Glamrock Bonnie: FNAF's BIGGEST Rabbit Hole, SOLVED! | FNAF Ruin Theory

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ever since security breach released the absence of Bonnie was one of the most prominent questions we've had the game teased this mystery constantly yet barely gave us any definitive information about him then when ruin released steel wo literally showed us the actual broken shell of glamrock Bonnie and yet somehow managed to only give us more questions about it but I think it's been enough time the community has answered a few of these questions and I think I'm here to answer the rest so slices put on your aprons and let's bake ourselves a theory let's start by going over everything we know about Bonnie from security breach ruin and any other Associated media from security breach we honestly don't get much we get this definitive image and this likely image from a Bonnie bowling sign and a child's drawing respectively we also get three messages that reference him in some way missing which reads security report 12:24 a.m. Bonnie is seen leaving his Green Room in Rockstar row heading east towards the atrium 2:40 a.m. Bonnie enters the East arcade 4:12 a.m. Bonnie enters Monte golf under study which reads management Report with Bonnie out of commission we're making Monty the new base player parts and service have already done the proper adjustments this could be a good thing Monty could be even more popular than Bonnie and rethe which reads management report the bowling alley needs a rethe while most of the Bonnie art was removed kids keep asking where's Bonnie do we have an officially approved response the only other information we get about this rabbit is that his claws are specifically designed to allow him to play bass but they're also able to be very distructive Ive like what we see with Monty but other than that information on this guy kind of dries up man I did not see that rock this is going to make running difficult but I guess I'll manage next page okay today's video is brought to you by Morgan and Morgan for the people injured and don't know where to start with Morgan and Morgan it's so easy because Morgan and Morgan has modernized the injury law process making it so easy to submit case details sign contracts and more all from your phone with Morgan and Morgan you can submit a claim without ever having to leave the couch you don't need to sit through stuffy consultations or go to law offices or wait forever in eight clicks or less you can submit a claim to Morgan and Morgan so if you're ever injured in an accident you can check out Morgan and Morgan you can submit a claim in eight clicks or less without ever having to leave the couch for more information go to for thee or dial pound law that's pound 529 in your cell phone thanks again to Morgan organ for sponsoring today's video well deeper still I guess maybe if I find whoever owns these Woods I'll send them in notice to be honest ruin isn't much help either granted we get some more information emphasis on some we get to see the official story given out by fazar entertainment essentially Bonnie retires from the band gives his base to Monty and just goes on with his life we also get to see the still active shattered remains of Bonnie behind the bowling alley in a back room I still lit broken bowling ball around around his head notably there is one more bit of I guess you could call Bonnie information the wet floor Bots this is a bit of a mystery so far in the community but basically there are 27 wet floor Bots that you can find scattered throughout the ruin DLC up until Bonnie bowling they have glowing eyes and while you're wearing the mask they scream at you in this Echo and chorus of voices while you're wearing said vanny mask you can actually deactivate them their eyes turn off the screaming stops and they Lurch over if you manage to do this to all 27 of them one more spawns in the corner of Bonnie bowl and if you deactivate that one it opens a secret room where you can find four more surrounding Bonnie and if you deactivate all four of those finally Bonnie's eyes turn off so all in all there's 32 wet floor Bots that are somehow connected to the power of Bonnie so what's the deal with this like what's actually going on here we've got several questions to answer and I'm going to try to answer them all in my eyes the most pertinent questions are one when was Bonnie destroyed two two who destroyed Bonnie three why was Bonnie destroyed and four what is the connection between Bonnie and these wet floor bots so let's go chronologically down the list and knock out the first two questions I had always been personally hesitant to assume that Monty was the one that destroyed Bonnie at least specifically out of jealousy or want to join the band it just never sat right for a long time mainly before ruin I had theorized that vany programmed Monty to destroy Bonnie in order to get parts to repair burn trap with but then ruin came along and showed us that all of Bonnie's parts are still behind Bonnie bowling so that motive is kind of not good anymore that doesn't have any evidence backing it up now the method however still makes sense to me but a fellow theorist just came out with a theory that pretty much fully convinced me last week ID's fantasy put out a video going over the weird mushy part of the timeline between security breach and ruin it's really good go check it out here after you're done with this video but part of that video goes over what possibly happened to glamrock Bonnie and she along with inspiration and additional evidence from Glen Mike trash on Tumblr posited that this prototype Freddy was actually the one who committed the Act and the method and surrounding context here does make a lot of sense after all like I've been saying Monty has so much animosity and aggression towards Freddy but no evidence of it towards Bonnie there's a lot of really good evidence and other information about this in her video so I do recommend watching that when you're done here but using that theory we can place destruction pretty early in the timeline and say that a prototype version of Freddy was the one to do him in the questions that still remain however would be why did prototype Freddy destroy him and what is the connection with Bonnie and the wet floor Bots well I've got some pretty compelling evidence for the second one but the first one is admittedly a little rough I'll be honest here there is incredibly little evidence for emotive behind Bonnie's destruction prototype Freddy or otherwise frankly the best I can offer here is some kind of speculation based around the context of what the animatronics were going through at the time that speculation would be glitch trap and veny first tried to overtake the Prototype version of glamrock Freddy before any of the other animatronics the thinking here might be that because it was a prototype it could have had less security protocols and be easier to breach in general and although it was whatever it did have did not mesh well with overriding it by Glitch traps virus specifically overriding the relationship that Freddy and Bonnie had they were Incredibly Close Freddy doesn't go into the bowling alley on account of how much he misses Bonnie in Bonnie's Green Room there's not only a Freddy statue on his desk but a signed poster that says forever and ever love Freddy in other words Freddy and Bonnie are boyfriends this is Canon I don't make the rules I just say them anyways in the opening cut scene of security breach we see Freddy Short's circuit now he does this when he presumably targets Gregory and if the books are to be believed he is very close to the boy that he thinks is Gregory at the the time was GGY but that's neither here nor there so if a regular version of Freddy short circuits and pretty much passes out when trying to Target something it likes I can imagine a prototype Freddy could have just went wild and start lashing out at everything around him when the program told him to Target something he liked AKA glamrock Bonnie so maybe it went on a rampage and destroyed glamrock Bonnie above Monte Gator Golf and that's the best explanation I've got so far maybe someone else can help but that's what we're working with right now now let's move on to something kind of equally loose but something I feel much stronger about the wet floor Bots one thing that stood out to a lot of us in the community is that in the files the wet floor Bots are tracked by a counter labeled Souls when one is deactivated the counter decreases by one so if this is something that means something and isn't just a fun nickname the devs gave it then that would be implying that each wet floor bot has a soul but why where would they even come from we're talking about 32 individual wet floor Bots each each with their own soul where would we even get that many victims if we think of confirmed victims the only ones that come to mind are from the security breach Alleyway ending in which we see Gregory pull up a newspaper that says missing local residents continue to disappear and nine Silhouettes so I tried to see if there's any way you could link the Silhouettes in the paper with the wed floor Bots and I don't think this is the right way to go about it but the best way you could argue for the newspaper Silhouettes is if you take one silhouette away because Gregory is right there assuming that this silhouette is Gregory then we have eight Silhouettes and 32 wet floor bots so you could divide that and get four wet floor Bots per soul and maybe just because they're small the soul gets split up now I don't think this is true but I'll go into why but technically very technically you could argue we have one piece of evidence that can support this now I don't think this is likely but if for whatever reason you want to argue for this explanation twice in these games we see something that could be hinting towards a soul split spitting into four robots in the beginning of security breach we see four staff Bots surrounding a broken staff bot on the ground and in ruin a broken glamrock Bonnie surrounded by four wet floor Bots I think these are both just give gifts give life's references but if you want to you could make the argument that this is a subtle way of the game telling us that some Souls could be split into four but again I don't think that's true one it's a stretch at best but two the counter that tracks the W floor Bots is called Souls not parts of soul SS or Soul parts or anything like that for a cleaner answer I think we would need 32 victims to match up with 32 wet floor Bots and I still think we would need some kind of connection for why they would choose to possess essentially service equipment of all things wait service service workers Fazbear employees okay so as some of you may know security breach had several messages referring to something called the all staff meeting essentially all service staff are required to attend this and at this meeting it's incredibly likely that they were all fired and told they were going to be replaced by staff Bots but it's been theorized as well that VY took this opportunity to kill off all the remaining staff that were starting to catch on to what was going on at the pizzaplex that would be a large amount of dead workers but the issue is we never really get a clear number luckily many have theorized the location of this meeting notably in fnaf's first security breach theory he goes into this location the cafeteria of the loading dock where we find the message pink slip that goes into the workers being placed this whole area is dirty and damaged but specifically this corner of these sectioned off tables are heavily damaged the majority of signs of a struggle are in this location the same sectioned off tables that are right in front of a massive sign talking about staff Bots and logically it would make sense if the meeting just took place in this corner they probably wouldn't take up the entire cafeteria just section off the tables they need if you've ever worked in an environment like this you've seen this happen so I counted every every single chair in that sectioned off area and I got 25 so not 32 but those aren't the only missing Fazbear employees are they because in the therapy CDs we can collect we meet a total of five therapists now one of them is confirmed dead and two are confirmed missing but it's heavily implied that all five end up dead that would bring us to a total of 30 which is closer but it's still not quite there all the evidence we have suggests that 25 Fazbear employees were killed at the all staff meeting and that five therapists that were employed by Fazbear were also killed and that's where I thought the trail would go cold but the duffel bags had one more trick up their sleeve two exit interviews one of them is a message from a perspective of someone trying to beat the princess Quest machines arcade conspiracy quote exit interview they're working together the arcades they are hiding something the glitches glitch them all at the same time then the princess will recognize me she's testing me I am not yet worthy the others are protecting it let me stay I am so close just one more night please I can save the princess the other one is catching on to What's Happening Here night shift exit interview of course I got stuck in the arcade every time I exit the security office I get locked out if it's not my low clearance level then I need a stupid party pass I'm on the security team shouldn't I have access to everything I swear those things are messing with me this place is not safe give me my $100 and I'll go both of these employees were being interviewed before leaving the pizz Plex and both of them on some level knew something was going on if vanessa was the one to conduct these interviews then it would make sense if VY wanted to tie up lose ends and just kill them then in fact killing them off might have been the inspiration for the all staff meeting in the first place and if those two are victims that would bring our total up to 32 the exact same number of wet floor bots so if that's true why are they connected to Bonnie one thing to note is that Bonnie is powered on at first something that being back there so long should be impossible however we've seen power in the these animatronics go on much longer than they should if they're currently possessed but who would this 33rd Soul be I think it would be someone also introduced within the ruined DLC I've been a big proponent of the theory that Cassie's dad is much more important to the plot of security breach ruin than we're giving him credit for because I think he was the only technician at the pizz Plex to truly begin to understand what was really going on and because of that vany or someone associated with her ends up bumping him off Cassie's dad was a lot of things but what's important to today's theory is that he was a mega fan of the franchise and Bonnie was his favorite character he also knew what happened to Bonnie if he was trying to fix this pizz Plex maybe even because of what happened to Bonnie then upon dying he definitely have some unfinished business what exactly am I implying here well bake with me for a second as I lay out exactly what I think happened to glamrock Bonnie Cassie's dad on the brink of discovering everything that glitch trap and vany have been doing at the pizz Plex is killed silenced a problem wiped clean by van and glitch trap but his job isn't finished he needs to save this pizz Plex and he needs to ensure his daughter will be okay his Restless Soul moves its way into his favorite animatronic glamrock Bonnie but once in although he's powered it it's been too damaged to be able to move he's trapped in this back room trying to extend into anything he can reach nearby but as he lay back there he can sense his fellow Fazbear employees one by one being killed off just as Charlie did before him as we've seen in the earlier games FNAF likes to have someone to Shepherd the souls Charlie is off either doing something else or has moved on Cassie's dad is the new Shepherd he begins to lead his co-workers into somewhere that they can still remain in this world the wet floor Bots at some point VY begins to catch on that more and more of these wet floor Bots keep staring at her scre screaming at her in any way they can terrified of that mask and she sees the same glow from glamrock Bonnie's eyes she tries to deactivate him breaks a bowling ball over his head but nothing works she moves on she's got bigger fish to fry but that rabid thing stays in her mind maybe someday someone else with the vany mask can get rid of it for good is that definitely the deal with what these wet floor Bots are dude I don't know I've been wrong before in fact if you want to know what else I've been wrong about in predicting about ruin you can check out this video right here but what do you think happened to these wet floow Bots I'm really curious to see what your thoughts are in the comments in the meantime a huge shout out to the best channel members the dough risers and until next time as always stay toasty slices
Channel: RyeToast
Views: 180,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys, security breach, five nights at freddys security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf, five nights at freddy's security breach, FuhNaff, security breach update, fnaf sb dlc, fnaf news, fnaf security breach dlc, security breach dlc, Vanny, Vanessa, uhyeah, Pastra, glamrock freddy, glamrock chica, DLC, Steel Wool, indie game, Game Theory, Dawko, Markiplier, fanf, fnaf ruin, sb ruin, ruin dlc, ruin trailer, fnaf ruin dlc trailer, MXES, M.X.E.S, M.X.E.S. FNAF, FNAF 6
Id: eZfCO5e52ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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