What is the Lore of the FNAF Movie?! | FNAF Theory

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these sag after actors have won unions are based workers deserve their rights and everything else and the studios can suck it but also now that the strike is over I can talk about the FNAF movie as much as I want and not feel guilty about it so let's do that going into the FNAF movie a lot of us assume that it was going to be a kind of silverized Novel situation AKA similar characters and locations but a reimagining of the FNAF story and spoilers ahead but that's pretty much what we got however keep in mind what the Silver Eyes did for us sure it wasn't the story of FNAF spelled out for us so we could finally understand it but it did teach us a lot about things like Remnant the family dynamics of the aftons and the emilies and how they interact the beginning of fazbears Illusion discs robot humans even so my question is what is the lore of the FNAF movie that we know so far and how does that lore teach us about the game lore so slices put on your aprons and let's bake ourselves a theory and yeah we're still moving uh actually we're moving again it's a really long story and maybe I'll rant about it on the podcast who knows but because of that full green screen episode again I am still in a blank room I'm sure you can tell by the Echo and no cat but at least this time I have the official R toast YouTu that is out right now it's a plush it's 9 in tall it's soft enough to be a pillow but firm enough to give a good squish like look look what I can do to this guy I can just he's got a little apron and yes you heard me correctly this you is live right now you can get him on you.com or you can go in the description click that link my pin comment click that link but if you want one be fast because once this guy sells out he is gone he's no more and they're only going to be live for 2 weeks so time is of the essence like you've got two weeks if that in case they sell out I don't actually know how many they made so be fast anyway on a first watch you can already tell that the lore of this movie goes deep but before we can really delve into it we should go go over a quick plot summary after all the movie came out like a week and a half ago even like 2 weeks ago so you might need a refresher in the movie we follow Mike Schmidt who lost his younger brother Garrett due to a kidnapping in Nebraska when he was very young since then his mother had died and his father is out of the picture the only thing he ever says about his father is that he couldn't handle it so that could imply that he's dead or it could imply that he just left we don't really have confirmation there but because of that he is the sole legal guardian of his younger sister Abby he has a hard time holding a job and he spends every night revisiting the dream memory of his younger brother being taken in the hopes that he can see any kind of identifying factors about the guy who did it eventually out of desperation he takes a job as the overnight security guard for Freddy fazber's pizza place this job being offered to him by Steve Raglin there he continues to go to bed every night searching in his dreams for any identifications of his brother's kidnapper but when he does it this night he sees five children in his dream as well we learn later that these are the ghosts of the missing child incident kids the next day he meets Vanessa the local cop who seems to know way too much about Freddy's the next day due to his previous babysitter being in a bit of a time crunch he has to bring Abby along with him and even though there was literally a Breakin the day of with like criminals that absolutely trashed the place he still thinks it's perfectly safe to go to bed while Abby is literally in the location with him when he wakes up he finds that the animatronics are actually tickling her and she's screaming out of having a fun time it's then and through a later conversation that he realizes these animatronics are haunted by ghost children the same ghost children he saw in his dreams and the same ghost children that Abby has apparently been talking to for some time eventually he goes back during the day goes to sleep and tries to ask these children for any information about his brother's kidnapper but instead the spirit of golden Freddy shows him a vision of his brother not being kidnapped and says that he can have this Vision every time he dreams if he gives them Abby in a moment of emotionally manipulated weakness he does say yes but he immediately changes his mind and says no and to stay away which causes the children to brutalize him he wakes up beaten and bloody but tries to run gets cornered by foxy and is also put in the weird saw trap I didn't mention earlier he escapes again and is eventually saved by Vanessa and taken care of however Vanessa explains to him that her real father is William Aton the guy who owns Freddy feser's pizza and the guy who killed those five kids and put their bodies inside the animatronic suits she also tells him that her father is able to manipulate these robots into doing what he wants sends there after Abby he goes back to the pizza place and tries to save her just barely showing up while chica was trying to put her into an El doll spring lock suit they try to leave but run into the man of the hour William Afton wearing the spring Bonnie suit he's winning for for a good bit there but eventually Abby is able to remind the children that he killed them with a drawing and once they're reminded they immediately turn on him his spring locks activate and he's down for the count then they get out of there and the movie's over so now that the plot has been covered what's the actual lore of this movie like what is the underlying story that we're trying to find out here well I think we first should start with the establishing some family trees we have the Schmidts and the aftons the Schmidts comprise of what know so far two unnamed parents Mike Abby Garrett and their Aunt Jane whereas the only known members of The Afton family we have are William and Vanessa notably however both of them go by fake names William Aton goes by Steve Raglin and Vanessa Aton goes by Vanessa Shelly for William it's definitely to hide his true identity so he doesn't you know get arrested or have some weird suspicions but for Vanessa the situation is a bit more strange especially because if William Aton is using a completely fake name in Steve Raglin why are we to assume that Vanessa's fake name is just her last name it could be possible that Vanessa Shelly is a completely fake name which does open the door to the chance of her real name being Elizabeth afon now we have no evidence of this it's pure speculation but I think there is a non-zero chance that that could be the case not to mention in that final confrontation William tells Vanessa you had one job keep him in the dark and kill him if you finds out too much which implies she was taking commands directly from him it implies they've been doing this as a thing they've been doing for some time so you would think they both have similar fake names going into it regardless we have these two families the aftons and the Schmidts but there seems to be a connection between these two families as well in the job interview scene with William and Mike William doesn't recognize Mike at all seemingly but when he sees the last name Schmidt he stops pauses then does a Double Take and recognizes Mike I mentioned this in the Easter egg video but to me this is telling us that the name is what really triggered his memory then he started to try to figure out if he recognized Mike so the name Schmidt is important enough to him to remind him of a specific kidnapping he did several several years ago which I know that sounds silly to say out loud but keep in mind it's William Aton here in the games he kills like 11 plus kids at least so to me one random name out of those 11 doesn't seem too significant but I hear you sure he could just remember all of his victim names and he was trying to see if he remembered a stray brother there but remember that Garrett was kidnapped while camping in Nebraska it'd be one thing if Garrett was kidnapped out of Freddy's then like we have some something to go with there but he was kidnapped in Nebraska and if these court documents aren't just a stock asset and our maid specifically for the movie they list MNC courts.com Minnesota Minnesota is states away from from Nebraska so what was William Aton doing there all the way out there to kidnap and kill some random kid and yes we do have confirmation that he kills Garrett not just kidnaps him as far as Mike is aware he's just kidnapped but William says and I quote first I kill your brother then I get to kill you skibbidy my dear friend or you know whatever he said so unless there's some Indescribable reason why he would be just lying in this moment that's pretty direct confirmation that Garrett is dead or at least was killed by William Aton there has to be some connection here between the aftons and the Schmidts which leads me to believe a fairly common theory that I've seen for this movie Mike Schmidt is the son of this movie's version of Henry Emily or for the sake of ease Henry Schmidt this would line up with the typical storyline of William Aton William for some reason tries to ruin Henry's life and the way he ends up doing that is by killing one of Henry's children it's the explanation that I think makes the most sense but it's not without its flaws mainly that there's no explanation or even brief mention of a connection between Schmitz and Aton at all in this entire movie The only concrete thing we get is that Vanessa knows that it happened had Garrett's plane at some point and William said he killed him but to be fair I wouldn't count that as too strong of evidence against this Theory especially knowing the kinds of movies that blumhouse has made in the past now I want to be clear obviously writers and directors are the main reason why movies are the way they are but I still think this is worth bringing up in another blumhouse project in cidus they did something I think is really cool well to be fair I think almost every single James Juan horror movie is really cool James Juan is like such a good horror director but in the first Insidious movie they're doing a ghost hunt a bunch [Music] of [Music] in other words a second movie explains a seemingly random plot hole in the first movie proving that it was actually foreshadowing the whole time and this is what I think the whole Nebraska angle is going to be in the FNAF 2 movie cuz I mean let's be honest the movie cost $20 million to make and it's made like 200 million in like 2 weeks so like it's paid six times what it's made they're going to make sequels upon sequels anyway I think the FNAF 2 movie is going to do this with the fact of William Afton going all the way to Nebraska to kidnap some random kid they're going to explain the reason behind it and it won't be a plot hole it'll be foreshadowing after all it's not like blumhouse hasn't done this before moving on from that though I do do think there's two huge question marks in everybody's mind leaving this movie I'll start with the one I have way less to talk about and that's the ell doll spring lock suit what the hell what the hell what the hell I don't know what to make of this I think it might just be a really cool Easter egg for the book readers out there I could be wrong but it's strange to me that of all the spring lock suits they choose to make to teach us the importance of spring lock suits it's an elod doll which for those of you who don't know the elod doll animatronic was part of the whole Charlie bot thing from the silver eyes so like that really reinforces Henry's presence in this movie but at the same time those animatronics were in Spring lock suits but then again it's theorized that circus baby could be a spring lock suit since there were spring lock suits at her restaurant but then again then again this could be that long lost spring lock suit that we hear about in night four of s sister location I don't know it's a huge question mark and I'm going to be thinking about it for a long time regardless it's kind of cool but let's move on to something that I have a little bit more to talk about and is equally as confusing what the hell is with this machine we see in the movie who is operating it and why as a movie Watcher this saw trap thing is incredibly confusing it shows up twice in the movie with no explanation seemingly appears and disappears in that room at random and we never see anyone actively using it or talking about it it's just there everything else in this movie gets some kind of very Bare Bones explanation we know why the kids are dead well we don't know why the kids are dead but we know how the kids are dead we know why the animatronics are possessed we know William Aon is here we know spring Bonnie is here we know golden Freddy's here and then there's the torture machine which is never addressed once all we know is that twice in this movie characters have woken up in this saw trap however I will say outside of the movie we did get a little bit more information on it one of the behind the-scenes photos of the elod doll shows those same saw blades in her eye which implies that this face is just what a spring lock suit face looks like apparently but still that doesn't explain the torture chair now I've got a few ideas but I'll be honest they're pretty speculative at best first off I don't think this is what Vanessa means when she says they want to make her like them implying that this is how animatronics get people to be stuffed into suits and haunt them mainly because I don't think that the animatronics are the ones operating this machine we see chica trying to make Abby like them and she's just like shoving her in a suit these animatronics are big and strong but they're not very delicate or articulate which a machine like this which would require you to pick someone up place them down in it strap them in turn it on and then leave that seems like it's too much for the animatronics to pull off which would imply that William or Vanessa is is the one setting up this chair but I hesitate on Vanessa mainly because her job is only to kill someone if they found out too much which sure you could argue that for Mike but what the hell did the first security guard do to deserve that that and she does genuinely seem like she wants to help Mike throughout the movie she tries to get him to quit or tries to get him to be more careful which sure you could argue maybe she's only doing that for Mike because Josh Hutcherson is just so pretty she wants to help him I don't blamer but I would think that that's not the case to me it seems that Vanessa is unwilling in this but still participating which doesn't seem like the kind of energy that would mesh well with using this weird saw trap this realistically would just leave us with William an option that I could totally see but again it leaves the burning question why why does William Aton have this weird contraption that just shreds people's faces this is honestly complete speculation at this point but I do have a hunch for a motive here that being that this here is the movies version of the scooper or some similar Agony collecting thing who knows what the end goal is but if William had a plan that he'd work as a career consultant and send the right kinds of people AKA loners with like no known people attached to them to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza place have Vanessa watch over it and then once that security guard is knocked down by the animat iics just pick him up put him in the chair kill him with it to me there's got to be a purpose right so historically in this series if a lot of people are being killed it's often for something like Remnant or Agony and I do think if any of the two are being mentioned here will be Remnant I only mention Agony because this death seems very agonizing so maybe we'll see an explanation of some experiment or collection purpose for the remnant here I don't know I just hope this chair gets explained for some reason so finally we move on to the question that a lot of you are here for what does this lore tell us about the actual games timeline of Five Nights at Freddy's if anything and largely I don't think it has that much bearing however what I think this movie does more so tell us are the motivations and interactions between our characters for example I don't think that the movie's purpose is to tell us that in the games Vanessa from security Bri is William aton's long-lost daughter I don't think so what I do think however is that the movie is telling us the relationship that William and Vanessa have in the movie is very similar to the relationship that William and Michael have in the games I think the movie is hinting towards the fact that Michael was subserving to William for a good portion of the timeline and partly following his instructions at least up until sister location to be fair Michael even says this in the sister location cutscene I put her back together just like you asked me to keep in mind he is a zombie during this speech but listen to that again I put her back together just like you asked me to this tone to me never really said willing participant or accomplice it doesn't even really say obedient slave like vany would to me this tone in the cut scene always read as an abused child trying desperately to gain his father's favor in in fact in the movie William tells Vanessa help me clean up the mess that you created which is a line that I could totally see William using on Michael about the missing child incident as I believe the victims of the missing child incident were the kids that were bullying the crying child throughout the neighborhood now don't get me wrong I'm not saying Mike helped in the MCI I'm just saying that whenever William was making Michael do something in the trail of events that starts with the MCI he would probably be reminding Mike hey this is your your fault cuz I had to kill those kids for what you were doing to your brother now as far as other lore bits go I do think this movie gives more of a footing to the theory that FNAF 1 as a game takes place long after the renovated Freddy fazber's pizza closed so it would be Freddy fazber's pizza closes after the MCI FNAF 2 Freddy fazer Pizza opens again at some point closes FNAF 1 there could be things in between and around there but like that's where FNAF 1 would be and also I don't think it's an accident that the tales from the pizz Plex book that tells us that ghosts that are possessing somebody can interact with their dreams comes out right before a movie where the same thing happens I really think this is just Scott doubling and tripling down that in the games dreams can be affected by ghosts which I think is probably how Michael was trying to help the crying child and Cassidy and all them move on like we see in the log book and possibly in FNAF 3 and even FNAF world and finally you could argue we get some cupcake luring this this movie as well now I've never been a subscriber of the theory that the cupcakes's name is Carl I I never found any good evidence for that theory and I think the movie is poking fun at that theory as well the movie materials always refer to it as either cupcake or Mr Cupcake and in the movie The Cupcake mauls to death a guy named Carl so I feel like that's kind of a tongue-and-cheek way of the movie being like hey it's not Carl that theory is dead but something I think it does actually prove or at least give more Credence to is another theory I never really believed that being that the cupcake is actually possessed by su's dog so for those of you who don't know we are 99% sure that chica is possessed by a girl named Susie who is lured away from the arcade cabinet with the promise of seeing her recently dead dog some people have theorized that chica's cupcake since it is seen leaving her in several instances is actually possessed by a separate spirit that being Susie's dog before the movie I never really saw reason to believe this but then in the movie it attacks people's ankles like a dog roams very freely from chica like a dog and literally growls when it's attacking Mike like a dog like I still hesitate on this Theory but this movie gives a lot of credence for it and that's the FNAF movie now if you've watched this and you're new to FNAF and you're a little confused or even if you're a series veteran and you want a refresher I just made a huge 40-minute brief overview of the entire Freddy Fazbear's franchise and I recommend it cuz because of all the moving it came out super late and because it came out super late it kind of bombed so if you could watch that and boost that it would give me a lot of Serotonin so thank you very much another reminder that this is live today and it's only live for 2 weeks and while they have stock so get it while you can and in the meantime a huge shout out to the best channel members the D risers until next time as always stay toasty slices
Channel: RyeToast
Views: 135,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys, security breach, five nights at freddys security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf, five nights at freddy's security breach, FuhNaff, fnaf sb dlc, fnaf security breach dlc, security breach dlc, Pastra, glamrock freddy, glamrock chica, DLC, Steel Wool, indie game, Game Theory, Dawko, Markiplier, fanf, fnaf ruin, sb ruin, ruin dlc, ruin trailer, fnaf ruin dlc trailer, MXES, M.X.E.S, M.X.E.S. FNAF, FNAF 6, fnaf movie, fnafmovie, fanf movie
Id: 7UAteIL2T4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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