Doctor Reacts To Worst WWE Injuries Ep. 2

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- We watched WWE injuries before and you loved it, so let's check out a few more. Let's get started. P-whoop! - [Host] Stone Cold Steve Austin showed what wrestling had done to his health when he shared this gruesome image of his elbow. - I know people think that's a gruesome image. That's actually not a gruesome image at all. Some people can develop that simply from sitting at a desk and leaning too much on their olecranon bursa. And the bursa, remember, is a small sack that sits inside different joints throughout the body, but there's one that sits right here at the olecranon of the elbow. If you have repeated trauma or maybe blunt force trauma like probably he's about to experience, what happens is that bursa starts getting inflamed and fills with fluid due to the edema and inflammation. As a result, you get a golf ball sized thing like this, that it is drainable. And really the treatment for this is protecting it, to make sure that it doesn't keep getting repeated trauma. - [Host] This often comes as the result of hitting the ring mat with their elbows, repeatedly. Other wrestlers have suffered from all Olecranon Bursitis too, such as John Cena and Sammy Zayne. - Yeah, again, this can happen from one of those big hits, but it can happen from something as simple as bumping your arm walking by. Patients come in, they get worried. They're like, do I have a tumor on my arm? But as soon as we feel it and we do the initial drainage, you see right away the fluid in it. We do send it for cytology just to make sure that there's nothing scary going on, but it's very, very, very self-evident based off the clinical presentation that it's Olecranon Bursitis. - [Vader] You have to watch and maybe put it on slo-mo, but I actually did rip his ear off. - And I felt back, whoa, that bad boy's gone, you know, it's gone. - He fully ripped his ear off? - [Mick Foley] So the referee who picked up my ear was French, spoke no English, and wasn't able to tell me he had my ear. - Can you imagine saying this story? The referee did not know English, so he could not tell me my ear was on the floor. - (indistinct) so here's the left ear, there's the right. - Oh, wow. He really lost the top portion of his ear. - Give up my dream of becoming a carpenter because I couldn't, (laughter) - That's a good joke. Yeah, remember the ear's cartilage. There's not a lot of circulation there, so you can lose it. And as we've seen, Mike Tyson can bite it. - [Announcer] See, look at him. You can see it. You can see it! - [Host] Sean Michael's famous lazy eye happened while he was wrestling a match. HBK got hit in the face, which caused Michael's retina to tear. The injury became more and more noticeable, leading to the showstopper getting a lazy eye. - Usually this is more of a developmental issue early on in life, if a child does not have good visual acuity, they can't see well through one eye. The brain actually makes a decision to focus on the images happening on the other eye, so that eye starts kind of looking in a different direction. This also happens as a result if the eyes are not aligned well; it's called strabismus. If the eyes are malaligned, the brain will choose one of the eyes and the other one will sort of become the lazy eye. And there are treatments, depending on what's causing the condition. Obviously a retinal detachment is a very extreme form of that, that requires urgent intervention, like, within 24 hours. - [Host] Edge gave Christian a concerto on top of a ladder. That wasn't your internet having trouble. WWE has actually edited out the chair shot in some versions of this match. The chair shot gave Christian one of the worst concussions of his career, and it's a miracle he didn't have lasting damage. - Oh my God, that's so bad. Why would you ever hit someone's head like that? The skull is protective of the brain, but the brain rattles around within the skull and as a result, the brain gets really damaged. And then not only that, he's at an incredible height. So he will then fall with a lifeless body, and why is it dangerous falling with a lifeless body? Because you can't protect yourself. So things get inverted, things get torn. I mean, so dangerous. - [Host 2] And the most famous spot in the match came when Shane would leap from, - Oh my god, something bad's about to happen, Sam, I know it. Tell me. - [Host 2] An elbow drop on the Undertaker. - Tell me what's about to happen. - [Host 2] On the announcer's table. But the Undertaker moved - Why? - [Host 2] Out of the way at the last second, meaning Shane went straight, - Oh my God! - [Host 2] He stated, I blew my belly button out; an umbilical hernia. - Hernia! So a hernia is basically, especially an abdominal wall hernias, a hernia when the abdominal contents actually penetrate the abdominal wall and start protruding out. Now that happens sometimes through the inguinal area, which is the area where, in the male, the testes drop down from, and the abdominal contents can actually drop down into that area and then as a result, end up in the scrotum where you can actually have intestines in your scrotum. Then also you can have the same thing happen through your umbilical area, where there's already a weakness from childbirth and as a result, now the intestines when you bear down, can be popping out. When the intestines pops out and then the surrounding area tightens around it, which can happen, that's called an incarcerated bowel. And that's problematic because when you incarcerate a bowel, you essentially choke it of its blood supply. So imagine the intestine is sticking out of this like little weakness in your abdominal wall, like your umbilical area, and now the area tightens around it because of inflammation. Lack of blood flow starts happening to the intestine and it starts dying off. - [Host] Wrestlers like Brock Lesnar and Bruno Samartino suffered from a cauliflower ear. - The ear itself is primarily made of cartilage, and that cartilage is avascular, meaning it has no blood supply. But there is a blood supply over it, like right attached to it. And if through trauma from pulling on the ear, et cetera, you pull off that blood supply, you start getting a blood clot formation, edema, swelling, blood pooling, and as a result that cartilage becomes fibrous and dead, and starts looking malformed like this. - [Host] Kurt Angle had cauliflower ear and despite having it drained, the injury caused him to go deaf in his left ear. - I don't know if that's necessarily because of the cauliflower ear. It could be simultaneous things happening within an injury, but cauliflower ear on itself is damaged to the outer portion of the ear. Losing hearing, not temporary, like permanent loss of hearing, has something to do internally with the ear; like the middle ear. - [Host] Another part of a wrestler's body that can be deformed, is the chest. Several wrestlers - Oh yeah. - [Host] have had a noticeably wider gap in their pectoral muscles, as they progress in their careers. The reason for this is due to microtrauma, or more simply, all the abuse they take from wrestling. - There's also a higher chance of pec separation in those who use testosterone and steroids, which has been commonly reported amongst wrestlers, especially back in the day. And what happens in these instances in those who are taking hormone, but are of older age, meaning while, let's say you have someone who's forty, 50 years old, has normal testosterone levels for their age group, so they're not taking hormone replacement therapy but they're trying to become supra physiological, meaning they're trying to get stronger, better like they were when they were 20. Then with those levels, you start getting some muscle mass, you start getting stronger, you start developing some of that confidence that you get with testosterone. It's actually a byproduct of having testosterone. And as a result, you take on a bigger risk, you push more weight, the muscle is there to support it, but the connective tissue is still 50 years old. Therefore, it tears. - [Host] In 2002 while competing as an independent wrestler. (indistinct) having a match against an opponent named Reckless Youth. A freak accident occurred and Punk fractured his skull. Punk said that when it happened, he felt like someone had poured warm water inside his brain. (doctor groaning) despite this, Punk continued to wrestle and finished the match. However, he had to use a chair in order to leave the ring. Once backstage, Punk collapsed and couldn't open his eyes. - Skull fractures is quite dangerous, 'cause remember, bleeding into an enclosed space puts tremendous pressure on the brain tissue. And when there's pressure exhibited, it's known as mass effect, and that mass effect can actually lead to herniation of the brain, which could be lethal. It can lead to malfunction of the brain, which can shut off the heart and lungs. - [Host] Despite the seriousness of the injury, CM Punk refused to take any medicine due to his straight edge beliefs. Instead, Punk spent a month resting at a family member's home. - Well, there's no real medicine that we give to cure fractures, so maybe he refused pain medication, which is really impressive. (audience screaming) I feel like something with flame is about to happen. Oh my God! - [Undertaker] I'm beside myself. I'm looking down at my chest, because my chest is just bubbling up right now. - Oh my God! - [Undertaker] Flesh is just rolling. - The amount of pain that happens as a result of that is incredible, 'cause you have such sensitive nerve fibers that penetrate your skin. And then also, you gotta think about the dehydration that starts setting in when a large portion of your skin is burned. - They're feeding me water. There's a ring crew underneath my pod, so I'm pouring it on there to try and ease that kind of pain. And every time I look down, like, my skin's bubbling up more and more. - Yeah, those are becoming a higher degree burn 'cause of the damage that occurred. Some of the damage takes time to develop, 'cause it happens through edema and inflammatory response. that takes time to happen. - [Host] During Mr. Wonderful's time with WWE in the eighties, he suffered a severe injury in his right arm during a weightlifting accident. This caused Orndorff to suffer nerve damage in his right arm, forcing him to retire from wrestling. While Orndorff eventually made a return, he suffered from muscle atrophy, which is the wasting or thinning of muscle mass. What happened was Paul Orndorff's right arm became smaller than his left. - So when you lose nerve enervation or neuromuscular control of a certain muscle, it's not unusual for that muscle to begin to atrophy. Because when you don't shoot nerve signals to a muscle and it doesn't activate, it literally starts to atrophy. 'Cause remember, when you shoot a nerve signal, what ends up happening is these ion channels encourage the muscle to contract, and through that the muscle stays functioning. If you don't have muscular contraction, the muscle begins to atrophy and the body begins to get rid of it. - [Announcer] That man is taking it, - Oh, no. - [Announcer 2] You're not Spider-Man! - [Announcer] He's in another time zone up there. - I mean, time zones don't change by height, but that's more like weather, maybe. - [Host] There wasn't enough space for RVD to fully stand up, though. So Mr. Monday Night had to crouch. Due to the awkward position, Rob Van Dam's knee accidentally landed on Triple H's throat. The blow caused it to swell, which began blocking his airway. - Oh no, that's so dangerous. - [Host] Unable to breathe. Thanks to having a thick neck and just plain luck, The King of Kings not only survived, but finished the match. - There's cartilaginous c-rings that go around the trachea, which is the windpipe, and you could actually break those leading to tremendous swelling. If the swelling gets so bad it blocks off the airway, you could need to make an incision in the neck for that person to be able to breathe. - [Announcer] Rosemary just got slapped in the face. Oh! - Oh! I always get confused in the middle of these because I never know if they're screaming out in pain 'cause they're acting, or 'cause it's really painful. - [Announcer] That's it! that's it! That's it. - She's tapping! - [Announcer] Crowd. Let her go, it's over. Let go. Let go. It's over. You're the winner. - [Announcer 2] Wait, she's refusing to let go. - [Host] This unscripted attack caused Rosemary to suffer strained triceps and biceps. - Wow, so she pulled her tendons that attached the bicep muscle to the tricep muscle. I feel like that should be pre-planned. Why would you wanna hurt another performer? - [Host] During his WWE run from 2000 to 2005, Eddie Guerrero's body doubled in size. While this undoubtedly helped advance his career, it would unfortunately lead to his premature death. Guerrero was found unconscious in his hotel room in November, 2005. While being rushed to the hospital, Eddie tragically died. An autopsy revealed that Guerrero had an enlarged heart, which was caused by steroids. - That can happened. One of the unintended side effects of misusing certain steroids and using them in large amounts, is negative effects on the heart. When you're increasing pressure that the heart has to beat against, the heart also becomes hypertrophic; it becomes bigger. And a bigger heart isn't better. A bigger heart can become bigger because it's dilated, or it can become more muscular; and the muscle of a heart is cardiac muscle versus the muscle attached to your bone, a skeletal muscle. They're different muscles. This muscle can hypertrophy and get big and you're happy and it's great, but if a heart hypertrophies, it's not as resilient, doesn't relax as well, therefore it doesn't fill as well, therefore it doesn't circulate blood as well. The heart has to maintain this really good balance of being strong, being resilient, being flexible, but not ever being too dilated or too powerful, or too hypertrophic. - [Announcer] Looks fired up tonight, opportunity to win his first championship - He's hyped. He's holding two people. Oh, his knee! His knee, Sam, I saw it. I saw his ACL. (shouting in horror) - [Rick Boogs] My kneecap was high on my leg. - All right, kneecap high on his leg means he tore his patellar tendon. - When they were bending my knee, it was like the most excruciating feeling ever - Because he's probably grinding his kneecap, his patella, that is now loose just across his bone, across his femur, across his tibia. Ugh. - My patellar tendon ripped off the bone. - The reason why I knew that, by the way, is 'cause the patella, which is the kneecap, if you tear the patellar tendon, which is on the bottom portion that connects the patella to the tibia, it then moves up and it contracts. It's much in the same way that if you tear your Achilles tendon and someone tells me, oh my God, I felt something pop in my calf and now my calf muscle's really high up, I know that you tore your Achilles. Or the same way that if your bicep suddenly goes up, I know you tore your bicep muscle. How about some MMA injuries? Click here to check that out. And as always, stay happy and healthy. (funky music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 2,869,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, doctor reacts, the edge, christian, wwe, wrestling, vince mcmahon, the rock, stone cold steve austin, the undertaker, triple h, eddie guerrero
Id: TK6hWcRD6tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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