I turned my Fan into a Jet Engine (3D Printed EDF Afterburner)

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this is a fan and this is a better fan actually as an electric ducted fan or edf as the cool kids like to call it the edf is pretty powerful on its own but i say let's go all the way and add some combustion to this bad boy this video was brought to you by thanks after burner it's an additional combustion device that reheats the exhaust gases from jet engines to generate additional thrust like i said before an edf is an almost jet engine so i wonder what would happen if we added an afterburner to it this might work pretty well but let's just drop the might and say this works pretty well as usual i wasn't the first to think of this concept and a lot of people tried this on the internet i am on the path of a second version of a turbojet engine and this seems like a very good practice so let's go over what i'm gonna need um i'm gonna need fuel a fuel line a fuel injector ignition a flame tube so the combustion is not put out by the intense wind coming from the edf and a transparent enclosure yes i'm going transparent with this one i'm too curious not to peek inside i went with a thick acrylic tube that i believe will be protected by the peripheral flow of air i cut it with 30 centimeters using this fancy adapter that i 3d printed a while ago and that was it basically next the flame tube the flame tube is just a tube to hold the flame so i got a tube and i snapped it i didn't really i cut it with a saw but i wanted to look cool to create some turbulence that allows the air to slow down and thus make combustion possible i cut the tube vertically so i could bend it and create some fins and that's it that was actually pretty easy what wasn't pretty easy was making the fuel line slash injector i had to bend the brass tube using the power of fire and it's customary for me to mess this up the reason why i have to bend it is so i can use only one continuous tube to guide the fuel and disperse it into the flame tube to disperse the fuel properly i drilled five one millimeter holes barely [Music] it's very important to disperse the fuel but it's even more important to ignite it let's talk ignition i normally use a spark plug to ignite the fuel air mixture but this is always complicated because it forces me to generate high voltages which is not easy to accomplish with a simple setup so this time i use the glow plug a goplug or incandescent plug is a method of ignition used in diesel engines where you pass a big electric current through a filament to make it really hard like in a light bulb i got one of these plugs and i gave it a test okay oh boy that's hot oh that's really hot okay let me see if it can uh ignite the gas oh again pretty well i would call that a success i still don't have a way to mount it on into the flame tube i need to find a way to do that i really needed to find a way to connect the glow plug to the flame tube and because of the intense temperature coming from the glow plug i was not getting away with 3d printing and adapter but then i thought i have a cnc machine now what if i machined an adapter in aluminium so machine i did kind of you see machining aluminium is not easy for a cnc newbie like me it took me a few tries and some depressing failures to get it working the fact that i was super scared of the machine didn't really help when this machine is cutting metal it sounds like a mad cow on a killing rampage anyway i eventually got my adapter can you see it it's my first machined aluminium fart i mean it's not super pretty but come on oh and if it fits pretty well look i just need to clean it up and i have the part that i need it how awesome is that i love cnc machining okay let's test the ignition oh i can already see it it's getting red and now feel not working you oh it works look at that and if i turn it upside down oh that's too much oh jesus christ shut it down no sponsor time i am very good at 3d modeling okay maybe i'm not saying that in the best way possible i am a genius i can do the extrudes the lofts the revolves the sweeps and even the mirrors oh yeah you didn't think i was gonna talk about that one did you not everyone is gifted in such a way but be it to find 3d models to print or to share the great 3d models your genius brain design you need a place and that place is thanks thanx is the fastest growing 3d community with around 3 million available models to search star and collaborate on they support over 20 file types and every model is automatically converted to augmented reality find things build things share things together i like to share my 3d models with you guys so you guys can replicate the projects and improve on them so i can still set improvements and take all the credit thank you as always in this video i'm sharing all the 3d models that were used check out my models using the link in the description down below search collaborate and share your models with thanks by using the link in the description down below you're not only becoming a part of the 3d printing community but you're also helping me make more videos like this and to that i have to say spasipa back to the video the ignition was working pretty well but i was still delivering the fuel by hand which is not very fancy the radio controller that i was using to control the edf as this special wheel thingy that is normally used to control the direction on rc cars and to steer those cars is normally use the servo motor knowing that i designed the fuel mechanism to press the discharging outlet of a lighter charging can [Music] few with all of that done i assembled my edf afterburner and gave it a test so this is gonna fit here [Music] and this is gonna fit here and if everything goes well i have a jet engine but this is the flame tube can you see that [Music] the frame yes [Music] okay testing the edf [Music] okay [Music] that's insane okay oh my god i think this scan is already empty and check that i mean it's not empty but i don't think the fluid is getting to the top i think i'm going to mount this vertically because like that i always have healed [Music] yeah yep yeah i'm gonna mount this vertically [Music] oh it's working [Music] the motor is stuck i don't know exactly what happened but the motor is not rotating it's stuck i think i killed the motor this is no bueno so what happened there is that i'm a and i was powering an edf that can barely handle 12 volts with a 16 volt battery as you can imagine the engine went kaput where other people would see idiotic failure i see opportunity you see on a turbojet engine you don't really use a normal fan to suck air in you use a centrifugal fan so this was a good chance for me to design one 3d print it and test it i designed one using solidworks and 3d printed it in pla to spin the fan i used this monster motor that has 2 000 kilowatts of power i know it's an overkill but if the fan doesn't work at least i know it's not lack of power i assembled the motor on the centrifugal fan and gave it a test but unfortunately i forgot to turn on the microphone on the camera look at my stupid past self he only had one job idiot he was too anxious because the lunch was frances xenia which is his favorite dish franceschini is this portuguese fancy sandwich that is drowned in gravy it was created by a portuguese cook a long time ago that was trying to copy the french croque monsieur and he failed spectacularly anyway i digress what i was trying to say on that clip is that the motor is scary and super powerful you can see the pla impeller bending because of the radial tension i assembled the fan on the acrylic tube and gave it a test first ask for the monster modak i need my glasses [Music] [Music] uh it smells so much like propane like shin edge why why don't you work i don't know what's going on that wasn't working pretty well and i got to the reason pretty quickly this is a centrifugal fan which means it's not generating fast flow like the other fans is generating high pressure flow which means i needed a constriction so i cut a part of the big acrylic tube and attached the smaller acrylic tube let's go full throttle [Music] [Music] jesus christ round two fights [Music] i think i'm out of here are you out of here my darling i think you are yep empty i'll need to change this new bottle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe i need to give you a rest [Music] this project is filled with failures successes and lessons to learn before i move on to making the second version of the turbo jet engine i want to make a more powerful version of this engine and to do that i'm going to have to get better with machining aluminium pre-heat the fuel before it's injected into the combustion chamber and most important of all design a better centrifugal fan this project taught me a lot and i hope it can teach you as well as i mentioned before i'm sharing all the 3d files in the description of the video and if you don't have a 3d printer to print ad files don't worry i'm giving you a chance to win one on my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was tonykey360 and he suggested that i could mount a small chemistry lab to concentrate my own peroxide that sounds safe if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer um anyway i'm going to go eat a francis xenia because jet engines make me hungry stay tuned because the next video is about brackets and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Integza
Views: 4,641,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C2OmUBpn66k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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