Designing a Futuristic Magnetic Turbine (MHD drive)

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oh that is just Next Level the volume on this is insane a few months ago I started digging into mhd drives or Magneto hydrodynamic thrust it's a super exotic type of thrust that uses no moving parts and is straight out of Science Fiction better yet producing it is incredibly easy like many videos on YouTube show all that's needed are two electrodes a magnet and some salt water plus electricity for the sake of categories I call these unidimensional thrusters so after physically testing numerous variables I designed what I consider a two-dimensional Thruster it showed some potential with speeds in excess of 35 CM a second like many first prototypes the design showed some promise but had plenty of room for improvement from the magnets and electrodes to the geometry and repairability it could all improve after considerable redesign Printing and testing I found a solution in the form of what I like to call a three-dimensional brm thruster [Music] this video is sponsored by novium okay so mhd thrust can be used to move water plasma or any conductive fluid however I'm most interested in its use for marine Transportation now we've had propellers since the beginning of time so what's the point well both gasoline powered boats and Diesel ships emit tremendous amounts of noise pollution into the ocean which can have detrimental effects on marine life they don't like that while they're not perfect mhd drives might offer a quieter alternative they also don't have any moving Parts which is just cool taking a look at my first mhd Thruster a few design improvements come to mind for starters these magnets are metal meaning they conduct electricity so when this is submerged underwater they act as kind of a partial short circuit between the electrodes robbing power out of the system this isn't fully submerged but you get the idea next the magnetic fields on the top top and the bottom are fully exposed this is a big inefficiency because while the main output goes backwards this exposure causes a counter current to flow forward the nozzle I designed is far too constrictive it slows output the electrodes are easily corroded and lastly the magnets I used are not the most powerful grade of neodymium ease of repair and assembly were also super high on my list as well so after a copious hours staring into space I realized a radial design might be the way to go so I got to work designing a Thruster that solved all these issues looking for magnets similar in dimension to what I used last time I dug a little deeper and found identical sizes but stronger in pole while the old ones were n42 these were n45 I ordered 16 and quietly cried I then hopped on to and looked for an outer electrode and inner electrode both made of 316 stainless steel with supplies ordered I sat down for a super intensive 3D modeling session after 2 days I reached the design which held magnets between two circular electrodes in a radial fashion the magnets could be waterproofed and then slid into these separate compartments with the hardest part behind me I hit print and prepared for one hell of a [Music] wait removing the supports on this print was about as fun as a first date you know what I'm talking about I do love how it came out though shortly afterwards both my stainless steel pipes arrived as well as the most magnetic box in the world containing my 16 neodymium magnets absolute powerhouses of strength turns out these pipes weren't cut to Specs so a quick sanding fix that to ensure these magnets don't conduct electricity while underwater I laid them out individually a bit like a ceremonial sacrifice and gave them the onew flexial treatment now that's a lot of damage after those dried I had everything needed to assemble the Thruster the beauty of this design lies in just how simple it is to assemble or disassemble for repairs the inner electrode slides into place as does the outer electrode it's that simple that looks really good let's test [Music] it before initial tests here was the intention behind my design the inner tube is the positive electrode and the outer tube the negative so the electric field will radiate outward from the center the magnets are all positioned to produce a magnetic field perpendicular to this electric field and the entire magnetic field is being utilized we'll see if it works as intended I didn't do many calculations I just went off principles I learned from the first Thruster after printing a custom stand and mixing 15 gallons or so of salt water it was good to go all right let's start with 10 volts curious yes it works it's pretty slow but it it works I repeated the test three times and found average velocity of 17 cm a second this is 15 volts yeah yeah yeah faster velocity so cool wow with another triplicate test average velocity was now 20 cm a second let's hit 20 volts and oh look at that column of water you can definitely see that column of water moving faster velocity still this time the average output was 28.5 per second and 25 volts Ah that's a massive increase in output definitely the fastest output so far but uh it's still not as fast as I'd like and with the final triplicate test velocity averaged 37 CM a second as you can clearly see this is a positive correlation the Thruster clearly worked though not quite as well as I would have hoped so after some additional thinking I realized this design already had room for improvement namely hydrodynamics the front and back are just flat this slows down the intake of water and produces Eddy currents behind the supports visible right here which increases drag so I sat down for an intense redesign of this Thruster using on shape for starters I added a trailing taper to decrease drag on the output as well as a removable Central insert then I flipped it around and molded a hydrodynamic front end this is the design program I've used for all of my 3D printing projects because it's really simple and designed to be used by pretty much anybody I've grown quite fond of it and I'll leave a link in the description down below so you can try it for free shooting the design over to my prussa it got to work bringing this final design to life well that's going to be printing forever just like every single one of these attempts took now if you've followed my channel for a while you might have noticed that my builds are usually very clean and precise because quite frankly I have a preference for a product that completely looks the part so that's why for this video sponsor I've partnered with novium they create unique and innov ative high-end products like their levitating hover pens with the goal to inspire creativity and curiosity not unlike the goal of my channel so this guy is their Interstellar hover pen it's a space inspired design tilts at 23.5° as a tribute to the Earth's axis and comes with the option to embed a piece of meteorite in the handle look I love meteorites and have a huge collection that's just cool it also comes in various colors such as Mars magma and Neptune blue as well as 18 karat goldplated they also have their future Edition hover pen which is a 2inone fountain SL roller ball pen and tilts nearly sideways these things are the perfect combination of Art and space and I'll be honest they provide an incredible writing and drawing experience so it's really no shocker they won Time magazine's Award for best inventions in 2022 this makes them an awesome gift for anybody who loves science you can find these at novium and I'll leave links in the description down below definitely go check them out and and use code plasma for 10% off plus free shipping worldwide awesome designs and speaking of designs let's fast forward to my print being done oh it took a staggering 51 hours to print but the results were worth the wait after drilling a few placement holes in the inner tube each of 12 magnets were slid into place then the outer casing and inner casing bolting the tubes in place provided stability but also an electrical connection for the positive to top it off I inserted the exhaust which locks right [Applause] [Music] in okay the rebuild is complete and a lot of work went into this so let's give it some power and see what it's capable of here goes 15 volts oh oh that's definitely better that's a lot better while this view is great for measuring velocity and end on view provides an amazing window into electrolytic gas gas production and it's crazy how fast it occurs velocity wise this redesign now pushes 28 CM a second here's 25 oh that is just Next Level the volume on this is insane adding D to the input really helped to visualize the flowr on this Thruster you can clearly see the input is laminar and the output turbulent which is really cool and it's quite clear the trailing tapers added were doing their job of focusing the thrust Allin with 25 volts on this redesign velocity now averaged 47 CM a second well that's a problem so the radial topography used here clearly shows some promise I'm really excited about it I'm pretty happy with the results as well let's contrast this design against its predecessor the first design produced an exhaust velocity of 35 CM a second resulting in a flow rate of 250 m/ second and requiring 12 s at 25 volts the brm Thruster produced an exhaust velocity near 50 cm/ second resulting in a flow rate of 3,650 m/ second and requiring 30 amps at 25 volts different performances but they rely on identical [Music] science essentially this Thruster is a solidstate turbine that relies on the principles of Magneto hydrodynamic thrust that's a type of thrust that uses no moving Parts but does rely on a sibling rivalry so to speak between magnetic fields and electric Fields I touched on this relationship in my first Marine Thruster video when a magnetic field interacts with an electric field that is oriented perpendicularly the electric charge carriers experience a force in the Z direction that is called a loren force and in this case what are the charge carriers the electrified water as you can recall from earlier this design creates a perpendicular alignment between electric and magnetic fields material-wise I chose 316 stainless steel tubing because it's super resist resistant to corrosion but it will eventually corrode away from electrolysis so to repair the Thruster it's as easy as slipping off either tube and replacing with new while this Thruster may not have the output comparable to a propeller it does come with an advantage it's more silent to operate both above and below water and involves zero moving Parts you know it might be interesting to build a boat using a couple of these thrusters let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and don't forget to subscribe to see what I work on next over the years I've shot videos covering everything from Tesla coils plasma tables and ionic thrusters to atmospheric electricity nuclear fusion and levitation building and documenting innovative ideas is a huge passion of mine it is a huge honor being able to produce these videos and thank you very much for watching you Stay classy
Channel: Plasma Channel
Views: 446,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: “Water bending”, Water bending, controlling elements, Avatar, Plasma, physics, Science, Discovery, High Voltage, “High Voltage”, “Voltage multiplier”, Tesla Coil, Vandergraff Generator, Electrostatic, “static electricity”, Lightning, Electronics, Plasma globe, Plasma Channel, Jay, Plasma Nation, Van Der Graaff, Marx generator, high power, Ozone, Ionic wind, Corona, Marine, whales, ocean, Magnetohydrodynamic, MHD, thrust, ionic, October
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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