Renovating Judith Ward's AWFUL Mansion | The Sims 4

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today is the day today is the day we take on the grand High master of all awful EA builds whenever I look at this build I get unnecessarily angry the floor plan the color choices the style everything about it makes me want to slap a fish and we are in the world of Del Sol Valley and I don't think this house needs an introduction to be honest with you nor does the Sim who resides in it this is Judith Wards Del Sol Valley mansion that I I mean I don't need to say anything do I really you just just here it's embarrassing it really is now let's go around and about every single thing in this house starting off with the grand High herself Judith Ward I can't bear this Sim I really really can't she shouts on my Sims she's just an awful person and I just don't like her full stop now exteriorly so we have siding wooden siding that looks like it belongs somewhere in the Hamptons and not in the kind of like Beverly Hills area of the Sims really to be honest with you what is going on with those Circle windows and why do we have clown striped awnings over the base game windows at the bottom look at that door with those windows there what's that about what is that about like no absolutely not why did you go for a black tour were you trying to match them with the roof tiles I have no idea but it's disgusting we're moving away there is no terrain paint there is no terrain paint under any of the trees the weird placement of like lavender this funny bin out here with that stupid little door with those big stairs there what is that for goodness sake like look at these does half those windows at the top there are hidden away by the bloody trims I have no idea what they were thinking of there why did they go with hexagonal um columns on each end there the weird choices of Windows that base game one in the blue that one in the white and brown oh seriously seriously I told you that makes me unnecessarily angry this build this weird like bit at the back here half the windows again are hidden by the freezes I don't understand why they did that with like three front doors for doors at the top there just looks weird although sofas doing out the back here like who invited you for goodness sake embarrassing as far as I'm concerned and it doesn't get any better around this way different completely different Windows on this side of the house to the other side thank the universe because well that is an improvement on something but it's a bit like polishing a poo isn't it to be honest now into the Interiors you come through the front door and you're greeted with this weird unlit huge hole like entrance hall don't understand what's going on here really really don't the stairs kind of go up to the sides there then you come up the stairs and it's the biggest Landing you've ever bloody seen in your life with these absolutely goffing chandeliers hanging from them I can't bear them you look down into a piano room down there don't mind the look down Point quite nice don't mind the use of the base game kind of like marble tile either but it's just it just gets more horrific the more we go around so starting off look at the bloody size of this kitchen but how much counter space do you need with no cupboards do you know what I mean like I I really really can it makes me very sad to look inside there it really does and that's where that weird door just comes out of with no glass on out into the front of the build as well very strange the color choices in this dining room the green curtains the black tiles it's just a big pile of mess the fact that off of this entrance hall one of the doors that black and one of the doors are white and then you come into here there is a bathroom in here and then there's also another bathroom in here I don't really get the point of having two huge bathrooms right next door to each other off of the main Fourier very strange and just the general floor plan downstairs I don't get it I really don't understand the use of this massive hall and then having a tiny well not tiny but very much smaller living room area with two bathrooms two offices it's just tragic it makes me angry just the fact that this huge place is a two-bedroom Mansion I don't understand it there must be some law with Judith Ward where maybe her husband lived on one side of the build compared to where she lived and this is her kind of Suite but just the general size look at the size of this look at the size of that Bloody bedroom I can the dressing room with like one chair in the middle and a huge wall of mirrors but you know what are we gonna do what are we gonna do with this build and I do you know what I think there's only one thing we can do that is the only thing we can do for this place I'm sorry we're starting from scratch now I am going to go in with that EA limitation so this this house is not going to be overly decorated or overly cluttered by any means we are only going to be using base game and get together to kind of fit in with this world we are going to go for a very symmetrical kind of very classic looking Beverly Hills or Del Sol Valley style Mansion so I'm thinking kind of like columns that kind of vibe we're gonna try and keep it classier than what it is but there are going to be some gearish choices because we are catering for that little witch down there so that's what we're going to be doing today so I'm gonna make a staunch now I'm not going to be showing you everything and what I do I'm definitely going to be doing a lot of it off of camera but I will show you around it once I have completed it now we just need to get down a Bare Bones kind of floor plan of the downstairs and the upstairs and just get a structure going in the front to be honest with you so let's make a start on that so I'm going to make a start on the main entrance itself and if you see me looking over to the left here I've got a few reference images just reference images of kind of this like faux Chateau vibe that I really want I want it to kind of look like a fake french Chateau that's the kind of vibe I'm gonna go for for this I think I think I'm not too sure we're gonna continue on okay one main entrance kind of like Cube shall we say uh gone for base game for most of it apart from the windows and the columns to be honest with you and the stairs and also the flooring so probably not all of it putting some trees on the side here um what else do we do we went for a bit more of like a domed kind of shape at the top and I think we're going to do a very symmetrical wing on each side of the build kind of wrap it around this way and have this like pool area somewhere over here I think I think that is the plan it's not looking too bad I think it's okay it's not greatest but it was definitely an improvement on the last wasn't as it wasn't dude so I really want to get a high fence going here so I'm thinking about using this one I'm thinking about using this big one here that one there was not too bad I'm just wondering if it's got a playlist watch no it doesn't okay well never mind we're gonna use this one anyway sorry Judith but you're gonna have to move your so now that I've got that in place we can concentrate a little bit more now on the wings of the build coming out through this way so I think what I want to do is maybe go to there like this in fact I'm gonna do two we're gonna bathe the window out here do a three and then I think what I'm gonna do is do another three and then come to here another three there pay one more window out there and then what I'm gonna do is just drag this Strip This shape just so I can see where what we're working with lower it down to there I may put some more bay windows on we'll see okie dokie and I think I'm gonna wrap this all the way around as well and copy this shape over onto this other side so I actually reduced the size of it I've reduced the size of it slightly a little bit more because I want a nice like Garden area we're going to do some lovely Gardens uh so yeah reduce the size of it but made it very symmetrical on each side haven't figured out a roofing sort of like technique that I want to do on this just yet I think what I want to do first is get into the interiors and just figure out a floor plan first and then we'll go ahead and pick the roofs and the windows so that took a little while to sort out it's it's looking okay we have gone for some dormas up here you can see what I've done with the roof line as well we've gone for this kind of like the half gabled roofs and it kind of Acts it makes it look a little bit more chateau-y you can see what I've done at the back here it's very symmetrical it's making me cry at how symmetrical it is I'm not a fan of symmetrical builds in the slightest um we've done a little kind of area out here where I'm going to put lovely pool area this is going to be a big balcony moment up here we've played around with a floor plan as well now the floor plan is not my best I won't lie to you but you're coming through this way you probably can't see this very well because there's no lights in here but until I've picked all of that we're not putting them in May entrance area I wanted to pay respect to the last house and I put in two toilets so I put in a toilet either side here so it kind of acts as a toilet for each half of the house this is going to be the dining room area this is going to be a kitchen area here there's a walk through coming through this way where you're going to get entrance out into the grounds at the back there as I said two toilets just a little walkway here a small little study office and a living area in this part here you come upstairs you have got this big landing area that I've kind of Knocked through a little bit I didn't want to do the same as what it was in the last build but I kind of opened that area out and it's got four bedrooms here as well with two bathrooms upstairs as well so it's very symmetrical it's very samey same but that's all that Judith deserves as far as I'm concerned and that is where we're gonna go with it yes we're on dude now we're gonna put these windows on together I'm thinking we're going to be using these same Windows as what we've got here and putting them all around now I'm hiding the details sadly there is that like nice bit of detail at the top there but when you go into the Interiors the windows are already so low I don't want them I don't want to have them any lower and I don't want them to kind of have their own uh kind of floor to ceiling height moment that's not the kind of vibe I want for this house we'll go with this very awful big mansion kind of vibe and they don't deserve it as far as I'm concerned and Julia definitely doesn't deserve it Julia Judith Julie right I'm thinking that very same you say these need to come up as well I haven't put them up yet there we go all that one at least um okay we're going around it this way and we're gonna put the same on the Windows here I think we're gonna have some doors on the top here with that balcony moment we'll make that apparent in just a sec and I'm also going to put some more Dormers at the top of this build um I have this roof line here including the trims we're missing the trims on that area there's the doors now this house has given me like Sims 2 fives so I'm gonna go with it I'm gonna absolutely go with it I think we should have a curve coming off the edge here and the same over onto this side here as well so let me flop another one there bring that into that moment like that let me see this yeah I think that will work let's get this trim on there as well okie dokie we're using the same fence as what we've used at the front which is that base game one is the only one that's gonna kind of match in with the semi sort of style that I want with this place stunning stunning things we need to bring those columns around to this area as well yep that's the Viber one and then the same up here as well so bringing them down to here I think we should do one there want that and maybe that will work it doesn't because that's not big enough so I'm going to make it big enough there we go beautiful yes beautiful absolutely not beautiful but we're continuing on anyway so I want more of these windows here I think we need to put one here let's put them up to the height that we've got them there oh nope that's fine I'm there as well let me see where they are in the middle here yes gorgeous let me see this I do believe so yes okay might do do I want to do smaller Windows here I think I do I think I'll do two one there one there and the same here one there one there oh God this is really making me quite sad this back this build but we're doing it anyway um I'm gonna do another one there and there and another one there there as well yes make Mansion absolutely Mansion Vibes and I think we're gonna copy the doors from upstairs down onto this level as well I might just do two though I won't do three oh God the Symmetry oh God that's disgusting I don't think I can do that maybe if I just did all white ones there we go gone for the base game white one down there it looks okay gone for the space game flooring as well and that I put that around the front too and this vent this gate was really bothering me so I've gone for two Gates here I think what I'm gonna do is have like a entrance going like this with maybe like a fountain in the middle or something I think that's what we're gonna do now what I need to concentrate on now and this is going to take me a long while so I'm not going to do much of this on camera at all but I will show you around it's the Landscaping now the Landscaping is probably going to save this build so I need to concentrate on this Landscaping um and I'll be back when it is finished Landscaping is complete we've also put in some more details everywhere as well so you can see I've put in some balconies up on the little Juliet balconies up onto those windows up there I've also checked in a few flower boxes we've put copious amounts of Hedges everywhere all lit up rather gorgeously at night and you may see these little llamas here that I've um gave I've gave them the same hairstyle as Judith I just I was pissing I won't lie I was absolutely pissing myself when I was making these llamas but I just think that's absolutely iconic as far as I'm concerned and there's four of them there's four of them all around the house there's another one there with Judith's hairstyle why why do I find that photo so funny because I'm a child because I am a child and this is the back of the house so this is the back of the house this is what I came up with we've gone for a swimming pool up on this area here we've put stairs down either um in the middle going down to this here because remember I reckon they like kind of own this area here as well you know and we've put stairs down on either side of them as well and more Judith llamas around I reckon she paid the gardeners to do that you know I reckon she absolutely paid the gardeners to do that I put our dining table out on this area here um coming out from that area there and I've also done the balcony here with some sun lounges so they can look down upon all of the peasants that live down in that area there I think Judith would be very much of that but I'm happy with it I am actually happy with how this has turned out now and again all base game and just get to get get famous thank you I've also picked out the wallpapers and the flooring on the interiors and put all the lighting and stuff in as well so this is the kind of vibe we are going for it's very monochrome we're going to hit it with a few colors here and there but we're going to keep it very classic very you can imagine very opulent it's probably going to be the best word for it but I've put all that needs to be here in for the minute until we get into the Furnishing now as I said I'm not going to show you how I'm Furnishing everything I'll show you how I furnished Judith's room I'm actually going to make this into Judith's dressing room and bedroom so she's got her own big like left wing of the house you know and then we'll do these two as guest bedrooms I think that's the vibe that we're gonna do and then together what we'll do is the living room uh the dining room and the kitchen I'll make sure to keep all of that in but the rest of it I'm gonna furnish off the camera and then I'll show you around in a video tool so there are lots left out in this build but what I'm thinking well we're going to start with the living room and we're going to have we're gonna have a nice chat uh what I'm thinking is I really want to tackle another bigger build in this way but I think what I've got another bigger EA build but what I think I'm going to do is make it into a bit more of a like a let's build you know like we usually do where it's all kind of done in real time and there's a mansion in windenburg that I've had my eye on for quite some time but I think we should renovate together so next time we'll do it as a bit of a let's build rather than a speed build just so you can kind of see everything kept in you know that's the five yes it is we're using these sofas by the way uh I'm gonna use I hope this one here comes oh I could go quite plain of it let me see this yeah something like this if I if you can come back here now you've got to remember I'm gonna decorate this with EA limitations so I am going to not put in as much detail as what I normally do let's Center this rug to the fireplace and then Center these sofas there yes that one now coffee table we're gonna go for you gorgeous I think that looks stunning in here it's not going to be the most exciting of Furnishings because we don't have that much to play around with base game and get famous and I don't like either of the packs well base games not too bad it's better but I'm bored bit but with gets famous that some of the stuff is just garish but we are decorating for Judith Ward and no one else you know yeah we'll put two whole tables there I don't think I'm gonna put a TV in this room no do you know what though I think Judith would like a TV I think Judith would love to watch a bit of TV so yeah maybe we will then we use this big one and I'm not even gonna size it down I'm gonna keep you there yep that's fine I think maybe something over in the corner here maybe the fire things have a little look the fire pokers there we go we'll pop them down in the corner there I think a bunch of flowers for the table just for a little bit of decoration oh maybe she got these from like a fan or something yeah let's do that plop those there I can't bear that bunch of flowers I think of them bloody gopin but we're gonna put it in anyway um there's a picture up there uh I did bring that out to put somewhere can we put it there it's probably a bit small what about if we use one of the oh this one here what about if we bring you to like there like that yeah I think that could work quite nicely I think to finish off this room maybe a lamp somewhere we could put like a little side tape or should we use this one yes it's disgusting we'll use this one here oh God you know what giraffe lamp I'm feeling a draft lamp coming on Oh I thought it was get famous maybe it's not then where is that lamp from is it vintage glamor I think it's vintage glamor oh okay well that's ruined what I wanted to do so maybe I'll just use one of these instead kind of here for it we'll probably put this here instead yeah I think I will I'm gonna pop you on this side instead you were just looking a bit weird on that side okay yeah I'm kind of happy with that it's got everything that it needs in there I think we'll move on to the kitchen so we're going to utilize most of this wall here for the kitchen I think I don't really know where I'm gonna put the oven I might I don't usually like putting the oven up against a window but I think for today we're just gonna crack on because it's shooter board and I don't like her you know we use that base game oven there I am going to use a an extractor here I think we'll go for maybe something a little bit more like the oh I hate the texture on that it's awful maybe not then so maybe this one instead will flop you to about there like that gorgeous yes I think that could work quite nicely as I said a fridge is going in this point here but not really um spoiled for Choice with what we can use and whatnot so I'm gonna flop you to there I'm thinking maybe a sink on that point yeah we'll flop a sink into there I think maybe or even now used to be a little bit more plush we'll go for that one in fact I'm gonna put the sink there because it's on the window and you can look out then can't you as if Judith would wash our own dishes oh yeah I think that could work we do need to get a bin and stuff in here it's a very long Kitchen on this point so it's almost making me want to put an island in yeah I think that could work I do think that could work I think what I might do though is just bring it down to that position there so we've got a little bit more room on this side and then we can just put chairs all the way across there then Horse bar stools sorry I am going to move the light now though so it centralizers over the island bringing that beautiful so let me get some chairs and I'm gonna get some cupboards and stuff around and do some finer details but that is basically what Judith's kitchen is going to look like and there we go one complete kitchen we've gone for those bar stools from get famous put some pictures up on the wall I did a little seating area over in this bay window here as well with that gupping looking seat and also that awful looking curtain and we've got some pans some wine I put all the cupboards up on the walls as well that go all the way along to there and a little coffee machine over on this side there is a bin there but it's disappeared there it is there's the bin and I also put in a plant in that corner so again not masses of detail but we're going for EA vibes the devil in me then sorry Darlings EA vibes but yeah we're finished with that so we're gonna make a start on the dining room so I think this is the place where Judith would like to show off a lot so we are going to put in this dining table the base game ones with these big high-backed chairs from get famous I kind of like where that table is so I'm gonna move the light so it's directly uh above it let me get that little Spotlight and pop it in there as well oh yes and I do think we need some kind of rug underneath of the table do you come in anything that's not Goblin no you don't gopin is the word of today I don't know if you've noticed but I'm using that throughout this whole build we'll go for that planar looking base game Swatch I think I think that will be fine um up here maybe some kind of china cabinet I can't remember what we've got base game wise so let's have a little look together and fail miserably so I picked out these uh China cabinets I've put them in there we've put a little corner shelving moment in that bit I put a little shade looking sofa in that bay window there put a plant in the corner over there some flowers and I also pulled out a grand piano and just tucked it away into that bay window there and I think that is enough detail in that room uh or do death kind of for it to be honest with you so what I'm going to quickly do now is just furnish the rest of this off of camera and then I'll come back show you and then we'll get up and we'll do Judith's bedroom suite together and there we go I've just finished off the entrance hall with some gorgeous gorgeous things a nice lava Arrangement as soon as you come in some plants some pictures and some Hall tables I also furnished the bathrooms down here as well so they've got each their own shower and sink and a toilet all that you would need for your post and pays your eating pose this year I just I didn't really know what to do this area so I've just because it's just off of the living room maybe this could be like a little quiet Reading area so I put some bookcases on this side to kind of act for that and also this is Judith's office with some of the many movies that she has been in over the years I think I might even oh no I was just about to centralize that but it's because the paneling looks weird if I do something a bit different with these you know and I don't want to put that right up to the edge because that's just silly so that there they stay um bookcase not much going on in there not much going on in this whole house but you know we're thinking about EA we got EA in the brain Darlings now what I also did was furnish the two uh kind of guest rooms really we've gone for a very white and gold Vibe for it to be honest with you a few black accents here and there I also changed out all of the wall lights for these ones instead including downstairs I just think they fit in with the theme a little bit more uh decorated this area a little bit more just put some plants here and there a couple of pictures and what not nothing too drastic and I also did one of the bathrooms here as well so got the full bath got the swan bath and everything that they may need if they do have guests so we are on to Judith's room now we are going to do this together now I've already kind of thought about the beds that I want and I think we're gonna have to go for a pink Vibe love so we're gonna go for this one and we're gonna go for this Judith would be absolutely made up of it yes she wouldn't do it so I'm gonna flop you to there I don't really know what side tables to pick maybe I could go for a bit more of a oh yes yes indeed she would be all about that we'll put them either side of the bed there don't know what lamps I want to put up on here maybe something a little bit more decorative you know what I think this one's fine we'll put that one there that one's absolutely gorgeous feeling that yes I am indeed this area here is absolutely screaming out for a Shays so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna flop in a little shade into that moment there like that ah yes indeed I think a nice little rug down on the floor here as well and I think I'm gonna copy what I did in the spare rooms and just use this one and flop you right there I mean what is the point of this rug not a lot but it softens the room and that is the vibe that we're going for yes it is so this is we haven't finished now I'm going to add a few more details I just don't know what I want to do just yet but in here now I think this is where we're gonna get stung because I'm unsure if I know it does come in a white and gold okay well we'll flop this in instead we'll do you do there and then I'll flop you'd there like that now do we have another swatch for this just so it like mixes up the clothes a bit we do we do indeed I'm gonna bring you out slightly from the wall because you look a little bit scrunched in at the end there yep I think that would be the absolute Vibe and then maybe we could do shoes on either side here or even let's try I'm going to get rid of this one first we'll put the Scots back in but I don't know where I want to put them yet loves don't know where I want to put them so maybe hmm in fact what I might do is just put the shoes on this point here instead if I can go here with the shoes we're gonna wiffle you across a little bit more there and the same with that one there like that yeah kind of feeling that Vibe and I think she would have a wall of mirrors or at least 20 of them you know I think that would be from all angles and then this area here we could maybe put a Styling Station in yeah I think I'm gonna do this where she gets her makeup artist to come over and style her our Panda hairdresser and I reckon those are our only friends as well sad to admit but Judith is a you know so it's a I don't feel sorry for her I don't feel sorry for in the slightest and I think I'm going to shave up that little area there as well oh yes definitely vibing with that now I'm feeling a big soft Circle moment coming into this room for some reason let's have a little look before I put you to like directly below the light which would be around about there wouldn't it oh I think that would work yes yes it would okay yeah Judith that's all you're allowed my love you're not having anything else I'm I'm even fine with keeping the bedroom like that to be honest in fact what I might do just add in a little chair over into this corner just into this corner here yeah guys I think I'm done I can't spend any more time on two Deford because it's it's making me feel a bit sick to be perfectly truthful with you it really is so let's get in and um let's see what Judith thinks of it to be honest I will have a home worth 350 000 whilst you've got your aspiration complete darling haven't you um dude if come in here and just sit on the sofa to be honest all admire new possession as you would oh she's gonna do a walk as well isn't she not the slow Fame walk anything but that but hello welcome to Judith Ford's new mansion milk Mansion shall I say so it's okay it's not my greatest work obviously but I think it's a lot better than what it was before and this is the back area here of Judith's Mansion I had grounds um don't pay any attention to that there we can blame the Sims 4 curves for that she's got a swimming pool she's got a dining area I mean you know what not too bad I prefer the back to the front I will say that but for me asymmetry is just not the one but you know what is the one for me the absolute Judith llamas I'm still much I'm very much full then very much full damage right okay let's have a tour very loud birds right you come in here into the main foyer I might put some columns in here maybe not nope not gonna bother come into the living room Judith is sat down admiring her new area I mean not too bad not too bad at all and you come through this way into this little entrance hall area you go into here's the office Judith's office with her life's work up on the wall and there's a bathroom in here lovely stuff we come through this way you do have access ouch onto her what would you call this I don't know it's not decking is it well it's something you know she's got that anyway into the kitchen into the kitchen a very long kitchen but I think it works quite well and then you're over into this way into a dining room and you've obviously already seen in the toilet and I'm not going to show you the other one because it's exactly the bloody same dining room moment stunning now up onto the landing Timothy would have much room up here yes he would indeed only oh geez that the channel will know what I'm going on about weird shadow on the wall but you can blame the Sims team for that um we just did this room which is obviously Judith's dressing room gorgeous then you go through into do do I keep going to call it Julia Judith's um Boudoir their dream imagine living all here by yourself in a house this big not for me um spare bedroom over here very white and gold then you can run to this way same going on in here as well beautiful beautiful beautiful stuff and then the bathroom I didn't show I didn't even bother Furnishing the other bathroom but it's just going to be exactly the same as this and I will um not bother showing you that because it's just very boring very boring indeed anyway let's leave on the best shock the back of the house is definitely my favorite look at the house is definitely the winner for me now I have to say something is going on with my game at the minute I cannot upload anything to The Gallery at the minute because I'm using origin still I'm still using origin and something is not working I don't know what's going on and it's not allowing me to go online so I cannot get this up onto the gallery but I will save it to my gallery and as soon as I'm able to get everything all of my builds including the one from yesterday the speed build as soon as I'm able to get them up on the gallery or get them up for you guys but it's not working for me at the minute I'm afraid but that's it thank you so much for watching leave me some lovely comments down below and I will be back on Tuesday have a lovely weekend goodbye
Channel: Devon Bumpkin
Views: 217,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, devonbumpkin, lets build the worlds, lets build, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 house build, the sims 4 build, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build
Id: 3mjgDXBqtDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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