Give Me 15 Minutes and I Will Change Your Game Forever - Your Score Will Drop Quickly!

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there are times when golf can feel like a 9 to5 job you're just standing there looking at the clock waiting for it to be over and coincidentally the average golf score is 95 but wouldn't it be nice if instead of working from 9 to5 on your golf game you started working from 7 to 2 72 that's a much better number what you're going to learn today is the exact lesson I would give someone to go from 95 to 72 and play the best golf of their life now that was a refreshing golf shot the first thing you should do with any golf swing is work on improving your contact point and that starts at the setup when I get set up to the golf ball you might notice a few different things that help me to crisp it every single time and it feels great the first thing is I'm standing over the ball I'm not leaning away and I'm not leaning towards the target staying over the ball is one of the foundations of striking the ball solid if I stayed over you see my shoulders hips and knees it's all like boxes on top of each other if I just stayed like this throughout the swing the chance of me striking it pure goes up immensely there it is again and so your first thing is get over the ball just get over it don't get away from it don't lean away too far the second thing you notice in my setup is this lead arm look at how it's nice and straight It's Not Bent the arms aren't pulled apart like this rather they're nice and together so I'm over the ball with my lead arm staying straight the lead arm staying straight is going to allow me to have the club hit the ground in the same spot every time and this is one of the biggest Concepts that golfers need to learn is how to control this contact Point how to know what moves the contact point so if I keep the lead arm straight and I stay over the ball I'm talking about lead arm straight all the way to the top of back swing right here and as I start down it's still staying straight as I get into impact it's still straight after impact it's straight keeping that intact throughout the swing is going to improve your contact point a ton so I'm just going to keep that arm straight throughout the swing and stay over the ball so recipe number two there's ball first and divot again great control over the contact Point next thing you're looking at for my setup is my right arm my right arm is not out cuz if it gets out then I start flipping at the ball and having some bad contact so we tuck that arm in with the lead arm staying straight this is going to control a ton of my swing which I'll get to in a little bit you're seeing from the setup here I'm building my entire swing so my weight I'm over the ball I got my left arm straight my right arm tucked in and from here I just swing once again a crisp strike and then the last thing we'll look at with my setup is my hand position look at the hands they're forward you know what good impact looks like looks like that so the hands are forward I'm presetting impact so I'm telling the club to hit the ball first and make a nice crispy divot after it and all these things I just told you about in the setup relate to solid contact over the ball left arm straight right arm tucked in hands forward what do I think I just think about swinging once I do this so I've done a pre-flight checklist of a few items once I get over the ball my pre-flight checklist is done all that set up all those setup points right there I just work on doing the swing the next thing that I would do to get your handicap dropping like crazy is learn how to use the body in the swing so how do we swing the club we have to learn how to use the shoulders instead of just trying to control the hands and the arms figure out where I want the arms to go that's many different swings at one point in time how could I get the same result I can't get the same result there if I'm trying to control a million different pieces like conductor to get your swing to work with less variables we just simply do a few things one is connect your upper arms against your sides so now I've got this machine it's like hydraulic powered my shoulders are now controlling the machine and then I get in my setup and I just use those same shoulders I was about to say shame same shoulders use the shoulders like that so now instead of my swing being up and over in all these places I have the same path every time back through back through and what's that look like with a club it looks like this back swing on the proper path down swing on the proper path and am I thinking any psychotic things or like extra manipulating moves or indepth angles and whether the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Moon and the Sun is going to affect my swing no none of that's crossing my mind that's a lot of stuff to think about the only thing that crosses my mind then after a good setup is using the shoulders like that so how do you think about the shoulders well front shoulder under your chin and front shoulder under the chin boom what we doing the down swing then my right shoulder Trail shoulder under the chin so when I get my shoulders working your entire body is going to work and the club's going to trace the same path this is where the power comes in I've got the power so I get over the ball with my lovely setup and I just shoulder it I'm shouldering it all and you look at my back swing you see the left shoulder gets under the chin and then down swing the right shoulder gets under the chin and it's like a mirror image it's back swing down swing and it's free moving you know if any point you have those shoulders stop moving you're going to see contact issues that's the number one cause of golf swing drudgery in this world is this shoulder stops ooh Club goes straight down on the ground you hear that thud but the number one cause of golf swing Happiness is when the shoulders can move around jump around if your shoulders can move back and through they're allowed to move back and through freely you're going to strike it solid and your body is going to naturally move so another thing you should see with your swing once you get the shoulders going is how the body moves like look at this hips are turning shoulders turn the hips shoulders turn the hips in the back swing shoulders turn the hips on the downswing I just let the body follow and it does it won't follow if you try and hit the ball with hands and arms or if you drop the shoulder maybe you swing over it and drop the shoulder it's just not very natural that's why go back to this if you ever have any issues I've got this machine right here swinging back and through back and through allow the shoulders keep moving so that would be how to have a powerful golf swing now you're wondering you might be wondering Tom that sounds way too simple there's so much more going on than that and you could think about it that way but check this out this is really going to simplify a lot of things so that setup I told you about look at the hands forward I got I'm over the ball a lot of your swing is taken care of right here I've got a good relationship my spine's tilted towards the ground if I just swung the shoulders that's the path right there that's the back swing I don't change anything so problems come in when you start trying to change this setup so like I said I got the right arm tucked in I got the left arm straight if I just kept like that the back swing will look like this but if my right arm gets away from me oh I've got problems or if the left arm breaks down I got problems so problems come in when you lose what you have at setup that's why it's so simple you are setting up your swing 95% of it's going to happen here my swing is built here that's why my swing will look different if I change my setup so for example watch if if I change my spine if I lean it away from the target well now I'm going to top this ball my swing just changed or if I lean too much towards the target I'm hitting way down into it and I'm swinging up a lot and chopping that's just that's just one aspect of my setup right there so that's why I'm going to get over it and stay over it and then I work work on turning the shoulders around the body so you'll find that your swing is built in the setup and then once we've got the swing built there the last thing we do is this really simple drill and it's awesome all I want you to do is focus on a couple things one is keeping your weight forward two is swinging the shoulders if you've seen a few of my episodes I talk about I took a guy who had never played golf before that's episoded back in August of 23 he never played golf before he was one of the cameraman he comes out I set him up this way he swings he hits the his first shot ever crisp and that's just because of the setup and then turning the shoulders so I've got this set up here I've added a little bit more weight for it I'm just going to swing my shoulders and when I finish I'm stopping short here I'm stopping short so that you can see that if you had good impact or not cuz if you don't know how you're doing then how do you know if you're on the right track well we have to know and what we know is our finish can tell us that our finish can tell us everything about our game so when I finish my swing you're going to see those arms are straight my both arms are straight you want to see that right there and my weight never shifted back and it's a beautiful shot how much thinking is this it's minimal thinking because once I've got the setup taken care of this is the only thing I do okay arm in left arm straight over the ball weight forward now from here keep the weight more forward for the drill and just swing the shoulders do it with every Club in the bag I don't care if it's the driver if it's a long iron here's my four iron it's one of my favorite clubs in the bag from the this drill you can learn good impact with every Club in the bag whoop just keep the same setup then I'm going to swing the shoulders and it's nuked nothing beats the feeling of a good long Iron by the way all the way up through the driver this is actually I think hitting a long iron off Turf like this is a challenge hitting a driver it's teed up you want to rip a long IR off the turf with a drill like this would tell you right away how you're doing can you keep the arm straight through impact so then look at we've built the setup we've built the back swing well you notice I haven't said anything about downswing why is that because this will be our first lesson together and I don't want you thinking too much but if you wanted to know a little bit more about the downswing I would just work on keeping the should shoulders moving and keep your right arm in because it's going to take care of it for you see the right arm is Magic I hate using gimmicky words like magic but it when I take it back I got the right arm in when I start down the right arm's in it's a beautiful down swing it just starts on its own if all problems will happen when that arm comes out so don't let the arm come out and I'm just keeping this though when I started setup I keep this arm in left arm straight weight forward I I'm keeping it so down swing's already preset that's why we didn't cover it we don't need to it's already built in doesn't mean that there might not be a lesson on downswing in the future cuz sometimes you need to tweak that but on the average if you kept that arm tucked in you're going to see a good downswing doesn't matter what club in the bag either and just swathing at this long iron well isn't that refreshing that it doesn't feel like a 9 to-5 job going out here and I'm just drudging around I don't want to be out here and it feels like a 7 to2 job working a lot less getting a lot more if you just made your practice Session 5 or 10 minutes of this you're going to see a huge return on that investment instead of just beating balls all day you're pre-pro programming fun Golfo boop boop [Music] boop and if you're looking to take your golf game the next level I've got an online golf School su. golf it's a structured golf swing training program that shows you how to build your swing step by step golf does not have to be 9 to5 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] job
Channel: SagutoGolf
Views: 117,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing, golf tips, golf tips golf swing, golf swing tips, the golf swing, golf ball striking tips, golf tips ball striking, ball striking golf, golf ball striking, golf tips irons, golf tips driver, golf tips straight, ball striking tips, golf swing ball striking tips, improve ball striking golf, golf improve ball striking, golf, saguto golf, sagutogolf, easy golf tips, golf tricks, golf tips and tricks, simple golf tips, golf tips that work
Id: m0rj5aAOq4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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