Giving the LANDGRAAB FAMILY a house they DON'T deserve | The Sims 4

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the land grab family Mansion a mansion that came with the Sims 4 base game many a year ago it resides in the world of Oasis Springs which is one of my least favorite worlds if not my least favorite world in The Sims 4. the house itself is out hey it's not the worst that I've seen EA do but I just think it needs tweaking in quite a few places I mean the worst thing about this house is the fact that the land grab Family actually reside in it I think we can all Say the Latin grabs are not our favorites not at all and this house is as I said it's not the worst I can understand what they were trying to go for do I think it was executed very well not really the shape of the actual build is quite attractive I think personally my opinion but one thing I don't like is the extra floor level I think if I get rid of that floor level and work with what we've already got there kind of like shape wise I reckon I could make something quite nice and that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna stick in with kind of like a maybe a mid-century kind of vibe with this place uh Lots but I'm gonna change a lot of the wallpapers and a lot of the windows I think I think the windows have been overused quite a lot here and it just doesn't reflect very well so I'm going to change around that kind of thing I really Liam there are a few things to at when we go through this house but not as much as what do deford's house was because that was just a travesty in itself but there are a few things in this house that piss me off so let's go around and point out there's things that piss me off first things first some of the weird Landscaping I don't understand it including these palm trees and these like diagonal like diamond kind of like wall things I'm not feeling that so that is definitely going to be changed once we get to that point this like weird family living room slash I have no idea what this is supposed to be it's very strange is this like a family meeting area where they all get together and decide what other family they're gonna screw over for money I wouldn't put it past this family but it's just very strange and throughout all of this house the one thing that doesn't reflect well with me is the color choices it's very cool toned very cool toned on the interior considering we're in a very kind of like warmer climate I want to kind of reflect on that so I've definitely changed around palette but yeah just very strange TV with three little like mirrors next to it up there no idea what that's about again another cool toned Kitchen in an area like this it just looks weird to me that wallpaper is not the vibe in here along with those photos of whatever that is a potato no it's not potato Aiden it's a pear pears and apples like up on the wall just just very odd this entrance area I like the use of the stairs and stuff in here but when it where it gets weird for me is when you go off onto the list this level here which takes us open to that other third level but they've used two different colored staircases and this one here is one tile wider than that one down there and then you've got this like weird walkway that goes around here with nothing on I just I don't understand it and they've done this throughout the whole of the build as well they've got these amazing views out all over the desert kind of escape and yet they've put windows at the top of the wall so your Sims can't even see out of them just the general floor plan is well I'm just not vibing with the floor plan with this house I think it's very kind of it is a very long house kind of like horizontally but I think we could play around with the floor plan a little bit better and maybe squeeze in an extra two bedrooms into this place and make it a four bedroom house I think that would kind of like help out with the kind of shape so I think that's what we're gonna do I am going to get rid of this weird level up here all together like I just don't think it needs it needs to be a little bit more streamlined but the majority as I said the shape I'm Gonna Keep It the majority of it it's the same I'm just gonna like completely get rid of everything that I don't like now and then we're gonna go in and add wallpapers and windows on where I think that they need them starting with that top layer you can see how it's just like streamlined the house a little bit better and I'm vibing with that I also got rid of these palm trees we'll put some more in but I just didn't like the placement of them so I'm gonna go around get rid of all of the furniture and everything that I don't like just bring it back to a nice State and also get on some windows and some wallpapers and just make this facade look a little bit better than what it does already [Music] well there we are there we are I have chosen the wallpapers I have chosen the windows and I've just perfected everything a little bit you can see I've kind of kept the original shape to a t including this little cross thing I thought I was going to get rid of this but I think it's pretty iconic to be honest with you so I'm Gonna Keep it exactly as it is but these are the windows that I've gone for now we have gone with base game but also I've used the desert Lux kit pack I needed something that just brings a little bit more of a different Edge to this build rather than just base game so that's all we're going to use today is base game plus the desert Lux kit pack um but this is the the vibe that we're going for now you can it may be subject to change here and there it looks very Bland and blendy at the minute it Blends in with the colors around the landscape which is what exactly what I wanted it to do but again with this what I think is going to bring it alive is going to be the Landscaping now I have changed around the floor plan as well we're gonna have a little pull through on the floor plan now everything is subject to change including wallpapers and stuff I really love the use of this tile in here this base game tile on the wall I just think it looks great so I'm going to be using this quite often throughout the house I think um and this is where the living room is going to be so this is going to be like a living room area here maybe a bit more of like a semi-formal um hangout space with some bookcases maybe a desk in this area this is going to be the main entrance foyer I have knocked through the Fourier so we've got like a a whole double height moment going on here which I really really prefer I just haven't put wallpaper on there I can see you um so I really really prefer that being open not much has been changed with the actual floor plan I'm still keeping a lot of things the same as the original house just to kind of pay respects to it this is a bathroom downstairs bathroom this is going to be the dining room here with a bifold door coming out onto this area here there are bifold doors everywhere in this house I just really want this open inside outside kind of vibe coming through you know yes this is the kitchen I haven't put lights in it just yet but we're gonna put the kitchen in this area here um I also put some access out onto this side as well because this side was kind of shut off and I've made this into a bit more of like a carpool area so I'm going to put some cars going down there and I've also started on a fence here just to kind of frame in this area into the landscape I ended up going for a three bedroom with this house we have gone for a bedroom on this side with its own little private balcony it's got a small bathroom off to the side here uh this is going to be a family bathroom that I'm going to do at that point there smaller bedroom there and then the big kind of like main bedroom there with a bigger um balcony over onto that side which I absolutely love and around to this side here as well this side which this is the landing it does have access out onto a balcony over there too um and I'm kind of vibing with it so as I said what is going to bring this build to life is going to be the Landscaping the Landscaping is going to be the one I'm going to put a lovely pool out in this area nice big like hangout space over this side here Greenery but I'm going to be blending it in with the greenery that's kind of used throughout the land all throughout the world throughout the land um I think that's what we're gonna do I'm also gonna try and stick a palm tree through this I don't know if it's gonna look okay but I'm gonna give it a good old go and just see what it looks like if it looks okay we'll pull up a plum tree in um but yeah that is the vibe so let me get on with the landscaping and you will see what I come up with in just a second I'm done I'm done with the Landscaping so this is what I've gone for it's kind of fair I didn't want to go too green like we've got around the actual lot itself because it kind of takes away the aesthetic that I'm going for with this kind of like desert looking mansion and so I've gone for kind of understated understated greenery here and there and everywhere we've gone for some Agave Agave Agave plants Agave Cactus or cacti over these lovely trees here that come with oh no they're base game they are base game I got scared they didn't thought they were from the Star Wars pack and they're not they're absolutely not and I didn't put a palm tree through this little bit here I said I was going to I was I was a bit like oh I don't know how I feel about that but now it's in there it kind of makes use of that area that I wanted to keep um a bit weird this but you know architectural detail darling and I'm kind of for it putting two little cars over in this area here as well so it's got another little carport it's all lit up but gloriously at night as well so the whole lot is completely lit up at night and then around to the back area we have put a pool in we haven't finished this yet I'm gonna pull it out all of the furniture in just a second and we're going to do that together um but I have just littered around a little bit more landscaping around through this area here as well this is a definite Improvement I must say and I'm going to Pat myself on the back and on the tip because I think we've done well here I really do I as I said I want to pull out all a variety of entertaining bits we're going to do an outside fireplace out here and just hang out space a nice dining table and things so again sticking with VA limitations and nothing too over the top like detail wise just enough and I'll be right back okay so I've pulled out a plethora of stunning bits and what we're going to do is flop them around together lots of flopping going on recently I need to find a new word um so there we go beautiful dining table and chairs and then I thought do we have a base game pergola and we do so I'm gonna flop that over the top of it I absolutely am I'm gonna pop it to put it around about there I think I've got some candles on it as well so this place is kind of like semi-lit up during the night I think once the fire is roaring and stuff I think that would be really nice in the like subtle glow with the pool lights we're also going to put some pool lights in the actual pool when we get to that in just a second and then I thought lovely little barbecue area so what I'm gonna do is flop the yes it looks barbecued next to the chimney bust and I'm also going to put a bar out here too I'm gonna put the bar on this corner here so it kind of like has this own little moment either um barbecue area I'm also going to put some bar stools there as well and we're obviously going to pick the desert Luxe vast tools to go on the actual bar area can we Enlighten them do you have a lighter tone do you uh not leg wise I wanted the legs to be lighter really oh they're a little bit lighter what Swatch was that was it that one no what's watch where are you then did the legs even lighten up oh they did semi semi lighter yeah that's fine okay and then here what we're gonna do in fact I'm just going to copy them this way so I don't have to get rid of my filters I'm gonna do I mean what is the build without some planters to plant some food in like from me I think I do it in nearly every build and you know what I'm all right it's my trademark put some planters in that moment because it's kind of like a skinnier moment coming over to this area and then I was like getting I think this is the actual first build I've ever put this in and this came with the Sims 20th anniversary um celebration celebration um I loved the community the the shades the community were throwing around with that hot tub it was making me piss myself it really really was I believe that's what they thought we wanted or a little treat for the 20th no darling absolutely not no we did not and then up here anyway here we go carrying on I was thinking a little entertaining moment around on this area I think I'm just gonna put three sofas three sofas let's put them a little bit closer there we go that's a little bit better just on the area there put some of these lovely Planters around the place I was gonna put one of those there base game um down to this level as well gorgeous uh beautiful beautiful and then I was gonna do two on the other side of this pool here just one there maybe one there lovely and then just to finish it off Fiesta resistance all me felt was the gun already uh is to put in these lovely Sun lounges I'm gonna do four of them one there and then one there as well so they've got this lovely little moment by the pool area stunning absolutely stunningly gorgeous and now let's get some pool ladders in we're gonna do one on that side and also one on this side is that equal uh I think it is yes lovely pool ladders and then as I said I wanted some lighting down on these points there we go and then balance it out in the middle there as well so that should be a wonderful um a little bit of lighting for the pool area once it gets dark I think that would be nice and then also why don't we use these coffee tables I do that because I just think they're so small these little coffee tables here why don't we do those in between the lounges themselves and I could put a little Lantern or a light on top of there couldn't I let's have a look see what we've got we're going to use these let me 12 that one around the other way yeah that's cute yeah I'm into that I am into that there we go what a gorgeous little backyard area I think that's gonna work quite nicely with this lot it is indeed so we're gonna go into the Interiors I think what I'm going to show you how I furnish is the living area of course uh the dining room and also the kitchen and the rest of this I'm just going to do off of camera so you guys um so you're not here forever and the video is not 20 years long you know and then I'll show you maybe the main bedrooms and then I'll furnish everything else as well but let me let's start off with downstairs obviously and I think we're gonna make a start on the living room area first so let me just play around with a bit of Furnishing with all of this part here and we'll make a start here we are finished off the little foyer area and I'm liking it I'm liking it not too much stuff as I said EA limitations put a little test table in this point here and a grand piano I thought looks marvelous next to that window you can see I've picked out some of the desert Luxe windows and not Windows curtains we got there in the end picked up them for these areas and I've also put them in the living room as well but I think I did that beforehand and then out here nothing too much just a couple of plants by the front door a little welcome mat as you come in and then underneath the stairs I didn't really want to utilize too much of this space I kind of wanted this to be always open um just because you can kind of like see all the way through to the other side and I really like that and and then that's going to go into the dining room over to that way which I'm very much for very much for but yeah a little mirror little side table over there and then into the toilet which is down here and it's kind of an old I'm looking toilet compared to the house but we're limited with base game love so we can't go for too many Aesthetics in here but we do have at least a bathroom downstairs now which is gorgeous it really really is so yeah lovely and I picked out all of the stuff what I'm going to use for the living room and we're gonna do that together so let's make a start now shall we first off TV big old TV above the fireplace gorgeous gorgeous things um I'm gonna flop to one of those there as well with all of like the coal shovel and whatnot on uh this bookcase this bookcase is coming in very handy in my latest uh base game well nearly base game only builds I'm kind of forward in this room to be honest yep I might even just Shuffle you in just a little bit further underneath the TV there gorgeous and then where are those sofas here they are we're going to use two of these sofas let's grab them both I'm gonna put one here and then I'm gonna do the other one on the other side I know groundbreaking absolutely groundbreaking is that no I think that one needs to go back one more there we go yeah that's better that's better we're gonna use this big coffee table as well I just thought it being in the desert and stuff this coffee table for some reason it just it reminds me of that kind of uh landscape well not landscape but area you know aesthetic we'll just stick with aesthetic uh we're gonna go for these chairs here as well that came with desert Lux and I usually tell them but I'm actually going to keep these straightly straight they kind of face over to the fireplace and I'm kind of vibing with that yes I am and then I thought this little thing here would work well as a little uh side table side table off of the sofa with some candles on feeling that I did have a lamp there you are and I flopped a lamp over into this corner here I'm thinking just bringing a little bit more Greenery into this area as well I didn't really put any Greenery in here so can I get like a now I'm not really feeling that oh this could work oh yes the cactus let's flop a cactus plant there it almost makes me want to add a few more plants down by the side of it as well to be honest with you um actually we're gonna go over this side with this one we're gonna go over this side with this one and I think we need a smaller plant next to it as well so why don't we use this one here and we'll use that one in the Terracotta uh and maybe even you you know just a little collection of flowers down there yeah that's kind of cute we'll do that we will do that but a cactus over on that corner there I'm not going to do a rug in this room either I really don't want to do a rug I want to keep it all as cool as we can have it so I'm just going to keep the tiles on the floor I thought this space here worked perfectly for a little office or a little desk at least and then over on this wall here I'm gonna use that kind of adobe style shelving that came with the desert Lux kit pack uh with a little sun which I have sized up is from base game just above it I think that would work quite well and then these these gorgeous gorgeous little fannies it's okay I've got a flop a fanny out there not that and then I'm gonna flop a fanny out there not that as well but there we go and I think that's done I think that's a nice little living room again it's hard with it with base game it really really is but so that is a living room and kind of like skill building area we have got a bookcase I didn't really point that out but I'm sure you've seen it so what I'm gonna go on to next is pick out the dining room and kitchen stuff and we'll get to Furnishing that okay so here we go I'm gonna start off with the dining room this is what I've came up with the dining room um I'm gonna use this wonderful table and chairs here from Harry but it's also in the base game hey Harry I'm gonna use this little decorative screen moment just on this wall here just for a little bit of decoration on anything there's no use to it but I tried a couple of Hutches and stuff that I'll try in the cabinets and it just it was not for me it didn't look right and it looked strange I didn't really know what to fill up this space with so I found these two you've seen that time and time again the keys and the little doves or pigeons whatever they are I just thought they did kind of semi nice and that little area there so that's what I did and then I also used this base game picture over onto this corner here beautiful I was I tried out a whole table underneath of it like a long console table and it just didn't look right so I decided I'm not putting in a console table in here and that was basically it for the dining room it's just simple little things that just chucked in a little bit of extra detail uh and I'm I kind of like it kind of like it now this is where things had to change around a bit so I've changed some wallpapers and the flooring in the kitchen because of this base game kitchen I really want to use the industrial one none of the wallpapers and stuff were just working well with it the lighting looked off on the actual kitchen that the lighting was just really weird on them and I didn't enjoy the way that the swatches were looking so instead this is what we're doing we are using these modular counters are you in the right position there there we go hang on a sec ah okay over to that area you there please thank you and then I'm gonna put these all the way along to here and I thought this looked really nice with the wallpapers and stuff it gives me that desert Vibe we've gone for a bit more of a longer light over the island as well which is where we're going to be putting the sink I think so these I'm gonna flop two of these around to this side here and then what I'm going to do is go in with the corner pieces so we're going to do one there oh no we are on the wrong one we are on the wrong one we're gonna go here beautiful same over on this side oh stop it thank you and then the same over on this side here as well and um am I on the right one I am and then a lady Dar over there and then I'm going to use the same Parcels what we used out here and I think this watch is gonna work okay in this kitchen I think the legs go with the window frames quite nicely yep I also put in those windows I forgot to even mention that I put on those windows that overlooks into the carport area just needed something on that wall unsure if I'm doing any kind of cupboard in here I may do or might do some shelves or something but probably not we'll give it a try and we'll see what happens but so far that's how I like it that's nice let's try those cupboards together but I just think the lighting is going to be a bit weird on them and I don't think it's going to fit into this room the way that I want it to but we're going to give it a go anyway so this end piece can we do a little one of these and then can we can that cover that window oh do you know what actually that might work out quite well I'll do the smaller ones and then in the corner maybe I could do a corner piece over there now that makes it look a little bit too rustic I think we'll finish it off with the same cup as what we did on that end over there uh and then in the middle here I'm gonna do a cheeky little um extractor I'm going to use the modern one though just that in that gray as well because that gray kind of fits okay with the gray that we've got on the counters that's not too bad not too bad at all uh I think I need just a few more extra details just to finish off this room including a bin obviously and what we're kind of done I think and there we go just to finish it off a little plant a bin uh a half eaten turd and a coffee machine and a little like utensil holder I think that looks kind of attractive nice kitchen yeah I'm into that I'm into the kitchen I didn't think I was going to be I thought it was going to fail at the kitchen but you know what I'm for it right upstairs I do want to do we're gonna do the main bedroom together we're gonna do the main bedroom we're also going to do a teen bedroom I think we're gonna do a teen bedroom too and I wouldn't mind making one of these rooms a gym and then just the other one a just a guest bedroom but I think I'm gonna do all of that off of camera and we'll just stick with the teen and the main bedroom together and we'll do those two together so let me furnish up this place here and I'll be right back now I have to apologize I ended up getting a bit carried away and I ended up just Furnishing the whole of the upstairs so I'm very sorry I was like oh yep I need to keep things to um show people what I'm doing but it's done done it is done and I'm going to show you properly once we've done a tour so I'm just going to give you a little overview there look at that oh lovely I'm gonna give you I'm going to show you properly once we're in the tour I think that's the best way to do it and we're gonna go on that tour now love so this is the new and improved plant grab Mansion I think it's a lot better Yes We snuck an extra pack in with this one but it's only a kit pack we ended up doing it with base game and the desert Lux pack so this is the from facade I think it Blends into the landscape gorgeously and while still keeping the original footprint as well like it's still keeping the majority of the original footprint I'm kind of um happy with that kind of happy with that so yes lovely lovely lovely I also I said I was going to do a gym I ended up putting the gym down here I ended up fencing off the kind of carport area here and then put in the gym just off of where the kitchen is in there and I think that looks rather nice there being in this kind of climate as well might be nice to work outside you know work out outside so you can move through to the Back Garden we've got a little hot tub moment there you come around this corner here you've got some planters you've got a little outside dining space compete with a barbecue and bar and outdoor fire lovely big pool area I was always weirded out that this house never had never had a pool it was very strange very strange indeed that light is floating over there hmm okay Sims I see you um so yeah lovely pool area got a little hangout space as well some like sofas and this is the back of the build this is the back of the exterior I think that's came together quite nicely indeed again I just changed a bit of the back um kind of footprint wise I also changed up the roof levels on top of some platforms and stuff just to make it look a little bit more interesting uh and it kind of works I think kind of works indeed can you come around it this way this is obviously the main entrance through here you're walking through to the main foyer and you're greeted with these wrap around stairs that look straight up into the big Fourier area I think that looks kind of nice you know I only use in base game and as it looks I'm going to be saying that about 20 times throughout this you come through to here you've got yourself a little like hangout uh sort of skill building area up into the main living room area itself uh I think it's okay I'm getting kind of mid Stree desert Vibes here for some reason and I'm into it I am into it we could have done better with more packs but we were limited loves we really were so over the foyer you can obviously access the backyard area through the bifold doors through here it's got itself a lovely downstairs toilet complete full bathroom um you come through this way here into the dining room area again it's got X and entrance through the carport into the dining room space that way and it's also got bifold doors going out onto the back area that way and then into the kitchen I do like the kitchen I think the kitchens probably came out the best for me I just like how it looks um something kind of for that lovely jumbly that is your downstairs my love so now it's the upstairs that you haven't seen yet I do apologize about that but sometimes it can't be helped it can't be helped sometimes I go off in a whim and I'm done so this is the landing I'll just get the landing it's kind of simple put a little chair out there a couple of plants around and then it goes all the way down through that area down there as well I love the air that look down there I just think that looks very nice with the color with the tones that we've used now this balcony here I just kept again kept it simple put a plant out but I also put an easel out I thought this view like you'd be out here painting from reference like nobody's business wouldn't you Darlings so we're going to start at this end of the house I don't know why I forget what's at this end of the house this is this is a guest bedroom or a teen's bedroom you can have it as both I I said I was going to do a teen bedroom I ended up just doing a kind of non-descript double bedroom it's got a guitar and Stephanie it's also got a desk in this room as well again we were kind of I'm kind of limited because it only had base game in here but it does have a balcony um that I put a chair out and a plant but that was the best of what I can do and I've decided to go a little bit darker in this room as well just so it was a little bit more I don't know a bit of a contrast to the rest of the house that we've used a bit more of a lighter timber in uh through this door is a another guest bedroom so often another double bedroom in here this one's like dramatically smaller uh it's only got EA limitations in once again but it's got this lovely Corner windows that are part of the curtains on in here uh and I just think that looks semi-okay using only base game uh and not as it lacked no I did use a bit of desert looks there I won't lie right coming through here so this is the main bathroom I wanted to put the bathroom or the bath at an angle in the corner window there and I was like oh my God imagine the neighbor's driving up and you've got your tits out so I've put some curtains up there as well um that just helps out to be honest a shower two sinks washifani wash your bum you know um and then through into here is another little bathroom so this is just a tiny little bathroom just a shower room really um but again I probably need to put curves up in there I'll do that I'll add a card and curtain up in that one because that has got the neighbors overlooking and then I thought this could be the kind of main bedroom or you could you could take your pick really I've kind of left them neutral um to whatever you want to do but again it's all base game it's rather boring didn't want to put curtains up on these windows either because you're not going to get any neighbors looking through it this way and I just thought that having that big expansive space like look out over that desert I just thought that was very nice and then again another little balcony out through here with um two chairs excuse me two chairs there and I'm kind of for it I'll show you the floor plan as well just in case you guys want to see the floor plan uh I will do it from above there we go oh down we go through there and then down through there as well but I don't think we did two bad Gloves did we we didn't do too bad using only base Gamer does it looks uh I think this came together kind of nice I really do now I have my eye on some more EA builds but if you've got any of that you think could um use my touch then please let me know down below and I will keep them in mind but we're going to go through and renovate all of them anyway we may as well we've made a start now but I do have another base game build um not base game another EA build on the rotor or very soon so just be on the looks out for it anyway I'm gonna go now thank you so much for watching have a lovely weekend I will be back on Tuesday with some more let's build the worlds uh and that's it goodbye
Channel: Devon Bumpkin
Views: 93,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, devonbumpkin, lets build the worlds, lets build, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 house build, the sims 4 build, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build
Id: efav8l3ovBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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