The Oneness In God | Asher Intrater | Revive Israel

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we were sharing with our team before we started that we're not here just to teach you we have a purpose and I don't want it to be a hidden purpose it's not just for this conference it's for every time we're together but what we want to do is to enlist you to be partners with us and we need to be partners with you to establish the kingdom of Yeshua upon the earth it's nothing less than that that's what we want to do we have no other motivation we want to establish the kingdom of Yeshua upon the earth and we want you to join with us in that so we're going to talk a little bit about the kingdom of God and what it means but I want you understand it's not just a teaching it's we want you to be part of it we want to join forces and we want to become one in bringing this to pass in fact one of the things that we say is that when Israel and the church become one that gives birth to the kingdom of God upon the earth that Israel cannot bring the kingdom of God to pass without the church and the church cannot bring the kingdom of God the past without Israel just as a man cannot bring a baby without a woman and a woman cannot bring a baby without man without the man God has made it this way so that the two have to come together to give birth to the Khanum of God upon the earth and that's what we're about that's what your trip to Israel yeah this is what it's really about it's not really about just going to see the places around here that's good and it's not really even having a conference with us and it's it's for us to begin the process of Israel and the church becoming married becoming one because in that oneness in that relationship will give birth to the kingdom of God now that involves the word one in Hebrew in in any language but the word one in Hebrew is a very special word do you know how do you say one in Hebrew it's the Word of God you have to say it cuts down can you say that if God if God that means one now one thing it's amazing as you look at this word and I'm gonna share something that I learned from James so this is alright yeah with a little I share additions to it but you know what the Bible says in in many places starting in Deuteronomy 6 that God is one He is God and Jewish people of course say that around the world several times a day it's a big emphasis it is - that is the central declaration of faith of the Jewish people that God is one now unfortunately many of them mean that in the wrong way they partially minute is just we believe in a monotheism God but a lot of when they say it that they're actually saying and meaning and we don't believe in Christianity which believes in three gods that's the way they mean it but but it's still it's a quote from the Bible and it's very it's a central quote Yeshua said that this is the greatest commandment hero is through the Lord your God a little is one and then you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart but this is an amazing thing and I'm realizing that this word Akkad is the center of the idea of mystery in the Bible the Word of God you say God is ephod now we learn in John 17 that and also John 10 that issue said that father and I are one we are a cod so God is a cod and in that Ahad before the world was created yeshua and the father were already there see in that HOD there is a relationship there is a relationship of the two being one even from before the beginning of time so when you say God is a cod and you're really saying already there it's this one that is coming together what an amazing thing now the way many sections of ultra-orthodox Jews say this when they say the word when they proclaim this in prayer they stretch out the word Akkad and they put their fingers like this on their head to spell it if you'da spells out that this is the letter Shin in Hebrew this is letter dotted and this is letter yud which spells out sha die so they're putting Shaddai on their face like this and then you say shmaaya straight i don't know what and i have thawed and so you put emphasis on and there's a dick there's almost like a desire for this to be a prophetic proclamation of the oneness of God it's kind of amazing when they do that think about this Orthodox use all of the world going like this saying God is one this is the letter the letter Shin is three parts coming into one it's pretty amazing now so God is one in Yeshua and the father before the foundation of the earth that's already there in God now what I'm hearing in the spirit it's not just that God is one and there is no other than him that's true but it's also saying God is one that in that oneness God is there God is essentially not there in division he's essentially there in oneness when that comes together now if anybody would know this it's you and that what is the next part where that where did that oneness go into the going back to the beginning of the bottle male and female God the Bible says this God made man and his image male and female now risen preaching to the choir but that God made in male and female is God and man and woman are to become one here to become a God and if God is God and male and female were made in His image in other words they're something when you get the relationship between man and woman right that is supposed to a reflect the nature of God you're supposed to be something that you can see in the oneness of man and woman that you can see about the nature of God that you can't see in just a woman you can't see in just a man and you can't see it in the flood of sexual perversion that is going all over the world not in homosexuality and aina lesbians are not divorced not in rape not in sexual abuse not in any when that is all not only causing pain to men and women but it's also distorting the image of God because God made man male and female he made them in His image and he made them to become one and when man and woman male and female become one in the right in the right way it reflects the image of God did you know that Jane I learned that from you that's all right but listen that oneness goes on after that it continues on and it says in Ephesians 5 that the that the relationship between men and woman reflecting Christ in the church as they become one that is a great mystery and notice he's pulling back the unity between Christ and the church all the way back to the oneness of male and female and all the way back before that into the very nature of God himself that he God is a God it's just that he's one separately but he is a God in that place where that unity comes forced together in love that that is the place just as God is love he is one God is a God and He is love as a matter of fact in in in Hebrew numerology they're both the same number I have on a hard love and one of the same now but let's let's look at this for a moment Betty come here for a moment there is something about in our oneness is my wife by the way Betty not my granddaughter thank you I used to say she's not my daughter but now it's not even as obviously as we become one there is we produce our children but as we become one and as we worship together and become one then we somehow reflect the nature of God you see that you can't see God by looking at her and you can't see God by looking at me but we God made man male and female in His image and made them one so that if we get this relationship right it's actually it doesn't even just reflect the image of God it is God because God is God is right there in the midst of it his spirit is in the midst of this now when it says this when God made male and female when God made man the next thing he did was he gave them dominion over the planet so not only do we bear fruit not only do we reflect God but God is in us and then together therefore we take dominion over the planet if we don't get this relationship right we can't possibly take dominion over planet Earth you can't bring the kingdom of God to Earth if you don't get this relationship correct you have to get this into one and I'm thinking about how this is that men and women men men and women together we reflect the image of God God's presence is in us we give births but we also take dominion over the planet together Authority is in it authority has essentially in it male and female nature to it the man and the woman come together and then bring a thority onto the earth that's why I don't think that just although we have tremendous compassion for single-parent families and we want to support them but it but God designed it for both for there to be a father and mother image for the children to see that there's Authority not just to the children but to the whole planet and when God made Adam and Eve in the beginning before they sinned they were God to mankind the rest of the mankind to the to the creation the trees and the birds and the fish and the flower couldn't see much difference between Adam and Eve and God and that was that was God that was God to them the gap that the difference between God and Adam and Eve to the rest of creation was was a millimeter to them it was a huge gap see they were God there's a one Talmudic story that says that when God made man and then when he made Adam in the beginning he was so much like God that the Angels when they turned to worship God they got confused they went to say holy holy and they couldn't figure out which one was which in the beginning now I don't think that story is right but but think about the depth but think about the depth of what that's saying that God made us to be so close to him to be one with his divine nature that really the Angels and the earth and creation couldn't see any difference in it and then we out of that we become we bring God's Dominion his authority his kingdom to this earth out of that relationship now that relationship then Paul said was a great mystery it then becomes but then Judah and Israel split and the prophet Ezekiel said one day God will pull them back together like two trees like two sticks then you have the split between Israel and the church over the past 2,000 years God will bring that together and he and then he says not only is God one but Zechariah 14 he says that his name is one and his kingdom is one in other words God will bring all of it back into one to be able to establish his kingdom on the earth there's something about that this word one is essential to understanding who God is I'm not done with you yet sweetie come on back up here I'm almost done so and just she's trying to get out of here before I tell any jokes you know it's yeah but in that one this is God's present and he brings his kingdom to the earth now just as there has to be one this divine union between male and female to bring God's Dominion to the earth so does it have to be between Christ in the church we have to become one and so does it have to be Israel in the church have to become one and that's what burst the kingdom of God upon the earth now I'm thinking about that how can that be one that men and woman are together Jay and I'd having a little discussion about and trying to think through what happened with Mary Magdalene when all the Apostles missed the resurrection of Yeshua and she and this group of women went out and and saw that they received the revelation of the resurrection of Yeshua and brought it back to the disciples and the great super apostles didn't even believe that didn't even believe that after they heard it after they visited the grave after they came back and only when they were in the middle of dinner and Jesus interrupted him and kicked the table over and rebuked them and they swallowed their Peas they said oh we believe amen but um but I was thinking about that there's something about and here's where we were trying to figure out how this works but there was some way even though Miriam Mary and course in Hebrews Miriam her name was Miriam also that they seen the women received the revelation first and they brought it back to the men and yet the men did not lose their position I mean he would have thought maybe the guys all all 11 of them should have just resigned on the plate on the spot you know and Peter should have just turned it over to Mary Magdalene and then we probably would have had all the problems we've had in history but you know but there's there's something about that and and one of the things that I've been learning from Jane is is that it's not a coincidence that the women heard it first there's something about the nature of women that they received things first in the spirit sometimes that's good and sometimes that bad but I took me a long time to think about what you had to say about Eve really was a first I read said give me a break this is then I said thought about it and she was saying but listen it's not a coincidence even that the devil came first to eat because it was the nature of Eve to receive first good or bad that's who she is and then and then she brought that to them to the man of good or bad and it's like it's like that Mary Magdalene the women saw the resurrection of Jesus they understood that they brought it to to the disciples and finally they got it and then they became one in that they began to see it now women you may not understand this but for us men talk to the men here we all know all of us men know that as we as I say I know my wife better than any human being in the world but I don't understand her at all you know men men we cannot I think men cannot understand women that's just the way it is it's just it will never get it you know we never get it and so then it we my wife and I were talking once I said well is it as that Beth I'm sure that's how you feel about man and she said no she said men are easy to understand what what's the problem I said oh really I said well what do you understand about man she says it's evil it's easy SID men are all just about one big ego package that's and what my answer was and where did you collect your data for that observation all right now but but seriously I'm thinking about and we've all seen this there's something about in prayer when women in general I mean it's not in every case but there's a tendency of women to receive something first in the spirit though the revelation tends to come first to women and then it's a it transfers to the men and then the men come into that and then out of that comes out an expression of the kingdom of God I was thinking about that today that let's take a look at your iPad for a second how do you bring that to me she has a some kind of GI pad doesn't matter his iPads okay to it isn't just a yeah now in any kind of communication tool in the world that whether it's an iPad or a phone or a galaxy or doesn't matter what it's television by the very nature of it you have to have two component parts you've got to have a receiver and you've got to have a projector and and the two have to come together you can this would be no good if it had no way of receiving information coming out of it and it would be no good if it didn't have any any way of of expressing that you know now men and women can do both but yet there is a cooperation and there's a tendency obviously there's something about the way God made woman too to receive and the way God made man to put out I mean that's something the way but there's something about you you don't even think about the difference of the two you don't think well which part of this this pad is the receiver and which part is the is the mushaf the screen but you don't it's one it's just there but that's how it works you've got to by the very nature have a receiving and and expressing and the very nature of authority is that you submit and then you delegate the whole thing works right in there of man and woman coming into one man and woman Christ in the church Israel in the church the kingdom of God coming in together into one that is able to reflect God's image and to bring the kingdom of God so so we want that oneness to come in and that's what we're about here we're learning to become one together you think about that on that first day of Pentecost Shavuot as we say when that when the fire fell not just on 120 Israelis that were there 120 but in the 3,000 of people from all different nations of the world that would come up right in that moment they all had the same fire on them wasn't that amazing all of a sudden they become one they may have had different languages different backgrounds different perspectives different everything but at that moment they all had the same fire of the Holy Spirit and there's something about that of the kingdom of God that we're all different and there's basically two different groups there's a smaller Corps in Israel and there's a larger International and while they maintain the difference in identity the Holy Spirit comes down and we become one in the power of the Holy Spirit and that begins to express the kingdom of God do you realize and that's part of what just happened today you see we can't give birth to the kingdom of God until something like this can happen that we can have clearly people here that are Jewish that are Israelis that have been that are live here and and have come and that and then you from different nations of the world and we experienced the fire of the holy spirit together at that moment we become one at that moment Israel and the church become on an in that is the power to give birth to the next stage which is the kingdom of God see that's why we want you here I mean we also want to get to know you with all those things but really we are pressing in and I know you believe that to you you are pressing in to say there's something about this relationship that we're pressing in to get a hold of the kingdom of God these two elements of the kingdom of God and hold them together that out of that can be a combustion that will explode and give birth to the kingdom of God upon the earth and we we are sold out to that we there is no other way I mean whether you like us or not it's really and not an option for you you know but what I'm saying is we have to this is for him we have to cut we have to break through understand our differences receive our differences receive the spirit together have the same vision for the kingdom of God look under your shoe and give it birth upon this earth because if it doesn't happen if this doesn't happen I'm gonna be a little over simplifying a little bit sarcastic but just to get you to get to the point if it doesn't happen you're going to die and go to heaven and that's it and I love you think again yeah that's all I ever wanted no it isn't you'll miss the whole kingdom of God you'll miss the resurrection of the Dead you'll miss the restoration of all things you can't get that because that's been promised to our people and if we don't get it if we don't embrace everything you have you know what we're gonna have a bunch of people excuse me for saying this but today is the 33rd day of the oh man do you know what that is it's called laga Omer we're somewhere hundreds of thousands of our people are gonna run up and lie on dead rabbi's graves and claim that they have salvation through Brazil lighting candles on dead rabbis grapes that's where this nation is going without you that's what we're gonna be end up being now I'm exaggerating a little bit but not that much because there's nowhere else to go it's either they're going to have they're either going to get the rabbi that came out of the grave or they're gonna go to a bunch of graves with rabbi still in them there's no other choice and our people it's amazing this it's hard for you even to imagine this but this is the guys correct me if I'm exaggerating I'm trying to be controlled but there's the center of in some ways Jewish mysticism spiritual experience which has to do it's centrally connected with going to the graves of dead rabbis and lighting candles at them it's true in the Lubavitch movement and a breslav movement in the kabbalah movement and it's all the one today is for the kabbalah movement and this is and and it's also with the shots movement it's all it's particularly those four but but and that's where this people is going and that so i'm saying that's where it will end up and that's why your window i mean i guess we had to choose between the two you know you'd be better off there but that's not what the kingdom of god is if the kingdom of god was just about dying and going to heaven you would never need to be resurrected would you if you were to die today where would you go if you believe in your shoe of repented of your sins filled up the filled with the holy spirit you would go to heaven would you be resurrected no could you stay forever like that you could so in that viewpoint you wouldn't need a resurrection resurrection is when you come back to actually where they say resurrection of the dead the dead rise that's not actually true the bodies rise but the people come down the people come down with Yeshua to take up their bodies once again and to take over this planet so as we look to take over this planet that's something that was promised to Abraham you see when God made that first covenant with Abraham he said the first thing he did was say go to this place I give you this land it's not just about this little piece of land here might you've seen how small this place is my goodness from right here you can see Jerusalem and Tel Aviv you can see the whole thing that's it folks right there there to here that's the whole big deal but why because it wasn't just about this place this place is the foothold of the kingdom of God because if you believe that this piece of property belongs to this group of people then every other piece of property on the planet belongs to that group of people you didn't get that yet huh think about what I just said now if God makes a promise for this people to own this piece of land then the people in every nation of world the saved remnant to have covenant with God by the same faith as Abraham and believing in the Messiah the son of David then they become the owners of that piece of property as well romans 4 says this he says the promise that God made to Abraham by covenant was not for Israel but to take possession of the whole world that's what the promise is so Abraham physical sons have right to this little piece of property but all the rest of Abraham's faith children have ownership of the piece of property where you grew up and Yeshua's coming back to take possession of the whole earth the earth belongs to the Lord and all of its fullness there may be heard me teach others but that's always said the name God gave his son the name Yeshua for two reasons one is it means salvation that's what he came the first time was to bring us salvation of sins but he also gave him the name Yeshua because the name Yeshua is the same name as Joshua sometimes I think it's too bad they didn't translate all the New Testaments to say Joshua how that would have changed your view point because Yeshua is coming back another time and he's not coming back to save us of our sins he's coming alive back in the image of Joshua to conquer this planet and take possession of this and roll on this earth again that's what he's coming back to do and that's we are joined together to be able to receive that yeah one more thing I want to share with you yeah I want to undo my shirt here I'm not being an exhibitionist yeah a dear friend of ours named Don Pinto used to teach that kingdom of God is like when you button up a shirt I said if you button up the shirt on the wrong place you get to the end and what happens they're all off he said you got to get that first button right I'm thinking what's the first button of the whole Bible and what's the first button of the New Testament then we'll end with this style the first verse of the Bible is in the beginning God created heaven for you to live there for eternity amen who said he meant come on was the first verse say God create the heaven and the earth right from the beginning of time God's creation was to be heaven and earth together what is the kingdom of God your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven you see from it from the very beginning unto the end there's the joining together of heaven and earth in harmony which is what the kingdom of God is if you don't get that right again you get yourself floating out into space as a star baby for the rest of eternity and that's not biblical faith that's not judeo-christian a Christian values that's Buddhism and Hinduism so that we that God made heaven and earth he gave earth to Adam and Eve to man and woman and we both blew it when he gave it to them it was all to get heaven and earth were together in the Garden of Eden and by the sin that relationship was separated and so therefore heaven earth were separated but then Yeshua comes and he says but pray their kingdom to come and you will be done on earth as it is in heaven and then he said he said I give you authority so whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven in other there is an essential joining together of heaven and earth are you listening when heaven and earth become what how do you say that in Hebrew that when heaven and earth become Akkad that's the kingdom of God coming and when you see that all of a sudden the whole Bible makes sense from beginning to end because the first verses the first chapters of the Bible are the same as the last chapters of the Bible the first chapter he creates heaven and earth men and women in the Garden of Eden and in the last chapters he restores it and they become one the oneness is restored in the kingdom of God the a God comes to place and God made heaven and earth now when he made the place in the beginning it was Garden of Eden there was only two people there right but what did he tell them to do multiply and not only that but to what fill the whole earth now just imagine here that we had not sinned they would have just kept multiplying as they go what would have happened to Garden of Eden just kept growing and growing until it filled the whole earth with men and women and the perfect image of God with the whole earth no sin no death no devil no darkness no lies the whole earth filled up with people made in the image of God filling up the whole earth that's what God intended for in the beginning and he said don't eat of the of the fruit of knowledge well you'll get that later I mean when you get the Holy Spirit you get all knowledge but he meant that's what God's vision was in the beginning God didn't change his mind so then he came up a man and women we separated from God the first perfect thing our almost perfect thing was in the Garden of Eden and it just kept going that's that is what heaven could what paradise will be like in the future the kingdom of God then you go through thousands of years you get up to a peak moment where the kingdom is established on earth through a man named David now here's the second first button I want to give you say the first button was the joining together of heaven earth did you see that if you don't miss God is the Creator you can't get God as a savior and not God as a creator same God that saves us he created the world and he will restore everything that he made and fulfill all the purposes in the beginning that's the first now what's the first what's the beginning of the New Testament the whole first chapter of Matthew is showing that Yeshua is the son of David now that connects to the New Testament with the Old Testament but even more than that it connects Yeshua with the covenants of David and what happened in all those years heaven Arthur separated and people figure we're down here God's up there the two will never come together the first person who figured out that that was wrong was David you remember he's sitting in his in his palace he's looking out the window and he says this doesn't make any sense how come I have a place to live and God doesn't have a place to live and says I'm gonna build God a house and here's how I interpret that the Prophet comes to him and says look David your heart is right and you got half of the plan right and half of it wrong if you think that God is looking to live in a house you're wrong but if you have understood that God is not interested in staying up there in heaven he's interested in coming in and living on this planet together with you you're the first person in history that's really got it and therefore I am restoring back to you all the authority of the kingdom of God that I originally gave to Adam and Eve you are now the king of my kingdom upon this earth and unfortunately David also sinned but the Covenant was David was there to restore Kingdom authority from heaven to earth on this planet and that's why issuer had to be born as the son of David and in that new testament opens up with him being revealed as the son of David the greater son of David David's son whom he calls him Lord the one who is to fulfill the Covenant of David and he comes in basis as my great-great great-grandfather got this covenant and he failed and all my grandfather's up to this day have failed but I will not and I will come and I will establish the kingdom I will take authority over planet Earth again I will invite heaven to come and I will establish a kingdom here on earth that is sort of like it was in the days of David but much better in fact Yeshua said once he said the kingdom of God will be like it was in the days of Solomon when people will come from all the nations of the world up to Jerusalem to hear his wisdom but there is one greater than Solomon here because this is the second almost perfect thing that happened was the kingdom of Solomon if he hadn't sinned also Yeshua said I've not only come to restore the Garden of Eden all over the earth I've come to restore the kingdom that will be from Jerusalem Judea Samaria to the end of the earth and I will live here my capital will be here my temple will be here I will teach here I will live here people will come up from the world to see me I will go and visit them I will come but there will be a kingdom a society a government a perfect world peace prosperity economy all over this planet with Yeshua ruling as the king out of Jerusalem now that is the second first button are you listening what I'm saying so your first button is that heaven and earth have to come together the second button is that a greater kingdom of David and Solomon will be restored now again if you take that to the end of the New Testament you looked at those last chapters again and what do you see it's not just the Garden of Eden is restored but also Jerusalem is restored those two perfect things in a worldwide Garden of Eden and a perfect Kingdom capital of heaven and earth coming together are restored when you get to the very end and one last little point there was one other thing that was perfect on the earth there almost perfect and that's what we talked about what happened today that moment of Pentecost the moment when you had Jew and Gentile together people from every nation of the earth experiencing the Holy Spirit together can you imagine that and when Peter taught on that he called the Book of Jonah said hey this is just the beginning this is not the end there's going to come a day when all flesh is going to experience what you and I are experiencing right now and these are the three dimensions of the kingdom of God I'm here describing to you the kingdom of God so that we can become one partners to bring it to pass because what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven you're talking a three dimensions of three almost perfect things in the Bible that would have stayed perfect have we not sinned but one as a restored Garden of Eden from the beginning of creation heaven and earth together in harmony perfect nature flowers everything in perfect physical harmony second thing a perfect Solomon David Kingdom a perfect righteous Society all over the world government and in teaching and integrity and and and and all over the world economy peace prosperity with Yeshua ruling as king over Earth and then finally all those people together being filled with power in the fire of holy spirit if you can imagine that 660 more seconds just try to imagine us you've got the restoration of physical creation into harmony like the Garden of Eden you've got the perfect worldwide government and kingdom of peace and prosperity with Yeshua ruling here and you've got all human beings on this planet filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so that heaven and earth become one extended Garden of Eden perfect kingdom of David and a human race filled with the power and glory of the of the holy spirit that's the kingdom of God and he said well we'd be in heaven we've been earth and three it's all gonna be together again you can be wherever you want to be or maybe one last thought you've heard me say this before listen if you in this body that you have right now you can be on this planet but you can't go to heaven can you if you die you can leave this body and go up to heaven but you can't come back but when you get a resurrection body you can be in either places at the same time out
Channel: ReviveIsraelTV
Views: 11,457
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: Messianic, worship
Id: ZsIhf1kxEr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2015
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