Giving George $5,000 To Spend On Amazon

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five thousand dollars yes what I thought what am I gonna buy the problem is you have to spend it right now you can't save it you have to spend it right all right now - what yeah oh my god you don't spend it you lose it if you don't use it you lose it all right guys so I gained over 500,000 subscribers in the last two weeks which is just insane I don't have any words I'm sorry for not making special videos for every milestone like I used to they kind of just blew by and welcome to all my new subscribers you definitely won't regret it I thought I'd make a special video getting back to people who have helped me along the way and to you guys as well it's awesome seeing people smile so make sure you watch until the end I'm doing a two thousand dollar giveaway to a random subscriber so make sure you're subscribed and you watch the whole video thank you guys so much for almost nine hundred thousand subscribers and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing it's free you can always unsubscribe if you don't like me again it's free but anyway enjoy the video alright be recording I'm recording are you sure both of them yep okay that's tough on my webcam yep ninety percent yeah yeah dummy proof George yes so look it's recording see okay we've been going for 45 50 seconds okay okay we get started and this is a thank you you get to go on a spending spree you're actually giving me $1,000 to spend no I'm not get a thousand I was lying about that I just sent you $4,000 I just said you 5,000 5,000 5,000 dollars I know US dollars 5,000 u.s. dollars yeah it's already on your paper wait let me check oh my god you actually sent it oh my god like hey how is flexing out right now he's like the most money that's ever been in my PayPal wait five thousand dollars yes what I thought what am I gonna buy you have to spend it right now you can't save it you have to spend it right all right now - what yeah oh my god you don't bend it you lose it if you don't use it you lose okay all right your face and your recording at your computer shooting right okay like I said you get $500 as a thank you from me to you for everything you've done for me and helped me with my channel and being in my videos and stuff and you could spend on whatever you want but you could have to spend it you can't keep it you have to spend it right now right now right now the other serious $500 okay dream I am recording on a percent yep I am 100 percent according yes yeah camera is on your face showing you oh it is on my face okay it is showing me that no reason you just said that I had to record my webcam correct yeah it is on my face you have to spend it right now so thank you for everything you've done for me and thumbnails I think you've helped me with on my channel wait a little bit way to get back it's never enough but thanks man I really appreciate it this is really generous thank you okay there's a lot of people's comments about your computer you need a new computer dude is literally dying you're gonna get all your new computer right now the entire new computer way they knew how okay yeah I do like it's literally like $2,600 okay off the money buy it right now oh my god okay okay let's look everything up $600 CPU oh my god only nine start why all these oh that's it oh my god eight hundred and eight hundred and eighty-two dollars oh wait wait I just I'm just like oh my god she made this PC pot list as like a meme I was like let's just put the best things I can even think of and just put them on wait we're not here for coupon codes George the pastas already 1,500 we've been here like two seconds three and a half inch oh hey hey that sounded weird okay hang on and that doesn't sound weird so really we need two of these because like I've got a lot of storage okay my dog has been cold lately I'm gonna get a dog jacket joking what's wrong with getting a dog okay yes it's the Kooser cozies waterproof sweater does you save one dollar oh that's the money wait how do I save a dollar they've got such a good discount make it man it went from 200 1985 to 20 1976 Amazon uh cooking yourself they're hooking up which is you're like I put 5k euros your money okay it's your fire okay well most it will see how much money we have at the end but we'll get a terabyte because like will it you just send me five K how can I not just get everything like this okay you think about everyday well I have this but it's to expand people like commenting on my videos that my mic is kind of trash I get a new mic do it getting your mic so I get the one that bad Scott I know his is good whatever whatever you want man I wish I had this I wish I did yes host about you know cooking on sword and shield well I mean if I'm getting that I mean my my right eye I guess I'd get another one of those doors yeah that that's a good idea Oh is there anything else you've been thinking it for a while let's see if they have any muffin dog toys ha big toys fun food blueberry muffin 4 inch soft plush dog toy oh I'm gonna get one of them it's $8 oh my god this this is pretty good I'm liking this snacks snacks oh I do like a muffin mix oh my god oh no I forgot gluten-free muffin eggs Oh peanut M&Ms I love peanut M&Ms blue Yeti USB Michael recording streaming PC Mac yeah ok I think this is it shows get it okay Mike microphone here we go my trash Mike is gonna be improved I get a pop filter as well Yolo pop filter there we go I switch I get like um a mic stand for it so I think you need a mic stand for a swivel this one is Opie I think this is actually the one that bad hands I just copy bad I tell them you're copying in Yukon okay I'm just gonna get this one okay oh my god I don't know okay oh my god what else do I even buy I've this is so much money how much is the basket two thousand three hundred but always oh wait my dream I don't know how to spend this much money like I actually don't know what else to say oh my god what have you been thinking about white and why have you given me five thousand you deserve it oh my god okay well yes thank you very much dream but I don't know how to spend $5,000 isn't time what did your mom want something get your mom mom what does she want I know she seemed like she's been wanting an earplug choice got her airport's air pub and these like the official ones I don't want like some trash ones yes Edwards Pro so new just the clear this one yeah this like just came out right I know this even go out so I just get the per a commutation $22 though and it's insane power Apple getting away with this this is insane okay you know what Yolo bang add to basket okay Airport pros - it's so much money I is insane I didn't know there were that much you we sing about this is the one that I got this one that I just when I thought it was but um I think that's why I got yeah I'm like 95% sure I like talkies talkies are great talking about spicy food wait I know what yeah perfect done Add to Cart all right and I have the total is five hundred dollars in 51 cents what the hell you do I'm something please if you want to sing you're talking about a scooter oh the electric scooter walk like typically somewhere like I just walked the a so annoying to walk to the train station oh it gets the electric scooter to the train station like that is expensive oh my god that's I get this one license to drive this Xiaomi electric scooter me m3 65 max me 25 kilometers an hour fully faltu adjustable fully for the ball okay oh my god if you think about it that's like the price of the stupid air pods like it's like the same MO this looks so sick I'm just working Zoomer wait I'm sorry okay I'm sorry edit that out edit that out I'm just be like zooming around like oh my god okay just try out it so I just add like oh my god this is so much stuff so we got the scrap Hood's we got mic stand Mike pop filter Mike we got like half my computer oh my god what's the bass guitar 3121 oh my god I'm just like I'm just like I don't even I don't even know what to say what do I spend 2,000 on Jim let's go back we'll get the rest our computer first you all right here's the case add to basket okay okay well here's the ramp let's just add this to the basket there we go at it in fifty dollars for the power supply add that in perfect okay let's see the basket 3600 we're getting there doing we're getting there I've got a whole a whole computer okay my mic mic science stand on the pop filter but uh efforts my mom put the scooter 8.29 here we go boom perfect okay computers done I'm gonna make it three of these is quantity three I want Add to Cart it's it's six sixty bucks I think peanut em and I love peanuts oh my guess they have a 38 ounce bag 760 mmm peanut chocolate candy size pick plastic sick I'm getting one oh my goodness do you know how many M&Ms that is they have a pantry 62 ounce bag - like a bag it's the same thing but I'm getting that - you know what I do need some more USB drives I keep losing them yeah what's the Oh an external hard drive that's a good idea you know what you just reminded me I was going to get an ass at some point why not get some Western Digital a terabyte Reds oh eight terabyte TB red to work it is within my budget okay I'm going to add to cart' you know what I have been wanting to do some nerf some nerf gun shooting I'm gonna see what type of nerf guns have well my brother got a nerf gun and he has a lot of fun shooting it so I want to get one yeah you have a mousepad you have a keyboard I have a mouse pokey what I have them I do have monitors oh hang on wait I don't know if the oh my god it doesn't support my current monitors during both of my monitors are useless wait I'm gonna have to get new monitors I might add it's my boss he just works I don't know if I want that one there oh no it's like secondhand used very good very good I feel like that there's so much money overkill but let's check the resolution oh my god okay yes this is what we need okay add to the basket oh my god least over $400 we still have four hundred dollars this is gonna be oh my god dream when all the packages arrive this is gonna be ridiculous you have to record yourself I'm gonna put it in this video boom that'sa basket okay we have four thousand six hundred and thirty dollars I don't go outside you think I need one of them what is this a court that's kind of cool yeah okay all right we all right we just got what is it oh wait what is it hang on I'm not a natural rose quartz elephant ornament figurine healing crystal it's gonna heal it's gonna heal you one and a half inches you okay again Alexa like so which is the best Alexa I don't even know that I wouldn't unlike so annoying like it's gonna you need you want do you like snacks you like it like mmm oh oh oh my god okay [Music] this is gonna be very controversial one kilo three kilos alright yolo chocolate raisins there's only starting let's get it we've got some chocolate raisins oh my god I'm gonna be the nerf n-strike modulus should I really get a nerf gun tree and what do you think ooh they have a Harry Potter wizard chess set that's kind of cool I don't have one of these I have a lawyer the rings fun I do like chess don't judge me you know what else can I get from my dog she needs a new a new bed I'll get her a new bed my dogs kind of tiny though I don't even this Bay I get the medium that way she has space to lay down perfect all right ina 432 yeah 4:32 so you got $68 left what else should I get they make sweat pants that look like jeans do you know that what yeah they're called pajama jeans I know about these the other day might have to adjust the size later but who they have black let's get two of them and I think that might put us at budget where we're just a smidge over budget we're at 5:32 you know I already have a chess set I'll take off there you pose Harry Potter wizard chess oh my goodness I think I have enough room for one more 38 ounce bag 9 dot 97 dream boom I'm gonna have so many peanut M&Ms I love peanut M&Ms thank you dream this is the best gift ever I love it you said you oh yeah I know you said you wanted to do a video on your channel where where you like meme around and like Minecraft know that guys this is such minecraft minecraft sword oh yeah sword that could be me wait what oh that is so expensive for a cop with ch I just get it Yolo bang add to basket we got to see you head I'm gonna look so stupid with this no I related our search is now messed up like go creepers everywhere I've got pajamas okay we've still got three hundred and twenty dollars I just give away the rest then yeah we've gone you have anything else to buy I look of anything $5,000 - four six seven eight six eight $320 please give away from Arnie George is givin away 300 HP and it won t $1 this epic giveaway and one go subscribe to him right now please make sure to buy my merch that way I can afford to do videos like this because otherwise I would not be able to afford exact who gives your just much money so please dreams that is buy my merch that'll really help me I'll do videos like this trust me I'll give you guys money trust me every dollar spent on merch goes back into videos so thank you everything you've done for me very long time he's my friend for a very long time alright guys a lot of the deliveries came in but this isn't even half of them like look at all these boxes I just had to put them all on my bed I just moved all my bed stuff up to the top but um here's all the stuff we've got that's come in so far in here we've got the SSD we've got the raisins of course there's like quite a lot of reason they're gonna eat them up now we got our two cables we've got the stand for the mic we've got the mic there we've got the mic pop belter we've got the motherboard the air pods power supply like there's so much stuff here I don't know any there's more stuff in here yeah we've got the this we've got the ROM we've got the caramel pace and this this is the CPU it comes in this like really nice packaging here see if I can do it with one here we go boom look at that CPU comes in this really nice box I don't know what you call that but then oh yeah we've got the monitors came in there's one monitor and all my hands in the way we've got one monitor we've got the other monitor like there's just so much stuff here and it is just so epic you
Channel: Dream
Views: 16,349,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, minecraft, dream, mr beast, money, amazon giveaway, giveaway
Id: UapEjmbQi_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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