(phone ringing) (women laughing quietly) - I almost FaceTimed him. - [Man] Hello? (inhales sharply) - When was the last time you
thought about your first time? Hey, I'm Alyssa, and
today I brought in four women who are going to be doing cold calls to the guys they lost their virginity to. We have no idea if
they're going to pick up. We're a little bit nervous,
we're a little bit scared. We're a little excited. - Hello. - Hello. - Welcome. Okay, we did not plan this. (both laughing) - Hi. - Thanks so much for coming. - Thanks for having me. - Yeah. - Tell us a little bit
about the person that you lost your virginity to. - I lost my virginity to my boyfriend, my school sweetheart if you will. - Oh. - We ended up dating for five years and - Wow. - Okay, so this guy, I met
him literally 10 years ago. - Oh wow. - Yes, at a Halloween party,
which is like super cliche. - So I met him my senior
year of high school. - Okay. - Before we even dated
or anything we were just hanging out in his friend's sister's room. So random. (interviewer laughs) - So we were hanging out in her room and we talked for like six plus hours. He opened up to me, I opened up to him which is weird because we didn't
know each other like that. - Yeah. - So that's when like
it all happened, like - Oh. - That's when we were like, okay, maybe we could take this a step further. - Have you ever heard of Omegle? - It's like a video chat
thing where it's like random people come up? - Yeah. (interviewer gasps) - Him and my best friend were talking, falls in love with him. - Oh. - It's like, you're gonna
love this dude, Bella. - Wait, also, is this normal? Is this how people are meeting? Should I get on Omegle? - This is how I remember it. I would love to know how he
remembers it because I really - Right, so that's part of
why you want to call him? - Yes. - Like kind of fill in the gaps. - Exactly. - Okay, well I think we're ready to give him a call if you are. - Okay, yeah. - Yeah, let's do this. - I'm excited to see, I hope he answers. - Me too, I'm so nervous. I'm really so nervous. - I'm nervous for you. - My hands are literally shaking. I almost FaceTimed him. (phones ringing) - [Man] Hello? (gasps loudly) - [Man] What's popping? (quietly laughs) - Hey. - [Man] Hello? - Hi. - This is Ava, I don't
know if you remember me. We met 10 years ago, Halloween night. Do you remember you were
dressed as ManBearPig. I don't know if you remember this. It was a dope costume. - [Man] That sounds sounds
like something I would do. - Yeah, you definitely did that. - You know, I'd love to know
what you remember about it because I feel like, you know
my memory is not the best. - [Man] Yeah, so, it was kind of awkward. - Yeah, just a bit. - [Man] Collectively we were
kinda like, okay, this is it. This is the day. And then we went to the basement. - Oh, okay, yes, no, I remember that now. - [Man] I probably put on The Office. - Oh yeah, there was
some something playing in the background, probably. - I don't know if you
remember, we slept together and you asked me, you asked
me at the time if, you know, if this was my first time. But I basically lied to
you and I was like, no, this is not my first time. Because I wanted to save
face in front of you. - [Man] Oh no. - But I'm calling you to tell
you I have positive memories. I really do, it was, it
was a positive experience. - [Man] I really hope so. - It was, it was. (phone ringing) - [Man] I can't get to
the phone right now. Please leave a message, bye. - Hey, it's Mylynn. I was just kind of calling. I wanted to see how you were doing. Maybe we can like catch up
and talk about everything. Because I haven't heard
from you in a long time. But yeah, I hope you're doing well and hopefully you can get back to me. - That was good. - He has my number, I
think he just declined it because he saw it was me. - Really? - Yes, oh my God. - [altered male voice] Hey, all right. - How are you? - [altered male voice] I'm good, good. This is unexpected. - Oh really? Why do you say so? - [altered male voice]
Because we have not spoken in seven years. - Has it been seven? That's not true. - [altered male voice]
It's been six, yeah. - Mm, let me do the math. Oh, okay, I guess so, sure, yeah. - Why did it end? - We continued dating for I
would say a month or something. - Oh, okay. - Very short time period. You know, when you just stop liking them. - Yeah, you get the ick. - Yeah, I feel bad because it was really out of the blue for him. He was so shook. - We started dating for a year and a half until my sophomore year,
I joined the cheer team. That's when everything
kind of went downhill because I started hanging
out with like my teammates and other athletes and he
was just not having it, like, I'm your best friend. Like, you need to be with
me and stuff like that. - Yeah. - So it got to a point where I just like, why am I staying with someone
that's holding me back from all these experiences? - Yeah. - I was like, okay, let's take a break. And our rule was like, if we take a break, we're gonna break up. I actually got with
someone else at the time. - Sure. - And because I thought we were done. It was a one day break, I guess. He said it was one day break, so. - One day break! - Yeah, so he was like, did
you do anything on our break? And I was like, no, like, no. What are you talking about? No, I didn't do anything, but - Yeah. - [Man] Thanks for coming clean after all these years,
it's just haunted me. - I know, I just, I
couldn't sleep at night. I had to tell you, I to
get this off my chest. - [Man] How are you doing? - I'm good, I'm honestly, I'm doing great. Still trying to date, still
trying to figure out my life. But everything's been good. Everything's been awesome. How are you, how's life for you? - [Man] I can't complain. - Oh, good. - [Man] I've got a
girlfriend I've been with for about six months. - Oh wow, oh good. - [Man] Yeah. - I'm curious. I'm curious, do you remember anything? - [Man] Can you sent me a photo of you? I'm so sorry, it's a little bit of, I'm trying to remember it. - No, that's okay. You know what, I should
have just given you a picture of that night. - [Man] Would you have one? - I do, I straight up do. Do you want me to send it to you? - [Man] Yes. - Okay. - Oh my god, yeah, no, I remember. - Yeah. (laughing quietly) - [Man] What a blast from the past. - Just haunting you ten years later. - Would you ever expect me to call you? - [altered male voice] No. - Really? - [altered male voice]
What do you mean really? - Well, you remember when
I called you the last time? - [altered male voice] No. - What, yes you do, we had
such a long conversation. - [altered male voice] Did we? I'll be honest, I don't remember. - Oh my gosh, all right, all right. - And so you guys haven't
really spoken since? - We spoke one time. I had just spoken up
with my second boyfriend and I thought what's the harm
in calling the first one? - Classic. - We had a really nice,
four hour conversation which ended with him kind
of trying to booty call me. - Oh. - So I wasn't about it for some reason. - I just wanted him to kind of be nice and caring in that moment. Instead he was kinda like (panting lightly) - Yeah. - You know. - And then, so then, that was
the last time you guys spoke. - Yeah. - Since I have you here
and we're on the topic. I know when we first
dated for the first time, we were like, pretty peachy. Like, we would like hold hands in the hallway and like cuddle. But like, you know,
nothing really happened. And I remember experiencing
sexual assault. I think we were together
for the first time. - [Man] Yeah. - And I remember like,
feeling really scared, and just like uncomfortable, and really not knowing what to do. And I remember like the only person I felt comfortable
telling it about was you. And I just wanted to say that like I really, really appreciate,
you know, our relationship and the time we spent together. And like how like
gracious you were with me, and like how patient you were
with me, because, you know there were a lot of things
I wasn't willing to do and things that I just felt uncomfortable with because of my past experiences. And I feel like I never like really got to articulate that to you. That like, that's like
so meaningful that like I can look back on like my first time and like my first real
relationship and like, look at it so positively
and just know that like I healed so much during those years because of how amazing you were. And like how special our relationship was. And like, yeah. I just, I just wanted to say that because I feel like I've maybe
expressed it in subtle ways but I just wanted to like fully put it on the table, and just like
say thank you for that. It was really meaningful to me, so yeah. - [Man] Yeah, well that's,
that means a lot to me. I'm really glad that you could, heal and feel comfortable. - You know, even though we're not together like I still really, really care for you and like really
look on those times fondly. And I hope that you do, too. - [Man] Yeah, I do. - Yeah, thank you. - [Man] You've been training for this. - Yeah. Thank you. - I do remember like, just
feeling really comfortable even after the experience that I had. I, you know, for, for you I don't know how like significant it was but because it was quite
significant for me. So, you set a really positive tone for me. - [Man] I'm so happy to hear
that, because I had only been with my high school
girlfriend until like 2012. - Oh wow. - [Man] And then, I
mean, I ended up joining (beep) for my junior year. - Yeah. - [Man] And then I kind of
started like losing track. (women laughing) - That's so funny because I, to be honest, I didn't tell you the truth because I was like, oh,
he's so experienced. Like, I need to be able to save face. I had no idea that I was
like, among the first for you. So, that also makes me feel really good. - Two, three months passed and
he's getting to a point where he's like calling me 24/7,
like looking at my location, - Oh no. - if I would be sleeping and I don't answer my phone, he would call my friends. Like stuff like that. - Yeah. - So now I was like, you know what? I think I'm done. I gave him his promise ring,
so I had a promise ring, so that in my mind, we're done. And I get with a different
person and I don't know how, somehow, some way he found
out, he was like calling me, he was coming to my dorm. He's like, I'm getting all my stuff back. Like, I heard what you
did, I called your mom. He called my mom. (interviewer gasps) - I get to my dorm and
he's like taking his stuff like pulling his stuff,
ripping everything. - He's already in your room? - Yeah. - How did he get in? - He called my roommate. - How does he have all these numbers? - No, the last thing you ever said to me, and I remember this so distinctly, I'm like, what are you doing, like what? Like, you know what happened? He's like, I know you
slept with two athletes. And I, like, me and my best friend look at each other speechless,
and he just drives off. And like, that's the last
thing I ever heard from him. - Oh my gosh. - Yeah. - I can't find you on social media, what's going on with that? - [altered male voice] I'm a private guy. - Oh, okay, all right. - [altered male voice] Well,
I hope you're well though. And I'll catch you, yeah? - Oh, okay, all right. Well call me if you ever, if you ever feel like it,
you know, door's open. - [altered male voice]
Okay, I appreciate it. - All right, bye. - What's going on? - I'm a pretty private guy. - Yeah. - [Man] So good to talk to you. Yeah, we're, I actually
got to get back to work pretty soon here. - Yeah, no problem. - [Man] Yeah, but I mean,
I've got a girlfriend now, I'm not really on the
market, but like, yeah, it's really nice talking to you. - You too, thank you so much for answering and just being so cool about this. - [Man] Yeah, of course. - Cool, well, I'll talk to
you later at some point. - [Man] Sounds great. - Okay cool, bye. - [Man] Bye. - That was literally as good
as it possibly could have gone. - That was so amazing. - I really appreciate
you talking about this. I know it can, it's awkward to
talk about and like, we went through a lot together and I'm honestly just really glad that I
went through it with you. - [Man] It means a lot. - I love you. - [Man] I love you, bro. (both laughing) - [Man] Go get 'em tiger. - Okay, I'll talk to you later. - [Man] Okay. - Okay, bye. - [Man] Bye. - Oh my gosh, how does that make you feel? - It feels like relief. Yeah, it felt really good. - Yeah, I'm like rooting for you guys. (both laughing) I'm just kidding. Did you feel like, maybe he was like, oh and I have a girlfriend, like, did you, because maybe, I feel like maybe there was like a part of him that was like, oh are you trying to
like get back together? - Yeah, I'm like, no. Oh my God, I don't know
why I put it out there, I was like, I'm still dating
and I'm still very single. - Yeah. - And honestly like it
just shows his character. Like he's a good guy. - Yeah. - He's like up upfront
like got a girlfriend, but like, you know, we
can hang out and yeah. - Of course. - Get lunch or whatever. - Is there kind of like
something you would want to say? - Yeah, okay, I've thought about this for, I've thought about this for a long time, for literally the past two years. I would wanna say like,
thank you honestly. Like thank you, because from that like relationship I learned
so much going forward. - Yeah. - I learned how I should be treated and I don't want to make him seem like a bad guy because we
did have like, you know our good times. - Of course. - But it's just like, I don't
want anyone to ever be like you have to do what I say. Any guy to tell me what to do. - Yeah. - What to wear, who to
hang out with, like, - Yeah. - Going forward like it's
kinda like, it's my self worth. I know more for myself and
I want more for myself. - I'll be honest with
you, I feel quite uneasy. I just feel just for
so long I had like such good memories of it, remembering
that he is a standup guy and he's warm and that's the
reason I felt so comfortable. - Yeah. - In the first place. - And maybe, all of
that can still be true. I think that is. - That's true. - Do you know what I mean? Like all of that is how
you felt in those moments. I think this having an
awkward phone call now I don't think that should like, take away from like those real
memories that you had when you were with him, you know? - Yeah. You're right. - I'm glad you guys found each other. That is really sweet and special. - Just two people who really
connect and like will always be in each other's lives. - Yeah. - You know even if that
relationship changes over time, you know? - Oh, absolutely, and that, you know, I know that's not everybody's story. - Yeah. - By everybody, I mean me. I did not have like, that
like nice of a relationship with some of my exes
and it does make me sad. Especially like my first love. I feel like, you know, I would
love it if we could still but it just didn't work out that way. - Yeah. - I feel like that healed
me, like hearing that. - Oh. - You know, he's still in love with you. (both laughing) I'm just kidding. Oh my gosh, that was incredible. I am so curious to hear
what you guys thought. Comment if you think you might do this and what that phone call would look like. I'm definitely going to be
making a couple phone calls after this. Just kidding, I don't have a first time. Just kidding, I do. Comment below if you think I'm a virgin. (laughing)