I renovated the GOTH FAMILY HOME | The Sims 4

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now we all love an icon a few names that spring to mind for me Kylie Minogue David Bowie Prince Madonna you know where we're going with this and we have our own icons in The Sims 4. that being the iconic goth family now we've seen many iterations of the Goths over the years in various different Sims games now the only problem with the goth house though especially in The Sims ball is the house that they reside in it's a little bit weird it's a little bit ugly it's a little bit too big it's just very very strange so what we're going to do today is give that house a makeover and here she is Ophelia Villa it's a complete base game build and it's just very very strange very very strange I'm gonna point out a few things I don't like with it and we're gonna get to work on changing this and I will go over how we're going to change it too because I don't want to take away the kind of feel and look to this too much the fact that all of the walls are at a tall height I hate working with the tall height wall in The Sims Force we're definitely going to be shifting that down to a medium a huge triple wide staircase I just don't like this hallway in general so we're definitely going to be giving that a little bit of a mix up too this really weirdly laid out kitchen I just don't Vibe with it at all it just looks very disjointed like it just doesn't belong together it's just odd we will be giving that a bit of a mix up too this really weird single bedroom on top of the whole build itself it just looks very strange I don't know what they were trying to achieve with this so we're gonna see what we can do with that as well and just the general size of the build itself I personally think it's too wide so what we're gonna do is actually try and stick with the same kind of shape but make it look a little bit better especially with the roof line the roof line just doesn't work with me that weird chimney that's kind of stuck there and then you go downstairs where where the chimney is and it's on the other side of the wall we're going to be changing all of that kind of good stuff but I actually want you to be able to recognize this Village as the goth's house so I'm just going to reduce the size of everything down but still keep the same footprint I may change the floor plans around a little bit but I kind of want to keep them semi the same we're going to go for this dark Vibe as well and that's it let's get to it first things first I'm going to get rid of all of these windows because I think we're going to be choosing a different window now I'm not going to be having any kind of limitation with packs with this build either but I may just use a limited number of packs maybe base game vampires all of that kind of good stuff so I have completely gutted the Goths house this I have so there is absolutely nothing in the floor plan at all we're going to start from scratch my loves yes we are indeed I think the only thing left to do now is because I have reduced the size of the walls as well we've put it down to a medium I I feel this house is way too wide I just think it's too wide and it needs to be a bit more streamlined so we could even get some more Landscaping going down the side of the house but still keeping this shape so that's what we're gonna do now and so here is the new improved basic shape of the goth house ignore the front doors on the gate there I just haven't put them on the house yet now I've already been gone and chosen well we didn't really I didn't change the floor plan too much I still wanted the floor plan to reflect the original house and we're going to go around in a minute put all the trims on all of the windows all of that good stuff we're gonna do it together I have already done it looks smashing but what I wanted you guys to have a little treat you know so here we are I'm going to show you around now down into this level of ground floor I'm still unsure at these tiles yet all I've used so far is base game and vampires so I'm gonna try and stick to that I may use something from another pack here and there but that is predominantly what I want to do yes I do so you can see I've obviously made the whole way or the entrance or a lot smaller I've I put a two wide stair in and rather than a three wide this is still going to be the living room I have just changed around the shape slightly especially with like the bay windows the bay windows were just too big and large so we've still got bay windows everywhere where they were but I've just reduced the side of it size of it and made it look a little bit more of a better shape to be honest Kitchen in here Darlings kitchen here toilet and this is going to be the dining room in that kind of like turret moment that we're gonna have on the back there upstairs this is where things have changed around a little bit more so what we're going to do up here Landing obviously uh I'm gonna have Cassandra in this room here Alexander's gonna have this bedroom now and there's going to be a spare bedroom down here a smaller spare bedroom that I might even make into a nursery just in case the goth family do want to make this size their family a little bit better a better bigger sorry um bathroom and then upstairs I've gave more to marombella the very own Master Suite up on this level so they're gonna have their bedroom here and I'm gonna do a big very Posh bathroom in this one here um but all in all this is like the predominantly the shape of it and oh with the turret here I'm actually going to do like a double height sort of moment there rather than having access up to here didn't really want to do that but it's still in line with the shape of the original house I've just perfected it a little bit better and made it more appealing to me and then this at the back here so that is that turret area there um same up here we're going to be putting fences and stuff up here it's all going to be gorgeous I've kept all the windows on this side for some reason including a bit of the trim and I don't know why I did that I should have took it off because it's ruined the illusion now but now what we're gonna do first is put the trim on and we are going to use that gorgeous black trim from The Sims 4 vampire bastards so that's what we're going to do darling as we are indoed and people would probably vampire bastards say very Niche reference from a sitcom um an all-female lead sitcom in the UK called Titty Titty Bang Bang and it was one of the most amazing sitcoms of sitcoms I've ever watched I've me and my friends used to absolutely piss ourselves to it it's definitely not for everyone it's a very it's a very weird humor but I loved it I loved it and I was gutted when it ended so moving on anyway round to here no I'm gonna stop holding down shift so I can put everything where I want it to be around this site please not on the chimney breast we've trimmed up that whole level there gorgeous stuff oh obviously as well we've made a chimney breast going all the way up gorgeous things right coming down to this level level I'm gonna flop you into that I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put you on and then I'll um perfect things once everything's on here that was a lovely sentence Aiden that really was that really was you wouldn't think that English is well the only language the only language that I know because I do stumble of my words quite a lot I won't lie right I'm gonna get this one get this one get this one you were not invited neither are you hold down shift to do this love if you don't want to like delete all of it you hold down shift and it just deletes little segments just in case you didn't know that there's a little trick for you lovely juggling now let's have a look through the front of yes yes indeed and then what I was going to do is use this fence here on all of the balcony areas around here my love tuck you in there like that gorgeous and we're going to do the same around on this level too now you can probably see I've used a smaller fence a smaller base game one up on top of like the Widow's walk is what they call it um and I like it I like how that's kind of yeah beautiful anyway moving on so I'm going to use these here from vampires these pillars from vampires I'm gonna put one there one third we're gonna do another one there and there I don't want to like swamp this area with them so I think I might just fit another two in on top of these ones here so if I can do one there is that equally spaced I mean it looks fine so that's good enough for me oh yeah it's gorgeous and then around onto this side we have we only have to do this on the bottom level so I think I might just do in fact I probably do need to get a couple more in like that gorgeous gorgeous things yes now with this area we'll do this now because we're here this is going to be the kitchen so I did one like two windows like there to reflect up onto this one which goes into that bedroom there and then oh oh how dare you there we go um and then what I'm going to do is use these doors on the top level up here can we can we see this please let's get you in the middle there beautiful so that's right there and then we're going to do the other one there which is the entrance or Escape From The Kitchen that's what we're going to do yes we are and then I'm going to use these windows I ended up not putting the windows around on this part but I might do it just for the bottom one um and the heights may change as well because I I do have to shuffle around the heights of these windows quite a bit they do need to be kind of semi-op the actual freezes themselves uh I just like the height of that inside so that's what I'm doing oh you need to be a bit more there my love um we can do it from inside now that'd probably be a lot easier and then I'm going to flop these all the way around here I might just do one on that side and then one more around about there are you lower you are there we are let me see let me love it let me have a look at you oh gorgeous oh which is the same on the turret above and how very dare this brick not change so I've used the base game ornate bricks as well just in that lovely matte black I just think it really really works on this house so that's what we're gonna do lovely jubbly let me have a little look at you oh that looks smashing yes yes okay so we'll make a start on the front of the house so it's practically the same as that the only problem there's lot is it's got very lighting I will say that um so yeah the front is practically the same as the back so that's what we're gonna do them there and another one there and the same up the top here as well another one there and a gorgeous one right there my love and then this one here is going to stay there oh it's quite low did I do that on purpose maybe I need to move that up so I want to move up to there yeah why not and get this base game door right into the main entrance there and then I use these double base game ones um I really I'm really liking these windows again now that we've got more swatches for them so I definitely need to utilize them a bit more because I've always really liked these windows I just never liked the swatches but now we've got like blacks and whites and all sorts haven't we love so I'm very much for it right and then you can go to there same with that one and I did another one around here as well I'm sure I did uh yeah I definitely did I did I absolutely did now do I want to put this around on this point here oh that do I like that it's not going to go around on that part though do you know what what I might do instead is just put on a bit more of a simple trim um onto this why is it like doing that like I've already chosen my wallpaper thank you absolutely go to hell um I might even put them around on these parts here as well there we go gorgeous let me see you oh yes yes indeed very much for it that window does look a bit weird I know it reflects in what these windows but I I think that's why I pulled that window down a bit lower because it just looked a bit off balance to me anyway and on these parts here let me filter my loves for a little bit of Base game what I did here was put that one here because this also comes in some burst watches as well you put one there and then I also put one on the back area here like that oh she's smashing she's for it she's cover girl yes she is now I'm just gonna get on the rest of the Windows onto this part and also maybe perfect the windows down here too and I'll be right back and there we go all of the windows on in the areas that I wanted them um I actually changed the windows on the turrets as well I forgot what I did and I actually did like a double window with two single Windows either side I just prefer it I just prefer how that looks so that made me do it on this little bit of the turret here as well um but all in all a definite Improvement I also put in a little bit of access out onto that balcony from the main Landing as well up near the bedrooms um and yeah come together rather nicely indeed now you can obviously see I've kind of made a start on the um landscaping and I haven't touched the terrain painting at all but I've just fenced in this Garden area using the hedge of dreams not really going to use the garden for too much I don't think I just think a nice little patio area down there of some description and maybe a water feature and some terrain painting and I think the exterior of the goth house the new and improved golf house as far as I'm concerned um we'll be done and there we are I've just perfected the Landscaping I've done all the terrain paints as well and I've done the back Garden area too done the back Garden area too what we've done what we've done my loves it's just a cheeky little uh dining area outside I may put in a barbecue actually I think what I'll do is flop a barbecue just there a few little pots for them to grow stuff in and we've gone for like an Edward Scissorhands goth moment with some topiary Snippets my loves uh up on these balconies as well I put a little base game telescope out there too with a little uh bench and I've also done that around the same side here I've put some benches down on this part here I don't know what we're gonna do up here yet I think what I want to do is put in a chess table so we'll do that together before we move into the Interiors so I think we need to go to activities and skills and find a nice chest table that's going to actually fit in here I mean this one here is in Black that is gorgeous so I'm going to flop you to there and choose a cheeky couple of chairs and I'll just go for these ones here a little bit comfy gorgeous gorgeous things I'm not gonna do too much clutter and detail with this house I still want it to have that EA feel to it so a little bit empty here and there that's what we're gonna do I want that to come across so I want this to be able to run on all of your PCS or laptops or whatever you play it on you know so that's what we're gonna do now I think what I have to do is go in and pick all of the wallpapers and all of the flooring I might change this tile I'm not really feeling it for some reason I don't know why it might change when I get the wallpapers on but we'll have a little look at it and then I'll come back and we'll start Furnishing the rooms so I have chosen all of the wallpapers and the flooring I'm actually going to stick with these tiles I did say that once I get the floral and the wallpapers on maybe I'll change my mind about the tiles and I do quite like them now and it's still pain to the original colors in the house you know the Reds the purples and that's what I've done upstairs so with Cassandra's bedroom we're gonna go for a very violet look and with Alexander's we're gonna go for a very deep red I've kind of tiled the bathrooms as well on the um walls in a very dark black uh and just around the hallways and stuff I've gone for this very dark black but it's got that Sheen of that vampires wallpaper this one here we've just gone for a plain gray one which I'm going to make into a nursery I am going to do it and then up here I've gone for the same gray wallpapers for uh Alexander and Alexander mortimers and Bella's um Master Suite which I'm I've also wallpapered the uh bathroom I've also wallpaper the bathroom don't usually do that but I'm going to go for a very dramatic moment in here because this doesn't have any windows I mean it's got Dormers into it so we can just pretend that it does um I kind of feel like it just needed to be like a really comfy looking room rather than a tiled room and I might even put an extra fireplace in here as well so we'll see how we go now I have I've already pulled out all of the stuff that I want for the living room so we're gonna stop putting that around together my love yes they are indeed we're gonna go for the base game chairs I did try all the biggest game sofas even I did try the vampires ones but they were just a little bit too dramatic for in here they were a little bit too dramatic and they just didn't they weren't vibing with me so I'm not gonna do it no I'm not right I'm gonna use I think that was the perfect place that I had it and I'm gonna use this rug we're gonna go a little bit lighter with the tones in here rather than just going for all black I've decided on keeping this just a little tab lighter so that's what we're gonna do just lift it up slightly but just still give it that iconic goth Edge yes now I was very limited on bookcases but this one here I feel just fitted the room a little bit better than the rest of them um obviously from base game I think we've all seen that over the years I'm gonna put a little Shades my love into the uh bay window over here so Bella can sit down and lie down on a tour dramatically and I'm gonna use this lamp and kind of overhang the lamp over on that area there gorgeous now above the fireplace we need a very dramatic moment so in comes Vlad I'm gonna put a floody daddy up there my loves yes I am and um there's no story in line with that it's just there I'm gonna put this plant into the corner I thought this plant was perfect because it kind of reflects on the area we're in Willow Creek it's kind of got that very Bayou and climate I think is that right well I would imagine yes um and then over here as well little little um table on that point I'm going to put some pictures above it and I don't know what else to do on that I might even Chuck a couple of sconces over here see what that looks like let's see like let's see if I can pull in a couple and I hope that it doesn't look too crowded um I mean I could put them like there and just size the picture down with the tool mod just slightly if I size this down to like a 0.9 oh nine I think that would be a bit better spatial awareness and all that yes yes definitely something up there but I haven't really chosen that just yet and maybe something over in this corner here as well and there we go just put a bird skull there you know classic uh little side table with a lamp on over in that corner just to bring a brick bring a bit of brightness tongue twister loves really is but so I like it I like the feel of it in here I do I do like the feel of it it's still got that edge but I just think it's just been lifted it looks a lot better than it bloody did so we're gonna move on to the kitchen now the kitchen's gonna be a bit of a weird layout I think what I'm going to do is have counters coming down here but also coming around here maybe wrapping around slightly around on this part as well uh I do want a little bit of seating over in this area here so maybe even a smaller dining table or something um and we're going to be very limited because we've only got base game kitchens to use so I think we're just gonna have to go oh no we've got vampires but it's the colors with this oh that does look nice though well check out my tits loves we're using this one I don't know what orientation I'm going to use yet so I'm just going to start laying it out I'll be back in a minute all right then my little men's fluffs here we go so I'm gonna put in the oven onto this point here with with sticking with the Vampire cabinets and counters I just think they look nice what I've done here though is switched around the door area and put the door over on this side it didn't make much changes out here not at all it just helped this kitchen be a little bit more of a better layout that's what I'm gonna do my love see that's where I did right I'm flopping you to there and then what I'm gonna do is bring in a little corner piece here now I have gone ahead and used an extra pack we've gone for some uh get together we have gone for some get together Vibes with this house so there are only three packs I'm gonna stick with get together vampires and base game and that is all it's going to be darling sisters right I don't know why I grabbed that first I needed the fridge I'm gonna put the fridge over on this side here rather rather gorgeous things plop it on that little level there and I just love how it hugs that little corner of the room that I'm very much for it right I'm gonna flop you to there we're going to bring in a little corner piece here as well I have a ring in my ears for some reason and I don't know why um I don't know why I said that but I do I do have a ringing in my ears yes I do um right I'm gonna put in a little one of these the little cupboards above here and can I just put in a full cup of depth would that be okay with you or will you oh no do you know what that looks smashing yes yes I'm very much for that and this side here I'm gonna do as a little like coffee station area so I'm gonna do one more did I do that there I'm sure I did yes I think that's what I did and then I did a corner piece on this edge here so coming to here flopping that piece just on the edge there and then what I can do is put the bin out the way and over into that corner there lovely jubbly and a sink is now going up on this uh level oh this level this counter and I'm just gonna do maybe just a nice generic black one look at you do you know what you match gorgeously in here now ignore this this is a coffee tip no it's not a coffee table at all Aiden it's a breakfast table so I've just bought this little side over here would look lovely with a little like pattern not patio set what am I going on about tables and chairs over in the bay window just they've got somewhere to sit and have their breakfast rather than using the big kind of formal dining room which is what we're going to use in a sec and then I think what I'm going to do is just stick that up there and we have got a dishwasher as well so there is a dishwasher here wondering if I should just put the dishwasher over that side like that I really hate the color of that but that is the whitest that it goes and there is not much I can do about it because I can't use anything else because base game vampire fires and get together loves that is the reasons um I think up here we definitely need some kind of extractor and I'm probably just going to use this modern one with this kitchen yeah it looks nice actually and I'll flop that just above the oven space there now I'm not going to litter out anything on the sides and stuff here as I said I want to keep this looking not like an EA house but just something that is not going to be kind of taxing for your PCS or your laptops or even your console when you want to download this into your game if you download this into your game but I'm kind of happy with it I'm happy with how that kitchen turned out I like the layout of it like the kitchen kind of bunches up here but it's still got the wrap around with the fridge on this side also changed out the arch for a double door as well just add a bit of like privacy from well not privacy separation from the kitchen and the living room because we've got this dining room here and I wanted that to be open having it all open was just a little bit too much for me and for this particular build and that's what we're going to do we're going to move straight onto the dining room as well because I have prepaid and everything and it's right here darling sisters so I'm gonna flop this one to here I hope that is semi in the middle I think it is and I'm going to use these big dramatic chairs as well with this circle dining table which is a base game dining table and we're going to use these wonderful vampire chairs that I love to death but I just wish that they came in more swatches I really really do but I still think it's lovely also put out some radiators over on this side look on the wall from vampires as well very good gestures um and what else do we do oh a tapestry I had a lovely tapestry here but we're going to flop down together just to bring a bit more of that red in just imagine like a family tree or something that tapestry and I'm very much for it and I'm thinking about putting this just underneath here um and I think Bob's your uncle fannies around to be honest that's got everything that I need in it I'm just a bit apprehensive whether this is in the middle of the dining table or not no it's not it needs to come over one more there we go oh yeah lovely big dining room again I think that is also a nice Improvement on what we had before um with yeah the base game one very nice indeed I also went ahead and furnished the bathroom off of camera as well and also the hallway so the bathroom is all complete I'd actually like to do in this bathroom I was actually excited about this bathroom for some reason I just like the black and red together in here wouldn't have it personally but I think it suits the Goths and also this hallway just a little like side table and a bit of a coat radiator I'm absolutely for it this level is complete and done and I'm happy with how it's come out it still feels like it's kind of limited with the amount of stuff that I've used which I'm vibing with this house so what we're going to do now is move up to the bedrooms now I've already picked out Cassandra's bedroom or bed here I really want to go a little bit more not dramatic but just something that's going to be in the lines of that victorian-esque Vibe that's going through this house and probably the same of all of the bedrooms so so we're gonna make a start on Cassandra's first I want to go for these side tables here from get together rather stunning dropping one either side of the bed let's make sure that they are not creeping into the bed please and these tassel lamps as well from The Vampire pack I'm gonna bring in this base Game Rug it's just in like a dark gray and I just thought it'd suit it this room didn't not to make it modern or anything but just something a little bit more cleaner um I didn't want to go because of the wallpapers quite loud and also the bedding we're just muting things down here and there ever so it's like though now we do need a wardrobe so I'm gonna use the vampire ones plus the get-together mirror over in this corner here beautiful beautiful things move this along a little bit more just make sure it's not creeping into the wall there we go gorgeous and then I thought Cassandra always strikes me as an academic for some reason so I always tend to build her um I've built her room quite a few times in various different ways I've done a modern goth house once that was part of my Willow Creek so far if you want to go and have a look at that for that video and if you haven't seen it um but I always make her kind of like an academic for some reason it's just in my head with because that address so I gave her her own PC and desk as well in this room with some books some lovely flowers just to bring in more of that purple Vibe now I didn't want to go for a purple chair over in this corner so I've gone for the base game black one then we've used this lamp here from vampires just underly fit maybe she's just got her own little reading Corner over in the moment over in the moment there over in the corner there a little reading Corner moment that I'm kind of feeling so it's still giving that goth Edge um but I'm very much for it Radiator on that side as well um but very nice I think that's just the perfect room for her really to be honest and I'm feeling it I think what we should do just up on this point here though is just give her a little picture or a painting of some description that fits imperfect there let me use this little vampire um collection of yeah collection of uh paintings over in that corner there oh Cassandra's going to be made up and here I'll tell you that much okay we're gonna move on now to Alexander's bedroom now Alexander is a child so I'm gonna be building this as a child's bedroom okay so first off we're gonna do a bit now I'm gonna use this base game bunk bed uh I didn't pick this one first off but I was just like do you know what I think he would like a little bunk bed moment so I'm going to give it to him I'm gonna do it Alexander little bunk bed with a little sofa underneath as well in case he wants to chill out with his friends and whatnot we're gonna get rid of you now because that's what we had first off the side table it's not working right I'm gonna put this big castle moment in the bay window right in the center of those there like that then we're going to bring this absolutely adorable that I mean that's just I love that I absolutely love that I think that's absolutely gorgeous and put a couple of the posters up around him maybe he likes a bit of reading as well takes after his sister but he's also looking at getting into a bit of a rock band I can imagine that bit of heavy metal is what he's into yes it is lovely gorgeous things we're gonna use this modern um wardrobe I just didn't think the older ones looked good and I tried all the others and it just that one there looked the best so we're gonna go for a bit more of a modern wardrobe the wonderful Alexander we're gonna put his desk directly underneath of these um Windows here like that and then off to the side of it what I'm gonna do is flopping a lovely little bookcase just there it's got his little comfy sofa they can come and have a little lion if he wants to read his books and whatnot I'm gonna do a toy box as well I'm gonna put it into this orientation they should be able to get and use all this but as always with all of my builds I will play a test it all beforehand and I'm gonna put this little mirror here in case it wants to look cool for school you know all of those good things kind of feeling it it's not my style but I think Alexander would absolutely love it and it's much improved um bedroom from what he had before isn't it really you know just all of those little things not going oh I love when that happens um there we go um not overcrowded and just it's got everything in here to keep himself busy you know he's got he's got his own bloody iPad and laptop for goodness sake but I always see the goth family being quite well off as well for some reason it's just in my head that way so they've got a lot of things yeah cute happy with that room absolutely happy so as I said with this area here don't want to do too much up here I think what I want to do is bring that grand piano back into this area because that's where it is in the original house so let me grab a few bits out and then what we're going to do is move on to the nursery pretty simple pulled out a grand piano into this Bay Area and I put up some red curtains in here just again to bring a tuck of that red through into this area here and I think it's worked also lifted up a candelabra with the nine key to fit on the edge of the piano just for some dramatic moments uh nothing much really I put another chest out here or another dresser even and I put up this photo here from get together and we can just pretend that that is mortimer's great great great Granddad I'm kind of feeling that Vibe and not much else I kind of left it as it was to be honest with you now the nursery the nursery there isn't a lot of stuff in base game for well babies there might be when the update comes out but at the minute there isn't so what I'm going to do is use those balloons as a light we're gonna put the bed here a little crib I'm gonna also maneuver that one so it kind of fits in the middle of it there so it's just a little bit of a softer Vibe underneath of there thought about a little nursing chair just off the side of the crib here just in case Bella you know has another one gorgeous and then I'm going to use this corner piece here which is base game it comes in a black Swatch now which is fabulous and I'm gonna put up this lamp on top of it now this lamp again didn't snap to it so I've had to lift up the nine key um just over into that area there what about a wardrobe for this room so I'm going to flop in a wardrobe for here just with all the babies bits and Bob Zen and also I had a dresser where are you there you are flopping a dresser over to this side underneath I put two sconces up and that base game kind of butterfly and painting that I never used because it's awful um and I'm I'm gonna bring these out I know they're for toddlers but I'm going to bring them out anyway just so it kind of reflects on this area being a bit of a nursery not much stuff in here nothing too you know over the top at all um heavily detailed but I think that just tells the story and again it was a lot better than it was so I'm happy with it so we're done with this level now we get the bathroom I'll do that um we're done with this level we're going to move up to Mortimer and Bella's very own um Suite they've got their own sweet up here which I'm gonna I'm gonna enjoy and I'm gonna actually show you how I furnish this there's going to be a bit of a bedroom slash dressing room moment a bathroom slash dressing room moment that's what we're gonna do yes we are and this is double height so I have put up a big dramatic chandelier onto this level here and which I'm gonna put the bed underneath of here I think so let me pull out a few bits to decorate this all up and we'll put it around together so for the main bedroom room we're going to be putting this bed in here I'm going to flop you into that position now my darling I'm gonna bring another side table put one there Shuffle that bed along because we're missing details thank you and I'm gonna flop you into this side Here My Dear and we're going to use that beautiful [Music] um table lamp we're going to use the same table lamps that we've been using everywhere through this house I think it would work well I'm going to use the same rug as well that I had in Cassandra's room for this room just over in the bed area I think that just reflects on it quite gorgeous slow so that's what I'm gonna do uh I'm gonna be putting a fireplace in this room as well I thought they would love their own little romantic seating moment in front of the fire and I'm vibing with that idea so I'm gonna pop you to there and we're going to bring in these base game chairs let me just Chuck it all in and we'll Shuffle it around together um I'm gonna bring these two closer together but also far apart it's a bit like their relationship um I have no idea what I'm saying I'm gonna flop you to there that's nice I do like that position and then I had I think I had these above the fireplace I did but I pulled them down a bit lower and then bought in this dresser here with a rather dramatic Rose and Bouquet on top of it I thought that worked in well with that little mirror there just by it so it's a nice flowed room it's kind of got feelings of Separation which I like little seating area over facing the fireplace and I'm kind of vibing now into the dressing room and bathrooms so this is what I did now I'm gonna I didn't bother taking these off the walls because it was just a pain in the ass to get them on anyway and so I've kept them up there I'm gonna do the sinks there we're gonna do the bath just here just here and then we're going to separate off the dressing room with this um divider and then what I did is put the wardrobes into this kind of Orient hair around here I think I'm gonna have to shuffle this in just a little bit more let's not have you um cutting through the bath though please in fact I think it was even more like this around in this kind of position here there we go which in turn gives us a little bit more room to shuffle around these wardrobes and what I did was that needs to go in a bit tight there what I did was put a mirror just in between them like this um can we go in a little bit more not really liking how squished this is feeling it wasn't feeling that maybe the bath needs to come in a little bit more actually um it wasn't feeling this way when I tested it out so I don't know what's going on here and but we'll make it better uh I mean anything's better than that EA stuff you know I'm kind of vibing with that kind of vibing with that we did have a toilet but I can't remember where I put it where did I put the toilet oh no there's going to be a floating toilet somewhere oh there it is over on this ball here um I could even put in there really couldn't I yeah that's bad that's much better orientation um yeah we'll stick with that there gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous things and that bed is still coming out from the wall there can we stop it please for goodness sake but I think that will work I'll obviously Player test this to make it sure everything does work for your Sims but I think we are complete loves the new and improved goth family home can we get some better lighting here not on this lot you can't I'm kind of happy with how it looks in the exterior I think the exterior is my favorite um because it you can well I can still see it's the goth house you know but I just think I just feel it's been updated rather deliciously and with all base game on the exterior may I add or actually now I tell a life tell a lie it's not we've got vampire trims vampire trims and also vampire um Dormers we've got them going on but I'm very pleased with it so that's the exterior we've got the garden out here I did pop a little Fountain out here as well just for the drama purposes and you've already seen all of this but we're gonna I'm gonna show you anyway so come through the front door you come through the front door by means of this rather dramatic front gate oh right and then through here into the main hallway so this is the entrance hall going upstairs there gorgeous gorgeous things little window off to the side into the living room which I'm very happy with gorgeous yeah I think that's came out nice to the living room and then straight through into the kitchen area so you've got your little breakfast table off to the left and then a lovely kitchen flowing all the way around yep opens out onto a lovely little dining room as well gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous I'm very much happy with that absolutely we have got a toilet down here I haven't furnished the one upstairs yet but it's literally going to be the exactly well exactly the same as this bathroom so nice toilet like how that came out very much too then you come around to here you go up these dramatic stairs onto a rather substantial Landing um with a gorgeous grand piano and then you come into here first off into the nursery I think yeah nope nope nope into Alexander's bedroom so reflecting on what it was before the colors and all of that good stuff very much for it just a little bit more updated you know over to this side I think this might be the empty bathroom it is we'll furnish that don't you worry and also into the nursery I mean the nursery is kind of empty in itself but you can develop this as the child if they have a child gets older and with the new um update that's coming soon and also into Cassandra's bedroom as well very purple very Violet but I'm kind of feeling it all the same for everything that she would need to keep herself busy and then you come down to this way and there's another dramatic staircase coming up here which the camera is going to be flying all the way around now into um Bella and mortimer's gorgeous bedroom suite very much feeling that do you know what I might even do I might put a screen behind those chairs as well I think I'm going to put a divider behind those chairs there just to add a little bit more separation but I'm kind of feeling it nice little fireplace moment beautiful beautiful double doors into a rather dramatic dressing room and bathroom that I hope works I'm sure it will but my loves we have done for today we are done with the goth family house 2.0 um reimagined by me now I have got many more um E8 pre I have got many more pre-existing houses that I do want to tackle so in the future look out for them now I'm Gonna Leave You Now thank you so much for watching this leave me some lovely comments down below and I'll see you all in my next video goodbye
Channel: Devon Bumpkin
Views: 96,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, devonbumpkin, lets build the worlds, lets build, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 house build, the sims 4 build, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build
Id: p50Bw_1_lEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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