EASY UP-DO FOR GROWING-OUT HAIR ~ Kerry-Lou shows you how

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hello everyone i'm carrie lou and thanks so much for stopping by my channel today [Music] a couple of weeks ago i made a skincare video and since some of you said you would like to know how to do this hairstyle i decided to make a video on how to do this easy updo which is great for growing out hair by the way i haven't had a trim in about 11 months now but i have been treating my hair very carefully and gently to avoid any breakage i don't know about you but as i've gotten older my hair has become much more fragile especially up around the front here and also it doesn't grow quite as fast in that area so this is a great hairstyle for when your hair is not behaving just a little off topic some people have asked me if i could please make some more videos i wish i could make more but honestly i don't know where the time goes well some of it has been spent with this sweet little blossom the last time i showed you cassia she was only a month old and now she's seven months oh my god i can't cuddle her because of covet but joe and i drive by and we walk her to the park in the stroller and we cannot wait to give our grandchild a great big unmasked hug i know many of you are in the same boat but we'll get through it soon hopefully so hang in there my friends and i'll aim for a video every two weeks if that's okay with you if you subscribe and hit that notification bell you'll know whenever there's a new video for you to watch so let's get on with the demonstration this is my hair two days after wash day my hair doesn't have much product in it at all i didn't apply any gel i like to give my hair a rest from gel sometimes you don't have to have curly hair like mine for this style you can do something very similar even if you have straight hair if you do want a curly look and you have straight hair just curl it using your preferred method and then follow along sometimes i just like to keep it natural and to be able to run my hands through it without feeling crunchy gel and what i also do is i will put a little natural oil in it maybe some jojoba oil or some argan oil that works really well so i rub it in my hands and just kind of scrunch it in and it feels really good it doesn't feel oily it just tends to soak in really quick my hair's been looking a little less than great lately and i know why it's because it needs a trim it needs a good shaping fortunately i've discovered this product it's called dax and dax is a brand that's been around forever mostly in barber shops and this is from their naturals line it's a curling cream and i find that it's enabling me to kind of mold my hair into shape when it's just been washed but i definitely need a backup plan two days after washing my hair because now is when it gets a bit out of control to say the least okay so let's get into it let's see if i can make some order out of this crazy looking mop of mine so right now what i'm doing is i'm taking a section of hair i suppose it's about a five inch circle across um i'm kind of doing mine on the top of my hair because i like a nice high bun but you can also do this lower back depending on what you feel suits your face so another thing you can do too is if you have curly hair and you want to re-wet your hair you can for instance sometimes i use a little spray and this is 75 water and 25 hair gel just use your favorite hair gel so you can just kind of spray the ends and scrunch them a little bit and sometimes that reactivates your curl today i'm going to use this silk scrunchie to secure the ponytail but feel free to use a smaller one in whatever color you like something that blends with your hair would be good and you can even use one of these my little friend here hello hello this is like a hair scrunchie so if your hair's on the thin side feel free to use one of these they're pretty inexpensive i think they're about seven dollars from amazon um so i was using this when my hair was growing out and it really confused people they thought my hair had like grown overnight so i'm not going to use that today though because it can actually make my hair look a little too big if that's possible even okay so we're going to give this a few turns quite a few because my hair's not that thick i make it look thick though see it's like a little pebbles ponytail you know pebbles from the flintstone okay now i'm going to take my hair section by section starting with the front and i'm going to use a little more of this formula right here i'm just going to run my hands through it like that maybe a little bit more in the back if you have thin hair you can even use like a little topics at the root topics is something that colors your scalp so that if you're creating little parts your hair won't look quite as thin another thing you can do is you can give your hair um a little teasing at the root here that's it you know if your hair needs it some people like bigger hair actually i kind of like that even though my hair isn't too thin now i'm going to put a bobby pin there i'm going to use this bumpy side down because that's how they hold best although sometimes that kind of pulls on my hair so i change my mind and i do it bumpy side up but maybe if you have thin slippery hair using a bumpy side down would be the best way for you and now i'm going to cross this over so when you pin these sections don't pin them too close to the ponytail because what we're trying to achieve is a nice white base to make your hair look fuller than it is tricky right so that's a little bit more of my water and gel combination you can buy these little bottles from amazon i bought about you know they only sell things eight at a time or something but they're quite useful you can you can spray your plants with them although you can't get much water in there so another pin now that pin linked into the other ones so i don't have to cross it over i don't like to put a crazy amount of bobby pins in you can even make this higher if you like when you've done it a few times you get an idea on where it suits you best the first time we do anything you're not going to get perfection and that's okay the most important thing is that you try something new perhaps so we're going to work all our way around okay so when i get around my ears it tends to get a little frizzy so i like to pay extra attention to that and um if you have short pieces here you can even give it a little twist and that way you'll keep them more secure so just look for another bobby pin when i used to live in england we didn't call them bobby pins we just called them hair clips so i was wondering where the throne bobby pin came from and i looked it up before i cheated you can look up anything now right the word bobby pin came from when the ladies used to do the bobbed hairstyles so i suppose they tucked their hair under unless they just had a short cut i mean they didn't used to do a blow wave to make it go under so they just used to clip it under using a bobby pin do another one let's just mold this into shape so you know when you have curly hair it always does its own thing and you're basically working with it you can't really work against it too much so today i have some pieces that didn't really do what they were told like this little stick of her hair here so i'm going to take my curling iron and give it an extra curl sometimes i need to do this especially when it's not freshly washed when it's freshly washed and dried it holds a curl a lot better and then i get the more well-defined curls so it does this style better but i really did want to show you something that you can do with your hair uh two days after washing okay so that's a nice little curl there if you're not familiar with using a curling iron what you normally do is you take a little lock that you want to be curled take your curling iron i like to start about down here and try to get to the end of the lock of hair and then just wind it and it's nice if you can wind it so that all the hair is touching the rod not like that otherwise that hair is not getting as much heat as it could and please use a curling iron that you can adjust the temperature because as you get older your hair gets more fragile and we want to hang on to our hair for as long as we can right so there's another piece here let's give this little curl a little freshen up like that just wait one two three four i suppose i do it for about five seconds i don't want to keep it in there too long okay just kind of proof it around a little bit ah that's more like it you see once i get started i mean if you know hairdressers or makeup artists you know that we just don't know where to stop we just keep going and going like oh that's finished oh no wait a minute we'll adjust this we try for perfection but sometimes it's best not to okay i'm just going to judge it around a little bit stick i'm going to hide that one you can always uh use a bobby pin too uh to hold little pieces down like for instance if you really wanted this to last a long time you could take a pin and you could stick it in the end that way it won't be flopping around especially if it's a windy day but i'm just going to leave it like this and then what you can do is you don't have to put anything in it if you don't want to or you could just use a little hairspray i like to use uh elnett that's always in my hair and makeup kit when i do a professional job it doesn't build up and it's not sticky that's why i like it it's nice to work with you see i can spray it and i can still move it around a little bit and then you just kind of make sure it's symmetrical sometimes these sides get on my nerves they get a little bit fuzzy i have old school photos of myself and it's like i've got these sideburns that are fuzzy and out of control because oh poor things we didn't have hair gel or anything to help us with our hair then right so i'm getting a little this can any of you remember some products from like the 70s or 80s because i'm 63 so back when i was young there was dippity doo and i still remember the commercial do new for you i mean i think it's because the commercials they lasted for a long time they had the same commercials for years so you tend to remember them more okay so i think that's looking better so this is the finished result what do you think i hope you like it [Music] so this is a very time efficient hairstyle change it took me about eight minutes i went from a messy mop of hair to kind of casual elegance and you can definitely take this up a notch too if you wanted to set your hair beforehand it would look a lot more elegant and it would definitely be right for a special occasion so please let me know what you think of this hairstyle is it something you could do or was it a bit more challenging these things need a little bit of practice and patience you can always practice perhaps on someone else first and that way it might be easier for you if you like this video please don't forget to subscribe and give me a thumbs up i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kerry-Lou
Views: 37,705
Rating: 4.9413776 out of 5
Keywords: Up-do, silver hair, grey hair, older women, mature women, curly hair, growing out hair, elnette, dax, jojoba oil, argan oil, silk scrunchies, casual up-do, elegant up-do, messy bun, cute girls hairstyles
Id: 79C7DAyvoc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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