Glenn Ford in HEAVEN WITH A BARBED WIRE FENCE (Full Movie) Richard Conte, Jean Rogers, Ward Bond!

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come on you hobos swing off come on what are we do come on I need a jump byebye [Music] hi I'm Rob Ward welcome to words way back and today I'm presenting Glenn Ford's very first starring movie a lot of you out there have asked for more Glenn Ford films well today you're getting to see his first one back from 1939 it's called heaven with a barbed wire fence now Glenn's the star of this he had never starred in a movie before he'd only done one film two years before a musical short s where he didn't even sing he was the host Glenn is fourth build in this film behind Leading Lady Jean Rogers Raymond walburn and Marjorie Rambo also making his film debut in this movie is Richard KY he was singing he was a singing waiter in New York and was discovered by get this Elia Kazan and John Garfield and he is wonderful in this movie too in fact after this movie movie was done Richard KY was signed to a long-term contract with 20th Century Fox you know what happened to Glenn Ford they didn't sign him and he went over to Colombia pictures and became a big star one of the biggest stars of the 4S 50s and 60s they both became big stars it was written by Dalton Trumbo too and set during the Depression heaven with a barbed Weare fence has a lot of comedy in it the characters are really really interesting and Glenn Ford now let us know what you think about his performance in this did he show potential that he was going to be the big star that he became of course he did another movie with heaven in the title heaven with a gun of course when he was doing his westerns he was spoton after the movie leave us a comment on what you think about Glenn's performance in this film of course he was one of the biggest stars I've always liked him and for me it's fun to see him in this early early role so maybe he did deserve fourth billing let us know your thoughts and then check out our patreon page to thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this way [Music] please stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like it why should I it's a nice town it's okay if you're a big shot but working in an department store basement ain't my idea living I'm kissing it all goodbye tonight don't try jumping off it's against the law don't worry I ain't jumping I just come up here to take one last good look at this Burg and do this well I suppose everybody's got a right to his own opinion you said it I'm pulling out tonight how far you going 3,000 miles California n no Arizona ain't much work out there yeah there's plenty of work for me me I'm a property owner I got a ranch out there I'm going out there and I'm going to work my Ranch and I'm not going to take orders from nobody not ever again yeah yeah how big a ranch 20 acres 20 acres that's right boy that must have cost you some D it costs plenty say I did without most everything for six years saving up lunches shows Coney Island but the minute I got that deed I quit my job now I'm on my way and I'm never going to see another basement again you don't tell me yeah sure I'm I'm headed for Shady Acres Shady Acres Arizona look there Shady Acres boy what a ran yeah ain't it a beauty Shady Acres enjoys all the advantages of a perfect climate abundant water is easily available it is the locality that gives meaning to the phrase Arizona where life is better you know I used to think I'd have me a place like that sometime got married pretty tough trying to save up with a wife and kids yeah that's way it goes that guy he falls for a Dame that he's trapped but not me I'm different I'm ambitious I'm going places what I make up my mind to do I do I'm going to be a Rancher you're going to raise chickens sure going to pick my own eggs too right you going to have a cow sure milk butter cheese potatoes sweet corn cantaloupe fresh peas dream beans I said there's plenty you can do with a place like that you know I'm going to raise sheep too oh boy lamb chops no no you raise a sheep for the wool all right so you picked the wool off of the sheep but you still got the lamb chops yeah I suppose you just go out and you cut off a lamb chop whenever you want to huh now look if you kill a sheep and you eat them you got no more wool left how much wo a sheep got well you know that all depends on a sheep some have lots some not so much but they all got the same number of lamb chops what if they have you can't be killing all the stock off hey look did you ever have to buy an all wool suit yeah well well if if you ever had to buy one you know that wool's expensive lamb chops come to 45 cents a pound now look here I said I'm going to clip these sheep and that's final I'm going to get me a he sheep and a she sheep and I'm they're going to raise me a whole lot of little sheep yeah you cut them up for lamb shops you're eating yourself right out of house and home all right we keep the sheep and we pick the wool now what about horses no no I don't think that's very practical you know how big 20 acre place like that oh that really needs a tractor uh-oh that's running into heavy dough well well you wouldn't have to get it right off you know something no what you take all them sheep and cut them up into lamb chops and sell them you got your tractor right away now look here I thought I told you going down I got to beat it yeah sh long [Music] [Applause] what can I do for you buddy could you give me a couple hot water you know just something on a warmer guy stomach hot water sure thanks ch not bad that's great I was afraid you wouldn't like it well me buddy hamburger and a cup of coffee huh right he haing yeah I thought so where you going well if you're so Wise you ought to know that too okay smart guy I could give you a couple of tips that's all what makes you think I need him anybody could see that well what do you mean I've been riding the rods for 6 years I only know a green horn when I see one I'm doing all right I made 200 miles today you made 200 miles so what you're on your way out west and you're 75 mi from the direct route already say how'd you know car is going out wte it's where all the saps go wait to hit those border patrols I won't have any trouble I've got a ranch out in Arizona I'm a taxpayer well that makes a differ they love taxpayers in Arizona all of a same you'd be a lot smarter to hit the rods why because the shortest distance between two points is a straight line I learned that the fourth year in the fifth grade lot of guys get killed cop and right on trade clubs lot of guys get killed on hin SS too just the same I'll stick to the jalopies okay I'm just trying to set you straight that's all me I don't like the class of people you mean this hien I suppose you meet a lot of leading citizens riding Freight huh they ain't so bad I met a lot of nice guys hoben hey where you Bound for now no place in particular I was born with itching feet that's all guess I'll get going sa there isn't a freight yard around here is it about a quar of a mile a straight Hall of Cincinnati I'll be going through the Rockies by the time you hit the Mississippi and my dogs won't be snapping at each other either see that right up to the front door wait okay do it your way thanks thank it Bill cup of coffee in a donut squirr what's the run this time Cleveland good what do I owe you 15 cents how's business fine could have been better though [Music] [Applause] [Music] and don't forget to say hello to Mike Simmons for me sure thing I thought so what's the matter that guy the chest left here did a disappearing act and he wasn't a hini come on out listen buddy will you come on out and save me the trouble of breaking your neck all right you ask for it all right all right I'm coming I'm coming ouch what do you think this is a greyhound come on scram looks like you got a convention listen you mugs that rear view mirror of mine works very good so don't try any tricks [Music] gosh I didn't mean to kick you like that that does not make the hert more better well if you hadn't jumped he'd never known you were there how could I not jump you you mule I guess I did kick you pretty hard I know well anyway I didn't mean it no hard feelings come on [Applause] shake just as I thought a girl do I not look like a boy of course not you didn't fool me for a minute what are you doing running away from home I have no home an orphan huh where do you go out west I also maybe we go together no oh no we don't but why not you think I want to get in trouble I am no trouble all Dames are trouble and I'm not getting into any Jam so long [Music] [Applause] well well the arrow on the taxpayer finally took my tip huh I just didn't happen to see any cars that's saw so I figured I might as well have AF Freight Yep this is the only way to travel of course a guy might fall off and break his neck or even get killed killed sure lots of guys get killed cop and r on freight cars on the other hand think of what you get you ride all over the country for enough without tipping a pough a comfort are home what's that and maybe a c make it easy thanks to you very much it's a day and what are you doing here the train do not wait for me so I have to run to catch ladder I crawl all the way on the top here hey didn't I tell you not to follow me you cannot talk so to me I go where I want is she a friend of yours nah she's been bothering me all afternoon I also am going west can I help you here too well was pretty funny you happen to land right in this car what's your name Anita mine's Tony that is a very nice thing and how do they call you Joe okay Joe make us have at home oh you ought to make it to your ran in a week unless you run into some bad luck what are you going to do about her she's going has nothing to do with me say how big is that ranch of yours 20 AC I don't know exactly how big that is but I imagine it's about a mile Square anyhow it's an a lot of ground you know it wouldn't be bad at that a guy could feel like a like a man if he had his own grounds a sure you make a lot of dough too yep Farmers all make dough they eat good too best handal I ever got was at a B house I could do with the little food myself right now me too i' like to sink my Nippers into a nice fat piece of Juicy cow you should have eaten more at that hamburger stand I had a trouble with those places is they go commercial L they can't get money off their mind I have here some sandwiches sandwiches boil boy what a b boy I didn't know how hungry I really was until I saw these [Music] come on you hobos swing off come on what do we do come on I need a jump byebye everybody all right yeah I'm okay how about you need it I am here together my things I leave them mine too you'll lost them before I got that on her anyway but what do we do now you see that light over there yeah what about it looks like a jungle let's see what's going on come on [Music] [Applause] it's okay there's a guy in there I know come on or you'd better wait here but why do I not go too we don't want any trouble just stay here and keep low but I do not like staying here alone don't worry we'll be right back we're just going to get some food come on Jo Pony my boy hi professor well it's good to see your face son you know I I wondered about your ever since that that eventful night in y i I trust the jeams did not seize you no I got away with that all right I knew you were oh self-reliance resourcefulness excellent qualities yeah and who is our young friend here A friend of mine Joe this is the professor great guy welcome my younger welcome to to Idle Wild our accommodations are limited but our our hospitality is exceeded only by the aristocracy of our our clientele don't mind him he's always spotting off like that too much education that's right my boy those wasted efforts have left their Mark you know you know Tony here was born with the belief that that real happiness can be had only through real Freedom that's his way of saying that I'm just naturally a hobo but it don't mean no har gentlemen gentlemen may I present my good friend Tony and Joe hi fellas and now I will finish my tonsorial efforts and U and we will dine together or please be seated yeah that's fine fine hey how come you're getting a Big Hearted with our grub you are a mean-minded man hun a block on your profession listen you ain't giving nothing away around here see I'm not hungry why of course you're hungry young men are always hungry for food and knowledge mostly food you know hun I believe that I owe you an apology for what why for misjudging you you I'm convinced that deep down inside you are a good Samaritan who's he he my friend why he is a man acclaimed by all the world for his kindness and Good Deeds yeah yeah oh that's SW why you guys say you was hungry yeah hey come on it's plenty of SL ex that's fine hung my boy step right in boy step right [Applause] in well I'm going to turn in you B can sleep over there don't make no noise when you wash up the dishes [Applause] well guess I'll go for a little walk you want to come no I'm too sleepy okay I'll see you later [Applause] I am so glad to see you Tony I couldn't get very much oh this is fine thank [Music] you what is funny you look like a chipmu nibbling on that bread have some no thanks I ate already m well I guess I better shove off do not go please I got to get back but why do not stay I might get suspicious if I stay away too long do you think maybe there will be trouble not a chance you'll be safe sleeping here and then we'll leave in the morning want is notice [Applause] Tony good night neita [Applause] [Applause] leave me alone that sounded like an eater I usually offer her keep out of this [Music] give it h what you [Music] do hey I have violence don't temp me in Papa's Bank yeah that was a Chum stunt you might have gotten a knife in your back so what are you all right lad yeah I'm okay let good the next round's coming up you know Munk may become very unreasonable when he resumes his usual animated self perhaps you better join the Ladi a fat chance of finding her she was wearing Wings when she left last swell with me she sure got us in a nice mess well at any rate if we're going to fight another day now is the time to run away hey go ahead boys Jo you are all right child sure I'm okay I could not leave without knowing don't let me stop Jo that's a way to talk to a lady come on I tell you professor she's a jinx the point is MD we emerg from the Skirmish UNSC the point is a guy can't go anywhere without getting mixed up with some di why she Pig great compliment my boy you should be proud trust you proud what I ought to really do is give her a darn good spanking and vend her home an an where where is your home my dear the home I had was in Spain my name is Santos Anita Santos well very Charlie here you don't look Spanish to me my mother was American my father Spanish where's your family now I have no family no more how did you get over here I go to France and when I get a job as steart as on a l because I speak English so good I leave ler in New York you jump I did not jump I walk off you can't do that but I could not go back and keep remembering what happened in my country what's your papers haven't you any papers no I have no papers you hear that professor she's in this country without any right she's going to get us on the jam yeah you can't fool with the government well where were you going indita my mother has a brother in California in the west of America well where in California I do not know the name of the town is California such a big place is C California big just take a look at this that's how big it [Applause] is she's got a fat chance of finding her uncle she doesn't even know where he is of course we'll find him why California isn't little big my dear it is nearly as big as world of Texas I'm so glad sometimes I worry but then I think it was better for me to weigh when there was so much to hope all those people back in Spain now don't you worry my dear you just leave everything to us eh oh thank you you are my good friends of course we are of course AR we boys you know it is nice to have a country state of your own it's a ranch well it doesn't matter what you call it I mean a place to live in peace and quiet a veritable Garden of Eden oh that's the green the old old dream eh yeah started out like a dream now it's more like a nightmare so how we going to get rid of her anyway we can hop off the next time they slow down T CH Tony that wouldn't be very polite of course if you're afraid to have her along I'm not afraid I just can't get mixed up in any trouble that's all I've got a ranch to think of oh I see now was for me you know I was thinking there are just two things worth looking at a woman a woman when she is peacefully slumbering and a good five course meal we can settle for a cigarette gladly thank you Anthony thank you know I'd like to know who stole my dough probably lost it in the fight I Tri my enemy a horrible [Music] thought she it's a beauty where'd you LIF her now don't desecrate my P glory land can I look at it why certainly my boy [Music] to be towns and th in appreciation from his p a l e o n t o l o g y class of 1922 what's that paleontology is a science which deals with the life of past geological periods it is based on the study of uh fossils it's Platinum must be wor 500 bucks The Treasure of years is beyond value you know one's Soul seems to shrink a little Against The Parting of of something you know what I think what I think you're [Music] nuts cut out these five empties they go to Meridian okay guess we better change cars [Music] hey yeah Pete latest hunting license for you and your Open Season boys anyone worth looking for enemies of the government yeah [Music] [Applause] a bunch of mice not one reward well think of all the credit you get nabbing a dangerous Foreigner slipped into the country yeah that's right might as well have a look at number [Applause] [Music] 16 hey [Applause] come on spr hey you st [Applause] professor your clothes s they have dry oh let's fine my dear I go Upstream now to wash my things I will not be much time [Applause] [Music] gosh I'd forgotten what clean socks felt like we do resent them now and then but there's nothing like having a woman around the house I'm me the camp I could have washed her myself anybody can wash clothes you don't have to put up with a dam just for that oh come come Josephus you should be more appreciative the little lady was very charming and she she did a good deed yes she did indeed yeah thought I'd take a little walk yeah that's a good idea well I'll see you later hello hello it is good to be clean again yes yeah it feels great I am so glad we sto here come we go for a walk no we got to get come Joey go okay you know this doesn't doesn't look like such bad land except their corn isn't doing so well that is not corn that is sorghum cane That's what I said corn a cane like you say the cane do not grow so well as the corn it's kind of soil I think now you know the trouble with the average farmer is he doesn't use any judgment now you see over there you know that's no place to plant wheat you think maybe that is why the farmer planted this oats Jo hey don't call me Joey okay [Music] [Applause] Joe don't these bad lands ever end I thought Arizona robust was your mod and that's just what my head is doing right now are you all right an yes only I have much thirst [Music] come come children here we are let's get some refreshments no need of us all going sto them for coing water I'll have plenty of time to get some grub that's an excellent idea Joe you get some water and I wait here with Anita [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey you Thief [Music] stop he isn't inside yet oh he'll be back t as a human compass [Music] here he comes now these walking kind of funny [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm afraid septic poising is setting but can you not do something extracting a bullet would be child's flavored buck shot requires better surgical equipment than a razor we'll have to get him to hospital without any further delay what are we going to use for do wait wait wait it's enough to drive a guy crazy why can't we see him why don't they tell us how he is compose yourself Joseph the boy will be all right oh I hope so I hope it's so much why He's a brave land with enough courage you may rest assured to overcome Melody and Misfortune you may commend now oh come children come this way how is he n he'll be all right but you mustn't stay too long hi gang hello Tony gosh Tony how do you feel huh okay I ain't no tender foot of course you're not you'll be hopping Freights again before you know it sure sure I will Tony can we do something for you anything at all ly Professor could I see your watch what well as a matter of fact I I well I left it at the Jewelers for repairs no you didn't you HED for me oh dismiss It cast it from your mind why it was a miserable watch it never kept good time shouldn't have done it now don't you worry about the thing no Tony cuz we're going to stay right here till you get well no you can't now I'm heading east just as soon as I oh no you're not you're going to the ranch with me you mean stay there sure I'm going to need a man to help me and I want you no I couldn't well why not I told you I got itching feet I can't stay in one place all right and I'm not leaving here till you say you'll come no none of us are okay you go on and I'll follow you okay Shake on it well we better go now goodbye Tony maybe sometime in Arizona I visit you on Joe's r everything's been taken care of ton it thanks I'd like to no no no don't say it you just get well and you'll hear from us well come on children bye tamy sh bye everything's been taken care of n no you try to get a little sleep you didn't tell I promised you didn't I well he talked about the ranch and I don't want no pity I don't want to be no dead weight no of course not but if you didn't tell him he yes because he really wanted me but no Ranch for me I'm going to have Freights I got itching feet now that's no way to act after all it was either yeah I know and know it's either my life or my leg sure why they let me die why they let me die you know I don't like the looks of this town I got a hunch we got to move on patience my boy no harm to Terry a bit how do you like it oh a splendid Choice my child makes you look like a modern Cinderella thank you Professor for the beautiful outfit oh think nothing of it do you not think it is pretty Joe oh yes I like it very much well let's get started huh yeah you know you this place fascinates me strangely what they study in Social economics all right Professor which bar do you want to study in where's your serious side now I'm serious when I say let's get out of here isn't it all so strange the people they seem so gay and so full of life really mask for their sorrows my dear I [Music] always come along my dear come [Music] [Applause] along but we do are human so let us soothe our heavy hearts with a little liquid B but mission is that not a place of reverence you will see my child that I rever that which is within come [Music] [Applause] children very interesting a general bit of Russia transplanted reminds me of those hard bursting nights of my youth at kind a tough looking is's no mind lady here's no mind no mind I think you Mamon me thank you very much Along come along I be you a would you mind just space here my thank you very much come on step right up step right you know your your wish is my command what have I would like to make mine a beer two beers a glass of milk did you say milk you heard correctly my good man this ain't no da I'm quite aware of that fact sir I think I'll have beer instead I know my child you asked for milk and milk should be we ain't got any milk I stand upon my constitutional rights I demand milk hey Tom get the boss say maybe yeah there mug over there ordered milk who ordered milk here that mug over there with a gray Derby I'll take care of him you have to order milk I said I'd hit beer instead never mind my dear if you want milk we'll get it someplace else I don't fancy this place anyway it's cheap and loud and vulgar come along my dear Come Along come I will okay listen to me you mug if you think for a minute towns I beg your pardon I'm afraid there must be some mistake good say the only mistake was made 20 years ago and I let you get away don't you remember your little cuddles May me were how indelicate of me how could I ever forget oh T and my little sweetie pie my Wy Wy she never talked like that before come come my dear all things in moderation uh may I present two Charming young people Joe and Anita yours Townson oh no my dear merely traveling companions oh you little Scamp you my dear since the day we parted heartbreak made me zealously guard the memory of our romance oh you little flatterer this calls for a celebration anything you want town it's all in the house you know his War re touches me m touches me deeply suppose we start with a bottle of champagne and a bottle of milk milk for the young lady I mean oh you hear that Mike a bottle of champagne the finest and a bottle of milk where am I going to get me milk I don't care where you find it your slug get me a bottle of milk or bring back the cow Charming place you have here baby festive very very festive yeah it's St veda's day the p s of all these rans who live here like in Spain we call it our feast day yeah sure that's uh-huh gee we're going to make this a party like no Russian has ever seen before party M hey you Sheriff come on stick your big nose in this bubble water no I can't I'm on a case it appears like these here folks is z Oh what are you talking about I got a report three people answering their description let the young fell named Tony casselli in the hospital this afternoon well now that's quite correct what about it well this of it you brought him in full of buck shot I got to ask some questions now look here CLM diggers you ain't got no right to question my friends I'll watch for these people sorry M the law is the law but but this is my good old friend Professor towns and Fa and his two Wards Joseph Riley and Anita Sandos what' you say her name was Anita santz Anita santz come on check the blood pressure and join the party yep yep I know it set your trap for a Pome ketchup Fox why there she is right there Anita Sanders you're under arrest I no B I do nothing of course not what's all this about she's wanted by the immigration authorities she nected to confer with him oh that's nonsense arresting a girl for a thing like that well I can't help it I've got to take her and I'm going to no no please don't you can't take her she hasn't done anything what do you know about it well she was with me oh so she was with you yeah all the time well then I'll just take you too take me what for for Aiden and the V an alien to evade the law that's 5 years 5 years but I only come across a country with her well that's five more years what Sheriff I tell you I'm innocent I hardly even know her how old are you 19 underage that's five more years I didn't know that either you're listening oh Jo I'm so sorry sorry now just look look at the mess you've got me into now I might have known something like this had happened 5 years 15 years one moment Sheriff you know you uh you overlook one very elastic consideration what's that why Sur do you recall your Blackstone no who is he that my friend is the lawyer's Bible oh tears out well we don't have much use for it around here I thought not the law states book of uh jurist Prudence of Immigration and Naturalization uh page 847 Clause 12 paragraph 3A of the statute of legal entry to it I beg your pardon let the girl may remain in the country and all charges against the boy be dropped if they marry marry yes but I couldn't but it's the law you wouldn't want your ignorance discovered in Washington would you oh no but I'd have why they came all the way across the country for the expressed purpose of marrying they did why certainly I I chaperoned them yes but that doesn't make besides Joseph A is a citizen of substance a ranch owner of Arizona it's all very simple don't argue with him sweetie Clen if I was you I wouldn't stop this marriage there's an election coming up ain't that rightful you be sorry if you don't you always want like Amy said we want the will yes well Professor seen as how these here people are all my good friends and seen as how they all want this marage that's the spirit CH drinks for everybody it's on the house my children you have come before me to swear one to the other the most solemn and sacred vow that a man and woman can make have you considered the consequence of such a vow yes it shall be your duty to establish a home to to abide in that home with each other forever to help love and cherish one another whether rich or poor whether ill or in good health do you here and now Pledge Your sacred word that you will keep the terms of this Covenant as long as you live yes very well do you Anita Santos take this man to be your lawfully wited husband yes and do you Joseph R take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife yeah I do the ring well I I'm afraid we've forgotten the Nal symbol oh no we didn't place the ring on her finger I pronounce you man and wife well go stand there like a dummy go on kiss her and here's something for your kids to start on what do you think about listen everybody up to the bar the drinks are on the house what's the matter look how he watches why kiss come on you [Music] BR come on my de let's make family right it's all very nice isn't it I'm glad you think so I know you did not want to marry me well there really wasn't much else I could do about it wasn't but you saved me from jail in order to save myself I guess oh say I full of thanks I'll forget it we just got in a spot and had to help each other out that time I understand of course we do not love each other that's right but we can get a divorce CH J that is what you [Music] want Bo come a not like me I got drunk on my wedding [Applause] night Che up BL you need is a Charming girl all women are Charming take maybe for instance generous loving bous I wonder where I met her bring your BL is never fails to fortify man oh where the B I haven't seen it for more than an hour upstairs well go on up Jo that's where you belong come on your [Music] la la [Music] la hey hey [Music] [Music] excellent my dear excellent yes but then you you always did make an excellent cup of coffe why D everything in moderation dear of course my oh hello morning good morning J good morning well well well well and how's the bridegroom this morning here you are now sit down sit down eat your fill of that that farmyard por I'm not very hungry oh yes you are Joe sit down where's the bride she's gone gone you mean fled yeah last night oh she left this for you oh but but this is IM marrow well I guess she did what she wanted wanted to you ought to be ashamed well I didn't tell her to run away new Young fool you don't know the right girl when you see her well right now I've got time for nothing but my Ranch you Blockhead and I'm heading for there right now are you ready Professor ready ah for a new existence I'm staying stay yes amid the Bounty and loveliness of my sweet love bird yes I want Townson to remain in charge in a place like this a weak defenseless little woman needs a man around well then I guess I'm afraid the road P here Joseph a boy and if I may say so it has really been well the nuts yes it has ah you've been SW Professor yeah I won't forget it maybe sometime you can get away and go for a vacation I mean come and visit me at the ranch my boy you're off of warms are very cuckles of my heart but I I have found my Garden of Eden one yeah you won't forget to look after Tony will you ready you may always depend upon my paternal instinct to goodbye M goodbye Joe goodbye goodbye son now take care of yourself take care of yourself found him yes my dear hello there how do you my name is Joe Riley I just bought a Ranch out here got 20 [Applause] acres pretty small town this Nester isn't it I like it less people to talk to well the name of my place is Shady Acres could you tell me how to get here see the Main Street well there's only one street that's it follow about 3 miles is there a sign yep but thanks I'll be seeing you down brother [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's your husband ma'am that's all and thanks very much all right m hello what are you doing here I did not know you would be here I wanted to see the ranch you told me so much about it what's all this things to fix the house you'll need them to live here have you been here before yes it will be lovely when you get it all fixed up well I'm not fixing it up I'm not staying you're not no so you can take that stuff back where you got it but it's yours I bought it with the money maybe gave well I don't want it if you thought I'd let you fix this place up so you can move in you're crazy Joe I only wanted to I don't want you to I didn't ask you to come here I told you to get a divorce I don't need you I don't need anybody no you are horrible I thought I would be gone before you got here so that you would not now I don't care what you do take the things burn them up bur up the whole Ranch I don't care listen Anita no I don't want to talk to you the things they will be ruined [Music] and need I'm sorry for what I said out there but I just didn't expect anything like this I'm sorry for what I say too Joe I go when it stops raining oh let it rain that's what I was saving up for a rainy day that's not too bad no it's perfect just the place to grow corn Al fala and sheep oh no you cannot do that but for other things it is good land now that land out there isn't fit for a war don't say that you have not seen land that has had war on it like in my country is torn andbe much worse than this that people will go back and make it grow things again it was different they had good land to start with well so is this toe for oranges grapes and olives what do you know about it I am born in Valena where we grow such things and land just like this yeah yes but it will need hard work you must clear the ground and plow it plow it where are we going to get a plow we haven't even got a horse but you will get a tractor and then now wait a minute a tractor costs money we can't afford to start out like that you rent it from someone else and when you plant the trees uhuh that's just wasting more money we'll get some oranges and plant The Siege oh no you cannot do that takes too long you buy the trees in the nursery where are we going to get all that dough you work with the man who has the big trees already picking fruit and packing and then you will make money to use for Lana to fix the house well this dump it'll be pretty with cleaning and scrubbing with tablecloths dishes curtains for the window look I'll show you when the window is wash it look much nicer yeah everything will be fine it won't take long after the trees are planted yeah after the trees are planted rows and rows of them 20 acres they smells so sweet when they have blossoms and when the fruit comes it is beautiful Jo yeah yeah while the trees are growing you have time to make the house grow too with more room and better soon it will be dark I'd better go now [Music] [Applause] yep and you want the divorce yep that's what we'll do all right oh how we do it we need the reason what do you want to use the whole thing the whole thing I sure the whole 20 acres and with you knowing all about growing grapes and oranges and olives you can help me get started ehh you mean you want me to stay here what do you suppose I've been talking about the divorce divorce yes you said you wanted me to isn't that just like a Dame when you have everything settled the trees almost than you practically bought a track do she wants to walk out on you no no I do not I only think you want me to go because because what because you do not love me don't love you where did you get that idea [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music]
Channel: A Word on Westerns
Views: 113,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free movie, Full movie, Glenn Ford movie, movie, classic movie, Famous People, celebrity, Richard Conte, Character actor, Jean Rogers, Ward Bond, Word's Wayback, A Word on Westerns, Rob Word, Hollywood, film history, star, actor, first film, movie star, leading man, pawn star, western star, Arizona, hobo, railroad, train, road, road movie, travel, depression era, barbed wire, co-star, film debut, cinema, romance, 1930s, debut, B movie, West, movie channel, pawn stars, vintage
Id: oQ-y6aJA1sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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