Monty Gator: Monster or Misunderstood?

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let's talk about Montgomery Gator one of the newest characters added to Five Nights at Freddy's steadily growing animatronic roster the brand new bassist introduced in security breach and the replacement to Bonnie the bunny in more ways than one sporting a pair of cool sunglasses and advertised as a laid-back golfer Monty shows himself in the game to be anything but chill instead barely withholding a red-hot temper that shows itself all over the walls of his ransacked green room and leaking out into the hunt for Gregory but what's Monty's deal the simplest answer seems to be that he's just unchecked aggression surging out of a Mindless machine but the truth might be a little more complex than that which is why today we will be taking a deep dive into the pond and retrieving what golf balls of information we can off the bottom we begin in the beginning as we usually do but Monty Gator's beginning is not too far from his end in this case having no previous iterations up until his reveal unlike Roxanne Wolfe whose first version might have been Twisted wolf a wolf character with similar coloring Monty doesn't really have any early iterations the closest thing is a child with a green mask in FNAF 3 ages before any Gator character appears before even Happy Frog an ultimate custom Knight character who appeared alongside pick patch who also seemingly has a mask in FNAF 3. since then it's sort of been retroactively made into a gator mask since an important character in The Fazbear frights books Andrew wears a gator mask however considering that Andrew was created and released around the same time that security breach was it's likely a reference to that original child but it seems to me that him and Monty might have truly been created around the same time with the same Concepts this this is my long and short way of saying that while Monty and Andrew share a temper I don't think Andrew's story in the book correlates to the story of Monty Gator at least there's no direct evidence that they do in fact a gator was so out of the cards that when the first security breach poster came out people thought he was Stanley the horse admittedly beta Monty's Mohawk kinda did look remarkably like a Mane and his mouth shape yeah he kind of looked like Stanley however this was soon debunked during the merch leak when his name ended up coming out so if you don't count that match from FNAF 3 you could say that Monty is the first brand new original animatronic without any previous counterparts in ages followed by the daycare attendant Monty's story really does begin with security breach though there was a game released beforehand Fury's rage where Monty is featured as a playable character the game was a beat-em-up and Monty was pretty much the raw muscle of the group here's a couple of lines from him time to tear this place apart how could this happen I'm so good looking now on to security breach like I said before Monty is a member of the main band Meaning his face is all over the marketing material where Monty is usually depicted with a lazy gaze and a slouched posture giving off a relaxed Vibe a sharp contrast from his behavior we see in game here's his introduction into Monty golf welcome to hurricane they're currently closed for the night come back soon speaking of Monty golf there's Monty's big attraction a large indoor miniature golf course that swamp themed the course Sports a number of varying holes a tree house a trailer a Basics like a concession stand and a little shop to pick up golfing supplies while depicted as playing golf and media we never see Monty himself actively playing golf or ironically we don't even know what he thinks about golf because he never mentions it we do know that Monty spends most of his time on the catwalks above Monte golf though but that doesn't tell us if he doesn't like golf or doesn't like people or just likes having The High Ground though we do know that he has at least one accident from falling off the catwalks and breaking both legs before the events of security breach he still hangs out up there let's get into personality remember a little bit ago when I said we don't know what Monty thinks about golf his main gimmick well that goes for a lot of stuff admittedly Monty's doesn't have as many lines as Chica and Roxanne and of them we have less telling lines to show off his character traits we're only trying to help hey you die let's rock so he's a little hard to read we can read his aggression all right but seeing past that requires a magnifying glass unlike Chica and Roxy whose personality is sort of an inflated version of their gimmick chica is supposed to like to eat so she's obsessed with eating Roxanne's supposed to be beautiful and cool so she's especially self-conscious about keeping that image Monty's is basically the opposite of his gimmick he's depicted as that laid-back guy but in reality he has some form of aggression issues our first introduction to Monty being him tearing apart his green room which you're actually able to see later and the messages seem to suggest Monty has a history of breaking fences and likely other objects as well again not clear why he does this but unrestrained anger issues seem to be the most likely candidate one of his lines might hint at something else I'm talking about the ever popular but you can't hide this could suggest that Monty is just a little bit of a meathead not really much to say on that admittedly you know what it kind of reminds me of eight from nine a fierce character of few words because most of his lines too were cut from the final product life just sucks when you're not one of the little and cute ones I've heard a very good case built that all of the Glam rocks are Rockstar stereotypes chica being addiction and the lack of control in an environment that always offers more Roxy's being vanity and pride and the constant effort to keep that up while having her own self-image take a hit and Monty's the Raging uncontrollably rebellious side of the Rockstar lifestyle trashing hotel rooms and the like and it fits but and I can't prove this but I get this feeling there's something else going on Monty's breaking his room he hides away on walkways where nobody can reach him unwilling to come to do shows on the main stage and assumingly also shirking its duties at the golf course it could be that Monty just can't be bothered wanting to lounge and do whatever because they can't tell him what to do but it also seems like Monty's reluctance to perform his lashing out at his enclosure he seems unhappy literally like a caged animal who's so deprived of outside stimulation Beyond these repetitive motions that he's lashing out that he retreats to the walkways because he knows they're so hard to get to allowing him to be alone if you think about it that is the most control Monty really has on his situation he can go up there and nobody can reach him though I might be overthinking this as a secret hidden in the minigame suggests Monty might enjoy the Limelight a little more than we think unlike Chica and Roxy Monty's mini game makes it into the game probably because it had already been posted that it would be in the game so it was the most important thing to get implemented the Monty arcade is a mini golf simulating arcade machine in the middle of Monty golf there's nine holes implemented with an extra nine holes that were cut most of the holes are simply snap themed one with the Original Classic band one that's baby themed with her hiding in a closet a cake-themed one with the cupcake Phoebe theme sun and moon zoomed all sorts of stuff but the most important one would be the final one which depicts Monty rocking out on the stage in Gator golf with Chica and Roxy while Freddy is tucked neatly in the nearest dumpster this could be nothing but set up along with Vanessa's threats to have Monty replace Freddy and Monty actually replacing Freddy in one of the endings it seems like this might not just be a reference to those but also might be a hint towards Monty's desires as well his desire to replace Freddy and get ahead in the band he's already replaced someone else and got a major upgrade in status but we'll get back to that what's important here is this might though it's not confirmed depict Monty as the envious type literally Green With Envy so if this is the case then is Monty evil I will get back to this at the end of the video because there's some stuff we need to cover before we're anywhere near discussing this so let's discuss instead Monty's big downfall Monty's boss battle is admittedly kind of weird so he's in the catwalks a place you had to crawl through a vent to get through and there just happens to be golf ball Shooters up here to fill up the hurricane bucket a large bucket that's supposed to fill up every time someone gets a hole in one and then spill out though these ball Shooters are made to be manually fired all while coaster carts move around attached to some sort of ride that for all intents and purposes does not exist outside this room now I'm not saying this to nitpick I'm saying this to make a suggestion I think Monty's boss fight should have been a dark ride Gregory climbs up to the catwalks to board the Dark Ride which have the shooters mounted onto them like in The Help Wanted foxy Dark Ride and you must shoot targets shoot Monty and shoot switches to maneuver through the handful of paths to try to stay alive long enough to swing by the hurricane bucket and slowly fill it up I've sung Praises about the foxy Dark Ride indeed I still think it's one of the best mini games in Help Wanted which means that it shouldn't be that hard for steel wool to replicate it and it would be fun and memorable though that doesn't mean Monty's boss fight is bad you run around the catwalks and fire into the bucket while Monty hops around and chases you then once the bucket is filled Gregory presses a button that drops it onto Monty crushing in through the walkway and dropping into the floor if this also kinda doesn't make sense why would the bucket be built to fall onto the walkway this is because in the original unfinished cutscene it seems that Monty hops up and holds onto the bucket and then is dropped from there that makes a little more sense in fact that would play with the dark right aspect if you actually had to shoot something and drop him from the bucket either way Monty hits a few beams and crashes on the stage his legs severed from his smashed body like I said earlier this has happened before but seemingly not to this degree in that case his legs were broken but not mentioned to have been detached funny how the message specifically mentions his legs Gregory comes on the stage and takes his claws they patched it later to make it look more like he took them and he leaves so we've got to discuss something interesting yet again and that's Monty's changed upgrades now in the final game Monty has special basis claws that allow him to break through stuff a message stated that he had already gotten bassist enhancements after Bonnie's decommissioning but the upgrades are seemingly a new thing or newer thing but if you'll allow me to put on my tinfoil hat here there's plenty of evidence that shows Monty's claws weren't initially what you were supposed to harvest but Monty's legs number one Monty supposedly uses his special base claws to break through the fences but that doesn't make much sense he doesn't even seem to use his claws he just Brute Forces through them kicking the fences open would have made much more sense especially since Monty's legs are powerful enough to let him pounce and jump really far such as in the boss fight where he's handling fall damage like a pro well until the end number two all of the Glam rocks have a specific correlation between the upgrade they lose in their shattered forms chica is always hungry and eating garbage and her upgrade is in her mouth and once it's taken she can no longer talk nor eat Roxanne Steele is largely about her looks her upgrades are her powerful eyes and her damage involves her face being smashed and her eyes being stolen leaving her blind Monty is not shown specifically using his claws unless you count that punching the fence theme pass them stolen and his most significant damage isn't in his hands or losing his arm forms but in him losing his legs in fact Freddy pretty much gets Monty's entire hands on his model but Monty still has his somewhat damaged hands you have him but you don't have them and number three and this is pretty much the one concrete piece of evidence there's a file and security breach called shattered Freddy Endo left over from assumedly The Unfinished shattered Freddy segment and yeah Freddy has Monty's legs while I was researching for this video I found a guy named Maz on Twitter who found a ton of evidence that Monty's legs were initially supposed to be what Freddy took check out his post I have a link in the description but also here's some of the pictures also I might be wrong don't quote me on this but I think Monty's legs used to disappear when you collected his claws maybe I'm misremembering that if anyone's seen that happen drop me a line and I'll pin you real good either way Monty's left shattered losing his sunglasses Monty is no longer protected against the fascam though he does seem a little faster and can still sort of pounce unfortunately this still kind of leaves Monty as the only shattered Glam Rock who is technically weaker than his starting form I know that sounds weird but chica becomes more observant and less distracted and Roxanne is seemingly faster and can't be stunned Monty can be stunned and the only trade-off is that he's a little harder to see he doesn't really get any changes in lines either just grunting and yelling and animalistic whales we can sort of hear what he's going through but I kind of wish that they would have gotten a change in lines like Chica and Roxanne chica's being distorted in an unsettling way and Roxy sobbing Belmonte is the one who ended up worse for wear than both of them combined he appears in the upper event in the final boss fight but his fate after that is currently unknown so what happens next with Monty well he either appears in ruin or he might appear in a future game someday we really don't know but I don't think a character this new wouldn't make a return When Mr hippo did he doesn't have any notable mentions from the books either just some background cameos since there's nowhere forward to go from here let's take a step back to one of the major Mysteries and security breach that involves Monty to some degree the mystery of what happened to Glam Rock Bonnie So Glam Rock Bonnie was the basis before Monty Gator one night Bonnie's wandering into the arcade and then a couple of hours later into Monty golf while we don't know what happened to him a message found in the duffel bag suggests that Bonnie was found and is in a state of severe damage he's out of commission and now Monty is primed to replace him even getting the bassist adjustments now we know Bonnie must have been severely damaged as with the casing in indos it's very easy for Fazbear entertainment to switch out animatronics that could be why they tapped in Monty and then possibly like the message suggests Monty was so popular that they kept him on as a staple as we know as well Monty has a hefty temper and can totally ransack his room in a matter of minutes he can break down fences and through doors he has more than enough Gator power to break apart another animatronic however as we also know there is someone else tearing apart and viscerally attacking staff bots in the pizza Plex I currently think it's the daycare attendant due to the locations including in his room that doesn't necessarily mean Monty didn't do it as we'll go through but it does remind us that Monty isn't the only one who could have done it and that doesn't take into account the possibility that Monty did it at Bonnie's request there have been suggestions that Bonnie might have been trying to head to the fire escape and if that's the case perhaps Bonnie got up there realized he couldn't leave the pizza Plex with his programming so he decided to get decommissioned so he could swoosh out so he goes and he sees Monty and asks him to break him and in return he'll probably replace him and Monty agrees unfortunately years of untapped anger and himbo energy causes him to smash in Bonnie's face in one blow Bonnie is knocked into a comb of which he cannot awaken dreaming of beautiful Rolling Hills in his endless Slumber while Monty wracked by guilt is forced to perform and this leads to him lashing out it's as likely as anything else really but let's get serious so we technically have a who and how but we need a y the actual possible Y and we need to look no further than that secret in the golf arcade where we find the Monty replacing Freddy scene if that's a show at Monty's ambition to rise through the ranks then replacing Bonnie was the first step to do that think about it before he was the bassist and before they replaced the merch as mentioned in the messages Monty was just a side attraction Like Music Man or sun and moon man waiting in the wings in his little attraction to perform for the customers then after Bonnie's out of the picture Monty has suddenly moved up in the world his face is now everywhere he has more freedom to leave his attraction he performs in front of everyone he's now the rock star he desires to be though to play in The Devil's Advocate it is possible that Monty's ambition to take out Freddy and replace him happened after his promotion like he got a taste of the Limelight and liked it or considered this maybe Monty doesn't like it we see this rivalry with him and Freddy but Monty still avoids performances and hides away if his dislike of Freddy was personal and his desire to take his position is fueled by something else but then maybe he doesn't really want to be the face of the pizza Plex maybe he just doesn't want Freddy to be but what else could be driving Monty I'll get back to that in a second but first I think we need to revisit the question from earlier in this video is Monty evil so looking at Monty himself he is portrayed as relaxed and laid back in his marketing material but in reality he can be aggressive powerful a predator who lashes out and who doesn't do well with directions but that doesn't mean he's evil in fact he doesn't act evil he acts like an actual gator yeah if you look at Monty not as a character with a personality but as an alligator a lot of this makes sense alligators chill out most of the time looking sleepy or laid back but in reality they can be aggressive and fierce predators and while aggression and alligators is largely by design by the makeup and sizing of parts of their brain most of that aggression is triggered by how territorial they are and then we get to the fate of Bonnie now we don't know why Bonnie went into Monty golf we don't know what happened in there and we don't know where he is now but if the implication is that Bonnie trespassed and got in a fight with Monty over it then yeah that would fit the whole alligator thing in fact that might explain why Monty wants to overthrow Freddy so bad but is fine rocking out with Chica and Roxanne sure it could be that he just wants to be the leader but he could also be taking out the only other male rival Freddie and Monty ignoring some additions pretty much have identical body types so if we were looking at Gator nature Freddy would be considered Monty's Bible but do I think Monty's evil no I think the truth is just that we didn't see enough of Monty to make calls on what he's really like imagine what our image of Roxanne would have been like if we didn't see the scene of her crying in her room there were implications of her self-esteem issues in the beginning but that was a moment that contextualized what we were seeing and without it we would have been missing a huge piece of the puzzle which is where we are with Monty I think we're missing that one puzzle piece about his character in fact his whole mission with the golf course in Mazer side feels surprisingly Barren and unconnected to him I noticed there were quite a few people who mentioned their indifference to him and honestly I'm not shocked he sort of got the short end of the stick compared to Roxy and even chica that being said what do I think I like him and I think the fanbase will treat him well astral's fifth alone is popularized Monty's character to a degree just by irreparably breaking him something ironically that Monty might have done to Bonnie I feel like with a little care Monty might make a Resurgence animatronics have become popular with less lines in screen time so it's always a possibility but for now that's the end of our alligator tale thank you for watching I hope you learned a little more about and understand better the frequently misunderstood and still not entirely figured out Montgomery gator
Channel: NotRealName NotAtAll
Views: 233,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fnaf, five nights at freddy's, security breach, monty gator, montgomery gator, glamrock bonnie, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, William afton, vanny, characters, andrew, fnaf 3, theories, lore, what happened to bonnie, giga monty, shattered monty
Id: 81zKSO8FMT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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