Glitch in Reality Stories | Reddit Glitch in Real Life

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what is the creepiest glitch you have experienced in real life i had a really good friend throughout high school and a few years after high school we played football together worked out together and even worked together for a while we fell out of touch when he started getting involved in drugs and other stuff i wasn't interested in fast forward about three years and i have a dream i'm back in my high school weight room working out and my buddy is there i say hi and we are catching up just talking and having a good time this goes on for a bit and then he tells me he has to go i ask him to stay longer because i miss him and want to keep talking he says i'm sorry i can't i have to go now i'll see you later and he left i was then woken up to the sound of my phone ringing and it was my mom i answer it and she asks if i had heard what happened i asked what she was talking about and she told me that my buddy had died last night i was in shock apparently my mom heard from his mom that morning and the first thing she did was call me he had overdosed on drugs at his parents house about five minutes from where i was living and it likely happened while i was asleep i like to tell myself that he was just stopping by to say goodbye to me and give me some closure since we hadn't spoken since our falling out he was the first real close friend that i lost unfortunately he wasn't the last my father was in the hospital for surgery and had to stay there overnight but when i tried to fall asleep i heard him inside of the house being the stupidly curious person i am i went to go investigate and there he was walking around with a confused expression on his face when i asked him why he wasn't at the hospital he replied with i don't know i just fell asleep and here i am after that he just kind of walked away and out the front door which was strange to watch when i went to visit him the next day he told me he had a strange dream where he was at our house but only i seemed to see him probably one of the creepiest moments of my life i had a dream about a coworker she loved dogs and would always ask me to share pictures of my gsd and labrador whenever we talk at work in the dream she was on a couch crying my labrador is a very emotional connected dog she goes to anyone she thinks is sad which is exactly what she did in the dream my coworker looked at me and said thank you for sharing her i feel better about all of this now i found out at work the next day that my coworker had tripped at the top of her stairs and died that night the dream still freaks me out when i think about it it was so vivid and clear while this may not seem creepy i can tell you the experience most definitely was creepy this happened when i was eight and working in the yard with my mom my mother and i were doing the spring planting in the flower beds around the house i went inside for a pee break and on my way to the bathroom i had to walk through the living room i entered the lr through the kitchen looked up and on the other side of the lr i saw sitting on the couch none other than my sister she was wearing her school uniform and was looking towards me but not at me never said a word nothing really unusual right what makes this a glitch my sister was hundreds of miles away at boarding school not helping us plant flowers and certainly not sitting at the edge of the couch giving me a blank stare my little eight-year-old self-reversed course and locked himself in the half bath until he regained the courage to go back through the house and finish planting hostas has anyone else experienced long realistic dreams where you're knowingly in the somewhat distant future i had one dream a few years ago like this don't know exactly what year it represented but i'd guess maybe 2030s 2040s i knew i was middle-aged at least it felt like i was there for a complete day in regular real time except i knew that i was essentially just visiting and whatever was going on there had no consequences for me and i was free to wander around i was invited into someone's apartment at one point and was looking around thinking wow so that's what the future design trends will be i need to remember this and i was studying this centralized high-tech control panel on the wall for all the smart house type stuff unfortunately i didn't see any cars out in the city there was some forced population registration thing going on with tent slash booth set up outside various stores and the people manning it were threatening me that i didn't have this new id card yet but i knew i wasn't actually there and could safely ignore their threats i was in this village dream so long and got so used to the new future environment that when i finally woke up in my own bed in real life it felt like i had just traveled back in time much to my relief i wonder if i'll have some major crazy deja vu in another decade or so was taking the train home one afternoon and an old man was sitting a row ahead of me he turned around and asked for directions to the hospital and i told him which stop to get off at eventually his stop arrives and he gets up to leave but before he exits he turned and said thank you i'll see you later i said yeah no problem and again he said i'll see you later and he looked me right in the eye i said sure see ya and he got off the train and hobbled away with his cane thought it was a little weird he was adamant about seeing me around but whatever freaky thing is when i got off the train and to the bus station about five minutes after boarding my bus i hear a voice that sounds like the old man i looked out the bus window and sure enough he was there at the bus station same clothes hat and kane i know it was the same guy but with his walking speed and the available bus slash train routes at the time i have zero clue how he got to the bus station right when i did there are no buses near the hospital that go to that bus station and my train was the only train that had just arrived at the bus station once when i was about 14 i shy got up to get ready to go to school as always our bathroom sink and mirror was next to the door and as i was brushing my teeth i saw and heard my four-year-old sister run past the bathroom through the mirror now mind you there's no other way back to her room since we only had one hallway leading to all the bedrooms and it was past the bathroom i went to the living room kitchen and dining room to find her to send her back to bed and i couldn't find her anywhere i went to check in her room to see if she snuck past me and she was in a deep sleep so i knew it wasn't her immediately i told my mom about this when she got up and she just said you saw that little girl too freaked me the hell out never saw her again thankfully i had a dream an old friend who i hadn't spoken to or seen around or anything in about two years died and i went to his funeral i woke up and thought whoa that's weird and went to check his facebook to see what he was up to he had gone missing a few days previous but his body wasn't found until over a year later we owned a restaurant about 10 years ago and a lovely older couple would come and have soup and sandwiches almost every day they had a grandson who did drugs one day they come in and the woman is quite upset as the grandson had overdosed and had a stroke they didn't know if he was going to make it we comforted her and told her we were sorry to hear that then about 20 minutes later the grandson walks in no problems at all husband and i look at each other like what but we didn't say anything to anyone just thought maybe old age was creeping in as sometimes she would say odd things a week later the grandson overdosed and had a stroke almost didn't make it but pulled through i've spent an entire two to three days in a dream went to school and all felt hungry bored stubbed my toe it all felt real my phone seemed to work i remember looking stuff up that would make absolutely no sense either all but somehow made perfect sense in the dream one night my dad was tucking me in when i was eight years old he said good night and i replied goodbye he asked me why i said bye and we laughed it off it was just an accident the next morning my brother found him past in the living room he had a heart attack in the middle of the night at the age of 48. it was summer i lived with my grandma my brother was visiting for the summer i was in college at the time we had spent the day at the local pool with my cousins we decided to all go out that night with some mutual friends so we stopped by my cousin's house to drop them off my grandparents are there we stop in for a minute and then we are leaving to go get cleaned up to go out that night my grandparents say they'll be home shortly okay whatever so my brother and i head home our rooms were in the basement with a bathroom in between my brother gets showered and is cleaned up i haven't gotten showered yet suddenly the dogs are barking upstairs and we can hear the garage opening and then the door from the garage into the house opens and we hear people talking and walking around my brother says he's gonna head up and hang with the grandparents while he waits for me before i even get into the bathroom he comes back looking freaked out no one was there the dogs were laying down the garage was empty no one was in the house as he's telling me this we hear it all over again exactly like before this time we both go up and there are my grandparents we both heard it happen before it really happened back in the mid-1990s i had a dream that i went to visit my cousin we live in different states and her family was sad because someone close to their family had died it bothered me enough that i mentioned it to my wife my wife said that i should email my cousin and ask her if everyone is okay i send off an ml asking if everyone is okay because i had this dream explaining the dream but i'm probably just being silly she emails me back the next day and says no i'm not being silly an uncle of her husbands had died recently and that they were very close to him every time i just randomly think about the movie groundhog day i see it everywhere people mention it to me it's on the tv radio i can't escape it when i was a little kid like around six to seven my family got a pet hamster slash gerbil slash whatever i remember the first day we got him i played with him went upstairs for bed fell asleep woke up came back downstairs and he was dead i was really sad that the pet we had just gotten was dead and my parents informed me we had him for a year before he died i literally have no recollection of that entire year i just get a hamster fall asleep miss a year of my life wake up hamsters dead it's trippy thinking about it now when my mom called to tell me that my grandpa died i thought she said papa died and papara is the nickname for my dad i was crying uncontrollably and when i finally figured out it was grandpa i was too embarrassed to admit that i thought it was my dad i called him later and told him and he just laughed anyway fast forward three weeks and my dad dies too part of me thinks miss hearing her was the universe preparing me to lose him it was weird because it was like i lost him twice and i'm still kind of waiting for someone to tell me it was all a mistake and it was actually someone else edit i feel kind of bad because i've barely thought about grandpa since my dad died my grandma has it the worst because she lost a husband and a son in the same month a few years ago my wife and i were riding in a car with my parents we were all just chatting and my dad kept periodically drumming on the steering wheel and humming the opening bastard down under by men at work this happened a few times over a span of 10 minutes or so and finally my mum asked him what song is that dad replied by singing the chorus and we all laughed a few minutes later he reached over to turn on the radio and i had this weird feeling we were going to hear down under i said something like i guarantee that song is going to be playing no idea why i felt so strongly about this but sure enough it was playing on the second station that my dad tried we couldn't believe it unfortunately i've never been able to replicate this but i felt like a wizard for a few days when i was 13 years old i had a 13 gallon fish tank on a shelf on my wall my father had recently passed away and the last thing we did together was set it up he got me red tip type sharks to put in it since sharks were my favorite animal well sometime shortly after he died i wake up one morning and there isn't a drop of moisture in the tank i move the rocks and plants around there was about an inch high amount and no sign water was ever in it the fish died of course but i cleaned that fish thank plenty of times and it took days to dry out still don't understand how that's possible with no signs of water anywhere sometimes when i dream and i wake up i wake up i know it's a dream i just know it's a dream but i can't wake up and the harder i try to wake up or the more i realize i have to wake up the scarier it gets even though nothing really changes it feels like a darkness enveloping you as you try and wake up from your fake room how do i know it's a fake room just some weird details like how my wall looks a little too white all the christmas trees lights are on when they are supposed to be off don't ask why i have one in my room and not the living room lol so then i go through like maybe one to two minutes of intense waking up falling back asleep trying to open my eyes but then falling back asleep right after as i said the rooms are similar but not too similar so i can just about tell when i'm in the real world and when i'm dreaming or perhaps both rooms are fake and when i finally wake up it's the real me in the real world i don't know those are the scariest of dreams even though they last for a few minutes tops because that's right before i'm about to wake up when i was little my family was at my grandparents place they had a pool in the back and us kids were swimming while our parents ate on the porch i being a devious eight-year-old decided to swim into the deep end where i was not yet allowed being cocky and overconfident about my ability to swim i dove down and touched the bottom of the pool i stayed down there for a moment before i felt i needed air i started to swim up but i realized that i needed air a lot more urgently than i had previously thought i felt my lungs burning and thought to myself that i needed air now still another foot and a half underwater i took a breath weirdly enough it felt as though i had breathed in air i broke the surface and tried to cough out whatever water would be in my lungs but there was nothing i didn't find it very odd at the time but now i think about it often edit now i know why everyone says a right peter they're in box thanks everyone for my most liked comment so far i was walking outside at 2 a.m looking at my phone and listening to music with my headphones i was completely zoned out i was about to cross the street and briefly glanced if there was a car coming i looked the wrong way and if the light was green or not right as i'm in the middle of the road a car is basically a meter away from me and the last thing i see are the blinding headlights right below my knees and the horn blaring through my music a fraction of a second passes and i almost fall off my feet because i was expecting the impact and bracing for it i open my eyes and see myself good ten feet away from the edge of the road the song had changed the light for the cars is green and i see the red tail lights of a lone car driving down along the road my heart is pounding out of my chest and i had to sit down for a while i get home and start reading about near-death experiences and i stumble on an idea called quantum immortality not sure if it messed me up even more but the idea is that if you die in one parallel universe your consciousness still continues in the ones where you live i was more heartbroken about the thought of my mother having to bury me in my original universe than i was about my own death okay when i was probably 10 or 11 i woke up with a vivid memory of me drinking from a water fountain in a strange place i had no memory of and have never seen since and i felt a sense of familiarity but everything was also completely foreign i can't really explain it but it felt like my life started right there and everything that happened before that was more of a programmed memory to form something of a backstory for my personality i honestly forgot about this until just now never figured it out nothing nearly as creepy as some of the other ones but i was at burger king and i was playing in their little playground area you know the ones with all the tunnels stairs idk if it's the right term but anyway i distinctly remember going in circles in this one tunnel for like four or five rounds until i stopped and thought wait why am i going in circles and then i continued and realized that the tunnel didn't go in circles but it lead up thing is less than a minute ago i was going around and around in the same tunnel over and over again so i retraced my steps went through the tunnel again and arrived at the top once more it was like a time loop that broke maybe i was just young and wasn't paying attention and was just exiting the tunnel and just going back in or i was an idiot kid but this really scared me as a nine-year-old from sixth to eighth i had felt like my world just repeated itself because i remember talking about something a few weeks ago then i relived the same experience and the scariest thing was i knew it was coming and when i realized it i had a frozen moment of thought thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 3,984
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in reality, glitch in real life, glitch in life, glitch in reality askreddit, glitch in reality redditors, glitch in real life reddit, glitch in real life stories, glitch in real life story, glitch in real life askreddit, glitch in real life redditors, glitch in reality stories, glitches in real life, lag/glitch in real life, r/glitch, glitches in reality, Glitch in Reality Story, Glitch in Reality stories, Glitch in Reality Reddit, Reddit Glitch in Real Life
Id: 7x2-4WAxEAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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