Hidden Content: Making Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Almost Impossible

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[Music] hello Internet users and welcome back did and content the show where we look at things and games that require odd and elaborate methods to reach this time we're going to be taking a look at something a bit more unconventional in terms of hidden content something that clearly isn't a developer intended secret or unlockable but is something interesting that you can pull off by going really out of your way today we're going to be discussing some crazy things that you can do in the original Pokemon games if that most people never would have thought to try and now the sequels attempted to prevent you from doing it again over the years there have been many instances of games being released with glitches programming oversights or just plain bad decision making in the atari port of impossible mission true to its name it was impossible to pick up certain key items rendering the game uncompleted in Bubble Bobble revolution for the DS you had to play through a total of a hundred stages but somehow testers fail to notice that the boss on level 30 couldn't even spawn sealing off more than half of the entire game and on the 3do game the horde the game would without even asking you delete your save data for other games in order to make room for itself and these are only just a few examples from the how the heck did they let that happen list that is still unfortunately growing to this day issues like this can understandably be pretty infuriating when encountered after all it wasn't our fault we weren't the ones who decided to release something in such a poor state but what happens when we turn that idea around what about when it's the player who makes everything go horrifyingly wrong i'm talking about using the game's own mechanics to put yourself in a situation so crazy that you can't blame anyone but yourself for allowing it to happen and that's just what we're going to do for the gen 1 pokemon games we're going to put ourselves into a state where the game is impossible to finish and you'll have no choice but to restart with a new save file well actually it should be noted that you can just technically get yourself out of these by connecting with another game hence the almost that's written in the title i put that there so people won't yell at me but this is the internet so they will anyway so with that being said the only rule then i'm going to put in place here is that aid from any kind of external device is not allowed we're doing this with just the game in the game alone no trading with another Game Boy or transferring prized Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium it should also go without saying that using something like a gameshark would make it simple to undo any kind of craziness that happens another thing to keep in mind is that I'm not going to bother with things such as the walk through walls glitch where you can trap yourself forever by saving in certain places I am well aware that these games are incredibly broken but the purpose of this video isn't to show off a bunch of those glitches all right now let's begin with a new game there are three different situations that we're going to set up here if the first of which involves the safari zone and can only be done on red and blue I'll get into why it doesn't work on yellow version a little later as most veteran fans know it is a requirement to enter the safari zone in order to obtain hm3 surf and the wardens teeth key item which is later exchanged for HM for strength both of these items are absolutely necessary in order to progress further into the game so therefore if we make it impossible for us to even go into the Safari zone then the rest of the game is locked off to us but the question now is how do we do that well you see in order to enter an entry fee must first be paid at the front gate Game Freak may not have realized it but by requiring us to pay money to reach some important key items they've exposed a glaring design flaw within the game well not to say that this is the only one this is generation 1 we're talking about here what we're going to do next is remove every possible way to earn money from our save file here is a list of how to go about it first you must defeat every possible trainer wild encounters do not earn you money only trainer panels do and since the games of the first generation do not allow you to rebadow the trainers you defeat winning against all of the ones that are available up to this point in the game cuts off one method for us to get more money the only exception to this rule is the Elite Four who can be rebound infinitely however there at the end of the game and are the last trainers you need to face in order to finish it so you're obviously not going to be able to reach them meaning we don't have to worry about them at all number two find and throw away every possible item another way to make money in these games is to sell useless items you don't need one thing that we often forget though is that these scattered items are not infinite so if you manage to pick all of them up including the invisible ones that the item finder is meant to help you locate and then toss all of them you will have removed yet another potential way for you to refill your wallet later on number three pick up all of the free coins at the game corner and waste them at the celadon game corner it is possible to exchange coins for prizes in the form of Pokemon and TMS in order to earn coins you can either continue to buy more until you have enough for what prize you want or you can play the slots until you earn enough and in order to play the slots you need to put coins into the machine it would be possible to sell the TMS you can get here for money so we need to make it so that we can no longer play the slots at all since our end goal is to end up without enough money to enter the safari zone we don't have to worry about the fact that coins can be bought since we won't be able to afford them at that point anyway however by talking to some of the patrons here we can bump some free coins off of them just once as well there are some hidden coins on the floor we need to collect all of these and then waste all of them to ensure that we cannot possibly get lucky and win enough coins to potentially exchange for a TM that we could sell it's not exactly a guaranteed way for us to get money later on but it's still a possibility that needs to be removed all the same number four don't have a Meowth often forgotten about something unique about the Pokemon Meowth and it's evolution Persian is the fact that they had a signature move called payday for those that don't know using this move adds a small amount of money to what you will earn at the end of the battle this even includes wild encounters where you normally cannot get money at all something to also be aware of is that in the first games payday was also actually a TM that could be taught to a handful of Pokemon this TM is the only way to teach the move to any Pokemon other than me out there Persian as they are the only ones that can learn it via levelling up well we don't need to worry about that as the TM actually requires us to have surf to reach and even if we could get to it we just throw it away like we did with every other item you're probably thinking right now though well what's to stop me from catching a Meowth later on then and that brings us to the next step get rid of all your money now that we've completed all of the above we now have no way to acquire any more cash all we need to do now is get rid of the money we have on us this is very simple to do just go into any shop in the game buy a bunch of items and immediately sell them back for less than what you paid repeat this over and over and you'll be completely broke in no time at this point it's now impossible for us to buy any more pokeballs meaning that we couldn't go and catch a meal for now even if we wanted to let's congratulate ourselves we've just ruined an entire save game of Pokemon we can't battle anymore trainers we can't sell anymore items and we can't go catch the one Pokemon that could help get us out of it an important item that we need is trapped within an area that we cannot enter without paying a fee we're completely stuck if that isn't something to celebrate then I don't know what is the only possible way to undo this madness like I mentioned before is through connecting and trading with another game in this case sending a pokemon that knows payday to your game is the only hope and if you're wondering if this set up does not work on the Game Boy Advance remakes items such as the vs. seeker were added so that you can reap a ttle previously defeated trainers thus you will never be without a way to earn money in those games I also mentioned earlier that this method does not work in yellow version it seems that Game Freak was actually aware that the player could get stuck like this so in yellow if you don't have any money when you try and enter the safari zone but continue to try and enter the man that the entrance will take pity on you and allow you to enter anyway however if you get in this way you will only be given a single Safari ball it seems obvious to me that this was added as a workaround so that if the player was somehow terrible enough to end up in this situation they still always had the possibility to get surf it seriously blows my mind to see this after all these years I thought I knew these games inside out by now yet I never knew about this being in yellow until I started making this video as they say you learn something new every day alright it's time to move on to the next impossible situation luckily by doing the one for the safari zone we've pretty much already set this one up it requires all of the same steps but this time the place we're getting locked out of is saffron city you see in or to get into the city we need to buy a drink from a vending machine and then give it to one of the four guards afterward we'll be allowed to come and go as we please as for why they won't let you through in the first place I still have no idea on that one the problem once again arises with the fact that we have to spend money in order to obtain a drink so just like with the safari zone we can't progress if we happen to be dirt poor and since we can't get in it's not possible to obtain all of the badges meaning we can no longer beat the game despite the change in yellow version to the safari zone it seems that they didn't alter anything here so this impossible situation can be done on all three games and the remakes the drinks that you need to give the guards was changed to tea that you received from an old woman in celadon it counts as a key item and cannot be bought or sold removing the requirement of spending money to get into saffron clearly they didn't want to take any chances here even though they added the versus seeker they wanted to make sure that there was no way for you to be stuck when I first played the remakes I always wondered why this was changed as it didn't make much of a difference to me it's kind of neat to finally see the reasoning behind it and now we come to the last situation we're going to trap ourselves in pay close attention folks because we're going to learn how to strand ourselves on Cinnabar Island first we're going to need to start a new game in order to be stuck on Cinnabar we're going to have to be able to reach it which requires us to have surf and if you recall from a few moments ago we can't really get that anymore so obviously we're going to have to play through the game again all the way up until we have surf once we have that reach cinnabar and the fun can begin if the first step is defeat every trainer on the island same idea as before we want to make sure that we cannot later battle anyone to get any money number two is to once again pick up and toss all of the items on the island number three release all but one of your Pokemon make sure that the Pokemon that you are left with is unable to learn flyer surf ensuring that you have no escape option it wouldn't be until generation three that the games would start preventing you from releasing all of your HM users what we are trying to do on Cinnabar right now is often thought to be the exact reason that such a feature was implemented number four heal at Cinnabar is pokemon center when you run out of pokemon in battle you will be brought back to the last pokemon center that you used by healing at the one on Cinnabar we've ensured that we cannot get away by letting our last pokemon get knocked out by the wild ones in the pokémon mansion this also affects the moves dig and teleport which would also bring you back to your most recently visited center number five do not pick up the fishing rods over the course of the game there are three fishing rods that you can get while on your journey all of them are completely optional and you should make sure that you don't get any of them key items cannot be thrown away so once you have them there is no way to be rid of them for good the reason why we don't want to have them is simple Cinnabar Island is of course surrounded by water if we're able to fish it would be a snap to find another Pokemon that is able to learn surf from what I could find none of the wild Pokemon in the mansion are able to learn surf so fishing is the only way to catch one however if we do like we did before and get rid of all of our money then we wouldn't be able to afford pokeballs to catch anything anyway so technically speaking I guess you could go with one of two options for this step number 6 make sure to release the fossil Pokemon while playing through the game normally one item that you end up receiving is one of two fossils in mount moon it is on cinnabar that we have access to a facility that can restore this fossil into a pokemon the two fossil Pokemon you can get are Kabuto in Alma night both of which are able to learn surf like I said before you can't toss key items so the only option you have is to revive the fossil and then release the Pokemon right away and there you have it after a series of incredibly poor decisions we've doomed ourselves to a life stranded on an island that if you'll recall and gets destroyed by a volcanic eruption by the time gold and silver rolls around I just put a child in harm's way for the sake of a YouTube video and I am ok with that now that your game is set up like this try giving it to your friends and watch them struggle to figure a way out of it alternatively you could also borrow your friends game and do this to them but don't actually do that because that's kind of mean once again though I have to mention that the only hope of getting out of this comes from connecting with another game you can either have someone trade you a Pokemon that knows surf or you can get one of the prized Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium that is able to learn the move sent to you it's really strange to see what you can do in some games of course being forced to restart a game because of a design flaw is something that should never be fun but in a case like this or even the worst player in the world likely wouldn't end up in this scenario it's more of an enjoyable novelty than anything else and while I did say that they fix some of these issues and future games people have still found more ways to trap themselves than the later generations as well it just goes to show even if it wasn't an intended reward from the developer there are still many hidden treasures to be found across many different titles tell me your thoughts down below also be sure to tell me about any info I might have missed for any one of these methods of course annotations are gone now which means I can't add any Corrections on screen so I'll just look like an idiot forever thank you all for watching and see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Pikasprey Yellow
Views: 1,989,174
Rating: 4.8017969 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Video Games, Video Game Trivia, Gaming Trivia, Pokemon
Id: VGlZu2hoAiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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