Dream's $5000 DEAL or NO DEAL [w/ George, Sapnap]

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[Music] deal or no deal is a game where there are 26 different cases or in this case there's chess that will have different dollar amounts in them ranging from one penny to five thousand dollars which is the option here so essentially the person who goes first which is george and then we'll go through different people gets to pick one case to be theirs he picks the number which all of them are labeled with a number and they're just standing on the cases because technically they just they get to be like oh this is my case george pick my case pick my case you pick your case and then it stays back here in this the whole game and you have to go through unlocking different cases and after you've unlocked a certain number of cases i will give you an offer based on what cases you have left and you can either accept my offer take the deal or you can say no deal and you can continue to press your luck and see if you can get a higher number and then whatever number is the final number left you win or if you take a deal you win that amount at the very end when it's down to two cases you get to either swap your case or keep your case and then you open it and you win whatever whatever is inside unless you took a deal george is going first so if you didn't understand that you will you'll learn baseline george going and george says he knows tommy will be coming later and i'm sure some other people too first things first i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna i'm gonna black out my stream real quickly and i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna throw in um the dollar amounts and i'm gonna do it at random though one second okay here we go deal or no deal i'm sure a lot of you guys know how it works all right george don't do anything or open any chests or anything but pick a number 1 226 and you can pick any of the the cases including one of ours or any sticks or one of the ones over there you can pick any of the cases this one no no um this one 18 18. okay so you pick 18. i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna turn off my stream real quick unblock my screen george has make has made his choice for his his chest we have to go with the picking of chess so now i'm gonna let you pick go ahead and pick four random chests uh four but you will do one at a time so go ahead and pick one okay take 21 21 21. we're gonna open 21. any guesses what do you think what do you think's gonna be in here uh ten dollars this chest is now gonna be eliminated from from him being able to win it so whatever's in here he does not win he can't win 21. okay it was one thousand five hundred oh no no one of the worst ones we're gonna put a sign there it's that we mark that it has been it has been removed from the board so a thousand five has been removed all right you get you get you get another one you get three more so you're getting choosing 20 20. you can't have them all next to each other 20. we're going to go ahead and we're going to open it 50 cents okay that's a good one he's gotten rid of 50 cents off the board okay 22 as well 22. i'm gonna open it up come on uh why 2 000. what you've knocked off two thousand one thousand five hundred and fifty cents are you getting you get one more to knock off okay uh get rid of the top one number seven number seven i hope it's the one cent it's gonna be 500. thousand seven hundred and fifty oh my gosh oh my god you're trash bro i'm george wow this isn't bingo george okay so now now i'm gonna give you an offer okay i'm going to give you an offer no no i'm going to give you an offer i'm going to give it up listen listen you need to hear my offer george you need to play you need to play normally okay i will give you five dollars to back out all right fine george said no deal george george does not want my trash five dollars that's it we'll see if we remember that later now you get to open five george five cases you can still open these too by the way i mean these don't get rid of the top chest by the way i'll get rid of it i'll take i'll take the lesson's chest alyssa's chest okay you can't get so many in a row i know okay come on okay a hundred dollars a hundred dollars that's not it's not that bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad all right all right which one's next all right i'm sniffing out the low amounts pick mine pick mine i think i think tomorrow's actually got a good amount i i'm gonna pick the bad boy halo number 14 oh god what's going to happen here oh 10 cents 10 cents okay that's good all right you get three more okay um ten between two chat is gonna be good 400 400 you have two more okay um 26 26 please oh no no no oh no george you get one more choice i want your chest jerry my chest okay that's two thousand seven hundred seven hundred whoa okay okay all right i'm george i'm gonna i'm gonna call in with an offer okay okay you've now you've now knocked off so much i know i know but i'll give you a decent offer okay i'll give you a decent offer okay i will offer you 100 dollars i think i would have to be pretty unlucky to get a hundred dollars or less because look there's only there's one two three four five six seven that are less than a hundred dollars and there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten statistically i should say no deal quit mass no deal okay george george's george has said no deal all right george you get to open three now okay i've got it these middle three one two three so fifteen sixteen and seventeen you want all of those 16 17 i want all three all right the middle the middle we'll start with 15. we'll start with 15. 800 hundred hundred oh great that's not good i would have taken eight hundred dollars all right we're gonna knock 16 now right 16. okay yeah 25 25 you knocked off one of the lower ones he's gone really quiet oh no two two five zero no two two five zero i'm so on facebook my maximum is two thousand five hundred so but i can still get twelve fifty it's looking no all right so i get to call in with another offer i'm gonna one more time i'm gonna offer you 100 to buy your case ah i'm on the edge of my seat i don't know that's kind of like a toss up that's really up to you chat what do you think you can consult with you can consult with anybody you want to consult with anybody in the audience i can crunch the numbers okay oh i'm crunching the numbers okay okay i'll keep going keep going no deal no deal keep your dollars dream i don't care about it i'm gonna win 2500. all right i need you to open four cases we'll do one at a time but four cases i want puns this box no not my box wait how many i'm opening four a thousand dollars oh geez look what he has left he has he has the highest number he has left is 2500. he still has a thousand two hundred fifty those are his highest and 800 all on the right side 11 11. here we go come on come on oh no 2 500. you still can get a thousand two hundred fifty [Music] two more pick one more george right now come on president george come on come on pick one more get your spirit up 24 24. 300 oh 300. i mean that's kind of like i kind of need that right now yeah okay one more twelve don't do it one dollar okay yes hey guys george i have lowered my offer no my offer is now 75 dollars i think i think there's still some potential here i think 75 is too low jim the numbers have been crunched no deal george's george is being risky here all right i need you to take out another four cases george four cases number nine number nine a number nine large 900. oh my god that's awful how do i keep making these bad decisions when it's pure luck honestly i'm eight eight eight eight i like him with thirteen i like i know exactly where it is so that means you want to open it he's in eric's box he's been holding the one cent this whole time right now go oh what scent what what what no way we really need it yeah george called it what george called it genius 300 iq all right and purple does the five dollars let's go back to back dubs you sure you want you want to go three yes 50. that's that's good that's good threesome is good okay the options he has left to win are five dollars ten dollars seventy five dollars five hundred dollars six hundred dollars and one thousand two hundred and fifty i'm going to raise my offer my offer is 125. 125. come on wait how many boxes do i open on this next round you open up two two okay no deal then no deal no deal i can't mess no deal okay 19. five dollars five dollars 600. oh man okay one more george 25 25 please please ten dollars yes okay good big brain that i will offer you look at this i could i can still win 12 50. i will offer you 210 dollars oddly specific again it's the same as last time like it's way more if i if i go for it i'd have to get both of these big ones to lose money right now well you don't you don't get another offer you get to you get to either swap your box or not after this oh you're right i like a bit of a risk like a 50 50 chance respect quite a bit of a coin flip actually you know what let me find a coin i don't have any money [Laughter] [Applause] you clearly need it you need to take the money take the money then the number with the the 20 cent on the side if it's that one i'm gonna say deal and if it's the other one i'm gonna say no deal money side deal okay you ready i'm gonna put the coin the coin is in oh you are no deal george no deal oh no it is no oh my god all right pick your first case george all right that's true i'll give it a sniff yeah give me a good sniff george a little more than a sniff sniff my box hey get off the box first i can smell it smells like fish i'm gonna go with with eight eight eight are you sure yes five hundred hey the biggest one's still in the biggest one's still in the biggest one is still in okay 23 23 let's do the strategy 23. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i've crunched the numbers the numbers are in 1250 no the question is what do you think you have in your chest because you can either swap or you can stay with your chest i will say that no matter what now you're getting less money than what you would have gotten with any of my deals jordan just i'm just making him feel bad just really running into the dirt i'm just saying he's still in the wound i think because i was i was wrong i'm just i don't trust tobo anymore his crunching skills i know inadequate and i'm i'm sticking with my box please please at least 75 please oh no oh no [Music] has one five dollars what all right toss me the ball why he had 75. uh 75 was until i knew there was money in this i'm literally going to be able to smallest person the smallest amount i'm hopefully not hopefully everybody loses and then i get to keep my money so what should i do with my five dollars you should sub to me here we go tubbo what i need you to do is i need you to pick your chest which chest that you think has the five thousand dollars you need to pick go on number 19 number 19. number 19 okay yeah now you're gonna start by opening four chests you get to just tell me the first one tell me the first one go on let's start with number nine i didn't like that number anyway number nine large 600 600 i need you to pick your next case tobo 23. yeah i'm not feeling the money in that one there's no money in that trade 700 700. man oh man just give me one okay let's go 25 one cent five dollars oh that's a good one that's a good one okay of course you know it's yeah that's a good one that's a good one so i'm eliminating the ones without yeah you're eliminating the ones that are here so you're eliminating them so you just eliminated five dollars all right take one more case number one number one number one five thousand it's the 5k it's the 5k oh no purple had it purpled had it now i'll call in with a calling with an offer i'll give you an offer of um 250. oh you know how many happy meals that is stream you know how many times that's a lot of happy meals no i think i could do slightly better than 250. i'm just looking out for the happy most man i'm sorry no deal no no deal no deal okay i need you to open five cases so we'll start number six alyssa's case mmm risky again why is it risky it's the same chart 200 200. okay okay that's pretty good all right another one take out ever take him out all right all right thanks number two here we go one thousand seven hundred [Applause] god fifty it's up to a poor snot for me yeah yeah puns first though puns first all right puns first here we go 800 okay 800. that is you know what keep keep george's one keep it uh keep four all right so we're going three get rid of three get rid of three get get that get that yeah 75. 75. okay that's good number eight number eight number eight that's a bad number anyway number eight all right here we go yeah one thousand oh my god man i'm calling it with an offer here 180. eric eric look at me i'm looking at you all right how many happy meals is one one whatever number he said i i don't know i don't give it to mcdonald's there's still this this fat juicy number which i bet george you're standing on this one aren't you look at look at this look at those gums you're standing on this one it's likely you were in fact standing on that one but no no deal no deal no no deal no deal no deal we need to open another four pick one 13. 26. 26. the launch losses on you ten cents that's good twenty one twenty one twenty one's where it's at it's it's low number line one other side yeah yeah one dollar oh wow okay okay okay i'm gonna pull in i'm gonna pull in with pulling with the offer tubbo two hundred and fifty dollars back oh we're back up to the original back up back up hmm that's that's all i'm afraid i'm gonna have to tell i'm gonna have to turn you down i'm going all the way to the chicken no deal wow oh my god all right hit me with the fat number 11. the fat number 11 11. ghostly there's nothing in that there's nothing in that one fifty dollars oh okay i've never sweat this much in my life oh my god go on number 14 it's desolate yes 14. desolate a wasteland of a box if ever i've seen one 300 okay 300. it's like that's not great but it is in the light it's off right now number 15 number 15. that is the last thing you want in your burger king burger is someone else's foot fungus 25 dollars that's really good my mom and my sister are watching this downstairs i got i've got to do well 17 is a garbage number garbage number get it out of here get it only 17. yeah yeah yeah yeah 17 is a prime number it is 400. 400 400. you know what that's the lower half of the higher half i'm so happy with that dude okay yeah not true true okay go on hit me with it hit me with it you're green man your beautiful specimen what is it is 650. oh we're getting into chicken legend god we're getting the territory meat george you're on the you're on the number four box what are you thinking what are you thinking what are your numbers have you crunched them are you crunching i'm crunching the number right the apple right now yeah yeah crunch that bad boy what is it what's it telling you i almost right clicked it um oh i don't want to tell you what to do but if it was me i think i would say no deal apparently my family says deal that they're on they're on school you know what you never you know what this is your choice i'm feeling lucky i've never been to a casino but if i could i would say i would say no deal no deal okay all right pog champ let's get seven seven seven i'm not i'm not feeling that seven [Applause] my opinion on george is completely finished right now i told you i didn't want to tell you what to do it was just out of here you are going to regret this okay get rid of it it's gone 50 cents absolutely empty nothing in there 890. oh sorry i need to get up the mcdonald's web site you and your ripped dreams you got fashion that's a gucci chain right there right indeed how much did that chain cost you be straight with me uh 12 grand 12 grand geez no deal dream no deal no deal okay no deal you know you offered me more than the calories in the double quarter pounder the half pounder if you will knock out four cases this time i think i have the 2000 in my box i'm gonna be honest with you i'm gonna be honest with you get it out of here delete it one cent let's go oh my god wait give me a sec i need to consult with my family family ronnie how old are you how old are you going for 12 little number for a little amount get it out of here 2 000 oh 1500 [Applause] okay that's not oh my that's like middle of the road all right so either your box has either 500 or 1250 either way you're walking away with one of those numbers the question is do you want to keep your case or do you want to swap it dream dream dream take off your chest plate let me look you in the eyes blink for no wait what i think that was a wink i think that was a wink i'm keeping it i'm keeping it i'm keeping it hello i want you to open up your case you want me to open up my case i am starving i could buy 250 happy meals shoot me sapping up my day purple i need you to pick which chest you think has the 5 000 in it i i'm thinking 24 and now i need you to pick four cases 19 solid number 200 10 10 here we go 900 oh okay 12. 2 000. that's about it yikes around 8. one thousand five hundred oh my god oh dude the best start i'm gonna go ahead and give my my opening offer i don't expect you to accept it but my opening offer is seventy dollars yeah no i'm not no deal okay no no deal no deal all right i need to open three cases open open tumbles i don't like the way he's looking at the first one okay here we go 1750. three three bro that's the 5k right there man yes yeah i think it is as well 600 oh yep look at these signs 14. 400. oh i mean it's that's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's just in the it hasn't been any on the far left yet yeah no i haven't six six alyssa's chest fifty dollars okay that's my first good one unlucky thirteen seventy five another offer i'll go back 75 i'll go 75. let's stick with it that's a load deal deal no deal no deal okay four more cases 15. that's a good number 500 oh that's just in the higher half i mean yeah i thought i said 5 000 first still got the top three in i'm gonna i'm gonna rock with nine one thousand two hundred fifty okay oh no we still got the top three still got the top three that's true it's all the matter that is that's all that matters um 26 800 man he's nailing out these he hasn't gotten any on the left here on the very bottom yeah one more 20 20 20. 2 500. oh no i don't even need to worry because i know it's in this chat i've adjusted my offer my offer is now fifty dollars oh my god oh you're a putrid human being deal or no deal no deal no no okay all right no deal i need you to pick four so give me one eleven five thousand looking the best here yeah 17. one cent oh dude you got the one said that's gone guaranteed at least 10 cents that's good what can you even get with 10 cents no no catch up catch your pocket yeah oh no yeah there it stops two 700. i mean it could be worse my new offer is 30 dollars oh my god this is awful oh no keep going let me crunch the numbers for you the chance of you getting so much less is so much more you know what tubbo i don't care no deal no deal okay crunch numbers get him take out three okay number one was five thousand last time there's no way it's another like really high value yeah i'm going number one oh no 25 okay all right let's go okay okay okay okay 25 25. 25. here we go 300 300. oh no i just need i just need one more of the bad numbers out one of these four right here 23 23 yes 50 cents hey come in here with an offer my offer is 95 dollars oh it went up it went up it went up that's the biggest yeah that's the biggest yet there's a take it purple no no hold on hold on so let me think about this there's a 50 chance that it's so much worse right i don't know 16.67 chance that it's just that and then there's 33 chance that it's way way higher eat it and you tell them no deal yeah no deal no deal no deal okay all right i need you i need you to open four purple this is the final the final one it's the final one and then you either get to swap or keep your oh no seven seven's your first one lucky oh he's bluffing huge that's huge it's easy logic yeah 21 21 9 10. 2 250. little you know i sabotaged you oh you have either one dollar or 100 in your case you can swap or you can keep your case you can consult with your peers you can consult with chat guys guys everyone team huddle over here team huddle over here what are we what are we what are we thinking i don't know i think i should take it home drink in here stick with your gut stick with your chest yeah my thought is is that at the beginning when you pick the chest there's a four percent chance that you picked a one hundred or one so there's both a four percent like yeah i know i know i know that yeah you don't stay huh well yeah i'd say you you take the swap he's been low balling the whole the aim he's been trying to get you to swap peace but he's never gone above 100 he's trying to keep in mind eric did betray us in the war i say you keep i say you keep a big dog just whatever wait wait wait how old are you i'm 16. i was gonna say if you're eight you know i'm doing the perfect all right you know what i see you keep it man i say you guys i just say you keep it yeah yeah all right dream i've made my decision what is your decision i'm gonna keep my chest all right i'd like you to look inside the chest oh my god puns i need you to pick your your case i'm gonna go with 12. puns i need you to pick four so you go we'll start with one but i will take uh sapnap's chest first 5k right there 5k right there one cent let's go what a song oh good this is a good start greatly that's a good start very good very good alyssa's chest alyssa's chest mixtures 600 oh okay middle number one that's number one which is all right number seven right yep seven five dollars okay oh very nice very much very nice so my initial offer i don't have much to go on but i'll make it 250. oh my god that's a lot of money no deal no deal no deal all right pick five cases so you start we'll start with one though 23 because 23 times three is 69. okay okay 23. all right one thousand seven hundred fifty oh uh how about the middle chest right there is that number two this one number two yeah okay oh three hundred how about oh nine number nine ten dollars nice nice nice number ten number ten seven hundred i mean it's okay uh 26 26 500 oh nice i mean this is honestly not bad all right yeah i'd say it says pretty good it's a pretty even spread yeah it's like pretty even i'll regain with the offer i'll ring in with the offer 390. oh my god why um i'm just going based on the board you have half and half that's kind of right in the middle 390. yeah that's a lot of money no yeah yeah no deal no deal no deal pick four four chests chest number twenty twenty nine hundred oh fourteen fourteen alright hey funny number funny number ten cents hey good good good good thank you eliminating this one pretty good i'll go i'll go seven because that's the next best oh seven's gone how about eight eight all right 800 yikes honestly it could be worse my bad 16 16. 1 000 1 000. i'm coming in with your offer puns three seventy three seventy i'm gonna have to say no to seven days yeah no deal okay three amounts three amounts over two thousand dollars still up here like i have to keep going doing three more chests um i'm gonna get rid of uh tebow's chest double's chest that's four no no no one puns go on this is gonna be a punch moment two hundred not bad nicey love that we'd love to see that my minecart's back uh 18. 18. oh my hands are sweating 50 cents wow dude the lowest one in one dollar fifteen fifteen yeah hey why stop cheating dude it's not cool cheating man come on fifty dollars let's go let's go all right banker is coming in with an offer here oh god my heart is racing the offer is a thousand dollars take it take it take it take it look what's going on [Applause] oh my i need you to open three cases puns give me one give me one 24. 24. that's what i was going to pick earlier too 400. let's go let's go [Applause] coming in with the offer the new offer is five hundred dollars [Music] wow let's go i need you to pick three twenty five white three two thousand oh oh no i still have two stuff two above that nineteen 19 yeah 1 500. this is literally fine the one dollar is still there 22. a dollar with me 21. 20 21 yeah 21. my plus 10 2 250. that's going downhill real fast listen i'm gonna i'm i'm calling in now i'm calling in okay this is this is this is my picture you have a 50 chance of getting 10 or less and you have a 50 chance of getting 1 250 or more so my offer is a pretty generous one much it's lower than than the last offer because it's it's come down for sure but my offer is a thousand whoa it's still a thousand still a thousand dollars dude dude that's honestly just just take it brother you take it there stop tap now check it out back down taking the deal you're taking the deal wow don't open it don't open it up stop all right you want to just play it out all right we'll play it out so you had a thousand so let's go ahead and let's take you have to open up three chats so so 17. oh yeah all right that's 25 25 oh okay you need to pick either 22 or 5. i would pick i would keep barrett's and that would take out 22. that's one dollar would you would you keep or swap i would have um i think i would have taken no i would have kept mine i would have kept mine all right go ahead and open yours oh what is that oh no oh my god hey you still have a thousand dollars though yeah all right puns won a thousand dollars congratulations congratulations congratulations i need you to pick one chest as your chest the chest that you think has the 5k in it my favorite number is 13 so i'm taking 13. 13. i need you to pick four chests so we'll start with one though taking off number 14. number 14. one dollar that's a good start oh nice good job guys burger king foot lettuce as well and then 15. 15. yeah 2 500. oh i don't like 24 it's looking at me weird 24. yes i look great 50 cents all right that's a good start banker is calling in with the with the starting offer what do you say i don't hear the phone where's the phone all right here it is here's the offer it's 300. yeah i'm gonna have to take a pass on that all right he said no deal all right i need you to get five so i need you to pick one first let's go all right 12. 12. five dollars oh my god all right all right 21 for dream 21 9 10 25 oh i'm 19 years old 50 oh two seven lucky number seven two hundred oh dude what twenty one thousand oh no that's okay it's okay it's still looking all right the banker is coming in with an offer what do you say 500. no deal no deal he didn't even have to even hesitate what's your next four ten give me one so you're opening ten yeah seven hundred fifty you've really gone and done it all right 25. ten dollars oh solid chest six six 1500 22 that's how old you're gonna be next year 22 38 500 1738 oh crap all right you know how old you're gonna be after you turn 22 you're gonna be 23. that's all i am puns you are ancient oh 600 all right we got fun but i'm lucky 2 250. oh no oh my god calling in don't if don't don't load upon me all right three dollars 500 550 no no no what no deal all right trust your turbo big dog do i trust you well look at it look at look at look at the corners okay do they look like they've been touched with with greasy hands yeah they do number four take it off 900. all right that's mean that's okay it's not good it's not the best no no all right number nine one thousand two hundred fifty oh no okay it's okay i don't care about any other number than this one seventeen seventeen thirty eight one all right pick eric's chest yay two thousand oh i am good as long as i got my 5k all right coming in with the offer here yeah yeah just no deal up no deal what is wrong with you you didn't even hear it what was the deal number three let's keep going it's gonna be not what i want 650 that's the deal no deal no deal oh three for free 75. oh if we do three for three minus one it's eight bang eight eight hundred oh my god right now if you do three for three times three divided by three divided by 0.245 it gives you 18. 18 300 oh still in oh my god staffnut has 5k 1 cent or 400 or seven hundred dollars so snapchat this is your offer this offer is really good consider this offer sapnap consider it go on 700 no no deal that was a really good offer but no deal okay deal no deal you have to break two 26 and 16. oh i can't my heart can't take this it's a 5k oh 400. all right the two that you have left your chest either contains 700 or 1 cent sapnap you can either swap or you can keep your chest and it's completely up to you your final decision you're keeping it yeah open your chest good stuff in the other chest the other chest was one cent that would be so that would have been so funny i need you to pick what you think has the five thousand dollars in it which one big t this one this one this one this one this one pick up big teeth yeah all right i need you to pick four chests to eliminate i want 15 guns 15 number 15. 1750. oh dude that's fine hey okay you gotta lose some to win some you know you know dream yes what is your least favorite number uh i don't know that is a british answer i want 25 gone 100 okay that's not oh let me go to big t oh christ 700 700 oh good good i want 22 gone it's giving me funny looks 10 cents oh all right so now i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna give you an offer okay you've opened four i'm gonna give you an offer four hundred dollars no deal okay okay five cases now let's pick your first one but this is the devil's number thirteen five thousand oh ten ten okay here we go 500 i'm pretty nice i don't want no 500 yeah do 26. 26. no no no no 19. 19. no no no 26 26. final 26 26 600 easy 1 000 that's nothing don't you don't you make that sound i don't know you need one more you need one more time that was immensely unhelpful uh 21. no seven 400. all right all right now i'm going to come in with another offer 350 tommy 350. 3.5 000. 350. no no no no no you idiot you need to pick three three one oh no two thousand two hundred fifty oh why is number one always have such big numbers in it dude every time i had one tommy i can't take my chest all right dude don't don't take mine two okay you're gonna regret that 50 cents 11. 300. can i phone a friend you can and then i have to call you i'm phoning a friend dream pickup hello hello friend hi what's the answer what which one do you think it is i have no idea it's random no tell me i have no idea are you ready my friend big date yes i have i have no idea tell me anyway hung up on me i'm gonna go kill him after this all right tommy i'm gonna give you an offer i'm gonna give you an offer this is a pretty good offer you should consider taking it we're both businessmen is it more than 500 no 500 no no no deal we're gonna do four so i need to pick your first one let's get rid of three three okay this is the one 1 one thousand five hundred dollars i don't say tommy it's kind of weird that you call me big d okay that's not that's not that's not something that i would i would prefer that you call me two thousand man no no eight one dollar okay okay nice 18 18 200 all right make me an offer i can't refuse 750 750 that is your offer he offered me 1500 and i didn't accept it and i only got 10 in the end yeah you're an idiot no deal okay all right get rid of 23. 1250. oh you probably have it let's go five fifty dollars oh that's good you've impressed me nine nine nineteen nineteen yeah that's a bad box one cent i mean now there's almost only bad numbers my offer is is 400. that's really good for what you have right now no deal no deal 75 tommy in your chest you either have ten dollars or two thousand five hundred dollars you can keep your chest or you can swap your chest i'm gonna say keep your final answer let's look in the chest that's my cue to leave goodbye everyone oh no you've won ten dollars tommy congratulations pay me now i can donate it to you if you like yes bye this was a lot of fun guys i hope you guys had fun did you hopefully so much fun so much fun big day come on come on dream dream dream thank you guys for coming i'll probably uh do something like this in the future it was a lot of fun
Channel: Eight
Views: 1,408,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream minecraft, dream deal or no deal, deal or no deal minecraft, deal or no deal dream, deal or no deal dream minecraft, dream team smp, dream smp, dream smp deal or no deal, deal or no deal dream smp, dreams mom, deal or no deal game minecraft, tommyinnit deal or no deal, tubbo deal or no deal, dream and george stream, full dream streams, dream full stream, dream full streams, dream minecraft but, minecraft dream manhunt, dream 4 hunters, dream minecraft championship
Id: PEkT5mjUqw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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