ATEM MasterClass v2 — FIVE HOURS of ATEM Goodness!

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hey folks the adventure that you're about to  embark on is a five-hour long double header   webinar two and a half hours over two days that i  did for blackmagic on the ATEM Mini and pieces of   its ecosystem there's chapter markers below but  if you find something specific that you think   should be bookmarked then please let me know in a  comment with the timestamp and i'll add it to the   official chapter list this is the second time i've  done this long format webinar for blackmagic the   first one also linked below has some overlap but  also some additional pieces that aren't in this   one such as chroma king so if you have the time of  course watch both but start here listen one other   thing before we get started i'm trying something  new on this channel well new depending on when   you're watching this and there's no guarantee that  it'll stick but here's the deal i don't know about   you but i really dislike being interrupted by ads  when watching youtube videos but you know a guy's   got to make a living so here's what i propose  starting with this video i'm turning off ads   entirely no ads on this video at all what i ask  in return if you feel like you gained something   from my channel is to become a channel member  i've enabled several tiers starting at just 99   cents if my content is worth a buck a month to you  please subscribe if it's not that's cool you can   still watch it just like everyone else but if you  like my content and you feel like not seeing ads   then maybe that's worth a buck or more there's  other tiers as well if you feel so inclined   okay that's enough of that i'll remind you that  this was a live webinar with live Q&A and it   wasn't always seamless you'll see some mistakes  some misfires and some technical glitches but you   know hey that's live baby all right here's five  hours of blackmagic ATEM goodness let's get into   it all right everybody welcome good morning good  afternoon good evening and welcome to a blackmagic   webinar on the atom i am your host photojoseph  and before we get too far into this let's just   make sure that everything is loud and clear  gary who's on the line with me if you want to   let me know that we are five by five or nine by  nine or 12 by 40 or whatever it's supposed to be   whoa suddenly you got very loud in my ear all  right let me turn that down how that happened   but excellent good we are good to go fantastic  thank you very much everybody for attending today   so this is the this is the basic plan we've got  a two day webinar there's going to be two hours   with some wiggle room today we've booked three  hours on the calendar but it's marketed as two and   so we'll just see i just want to make sure we had  enough room for q a and all that good stuff if we   go a little bit late and then we'll be repeating  tomorrow tomorrow's not a repeat though just of   the time tomorrow is a whole separate piece so  let's let me go through some quick little slides   to run through the agenda so you know what to  expect what's going to be in store for you for   the next couple of days and then we're just going  to jump into the meat of this so with that said   let's see if i got my slide set up right and the  setup for this is it's kind of wack it's it's   pretty cool um and i think at the end i'll kind of  go through the whole thing that went into building   all this because it is it's fun what you can do  live and basically everything here is blackmagic   hardware you know not the computers obviously  but um but yeah all right let's just get into   my little slides here showing up the side by side  here we go of what's going on so um ATEM workshop   by photojoseph that's me you can see the date  at the bottom so if you're watching this later   this is when it was recorded today is thursday  october 21st all right here's the format of the   show the plan of attack i want your questions  i absolutely want your questions throughout   it you're in a zoom webinar there are two  different modules that you can use there   is a q a module and a chat module if you have  questions for me drop them into the q a module   gary who has joined us from blackmagic and is on  the line he will be coming on to uh to ask me your   question so he'll be kind of going through those  and maybe refining them maybe aggregating them   so maybe your question exactly won't get asked  the way it was but if a few people ask roughly   the same question he'll reformat that and present  that to me so we'll be going to gary for questions   uh throughout the webinar throughout the  presentation today if you just have chit chat you   guys want to talk amongst yourselves by all means  please do use the chat module for that there will   be occasional water breaks potentially it's only  two hours last time we did this it was four plus   we'll see how it goes today but if i break out  of here for a minute that's okay you'll know   the agenda for today first off introduction to  ATEM so i want to say as well that there's going   to be if you saw the one that i did in june  i think it was that was four plus hours all   just straight through that kind of marathon  adventure that one i'm going to be repeating some   of that but i'm also going to be doing some of the  things i didn't have time for then and taking a   few slightly different approaches to a few things  so some of this will be repeated if you have seen   that june webinar and some of it will not but  regardless i'm going to be starting off with the   basics explaining what the hardware is and how it  works and so on so that's going to be the starting   point then we'll go into setup and switching  basics i'm just going to show you we're going to   be using primarily the ATEM mini extreme iso here  and i'm going to show you how to do some basic   configuration how to set things up how to set your  inputs um how to switch cameras that sort of thing   we'll have audio basics we'll be going into audio  basics i didn't really touch on audio much at all   last time so we're spending a little bit more  time in there looking talking about audio we're   going to talk a little bit about multi-screen  options i'm not going to go super deep into this   one because that is something i covered quite a  bit in the other one plus i've done quite a few   videos on this on my youtube channel but we will  of course get into some of the basics of that   we're also going to go into macros a little bit  again not go super crazy deep because it's i mean   you could have a four-hour webinar just on macros  so we're not going to go super crazy there but we   are going to talk about macros as well and we're  also going to talk about camera control which is   a pretty cool thing that you can do with the with  the blackmagic hardware if you have the blackmagic   pocket cinema cameras so we'll take a look at  some of that some of that capability on here   and that's day one that's today tomorrow we'll be  getting into iso recording and b-raw recording so   this means if you have multiple blackmagic pocket  cinema cameras how you can record b-raw in those   while simultaneously recording the iso stream from  the blackmagic from the ATEM itself so we'll be   going into all that and we'll even show you and  resolve how to make that connection back to the   source in b-ra that's tomorrow's agenda we will be  so tomorrow's gonna be a lot of kind of external   pieces tomorrow we'll also talk about the hyperdex  both used as recording and playback modules and   how those can tie into the ATEM ecosystem we  will talk about the ATEM streaming bridge which   is actually how gary is calling into me today he  is streaming his signal to me over the streaming   bridge and i'm pulling that into my ATEM we'll  be talking about that we'll talk about the web   presenter hd and 4k which curiously you don't  actually need if you're using any of the atom   models that have built-in encoding on them but  it is an interesting component to talk about   for different types of workflows that you might  want to use so we'll we'll be getting into that   as well also third-party stuff tomorrow i'm going  to talk about bit focus companion which is a free   open source service software service that runs  on your computer that allows you to control   all kinds of things including the ATEM and with  that you can do some really awesome stuff as far   as controlling multiple things even multiple  ATEMs multiple hardware at once with a single   button touch so i'm going to be talking about  that and that's actually how i'm running all the   switching for today's show is through that and the  elgato stream deck i've got one sitting right here   all of my buttons on this are running through  companion and are all programmed to do all   the different things that i need them to do so  we'll be talking about that tomorrow and then   we'll also tomorrow be talking about memo live  which is a third-party app that runs on your mac   and it allows you to do all kinds of switching and  stuff on its own but the way that i'm using it is   that i'm using it to generate titles do screen  sharing do all kinds of cool things from that   and then sending that signal out over the ultra  studio 4k mini which actually the coolest thing   about that is i can do what's called a dual stream  sdi where i get both a a picture a fill and a   map so i get things like this i can bring up  where we've got well now it's on text on top of it   but i've got a little logo that pops up on the  screen that is being run by that through the dual   sdi link setup so that is that agenda all right  with that said let me um let's get out of this   go back to this view let me give you a very brief  tour of the setup today and then we're going to   start going into the ATEM itself so uh let's see  here get this all set so we've got the a camera   this wide camera that we're on right now i'm  gonna i'm doing all the switching myself and so i   may end up not doing a lot of switching to some of  these angles because you know this is the main one   we got a tight one there if i get bored and just  want to switch camera angles there i also have an   overhead camera which is going to be important  for showing some of the stuff that's happening   down here i've got a close-up camera so we can  see the back of the ATEM and anything i want to   hold down here and show you up close we'll do that  and then i've got a side view which doesn't show   much right now because this stuff is deliberately  turned off we're going to be coming back to that   as we go um and then we're going to we've got my  computer hooked up and there's a bunch of other   things plugged in as well but that is how all that  goes so we are going to be starting off with the   introduction to the ATEM itself and for that the  way i'm going to start this is by explaining the   lineup the different ATEM hardware devices that  you have the option to get into and and then we're   going to get into a tour of the actual hardware  itself so let me get my slides up here um here   we go and this is this is just the blackmagic  website i'm just to show you the five current   ATEM minis now note i specifically pointed out  these are the ATEM minis because there's a whole   other ATEM lineup as well we're we're working  with the ATEM Minis today on camera i'm actually   running one of the larger ATEMs in the background  that's kind of behind the scenes of all this   but everything that we talk about today or maybe  not everything but most things we talk about today   uh will work across all the ATEMs however we are  specifically going to be working with one of the   ATEM minis so we've got the ATEM mini mini  pro mini pro iso extreme and the extreme iso   so just to kind of uh to go through the lineup  so at 300 this is the most base model this is   the one that started it all and i will i  will say that this was when this came out   it was revolutionary at this price point nothing  existed at this 300 price point that allowed you   to do the switching and has scalars built in  if you go back two plus years ago now and you   watch the original video that i did on this my  mind was like completely blown the whole time   because we had scalars on each input and what this  means is that you can feed in different sizes and   frame rates of video into the ATEM and the atm  will scale them accordingly to whatever you need   so you can choose in the ATEM whether you're  doing a 1080 show at 24 frames per second or   30 and so on and so you can change that in the  hardware but the fact that you can have them   scaled have all the inputs scaled that was huge  and i recognized that for today you're looking   at like okay so just scales whatever no big deal  right you have to understand that prior to that   you could spend well over 500 on a single scaler  and this had four of them built in it was only 300   so this was a real shift in the industry when  this happened and then blackmagic just kept on   adding things after that so the next step  was the ATEM mini pro and what this added   was the ability to live stream from the ATEM  itself so you could actually stream to youtube   facebook or whatever from the hardware itself  it added the ability to record your show with a   attached usb drive and it gave you something  called multi-view and multi-view is when you see   all the different inputs into your camera  at once so that was an absolutely huge step   up and then the next step up was the iso the ATEMi  pro iso which only really added one thing but it   was an absolutely huge thing to add and that  was the ability to record all of your inputs   simultaneously and that's what we have today  the safe 10 x uh mini extreme iso the bigger   version of this but you have the ability to to  record all of your inputs at once not only record   all your inputs and your program by the way your  program is the actual show that the audience sees   but you also got a get a xml file that opens up  in davinci resolve that has all of your camera   angles on it and this is something we're going  to be looking at tomorrow but that was added with   that with that iso version and then blackmagic  went and upped the game again and they added two   more to the lineup the ATEM mini extreme and the  extreme iso the first of all added more input so   it doubled from four to eight inputs but then it  also and the difference between these two being   this one records the iso streams and this one does  not it's really the only difference between them   but not only did you get more inputs you gained  quite a few features but one of the most important   ones is something called supersource supersource  is the ability to position multiple elements on   screen wherever you want without it you're limited  to a picture and picture which you can get pretty   creative with how you do a picture in picture but  with supersource you could have multiple inputs   at once four inputs at once that you can position  anywhere on screen plus a back plate that you can   have the background that you can have in there as  well so it's really five things on screen at once   and then you can actually add upstream keys  on top of that if you want to get really crazy   but all of that is possible in the extreme so  if you think about a program like you know gary   don't worry about switching on your audio but i'm  just going to switch over to you for a moment here   like here i have a layout where it's me and gary  on screen this is supersource and you'll see that   my position has moved off to the side and it's  cropped and it's got a little border and we're   bringing gary in as well and that is built through  supersource so that's something got added to   the extreme so there's the basic lineup of those  models and then if you scroll down farther on this   webpage then you get into the really big boys  so the ATEM1mm 2me and 4me this 2me is what i'm   running on right now this is my main production  system it is a 4k capable it's got what is it 20   inputs in it it's you know awesome and then  you got the constellation which is even bigger   that has uh who was it 40 i guess it's 40  inputs if that's 20 this one must be 40 inputs   and it can handle 8k video so you're doing 8k  productions and then you've got things like these   boards that can control them which is i mean  can you imagine sitting in front of this thing   it's like my dad used to say it looks like darth  vader's bathroom what are you going to do with   all these buttons but it's pretty impressive  to have this kind of control and then you know   if you just want to go super big you can go for  the full-on 4mb advanced panel i mean seriously   i think i'd have a heart attack sitting in front  of that but this is this is the ATEM lineup so it   starts this is the crazy impressive part it starts  at 300 yes okay fine the constellation 8k is ten   thousand dollars and the the for me advanced panel  is another nineteen thousand dollars but it starts   down here at a little baby price of three  hundred bucks so that is like all of that   is just crazy awesome that you have this and  as you upgrade the fun part is about these   if you do buy a smaller one and you upgrade you  don't necessarily have to get rid of the old   ones you can tie them together so literally  today's presentation is being run through   so i got an ATEM mini on my desk i got an atom  mini in the rack i got an atm 2me in the rack so   those are the three that i normally for everyday  production i'm using and then of course we have   the fourth one the atomic stream iso that is  sitting up on the desk here so there's there   are definitely ways to tie them all together  that get um that get pretty cool okay so there's   kind of the overview of of what they are of the  lineup um let's go into this one specifically and   talk about the different inputs on it we're  going to start with what you feed into it   so looking at the back here the row you can see  there one through eight of the inputs themselves   or the hdmi inputs so let's just kind of talk  about that for a moment stepping back a little bit   a overall picture of what this hardware is i would  imagine anybody watching this at this point knows   what the whole point of all this is but just to  be sure we're all on the same page the idea behind   the ATEM at its core is it is a switcher a live  video switcher you feed in live video inputs from   cameras from computers from wireless inputs from  anything you want anything that has an hdmi out   can be fed into however many inputs you have so in  a small one four on this one eight on the really   big ones 20 or 40. you're feeding in that input  and then you're switching i want to see camera   one camera two camera three camera four you're  just switching between all those inputs that's   what the ATEM is at its core on top of that  it's things like audio control and the picture   in picture and the scaling and the super source  and all that other stuff but at its core that   is basically what it is it is a switcher so  you feed in one input feed in two inputs feed   in three inputs and switch between them that's  what we get out of this okay so with that said   now looking at these inputs this one has eight  of them that you can feed in and switch to   the ATEM mini extreme let's just start all  the way over here if we look at the left hand   side you can see that's my left you can see  there's a headphone jack and two microphone   inputs on there so let's talk about that for a  moment the headphone jack was also something was   added to the extreme does not exist on the smaller  ones the headphone jack allows you to monitor your   program program being what is going out to the  audience we when we get into the audio setup   we'll talk a little bit more about it because  you can actually solo any individual input but   the idea here is that you can hear what's on air  at this point you're not talking about using it   as you yourself on air this is more like i'm  running a live show i'm not on air i'm running the   show that's over there plug in the headphones and  i can hear everything that's happening to ensure   that my audience is hearing what i expect them to  hear the quality is good they're getting the right   inputs et cetera so having that headphone jack is  super important now i will say that on the smaller   ATEMs that don't have a headphone jack it doesn't  mean you're working silently what it means is that   you have to plug your headphones into the monitor  we have an hdmi output and we're going to come to   that you would have to monitor the audio through  that monitor i hate that we use both words for the   the same word for two things but you would monitor  the audio on the video monitor how's that sound   through that if you don't have the extreme with  the headphone jack then there's the two microphone   inputs you can see those as two little microphone  inputs there those allow you to bring in just   audio so every single video input has audio with  it so every hdmi input can have audio coming in   with it however if you want separate audio maybe  that's coming from a mixing board maybe you just   want to plug in a mic directly into there you  can do that now i will tell you just in case we   forget to talk about this later if you let's say  that you plug in a microphone directly into there   and then you've got your camera elsewhere right  the audio coming in is coming in in real time   the if you're using a an analog lavalier or sorry  an analog say shotgun mic that is wired it's xlr   into some mixing board and then into here that  audio is real time 100 real time if you add an   analog wireless microphone it too is real time if  you add a digital wireless microphone it is ever   so slightly delayed not enough that it would be  a problem but it is going to be ever so slightly   delayed so you've got essentially real time or  just barely barely off real-time audio coming in   your video however is not real-time video  is never coming in real time over hdmi a   lot of any camera that has an hdmi output is not  outputting the video in real time there is time   to process that video to get it out for the hdmi  port now blackmagic cameras fortunately have the   lowest latency of any that i've ever seen they  are virtually real time they're close enough   to real time that you can get away with it but  they're not and this is important to understand   if you listen to your own dialogue going through  a blackmagic camera coming in through here you   will hear it ever so slightly out of phase with  your own voice because it is ever so slightly   delayed so if you're using a blackmagic camera  program to worry about it but if using any other   hdmi camera that has a longer delay it could be  a couple of frames could be four frames could   be seven frames just depends on the camera  if you bring that video into the ATEM and   your audio comes in in real time they will be out  of sync and so you have to bring them into sync   and you have the ability to do that and we will  show that when we get into the audio setup but   the easiest way to do it is to simply run your  audio through the camera with the video so that   way the video and the audio are set in sync by the  camera and sent out together that is the easiest   way to keep everything in sync but i wanted to  point that out because if you are bringing in   audio directly onto the microphone inputs you  will have to adjust sync you can either do it in   the atm or if you're using a big mixing board most  mixing boards have that capability in fact the way   that i'm doing this production right now so i'm  wearing a lavalier a wireless lavalier microphone   it's plugged into a mix pre over in my rack which  is then got some noise processing happening to   it and then it sends an output through another  mixer don't ask but it's just the way it's set up   through another mixer and eventually into  the ATEM where it gets picked up by here   i have to add a delay somewhere in there i'm  actually doing it in the mix pre i think it's   133 milliseconds i think that's the timing that  i've programmed into the mixpre to get the delay   so it's in sync and hopefully everything looks  like it's in sync to you so that's that is one   way of handling it so i'm getting kind of advanced  there but that is you know one way to do that okay   back to the hardware itself so the was  the headphone input headphone output   the mic inputs the eight video inputs and then  you'll see here two hdmi outs one and two this   is another thing that was added to the extreme  is a second hdmi output the smaller ones let me   actually grab a smaller one here let's go back to  this view the smaller one here you can see this   has four inputs and one hdmi output and then you  can also see there's no headphone jack on there   this is by the way the this is the ATEM uh  there it is this is the ATEM mini pro iso so the   the top of the line of the smaller one so you can  see it's a pretty significant size difference in   there all right so back to this um i felt like  something just changed um so the hdmi output on   the little one can be oh actually on both of them  you can set the outputs to be whatever you want   you can set it to be the multi-view which you're  going to see in a moment that's where you see   all of your inputs at once you can set it to be  the program which is what the audience is seeing   or you can set it to be any one of the inputs  so if you just want a close-up of camera two   you can tell it to output camera two with just  one input this is perfectly fine if you are doing   a show where you're live streaming from the ATEM  so the audience is getting your program out over   the internet connection and then you're looking  at the multi-view on the monitor if however you're   doing more like a local production i'm doing i'm  live switching let's say at a house of worship and   i've got i'm doing live switching and it's for the  breakout room or the overflow whatever and i want   to have the multi-view in front of me but then i  want to run an hdmi cable out to a projector or   something in the other room you didn't have that  capability with the smaller ones with only one   output with the larger ATEMs with the dual  hdmi outputs you can choose to have multi-view   on one monitor on one output and program on the  other and you can switch it up however you want   so that's where those two come in very very handy  indeed then we've got two usb ports so again   two usb ports whereas on the smaller ATEM you have  one usb port so usb port can be used to do two   things it can be used to either be a usb output  into your computer meaning that your computer   thinks that the ATEM is a webcam and this is how  you use an ATEM to switch video for a zoom call   a skype call something like that which is roughly  what we're doing here my setup's a bit different   but this is roughly what we're doing here this  is a zoom webinar you are seeing the input   from an atom again a little bit different than  the usb but that is effectively what it would be   the other thing that you can do with  the usb port is you can use it to record   your show we talked about that a little bit  earlier so you would plug in something like   a little samsung drive this is a little these  little solid state guys are perfect for this   so you plug this into the usb port and now you've  got a recording of the program if you have an iso   model you have the isos with all of the switching  data and all that the thing is you can't use the   usb port for both things simultaneously you can  either be sending usb data out to your computer   or it can be sending video out video file video  data whatever out to the connected drive it can't   do both at the same time which is why on this  model we now have two usb ports where they go two   usb ports so you can have one of them plugged into  your computer and one of them plugged into a drive   next to that you'll see an ethernet  port it says ATEM control and then power   the ATEM control under this is really really  important this is how you get your your device   on the network first of all so this is how you  can control it from any computer on the network   now you can just go usb into your computer and  then run the ATEM software on your computer   and control the ATEM but you can only run it on  that one computer by adding it to the network i   can now access that ATEM from any computer on the  local network you can even and i've done this you   can even set up a vpn so that someone can vpn into  your location launch the software on their end   and control the ATEM remotely via vpn connection  even though they're looking they're running the   software locally on their system super cool way  advanced workflow than what we're talking about   this uh today or tomorrow but that is something  that's totally possible so that is really cool   that means that you could have one person in  software controlling sound while somebody else   is in software controlling let's say graphics  so really really powerful that you can do that   plus if you are live streaming from the hardware  itself then of course that ethernet connection   gives you access to the internet so that you can  live stream so all of these from the um from the   extreme i'm sorry from the ATEM mini pro model  on up have the ability to live stream from the   hardware itself that requires a hardwire ethernet  connection and i point that out it requires a   hardwire connection there is no wi-fi built into  these and i'm sure plenty of people have said come   on guys build wi-fi in excuse me i've never asked  why because i think i know the answer to this   it's bad wi-fi no bueno you don't want wi-fi in  a live streaming situation so why even give you   the option because what would happen and i know  this from working with tech companies for years   if if you give the user the ability to do wi-fi  and they have problems with the wi-fi who are   they going to call blackmagic and say my streaming  doesn't work we're using wi-fi yeah well that's   why well why'd you put it in there so there  you go so there's no wi-fi option you have   to go hardwire and then i can see gary laughing  down there you you just you've got to go hardwire   on this so that's why it's set up that way okay  so there's the inputs now let's talk about the   the actual buttons this there's a lot of  but let's go to the small one first actually   um if i can set this on here without pushing  any buttons on the ATEM itself there we go   so you have a row of and this one four and on the  bigger one eight buttons to switch your camera   angle they're nice and big and easy to hit and you  can see here they light up red when they're on air   and that allows you to very easily uh very quickly  switch to which camera is running then you have   we'll just do the big one then you have a bunch  of other buttons that do all kinds of fun things   so these buttons and i realize this isn't a super  close-up so you can't see really closely on here   but um these are all about audio you can switch  which audio is on so i can have let's say audio   simultaneously from all three of these inputs  you have something called audio follows video   where the audio comes on only when you switch to  that input so you see i switched to input 3 and   the audio followed video comes on then you have  if you're using camera control you have control   over the cameras themselves and each of these  banks of buttons are duplicated for each input so   these buttons here are the same as these here same  as this here and so on then across the top you've   got microphone input controls so levels in and out  on and off so if i want audio from mic 1 or mic 2   on or off i can do that i can adjust their levels  on here and then your headphones you can mute   your headphones you can adjust the volume on your  headphones in here these all have to do with the   picture-in-picture the dves all this other stuff  media players and so on that you can load up   there's a ton in here to get into and while  it's awesome to have all this control on here   i think that for most users as you get into  using some of these more advanced settings   it's easier to build a macro to do what needs  to happen so that with one button it loads up   the right graphic loads lower third does all the  things switch to the right camera angle does all   that with one touch but you have the absolute  ability to be here running a show and go right   okay we're gonna we're switching we're gonna load  up media player two we're gonna do this put this   dve set it all up ready to go and then take it  live so you can do all of that from the hardware   itself here which is pretty great if you think  about the older i shouldn't say older the larger   ATEMs we go back to this real quick uh here if you  look at these these have buttons on the front of   them but these are not meant these buttons are not  for live switching these are more for controlling   the different in and outs on the hardware but are  not meant for live switching you have to do the   switching in software and once you start clicking  things in software you realize pretty quickly that   having a tactile thing to touch becomes a real  advantage so that's where this is a wonderful   thing that's why there are these these huge  boards so you can have that big tactile feedback   even when you're using these kind of mixers  these kind of audio video switchers sorry and   uh and having the tactile button is great but  as you get more and more advanced you kind of   go back to software where you start adding in  all the macros and then eventually add things   like the stream deck here which i think you see  this in my overhead shot uh yeah you can see my   stream deck here that i'm where i'm doing all  my switching on and i know you can't read the   buttons on there but like there's the you know  the wide shot the tight shot that's the over   and so on and so i can see the buttons here  and each one of these is triggering some   series of of uh either macros or commands that are  doing multiple things at once with one button so   fun stuff you can do and then let's see here you  have some various picture picture controls here   the ability to trigger your first six macros from  the hardware which is really really nice this is   the only the extreme is the only hardware that  has this so you have this ability to just go all   right i need macro number four and you hit it and  it triggers that macro that is super super handy   then you've got controls over your transition so  these are our transition types transition timing   and so if i wanted to go from you know camera one  to camera two uh i'd set it put into preview mode   we'll get into that in a bit and i can choose  you know set it to wipe and then hit auto and   it does the wipe oh i want it to be a two second  wipe and when you as a diagonal and you set that   and then hit it and it does the transition so  you have control over all of that here again   this is really about doing a live show where  you're kind of deciding on the fly what to do   as opposed to i know i'm always switching from  camera a to b to c back to a and i've just got   those one inputs ready to go so it's you know  different approaches to things and then finally   this row of buttons here gives you this  controls the output it says video out   is the output on video output one number one  and it allows you to choose what's going out   which is most commonly going to be the multi-view  but then if you go oh i want to see you know input   five whatever you can pull that up really quickly  so let's actually start the hardware demo with   that i'm gonna start by hooking up a monitor to be  multi-view so i've got here it is from the cables   i've got this cable here i'm going to plug this  into uh let's see here this is going to go into   lean over and find this thing there it is input  one okay i'm not gonna well i'll just plug that in   as i'm plugging that in find it there it is let me  go to my side shot and as i plug that in monitor's   probably powered itself off let's see there  it goes so now i'm seeing the multi-view from   here so that is what is being powered there i've  actually set up a thing so that i can route this   out to you directly so you can see that directly  what you're actually looking at there this is kind   of one of those cool uses of the dual hdmi outputs  is this little guy right here this is a blackmagic   converter sdi to hdmi converter vice versa so this  is coming out of the second monitor the second   hdmi output going into this converted to sdi  you see the red sdi cable there and then that is   running into my main switcher where i can switch  to it like this so that gives me the ability to   show you that up close so that's where i'm how  i'm using that second one today but if we look   back to the side view i also have a big monitor  over here so i can see exactly what's going on   you see there's not a whole lot going on here  yet i don't have anything plugged into it yet   i've got a couple of graphics loaded up and we  see some status info here but that's it so let's   actually since we're here why don't we go back to  this view and talk about what we are looking at   so across the bottom there's two media players  those are graphics that are already loaded   then you have where it says iso stop that is the  recording status so if i'm recording we'd see that   there and on the right we see the streaming  status currently not running but that is the   status of streaming then just above that and i  can't point to things because i don't have mouse   you're looking video out but if you look at the  one that has all those meters on it nothing's   actually bouncing on them because it doesn't have  any audio input but that's where we'd see that   then you can see cameras one through looks like i  kind of messed up my layout but one two three four   and it goes back to one two and five well whatever  we can fix that um and then a program so you see   the actual program out so you can see what the  audience is seeing that's what multi-view does for   you and of course we can configure that however  you like since noted by the fact that i said i   messed up setting it up so we'll go in and we'll  fix that in a moment so that multi-view is super   super important so with that said now let's go  ahead and plug in a camera so we're talking like   bass bass level setup here i'm going to use this  guy right here this is the blackmagic pocket   cinema camera 4k um i've got a let's go back to  my overhead view here so i've got a um panasonic   lumix 10 to 25 millimeter lens on here nice fast  lens this is great 10 to 25 zoom this is great for   stuff like this close up because i've got a super  wide angle field of view and it's plugged into   power right now you don't have to do that to use  it obviously it has battery but i will say anytime   you're doing anything live do yourself a favor  don't use batteries do not use batteries anywhere   that you can avoid it so in this setup right now  the only batteries that i'm relying on are on my   wireless packs for my microphone and my monitor  these are the only batteries that i'm on and   taking the batteries concern out of your live  stream is such a relief it's just it's so nice to   not have to worry about batteries so this camera  these cameras come with their own power supply   which is super awesome just plug it in and off you  go okay so with that said let's get this plugged   in grab an hdmi cable here and plug that in go  to input one and plug this into the camera so if   we look i'll bring up a close-up shot here if we  look at i should do it this way if you look at the   there it is oh can i get that interview i got this  cable in the way if you look at the side on here   okay barely you can see that uh can i hand  it all the way so it focuses on the camera   you can see that hdmi input right right there you  know how hard it is to look at one camera reach   around and try and grab something which is coming  from a different angle like left becomes right and   anyway uh you think i'd be used to it by now but  no so i plug this in and as soon as i do let's go   to the multi-view you can see now the view from  that so voila so there we've got it we can also   see that we're getting audio from here so you're  not hearing the audio from the camera yet you're   hearing my microphone still which means it might  actually be out of sync but you can see camera one   and you can see on the camera one input the one on  the middle left side you can see the audio meters   on there you can see that those audio meters are  bouncing so you know it is getting audio okay   so with that said let me just set this thing up  so that i can do stuff with it without holding it   so i'm just i'm real fancy here balancing on a  piece of gaff tape um what is that black spot   oh i've enabled a multi-view oops let's turn  that off okay um all right so let's see here um   yeah let's switch over to this so we are looking  at there's something else on there i don't even   know what's running give me just a moment here  to figure out why i've got some other thing on   the screen right now see here look if i go to  the extreme you can see that black spot in there   trying to figure out which everything else is off  um yep i'm going into software to figure out what   is running because i cannot figure that out well  this is a great opportunity for me to show you   the software interface so let me fire that up over  here and then i'll switch to this screen and here   we go this is the software version of the hardware  i can do all the same switching in here between   camera one camera two and so on so for example  you can see right now this is set to program is   camera one if i go to the overhead view you can  see it's on camera one there right that's lit up   let me go back to the oops back to the software  view and then i will switch this in software to   camera four and then if i go back to the overhead  view you can see that that has changed to camera   four so it's the same control i'll hit three on  here and now when i go back to the mac we see that   camera three is running on there so this is the  same control you touch anything here it happens in   hardware you touch on hardware and it happens in  here there's the key that was up on air that was   giving me that black spot over the camera so now  i've turned that off okay so let's go back to the   multi-view view and i'm going to now switch  actually over so you're hearing if i get this   right you should if i did this right be hearing  audio through the camera right now so it's not   going to be anywhere near as good but this is  just the audio on the camera itself uh gary do   me a favor give me a thumbs up that we're actually  doing this right you're hearing me from the camera   excellent okay good so you're hearing me through  there i have turned off the good microphone so   that's all you're hearing now i don't want to  do a bunch of the show this way because it's   not going to be very good quality but i do want  to show you let's get let's see here let me go hey this happens to be i don't know what i say  if i'm at my desk and i go mm-hmm and i'm on the   phone siri goes yes like i wasn't talking to you  i don't understand anyway so let's let's go into   the software again and back here and under audio  controls and i'm going to show this to you in the   software even though we have control over the  hardware just because it's a little bit easier   to follow what's going on via the webinar  but you can see on here this is camera 1   input this is the input that was right here that's  the microphone coming off of there if i let's go   back to this if i tap on the camera you can see  the peaks on there that is that microphone so if   i'm doing a show where i want audio from  the camera's microphone you really don't   ever want to do that but if you had to then that's  all you need right i got my camera hooked up it's   got a built-in mic and we're good to go right it's  audio clearly you want to do better than that so   you would get some other type of audio so either  you put on a shotgun mic some kind of a boom mic a   lavalier whether it's a wired lav into the camera  or wireless however you want to do it but you get   that better quality audio into the camera feeding  into that input and now we have full control over   the audio in here so we're going to come back into  audio in a little bit and talk more about what you   can do in here but here is that same oops same on  and off so i can just turn that audio on and off   and we see that it's red up here when it's on air  red by the way is on air i realize it's kind of a   it's tradition right red means on air and  i guess it's that way to say kind of danger   don't be careful don't mess with it because  the whole world can see what you're doing   kind of a thing i always think of red as you know  stop right like red's bad green is good whereas   here red is on air so that's good because it's on  air but it's also bad because don't mess with it i   i don't know the whole history of the logic behind  the colors but red is on air so whenever you see   red in a switcher it is on air just know that so  going back to the software we can see that this   this audio input is on air now you're not  hearing it because of the way i've routed things   after this but that is audio on air and then  i have a lot of other audio controls in here   including that afv that audio follows  video so you'll see here i had enabled it   uh before can i assume oh i can i had enabled  afv audio follows video on the hardware and   if we look at the top of this you see it's  got the little yellow on there that tells   me that it's it's armed it's ready for on air  and i'm gonna hit camera three on the switcher   and then now that camera three is on oh look  it did a wipe over to camera three oh no you   didn't see that uh now camera three is on and  it is on air and i go back to camera one and   then after the transition it goes to standby again  so that is afv or audio follows video at work   so you have all that kind of control from the  software again we're going to get more into the   software in a moment let me check my notes real  quick and make sure i didn't forget anything here   that i want to talk about um buttons got my notes  are good um okay let me talk just a little bit   more about the software and then we'll get more  into switching stuff so let's go back to this so   you have your audio control in here if i go back  to the main switcher your input control your your   upstream and downstream keys are all controlled  from here if you want to do transitions by hand   you can grab this knob and slide back and forth  normally if you're doing a transition you would   set up like it was set to a wipe it's set  to two second rate and so then when i hit   uh hit auto it does that transition it takes two  seconds for that to happen normally you set these   things up and do it that way but you can take this  up and you can actually go you know back and forth   on a transition if you wanted to you know play  dj with your video switching downstream keys   are all the different overlays you have upstream  keys and downstream keys those these are what   allow you to bring in different layers into the  video we'll talk more about this later on and then   all the other control in here color generators  super source because i am working with the bigger   ATEM let's go ahead and zoom into that the four  upstream keys that you have on the ATEM extreme   transition control so if you want to get deeper  into your transition control you can you can do   that from here and then downstream keys more keys  and a fade to black command which you have back up   to the top here we got our media players i don't  have anything connected right now but you do have   the ability to control hyperdex from here and then  output this is a really important aspect of all of   this so if i'm live streaming that is all set up  here i want to live stream to youtube and i'll   use the primary server and then i just copy and  paste the key to my live show in here and choose   the streaming quality and off you go so this all  of this is run through here there's even restream   dot oh built in all this is controlled from  here recording if you're recording your stream   this is all controlled from here as well which  uh what is it called that you're recording to   the files you're recording what are you going to  name them you can choose to see the display status   of your recording on your monitor you can trigger  recording in all cameras if you are using the   blackmagic cameras and you can choose to disable  the iso recording if you don't want it to record   all those separate streams you can turn that off  if you wanted to so that's all set up in here you   can you can't capture video without an external  capture card it's just the software that's set up   you can capture a still however so if i wanted  to capture a still of one of the whatever's live   on air i can do that and then time code so then  let's see here media pool this is where we see   all the media that has been added to the switcher  so you can see a couple graphics that i've added   and you can have up to 20 graphics stored in here  at once and then over here you've got whichever   two are primed and ready to go on air media player  one and media player two and so you can just drag   and drop these in or you can control this with  macros as well and you can choose to load up a   particular graphic in there and have it ready  to go audio we went through briefly and then   camera control this only really is relevant if  you are using a camera with control a blackmagic   camera so let's talk about that next double  check that's where i really want to go next   um so we kind of went through look at my notes  we kind of went through the first two things i   suppose i meant to go to this slide at some point  um to say setting in switch-ups show setup and   switching basics we kind of have covered all of  this already but uh but that's okay let me make   sure to miss anything yeah i think i pretty much  covered all that so yeah so let's go next up is   um the cameras yeah let's talk about the cameras  themselves and the camera control that we have   how are we on time my watch doesn't turn on  anymore when i raise my wrist half the time   oh we're doing good okay so let's talk about the  camera control so this is something that is unique   to having the pocket cinema cameras you  have um you can use any camera with an   hdmi output in this setup right anything  with hdmi can feed into the atm and off   you go but if you're using the blackmagic  cameras you have control over focus over   the exposure over the color the uh you can even  see which one is on air through something called   a tally light so here let me show you that to  start get this let's go you can see the red   on there right so that means that that  camera is on air i'll switch to input oh still got the audio on there we go um  switched input two it's off air switch back   to input one and it comes back on air so we can  choose we can see from here which camera is on   or off air which is really really awesome so  imagine a live scenario live streaming setup   make sure the cables are not blocking anything  a live setup where you've got say an interview   and you've got multiple people on camera  and you've got of course multiple cameras   the talent can always see which camera is on  air because of that red light the tally light   so that's something you get automatically  on these cameras you don't have to add an   external tally light you don't have  to add an external tally light system   everything is controlled over the hdmi port and  the camera knows when it's on air or off air and   you see it ready to go okay so that's the first  thing you get out of it but let's go into the   actual camera control here so let's see i can  i'm gonna have to kind of switch back and forth   to show you these things but here's here's the  type of control that we have let me zoom into this   so i can set the lift gamma and gain which is  basically your shadow mid-tones and highlights   i can change the exposure on those and i can even  change the color on them so i can dial in a very   specific color look let me reset that if i scroll  down here i can change the aperture of the lens   and i'm seeing and i will show this to you on like  a live video in just a moment but um i can change   the aperture of the lens here i can change focus  i can drag this to change focus if i'm in manual   focus and if i had a powered zoom lens i could  even control the zoom of that lens on here this   is a really cool function to be able to do it's  definitely getting into higher end gear i mean   you do have some inexpensive lenses uh i thought i  had one oh there it is so like this is a overhead   there we go this is a lens from olympus it has a  power zoom capability on it so i can do it by hand   see there's well i guess it doesn't telescope  but anyway i'm zooming by hand and if i pull it   up into this position you can't really tell there  but it's in like a rocking motion right now that   means it's a power zoom and when i connect this  to the camera i can actually control the zoom of   the lens through there now this is a cheap version  of it this is a very slow lens what is this thing   this is a olympus 12 to 50 millimeter f 3.5 to  6.3 so it's a really slow lens meaning very poor   low light gathering capability not the greatest  for studio use but you know you can use it right   you can spend a lot more money and get into some  really big fancy lenses that have motor control   on them in fact i did a video on this not that  recently i have this whole series of tips called   the ATEM mini tips that are on my youtube channel  and there's one about power zoom control i happen   to have in the studio for another project a big  canon i don't remember the model or anything   but this huge canon power zoom lens and it was  awesome to be able to to run that through here   i was using the blackmagic pocket cinema camera  6k which has the canon ef mount on it and i was   able to control that power zoom from the software  really really cool to be able to do that so that's   something to you know think about for really big  productions you have that capability but all that   control can happen in the software okay so back  to the software again this is how you control it   but let me show you what it actually looks like so  let's go back to this view and so we've got that   view on there and i'm going to in fact here's what  i'll do as well i'm going to go up to my outputs   and set output 2 to camera 1. there we go so now  you're seeing that camera bigger and now i'm going   to go in and change the color just like you saw  me doing in the software i'm doing the same thing   here i'm changing the color on the lift here  i'll change the exposure make it darker make   it brighter i'm opening and closing the aperture  in there i can trigger auto focus in here i can do   all of this stuff from the camera software control  let me reset all of that reset all back to normal   there we go and i'll set the output back to  here this is what i'm doing uh back to this   i'm changing so this is the output from the ATEM  output number two which is the one that's going   into my bigger switching system and if i switch  this over to multi-view as soon as i do that   let's see here i'm gonna switch back so you can  see it i click that and i click that and there it   is so now we've got the multi-view set up in there  so that level of software control is fantastic and   because it's done through the software this means  you can create macros to do all of this stuff you   can create macros to switch color views to  change exposure let's say that you have some   type of a setup where you know that it's going  to get brighter it's going to get darker maybe   maybe a play that's a good example you're doing  some kind of live streaming of theater production   and there's times where they've got all the  lights on kind of normal light but then there's   some really dark moody scenes when it gets really  really dark well that's fine for the audience it   all looks dark and moody but then live you're like  i can't see what like through the can't see what's   happening i want to change the exposure well so in  setup you go through you have your lighting guide   bring up your different lighting cues and then  you go in and you build macros okay this is you   know daytime scene this is my night scene and you  set up exposure shifts for the cameras so that you   can toggle all of those and that's that's really  really powerful stuff to be able to do that so one   of many reasons that the blackmagic cameras are  optimal for this i really do really that having   that level of control on it is really really  special and cool okay um and then recording stuff   we're going to get into that tomorrow all right  i do believe that's everything i wanted to cover   there let's go let's talk about audio a little  bit more because audio is a really cool part   of this and this is something that was added to  the ATEM oh when did it add was it the extreme   maybe it's later i don't remember maybe it got  retroactively added anyway on all of the higher   end models for sure maybe it's even on the lower  end model now you have a very impressive amount   of audio control so let's take a look what  that looks like let's go over here to this   go back to the audio tab and at first glance you  have let's go put bring camera one back on air   um i'm just gonna get out of the auto transition  mode here we go and we have over here audio there   it is the ability to change the levels so we've  got just simple little gain fader so if you are   um you know you're doing a show and suddenly you  set all your audio levels great but then suddenly   the actor is talking a little bit quieter or  they're talking about louder and you want to   be able to adjust that you have a quick knob that  you can quickly grab yeah bring that down bring it   up a little bit so that's what that slider is  for but you should ideally set up your levels   before that on the main gain so that would be  up here at the top so you see the gain is set to   zero right now but as i up and drag that  back and forth i can change the gain level   so audio you know i'm gonna get into a huge thing  on audio but audio is one of those things where   there's so many stages of where it can go  wrong in many ways i feel like audio is a   lot harder than video if we think about  my wireless setup right now and how many   hops it's going through before it gets to you so  i'm wearing a lavalier wearing wireless lav this   one this particular one i'm using the sennheiser  avx this one does not have gain control on the   receiver pack which takes one step out of it but  a lot of packs do and so i would sit here with my   transmitter pack i said receiver sorry with  my transmitter pack i would be adjusting the   levels on there having my talent talk and adjust  the levels until they're right so we've got you   know not you want it as loud as it can possibly be  without peaking okay so we get that right and then   i go to my receiver and the receiver probably  has a gain control for its output so it's   output gain if you will but it's receiving  a signal and now what is it sending out to   the camera or whatever you're connecting it to so  then you got to set that gain correctly and then   that's plugging into a camera a mixer something  else in my case it's plugging into a mixed pre   so on the mix pre i have gain control so i've  got to set that just right but i have to start   here right i have to start with me go all the way  through the chain and then i set the receiver and   then i set the the item that is getting the the  audio from the receiver so in my case the mix pre   and then in my case i'm routing that into another  audio mixer because just because it's my studio   uh it's going into another audio mixer where  i have another opportunity to change the game   i don't on this case but i can from there it's  just at zero and then that gets fed into the   ATEM and then on the ATEM right here i have a gain  level control here so i got to get this just right   and then there's the fader for that last minute  oh crap they're talking too quiet or too loud   adjustment on there so there's a lot of levels a  lot of pieces in there and i make this point just   because it is complex audio can get very messy  and if you're having audio trouble your levels   are too high too low by the time you can hear them  it's distorting uh it's distorting even when it's   down low you know some problem like that start  at the source start at the beginning and you're   working work your way through the chain you can't  start at the end and work back start at the source   me my source and work my way through the chain uh  if you have let's say that i was i had somewhere   along the chain i had it turned too far down  then by the time i got here to the atm i crank   it up to make up the difference well now i've  got this noise floor all this this garbage in   the background that i'm hearing that i shouldn't  be hearing on there so when you have problems   like that start at the source and work your way  through the chain video is easier it really is   uh okay so that's the basic stuff but then you  get these little guys right here equalizer and   dynamic so i open up the eq so here i'm going  to actually enable this let's see here if i yep nope yep there okay so now you're hearing  me through this yes and not this not hearing um   ooh do we not we very low okay no it's not you let  me take the levels up and okay so i'm watching the   levels on here it is low i'm going to take the  levels up all the way because i'm using and i'm   going to get a little bit closer because i'm using  the microphone now on this camera right where   you're listening to me through here i probably  should have set up a separate wireless mic for   this to make it work better but let me now go into  the software and let's see if i got this right i guess i didn't set it up so that i can do that  okay i'm going to go back and forth here i'm just   going to subtract the audio here so we don't  really mess things up and forth between them there we go there we go no echo now so um i'm  going to go back and forth between the two   just because i can't it's too hard to do both at  the same time to show it to you but let me just   show you the controls that you have so back to  this view here we've got dynamics and equalizer   start with the equalizer and from here i can  you know boost the bass in my voice so i can   do things like this i can change the treble  you know find the the uh whatever the the   frequency that is bothersome or needs  enhancing i have this control in here   i view a full multi-band eq in here so you  can really change the sound dynamics in there   then you've got under dynamics you have these  the expander and the gate which will allow you to   knock out a lot of the background noise so if  you've got a large amount of background sounds you   can actually reduce that or eliminate it using the  expander or the gate effectively what this does   is it was it's listening to for levels over above  a certain threshold and it will cut off everything   below that now you do have to be cautious with  it because you can have something where it's a   really loud background environment and if you gate  it so that it goes totally silent when the person   is not talking when they start talking suddenly  you hear all this background noise and then when   they stop it's pure silent and that just sounds  weird like you notice the background noise more   when it suddenly comes in as opposed to finding  a threshold where the background noise is there   but it's just lower and sound it's not totally  prominent it's lower and your brain gets used   to that and your brain cancels that out and  then you just hear the dialogue you don't think   about the background noise but if the background  noise is just full on on and off you're going to   hear it and it's going to be very distracting so  setting all this up is a really important part of   of doing good audio and obviously the best  solution is to have super clean audio environment   but clearly that's not real that's not normal  right most environments there is some kind of   background noise the amount of background noise  is happening in my studio right now is ridiculous   these because i have this huge server rack  over here but that's why i'm running my audio   through the mix pre with this thing called noise  assist on it that does a magical job of removing   background audio and and that's being done in  hardware and you can do similar things on here   now i the reason that i'm not doing this in the  ATEM itself for this show is because the atm that   i have the 2me doesn't have any of this audio  control this is all much newer than the newer   hardware my main item the big 2me doesn't have  any of this so i have to do it externally so once   again something that makes these smaller atoms  an insane value the amount of technology that's   packed into here you no longer have to have an  external five hundred dollar thousand dollar   two thousand dollar audio board that does the  equalizing does the noise gating and expanding and   so on and then there's also compression in here  so you can enable the compressor the compressor   is going to allow you to keep your levels more  constant so any lower levels that'll raise up   any higher ones it'll bring down so tries to  keep everything within a specific range um   lots lots of great stuff you can do it  and then there's a limiter finally for   knocking out those really high peaks so there's  all these different pieces and there can be used   and this is all on every single input every input  has its own settings so let me turn on something   on here and then you'll see um here we go let's  change let's say i change something in here   and i'm trying to make the ui change a little  bit i guess it doesn't really matter you see   up here these indicators of how it's set so each  one of these has its own little representation of   what is being said on there and i'll pull that  up pull this down and you see that represented   up here so you know at a glance what each one is  getting um i mentioned the headphones earlier so   if we look over here oh sorry before i go into  that one more thing each one of these has its own   level controls right all these individual things  and then you have your master which is a master   output that you can raise or lower this is  going to raise or lower everything the sliders   themselves don't change but this is taking all of  your audio mixed and making that louder or quieter   then you also have a master dynamics and eq on  that as well typically you're going to want to do   everything individually right but if for whatever  reason suddenly the whole thing just needs to get   a little quieter or louder you have you have the  ability to adjust that here that's what that is   so now let's go down to this headphone control i  mentioned the headphones and the funny thing is   this ui this headphones ui has been in the  software and forever but almost no ATEMs have   a headphone jack on them but now the atm extreme  does and so now we've got the ability to monitor   from the hardware self like i explained earlier  and going back into the software i can adjust   the levels on here i can also do that in hardware  so like if i turn this up all the way and then on   the hardware itself so these are my i know you  can't really see the buttons that clearly but   these are my headphone controls i have up and down  a mute and a reset button so let's go back into   the software and i'm going to push the hardware  buttons to make this quieter or make it louder   i'm going to hit the mute button and you see it  mute on there and i hit the reset and it puts it   back to its default position so you have that  same control in software as you do in hardware   now i also mentioned that through the headphones  the my main idea is that you are hearing the   program you're hearing what is going out to the  live audience but if you ever want to monitor a   single channel let's say you're trying to figure  out where some weird noise is coming from or   you want to make sure that the levels are good for  the guy in camera 3 before you bring them to air   anything like that you can solo meaning just  hear one channel you can solo any input so   that's happens over here scroll down you can  see this little headphone button under each   one of these you click that and it is now in solo  mode and so you're now soloing and just listening   to that one and you can switch between all the  different ones on here or you just turn it off   and now you're listening to everything again  so you have that total control in there   all right that's all of that i think we're  good there um gary give me a thumbs up if we   have any questions we want to jump into before  i get into some other stuff we do awesome all   right i'm going to bring you on actually i'm  going to take a very nice almost i'm good just   who needs breaks let's just go into it um where's  gary here's gary all righty you should be on air   you should be audible to the audience how you  doing buddy i'm doing doing fine i'm just uh i gotta figure out my monitoring did i throw you do you want do you want  me you want to give me a moment well   i'm hearing myself twice but  i'll try to get past that uh so because we didn't yesterday when i did this  and i i'm doing the same thing oh it's because   we weren't actually live yesterday when we did the  webinar that's probably ah okay i'll try to ignore   that um so the first thing i want to ask about is  there are many users that are complaining about   the um the image quality of this transmission and  it looks really good to me in hd and i don't know   if i'm getting a special feed or not i don't think  i am um a lot of people are saying that it's soft   and there's compression artifacts do you have any  um insight on that i don't and i'm looking at i've   got a i've got a little facebook portal over here  that's running it and it looks pretty good here um   yeah i don't know what to say i want to deny that  this is probably happening i i know that um i can   read the button labels on your switcher so i don't  know why it's uh doing that let me i'm going to   make sure i can hear you go ahead and read the the  first real the first question i'm going to go take   a look at the zoom settings and make sure that it  is actually sending hd so but i can still hear you   okay um some of the questions i'm going to save  for tomorrow when you actually talk about the   uh specific product area that you're going  to be that the question's about okay the let me see one question is do you have a graphic  of your signal and workflow that you could provide   either maybe later or something like that so i  don't have one set up and it's funny because when   it comes to my studio setup people ask that a lot  the reason that i don't have it set up is because   i change it all the time it is constantly changing  i rerouted a ton of stuff just to do today's show   right i've got things set up here that aren't  normally set up because i'm bringing gary in   and demoing the switcher which is very meta  right you're showing the hardware that you're   simultaneously using so i have a lot of kind of  complex stuff set up in here that's not normally   set up but my system is pretty ridiculous to  begin with and it changes constantly so i really   don't i'm sorry to say um it's i can give you  at its core i have the atm 2me that's the big   switcher that's in a rack and everything routes  through that i've got cameras in other rooms that   are routing through it this switcher is routing  into it my computer here is routing into it   everything is routing into that that is at  the core and then i'm sending that out to a   an hdmi to usb converter to bring it into zoom  which is actually being handled in the other   room so that's kind of the very basic part of it  but beyond that i'm sorry i just i don't because   it's just too complex and it changes all the  time sorry sure so um what are the specific   streaming settings used for this webinar are you  directly from the ATEM or to a software app okay   so for this webinar we're using zoom and zoom has  zoom is quite limited it will only allow us to   push out a 720 by 1280 signal and um and even that  it was hard to get zoomed to do it's the only way   to get full hd out of zoom is to be like you know  google basically i don't know who gets the full   1080p but nobody does and so we're limited to that  resolution now what i'm actually sending to zoom   so i mentioned that from my atm 2m everything is  being switched on there one of the sdi outputs   the program outputs like this has two hdmi  program mouse the big one has multiple outputs   i'm taking one of those sdi outputs and running  it into my office in my office i have a sdi to   usb converter it's a company called innogeni  it's a little sdi to usb that is plugged into my   computer and so my computer in the office sees  the innogeni as just a webcam and so i go into   zoom and i say look at the innogeni just like  you would go into zoom and say look at the ATEM   because of my routing it's looking at the energeni  instead but that is what is pulling into zoom so   i'm feeding zoom a 1080p signal but zoom is only  broadcasting 720p so uh that's and then all the   audio is obviously coming over that sdi as well  so that's that's effectively how that's working okay uh which pocket camera do you have there  that was asked and i forgot when you said it   this is the pocket cinema camera 4k i  believe that's the full model on this one   um yeah blackmagic pocket cinema camera  so that's the you know pcc or bm pcc is   kind of how it's abbreviated uh this is the  4k model and then over here i've got the 6k   and i will be using both of these tomorrow when  i do the iso demo the 6k so bmpcc blackmagic   pocket cinema camera 6k not the pro the pro  i don't have here so that's the 4k and the 6k   the 6k has the ef mount so there's a canon  lens on here and the uh the 4k has a micro   thirds mount so i've got that panasonic 10 to 25  millimeter lens on there so those those are the   cameras that i've got in here but everything  you've seen so far has been through the 4k so um this was answered i think but i  think it is important to reiterate um   is it possible to use the ATEM as webcam via  ethernet and record at the same time via usb okay so to use it as a webcam over ethernet so  there's two those are two separate things so   to use the camera as a use the ATEM as a webcam  meaning that zoom skype facetime you know pick   your your meeting app sees the ATEM as  a webcam that requires usb not ethernet   the ethernet connection is for streaming to a  service like youtube or facebook live so those   are two very separate types of services and i  think that's an important distinction that that   some people get confused you've got your streaming  platform which is like youtube facebook and so on   these are not meetings you don't join my stream as  a meeting and chat to me and so on it's a one to   many i am streaming my video single out to youtube  out to facebook out to restream dot io whatever   that is done over ethernet that is a data stream  that goes directly from the ATEM out to the ether   as a a chat service like skype like uh facetime  like zoom these are two-way video conferencing   apps like we'll call it that at its core and that  is done over the usb signal so two completely   different types of apps and services so you  can you can use you can stream to facebook   or youtube and record to usb simultaneously you  cannot without having two usb ports you cannot   record while also going into zoom or go to webinar  or any of those as a usb connection to do that you   need two usb connections which is what the extreme  has so hopefully that answers that question i have um just some observations because i'm  still reading the chat and everything and i   i think i may understand part of the um the  questions here and the quality of the video   if you were watching uh some of blackmagic's um  feeds like the ones that grant does and some of   the others they're using youtube and not zoom and  i'm wondering if the differences that the people   are seeing are the fact that we're using zoom  and that um some of the other things are using um   uh things like youtube yeah that's probably has  a lot to do with it and just fyi i am recording   this in full hd which will get re-uploaded to my  youtube channel uh should be next week so you will   be able to go back and re-watch that just like  the previous one is up there as well and that's   in full hd so yeah sorry there's just nothing we  can do about that believe me before we did the   first one a few months ago we were fighting  tooth nail just to get straight hd because   without it uh you know it'd be unwatchable  you know the video of me is fine like this   but as soon as i go to the screen or something  if it's too low resolution it's just not good   so sorry about that i will when i'm  in software i'll continue to zoom   in because i know that makes a big difference but  yeah that is unfortunately just a zoom limitation   if anybody out there watching works for zoom call  me we got to get this thing upgraded to full hd so the ethernet cable on the ATEM mini when you're  streaming where do you recommend that you connect   the question is is it directly connected to the  modem i know some people connect to computers   you have observations on that sure that's a  great question okay so the the ethernet out   of this means that it can plug into your network  which means however you have everything else on   your network plugged in let's talk about the most  simple setup you can actually go ethernet from   here directly into your computer but then you're  not going to get internet on here it'll give you   a connection to it and you can do the same thing  you could do over usb but you're not going to get   internet i suppose if you wanted to get tricky  about it you could pull a wi-fi signal into your   computer and then route that wi-fi signal through  the ethernet into it to kind of cheat around   the no wi-fi support but i wouldn't recommend  doing that that's definitely not the way to go   you normally you would plug that ethernet into  your network switch or network hub so if you've   got again kind of starting at the most basic  level you've got you know comcast or spectrum or   whatever and you've got a usb modem in your house  that usb modem might only have one ethernet out   port but it probably has a couple um or if you've  got a wireless setup in your house which you know   most people would have your wireless setup has  an ethernet in so it's going from the modem   into that ethernet in and then that wireless  setup might have additional ethernet outputs   i'm just going to have at least one and some of  them will have multiples anybody who's going into   a bigger network and needs more plugs that's where  you add something called a switch a network switch   and these can be as simple as like a netgear four  port switch or like 20 bucks or 30 bucks on amazon   super super cheap it's just giving you  multiple inputs then you get up into   20 and 40 poor managed switches that can get into  the thousands of dollars but at the end of the day   they're all doing the same thing they're giving  multiple connections to your local network and so   these things have something called dhcp built into  a dhcp client and so what happens is you just plug   this into your network and the network goes your  router that would be your the wi-fi router most   likely goes oh there's a new device on the network  uh i'm going to give it an ip address i'll give it   an address so that it's unique on that network  you can possibly go into your router software   and do a fixed ip and assign it an ip address  like in my network i have so much stuff in here   that everything has a assigned ip address where i  always know what's what but all you really do you   just plug it into your hub or plug it into your  switch and it's going to automatically just get   a right address and get online it's designed to be  really easy you don't have to go into the software   going back to the let's call it the old days  when i first got my atm 2me it took me forever   to figure out how because i never worked with  it before how to get it on the network because i   had to go in and manually assign an ip address  to it which meant i had to go into my router   and take the mac address from the hardware and  go to my router and say this mac address gets   this ip address and assign it so that was kind  of a pain in the beginning to set up now with   dhcp i just literally plug it in and it's online  so for most people if you have i would say most   home environments are going to have a modem coming  in from their isp that modem is outputting into a   wi-fi hub or it might be an all-in-one modem and  wi-fi hub there's gonna be a spare ethernet port   on there so you plug into that if there if you've  already used it for something else then you need   to add a switch a little four port little a port  switch and off you go and ethernet cables you can   run really long so you can have them you know  all over your house all over your office and so   on hopefully that answers that question it's one  of those things that's very specific so it has is   very specific to your setup but that's kind of  at its core how it works hopefully that helps   i want to offer a couple of things about the  connectivity of the ATEM uh because it was   asking a couple of questions but basically some  people do report problems trying to stream from   the ATEM they can't connect um the the end result  is the on-air light flashes and they see the cache   build up and that's an indication not connected um  the couple of things to check uh the ATEM uses the   google dns of eight eight eight eight uh we  have no way of changing that at the moment so   it's possible that maybe your network is  not able to see that dns so what i recommend   is with a computer command line type ping  space and see if you get a response   if you don't get a response then the ATEM mini  won't work either if you do get a response then   it would sound like the ATEM Mini should see  the dns and the other thing that happens is   sometimes when you turn on the mini or initially  connect it to a router it may not actually acquire   an ip address so if you take the ATEM setup  utility usb connect to the ATEM and verify   that the ATEM has acquired an ip address it  has a number other than because it   certainly won't work under that condition those  are the two things that i see happen the most   that's worth checking out  you don't have connectivity   i'm glad you mentioned that i didn't show the ATEM  setup software so i've loaded up on my screen when   we're done with the q a i'll jump into that  and i'll give a little tour of that as well okay a good one on the pocket camera can  you set the camera id in the camera menu um i think you can i know you had to do that with  okay so i can um i can answer that if you want   yeah go ahead so basically the pocket camera  is selfied through the hdmi so there is no   identification for the pocket cameras because  they are connected to the hdmi which is connected   directly uh and i'll qualify that connected  directly to the ATEM switcher to the specific port   that it's obviously plugged into one two three  four to eight in the event that you're actually   using the bi-directional micro converter 3g to  connect either the pocket camera or something else   then it might be necessary to set the camera id  in the micro converter so the micro converter   has its own id by default as one  and from the factory quite often   under many scenarios you plug it in and it just  works because of the way the way things work it   will know but if that micro converter is connected  to one of the sdi atms it's going to need a camera   id because the pocket camera itself does not  know that so i hope that helps with that answer   that's cool thanks i didn't i wasn't sure how  that worked i remember grabbing my old um this   is the old version the sdi version of the studio  camera so this is the blackmagic studio camera and   there's a newer version this now which is super  cool but this has a big screen on it whatever   but this it has dual sdi uh ports on it so it's  an sdi n and an sdi out and to gain the level of   camera control that you have today over hdmi you  had to run dual sdi cables to your ATEM switcher   and then assign the camera id in here to which  port it was on so there's a lot of setup involved   but like you said now with hdmi it all happens  basically automatically which is really cool so another question is there a way to make  the tally light i guess referring to the   pocket camera more visible anything that you've  come across or any ideas that you might have   no i mean it's pretty bright the only way it would  be blocked if you had a really big lens on it   there's i know there's third-party tally light  systems that you can buy and integrate in but   i mean as far as the light itself on it it's just  it's just on or off i'm not sure what else to do   about that sorry and then one question about the  stills in the ATEM Mini i'll probably answer it   uh in my question here but the question is  the original mini version does not store the   stills but the rest of the midi models  do so some people had the original one   the ability to store stills requires  specific hardware in the mini to do that   and added after the first model and then the  the firmware was updated to include that but   the original mini um just doesn't have the  hardware to support that yeah let me i'll just   show that real quickly here if we go back to the  computer if i go up to the file menu there is this   thing called save startup state and that is going  to basically say everything everything about the   ATEM including the media here gets saved so that  when you power the power the hardware off and then   back on again it is restored back to that state  like gary said the original the very first one   didn't have the hardware to do that but i believe  it's everyone after that so the ATEM mini pro and   up has that capability but you do need to do that  save startup state to make sure you lock it in and what about the save the startup state that may  not always be obvious when you push the button to   save the startup state please wait at least 20  seconds maybe 30 seconds for everything to be   written to the non-volatile memory because it's  not an instant process and it's not uh actually   there and oh it goes through the drill of of  actually saving all of the the things it has   to save so uh don't push save the startup state  and unplug the mini you you'll find that it wasn't   uh actually saved and there's no progress bar  that indicates what's happening there's a progress   indicator when you save out the xml file that  you'll see a progress on but when you hit   save startup state there's no progress so yeah  just have a little patience and then off you go   oh um for one more question and then  we can go on um is the compressor audio   in the uh ATEM the same as the one in resolve  if you know the answer um otherwise i might be   able to help yeah i actually don't know go  ahead i uh obviously we don't know if the   um the bits and bytes are identically the same  but the the fair light processing in the ATEMs   which started with the television studio pro 4k  and and every ATEM after that um is pretty much   the same algorithm as uh used and resolved you'll  find the knobs you know look the same the gui   looks pretty much the same and everything  so we can safely say the algorithm is is   pretty close if not exactly the same but you  know whether or not there's uh bits and bytes   that are different it would be hard for us  to actually but it should be very close okay   very good um excellent thank you are there any  other questions or was that the last one for now there will be some more a little bit later but  uh we'll uh let you go on okay awesome thank   you very much gary thank you everybody for the  questions and once again if you have questions   as we go drop them into the q a window in the  zoom webinar and gary as you saw we'll aggregate   and pull those questions together and if it's a  question that's best answered tomorrow because   i'm going to be working with that tomorrow  then he'll save that for tomorrow as well   all right so next up i want to talk a little bit  about the picture-in-picture capabilities i don't   and supersource capabilities we're not going to go  crazy into this but i'm going to show you some of   those things now i'm actually going to bring in  another input right now i've only got this one   camera hooked up so i'm going to take an ipad and  let me show you how this is going to get connected   the wire is in the right place so this is so well  i guess i should start with the ipad has usb c   output that's the only connection the ipad has  is usb and obviously the ATEM's got hdmi input   so we need to go from usb to hdmi so that's what  this little guy here is this is the apple you see   it's usb on one end and then the other one has  has hdmi it has another usb another usb input for   getting power in and then it's got a standard usb  input which can be super handy you can you know   use that to hook up an external drive or any other  number of things but this hdmi adapter is the key   this is the one from apple there's  one from a company called belkin   that works very well as well and it is uh only  the the hdmi output it doesn't have the usb   ports on it so you can't charge and so on if  you're just using the ipad by itself when you   only have the one port then you really do want  to make sure you have that ability to charge   i hear i've got it set up where it's on the smart  keyboard or whatever this thing is called this has   its own power input so i once as long as this is  on here it is getting power and i don't have to   um i don't have to worry about the the battery  draining on there if i'm using just a straight   hdmi only adapter anyway so with that said let  me plug this in here and plug this into the   ipad and then this input is going to go into input  two so let's see here i will let me bring up the   multi-view and you'll see it's so warning when you  plug this in when you first plug it in what will   often happens is the picture comes up and then  it goes away for a moment and it i guess the   ipad is doing some kind of thinking and i don't  know what it's doing but it takes a moment and   then it comes back that's typically what you  see we'll see if that happens this time so i'm   going to bring up the multi-view so you see it i'm  going to plug this into input 2 and you can hear   there now it's in and let's see what happens  there it's up and we'll see if it goes away   and then comes back again now you'll see up  in the let's not come it's not going away cool   you can see up in the top right corner there's  a there well now it's gone there was a little   indicator telling us that we had that on uh that  was connected but obviously we see it connected   there now a very important part let's bring this  up big on here a very important part of this   is that you're not filling the screen notice  that there's not only pillar boxes the black   bars on the sides but there's also a little bit of  black on the top and bottom that is just how the   ipad outputs the video to the switcher it is  scaling out to 1920 by 1080 that's what this needs   but that's just how it fits in it's obviously  not going to go to the sides because this is   not a 16 by 9 ratio screen it's a 4 3 aspect  ratio screen but unfortunately you get those   top bars on the top and bottom as well so that's  unfortunate but let me pull up a picture here   um let me find something that's just a photo  that's uh not awful or personal there we go food   i don't know about you guys but i'm already  getting hungry for lunch okay so i am going to   do back to this view let me pull up the multi-view  again there we go so you can see right now we're   looking at the interface right i'm going to tap a  picture and notice it switches over now it's full   screen now we see it all the way to the top and  if i pinch into the photo it will fill the screen   so that is what happens when you go full screen  output basically you hit play on a still photo   or video coming off the ipad which tells you that  the ipad is actually a really good video player   for your show so if you're doing an event where  you've got video that you want to play up like you   know interstitial a commercial a pre-roll whatever  the ipad is a great way to do that because you can   scroll through the video in the regular uh in this  view you can scroll through the video you know in   this view pull the video that you want and then  as soon as you tap on it to bring it full screen   it actually fills the screen on there so you  can go full screen and you'd have to like go   full screen and hit stop really quick so it's  kind of cute up and ready to go but then you   switch to that on your ATEM and you hit play  on the ipad and it plays through so that is a   really really great way to get video into here  pre pre uh pre-done video you can do this with   a computer of course as well so i can have  a computer hooked up that is mirroring and   and then i just go full screen on the video and  that plays through very similar type of experience   or you could set up a computer with a dual screen  setup so you're looking at your monitor here but   then the ATEM itself is effectively a second  screen to the computer but then you have to drag   that video over to that second screen and make it  go full screen so um it just depends on your setup   but i'm just telling you that if you are going to  incorporate video into your presentation an ipad   is a really really clean way to do that it works  really really well okay so with that said um uh oh   so the cropping on there that you can crop that  out if you wanted to and scale it up a little bit   so if you wanted to get rid of those bars on there  but anyway so right now go back to the home screen   on here so let's go back to this view there we  go and i guess i should reposition this camera i   set it off to the side so that it kind of sort of  sees me oh i suppose i should bring that back up   as well there we go and let me focus that i guess  i'll hit the focus button is that going to work   all right hold down hold it down for a few seconds  there we go and then it runs in auto focus perfect   there we go now we're in focus okay so um i want  to do a little bit of picture-in-picture kind of   work so i'm going to switch over to the software  oh look the ipad just went out anyway i'm going   to switch over to the software screen and show you  what we can do in here for picture-in-picture so   let's go back to the switcher and actually let's  start with the most basic which is going to be on   the hardware itself so on the hardware we have and  again i know you can't really see these buttons   super clearly but this right here says picture  in picture and there's an off and on and then   positions for them so i'm going to turn that on  and let's go poo nothing's kind of reset nothing   really looks right in here right now but that's  okay i'm going to set that on and go back to the   multi-view and so you can see now the picture in  picture up there in the little screen and as i   hit these preset buttons it puts it into different  places in different preset positions um give me a   second here folks i've got i've got a ups delivery  i'll be right back we're good thanks thanks buddy what's up working studio what are you gonna do  um all right go back to that so you can see the   position of that moving around and there's even  a kind of a two-up uh picture-in-picture which   is basically a supersource kind of setup so you  have these simple setups and these four corners   let's see one two three four like that those you  can do on any of the atoms and obviously you know   we'll have a different picture in there so let's  go ahead and set that up i'm going to go into the   software and let me get this set up here and then  i'll pull this back over where are we upstream   key am i looking at the right one there we go  here upstream key there it is switch back to   this so you can see that key is on here there's  the on air if i hit the off button on the hardware   it turns off there so that's not me on the  mouse that is the hardware turn that on or off   and then this is key one this is upstream key  one so i look over here at upstream key one   and it tells me what input it's using  right now it's set to camera one so   that's why you're seeing this strange uh you know  picture-in-picture of me inside of my own video   so that's obviously not what we want so let's  go back over to the software and i would change   that i would say let's show camera two on the  on the picture-in-picture so now if i go back   to the multi-view we should see my ipad there in  the corner so that might make sense or probably   makes more sense to go the other direction so  i would go ahead and bring up the ipad as the   full thing let's turn on the multi-view and  then i'm going to go back into the software   and switch that multi-view uh sorry not multiple  you switch the picture-in-picture to input one   the ipad went black that's why i'm that's i may  not remember what the problem with this ipad was   it keeps doing that there we go um so now i've  got a picture in picture where i've got me   in the corner here again i can position it in any  corner or it's actually a little side one preset   that's kind of nice and i've got my my slides  my whatever i'm doing on the background there so   that's a way to handle that picture in picture  so there's that's kind of the built-in preset   but you do have an immense amount of control in  software now this is a really important part of   how all of this works the buttons that are on  here whether you're talking about the extreme   or the buttons on the the ATEM many of the  smaller ones um these presets here so let me   let me do a close-up shot on this see if i can  get this into frame there we go these preset   buttons those four little corners there those  will put the video into that position no matter   where you have it set it is literally a hardwired  put it here and the important thing to know is   that if you go in and you meticulously  reposition the wherever you want it you   can turn it on and off and that's fine but if you  hit one of those presets it is going to push that   back and there's no one do you have to go in and  manually reposition everything again so this is   where macros become really really handy you want  to be able to record any unique layout as a macro   so that you can call it back up before we get into  macros though i just i will show you how we would   go about repositioning that so let's go back to  let's see here um i'm gonna go back to this view   and you'll see under here i've got a so there's  my uh my upstream key one again so just to recap   there's upstream keys upstream q1 let's zoom into  this a bit fill source is set to camera one and   you can see the position and the sizing on here  now i can go in here and i can type in a number so   i can say you know make this uh make this position  nine and that would be moved let's go back to   this view in fact here i'm going to give  you a second i'm going to set it so that   you're seeing just the output let's go back  to my output for output 2 set that to program   boom there you go okay so now you're seeing that  output now i'm going to go in and i'm going to   change that back to 8 where it was to start with  and there you see how that has moved in there   but i can i can also instead of typing  in numbers you've got these little   you've got these little steppers in here but  you can also click on the letter like the x-axis   letter there and move that so that's going to give  you a much more dynamic way to move things around   so we've got i'm going to i'm going to do this  while you're looking at it but i want to show   you the controls you have position and size  controls and you can unlink them so you can   distort it but clearly that's not something  you would normally do and then you've got a   mask control so you can crop it you can add a  shadow and you can add a border and let's see   there's even other stuff we can do in here but  those are the main ones so let's do this i'm   going to scroll up to here i guess you don't have  to see that close i'm going to switch back to this   view there we go and now i'm going to start making  changes to this go look at the right camera now   i'm going to start making changes to it so i'll  go into the position and i'm just using a little x   that i showed you i click on the x and drag it  so there's the position there's the y position   all the size is linked so i can scale that oops i  just unlike the size so the size is linked i can   scale that or for some reason i needed to distort  it i can do that and then change the size like so   so i have all of that and again just click and  drag in here to position it wherever you want   if i enable masking this is going to add a  border so i can crop into the border on here   i sorry a crop i don't know i didn't mean border  i'm cropping into that and again i can type in   numbers so i'll just type in like 10 on the bottom  border and it crops that up or reset that back to   zero i can add a drop shadow it's not the greatest  shadow in the world but it's a shadow so you can't   really change the softness of the shadow but i can  change the position of it and i can change the um   well it's just the position actually yeah  in and out or any angles there's a little   little draggy slider position that we want it's  not the greatest shadow but it's a shadow and then   there's border so i showed you border if i toggle  the border off it goes off but with the border on   i can set that to any color so let's go to like  a red red color border in here or something   and there we've got the ability to change the  border color you can also change the width on   that you can add beveling and do all kinds of  funky things to that typically though you know   you're going to keep it simple and i think this is  a really important aspect of this keep it simple   don't get fancy with your borders just a nice  simple board if we go back to don't worry gary i'm   not going to put your audio on but if i go back to  gary and me you can see we're up there we've got a   little animated background playing and there's a  white border around us just simple clean you know   keep it simple right okay let's go back to this so  i've got the border control in there i'm going to   turn off the border and the fill source again is  chosen from here whichever camera i want it to be   so that's all very simple setup right that's  a simple picture and picture and if i go back   in fact let's go back to here if i want to turn  that on and off i can use the button on the ATEM   to turn it on or off but as soon as i hit one of  those corner buttons it goes back into that corner   and there's no one doing that so let's talk about  how oh actually we'll do macros we're going to   come back to macros we'll talk about how to save  that as a macro but i want to go into super source   next because super source is where we get into a  much more powerful way to do our layouts in here   so let's turn that off let me go back to the  software wrong one actually i should probably   multi screen options macros i guess you're still  multi-screen options my slides are all over the   place let's just ignore the slides there's no  slides there are no slides here i'll edit that   out later okay um super source so let me explain  i explained it briefly earlier but let me explain   a little bit more what supersource is so what we  were just looking at was the picture in picture it   is uh it is an upstream key there's things called  upstream keys and downstream keys it's where they   are in the flow upstream keys are typically used  for things like picture-in-picture multi-pieces   multi-screen layouts like this simple multi-screen  layouts the downstream key is typically is the   last thing in the chain it would typically be used  for like a lower third perhaps or a network bug   little corporate logo sitting in the corner and  that's on top of everything no matter what else   is happening underneath it so there's your kind  of differentiation between the upstream and the   downstream keys the downstream key has a lot less  control the upstream you can do all kinds of stuff   with it so there's your kind of basics super  source is the ability to do a complete custom   layout of up to four inputs at once positioning  wherever on screen cropped how you want scaled how   you want positioned how you want and then the  background behind them can be a still graphic   or another one of the inputs so that's that's  where supersource comes in and that's what you   saw when whenever i bring up me and gary that is a  supersource layout so supersource is unique to the   ATEM mini extreme and up so let me show you  i shouldn't say end up because when you get   into the big ATEMs it's not on the 1me it is on  the 2me uh so you know it's it's uh it's a great   feature to have on here anyway so let's go into  looking at how that works go back to the computer   and first of all you have this button here called  supersource when i turn that on that enables   supersource so supersource is effectively an input  just like any of these others don't want camera   one camera two camera three or do i want super  source to be up so super source overrides all   of this and then i go over to the supersource menu  and let's zoom in close here and you have on here   a series of presets so these are the little  simple preset layouts and but you can completely   customize these so let's go back to this view and  you're looking at the supersource now i'm going to   bring up the first supersource layout and you can  see that it has set four four pictures four blocks   with a background that is apparently one of the  graphics i can go to another super another layout   another layout or another layout there and so that  represents go back to the computer that represents   my siri waking up again honestly um that is  was these four presets here that we were just   looking at okay so let's i think it's a good idea  to start with one of them that's kind of close to   what you want and then adjust from there but you  know you can start completely from scratch it's   totally up to you but let's we'll start with the  four let's say i want to build a 2-up supersource   just like i've got with gary and i all right i  want to build that um so i want two equally sized   side-by-side pieces so if i look at my presets the  uh i could you know start with this one or i can   start with this one and get rid of the other  one so we'll go ahead and start with this one   and so again if we go back to the view you're  seeing that's what you're seeing right now   all right let's go ahead and start making  some changes to it so i have four different   boxes of video those are the four boxes you  just saw each one of these can individually   be turned on and off so i'm going to turn off  box three and box four and so now what we've   got is that that is now the current supersource  layout so i've just turned off those other boxes   all right let's go back into this and i'll go back  into box one and i'm gonna set the source for box   one to be camera one so now if we go in there  there's me hello so there's me in camera one   and then i'll set the source for box two to be  camera two camera two is currently the ipad and   in fact what i'm gonna do is pull up a picture on  the ipad so that it actually fills the screen um there we go um so oh that's interesting no there  we go um sorry where's there we go there we go   so there's the ipad it is getting to be lunch  time can you tell so there's the current setup   okay so now i want to get customizing my setup a  little bit more so i have my position sliders and   the size sliders just like we saw for the upstream  key so what i'll do is i'm going to play with   these let's start with box one i'm going to play  with these but i'm going to do it while you're   looking at that so i'm going to take my position  for size 1 and move that let's move that down   and i'm actually going to scale it up so i said  that i wanted to kind of mimic what i had set up   with gary so i'll scale that up but now of course  that means i have to crop it so i'll enable crop   on here and then i'll go to my left and right  and we'll start typing the numbers as 10 yep   that's probably much let's go for like eight  there we go and so i'm going to do the same on   the right hand side eight and there we go so now  i've got a crop okay so there we've got the first   side let's just call it done the first side of  that picture in picture maybe i want to add a   border to it as well so let's add at a border to  do that and go back into here to add a border we   have this whole other thing called the art page so  what is the fill source for the background um also   we have borders there we go so i can also enable  borders in here so i'm going to go ahead and   oh yeah that's wrong um sorry i'll zoom  out of this so i can see what i'm doing   um that's not the border for that i am that's  the border for the input i think that is all   right sorry that's the border for the background  where's the border for this why where's my border   for that okay i'm completely lying to you i'm not  quite sure why i can't find the border for that   we'll just come back to that another time  so the background is the uh the art rather   is the background so it's set to media  player one right now so if we go back to   this there we go and i switch it to actually  here before i shoot that let me show you here   media player so there's media player one this grey  one is media player two so what i'm going to do is   switch this from media player one to media player  two so go back to this back to this view switch to   media player two and there's that new background  okay so now i've got this set up for um for the   left side for one side i want the same settings  on the other side so let's go back over here   there's this copy option i can say copy the  settings from box one and let's copy them over   to box two i hit copy and now box two is set up  just like box one which means of course that it's   we're only seeing one because the other one's  behind it but all the settings in there all i need   to do is move it to the other side so i go back  to this and we look at let me zoom back into this   we look at box two we see it's the exact same  setting see if i go between box one and two it's   the exact same settings what i'll do is take the  the x position and i'll get rid of the negative   and so before i hit return let's go back to this i  hit return and boom it moves it over to the other   side so now i've got that identical layout so that  little copy option is super super handy okay so   now i've set up a basic super source that's about  as deep as i want to get into as far as different   multi-up layouts because it's just there's a  million options from here but that is effectively   the basics but i do want to talk about the macros  and the importance of using a macro to save this   layout and that is going to be the last  thing we do today so i'm going to do this   and we'll come back to more q and a's and then  we're going to wrap it for today so the let me   let me explain kind of high level what a macro  is and then i'll show you how to build one   so a macro is a series of saved commands it is a  it's just an xml file we'll actually look at that   but there's a series of saved commands  that are recorded by you doing something   to the software or the hardware so on a very  simple level i want to switch to input one   so i start recording a macro i hit input one that  gets recorded into the macro i stop recording and   that is all that macro does is it switches  to input one i want to build a macro that   positions the picture in picture or the  super source in this case in this particular   layout so i need to go in and record every action  that is needed to put the super source that way   and this is the really important part of this  and i've had this debate with many people about   oh macros should work a different way but here's  the thing to understand when you are recording a   macro it is recording as i said what you do it is  not recording the state of the ATEM meaning it is   not doing like a snapshot of restore it into this  position there is certainly an argument that says   hey would be a lot easier if i could say record  this state and it's just everything that's in the   ATEM restores back to this position and if you  think about it from a very simple perspective   of i want a picture-picture layout like this and i  want another one like that it makes sense right i   totally get it the thing is that there are so many  commands in here that that are possible in here   that if you were to record the state of everything  all at once not only would it end up being   a massive macro it would be an absolutely huge  command that would take quite a while to execute   it would potentially override things that you  don't want it to override given the current   scenario that you're using it sounds a little  bit confusing but let me set it up like this   so let's say that i'm doing a simple show  right i've got camera a camera b i've got   audio on camera a and i've got audio from b b  is my uh my computer playing videos whatever   okay so now i want to build a picture-in-picture  layout and i have when i set it up i had it set up   where i had audio in on a and b it was all good to  go okay so now that's that's the way it's set up   i've saved my i which i can't do i've saved this  mysterious macro that just saves the whole state   of everything so i got picture picture two audio  inputs okay cool so i got my picture picture so   now i'm doing a live show i'm talking away i've  got some video playing on on my on my computer   that's playing that it's looping around whatever  and i don't want the audio from that i just want   to bring up that picture-in-picture layout so i  hit picture and picture restore right my macro in   this mysterious macro and it restores everything  but it suddenly brought in that audio i i didn't   want that audio but it brought it in because i  would have said i would have saved everything at   once if i could have saved that that's not what i  want on a more complex level let's say that i have   a macro that brings up a enables a an upstream key  to bring in a lower third so i can have a macro   that just brings up that key that just turns on  that key or i can have a macro that turns that on   and loads a specific graphic well if i have a if  i build a macro that turns it on and let's say it   does some other things as well so it's not just  you know one button but it turns it on does some   other things as well if i had it if i had it bring  up a specific file name a specific lower third   i would have to have a separate macro for  every single potential guest as opposed to   a command that says bring up the lower third  and before right before i do that i drag in   guest number 32's name so i drag that in and  then i hit the macro that fires up a bunch of   wizzy bang things and brings up that lower third  it brings up the lower throw that i've pulled in   if it saved everything then i would have to  save absolutely everything about the ATEM   every time this may not i may not be  explaining this the best way possible   but effectively if you were to force yourself to  save everything it would be really limited to what   you could do on a larger scenario so with all that  in mind what this ultimately means is a little bit   complex when you're building a big complex macro  but you literally have to tell the ATEM every   single thing that you want it to do and if you  don't tell it to do it it's not going to do it   if you don't tell it to enable something it's not  going to enable it so here's what that comes down   to when you're building something like a super  source like this i need to go in and tell it every   little position scale uh drop shadow whatever  and the only way to tell it to do it is to   tickle it to basically make a change and change  it back so that it records that into the macro   so here now i'm going to show you how we actually  go about doing this and i apologize that's not the   best scenario it's kind of a complex concept  but hopefully that made some sense all right   let me go back to the computer and as i said i  want to create a macro to enable the super source   with the way that i've just laid it out so i'm  going to first bring up the macro editors command   shift m brings up a little macro window and i'll  go to create and i can take a blank one here   and i'm going to click plus and i'll just call  this demo that's called the supersource demo   supersource demo okay hit record now at this  point you know actually here let me do this   let me stop that let me record over this  one we'll call this one click demo record   switch to camera one stop recording okay so that  is literally a one line script that's all it does   let's just switch this to camera one now i'm  going to build a more complex one then when we   look at the xml i'll show you the difference  okay so let's go now to a new one record   new one record and say super source demo hit  record all right so i need to do a bunch of stuff   i need to enable supersource that has to be done  i have to turn that on then i have to toggle or   tickle every single box element or element that  could be a part of it so let's start with box one   i want it to be on so i turn it off and back on  again that act of turning it off and back on again   has just told the software to write turn it on it  doesn't write turn off and back on again it only   writes the last state uh unless you do something  else and then come back in which case it will   record those but in a case like this it's  only going to record the final state of that   okay so there we go so i've turned that on  i want this to be camera one so i'm going to   switch it away and back to camera one position  i want to be there so i'm just going to click in   here and i'm going to use the up down arrows  on my keyboard to tickle that tickle that   tickle that crop i want that on so i turn  it off and back on i want the top to be zero   i need to make sure that i actually  tickle it if i don't then it's going   to have whatever the previous state of the  crop was so again i tickle that tickle that   tickle that and tickle that okay so now i've set  up box one the way i want it now i need to go to   box two and do the same thing enable it make sure  that is set to camera two and tickle tickle tickle   tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle  tickle tickle tickle and there okay so that's all   set now box three i don't want box three on see if  i don't specifically turn off box three right now   then if i had some other layout that was using box  three and i go now bring up this layout if i don't   tell it to turn off box three the box 3 could  still be left behind so again why it's important   to make sure that you tackle toggle everything  that could be affected by this macro all right   so box 3 i want that off and box 4 i want that off  and that is now everything that i need to do for   oh no sorry i lied i gotta set my my background  art i want my background art to be media player   two so i'm gonna switch this and toggle it back to  media player two and you know just to be safe i'm   gonna make sure that that is set to the background  okay so that is everything i hope sometimes you   do these things and then you're like oh i missed  something so now i've sorry i didn't i didn't mean   to do that i should have this back up here the  last thing i'd done there sorry about that was i   toggled that media player wanted to and i switched  that from the foreground to the background while   i was recording and then i hit stop and we've got  that recorded now okay so now that is ready to go   um let's go into the run position it's set to  recall and run which means it's just one click   to do it so now if i move this over here if i hit  one click demo you see it switches this if i hit   super source demo it switches back to this  but everything here changed so let's go into   here and i will reset the super source right  so it's totally reset back to the let's do   this one here or you can see the numbers in here  everything is different i run super source demo   and everything you said let's go back to box  one reset this back to box one you see all   the settings in here i hit super source demo  and everything gets changed the way it needs   to be so this is running that entire script at  once so if i let's actually show this to you in   action like so i'm going to use that preset  so i just set back to that default preset   and then i'm going to switch to say camera 2 input  and now i'll hit that super source demo button   and boom in one effect it does it now you might  have seen there's a little bit of a flicker in   there did you see that watch let's do this again  go back to camera two and let's see actually i'm   gonna redo the layout there we go back to camera  two and now hit the super source demo button   there so you see how it there's that little  flicker in there you know why it flickered i'll   tell you why it flickered it flickered because i  enabled supersource first in the command and then   i executed all those changes so the software is  going to run the command in order and line by line   it's just code right so it's going to first enable  supersource and then do all those things so what i   really want is for all those things to happen  first and then for supersource to get enabled   but i don't have to redo the whole thing well this  is where editing the xml comes in this is where   we can actually edit the code which is pretty  cool this is definitely a bit arcane and complex   but i promise you once you start to wrap  your head around this it's actually pretty   straightforward to do so here we go i'm going  to go in here and save this out so um go to the   save as command and i'm going to let's go put  this live demo i'm going to call it that and hit   save now what do i want to save you have all these  options of what can get saved into this xml file   your your layouts your super source positions  all kinds of stuff which is really powerful   way to set up a a backup of everything or to  have multiple setups let's say that you use   your hardware to stream live stream weddings and  you also use it to do i don't know dance parties   you might have totally different layouts for  those so what i can do is set up my layout as   i want it for weddings and then i can save out  a wedding xml file settings file and then i can   do the one that i do for what i say dj whatever  other events save that as a separate xml file   and then when i go to a different type of event  i just call that up and everything everything   about the atm is restored to that way super cool  right so i've got all that but right now i don't   need all that all i care about right now is the  macros i don't need pages and pages of code that   i'm going to have to sort through so what i'll do  instead is just say select none and then enable   macros now it's only going to save the macros into  that file i hit save and now i'm going to launch   bb edit because bb edit is my software choice for  doing this editing let me close the previous one   hit open and live demo there it is you'll notice  as well that it automatically appends a date and   time stamp to the moment that you saved it which  is super super awesome so you can have multiple   states as you go so that's set up live demo  click open and there's the code and anybody   who's not used to looking at this stuff goes what  the actual what do you come on man this isn't easy   i i get it take a little bit of time with it and  it starts to make sense it's written in english   the names actually do make sense you read the  names and you go okay now i get what it's doing   um that just takes a little time to get used  to anyway here's the way this all works here's   the reason i like using bb edit by the way it  automatically does this color coding this is not   part of the file this is bb edit it automatically  does the color coding and indents things so you   can really easily see what's happening so if  i close everything and hold down the option   key and toggle all that close and open it up  again we'll see we have all the macros in here   open that up there's all the macros by name and  i open up one of these and there's all the macro   code okay so there's that one click demo that i  did i opened that and here it is there is the code   program input so that's your input right so  program meaning it's what's on air not the   preview pane but the program pane so program  input what input right and then the number   uh program input and input is camera one so if  i wanted to change this to camera two let's say   that i had written this big complex script but i  triggered the wrong input or i decided later you   know what i'd rather have my main camera on input  three um but i still wanna use the same script   i can go in here and modify i'll modify the xml  and just change that in there right really really   handy so i can change that so that's that one  thing in there that's it that's one line that   does that but now let's look at the more complex  one the supersource demo okay so program input   was set to supersource remember i said that the  super source is basically just treated as an input   well that's the very first line of code in here  so that's why i get that flicker because it turns   that on and then changes everything so here you  can see all the different things that it changes   so source uh box enable that's source uh the super  source box enable and then enable box index zero   this is one of those okay here's one of  those things that definitely gets confusing   the inputs are one through eight and they're  labeled as camera inputs one through eight   a lot of the stuff in the ATEM starts  at zero instead of starting at one   so position one is number zero position two is  number one position three is number two it's   don't get me started um but it's something you  need to be aware of so again you get used to it   um anyway so box index that first box is index  zero and on box zero it's gonna get camera one   and then here's the position the x and y positions  for it and all those lines in there everything   that i toggles is all here okay so all that is set  but remember i said that i want to have it switch   the super source at the end so what i'm going to  do is just go and take that whole line of text   zoom out just a little bit and i can hit command x  to cut that and i go down here to the very bottom   and paste that in and now it's happening  at the very end so i've just moved that   to the end now there are if you're doing this  there are uh there it's there's a possibility   that you will still see a little  flicker in there because what happens is   certain actions take time for the ATEM  to actually complete and by time we're   talking frames of time frames of video  time very short but they might take time   the commands are executed in one long string  but basically as quickly as it can execute it   so what this means is that let's say that you're  executing through this long stream of commands and   here's a command like reposition that is going  to take more than one frame of video to execute   and then it keeps on running other commands and  then you've got your bring it on air so if you   bring it on air first and then you actually get  demands you see that change we don't want that so   you bring it on air afterwards so you execute all  the commands and then you bring it on air but wait   a minute i just saw a like not the full flicker  but i saw something happen because this command   here that takes time didn't have time to finish  before you brought it on air so you can actually   add what's called a sleep a macro sleep to it and  it just pauses the macro it says macro hold up   wait a moment before executing the next line  and that macro sleep is measured in frame so   you can put a macro sleep of one frame two frames  whatever and quite often a single frame sleep will   solve that flicker problem so just one of those  troubleshooting things if you're doing that the   first way to avoid the flicker is by moving the  bring that thing on to air to the end and the   second way to avoid it if that isn't enough is  to add that sleep at the very end i'll show you   how to record this actually i probably have one in  here let's see here if i do a find in here and i   search for sleep uh i guess i don't have one in  here so i'll show you how to record asleep in a   moment anyway so i saved that to the end i moved  it to the end all right so now i'm going to save   this file i'm going to do a save as and this  is just my own little technique for doing these   i'm going to change the date and time stamp on  here so it is 58 and i'm not going to add seconds   at the end the fact that it doesn't have seconds  at the end is my own personal indicator that i   did this i could i could put like my initials on  there if i wanted to but i know now that i have   actually touched this as opposed to one that was  automatically generated do it everyone you can add   your name to it if you want to it doesn't matter  anyway so i do that and but i do change the time   so that it keeps things in order and then i save  that all right and now let's go back to the ATEM   and we go to the restore menu hit restore that  brings up a save dialogue somewhere there it is   and there's the one that i just touched so i'll  hit restore it's going to bring up just like   this the save dialogue it brings up this option to  choose what you want it to restore the only thing   it can restore is macros because that's all that's  there but if i had a full xml package here but i   didn't want anything but the macros to restore i  could select none and then say just restore the   macros so that's up and then i hit restore there  is a progress it's already finished but there's a   little progress down there you might have seen it  it shows the completion level and that's it so now   i bring up my macros and um there's my one-click  demo again and there's my supersource demo so   now it's going to do something different where  it's moving that flicker to the end so here's   how i'm going to demo it i'm going to reset the  supersource let's go back to camera one on here   now i'm going to switch over so that you can see  what's happening and now i'm going to trigger that   macro look at the right camera here i'm going to  trigger that macro and because i have moved that   load super source to the end we shouldn't see  the flicker so where's the button and that we   still saw the flicker so i need to add a sleep  in there okay so let's do it this is perfect so   we actually are going to do it let's go back to  the macro back to the screen view i'm going to   record a simple sleep so bring up my macros here's  that's actually another really cool thing is that   when i want to add something in like let's say  that i go oh i forgot to enable the border right   i forgot to enable the border or in this case i  forgot to add a sleeper now i need to add a sleep   i don't have to re-record everything i can record  just that one little piece that i need and then go   into the xml and add it in which is what i'm going  to do right now so i go in and i hit request hit   record i'm just going to call this sleep and  you see up here it says add pause i click on   that and i say add a pause for one frame add pause  that's it stop recording so now i've just recorded   a a sleep command which isn't going to do anything  right now but again i can use that code later so   i'm going to hit command shift s to save and go  away and here's another little tip for you to keep   the naming the same what i'll do is click on that  name so that loaded sorry you didn't see that when   it happened let me let me redo that because  it's a really neat trick let me cancel that   and save as okay so you see right now it says  untitled i want to name it the same as this so   i'll click on that one that file and it brings up  that same file name and then i'll just delete the   timestamp so that it will have that same base  name and then add its own timestamp to it   so just nice little trick there hit save again  select none adjust the macros and save okay   back to bb edit close the existing one open the  new one there it is and find that sleep command one click demos must be after that there it  is sleep so macro sleep there's the command   now i can take this and copy this line and i'm  not going to cut it i'm going to leave that   there because i might want to use it later and  just hit command c copy i'm going to go up here   before the super source comes on and paste that  in so paste in there i'm going to add two frames   of sleep just to for safety in here add that  in let's save that command shift f s to save   following my guidelines i will timestamp it as  two and not but the seconds after it click on save   back over to here command r to reload bring up  that hit okay now i'm just moving fast because   you know you don't need to see everything maybe  you saw the progress down there now let's do the   switch up again so i'll reset my macro my super  source i'm going to load up camera one let's go to   the input there's the right input and bring up the  command and that's where i go i hope everything   works the way i planned it to and i hit the  super source demo boom and it worked so you saw   that there was a ever so slight pause two frame  pause but we did not get that flicker in there so   super powerful so i just showed a bunch of stuff  at once in there explained kind of haphazard way   why you have to do macros the way that you do i'll  show you how to record the macro hit record give   it a name do whatever you got to do stop recording  and there's your macro to edit it export that   xml file open it up in an app like bb edit and  change whatever you need you can reorder things   you can change things go oh i should have  gone to camera one instead of camera two   um i want to make the border red instead of  blue punch in the code for that i want to pick your thing add sleep in there all that you  can do and then i showed you how you can record   a single line of a macro and then add that in  later on super super useful for sure you can   also borrow code from other things right like  you've got oh i did this layout right at this   i did another switcher for this i want to build  one that does all of these things so you can go   in and just copy blocks of code out of one and  paste them into another super useful and always   always always always do a save as don't open up  that xml and just hit command s because then when   you restore it if you broke something you have  no way to go back by doing a save as command   command shift s on a pc whatever that is but  save as for that xml file then you can always   go back if you totally botch it you can go back  and restore and go okay i don't know what just   happened let me start over and go back one  step so definitely they're tiny little text   files you know it's not gonna fill up your  hard drive okay that's everything for today   gary do we have other questions i'm gonna bring  gary back up here and let's see if we've got any   other questions we want to hit right now and um  and otherwise otherwise we're gonna call it lunch   okay so um there's a few questions and um first  of all i'll add a couple of comments about the um   supersource and the macro as everything that  joseph said is is spot on there here's a trick   that some users go by for super source macros  that works quite well in most cases because of the   the fact that you can actually import an xml  and select super source components by themselves   it's easy to set up a supersource macro set up  a super source exactly the way you want it then   save that setting to an xml file and then record  a macro called super source however you want and   then just import that super source macro component  only because that's probably the one case of the   whole set of ATEM controls that you can do that  and that mac that importing that supersource xml   will tickle all the things that need to be  changed for just that part of the switcher so   um once you do that stop recording and then  you'll find that you'll have those presets   with everything about the super source and  that means everything so there may not be   there may be things you didn't want they will  be set up and you'll be able to switch to that   preset quite easily the thing that that doesn't  do is it won't add any um delay like like joseph   showed there the delay by the way is mostly  necessary because um the when you change an   input to a box the actual input is a frame weight  because the delay in the box is a frame later than   the rest of the super source so that's  why that's necessary but if you were to   if you were to say recall the supersource preset  before it was on the air then you wouldn't need to   add that delay because it'd already be be there  but usually it's when you're changing from one   super source preset to another that you need to  deal with that uh delay and pause and things like   that so that's just what i can interrupt  just to be clear when you're talking about   importing a another macro you mean to trigger  the macro while you're recording it correct   yes so what actually happens is um this is a  unique case but you've you've already preset   the super source exactly how you want it and you  save the xml you save that setup to an xml file   not a macro just an xml file then you start the  recording process of the macro and then import   just the super source settings from that file you  saved and then stop the macro or you can add other   changes that you want but the fact is is that when  the mac when the xml is loaded from the switcher   to the switcher those settings will  get changed because they're actually   modified through the uh through the xml um  they will be part of the recording process   interesting i've never actually tried that  i'll try that okay cool it's just a unique   uh feature of the super source there might be  some other areas in the switcher you can get   away with that but a lot of times it's pretty the  settings like you say it's pretty broad because   so many settings get saved with the xml  that it might cause that right okay cool   okay the other thing about super source  that you stumbled on was the borders in the   mini the many extreme borders are not available  due to resources so they're they're not available   so the best way to handle borders is to create a  piece of artwork um and then you put that artwork   on the foreground on top of your boxes and that  will create borders and and quite often there   will be nicer looking borders because they'll  be exactly the way you you want them to be got it okay i'll look at some other things okay um  if you if you're going to talk about this   tomorrow you can say so uh the question  is what kind of key works best with ATEM   and what can make a green screen look smoother  and if you're going to talk about that later   you can defer yes i'm actually not planning on  going into green screen tomorrow i did green   screen quite a bit in the previous webinar  and so i'll refer you back to watching that   one just because i did go into it quite in depth  but i will give you some some hints um getting a   really clean key is is definitely a challenge  but the keyer that is built into the atms is   very very good it's remarkably good honestly for  for what it is um and for what you're paying for   it you know really like high-end keywords cost  into thousands and tens of thousands of dollars so   it's really remarkable it's in there but one of  the tricks to getting a good clean well two of   the tricks i'll tell you for getting a clean one  first of all it's a bit obvious the background   make sure that it is evenly lit and when i say  evenly lit it doesn't mean you shine a light on   you stand back and go yep that looks even you  want to be really even look at it with a camera   with a histogram on it and look for an even line  uh on the histogram if you see a big spike at the   ends and that's going to tell you they've got big  shadows at the end or highlights at the ends or   don't fall off you see a big shadowing around the  edges or you'll see big spikes in it where there's   hot spots you want that to be as even as you can  that's that's a really important first part of it   um that's just for getting a nice simple key out  of the background but then the edges to make the   edges look clean the best way to do that that  i've found at least is to backlight your subject   have a hair light have a backlight that's hitting  them and that act of having that little halo of   light around every strand of hair or whatever  puts a little bit of separation between the hair   for example this is where you're gonna mostly see  problems the hair and the green or blue background   and it just makes the whole thing look so  much cleaner so it's it doesn't take much   just a little bit of a backlight on the back  and that makes a really really big difference ooh i don't hear you gary gary is gary's muted you're muted we can't hear  you can't hurt you can't hear you there we go the red button is right in front of me and it's uh  it's red too uh um several people have been asking   and you'll probably ask by the end of the uh the  show here today but um a link to your site what   uh link should they go to to find your site for  the previous shows yeah so my my main website   is but on youtube and you'll  find everything on there but on youtube on   youtube as photojoseph and also photojust live  those are the two youtube channels the previous   live webinar is actually uploaded to the  photojoseph live channel um because it was a live   event so i put it there but it did really well  there so i'm actually going to put this one on the   main channel next week but photojoseph just type  photojoseph into google you'll find everything would you recommend using the ipad or other device  for playback such as hyperdeck and then one of the   pluses and minuses for using different approaches  for playback okay that's a great question um   i'll talk a bit more about the hyper deck tomorrow  but the nice thing as i was explaining about using   the ipad is this very tactile right in front  of you scroll through your library tap a video   call it up it goes full screen you don't have  to worry about the play bar interface showing   up if you accidentally move your mouse like if  you're playing it from a computer so using the   ipad for video playback is a really nice way to go  the hyperdeck gives you for play it also can the   hyperdeck can also record but as a playback device  the hypertech is really cool because you can   program video certain video files to play and  build that into a macro so you can have a macro   that you trigger that says play video number  three and then it plays that so if you've got   like a you know interstitial commercial you want  to run you can hit a button it fires that up and   it hits play so that's certainly an advantage  there and you can control all that through the   ATEM itself as opposed to just a random input  like the ipad would be so there's advantages   to both sides if you were doing it casually  then use an ipad or even a computer it's just   dead easy you already have everything that you  need if you're doing it regularly especially if   you're going to be calling up specific videos  on a regular basis then doing the hyperdeck can   certainly be a good way to do that oh one  more thing actually with a hyperdeck okay   i'm not sure if you said this or not but  somebody said what brand and model of sdi to hdmi   converter that you mentioned did you have another  one that you were using for some purpose or were   you using the blackmagic ones it's it's just the  blackmagic one so it's this one here oh actually   i'll do a close-up this way uh there we go  you see this is this is that bi-directional   one that gary mentioned uh i'm obviously  just using the one direction but it's hdmi   in find the right there we go hdmi in sdi out and  so that is because i need to move this over to   my uh take this signal into my sdi driven switcher  so that's why i have this here but yeah the   blackmagic one i will um offer several comments  about that i hope i don't forget them the micro   converter bi-directional 3g with the number 3g  at the end because we make two models like that   that's the one that's designed to work with the  ATEM mini or actually the ATEM sdi switchers   so that you can actually incorporate  our hdmi cameras into an sdi switcher   and use camera control and vice versa where you  can incorporate our sdi based cameras into the   ATEM minis and have camera control you would use  that particular bi-directional micro converter   3g to do that because it has the functionality  built in to do that the older microconverter uh   doesn't have that capability so try not to get  confused with that um but i think one thing that   might come up and is useful to know a  bi-directional micro-converter the way ours   are designed um if you're using both sides  you know basically you're feeding hdmi and sdi   then the outputs will be the respective opposite  inputs as you would expect if you do not feed   one of the inputs then both of the outputs both  hdmi and sdi will carry the output of the single   feed it's a quite useful feature and i think it's  and it just automatically works and it's just fine   there is uh one side effect that you might  be uh it might be useful to know is that   your two feeds that you're actually running  through it if you do not ever want the feed of   one side to appear on the other side's content  then do not use the product to do that because   it's quite common for like power up or maybe if  somebody disconnects a cable that will cause the   feed of one side to then appear on the other side  and and if that's not what you ever want to happen   i wouldn't recommend using that converter  otherwise it's a brilliant uh feature for that this checking are you going to be talking  about iso recording specifically in res yeah so tomorrow i will do i think it's  the first thing on the agenda tomorrow   i'll talk about doing the iso recording  using the pocket cinema cameras to record   b-raw and then taking that recording  into resolve and re-linking to the   raw files so that whole workflow i'm  going to go through tomorrow morning can you talk about air flow and heat dissipation  uh with the different models and the best way to   deal with uh with that to prevent possible  problems so i've heard this before people   saying that the the hardware gets really hot  and it does uh but it's designed for it right   it's designed to handle the heat it has vents on  the sides so you definitely don't want to block   those vents you can feel them like right here i  can feel barely moving a bit of moving air but   don't block them i mean that's you know  here let me look at the overhead view here   so there's vents on the sides here if we look at  the side view close-up view we should be able to   see them you can see those vents in there the  bottom right now putting my hand on it is quite   hot not like scalding hot but it is definitely hot  uh but it's designed for it right this hardware is   designed to take it all electronic devices get  hot this will definitely get hot but not it's   not gonna hurt itself it's designed to do it  you can buy third-party stands to hold it up   a little bit which will add a little airflow  underneath it if you want to but you certainly   don't have to but don't block the sides that's  super super important don't block the sides yeah i'm sure i showed that but i'll jump back  into that again so if we look at the software   and i go to the audio tab you have a row of  eqs and dynamic controls for each input so   each one of these has its own inputs that can  be enabled and as i enable them there we see a   little graphic and a little graphic update here  to show you how that's been set so you know as i   change the eq on this one change the eq on this  one we'll see that represented up there as well   you just click on each one of these to call that  up and you have individual controls for every   input so all the way across  every input and then there's   a master control that you can add  as well at the end if you want to okay i'm just looking at some just last minute  question and trying to do two things at once here the question is what was the other  thing about the hyperdeck that   uh you weren't able to finish saying  with i did i missed something there   i don't think so so the hyperdex i may have i  mentioned that they can be used for recording   and for playback oh oh oh right because i  understand what they're saying because gary   when you're i know because you're hearing  yourself you're pulling your ears out while   you're muting the when so i was trying to talk  over you and you realize you couldn't hear me   the other thing about the hyperdex that's really  cool is they have a dual sdi output and that   gives the ability to play something with a key  and a fill so you can make a video that is a   a prores 444 file which has an alpha channel  you load that in and then you can have graphics   that come up with transparency on them so if you  wanted to have a animated let's say a lower third   animated thing with you know worldwide swizzy  graphics and a name that bounces in or whatever   you can do that by rendering that out of say after  effects or apple's motion or whatever so you have   that prores 444 file load that on the piper deck  and then play that out but it does mean that you   have to output both sdi outputs if you're going  to use it with one of these atms convert both   of those to hdmi and then bring them in on two  different channels and you have to make sure you   set that up properly to run two channels in here  and gary i don't know the new hyperdex i haven't   i don't have one um the newest one does it have  dual hdmi out as well as dual sdi out or is it   still single hdmi out so you'd still have to  convert it to hdmi to use with the ATEM mini   that's correct it's a single hdmi out and however  that single output could be output number one   or the the fill material and then one of the sdis  could be converted to hdmi uh for the key oh okay no sync issues if you do that oh you can't hear me what was that i said no  sync issues if you do that having one on sdi   and one on hdmi no okay cool i've actually  tested that here so i know that that works let me think here while he's oh go ahead so how about keys for  other things that aren't always green screen   which one works best for you luma chroma linear  upstream downstream it's kind of a broad question   yeah that's a pretty broad question so let me let  me go back and just to explain what the question   is and let me get this set up okay so go back  to the software so what the question is about   these types of keys that are here you look at  the upstream key you've got a luma key chroma   key pattern key and a dve key so if you're doing  a green screen type thing that's a chroma key   right that's always going to be a chroma key  and you can chrome a sample and choose the   color and that is traditionally either blue  or green but technically it doesn't matter it   can be any color of the rainbow but the reason  that we traditionally use these bright greens   or these bright blues is because they're so far  removed from things that people normally would   wear the color of hair or anything like that that  it makes it easy to separate but if you wanted to   let's say you wanted to have a green subject and  then like a really bright green subject you could   set a red chroma background a red background  and then key that out you totally could um   so if you're doing color keying then  that's a chromakey chroma for color   if we go back to this the luma key is about  this is about using something like that ATEM   sorry like the hyperdeck where you have a fill and  a key source so playing back from video this isn't   for keying out of the image this is for pulling  in two different video feeds so you see here it's   listed as media player one and media player one  key but if you were doing it via video maybe it   would be like you know camera seven is my um my  video fill and camera eight is my key fill and so   effectively what's happening is the the hyper deck  or tomorrow we'll talk about this actually from   the um the the 4k whatever it's called i forget  now my playback device that outputs dual sdi   you're actually seeing a color version of your  video right let's say your logo with a black   background and then a the second channel is a  black and white key version of that a masked   version of that they're playing simultaneously and  so here you're telling the software use this feed   the one with my color logo as the fill and then  use this black and white mask version as the key   and that combines the two just like an alpha  channel in photoshop it combines the two and now   you have transparency so that's how that works the  other types of keys in here are pattern and dve   the pattern key is like the picture in picture it  could be a square it could be a circle could be   diamond could be any of these little preset shapes  and you can alter those and then the dve is really   just about that's kind of how we did the picture  picture in the first place it's about bringing in   a source and then cropping it and repositioning  it so it's not using any funky shapes it's just   cropped and scaled so those are the four different  types of keys that you have access to in there okay how do the ATEMs talk to the cameras  over hdmi is it ethernet on hdmi is it hdcp   how are they able to talk and send  commands back and forth through   hdmi if you want i can answer that or you can  sure go ahead so basically the hdmi that we use   supports a um a channel called cec or consumer  electronics control i believe it's the sort of   thing that normally you you connect the device to  your tv set and it communicates with the tv and uh   you know the tv communicates with the device and  tells it what settings to use and things like that   so we're using this cec channel and the reason  why i do say this is that if you actually use   an hdmi extension cable which could be possible  it has to support cec or there will not be any   bi-directional communication so that's an  important thing to note that anytime the   hdmi goes through something it has to pass  that back channel to work we don't use the   ethernet channel and the other thing about  that is uh hdmi extensions using fiber optics   are quite good and there are many uh really  good fiber optic extension products out there   and they will say they support cec i mean you need  to see that on the box or on the specifications   and they will work good for long extension cables  that he probably has one in his hand right now   yeah so that's it's interesting um i don't know  if you can hear hdcp is is an excellent question   you can say we either support  it or not but but the point is   if this has uh copy protection enabled uh the  ATEM will never pass it in any way shape or form   um uh officially so um the best way to uh treat  that is you know we we take cameras but um   set-top cable boxes and things like that  are always going to be a blank screen to us   um so that's how we talk uh hdmi okay so i guess  before i did my show that i did on the long fiber   cables um i should have talked to you about it  so these are this is two fiber hdmi cables this   one is 300 feet 300 feet of fiber hdmi and this  was 100 feet of fiber hdmi and these support arc   arc or e-arc and i'm just looking at the amazon  page where i bought them they don't say anything   about cec but they do support arc which i'm  guessing is largely the same protocol because   these do work as long as they are arc cables they  do work to support the blackmagic camera control i just i never heard of the cec before so i  guess i should have asked him before i did   that video but yeah if you have a i did  a video on this recently if you look at   my youtube channel about i'm using super long  hdmi cables it's over fiber those fiber cables   they're remarkably affordable and if they  support arc then they work so that's awesome are there any other questions okay i don't i think  the rest of questions can fit tomorrow i'm going   to answer a few of them just online real quick  okay all right super all right well thank you   very much gary uh thank you everybody for watching  today that was an awesome first go we two and a   half hours in so tomorrow we will pick up where we  left off um like i said let me i'll actually pull   up the agenda for tomorrow again just so you can  see that so let me get that get the right slide up   and i'm swiffing through my splits here that was  today hopefully we did everything that was planned   for today oh that's why it's taking a long time  because i have little animations on there that   was silly okay so tomorrow iso recordings and b  raw is where we start hyper deck for recording   and playback we're getting into the ATEM streaming  bridge it's not a whole lot to show there but i   just want to show how that works we'll also talk a  little bit about the web presenter hd and the new   4k model and then uh we're going to get a bit  focused companion with the elgato stream deck   which is just such a cool way to do everything and  also talk about nemo live and the ultra studio 4k   that was the word i couldn't remember earlier that  is uh it's just it's awesome so just to give you   a little teaser of that the ultra studio 4k is  what allows me to do things like bring up this   little lower third branding on there or even bring  up a little hit the wrong button bring up a little   animated subscribe button um okay so i should  probably let that actually finish there we go   that is all handled through memo live and through  that 4k ultra studio 4k so we're going to take a   look at all of that tomorrow all right guys that's  it for now thank you so much for tuning in today   i hope we'll see you again tomorrow in in what 21  and a half hours from now we'll see you back here   again take care everybody we'll see you tomorrow  bye-bye hey folks that was all of day one we're   about to get into day two and i just want to  remind you that you are watching this ad free   other than the ad of me now asking you to  consider becoming a channel member that's it   promise let's get to part two all righty good  morning good afternoon good evening everybody   and welcome to day two of this webinar this is the  blackmagic ATEM webinar i am your host photojoseph   and i am going to take you on a big old whirlwind  tour today of a bunch of stuff that is kind of   add-on supplementary to the ATEM uh mostly we have  got some things to do within the atm itself still   so a couple of things first a couple things on the  agenda um first of all yesterday we were getting   a lot of feedback that the quality of the stream  was quite low we're aware of that and that's just   a limitation of zoom zoom will only allow us to  output a 1280p so 720 by 1280 webinar however 720p   i guess um however today we're doing something a  little bit different we have added a simultaneous   stream to youtube this is a private stream just  for you guys and that link is in the chat right   now if you just go to ATEM webinar  it'll redirect you to that youtube link don't save   that youtube link because it won't be there once  this is over but you can save that   webinar that will redirect you to the upload of  this which will go up hopefully next week so go   to that and you'll be able to watch this webinar  in full 1080p it'll be much better quality than   what you've got in zoom however don't leave zoom i  still need you to stay in zoom for the q a and the   uh and the the comments the comment system in zoo  sorry the comment system in youtube is shut down   so all chit chat all chatter has to happen over  on the zoom platform yes it means you have two   windows running at once but you can obviously mute  the zoom one and hopefully that will work out for   you so with that said let me jump into the agenda  and uh and we'll get started so let's see here   that's the wrong one oops look at that it  looks like my sharing stopped let me uh fix   that momentarily wonder how that happened it was  sharing 10 minutes ago i guess i just decided to   drop the share come on screen mirroring so  i'm just in case you're curious because people   always love to know the setup the way that  i'm showing the slides which are let's see   here make sure they're back to playing and there  we go which are there we go now that's working   although it's not you know everything breaks  i added like 15 things last night and a couple   new ones this morning and apparently i broke a few  things how did it break my slide split well that's   very unfortunate quite that happened well anyway  the way that i was supposed to be doing this   so i got the slides here and this is obviously  an ipad and this is obviously wireless and it   is screen mirroring to a little cheap little uh  receiver it's a um i don't know the name of it but   it's just this cheap little receiver that can  receive the airplay from the ios devices it   can receive it from a google device it's like  20 bucks or something plugged into one of the   inputs on an ATEM and so i am just feeding this  to there we're supposed to have a split screen   with me on the screen there as well i don't  know quite what happened somehow i broke that   but anyway let's just move through these slides  real quick like and get to the point so the point   is the format first of all questions themselves  if you have questions drop them into the zoom   q a module there is a separate chat module from  the zoom q a module use the chat module please   then oh yeah i might might take a water  break manage not to do one yesterday   um also just repeat in case you just tuned in this  is being simultaneously streamed at higher quality   to youtube turn the volume down on the zoom one  watch the one on youtube and you'll have a much   better quality experience that link is in the chat  module you can go check that out right now okay   so let's see here the agenda slides  back up there we go so yesterday we   went through introduction to the ATEM setup and  switching basics audio basics we went through   multi-screen options to some degree didn't go  super super deep into it we talked about macros   and we talked about camera control today here's  today's agenda we are starting with iso recording   and b-raw this is the ability to record a live  show with all of its switching data and its isos   on the ATEM on a little external drive but  simultaneously record b raw in the cameras   with the blackmagic box cinema cameras and then  link those up so we're going to go through that   whole process bring it into resolve i'm going to  show you exactly how that works it's really cool   then after that we are going to have a chat about  the hyper deck and we're going to talk about how   you can use the hyper dex for both recording and  for playback we're going to talk about the ATEM   streaming bridge not a whole lot this is going to  be a fairly quick one but we'll talk about that   we'll talk about the web presenter hd and there's  now a new model of the 4k so we'll talk a little   bit about that and then we get into some of the  fun third-party stuff this is starting with bit   focus companion and elgato stream deck and  then we will finish it up with mimo live   and the ultra studio and 4k mini and truth be  told those last two are going to be kind of uh   all in one together because the way that i use  them is all together so it'll be uh there'll   be a lot happening in one piece there but that's  how that's going to go now before we get started   today there were some questions that came in  yesterday that we didn't get time to answer i   want to actually start with these because i just  want to make sure first of all that everybody who   attended yesterday gets their question answered  and um and some of these are really really good   questions so we're just going to dive right  into these again throughout the day today if   you have questions drop them into the q a pod gary  from blackmagic who is here on the show with me   you know everybody can wave at gary now there's  gary and he's here with me today he will be coming   up to ask your new questions as they come in so  drop your questions in the q a whenever you want   he will aggregate those refine them and then read  them to me as we go but for yesterday's questions   some leftover questions this is a this is a  good one and kind of a tough one to answer what   would be your list of must-haves for one-person  operation this is a great question and i've as   you can see here i'm doing a one-person operation  if you saw the picture that i posted on twitter   yesterday of this my view of this it's kind of  insane and this is this is this insane because   i'm doing a webinar about ATEMs using ATEMs so  it's quite meta the way things all tie together   there's a lot of stuff here certainly not what you  need to get started with a one-person operation so   the basics of a one-person operation if it's in  your budget i would certainly recommend the ATEM   mini extreme over the smaller models primarily  because of the super source that's just that's   even when you're just starting out supersource  is so awesome to have so that's going to be   the number one reason to have it you  probably don't need all eight inputs   you uh you can get away without the headphone  port but having the super source that's pretty   sweet so you can swing it do that if you can't  understandable go for one of the smaller ones   totally fine so you need obviously an ATEM your  cameras the blackmagic pocket cinema cameras   are ideal for a live streaming setup like this  because you get the whole iso recording camera   control all that stuff we talked about yesterday  but again higher end cameras not necessarily in   everybody's budget the cheapest camera that  i know of and i have yet to be corrected last   time someone tried to correct me somebody else  corrected them that they were in fact wrong   the cheapest camera that i know of that will  work with this system is the panasonic lumix g7   and i'm not saying that just because i'm on just  because i'm a lumix ambassador but it actually   is to my knowledge the cheapest one why what  makes a camera usable for this kind of a setup   two things there's two requirements for a camera  to be able to be used in a live stream setup   through the ATEM number one is clean hdmi out  that means that when you plug in the hdmi cable   from the camera into the ATEM you can go into the  menus in the camera and turn off all of the other   metadata all that screen data you know tells you  what your exposure is and your focus all those   settings have to go away that's called clean hdmi  out cameras don't market with that terminology   they don't necessarily say it has clean hdmi  out sometimes you have to dig into the menus   but that is required the second thing that is  required and you can get away without this to   some degree but it really makes it much better to  have and that is a microphone port on the camera   granted the ATEMs do have microform torts built  into them so you could get away with plugging your   microphone into the ATEM as discussed yesterday  you will have to deal with the latency issue and   do a delay in the ATEM and the delay on the g7 is  significant so you will be maxing out the delay   capabilities of the ATEM to make it match it'll  work but you're still much better off running   your audio through the camera it's just easier  so those are the two requirements so that g7 is   the cheapest camera it's like five hundred to  five hundred fifty dollars i've actually seen   it on sale for as low as 450 and that's a camera  with a lens so that's that's what you need there   a microphone you need to have a good microphone  the cheapest good mic that you can get is going   to be a wired lavalier mic so a little lavalier  like i'm wearing here but wired straight into   the camera or into the uh the ATEM itself  as you move up from there you can get into   boom mics which have advantages and disadvantages  but a really good boom mic is going to give you a   better quality sound it's going to give you a more  focused sound but a it costs more b they often   have to run through xlr or audio interfaces  or you have to power them themselves if you   know have batteries in them but the problem the  biggest problem with using a boom or shotgun mic   for any kind of live event is as you let's say  that i had one pointing at me here as i moved over   here it would get quieter and i moved back and it  gets louder again if i turn around it gets quieter   so if you're doing something where you're all over  the place throughout your live show your audio is   going to be affected whereas by wearing a lavalier  mic it doesn't matter where you go which direction   you face everybody can hear you equally so  advantage of the lavalier obviously if it's wired   then you can't go very far but then you can step  up to wireless lavaliers like i'm wearing now so   lots of different ways to go there advantages  disadvantages each side but the cheapest way   is going to be a wired lavalier microphone you can  get cheap ones off amazon for probably like 10 20   bucks if you want to spend a little bit more money  rode makes some really nice ones for about 100   and there's a bunch of them out there so you  know read the reviews pick something something   that's not awful um lighting you know you can  get away without lighting right you can start   without lighting especially if you're very  aware of lighting set up next to a window   don't have a window behind you you know think  about your backdrop and your setup and oops   um sorry i guess i forgot to put on do not  disturb today um set up your background and your   and your uh lighting to be as good as you can  if you can be buy a big window so you get nice   big light from there instead of having just your  overhead lights in your ceiling that's going to   be better overhead lights and ceiling are usually  awful you want to have light that's more at your   level shining at you so as you start adding lights  but you don't need lighting to start you can start   without it get a good window light just set up  everything properly and you're good to go um   needs you need some kind of a monitor to be  able to see what's going on on the a-temp   i mean need you can get away without it but that's  a little bit sketch to be doing it totally blind   but you can use any hdmi monitor right it can be  just some cheap old monitor you have laying around   you can go to best buy or whatever and buy the  cheapest hdmi television that you can get that's   you could probably spend less than 100 bucks and  get something that will allow you to monitor your   your uh your scene your setup and then if you're  using the and well basically any of the models of   the ATEM mini that do the streaming will have the  multi-view out and so that's what you really want   to see you want to see that multi-view um you  can the switcher the camera microphone optional   lighting the monitor those are kind of your basics  that's like that's what you need you can't really   you can't live stream without a way to live stream  that's the ATEM without a camera to see you and   without a microphone to hear you everything  above that is gravy so those are the those   are the biggies i hope that helps i hope that  helps next one is there anything you can do is   there anything you can do with a stream deck that  you can't accomplish with a touch portal great   question so we'll we'll see some of this later on  the stream deck is hardware it's so i changed my   view here i made it a little bit tighter but if  i go to the overhead and i pull this in this is   the stream deck as a physical interface you can  see all the buttons from today's show on here   i can load that same interface up on a uh on a web  browser so that i just or on an ipad's for touch   so that i just see it you have the same controls  as far as using something like companion goes   however the stream deck does have additional  functions within itself that have nothing to do   with companions software interface so like on my  desk so this big one here is normally living on my   desk when i'm not doing a live show i'm using it  as a launcher you know you got all these buttons   on there for all my favorite apps and that might  seem gratuitous and it is but you know it's there   so i'm going to use it and i have found that  i actually really like having it as a launcher   right now because it's here i was at my desk  this morning and i keep you know wanting   to launch an app but i'm like it's not there  spotlight launch the app so it's really great   for that but as far as live streaming goes  the there's no difference in capabilities   uh if you're using companion that's that's the  copy out there you have to be using companion   there's no difference in the capabilities but  having that touch that tactile the buttons   is really nice you feel more confident in making  your switch especially when you're trying to hit   something out of the corner of your eye or just  glancing momentarily it's like you'll see me as   i glance down you know i'll glance down very  quickly and i'll grab the switch the cameras   in there but i'm not going uh well sometimes i  am because i can't find the button but i'm not   generally going uh which button is it and then  be very careful because with the touch interface   you know you've got no tactile feedback when you  reach down for it if you're off on the button a   little bit it's very easy to you know go and go  i hit the wrong button where's the right button   and then you bring it back so it is nice to  have not required but definitely nice okay is there a limitation for the ATEMs  recording function file size limitation   and recording length um and gary you made  a comment here that you can help with this   uh the only thing that i know of is to say that  the the limitation is just the size of this   drive however big drive you put on here that's  the maximum i don't know if there's anything   beyond that gary i'll bring you up here that you  wanted to add this more than that i think that   some of the problems that people run across are  the fact that uh there's a certain file size that   we have to stop uh recording and starting a new  uh start a new file and this is due to the header   uh restrictions and how the the thing was designed  there's a lot of ways this could be done but it   was chosen to pick a certain file size for the  header so basically if you record for a real   long time you're going to have multiple files  but they should be end to end contiguous i think   yeah the size shouldn't matter the size of the  disc uh is pretty much what we go by because we   can fill up one disc and then auto uh trickle  over to the next next disc uh in the set so   that shouldn't be a problem all right thanks gary  yeah that's something i actually didn't mention   yesterday when we were talking about the two usb  ports and how on the extreme how you have two usb   ports you can set one usb port to be recording  for your hard drive and you set the other one to   go out to the ATEM out to your computer but you  can also plug in two drives and in fact you can   plug in a hub into one of them and plug in two  usb drives and the system will see both drives   and as one fills up it'll automatically switch  over to the other one and at that point you   can take out drive one replace it and then when  drive two fills up it goes back to drive one so   you can do that using both ports or you can do  that just using a hub plugged into your um your   ATEM so that's that basically gives you unlimited  duration you just keep on adding more hard drives   unlimited duration there so thank you for that  question okay um what is the branded model of the   sdi to hdmi converter you mentioned okay so and  then there's some notes in here from gary about   what i might have been talking about so this the  hdmi to sdi is this one right here actually let   me go for this close-up view and get that  in so this is the blackmagic microconverter   this is the bi-directional one gary was talking  about this a little bit more yesterday and this is   really designed to take sdi cameras and put them  onto the hdmi system or vice versa but this is not   this is more than you would need just to  go hdmi to sdi there are cheaper blackmagic   converters that do that where this question  might have come up is yesterday i mentioned an   sdi to usb converter that i'm using in my office  that is from a company called innogeni and i-n-o-g-e-n-n-i-n-o-g-e-n-i i think that's right  innogeni or maybe these two ends in there but that   hardware is specifically sdi to usb and so the  way that i am streaming this feed to zoom because   zoom needs a webcam is the one of the sdi outputs  from my big ATEM that's which my this whole show   that you're watching is being run on the big  ATEM uh the 2me one of the sdi outputs from that   is running from the ATEM in the rack all the way  into my office and they're in my office it plugs   into that innogeni which then gets converted to  usb plugged into the mac and zoom sees that so   that's how that works and that's probably what  the question was yesterday the only hdmi to sdi   converter that i mentioned was the blackmagic all  right uh let's see here talk more about using the   hyperdeck to extend the media pool to be triggered  by playback and record actions of the ATEM we're   actually going to cover that today so we'll be  talking a bit about what the hyperdeck is how   it works and how you can control playback of  it so that we're going to cover today can you   bring a stereo feed into the extreme iso and if so  what is the workflow great question absolutely so   both of the microphone inputs are stereo inputs in  fact all most cameras i should say all cameras at   least most cameras have stereo microphone inputs  and so as long as you're feeding in a stereo   microphone whether that's a dual mic setup in a  dual array where you've got kind of a left and   right so you hear the panning or you're just  coming off of a mixing board you've got a live   event and you have stereo sound for that that  plugs into the mini ports here yes absolutely   you can bring in stereo so again if you're doing  stereo with two microphones or a stereo microphone   that has a left and right channel then that  will just plug into the camera come into the   ATEM like anything else the atm will see it as  stereo and off you go if you're doing something   off of a mixing board again let's say  a live music where you want that stereo   separation for live music whoever's running  the mixing board as long as they're sending you   a stereo feed and that would probably be an  xlr out that they would be feeding out you'd   have some kind of converter box to go from xlr to  mini to the 3.5 millimeter and you feed that in   it'll stay stereo all the way through and you'll  have stereo in here so absolutely stereo support   are you going into setting up a streaming set  with a fixed ip i didn't quite understand this   question streaming set with a fixed ip so i  am going to talk about live streaming using   the web presenter um maybe you mean fixed ip of  your like if you have a fixed ip but i don't it   doesn't change whether you're fixed ip from your  isp or you have a dhcp server whether you set the   ATEM to be dhcp or you assign it a fixed ip that  doesn't change anything about the streaming setup   that ip address is how your hardware is found  on the network but we're talking about going   the other direction you're streaming from here out  and as long as it is successfully on your network   then you go in here and you set up an a  destination to youtube or wherever you like   um if you're if you're thinking maybe now  that i say that maybe what you mean is   you're streaming to a specific ip address because  in the let me take pull up the settings here   real quick let's switch over to the screen make  sure i'm looking at the right atom yes i am um   live stream okay so maybe what you mean is in here  if you want to go to a custom platform that's not   in here if that's what you meant then to  do that you have to modify an xml file and   i actually did a video on this a while ago  on my youtube channel so if you just go to   youtube you search photojoseph um search ATEM  and restream dot io when i did that video   the premise of the video is adding  to the ATEM since then blackmagic has added   support for natively so you no  longer have to modify modify the xml to do   that however that video will show you how to  modify the xml and then you can obviously put   whatever address you want in there so it's a  manual process you have to go into the code   a little bit but you can set the hyper set the  ATEM to stream to any destination that you want   gary's got something he wants to say i'm going  to pull him back up here yes i will add to that off my sound uh basically um since the web  presenter hd came out um they've added to   the code the ability to create a small xml file  with just the information you need and to be able   to import that directly the information for that  is in the web presenter manual but that actually   works on the ATEMs if you look on the ATEM menu  for stream you'll have the ability to import an   xml file for a particular streaming site that's a  lot easier than editing that specific xml which is   buried in a protected area of your computer so  um you can basically create uh i think there's   a sample in the manual um if not you can contact  me and i'll i'll get you one uh but basically it's   it looks the same it's the same uh text as in  the xml but it's just the service section of it   and you can import that directly into the atm or  the web presenter i hope that makes it a little   bit easier for everyone awesome okay thank you i  did not know that it's funny because i actually   saw in the web presenter set up the ability to  load a file and i thought oh that's interesting   i wonder exactly what that's for but that is  and i hadn't looked into the manual for that so   okay cool um what he's talking about let me show  you that load option so this is the obviously   the atm software again here we have our different  platforms we can stream to but if you go up to the   stream menu there is a load streaming settings and  the way that i've i know the way it was originally   designed the way that i've used it in the past  is for loading settings for the um the street the   stream what's it called the stream deck the thing  where the gary's streaming too there are too many   products i keep forgetting names of things um  the bridge the streaming bridge thanks gary um   when you set up a streaming bridge and we're going  to talk about this in a moment here when you set   up a streaming bridge you generate an xml file  and that's how you would import that xml file so   so that's how that works okay  all right uh let's see here   and that was it okay so that was the questions  thank you very much for all those additional   questions from yesterday all right let's get into  i'm gonna try really hard to do the slides this   time let's get into iso recording and b raw so  this is so fun and so cool how well this works   let me step back overarching concept of what  we're doing and then we're going to do it   so here's the idea during a live show you're  live streaming you have the ability to record   your live show to a hard drive to a little little  ssd or whatever hard drive you plug in like this   guy here if you have one of the iso models so this  only applies to the iso model so that's the ATEM   ATEM mini pro hm mini pro iso or the ATEM mini  extreme iso i'm really wondering what word's going   to get added next to this whole thing good grief  these names are getting big all right so if you   have a model that says iso on it then the benefit  of that is that on this hard drive not only do   you get the program which is of course what the  audience saw you also get the isos and the isos   iso is short for isolated stream it's the isolated  individual video stream coming into the ATEM so   if you had eight cameras plugged in you will  have recordings of all eight of those cameras   regardless of whether they're on air or not you  also get an xml file that opens in davinci resolve   that will have all of your switches so if you  switch from a to b you need to cross dissolve   from b to c all of that data is in there and the  idea being that you can take this drive plug it   in you know copy your files over and open it and  resolve and go in and re-edit your show without   having to start from scratch so imagine you know  i've got this live show and you know let's we're   doing a live show here everything's great and i  go okay now we're going to go to camera b oops i   went to c turn it go back to b okay well your live  audience just saw that mistake right they got that   but if you're going to upload the show later at  a higher quality to youtube or whatever you can   edit that mistake out so i'd go into resolve and i  go where was that place i went to camera c instead   oh there it is and you get rid of that switch or  you switch to the right place or whatever it is   if your timing is off you can go and re-edit the  timing if you decide to change the whole thing   you know oh i completely i did a whole thing on  the overhead camera but i forgot to switch to   the overhead i'm really good at that myself i'll  sit there and talk to you for 10 minutes about   something i'm doing here and every look up and  realize i forgot to switch to that camera well   the live audience suffers but when you upload that  later you can change all of that so that's what   the iso does now we add in the next level of this  and that's the b raw support blackmagic raw from   the pocket cinema camera so this only applies to  the blackmagic pocket cinema cameras but you can   enable recording of b-raw in the cameras so when  you start recording on here it starts recording to   this plus it triggers recording on the cameras  and you now have the blackmagic raw files   in 4k in the case of the 4k camera or in 6k in  the case of this camera you then bring those files   into resolve along with the project off of here  everything automatically links up we're going to   see all of this and you can then re-edit in 4k or  even in 6k so your live show may have only been hd   but you can re-upload a version of it later in  4k or even 6k or of course if you're just doing   a 4k production but you got a 6k camera then  that 6k camera gives you a lot of room to push   into the shot if you want to do some reframing so  super super powerful feature and capability again   the whole iso part on its own works just with  the iso you don't need the blackmagic cameras   if you want to relink to the b raw files  then you need the blackmagic cameras for that   now to be fair you can manually do this if you  have non-blackmagic cameras you can go to those   manu those cameras and manually hit record on  them and record internally to whatever format they   record to or have an external recorder and capture  whatever you want but you will not have the time   code sync you will have to manually re-link those  and manually set up that um the linking of those   high resolution files to the ones that are in  here it's possible but it's just not as easy   as what i'm about to show you so with that  said let's get started here all right let me   fire up the ipad here and i'm going to switch  to a multi-view and i actually want to show   you something else that's kind of neat um that i  neglected to show you yesterday so let's see here   i'm going to hit play on actually before i even  hit play on the ipad let me switch over to the   side view so you can see the ipad here this is the  you're physically looking at it i'm in keynote and   you can see the keynote layout and presentation  here and if we look at the multi-view you see on   so let's see if i do this it's right there okay  ignore the preview side but on the program so   you can see the the uh ipad coming out and it's  mirrored you're seeing the same thing okay now if   i hit play on this keynote presentation remember  yesterday i talked about when you play a movie or   a photo out of the photos app on the ipad you get  to see that full screen whereas when you're not   viewing it you see the interface and it's cropped  well now we're playing the slide deck you're   seeing the slides in full screen but look at the  actual ipad on the ipad i'm getting my current and   next slide layout and i can even go in in keynote  and i can change the layout of here to whatever   i want but this allows me to see the current and  the next slide while the audience is seeing that's   there in the ipad view let me pull it up there the  audience is seeing just the slide itself so that   is a a really awesome feature to have and another  really cool thing about the ipad for this that   will work off of a laptop as well if you have  a laptop set into here as a dual screen layout   exact same thing will happen so i neglected to  show that yesterday so i wanted to show that   okay so back into this back to the extreme so i've  got three cameras on here i've got there's camera   one that's the 4k i've got camera two over here  that's the 6k and then of course there's the ipad   and you can see over um over on the right hand  side there is a super source that i've set up   um as well so i've got a bunch of stuff set up in  here and then oh in the bottom left you'll see a   it says photojoseph there's a little uh little  lower third on there so we're going to incorporate   that into this as well i do want to point out  i'm going to take this opportunity to do this   while the ATEM isos will record most things  that happen it doesn't actually do absolutely   everything so a supersource is one of the things  that it will not capture you would have to rebuild   that super source in post later it is not going  to capture that super source for you unfortunately   but it does do the vast majority of the switching  that you need so uh all right what i'm going to do   is start recording and do a couple of quick little  camera switches and then we're going to pull the   file out and pop into the computer so first things  first is to plug the hard drive in so again just   usb i've got this little samsung t5 drive these  things are great for this they're tiny they weigh   nothing they don't require external power they're  great so recommend these little guys for that   okay that's plugged in um the cameras are ready  i can see yep i can see you can see the displays   on both of the cameras i see they're obviously  on excuse me uh going through my head making   sure i don't have anything else to set up  i set this all up last night so hopefully   it's it's all going to go to plan all right i'm  going to start it so i will start let's go to   the multi-view so you're going to see the  multi-view part of what you're going to get   to see in the multiview so where am i looking  part of what you'll get to see in the multi-view   is the the build up on the preview that i'm gonna  do oh yeah that was the one thing i wanted to shut   up set up okay so right now you're seeing the  same image in preview and program if i switch to   camera two you see the same thing there and if  you've only ever worked with the ATEM this way   you might be thinking i don't understand what the  whole point of the preview thing is in there well   in software i can go in so let's do this i have a  whole bunch of new presets set up um there we go   okay so in software this is the software for the  ATEM mini on the right-hand side you're seeing   the multi-view out you'll notice here if i i'm  going to hit the button on the hardware i'm going   to go to camera 2 and you see on the left-hand  side there is both a program and a preview and   they are both switching simultaneously right  what i can do though is i can load a separate   preview so i'm going to hit the preview button  here and you see it loads up a separate preview   now i've got a separate window over here so we're  seeing this camera in the preview and this camera   in the program this would allow me to then build  the preview the whole idea here is that you build   the preview i go all right i want this shot i  want this lower third i want this bug i want this   graphic you build everything and then you bring it  to air that's how the preview works now if you're   self producing if you're self switching you're  not going to use preview because you would never   go oh hold on audience while i set this up and  then switch over to you're not going to do that so   the kind of default position of the hardware is to  just do that that immediate switch you can do the   previous setup in software but you can do preview  switching on the hardware itself you just have to   change the setting so this is something that i had  meant to show you yesterday and i forgot to so i'm   going to show this to you now and i actually need  this setup for this for the thing i'm about to do   so to do this let's go back to the mac here  we go into the here it is the ATEM setup app   and this is the this app controls all the hardware  it sees on the network so i've got my so just to   run through and see everything that's in here um  i have an old ATEM mini that's in the rack the   tangling a couple things i got this ATEM mini  extreme i so that's the one that's on my desk   the ATEM mini pro iso in my office the three  streaming bridges so we'll talk about those later   and then the big ATEM the 2me that's everything  that's on my network right now so let me go back   to the one that i want to edit uh here it is and  this button right here will launch this software   the atm software control but this button will open  up some settings there's not a whole lot in here   but this is where you'll find the ip address that  your your ATEM is using so if it's self-assigned   this is where it's going to show up and down here  you have a few options under panel this is the   main one that i want to show you this switching  mode by default it's set to cut bus and cut bus   means that when i hit a button here it is going  to immediately cut to that that input to that   bus if i set it to program preview now what  happens let me save this and i'll go back to   uh let's see here i'm going to go to this layout  yep that's the layout now if you look at these   buttons though i push camera two so we got in  the program in the preview both the same thing   now i push button two on here button two has  gone green green meaning it's in preview mode   red is on air and now we're seeing the preview and  the on-air cameras in the preview and the on-air   part of the multi-view now to do a cut between  them i hit the cut button and it cuts between them   or i can you see they swap places so i can cut  back and forth so if i'm cutting back and forth   between two camera angles it's literally just one  button in this mode if i wanted to do a transition   i would set up a transition let's do a simple  dissolve make it a half a second long and i hit   auto and it does that transition and so that  is the power of the preview program mode in   hardware itself so now that that's enabled now  i'm going to do my little show demo okay so um   we're going to go to this view now we're going  to start in this view i'm going to leave it here   to start it's all planned out i have to remember  what i planned and we'll go for uh starting with   this one camera it doesn't really matter  but we're gonna start with this camera okay   so we're set i'm going to go ahead and hit record  there's a record button on the ATEM or i can do   it in software but i'll hit the record button on  the ATEM that lights up red it's recording these   cameras are both also recording as well and now  i'm going to start with just a simple cut so i'll   cut back and forth between these two so we've got  um camera one camera two camera one camera i don't   know which one i'm looking at anymore so there's  my cuts there set that up okay so i got a couple   cuts now let's do a simple transition so i've  got a mix i'll do a one and a half second long   mix and i'll do that nice slow dissolve between  them okay that's set up now i want to bring in   a slide so i'm alive on air with this camera live  on air and now i want to bring in my slides so i'm   going to hit number three to bring up slides  as a preview and now let's do a wipe we'll do   a diagonal wipe on here and i'll hit that button  and it does the auto wipe into that okay so now   i'm back to let's see here i want to take this  camera camera four camera one sorry and i'm   going to bring that to the preview and now i'm  going to switch over to the software view on the   left so that is there we go and i'm going to build  a lower third on here so to do this i'm going to   use the downstream key so i'm going to hit tie  and what tie does is it doesn't bring it on air   immediately it ties it to the next transition  so that when i do the transition as you can see   it being built on the preview that's going to  come over so that is set up that's ready to go   um now all i have to do is do the same transition  go back to this view same transition i did before   i'll do a different wipe on here i'll hit auto and  it's going to auto wipe over there and i come up   with that lower third okay so there's there's my  show right got it all set let's stop recording   stop recording there we go and um and that's  it so now we can start loading up the files so   let's take let's go back to this view i'm going to  pull this up by the way there's no eject on here   you just pull it off here's a really cool thing  about this if you yank this while it's recording   to it it will actually close the file safely so  you will even if this accidentally gets yanked out   you don't lose your entire show i don't know how  they do that but that's magic okay i'm plugging   the usb into plug this into my computer and let's  bring up the mac and i should have folders set up   for this okay there's my folder let's get the  hard drive the there it is and uh there we go   atm webinar three that's what i just did so i'm  going to copy that over while that is copying i   am going to grab the sd cards out of these other  cameras so pull this out of here and pull this   one out of here and this is the part of the demo  where i go i really hope i did everything right   like i said set it all up last night this  should totally work i'm going to show you   too the cards that i'm using so because i'm  recording to raw that means there's a lot   of data being generated very very quickly um i'm  using these cards from a company called pro grade   the you can get this the right angle so you can  actually see there we go actually hold on let me   switch how i hold these there we go these are pro  grade cards these are rated v 90 so these are the   really fast cards that will that will support the  raw i'm trying to rotate these there we go they'll   support the raw uh data flow so i highly recommend  that and then for the reader i'm also using a pro   grade reader this one is a dual sd card reader so  you can i can do both at once it is usbc and it is   more than just being a dual reader it is very fast  very robust and this will give you the kind of   performance that you would expect from the rest of  your system and a lot of people make the mistake   of of uh you know using all these great cameras  with high resolution image and these fast cards   and then they go and they plug it into the sd card  reader on their laptop or they just use some cheap   sd card reader from you know that they've got it  by mark at walmart or something and it's it's not   the same the performance is just not going to be  there so definitely invest in a good reader if   you are going to invest in all the rest of this  gear all right uh so with that said i'm going to   pop these two cards in and let's go back to the  computer and there's the first there's camera that's a problem didn't record did i  did i neglect to where's my recording oh i had it turned on row root row  something happened something went wrong gary what happened why did it break i actually was uh busy looking at something  else so i don't know didn't catch what you   were actually doing so i don't know if i if we  missed any steps that's terrible i didn't i'm   okay we're just gonna do this again i don't know  why that happened um in a real world scenario   you would obviously take the time to go to the  cameras and make sure that they were recording   um which i clearly didn't do so all right we're  just gonna bring him through the whole thing again   man that's a bummer it's totally worked all right  um sorry about that guys okay back to this let's   just redo that so i got the cards back in uh  let's go back to the mac and eject those two   cards what a bummer man never do live shows with  children animals or technology they're all just   begging for disaster all right so that's both the  cards out let's pop these out what i'm going to   do is reformat each card in the camera to make  sure it's totally super ready to go and this is   already set that's fine so put that there what a  bummer sorry about that guys and that makes for   a bummer demo doesn't it all right well now you  get to see how this process works pop this in and see it no card fascinating okay there it is card format sd card format card  format hold this button for three seconds and   it formats that card okay so there's that  one and now let's do the other one here   i don't know if you can even see this or not i'm  trying not to get in the way of the shot too much   okay format the card format format format and good to go okay ready to use cards ready  to use exit that card is ready to use exit that   and let's just see i'm just going to go ahead  and hit record now again that says this recording   oh that one's not oh it's interesting it's got  a little exclamation point on it why is that   now it's recording this one did okay hold on troubleshooting in real   time that is super fun guys  all right let me turn that off everything is set i don't know why record  again now it's recording and now it's recording   very strange i don't have any idea why  it didn't work the previous time um   the demo gods were not happy today but  everything is recording now so i'm just   i'm not going to stop i'm just going to let it go  and let's do the thing so let's set this up again   we go to the mac and multiview that's the one that  i want and oh actually we're going to go for the   overhead and the multi-view there's the one okay  so we are going to switch from camera one to two   there's our cuts from camera one to two so there's  that okay it's cutting cutting cutting yeah   i want to do a dissolve i'll set it to a simple  cross dissolve and do that and we see that cross   dissolve in there so that's all good and then  i'm gonna load up the slides into the preview   we will do a wipe into that slide so there's  that transition and then i'm going to go   into the software and and i could  do this in the hardware as well   actually no i can't i can't do a tie in the  hardware so i need the software for this   set up that lower third that lower third by  the way here in the media pool that's set   up as that's i clicked on tie so that's ready  to go and now i go back over to the hardware   and let's go for a we'll do something else  um just do a wipe i guess just do a wipe and   affect that and there's the wipe and there  it is okay that time we got it stop recording   across all your fingers and all your toes ladies  and gentlemen hope i got this right this time   and good okay so now we yank this pop this on  here start this whole process over again back to   the mac and go to that so we'll just delete that  previous one so don't get them confused and to the   number four there we go copy over number four okay  while that's copying i'm gonna grab the sd cards and there's number one and there's number two it doesn't matter  which one's kind of cool thing about the   the cameras they will name the card with the  first number in the name being the camera   number so you know which is camera one camera  two kind of cool uh all right let me eject this again our super duper prograde reader memory  card one and two and back to the mac and   there it is okay so there's our second file uh  yeah right so we did the test yes it's the second   one i want the second one and i guess a two test  so i'm gonna take the third one there all right   so all of those are there now with these copied  over um you can see by the way these file sizes   on these things these are pretty big right  that was just the short duration there was   five and a half gigs on the 6k camera and  two little over two gigs on the 4k camera   so these are these are going to be big files  and i think i think i have this compression   set to 12 to 1 the most compressed b roth so when  you're shooting raw you're going to get some big   files you're going to need some big cards for sure  okay and that said let's go back here now let me   show you what's in these folders this is what's  created so this again is what came off of the   ATEM itself if i open this up the first thing  there is the actual um the actual resolve file   so that's what we're going to open up in  davinci resolve here i guess this must be two i'm not sure why there's two in here so  there's the one that i just did is this the   previous one oh that's from when i hit hit record  and then stopped again very quickly so it recorded   both of those into there so there's there's my  program so these are both program files that was   from the first very quick test and then this is  the second one so this is the actual program file   we're dealing with so from here we see everything  that happened right all the switches that are in   here all the cross dissolves et cetera et cetera  and then there's the final uh build up and then   the final wipe over okay so that's the program  file this is what the audience saw then you have   audio source files this records a dedicated audio  file for each input you do not need all of these   necessarily and you're going to have your audio  on the video file as well if the audio is coming   through the camera it's just that it's giving you  these separate audio files anything you don't need   you can just throw away but they're there just in  case you need them and notice that it did record   an audio track and you'll see it did a video track  as well for every single input so if i go now to   the video iso files and we see in here there's all  the different camera inputs oh yeah see there's   the camera one and camera two a camera one take  one and take two because i stopped and started   again so quickly that's why we're seeing multiples  uh but we're seeing one for each but even though   you know some of these are just black right it's  just blank you'll notice the blank ones the black   ones are very small you can see they're they're  very small files in here because it is a variable   bitrate it's solid black so it is a small file but  it does record everything the whole time here's   camera one just the camera one input so we scrub  through here there's the entire camera one feed   we go to you know here the entire camera two  feed the whole whole feed is there so why does   it record the black files i get this question  a lot why is it doing that because it is simply   recording what's on that channel it doesn't  know if you intend to add something to that   channel later so i could just plug in a camera in  the middle of a show you wouldn't want it to go   oh now i have to start recording or um or if the  camera blanks out for a second it stops recording   you don't want that so it just records everything  you can plug in a camera live you can hot plug a   camera in in the middle of a show and it will  just pick up and your black file will suddenly   have picture on it so that's why that works that  way you've just got all the files in there so   and again if you don't need it just throw it away  but because they're variable bitrate if they're   just solid black they take up very little space  okay so back to this now i've got all of these   files and i got all my isos and then here's those  two raws i can load the raws in two different ways   i can either manually either open up the project  file without the raws and then add them in   and that's really easy and i'll show you how to do  that or what i can also do is just create a folder   call it b-raw and i'm going to put this in  here and then take these and put them into   that bureau folder and davinci will resolve will  actually just find them which is kind of cool   all right i'm just going to double click on this a  time webinar and let that open up into the resolve i'm using the full studio version here if you  don't need the full studio version you can do   this with the free version as well and loading  the atm webinar and there it is okay so oh yeah   see here's the first one when i was testing it and  then there's the gap and then here's the second   one so here's the real show so as i scrub through  here okay here's my first camera angle switches   you can see here i'll play through there's our  cut from camera one to two so there's those cuts   in there and if i wanted to make any change in  there i can just go in and start cutting it oh i   cut too soon i want to change the angle whatever  i want to do in there here's the transition a   little dissolve in there um and so the wipe  the transition as a wipe didn't come through   as a wipe it comes through as a simple dissolve so  that's something you go in and manually set if you   really wanted that wipe in there and then let's  go to the end here where i built up to the graphic   that and there's the graphic in there and so  you can see here on the timeline there's that   photojoseph graphic that i had that lower third  so all of that is in there all right so now what   about the raw we'll look up here in the in the  media pool and you'll see there's a folder called   blackmagic raw notice that i didn't call the  folder blackmagic raw i just labeled it b-raw   it found it and goes okay these are your  blackmagic raw files also notice in here   that on that i have a folder called iso and  inside of that every iso is set up in a folder   that matches the name of the input so this input  is this folder is called bmpcc 4k this one's   called bmpcc 6k and this one down here is called  ipad if we look back at the switching software   and i go into my settings in here you'll  um go to where we labels you'll see that   those are the labels that i had actually named  these inputs so i named them bmpcc 4k and 6k   in the software so by labeling it that way in the  ATEM software when we go into resolve they're all   named that way already so just really really clean  integration of the way i configure the hardware   and how that resolve file gets generated i love  that it's a really nice really nice attention   to detail okay so i've got the b raw files in  there right they automatically showed up if they   if i hadn't moved them in then it wouldn't have  found them or maybe i just copied them over later   then to add them in all i would have to do is  the software would create go back to this level   it would create this blackmagic raw folder anyway  and when you opened it it would just be empty   and so i would simply drag and drop the files  into there that's literally all i have to do to   load them and now to get the b-raw up let's go to  a clip where we can tell so here's here's video of   me right we know that this is the the one that we  were seeing in camera because it's got the color   on it this is this is um has a final look on it  up here zoom into this a bit tiny little button   but right here i think the thing will  pop up there we go let me scroll over   and there it is you see this button that says show  camera originals when i click that it switches   over to show me the raw and now just visually  looking at it i can tell it's raw because it's   dimmer it doesn't have a lut applied this is a  log file basically and there is the final thing   that was actually streamed but there is the  uh the letted file so that is how you do that   super super easy to do and at this point now  i could go in and manually color grade these   obviously re-edit however i want push into a file  if i want to whatever you want super super slick   so minus the kerfuffle in the beginning there  um that came out great that worked out great so   let's go to questions see if there's any that  we've got and then i will proceed with the next   parts of the of the plan today so mr gary you're  up my friend do we have any questions right now   okay yes several questions so is b  raw more efficient than other format   types and which file types are best to use at  which times when using this system and equipment   i know you can't choose anything other than  b-raw on the camera for recording but for   doing the editing and stuff maybe that would be  the question sure okay so like you said you when   you're doing this system the only recording be raw  you can't tell the camera to record to any other   format it's just b-raw you do have the choice of  of the compression level of b-raw so you can go   for the i think three-to-one i think is the lowest  compression and 12-1 at the most i think that's   right so you can choose that but that's it if you  are um so again in the coming out of the atm you   don't have any choice of what gets created it's  just that mp4 file at 1080p resolution excuse me   so there's not really any other choice in there  working with the b-raw you have the added capable   you have the dynamic range of that you've got  a broader dynamic range you've got that raw fo   that log file so you can color grade it however  you want to so you can you know if you blew out   a shot it was overexposed odds are you'll be  able to recover it if it wasn't too overexposed   so you have a lot of flexibility in working with  raw if you remove the blackmagic cameras from the   system and you're just using other cameras and  you're going to record either internally or to   an external recorder you could be recording to you  know mp4 to hebc to prores at that situation at   that sense you're taking advantage of what those  codecs have to offer just like any other shooting   situation so you know hevc is highly compressed  but very high quality smaller file allows you to   do things like shooting in hdr natively and hlg  so you could do a camera where it's recording hlg   hybrid log gamma hdr in camera and then you're  doing the switching but of course you'd have   to rematch those manually later um if you were  shooting to prores raw you wanted to do prores   raw you have some recorders that record prores  raw attached to your camera you capture prores raw   exact same thing you just have to do it  manually now you can within blackmagic i don't   believe blackmagic supports uh i'm sorry i don't  believe that davinci resolve supports prores raw   that's a final cut thing you can take your resolve  project and move it over to final cut there will   be a little bit of cleanup stuff that you have to  do especially when it comes to relinking to the   originals there's not this really slick auto  re-link to the originals format but this timeline   that you just saw here i can export this out and  bring it over to uh to final cut that is possible   and i'm i'm sure that you can do this with  premiere as well i'm not a premier editor so i   i'm not going to go hang out hard on that but i'm  almost positive that you can but you absolutely   can do it with with uh with final cut in fact  i did a video on this there's another one on my   channel if you search on youtube for photojoseph  and then um iso do ATEM mini iso atimidi pro iso   and i did this whole thing where i shot i brought  in a musician into the studio here it's actually a   really cool project brought a musician into  the studio she played a song i did a whole   four camera shoot i had one on a on an arm i  had like all this stuff set up and so you see   a whole behind the scenes and then i take that  project into resolve i convert it over to final   cut and then i do a re-edit or whatever in final  cut uh really slick it was kind of a fun project   encourage you to watch that one that was super  cool but then you'll see how that moves over to   final cut if that's what you want um or you  know edit resolve because it's awesome resolve   rocks i really need to learn the color tools  more and resolve okay um anything else gary okay so did the cards um when you had them in  the camera and formatting did the cards show   space uh used or allocated on the drive in  some way they they show how much space is   available how much recording time you will  get given whatever compression setting you   have so if i set it to the lowest compression  setting it would probably say like five minutes   with the higher compression setting it's i  don't know whatever it was like 20 minutes   or something recording time so but it does tell  you how much recording time is left on the card there was a question about the iso recording on  the audio and i think you might have answered it   which audio will be recorded on the iso video   and it's more important to know that the program  audio is always attached to the video recordings   which is why we provide the separate wav files  for the separate uh audio files okay great i'm   glad you pointed that out i i don't think  i realized that so perfect great thank you you're muted uh one of the uh couple of people  have asked maybe at the end we can talk about   this again too post links of the non-blackmagic  products that you mentioned and maybe possibly   email them to registered users at the end or  have some method that they can look up uh some   of these other products you were talking about  okay um yeah what i'll do is because i'm gonna   be uploading this to my youtube channel i will  record i will have a list of the links there of   the products and i can then when i make that i can  share that with you and you can send that out to   to everybody um yeah that's a good idea okay cool  i can do that i have to remember gary remind me if   i forget but i will i can definitely do that yeah  we'll do i think we can continue on right now okay   great all right so next up is look i actually got  my slides ready next up is the hyperdeck both for   recording and for playback so let's talk about  actually i should have pulled up a web page let   me pull up over and show you what the hyperdex  lineup looks like i have previous edition of the   hyperdex installed here and i'm going to show  that to you in just a moment there are some   new generations of them i'm not super intimately  familiar with all the new features in the new ones   but i will show you the lineup here so this is  the blackmagic website go to capture and playback   and uh oh sorry not capturing playback my  wrong um video i don't want to multiview   routing streaming coding nope we'll do it  live where's this where are they are they   do you just record just recording there we go  duplication disk recording there's i think there   we go hyperdeck studio hd mini the hyperdeck  studio hd plus which is 4k i'm gonna look   gary give gary the side eye right now and ask why  this is not just called the hyperdeck studio 4k   but because this one does do full 4k you see here  it goes up to 2160p 30 so that's 4k 30 frames per   second and this is what i have the previous  edition of these and these are these little   guys right here and then there's these bigger ones  that will record to ssg so the ones that i have   we're working with sd cards the little baby  sd cards the bigger ones regard to ssd and   you can see that they have dual slots so you get  as well both of these have dual slots so you get   unlimited recording just it will fall over to the  previous uh to the next disk and then you can swap   out the old one and then there's the big old 8k  extreme version which is crazy awesome um oh this   duplicator this is really neat if you're doing  like a live event you want to hand out copies of   the live event afterward this thing will rip out  a bunch of copies at once pretty slick anyway but   we're talking about these little guys here all  right um i oh i set up a new camera angle but   i didn't set up a shortcut here so let me switch  over to this give me a moment i want to show you   my my rack with the deck in it so give me a second  here switch over i'll just show you what i'm doing   here i'm going to switch over to my big ATEM  and why are you asking from that and it is the   rack camera so i'm going to enable that there we  go so there's that's my rack you can see the the   at the very top just out of view that's the actual  ATEM 2me underneath that the two big screens are   the dual view monitor so that's showing me the two  uh multi-views that are come out of the 2me that   the 2 in 2me means that it has two full two  different streaming full two different layouts   mix effects layouts and that's the what  you're seeing on the left and right there   and then underneath that you see six hyper decks  you'll notice the two on the bottom left the   bottom left and bottom middle are both recording  those are recording this actual show i'm recording   one to h264 and the other to prores and i'm doing  that so that i can re-edit the show later the only   reason i'm doing both is because the progress  file is going to be massive and if there's no   quality difference then i'll just use the h264 and  i already compared yesterday the h264 is perfectly   fine for what i'm doing but i just hit record  on both today anyway because i did yesterday but   um but that's what i'm doing so each one of those  decks is recording the program and in fact if you   look at if you look really closely at the actually  i can just walk over there and point it to you   if you look closely here you can see that is the  problem look there's my hand that's a little meta   so that's the program coming into these two the  other ones here are currently pointing at random   things and then number six is the one we're going  to be working with for playback stuff but those   bottom two there and so let me go back over here  and i want to show you something else in software   related to these so if i go into my ATEM software  control you'll notice up here these this is hyper   deck 1 hyper deck 2. so these are output 1 output  2 output 3. this is the ATEM 2m the big ATEM right   so somewhere in the settings i remember where it  was somewhere in the settings in here i had no   idea where it doesn't matter i was able to rename  these output menus to hyper to whatever i want so   i named them hyperdeck one through six so this  big ATEM has six outputs that are remappable i   can send anything i want out to each of those six  and these are auxiliary outputs separate from the   program out and the multi-view out so i can like  this camera this ATEM has two hdmi outs that i   can set to anything uh and that's it the 2me has  six auxiliary outputs plus additional program and   multi-view out so it's got a ton of outputs so  i've got the output from each one of those six   going into one of these six hyperdex so then  let's go back over to the software view i can   choose like hyperdeck one i can say have it show  me camera a or camera b or camera c so in a normal   shooting environment for me hyper deck 1 is  recording camera a high predict 2 is recording   camera b and hyper deck 3 is recording camera  c hybrid x4 is recording camera d and so on but   right now hyper deck 4 is recording the the the  me1 that's the mix effects one that's what i'm   using for the show the program so that's what's  being recorded there and hyper deck 5 is recording   the exact same thing within the hyperdex i've set  them to be different settings and then hyperdex 6   is not receiving anything right now because i'm  setting that up for playback so that's your kind   of basic setup of that you've got this recorder  that you can feed in a signal from anywhere   these have um actually probably have the back  illustration on here pull up a tech view of this   you can take a look at what's on the back of  these so here we go let's go back to this view   so this is again this is the new one on here  mine looks a little bit different than this   but basically you've got you've got sdi outputs  oh this is the let's go to the hd plus because   it's representative of what i have there we go  so this has dual sdi outputs which is going to   be very important for the playback portion  of this we'll get to in a moment and then it   has an sdi input so the input from the ATEM  is going into sdim and then has a loop out   which is really really handy so if you you are  effectively not giving up that output if if you   want to pull the output from the atm into the  hyperdeck it will then loop back out and go   off to somewhere else if you want a feed of that  somewhere else you've got that as well obviously   it's going to be the same feed but you've got  that loop out feed there which is pretty slick   um time code support and so on all kinds of  deck control and other funny things in here   the ethernet port and then there is an hdmi output  now this new one actually has hdmi input mine does   not have the hdmi input but it does have hdmi out  so you've got multiple inputs and outputs on here   and so that's that's all you know that's great the  dual sdi out this is the key though so yesterday   i talked about uh it's the key no pun intended  yesterday i talked about having the key in the   fill having an output where you have your video  and then you have a a alpha channel black and   white grayscale alpha channel that represents the  mask so if you think about photoshop you've got   a transparent thing on photoshop if you look at  the mask where it's transparent it's black where   it's opaque it's white and any shade of gray is a  transition so if you've got something with a drop   shadow and you look at the mask in photoshop  you'd see that transition exact same idea here   you have a video file that has the picture  the video whatever it is you want on screen   and then you have a secondary part of that file  that is the alpha channel now the way that you   create these files so now we're obviously  talking about playback recording there's not   much else to say you know you hit it and you hit  record you choose a format off you go that's it   for playback though when you want to playback  a video with the alpha channel you render out   of whatever graphics package you're using a  prores four four four four five so there's   four fours that fourth four is the alpha channel  so you know you hear about your codec your video   codec it's oh it's four two zero it's four two  two those are quality seven we're not gonna go   to each one of those but those are essentially  quality settings the highest one is four four four   and then the fourth four is that alpha channel so  if you're using after effects or apple motion or   whatever keynote and you make a animation against  transparency and you render it out to prores 444   you get that prores file that has the alpha  channel the hyperdeck will immediately recognize   that and it will split out the output so it'll  take the video portion and put it out the first   sdi output and take the alpha channel and put it  out the second one so that's the concept of how   it works now here's what i'm going to do i've got  a video file already loaded up in the hyperdeck   so let me give you a moment here while i set this  up um okay we if we go to go back to this view   so here is the hyperdeck control now we are now  looking at my big ATEM this is we're looking at   the 2m we're not looking at the extreme because  this is you know it's obviously configured on   the big ATEM if i go into these settings in here  there's a hyperdeck option and you'll see in here   that i punch in the ip address of the hyperdex  and so i've got hyperdex the way i've numbered   mine is you know 111 is hyperdeck 1 12 or 2 at the  end is hyperdeck 2 and so on you can only control   four of them even though you have six outputs it's  not like the six outputs are you know specifically   meant for hyperdex but you can only control four  hyperdex at once you can go in here and change it   at any time but you can control four of them  at once so i'm controlling the first two and   the last two right now so the last one though  is the one i care about so hyperdeck four is   what's labeled here's hyper four is actually  hybrid x6 in my system so um so that's set up   so ip address one one six all right so now we go  over to the settings here look at the hyper deck   and you can see that hypertext one and two aren't  doing anything right now and then remember these   are actually numbers five and six so number five  is actively recording that's that one that was   recorded into prores so i don't want to touch that  and then over here this one is actively playing so   this is my hybridic number six that is actively  playing what is it playing well i'm going to go   back gary don't worry about audio i'm not going  to bring you on but um this is the multiview of   me and gary notice the background there there's  a little wavy blue thing that is video that is   playing from that hyper deck just straight video  not with an alpha channel just straight video   playing from the hyperdeck so if i go back to  this view if i wanted to show you just that video   i'll actually have a preset set up for this find  the right button that i did and here we go this   is the video output the on the left you're seeing  the video on the right you're saying the alpha   because this isn't a four four four four file  we're only getting there's no alpha channel   so the hyper deck is just playing both out  over the same one but i have a video graphic   load uploaded up here that has the alpha  channel so to play it let's go back to this   i'm going to zoom into this again for you let  me open this up the little thing and it shows   me the files on the hyperdeck so background one  is the blue one you're seeing background two is   a blue version of that and then ridiculous  text is my graphic i'm going to show you   you can this is kind of a really really  cool functionality of the hyperdex   you notice that they have an ethernet port right  so they're on my network i can access the hyperdex   over ftp which means that when i record my shows  or record a a video that i'm doing to the hyperdex   and this is how i do my all my youtube shows that  i record right here everything is recorded not in   camera but in the hyperdex i can then copy those  files from the hyperdex across the network to   my computer so i don't have to pop the ssd cards  out now the hypertext used to be only 100 megabit   they got a magical software update a while  ago that upgraded them to gigabit so i get   gigabit which is still slower than using  you know an sd card reader but it's faster depending on how much data i have to transfer  sometimes it's faster for me to just copy the   files over the network because i can start copying  them all at once i can open up i use transmit as a   an ftp client but you know whatever you want  as an ftp client i have presets set up so that   um i open up transmit on my system i just select  all six hybrids or however many i'm using double   click them they all open up and i just drag  the files over to copy him super quick and easy   now here's a neat little thing that i am about to  set up in the studio so now we're getting a little   this is what happens around here there's always  something better you can do so i told you that the   the hyperdex recently got upgraded to gigabit  how they did that i have no idea like anyway so   they're all gigabit now but the problem is that  i'm on a gigabit network in here so that means   that while i can transfer maximum speed from one  hyper deck if i start copying from both of them at   the same time well i've only got a gigabit of  bandwidth in the entire network so that's not   going to help me at all so what i've purchased  is a small 10 gig switch it's actually so it's   only it's 350 bucks this is not that bad it's  a little netgear switch it has eight poe plus   and oh by the way those hyper decks are all  powered over poe so power over ethernet so there's   no power cable running into them they're all  getting their power from the ethernet right now   they are and this will continue so this new switch  eight poe plus one gig switch uh ports on them   then there's one just one one 10 gigabit port  on that switch so what will happen is all six   of the hyper decks are going to get plugged into  those six of those eight ports on there okay and   then from the 10 gig i run a 10 gig cat 7 cable  because regular cat5 cat6e is only one gig so a   cat 7 cable will run directly from that switch  to the back of my mac pro the mac pro has two   uh two 10 gigabit ethernet ports built into it  love the mac pro two 10 gig ports built in one   of them is plugged into my regular one gig network  just for internet and file transfer the second one   will get plugged into that deck directly so  it'll be a direct connection so i'll have a   10 gigabit connection to that switch which means  i can hit copy on all six of those decks at once   one gig each and file transfer speed i've still  got four gigs of bandwidth to spare and i'll start   copying those files over the network much faster  super cool i'm really excited about this i just   kind of went through all the details and figured  out what i needed last week and the hardware will   be here next week so i'm really excited about  that so anyway so you know into the rabbit hole   a little bit but that's how that works anyway so  i can access those files over the network sweet   i can copy files to the hyperdeck over the network  so the graphics that you're seeing here i didn't   pop out the card and put them in my machine  and copy them to them i just copy them via ftp   directly to the deck so that's really cool  that we can do that um however there's an   oddity in that you and gary if you know a  solution to this by all means let me know but   the ATEM doesn't refresh read what's on the card  on a regular basis the only way that i know of to   force it to refresh and read what's on the card  is to pop the card out and pop it back in so it   just means pop out pop back in gary's nodding  yes so i guess there's no work around for that   so you do have to pop it out and pop it back  in but that's it just click click and that's   it and then the ATEM will refresh what's on  there and see the content so all that said now   we've got this content on here so i'm going to  go ahead and select the ridiculous text and um   and that's playing now and now i'm going to bring  up the uh the split here it is and so there we see   on the left the video and it's rendered  against black and then on the right the   alpha channel so that is what would allow  me to bring that up over my graphic so now   um let's see here so that's now playing okay i'm  going to where is that uh i've already set this up   and i don't remember where i put it let's see here  i'm looking at my computer on here there we go   is it let me just look at my settings i don't  remember i honestly remember where i put it um   it's not okay we're gonna bring on air oops that's  not it oh right okay so i need to set here we go   so i'm going to set i forgot now now i'm  remembering i undid everything so that i could   show you how to set it up aha that's how this  was see there's a method to my madness all right   back to this so we currently have that  playing let's just double check that   output is playing from the oh sorry media player  it's playing right there the ridiculous text   if i load up my preset to show  that we see it okay so that's all   good now i'm gonna go i'm gonna bring it up as a  upstream key so i'm gonna go to my upstream key   there's upstream key it's going to be a luma  key this is really important it's a luma key   and somebody asked yesterday about the difference  between the types of keys this is where the luma   key comes in the fill source is going to be the  hyperdex 6 video the key source is going to be   the hyperdex6 alpha where to go hyperdex6 alpha  there it is so hyperdex video and alpha those are   the two they're coming in and now i bring it on  air and there she is on the bottom so now we're   seeing that loaded up on there if i you know  just got this pre-multiply if i turn that off   you see the black edges around it it's very  important difference here what pre-multiplied   means super important let me actually turn  it back on i'll leave that going there what   pre-multiplied means is that the rendered video so  this case that whirly swilly weird graphic thing   is rendered out to black everything that has  transparency is rendered effectively with black   behind it and so if we looked at it's kind of hard  to tell from this video but if you look at just   the video itself then the edges would look kind  of funny and if i turn off premultiply key then   you see that rendered out to the edge in there  this is what gives you the cleanest transition   to true transparency that rendering out to black  then gets built into the mask as well and you have   this beautiful soft transition and you can see as  i turn the pre-multiply back on these very so i   need something white to hold on behind here um  you get these very smooth clean uh transitions   or fades or drop shadows or whatever you want  there we go let's hold this right behind there   you go so you see there you get this really  nice transparency as it fades off to that now   this is not um this is not looping properly  because i don't i barely know how to use motion   the fact that i can figure out how to do this is  kind of remarkable i'm not a martian graphics guy   i couldn't figure out how to make it loop  seamlessly but obviously you would make it so   that it'll loop seamlessly okay so that's how that  playback works now now let's talk about let me   go and turn that off now let's talk about how you  would incorporate this into a show because you can   trigger which video file gets played in a macro  so i can build a macro that says play video file   what was called what did i call this thing um  ridiculous text yeah it's called ridiculous text   so i can build a macro that plays that track  and i can build another macro that plays the   other background color so this is really neat so  here's what we're going to do let's go back to   the mac and open up the macros command shift m  to open up the macros let's bring this over here   nice and big so you can see and find a blank one  all right running out of some okay um i'm going   to actually just clear up these are a bunch of  things that i imported and i need to get rid of   that i'm not using so just delete a couple  of these all right let's put this right   here so i'm going to add a new one and i'm  going to say load let's go say play blue   background animation perfect okay play blue  background animation copy that hit record now   i go over here and i select background one which  is my blue one and remember when you're doing a that i think i just switched cameras and i'm  recording on there so that camera switch just   got recorded darn it i'm gonna redo that i'm  gonna explain it and then i'm gonna redo it   without doing the switch um let me just stop this  see it's very meta when you have all these things   tight intertide um remember yesterday i'm talking  about macros i told you that you have to do   everything that you want it to do so in  this case i not only select that video track   i also have to hit play i also have to set the  looping format i want it to loop or not loop i   have to set all of that otherwise it's just going  to do whatever was previously set so i want this   to loop and my animated backgrounds the blue  and green backgrounds are perfect looping there   are seamless loops so um so i do want those to  loop okay so let's go back to this i'm going to   re-record and not insert a camera switch on top of  it uh okay so there we go hit record so i select   the right background so let's actively select it  i'm going to make sure this is set to looping and   i hit play so those three things in there are all  i need i hit stop now i'm going to go to this one   and i'm going to do another one and we're going to  say play green background animation record and now   i do the same thing for the second one select that  one set it to loop hit play okay that's everything   that i need and stop so now i've got two buttons  here play blue and play green now let me switch   over to uh let's see here i'll switch over to gary  and me and you can see it's actively playing the   green now i'm gonna go on the macro palette to the  run page and i'll click the blue button there's   the blue one and i click the play green button and  there's the green one and if we look at the side   by side you'll see play the blue play the green  and it is instantly cueing up that right video and   playing that back so that's where you get this  really cool flexibility of having a hyper deck   for playback and you can load up whatever files  you want on there they could be you know opening   animation graphics they could be the background  graphics like i've got a lower third whatever   and you can cue up which one's played back through  the macros so that's where that becomes really   really powerful to do and you can do this with  the ATEM mini extreme as well or any of them you   can do this but remember it will take two of your  inputs so if you're going to be using a hyperdeck   you really want to have the ATEM mini extreme so  you get all eight inputs because two of them are   being given up for that assuming that you want the  transparency if you don't care about transparency   it's just for playing videos without transparency  then you just need one input like any camera   so that is everything that i wanted to show you in  there i love it having the hyperdex is super super   awesome and powerful gives you a lot of different  things you can do with it all right so that let's   go and see if there's any questions go ahead and  bring up gary me back i'm going to load up my blue   background again because i like that one better  there we go there's my blue background gary do we   have any questions yeah since we're on the topic  uh can you tell us how you encoded the graphics   uh especially with the alpha channel sure so the  graphic with the alpha channel is as i was saying   earlier prores 444 it's the only way it has to  have that alpha channel in there so that's your   your it has to be a four four four four format  um i do prores i'm not sure if there's other   codecs that are supported but it has to be four  four four four and so i did that in apple's motion   and i just went to the export um you know it's  built against transparency to start by default   so i just went to export movie file um i set up  the the size and the resolution in advance so when   i built the canvas 1920x1080 2398 and that by the  way is really important um less important for the   ATEM extreme the the ATEM mini lineup because  each input has a scalar it's still you really   want to create your graphics at the exact right  resolution and frame rate but on my a time the   2me i have to have the exact right resolution and  frame rate so i had to make that video 1920x1080   at 23.976 frames per second critical or it won't  play back so but yeah 444 is how you play that out yes i um i'm old style anyway and um  keeping everything the same frame rate   and resolution that you're working with  is always the best because uh there's   there'll be issues somewhere somehow that get  in the way um another question can you do the   same graphics overlay with the new hyperdexo hd  mini and the answer is actually the all new all   the new products the hyperdeck products that  just came out have the same capability of the   prores 444 files does it i thought i saw i'm  looking back at the schematics there's only one   sdi oh there's an sdi and an hdmi output so  is that how you would do the key in the fill you're muted gary's talking we can't hear him gary can't hear you we can't hear you can't hear you  buddy i'm sorry sorry i have to hit two buttons   at once i should have worked that out with my  stream deck so the new the new small one doesn't   have sdi's out i don't have it in front of me  right now there's one sdi out and one hdmi out so maybe i'll check that yeah  maybe you can use the instead   of the ones with the two sdi should yeah yeah  the ones with 2 sdi absolutely will do it   um yeah i'm wondering maybe if you can use the  sdi and the hdmi out as a key nfl i i don't know   i i know you can do that actually you can use  the hdmi as the primary option and you can use   the sdi as the key on on all of them that  have the two sdis i mean that would be an   option for not having to convert one of the  of the outputs um but i'll have to check on   and get back to you because i honestly don't  know at the moment i'd have to just check and i'll try to do that actually  before the session's over   just to maybe follow up at the  end so we don't get caught there okay um did you go over the list of formats  supported by the hyperdex i did not so i'm   going to do this off top of my head there's pro  res you can do prores hq well actually you know   let's do this let's switch over i don't know  how well you'll be able to see it but um we'll   i'll show you how it's set let me go back to  the rack view you might be able to if you're   looking at it on the youtube stream then you  should be able to see this as i pull it up   so get out of the way here and get my noggin  out of the way there we go so i'll go into one   that's not being used i go into the menu set and  then it says codec so if i scroll up to the top   prores hq pro is 422 pro is lt prores proxy then  i've got dnxhd 220 xqt i don't know what that is   dnxhd 220 mxf dnxhd 145 qt 145 mxf uh dnxhd 45qt  and 45 mxf dnx r dnxhr sorry h q x qt good lord   there's a lot of letters um hqx mxf uh sqqt could  grief sq mxf lb q2 lb q2 qt qt good grief lbqt you   say that five times fast lb mxf and then finally  so there's a whole bunch of dnx xrx dnx r1s and   then h264 high medium and low now i will say that  you cannot at least on this one and this might be   supporting a new one gary i'd love to know  this on the ones that i have i cannot record 4k 30 in h.264 if i'm inputting 4k 30 i have  to record to prores i can't do it to h.264   i wonder if that's the same on the new ones uh i guess i would have to check basically  the best place to go is our website for the   specifications because each of the decks are  going to be different uh and the new have some   4k modes as well that wouldn't be on the mini  and things like that so um uh i i can probably   try to check that too before the end that's  okay but it's okay if someone else it's fine so   yeah that's that is a a i don't know limitation  restriction whatever but if you're doing 4k   30 well if you do 4k then you can't record  to mh264 okay uh were there other questions   yes these relate to the iso recordings that  probably is just one question combined here   how can you sync the video with the master audio  uh and the master audio file if all you have is a   sync option for sound and not time code can you  talk about that with resolve have you done that   okay so so i'm assuming the question means if  you're using if you're recording externally not   using this system so you've got a magic camera  you're recording a master to that you would have   to use audio it also um relates to the fact  that sometimes the camera audio will be a few   frames off of the you know so the audio track will  actually be a few frames off of the um the video   and so they might be able to want to try to sync  that too yeah exactly so so the first part of the   answer is yes you'll have to rely on audio there  is no way to feed time code into the ATEM mini   lineup so its time code is generated internally as  time of daytime code but you can't feed time code   in from an external source so if you're using  other cameras and regardless of whether they   have time code or not they you will be relying on  the audio from that camera with the audio that's   captured in the mini to sync them up um in resolve  i'm sure there's a way to automatically sync by   audio there is in every nle so i'm sure there  is but as gary pointed out it might actually be   off by a few frames the audio will be in sync  but then the video will not quite be in sync   because of the audio and video delay that we  talked about yesterday so if that's the case   then you may have to manually flip it over a few  frames to get it to line up but this is not a big   deal because keep in mind you're talking about a  live production if it was an hour long show or a   five minute show or a 10 hour show it's still one  track right so it's only one track that you would   have to slip in and out of sync so so it's not  a big deal to have to do if you do have to do it okay i think we can continue on i'm gonna probably  step out and look at the hyperdex for a minute   okay cool alrighty uh thank you very much gary and  we're back all right so now we are talking about   the ATEM streaming bridge and this is once again  how gary is actually communicating to me right   now how you're seeing him so let's do let me just  kind of high level this first and then we'll go   into some looking at it so the ATEM streaming  bridge is a little box that receives a signal   only from and this is the this is important only  from an ATEM mini or from a web presenter which   we're going to look at next so it can only receive  signals from there effectively what you're doing   is you are just like from your atm you would  stream to youtube or stream to facebook instead   you are going to stream to someone's streaming  bridge wherever in the world it is the latency is   it's there you can tell here gary and i sometimes  talk over each other there's a couple seconds   latency here that's just that's just the nature  of the beast but that gives you the ability to do   a one-way stream in now i point out that it's one  way because this is a really important aspect to   this it is not a zoom call type setup where you're  talking back and forth it is a one-way stream and   so i've done a couple of live shows on this on my  youtube live channel so photojoseph   live on the youtube live channel i've done a few  streams about how to incorporate callers from a   using this the the stream deck and adding  zoom into it as a return and effectively   what you end up doing is having a zoom call with  let's say you got three callers that are calling   in so you have a zoom call with them you me you  the presenter you kind of ignore what's happening   on the switcher other than you know you load  up your multi-views maybe you're toggling back   and forth between that but you're not looking at  that or them in that switcher to hear them you're   looking at the zoom call because zoom is virtually  real time it's obviously a much lower quality   but it is virtually real time and so you're able  to hold on a fairly normal conversation through   zoom right we've in the age of code we've all  done zoom calls about a million times already   so there you can have your normal conversation  and in the um in the hyper sorry in the stream   empty streaming bridge too many words too many  names uh that's going to be coming in a little   bit later but then everything syncs up in the  end so this way you're not kind of waiting   for them to stop talking or if you have a normal  conversation so that works out really really well   but you have to set up that two-way communication  as a back channel and then have the high quality   input coming in separately so that's effectively  how that works let me show you the product and how   this sets up um let's see here let's go back to  the blackmagic website and pull up the products   on here and um you know actually i remember  it was hard for me to find this thing it's   uh we're just gonna do streaming bridge and i  think now the only place to find this is to go   into the tech specs there it is streaming  bridge there so that's what it looks like   so you've got on this thing a um well you have  an sdi reference in for sync but we're not going   to worry about that you've got a sdi out dual sdi  outs and an hdmi out and then there's the ethernet   port and this ethernet port is where the signal of  course comes in from the outside world and then it   outputs simultaneously to two sdi and one hdmi  so you could feed one of these into a switcher   and you can feed the hdmi one into a monitor so  you just want to have a separate monitor with   confidence of what's what's going on and that's  exactly what is happening here right now gary's   stream is on a monitor that is an hdmi out from  the streaming bridge onto a screen that i have   down here so i can see him the whole time and  uh and he's streaming to it so the way that   you set this up so let's do that next let's go  back to this and we go into the ATEM setup app   and here's there it is there's atm streaming  so i got three of these one two and three   so you can see that gary is he's on air that's  him he's sending me 1080p 2398 and he's sending   me at a rate of 6 megabit give or take so that's  what he is currently streaming to me i don't want   to mess with this one so i'm going to open up  a different one go into the settings in here   and here's the configuration so just like with  the ATEMs themselves you can set it to dhcp or   build a static ip the way that i build my network  and i'm not you know i'm not a network expert   but i like to say that i know enough to get  into trouble but not enough to get out of it   but the way that i set up my network because i've  got a lot of stuff in here is every device is set   to dhcp however in my router i have assigned an ip  address to every mac address so i go through the   process of finding the mac address of every piece  of hardware that comes in that goes on the network   going into my router saying this about address  gets this ip address and i have a spreadsheet   of all the possible ip addresses and i've grouped  them into lumps of like 50 or whatever to say this   50 is reserved for computers this 50 is reserved  for streaming hardware it's you know not necessary   but i've done this just for my own sanity and  when i need to know the ip address of anything   on the network i can just pull up my spreadsheet  and i go oh okay streaming deck number two is   is uh you know 128 so then i just it just makes  that easy okay so you get your ip address for this   then this is the interesting part the streaming  the port forwarding so okay right now it says   internet status port forwarding error but  if i hit retry it's going to refresh and   it says visible worldwide i don't know why  but quite often when you first launch this   even though you have it configured correctly  it'll say is an error hit check again and it goes   oh just kidding it's actually fine and believe  me it's i've had one or two heart attacks from   this but um but that what that button is doing is  it's pinging the outside world from the hardware   to make sure that it can see the internet and  the internet can see it so super easy that's   what it's doing but you do have to set this up  and this is where things get a little bit tricky   so um you assign a port to this and then  we're going to go into our router software so   let's let me just before i pull that up  let me make sure that i pull this up clean   okay and here we go okay so i'm gonna go  to my router which is my local network   i'm using a synology router this is something  you can do on pretty much any router um worth   anything so don't worry about like oh my  router doesn't have that i'm sure it does   and it's just your software is going to look  different than this obviously this is a pretty   advanced router this one actually this route this  is so cool i have two isps feeding into the studio   two total there's a local you know to  the city that i live in kind of local   homegrown isp that's very good and then i  have spectrum as well i get better download   spectrum uploads the same on both of them but  i have dual isps coming into the studio because   i do a lot of things in here where it's mission  critical that i'm online and if one isp goes down   because you know they always have a tendency  to do that or for whatever reason it's acting   up i have two i can switch back and forth and  my router will automatically load balance and   hand off data to the best one or more importantly  i can actually assign a specific isp to a specific   device so you know this device always uses isp  number one this one always uses isp number two   pretty slick stuff anyway just kind of going into  the intricacies of this ridiculous setup that i   have in here um all right so um where is my uh  let's go to the network center app here we go   hello network center app excellent and the page  has totally locked up on me fabulous you know   demos man don't do them i'm telling you  let me refresh this and see what happens   there there we go now it's working properly all  right open up my network center um port forwarding   i think this is not where yeah i go to the port  forwarding right that's what i'm setting up   and i'll give this it'll take a moment to  load here's all the devices so there's my ATEM   streaming bridges so we're not gonna  mess with number one so number two   go in here and if i edit this you'll see that it  has a public port number 1932. let's go back to   the setup this one here there's that same  worldwide port you can enter any number you   want here this is you just punch in you know  one two three four whatever you want in here   but whatever port you enter here along  with the ip address of this device so   what was it 128 so the 128 ip and this 1932 if  i go back to safari we see there it is so then   the there's the private ip address this particular  router allows me to see all my assigned ip   addresses with the names that i've custom set so  it makes it really easy to find so there's number   you know bridge number two and then i set up  that public port um oh you have to set it to tcp   udp protocol that's what you want to set it to  and that's it i set that and once that's set   then the router will be able to pass the data  through and it will show up on the internet so   you see here broadcast from internet and it says  right here status is visible worldwide now i can   if i'm not using this across the internet this is  also very powerful to use just on a local network   if i set this to local network without key then  basically that means no password required if   you will one if i set it to that way any ATEM  on the local network will see it it will just   automatically see that bridge from its stream  auction menu so where you go choose youtube   facebook whatever you'll just see your bridge in  there it just shows up and then you select it and   you hit stream and you're now streaming  from the an ATEM on your local network   directly to that streaming bridge it's if you  want outside people to come in that's where you   need to do the port forwarding and set up the  internet access to it but if it's just locally   just internal then that's all you got to do you  just set it up and you can have it with a password   or without a key or without pretty slick okay but  let's go back to the way that gary's using it so   again it's set up as a as internet obviously this  is all configured and i've got some things i can   change in here there's really nothing i need to  do and then i go to this external ATEM mini pro   and here i name the bridge whatever i want the  server is defined the key by the way this key here   whenever i want to refresh it i just go into here  and uh look where to go there you go i go in here   and i hit refresh you'll hit this button it just  generates a new key so there's that key ry2f right   that's the current key that key shows up here  i can choose a quality that i want as a default   in the preset that i'm building but gary will  be able to change that whoever's got it we'll   be able to change it i'll set it to streaming  high as the default and then i click save   and this is going to generate a simple little xml  file that's it it's just an xml file it's tiny so   teeny teeny tiny little text file i then email  that to whoever i want so i email that to gary   gary then downloads that file and then he  goes into his uh his ATEM and now i have   to switch back over to the atm extreme here he  goes into his ATEM and under streaming he says   load streaming settings and he selects that file  and then it shows up under loops under output   live stream it'll just show up under here  and you'll see that output so that's it   that's literally all it takes and then as soon  as he hits on air he shows up in my feed and   it's it's brilliant it's so so useful i've done  the the big live show that i did where we were   kind of playing with the whole thing i had i think  one caller was from portland one was from i think   the bay area and then someone from sweden i think  that's how we had that set up so i you know it was   coming from all over the world it was really cool  it's really cool that you can do this so so that's   what the streaming bridge does a relatively  inexpensive little box no i don't remember 500   i remember i don't remember the pricing terrible  prices um but relatively inexpensive for what it   is and it gives you the ability to bring a  stream in and it can be a caller it can be   anything right anything that you want to  feed into your ATEM you can stream to a point   elsewhere in the world for them to include  in their live show so that's how that works   um yeah i guess there's not much else to say  about that so let's see if there's any questions   about it but that one's pretty straightforward i  don't imagine there's going to be going to be much right um uh just trying to switch modes  here i did check on the hyperdeck um hd studio um hd mini and it does not support  the uh four four four four output so you need   to build that it's would be nice if  it did but it does not support that   um okay can you recommend specific wired or  wireless bikes that plug in directly into the ATEM   oh gosh um okay sure and just before so i don't  forget by the way the price is 245 for the   the streaming brush i knew it was very  affordable so i wanted to make sure i   said it was like 500 so that was double that  so it's 245. okay specific wired mics um   i would say i don't have a specific  model number but i would say   go to road rod roads website they they make great  mics very affordable very good quality mics and   they absolutely have wired mics on there um that  would be the first place that i would send you   there's i don't have any sort i gave it away i  had a wired mic from another company i'm trying   to remember the name of the company that was quite  good but i gave it away cause i didn't need it i'm totally blanking on the name but i'm just  going to say start with rode rode is good for a   inexpensive wired mic that is going to be very  good that would be my baseline starting point   as you grow on beyond that you know rode makes  great mics sennheiser makes great mics in fact   sennheiser is what i'm using center and road are  what i have everywhere in the studio the shotgun   mic that i use in my office it actually knows  i guess that's not a sennheiser road that is a   darn what is that one um i'll try to remember to talk about it when  we go in there because we are going in there   in a little bit and i'll have to look  at it i always forget the name that one   but i've got a i'm not using it right now for this  because i'm on the lav but i've got a sennheiser   shotgun mic over there this mic is a  sennheiser avx that's the digital mic   system um and then my little on-camera mics are  all road mics so those are the two companies i   mostly work with uh but anyway they're all they're  all great i mean they're really good quality so   here's a good one actually uh is there a way  to use the ATEM streaming bridge to control a   blackmagic camera remotely over the internet  no unfortunately no because it's a one-way   communication so you can't take control of that  blackmagic camera across the internet that way   that'd be cool if you could it is a it is  a good idea um okay let me see i had one um   okay uh what is the best most price reasonable  solution for streaming um from the ATEM mini   extreme iso or basically uh the ATEM minis  to both youtube and facebook at the same time   um any difference uh if you only do it once in a  while and if you do it often is there a downside   to streaming to both channels at the same time  okay so technically the way that you do it is   using a restream service so there's one called and they're uh their service works   great i've used it a whole bunch and you can  stream to a ton of destinations at once and they   handle everything right so you basically you get  your restream dot io key which you saw   is now built in natively to these so you get your  key for your stream paste it in there and then on   the restream website you say you know where you  want it to go to you check all the boxes where you   want it to go to they pricing wise they they have  monthly plans and i believe they also have per   stream plans i could be wrong on that a while ago  i bought a lifetime license from them so it was   on some crazy sale and it was it cost very very  little for what it was it's kind of i look back   and i can't believe i got it for that cheap but  but i've got a you know lifetime license to stream   to a whole bunch of destinations at once now if  you need more destinations than what's included in   your plan you can also add on additional streams  per stream so there's a lot of flexibility in it   but restream dot io is definitely the place that i  would go to check that out if that's not enough or   good enough amazon has a whole system in place you  get a hardware box from them that you're streaming   directly through that box to their  servers and then they can redistribute   but that's like you know really high level um  restream dot io works great and it's a great price there was a second question in there wasn't  maybe i've talked a little bit on this yesterday   wasn't there a second question in there a second part of that that i missed i i think it was based on um whether  or not they were going to do it often   or um okay just once in a while if there was a  difference okay yeah do restrict check that out so can you talk about i think we did  yesterday the the best way to integrate   professional balanced audio signals from an  outside mixer um or microphone uh into the   dual unbalanced audio jacks of the  hm minis with a minimum of distortion   cable interference latency other artifacts uh this  is a great question talk about both line and mic   i mean i can help a little bit it may take more  than that okay so let me show you if i go back to   the computer so i'm looking in the ATEM settings  right now under the audio tab and under general   and each mic input can be switched between  line level or microphone level and then the   newer atms have microphone with plug-in power and  so you've got these options of where you want to   set your level so that's critical if you're  coming off a mixing board you got to set it   to line level let's get that nice and close you  got to get that to line level that is super super   important to do other than that it just comes  down to quality cables you know like any other   audio setup you want good cables shielded cables  don't have any longer than you then you need   don't run them next to power lines all that good  stuff but that's all just you know kind of audio   basics but in the ATEM switching it to line level  that's critical if you're coming off of a mixer if it's okay i'll um just say a few words about  this because it's kind of an area i'm interested   in a lot one of the problems is from balance to  unbalanced that people often fire this wrong and   i want to say that it is incorrect to take a  balanced audio source you know the two signals   plus ground and wire them to the tip ring and  sleeve of the unbalanced jack going in uh because   the end result that you'll get is um uh out of  his audio left and right and anybody listening   in mono will hear nothing and i can guarantee  that there are many many users out there that   that say some iphones won't hear their um their  podcast or whatever and other iphones well not   iphones particularly some brands of phones won't  hear the audio and other brands of phones will   and it's strictly because they wired the  microphone incorrectly going into the hm mini   if you're going from a professional audio  console the output level is a plus 4 dbu that's   a certain voltage it's quite high compared  to hifi levels the hm mini input is minus   and it's unbalanced there are devices out there  there's active devices and passive devices and i   can't name brands and things but you can kind  of look them up on the internet i recommend a   transformer always a transformer based device will  let you take unbalanced to balanced and either way   and it will always generally always eliminate  any noise hum interference and things like that   that can happen from uh from various sources uh  there are some really good ones out there i think   he's got one in his hand um that you know they  could cost under a hundred dollars easily um oh   anyway let me let me they'll be talking um  there are some good ones out there that um   that you can get from under under a hundred  dollars you can even get really inexpensive   um for under ten dollars that will you know  work in a pinch sometimes i use a bunch of   those around here just to get rid of noise be  going between unbalanced to unbalance because   cables and grounding always causes this kind of a  problem so it's always best to come up with some   solution to eliminate this but um uh i i recommend  a transformer-based product if possible to   to go from a professional  audio console to uh to the mini   go ahead okay i want to add something about the  the ground or tell a story who's talking about the   interference and grounds and so on i very recently  on my recorded shows which are often done here uh   there's an audio buzz that got introduced  into my signal and i was having a hell of   a time figuring out where it came from and i  finally just before we went live yesterday i   tracked it down which is good otherwise you  guys would have been hearing it right now   and there was so i've got a mixed pre that is  my audio interface that my current wireless   lab is routed into so this is a and like i said a  digital av system sennheiser avx it's got a little   thumb size and here i can actually show you  what this looks like so i got a second one here   it's got a little thumb size receiver that plugs  into the into the mixer so that's this guy right   here where's my close-up there we go so this  little guy here right little xlr well this thing   is it has a battery right it's battery-powered but  it also has a usb port to charge it well because   it's sitting in the rack i just have it plugged  into usb power all the time well it turns out   the usb power brick that i was plugged into was  a this little like i thought i was being clever i   bought these ones that have two usb ports on them  um you know two five volt ports so i can charge   two iphones or whatever at once well that little  piece of crap brick was introducing buzz into the   signal as soon as i unplugged that it went away  it's like you got to be kidding me so even yeah   it took me a while to find because even when this  was muted i was still getting the buzz so i didn't   think this had anything to do with it but then  i unplugged this entirely and the buzz went away   and i go oh this is causing it well hold on plug  it back in pulled out the power and it went away   okay tracked it checked the port that i plugged  the wall thing that i plugged into i'm like you   got to be kidding me it's this so there's that  so buzz can come from all kinds of places real   nice remember yesterday i said audio is harder  than video yeah definitely okay so to gary's   talk about transformers and so on um i don't  know if this qualifies as a transformer or not   but this is what i have used this is a zoom f6  let's uh close up again so this is not really   there we go this is the zoom f6 um multi-track  field recorder this has six xlr inputs and then   it has a line out which to see that's not the line  outside somewhere over here there is there it is   a line out you can see that on there so what this  does is if i'm working and i've used this in live   broadcast that i've done for clients where i'm  getting an audio feed from the mixing board so   i'm going xlr into this from here i can adjust  levels if i need to and then send the line out   plus this gives me the ability to record natively  in here uh which is super awesome so that's that's   how i use this and i don't know does this qualify  as a transformer what you were talking about gary   oh shoot and i just realized darn my bad  sorry i didn't have gary on for when he   was saying that and so you guys are just  listening to silence because i have his   uh his audio set to audio follows video so  he's only on when he's on screen my bad but um   but do you want to could you repeat i'm sorry  gary could you just repeat that real quick   yeah i i was basically saying um that the the  transformer um that i'm used to is it's an old   school type thing where basically you totally  isolate the ground from one system to the other   and so only the audio passes and it passes via an  air gap so to speak so those are always the best   methods of i to isolate of course good quality  transformers are important or you you miss the   high end or the low end sometimes but um the the  other thing like in the case of the example that   you had the plugging in the usb caused the ground  of the usb system whatever it was connected to   to connect to the same ground as uh the other end  the mini or whatever device you're plugged into   and those two grounds are not going to be  exactly the same especially with computer   buses and all that kind of stuff going around  so anytime you connect two grounds that are not   exactly precisely the same you're going to get  current flow and that's going to always cause no   hum buzz on an unbalanced circuit so because the  ground unbalance is actually part of the audio   in a balanced system the ground only shields  um uh interference of the audio the audio is   actually totally isolated from ground or  at least it's supposed to be in a balanced   type system so um i would i would always have  handy a good transformer blocking device and   i've even used these really cheap 10 unbalanced  devices they've got a 3.5 millimeter in and out   you could plug that on the input of an ATEM  mini and feed just about anything into it   i they're not the best thing but in an emergency  they can get you out of a bind sometimes just to   get rid of some noise and stuff like that so  that's what i would recommend um and uh it's   up to you now cool um gary if you could send later  on and i'll include it when i do the link list of   all the external hardware um a an example of these  transformer devices you're talking about that'll   be great sure okay cool thank you all right so  um all right i just realized it is almost noon   so we're supposed to be two hours with an hour  of wiggle room in there um and we haven't gotten   into we'd like practically halfway through so i'm  gonna hit the web presenter really quickly that's   the next part and then we're gonna get into the  software stuff because that's that's where that's   where the really cool stuff is um that i want to  go to next so uh let's see here slides here we go   so web presenter hd slash 4k is what's next um  all i'm going to do right now is just show you   the interface for that so and explain what it  basically is and i'm going to do this by opening   up the settings for this let me get it fired  up and then i'll switch over to this screen   um i already had it there we go and what just  happened okay i don't have no idea why this is   white in the background but that's okay so this  is the control panel for this web presenter hd   and you can see that it's been streaming for two  and a half hours it's streaming to youtube at   about six megabit stream if i go into this you  can see the settings of this it's i can set my   my size and bit rate sorry size and frame rate  and set the quality on here and i can actually   change it while live if needed and that's the  key of the current youtube stream i probably   shouldn't show that but there you go so all  this is doing it's a very very simple device   it is the web encoder that is built into this in  a standalone piece of hardware with its own inputs   and outputs it's not a switcher it's got you know  one input and then an output for monitoring and   i'm going to show you that in a second but this  allows you to take you can take a single camera   if you just wanted to go live with one camera  no switching you could plug one camera into   that and off you go it also can act as a webcam  interface so just like the atm has a usb out   plugs in your computer and the computer sees the  atm as a webcam same thing with the stream deck   sorry with the the web presenter it  will has a usb out that the camera   computer can see as a that's a webcam it also  has a usb input to connect to a mobile device   which is something we didn't talk about with the  atoms but you can do this with the ATEMs as well   where you can use a cellular connection to go  live obviously you know you're a much higher   risk of losing a connection that way but you have  it primarily it's there for backup so if i had a   mission critical live event and i wanted to have a  backup that was over cellular i could plug that in   and have it default over to the just fail-safe  switch over that which is really really cool   and you can do that in the in the ATEMs and  you can do that in the web presenter as well   um the web presenter one of the really cool things  about it is it has this monitor that you can watch   to see what's going on so i have this cued up here  ah man i swear you know i had all some somehow i   broke right before we went live let's definitely  turn that off there we go let me try one more time nope okay i broke something i'm sorry i  had this perfectly set up and then i added   something last minute this morning and it really  botched things and i don't know what happened   but anyway you get this great interface  that shows you the status of your stream   the status of your audio everything tons  of data that's really really cool to see   and i'm sorry that doesn't work it's the reason  this is complicated to show up is because   it will show what is being streamed live and i am  using it right now to stream this show to youtube   and so if i just bring it up normally then the  window of what's being streamed is that and so   you get the infinite mirror effect and so i have  a supersource setup where it and where it overlays   this video that you're looking at right now  on top of it and i broke something in my last   minute scramble to add something else so darn it  that's why you test everything before you go live   unlike me okay so that's that's all i wanted  to say about that really cool product um now   we're going to get into the last part of this  which is super fun the bit focus companion   so companions the software elgato stream deck  that's the hardware and we're also going to   hit nemo live and ultra studio 4k mini that's the  ultra studio is a blackmagic hardware we're going   to hit all of this at once because it's all kind  of ties together in how i'm using it so let me   just start with a high level of what each of these  four things are and then we're going to hit into   the other room where i've got it all set  up and we're going to play with it in there   so one at a time the bit focus companion bitfocus  is the company companion is the product this   is free open source software that allows you to  control ip-based devices tons of different devices   and i'll show you the list yeah i'll show you the  list when we get in there um tons of different   devices including the ATEM Mini so are all the  ATEMs and there are a string of of commands that   are built into it so what you do is you build in  companion a button a action that does one thing   or a whole series of things and so you can have  one button just like on the atm that switches   you know to camera one right so basically this  switching right now you're seeing is actually   running through companion it is a single command  switch to camera b switch to camera a that's it   but because it's in the software companion i can  pull up those buttons on the stream deck so the   stream deck is the physical part of this separate  product separate company elgato stream deck   they make a little tiny one and then this is the  biggest one here so let me go back to the overhead   view so this is the biggest one and you can  see that all these buttons are their little   led interfaces so i or lcd interfaces so i  can customize these to say whatever i want   you can even put pictures on them i just didn't  bother with this setup you can even have pictures   on them really neat and that gives you that  whole tactile feedback so the companion app   allows you to tie in all these commands together  kind of like macros but it's a more visual   interface now it doesn't do everything that you  can do in the ATEM so you often still need macros   but then you can combine them so you can build  a macro to do this in a macro do that and then   build a command in companion that does this this  and this and then it calls up this macro and then   it does this and this and it calls up this macro  all stringed out and you can add delays in there   so you can have it do something after a time so  one button can kick off a whole bunch of events as   an example the most complex one that i have built  for my regular live shows that i do is um i have   a set up where one button to start the show and  what it does and i wait until my countdown goes   to zero and i count down at zero and i'm ready i'm  like okay ready to go i hit the button this will   so cool starts recording in my hyper deck so it's  controlling that hits record on the hyperdeck   plays an animation through meemo live we'll talk  about that in a moment it switches all the audios   so it um it turns off the house audio before the  show came on there was house audio just music   playing so that's playing during the countdown  so switches that off it switches the audio to   the animation that's playing that animation is i  don't say 10 seconds or 15 seconds long i think 10   seconds long so it plays through that as it gets  towards the end of that it fades up my microphone   so it doesn't just turn it on it fades it up so  there's no like harsh cut for the live audience it   fades up uh my audio at the end of the animation  which is a four four four four animation with   transparency as that animation wizzles out and  does this thing on screen you see me revealed   behind it so it has loaded me into screen in  the meantime and um let's see here what else   uh and then after like two seconds it brings up  this lower third oh see oh man i'm really worried   about what else i broke and it's not gonna work  when i go in there but it brings up a lower third   that comes up and it has my name and brand on it  so all of this stuff is triggered with one button   it's really cool and then at the end of the show i  have another one that ends the show it goes to an   end screen and stops the recording so that's just  an example what you can do so that's companion the   stream deck already mentioned physical hardware  then there's memo live so memo live is a very   powerful very robust app it's mac only that allows  you to do all kinds of switching overlays graphics   titles um picture-in-picture type layout think of  it like uh like obs for those who know obs but obs   that's not open source is a you know company  behind it that is quite a bit more powerful   it's um memo stands for multiple in multiple out  and the idea is you can bring in multiple streams   in from video sources things that are on your  computer that you play back rtmp sources whatever   just bring all the stuff in mix it up however you  want and then it can go out multiple ways you can   use it to stream directly to somewhere you can  feed a video feed to a an ATEM which is what i do   you can feed a video feed out to the ultra studio  4k mini which is also what i do we're gonna look   at all this uh simultaneously so it's the multiple  outs you have it go out wherever you want so you   can use it as a live stream production on its own  but when you combine that software with hardware   the ATEM then you get the best of everything  and so this is the kind of best of both world   scenarios you have all the reliability of the  hardware the quality of the hardware with the   flexibility of software so you get  the best of both combined together   and then finally the last piece on that so this is  the ultra studio 4k mini which is an interface for   the computer that has dual sdi outs that's what  i'm using it for so that allows me to just like   we talked about earlier from the hyperdeck playing  out 444 video where i've got a video and an alpha   i can do that from the computer playing out but  i have to have those dual sdi outputs so that 4k   mini gives me those dual sdi outputs so in my  setup those dual sdi outputs are feeding into   my big ATEM for all the switching so that those  are the four things let's go into the other room   i really hope that everything still works when  i get in there but here we go we're gonna switch and you stopped hearing me once i walked  in because once i hit the button because   it switched microphones for me so again that  was a switch that happens automatically uh   what happens when i hit that button switch  camera angles and switch the microphone so   here we are um give me a second here to rearrange  some things on screen then i'm going to hit my   screen share button and i have a feeling this  is broken okay i got to figure out what i did   so give me a second here i'm just going to pull up  my my ATEM and figure out where this is broken why   where's this transparency coming from oh  pre-multiplied key nope that wasn't it ah there we go aha see okay this is a  failure of perfect this is a failure of   building enough things into the macro so i had  these macros set up before where i was using a dve   key for my upstream key then last minute i added  something that used a luma key and when because   i had last left it as a luma key for that i didn't  have built into the macro to switch to the dve key   and so that's why it broke so that's why a  bunch of things broke earlier so which means i   can probably now show you i might even be able to  do it from here um go back to this view and then   go to web presenter yes there we  go so now that works so let me just   real quickly bring that back up so this is the web  presenter view that i wanted to show you earlier   so this is what that looks like so now you can see  all the different pieces for that so you get your   you can see the status of your cache um you can  see your data rate that's being transmitted and   so on and so on so uh that's it's awesome  this is great okay let's go back over there   try not to break things again set that back  turn that key off uh back to the office voila here i am okay so again the importance of  building a macro that has everything you need   in it and obviously testing things before you  go live okay so let's uh let's go to the screen   excellent and um let me just show you the  desktop video hardware first the ultra studio   4k mini this is the hardware that i was talking  about that has the um the output so this is   the this is their own software that controls it  so you can see um this is all the hardware that   is currently connected to my mac so like i said  it's a mac pro so this is a a thunderbolt device   and then i've got in here a um a decklink mini  monitor which gives me a 4k hdr capable output   so i plug that into my reference monitor and then  i have another pci card that has four hdmi inputs   so this allows me to feed video into my computer  and i think that's everything yep it shows that's   everything here but this little guy right here has  the dual sdi out all right and then behind there   is memo but we're going to start with um we're  going to start with the companion so let me find   that web page i know i have it set up in here  oop wrong browser where's safari where's safari   there it is and so many things open all right  let's get this let me hide everything else   hide everything else there it is and bring up  that screen okay so this is this is companion so   here's how this works you have this thing called  instances this is what connects to your hardware   so these are all the different pieces of hardware  that are currently connected to companion that i   can control from here so you've got you know the  ATEM mini nemo live as an app is connected my big   atm 2me als the xr16 which is my behringer audio  interface the l6 hyperdex my perl which is another   hardware live streaming thing and then more minis  so there are more ATEMs there's a lot of atms on   the network here and if i go ad by manufacturer  you can see all the different companies that have   products in here it's a ton of stuff in here um  oh look elgato key light so if i oops if i go   elgato word that go so if you have a key light or  a ring light you can actually control that from   here right i mean that's so cool um if i go into  search i can do let's see if i do like projector   barco projectors christie projectors that  are controlled panasonic projectors that   are controllable in here it's just wild go by  category and there's just a ton of stuff in here   that can be controlled certain microphones you  can control it's just amazing amazing bunch of   aj hardware a bunch of stuff in here so this is  what this interface does and it's open source   so you've got engineers who are kind of in  their spare time just for giggles making new   modules and here's what's really cool as an open  source community you go to the um the github page   and you can request modules if you have something  you can request and if someone knows how has the   time wants to they'll do it and if you need  it you can offer to pay you know people like   hey oh you know it's worth 1000 bucks for me to  have this thing someone will do it for you so   pretty cool setup so that's the kind of base  of it now let's go in and look at some of   these configurations so this is currently set up  we're looking at the one that is actively running   so if i look at my buttons these are the buttons  that you saw on this on my hyperdeck right so if   i click any of these buttons here it is going to  actually do the switch so um i'll just do it i'll   go ahead and i'll switch i'll hold down the shift  key it turns into action but i'll hit a and um   in it oh right and i still have the us  key the key on so there you go i didn't   have that manually set so let's switch back  to this but um this gives you there we go   this gives you the ability to control whatever  you want in here so here i can do it by software   this is the setup page i'll get into how to set  this up in a moment so this is the setup page   but i can go over here to a web button version it  opens up a web browser version of this or let me   close that there's also the mobile buttons which  is basically the same thing but it's a slightly   different feel to it that works better on a mobile  interface and so this is what you would have   on an ipad or uh any touch based you know anything  with a browser basically so you could load that up   in there this is just the url right go to web  buttons i just copy and paste that url into any   browser anywhere on the local network and i have  control um and if you really wanted to get fancy   you could even set up a vpn and have somebody  extra oops um they were going to have somebody   externally um i just realized you were listening  to me on the other mic but you could hear me   the sorry um like i said yesterday you could  set up a vpn and have somebody outside of your   network even controlling it through here as well  if you wanted to wild so let me just show you some   of the setup in here because it is really really  cool let's look at a very simple one the switch to   camera b all it's doing is telling the hm2 and  me to set the input on the program to camera b   so the way that i would do this uh if i wanted to  delete it i'll make a new one so i go in here add   key down actions so you see all the different  commands in here so you start typing to narrow   it down so i'll say program and so there's the  commands atom2me set input on program so go on   the 2me set the input on program oops i missed set  input on program on the 2me send input on program   there it is okay brilliant now it's just breaking  why does everything break in a demo refresh this   please back to the buttons back to the b program  set input on program 2me okay seriously what is   actually happening right now you've got  to be kidding me why is this not working you know you know just how things are right and  now i've broken that button so let me refresh   this again try one more time that is so bizarre  if that doesn't work i have a way around this program set input on programs select it oh for  the love of okay so here's what i'm going to do   i'm going to delete that button i'm going to copy   button c over here and i'll  rename that that is my b oops b tight is that what i called it b tight  and then here's the program that should have been   added what was i don't know why it wasn't  adding but then i go over here and i say   switch that to the right camera so there's there's  a very simple that's all it does i have no idea   why this thing isn't working right now um that  adds it to it okay so each one of these has that   so if i go to something that's a little bit more  complex like um this mac multi-view one so this   is running a macro from the atm two of me so i  built a macro called mac plus extreme that does   a bunch of the layout and then this one let's see  atm iso run macro this is setting a second macro   uh oh what's the multi-view output is so i'm doing  two things on two different ATEMps on the atm 2me   and the ATEM mini extreme simultaneously with this  one button so that's where these things all come   in so that's that's effectively at its core what  it is um if i let's see here if i load up the   give me a second here i'm gonna i'm on the other  screen right now i know you can see what i'm doing   i'm going to launch the gui for the other  instance of this it's currently running here we   go let's bring this over here and here's my for my  regular live shows this is a different button set   i hit pre-show and this sets up my faders turns  off the audio on the mic turns on the audio for   the the pre-show the pre-roll um brings up  a slide cues some music all of this stuff is   happening with one button and then here's the  show open where it turns off one of the keys   it sets a different key on it runs a macro it sets  up a cue it cues up my video oh no it sets the   queues up a color for the um uh for the preview  for part of the transition it sets the transition   style so all of these things get done there's the  hyperdeck um it sets the format to h264 and then   it starts recording it with the name photo moment  live and then it'll append the date and time after   that it all of this stuff happens at once and it  takes you know like a minute or something to run   through the whole thing because it's playing a  video and there's delays you delay millisecond   delays 100 millisecond delay and then we've got to  hear a quarter second delay here wait for a full   second before executing wait five seconds before  executing wait seven seconds before executing   all these different pieces are in there with the  delay so this is this is awesome and this layout   right here that you're looking at this is designed  so let me go back to the one that i'm actively on   here we go um this is designed to go with the the  stream deck so let me go to a blank one totally   blank page there we go so see the little gray  boxes behind it it's representational of i think   the smallest stream deck is just these number but  eight buttons i think that's right and then that   gray box represents another size and then these  all of them represent another size so depending   on which stream deck you have you just build your  buttons into the right size in there and as you   saw you have multiple pages in here so you can  you can do that so this is really really really   awesome and powerful okay so now let's talk about  memo live let me switch over to that and show   how this is being integrated and then you'll see  how it all ties together so this is memo the the   method that i'm using to share the screen with you  right now is actually through memo so instead of   out in the main studio when i was sharing  my screen i had my mac basically feeding   directly into the switcher um yeah it's going  from thunderbolt into hdmi and then it has to   convert converted to sdi because my sdi switcher  but it goes into the switcher as an input and i   that means that i have to mirror my screen to well  either i can two choices i can mirror my screen   which means i have to set my screen resolution  on my mac that i'm looking at at 1920x1080   and you might have noticed that there's times  where i'm like looking in close because it's   a really small macbook air screen and at that  resolution it's kind of hard to see some things   or i can set up a dual screen layout right and  then that screen can be whatever it wants but the   atm has to be 1920x1080 it has to be when i'm  streaming when i'm using memo to share it'll take   whatever i want at whatever size i want and scale  it to output over the over using the um using the   back here using the ultra studio it'll scale  it to whatever resolution i've set on the ultra   studio which is currently 1080p so it'll scale so  i can tell it to share this whole screen or share   part of the screen or whatever and scale  it however i want to so that's the inputs   um actually i guess we should go let me start at  the end here and then i'll go back starting at the   end here is the output excuse me at the outputs we  have output destinations so a memo call i can send   this out there's a lot of things but anyway here's  the one i want to show you here's sending out to   the ultra studio 4k and you see it's currently  on air it's red if i wanted to add another ATEM   piece of hardware i go in here or another  blackmagic hardware there's a whole category   of blackmagic design hardware i select that and  then on the video on sorry on the device output   i can choose where it's going to send the video  and then what is it going to send is it going   to send the program out or is it going to send  a dedicated one of the other layouts or stacks   that i have set up in here i can send anything  that i want out to that so i could have multiple   video interfaces let's say so i showed you the let  me see here go back to this for a second i showed   you this card right this is four hdmi inputs  blackmagic makes one of these that is for hdmi   outputs i'm actually really considering putting  one in here because it would just be fun but then   back over here in mimo i would have  access to each one of those outputs   and i could send any separate video out any  one of those outputs even simultaneously   it's really really powerful stuff okay  so let me get rid of this thing before i   forget what i've done and messed something up  so i am currently outputting to the ultra studio   it is outputting uh the video format i have  to set that right to match the atm 1080p 2398   and then there's the keying mode so i've  set the key to what's called external   and that means that the software is going to send  a separate key channel out over the ultra studio   so that both the video and the key get sent to the  ATEM okay so that's the kind of back end of how it   works now we're actually going to set something  up and that'll be the final part of this demo so   let me go back to this um in here you'll see  there's all these different video sources where   do i want video to come in from i can bring it in  from the ATEM um i think there's that innogenie   that i talked about right i've got that coming in  as a separate as a separate input it's for various   things i can bring in ipads and iphones directly  so all that i can bring into here so that's cool   um excuse me memocolor is just a way to bring  in live callers over the internet um desktop   capture this is what you're actually looking at  right now so there's my benq screen right here so   this is how you're seeing my screens this output  and a bunch of other stuff in here but i have   this one here video to play this is the one we're  going to play with so this is a little subscribe   animation that i've loaded in it's just a little  four four four four graphics file so now let's   add this to the show so there's there's multiple  steps to get this involved so this is the source   then i have these things here called layer stacks  a layer stack can be all kinds of different things   this is what will actually get sent to air so this  is just the media nobody can see this yet until   i add it to this stack here and what depending on  what type of media it is i choose the layer stack   and you know i can generate things from here  i can generate clocks and i can generate um   i don't know scores if you're doing scores you can  generate all kinds of stuff but in this case all i   need is this video to come in so i'm just going  to add this to the bottom of the stack in here   um there we go add it to the bottom of the  stack and i'm going to rename this it's just   called a placer i'm going to call this my sub  button and this is now playing up here now we   can see what this looks like up here so this if  i click live right now we're not going to see   anything because it is under my current  desktop stack so let's actually move it   to the top of that in the scroll all  the way to the top move it to the top   now if i hit live we should see it there you go  you see the animation flying in so that's the what   you saw on top of that was the actual animation so  once again there's that animation coming in okay   so now i don't want it just sitting there it's  kind of a weird place for it so let's position   it so i go down here to geometry it's set to full  screen but i'll go to custom and now i can just go   in here i can drag this and i can scale it to make  it a little bit smaller set it off to the side in   there okay let's preview that again and there's  that animation coming in okay so now i've got this   set up if i'm just doing a live show and i want  to have a keyboard shortcut forget about the um   um forget about using companion for a moment  i'm just using this i want to set up a keyboard   shortcut to trigger that i go down here to  triggers layer um type in shortcut okay so to try   that up i'm going to do i don't know control  shift s for subscribe okay so i just set that   keyboard shortcut now i hit ctrl shift s and that  triggered it and there it goes you saw it come in   okay so that's one way to do it however let me get  rid of that so i don't mess it up what i if i want   to include this in a companion setup then i go to  this next level of setting up a layer set now you   can think of a layer set almost like a macro or  almost like a companion series of events a layer   set can activate and deactivate multiple layers  at once and so if i want to have a layer set that   turns on this background video it turns on that  animation this sound whatever i built that as a   layer set so it's one click to do that so what i  do here is i go in and i add a new layer set and   creates at the bottom we're going to call this  sub layer and i open this up and it shows me   everything every single layer stack is showing up  in here now as i said it can do it can either well   for each layer it can either do nothing no action  it can bring that layer live it can set that layer   off or if we can do what's called a force off the  difference there is if you for a lot of layers you   can have the off command have an animation so like  when i turn it on it comes into screen and then i   turn it off it goes out of screen so if i use as  part of the layer command off then when i hit it   it'll do out of screen but i can also enable  force off which means no matter where it is it   just immediately disappears it's just immediately  off there's no animation it ignores the animation   just cuts it off so you can go either way um all  right so what i want is i don't want it to do   anything for well i'm sorry i wanted to make it  live for the sub button but then i don't want it   to do anything to anything else so i'll just hit  no action for everything else for this particular   thing the sub button all i want it  to do is activate that sub button   okay so now you're thinking hold on why do this if  you're why build a layer set that does one thing   that i could do up here well here's why because  if i right click on these little three buttons   there's this thing here it says copy layer set  api endpoint to the clipboard this now allows me   to integrate this into my browser back up into  companion which totally failed to work for us   earlier so we're going to see if it breaks and if  it doesn't i've already got one if it does break   i've already got one set up so let's go here and  create a new button set button type regular button   we're going to call this sub and the action  is going to be a get command from memo live   and it's totally not doing it i cannot for the  life you imagine why this isn't working but it   would create a get command from emo live and then  i paste that url into this so that's what the url   looks like here's the kind of gnarly part of this  you have to type slash recall at the end of it i you'd think the integration would be better  it isn't so you literally have to physically   type slash recall at the end of that command  for it to do effectively what this is doing   you notice that this says this is a this is just  an a url it's just a website right it's all it is   but it's not a website it's an api command and  this call is calling nemo live and this recall   is the final command that says do it i guess so  this command right here will trigger the animation   this command right here is part of the button  will turn on the upstream key that is needed to   make that animation be visible so wait a minute  what's going on here well remember right now when   you see it you're seeing it through the memo  interface all right you're seeing it on here   and the only reason that you can actually see it  on your screen where you're sitting right now is   because i'm sharing this screen through memo as a  um through sorry through the ultra studio which is   then showing up in the ATEM as an upstream key  when i if i hit this button right now you go   away see gone hit it again and you're back so this  has to be turned on for that animation to come up   so to make sure that it actually works i make sure  that it actually turns it on so let's go back to   the right page here we go so make sure that it  actually turns it on so now if i hit test button   here we should see yeah of course now you know i  broke something so but you should see that come   on to play and it should play up on top of that i  don't have no idea why i broke it but something i   broke is breaking it so that is effectively  how that would work so let me see it did i   it works there oh duh because i deleted i deleted  the one that was here that's why i wasn't working   so let me copy that api endpoint go back to here  go to the one that does work let's put in the new   api endpoint so everything minus the recall there  it is and now oops now when i hit test voila there   it is and now it works so that's how that all  ties together which is crazy it's a huge amount of   stuff to tie together but it is so powerful when  you get all this sorted out it is there's so much   that you can do in here all right let me go back  out to the other room i'll be right back with you okay that's that i could spend a week showing  you nemo live there's so much you can do in there   integrating with the ATEM through the blackmagic  hardware it's just an incredible incredible setup   immense flexibility and power embedded in that  thing and when you start putting all these pieces   together it's just wild what you can do so that's  the stuff that i wanted to show you i would love   to show you a lot more in there but um you know  at some point i gotta go eat lunch so let's see if   there's any final questions and then we're gonna  wrap this thing up and call it a day or a day and   a half or whatever it has been um gary where are  we oops i'm waiting for my switcher to come back   there we go there it is gary how are we doing  any questions that came up so um i i we're pretty   clear with questions i'm just typing a couple of  things um hold the stream on uh for a little bit   after you uh after you close it just uh so i can  finish uh finish up here otherwise it goes away um   but yeah there aren't any more questions  that i can see um the uh a couple of um   really good uh contributions uh from some of  the the viewers have listed some links for the   uh isolation devices and things like that so  there's been a lot of contribution in here that's   pretty useful i hope people have been taking  note of that awesome please make sure you send   those to me because i'm not i'm not looking  at the chat stream so i won't see any of that now hold the um uh you can do your clothes  can you hold the stream on long for a little   bit so yeah i can start you know kind of of  course stuff off because absolutely it's gone   okay cool we'll do that all right folks so  um you heard the man we will i'm gonna leave   the zoom call open just on my end screen for a  while here so that he can answer your questions   and um and then i guess i'll give he has the power  to shut it down so i'll let him shut it down when   it's done the youtube stream will go away as soon  as i go off the air here um thank you everybody   for attending i hope this was fun and awesome and  educational and informational and all that good   stuff this is it's been a rock in two days there's  so much that we've covered and it's as with   everything i'm just scratching the surface so um  just to remind you yet again i'm i have a youtube   channel where i have a bunch of videos on on this  stuff i've done a ton of atm videos in the past   and i have a series an ongoing series called ATEM  mini tips kind of a play on words there but it's   little ATEM mini tips dedicated to the ATEM mini  and its surrounding hardware and each new video is   just some other little particular tip in there if  there's ever a tip that you want you're like how   do i do this ask me in a comment there and i'll  add it to my list of tips that i will i will do   i've got a massive list of them to do i just wish  i had more time in the day and the week and the   month in the year to do more of these but you know  there's only one of me here so i do what i can uh   thanks again everybody for attending this video  will be re-uploaded to youtube to my youtube   channel photojoseph later in the or  next week and um and yeah that's the plan i guess   that's everything so if any questions you didn't  get answered gary's gonna stick around and try   and do those via text for you and um anything you  think about afterwards go ahead and drop it into   one of the comments on my youtube videos or feel  free to hit me up on twitter as well just you know   publicly post a question on twitter photojoseph  on twitter and i'll do my best to get to you   i guess that's it okay hey guys thanks again this  was super awesome i hope you had as much fun as i   did i'm signing off i'm gonna go eat lunch gary's  gonna answer your questions we'll see you later   bye bye gotta find my page where i put the  end thing here it is end screen bye you
Channel: PhotoJoseph
Views: 10,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atem mini, atem mini pro, atem mini pro iso, atem mini extreme, atem mini extreme iso, chroma key, green screen, picture in picture, pip, pocket cinema camera atem control, hyperdeck, streaming bridge, web presenter hd, atem graphics, atem lower thirds, bitfocus companion, el gato stream deck, stream deck, blackmagic atem mini, atem mini setup, atem mini switcher, atem mini live, blackmagic atem mini pro, blackmagic atem, connect atem to computer, mini extreme iso, #atem
Id: 5qEs8uRyOoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 294min 52sec (17692 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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