tv uh troy brewer who is in fort worth texas shalom my brother i i am so excited about the opportunity to pray with my brothers in the land and being somebody who has been who has been grafted into this olive tree one of the things i recognize on this part of the world and in my neck of the woods is that typically we are clueless of yom kippur and one of the things that i like to say is you don't ignore yom kippur that's one of the things that i tell everybody around me is don't ignore that we're actually been invited to come before the presence of the lord by the blood of the lamb i mean my brother just now hid it it's exactly it's all about repent forgive repent forgive which is all about the blood and i can't wait to seek the lord with all of you guys amen and you're normally in jerusalem during yom kippur but not this year that's uh yeah i i tell you this brother the lord told me in 2015 to meet him on judgment day and i had no idea what that meant and i started to search it out i came across yom kippur and went i've been invited into this and i haven't been participating in this i've got to get dressed for the occasion which means i gotta fast and i gotta pray and it's not a matter of law it's a matter of getting dressed for it and so we started going to jerusalem every year in 2015 and up until this last year we've been there fasting and praying on this on this great day well may the lord open the door for folks to come back from all over the world uh to the holy land so now here's what we're gonna do is we're gonna start praying i'm gonna open up with just a short prayer and then asher and then eitan and then troy just like introduced us friends join with us again i want to ask you to share this broadcast i want to ask you to replay it and pray again because these prayers they build upon one another until they hit a tipping point critical mass and then there is going to be revival amongst the jewish people so father in the name of yeshua i just thank you for my brothers here and my brothers and sisters all over the world who are praying with us today on the day of atonement on the day when jewish people are fasting and they're seeking and their longing and their hungering father we're asking you father to meet them to use this prayer time right now to give us a heart for your people let us feel your heart let us feel what paul was feeling in romans 9 where he was willing to trade his salvation if only the people of israel could believe in yeshua's name asher hey father we come before you uh with our hearts is like spiritual priests coming into the holy place in heaven and just interceding praying on behalf of every person in the world but particularly on this day praying for the jewish people everywhere and particularly for the jewish people in jerusalem lord i just cry out to you as i see them walking around the streets desiring something looking for something even sensing a bit of the fear of god upon them but just not knowing and father i pray or that they need a miracle we need a miracle lord and i pray according to zechariah zechariah the prophet chapter 12 verse 10 it says david and i will pour out on the house of david and the inhabitants of jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication and they will look upon me whom they have pierced father we pray for that spirit lord i just feel that right now in the air that you said you would pour out your spirit on these people and when that happened they would see it they would look father we pray for that outpouring of the spirit right now upon the house of david the inhabitants of jerusalem and really people all around the world but a spirit of grace of supplication of asking for grace of asking for atonement and then that they would see it see it see it look upon me god who says me whom me whom you have pierced lord and at the revelation of true atonement and salvation forgiveness then the suffering messiah would come to the house of david and and the inhabitants of jerusalem amen amen amen my god and our father god of abraham isaac and jacob lord we come before you through the righteousness and the blood sacrifice of yeshua lord we are so privileged to enter into your holy place this day lord god uh we come to you based on the very words that you have given to the prophets you spoke to the prophet ezekiel and you said that when you brought us up out of our graves and brought us back to this land lord that you would place your spirit in us and we would know that you are the lord god this is this is the time the psalm says the set time to favor zion has come lord god we know that you keep your word we know that not a a single syllable falls to the ground not a single letter uh or a single vowel uh is unfulfilled so god we we praise you that this is the time the people are back in the land the jewish people have been back in the land now for more than 73 years officially the nation was reborn lord surely uh this is what you spoke of that in the time after the holocaust when there would be dry bones filling uh the the the uh the the the the abandoned uh uh camps of of death lord god that you would bring us back what a miracle and lord there's another part of this miracle that has to happen it's the it's the filling with your spirit it's the filling that joel spoke of and isaiah and ezekiel lord god these are these are the words you gave your prophets for today for our generation and so lord we call upon you to fulfill your word in this timing we thank you mighty god for the resurrection of the people and the recognition of the messiah because in this same chapter of ezekiel 37 you say that david the messiah your servant will be king and in that same passage you say that he will be the prince forever we know from isaiah that he is the prince of peace lord we call upon you uh as as asha also quoted the the passage in zechariah 12 that our eyes would be opened even paul the apostle spoke about the the removing of blindness before our eyes god we appeal to you based on your word based on your spirit based on your plan and your timing in yeshua's mighty name amen pastor troy lord god almighty sir we call holy and sacred what you call holy and sacred on this day and god father god sir we we line up our hearts lord god we line up our minds we declare the blood of yeshua hamashiach the father god sir we declare god that the hearts of stone within your chosen people are going to be turned to hearts of flesh here in this day in this 11th hour we proclaim father god certainly your children will not miss this new day of visitation god that joseph will be revealed to his brethren lord god god we declare sir that we repent we declare sir sir that we do forgive i pray father god in the name of king jesus god that you would receive our prayers as your bride we declare god that in the name of jesus god let this prayer be fragrant intercession lord god and rise to you lord and we love you and praise you and thank you for it on this yom kippur hallelujah hallelujah father god is as etan quoted from joel that same passage it says whoever calls on the name of yahweh will be saved god and we know that in the last days that there is that picture that we're really seeing come come into these prayers that the jewish people will recognize zechariah 1 10 the one whom they have pierced and they will mourn they're going to call upon the name of the lord and there's going to be mass national salvation god father we earnestly contend for that oh god we earnestly ask you to bring that about quickly o god father we know that you are not willing that any perish but all come to salvation so god how much more if not for the nations how much more for your chosen people who brought yeshua to the nations we thank you god that the gospel has gone all over the world but don't forget your ancient people don't forget we're standing as watchmen on the walls of jerusalem today god and we're asking you father protect her and don't forget her god we're not to give you any rest you told us not to give you any rest until you make jerusalem the praise of all the earth father we long for that day when the jewish people as one will say in mass bowl adonai blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord when they welcome king yeshua the messiah oh god let that happen so god we just agree together with with tens of thousands of people all over the world oh god we agree together father god that that day may be soon that that we agree together father that you will not hold israel's sins against her as as as we deserve oh god but you will have mercy and you will open up our eyes to the truth that yeshua is the messiah of israel hallelujah we want to continue praying again i just want to encourage you friends share this broadcast get your friends praying and and replay it in small groups even before your home group just imagine hundreds of thousands of people believers all over the world contending for national revival in israel we know from the book of romans chapter 11 that when the jewish people accept yeshua it's going to release a greater riches revival on the world so we want to continue praying i want to go back to asher to pray again and then etan and troy one more time and then i'll come back to you in just a few minutes asher go ahead let me father you your word says in order to pray for israel to be saved we need to first pray for the remnant and father i want to pray for the remnant of faith here in the land around the world lord first pray for the community of faith here in israel messianic jews arab christians international christians here in the land lord we pray to strengthen them strengthen every congregation of faith every believer both here and around the world and the whole olive tree of everybody that's connecting together in faith and in love and in relationship and in covenant lord we are all coming together to intercede lord and we pray for your kingdom to come and your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven and we see this key is for the salvation of israel and so father we pray for the remnant of faith in this land lord of people they've so suffered and lord i just pray to strengthen them encourage them lord those who who have become tired and discouraged lord to give them new uh energy of the holy spirit new dynamism of the holy spirit father and we we just pray for a new fire a new fire of shavuot pentecost to come upon the people of faith from jerusalem judea samaria to the ends of the world as it says as you promised lord that you said in the end times i will pour out my spirit on all flesh and the lord said i will pour out my spirit on on all flesh in the end times well i just realized that i was pregnant that bothered zechariah 12 and and uh acts 2 of course which is quoting joel that he says i will pour and father we just pray right lord i just realized as we pray you poor as we pray you poor as we pray you poor lord we just we just keep praying lord and you keep pouring lord we say pour out the spirit of grace and salvation pour out the spirit of revivals pour out your spirit of repentance and holiness and lord i also just want to pray right now for the people of god around the world not to be diverted lord we've heard so many arguments pro-corona anti-corona vaccines of politics left-wing right-wing in the middle east just there's so many different environmental problems lord we pray for people not to miss not to get diverted to keep their focus on the messiah yeshua the savior the kingdom of god father the word of god and not to get diverted by all the pressures of this world thank you father we lift up on this day of atonement we lift up our high priest in the spirit yeshua the messiah who gave his life as an atonement not only for the jewish people but for every person in the world amen amen etan please hallelujah hallelujah we continue to invite your spirit to invigorate our prayers lord we're not interested in just repeating words god we have come together to touch your heart lord in the book of isaiah chapter 52 you said to get up onto a high mountain lord god and to proclaim salvation to proclaim yeshua and lord this broadcast is as a type of a mountain where where from antennas uh on top of mountains and hills are broadcasting lord god we proclaim yeshua we proclaim salvation we proclaim salvation to zion we thank you mighty god we thank you lord god and father i want to focus now on the the young people uh the teenagers and the young adults in israel i know that both ron and asher together with myself and others lord for these decades you have had us burdened for the young people lord there have been uh conferences and messages and camps and discipleship lord we we pray for a multiplication of that lord we thank you mighty god we thank you lord for their there being a uh an outpouring of your spirit on the the people in junior high in high school lord god father we pray for a refreshing of those who are growing up in messianic homes lord god we break the the barrier that says oh this is just the religion of mom and dad this is this is not something alive lord we pray for a living word to go forth we ask for those who are in the army lord god hundreds and hundreds now of messianic soldiers and lord many doors of opportunity of witness uh that are opening up in the barracks and in the times of of uh the times of service lord my my grandchildren serving now in the army lord god and and uh and ron and asher and many other messianic uh believers their children uh have been serving in the midst of israeli society lord we pray that this reality of yeshua being our king and our messiah and our redeemer and our atonement and our hope will spread through every phase of israeli society god we ask you for a fresh outpouring as they come out of the army lord the post army generation lord those in their 20s and early 30s who many of them they're just searching what is life about what am i doing here why did i spend these years serving the state of israel i don't understand where is my life going lord in the middle of that search will you open their eyes in the middle of that search where they cry out to you oh god of abraham isaac and jacob who are you my friends are telling me about this yeshua is it true is it true put the truth in their hands put the truth before their eyes use the internet and every other tool that you can mighty god we believe you to fulfill what you said through the prophet joel it shall come to pass afterwards i will pour my spirit out on all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy we thank you for god for fulfilling this incredible promise in this day and in this time amen pastor troy father god sir we repent and lord jesus sir we lay our hearts before you god and god we lay it out father god syrup on our own behalf upon our own communities father god serves living stones in this temple as members of the body we declare in the name of king jesus sir that the one new man be resurrected and seen and be made manifest i pray god for connection god between the israeli world and the gentile world i pray god that you would raise us up as one i pray father in the name of king jesus so psalms 91 hedge of protection around israel around your people lord god i pray father god sir for those god who are in great despair today i pray god that they would have joy and hope i pray god that they would hear the song that says arise and shine for your light has come jesus we declare great forgiveness we declare simple solutions to complicated issues we pray father god sir that you would anoint our eyes with eyes have god that we would see give us a heart to know you lord god god we call this day holy we call you holy and god we gather together in your presence in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah father in the name of yeshua we just as we come to an end here father we're not going to end we're going to we're going to keep praying we're going to keep content contending for those of you who are fasting today just you know keep going keep fighting keep praying these we don't do this as a work but we do it to say god our heart is in alignment with your heart uh there is a prophesied revival for the jewish people so god we pray into that we pray into romans 11 26 called israel all israel will be saved god we pray into all these passages revelation 1 7 where it says the tribes of the land will look upon the one we'll see rather yeshua coming in the clouds and they'll mourn for him oh god father we thank you in the name of yeshua that we're getting to this time we're we're in the beginning of this awakening in the people of israel but god i know what you're waiting for you're waiting for your people around the world in africa in india and america in russia and all of the lord you're waiting for your believers to say yes god bring back the older brother you know it's the prodigal son story the the gentile church came back but the older brother kind of got moved aside and now we've got to pray for that older brother father in the name of yeshua the messiah we just agree and brothers i just want to ask you with just one more push let's just pray together one more push in the final minute father in the name of yeshua we not just the four of us here on this broadcast but we agree with the god tv family around the world for revival in israel now is the time we pray for the body of believers in israel that there would be unity father we come against the spirit of jezebel we come against the spirit of division o god in the body of israel and i just pray a particularly god amongst the leadership the pastors the apostolic leaders prophetic leaders in the israel body of believers that you would bring unity god that you would do a miracle and bring deep deep unity in the name of yeshua that will lead to national revival oh god in the name of yeshua god we just continue to contend with you for revival in the name of yeshua god i thank you i thank you right now for everyone that is looking at me that can see this broadcast around the world i love you i bless you i thank you and father i just pray for these people who are praying for israel god that you would bless them that you would encourage them give them bring salvation to their family oh god answers the answer the desires of their heart pour out an abundance of faith and anointing and i speak breakthrough over you and i know that when you stand with israel god's gonna stand with you for he said i will bless those who bless abraham and his descendants god is going to bless you in the name of yeshua hallelujah we've got exactly one minute left i want to thank my guest pastor troy thank you so much thank you etan uh i know you've got a dinner coming with your family any minute now thank you for being with us and uh asher god bless you uh it's so good to see you thanks for being with us okay friends that is it again i want to continue to encourage you to pray keep praying this is the day of atonement and we are standing with the people of israel we're standing with them for their salvation we are watchmen on the wall ward simpson loves that passage from isaiah chapter 62 that we are israel's watchmen on the walls we're fighting we're doing warfare we're standing in the gap and i know that as you do that you're fulfilling your call and you're bringing the blessing of god on your life i love you i bless you in the name of yeshua and may god answer your prayers and our prayers today in yeshua's name amen [Music] you
Channel: ReviveIsraelTV
Views: 377
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Revive, Israel
Id: -ueRdmNB2zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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