GIRL TALK | periods, boys, relationships! Nicole Laeno

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[Music] hi guys it's nicole and welcome back to my channel today's video we are going to have a girl talk i am so excited for this video i feel like i don't really film just like sit down talking videos and also a lot of you guys have requested this type of video where i answer a bunch of questions about like different topics let's say like boys relationships periods you know all that jazz so we're going to be having some really fun conversations we have the pink curtain behind me sitting on a bean bag i poured some coffee into this cup and i put this on my instagram story the other day asking you guys to ask me questions for this video and thank you to everyone who contributed because i screenshotted a bunch oh boys because i know there's a few guys that watch my videos you might want to exit on this one i mean you can stay of course if you want to hear about this but i don't know if this will float your boat but who knows you can say if you want to i hope you guys enjoy this girl talk video and let's get into it let's start off with periods periods everyone loves them that's a lie everyone hates them boys this is your second chance to leave first question do you remember your first ever period i love you nicole i love you too yeah people have actually asked me to explain my first period story and funny thing i was in italy when it happened so i went to italy back in 2019 this was june 2019 it was the day that we were leaving italy the morning that i woke up that we were going to the airport i got my period i went to the bathroom i looked at my underwear and i was like oh my gosh i'm a woman now and then i told my mom of course and thankfully she had pads on her usually she doesn't bring them around with her but for some reason she had them in her luggage so then i sat in a pad during a 12-hour flight back home from italy very funny guys super super fun do you use pads or tampons i'm new to womanhood i use tampons and i actually used tampons like the second time i got my period so the first time i got in italy and then the next month i was actually in vegas for a dance convention so then i was like i don't really want to dance while wearing a pad so then my mom was like okay just try a tampon and i kid you not it took me like 30 minutes to an hour to get a tampon yeah i just remember being in the bathroom and then when i finally got in i started crying because i was so happy but they do not hurt if you put it in right if you put it in wrong then it might be uncomfortable but they shouldn't hurt when you put them in and i just find them a lot helpful because since i'm an active person i would just rather put in a tampon instead of dancing with a pad on but obviously it's personal preference and i know so many people like so many of my friends they've had their period but they've always used pads so i would just say just use whatever you're comfortable with but personally i use tampons the pain that's on periods please explain people i feel like the most painful thing a part of a period is cramps and this is different with every girl because it depends how bad they are because i know some girls they don't even get cramps but then other girls cramps could hurt so bad and you can like throw up so it's definitely like a spectrum do you suffer from period cramps if yes then what hurts the most legs stomach etc i do have period cramps from time to time and let me tell you they are not fun i mainly get it in like my lower stomach i don't get it where my legs are i don't know if that's usually where period cramps are but i get them in my lower stomach and you guys this is how i deal with them i will just lay in bed until they pass because honestly they hurt so i just don't want to move and i usually just sit there until they go away but you know it's weird i usually don't get cramps like when i'm on my period i get them like the week before and the week after i get my period isn't that weird i don't know what do you absolutely hate about periods i would say cramps but i think another thing that i hate about it is when the blood stains your clothes because like periods they can come out of nowhere especially if you don't have like a regular schedule like you get it once every month like some girls have in your regular schedule and they like never know when it's coming so when you're not prepared and it gets on your clothes it's just like the worst feeling ever how do you deal with periods especially during school not online but physical ones okay i would say my biggest tip for a girl that has their period is always carry a bag with you that has the toiletries that you need so whether that's pads panty liners tampons just always keep it in your bag with you you can carry in your backpack your purse just always make sure that you're stocked because like i said periods can come out of nowhere and if you're not prepared then it sucks so every year well obviously not this one because of quarantine but i would always pack like a little pouch in my backpack with tampons and pads just in case it happens at school i do remember though this one time i started and i didn't have a tampon on me i actually just asked another girl if she had a tampon and she gave one to me lifesaver oh my gosh which is really nice because girls around you would probably carry the toiletries that they need to so if that ever happens and you're not prepared then you could ask another girl too how do you deal with mood swings i don't get too bad mood swings when i'm on my period i will say i get kind of annoyed more easily if i'm on it i think the best way to deal with them is to try not to affect others because let's say like all the people around you are in a good mood but then like you're on your period and you're kind of annoyed you don't want to affect the other people and make them in a bad mood as well i try to steer away from like talking to people just in case i put them in a bad mood if that makes sense and just think of happier times honestly to make your mood go up was it hard to tell your mom that you started your period no because we were in italy and i wasn't gonna like not tell her and i told my mom basically everything so i would say to any of you who haven't started your period yet don't be scared to tell your mom because every girl goes through it so don't be embarrassed or anything like it's a natural thing last question for this category are you comfortable talking to christian or your dad about quote-unquote girl stuff i put this question in this category because i think they're talking about like periods and stuff i guess yes i'm comfortable with telling them stuff but like i won't over share you know like i'm fine telling them i'm on my period and they're like okay other times they could be like oh that makes sense because you're being annoying right now but yeah if i don't have to say anything then i won't but i'm pretty comfortable talking to them about like anything oh but you know what is nice they have both of them both my dad and my brother they've bought me like tampons before the real mvps right there that was everything for periods moving on let's go to boys first question do you like having guy friends yes i think they're super cool and they're really nice to have around also the dynamic change from girls to guys is so different because if you think about it if i'm with my girlfriends it's just like a different environment than being with guys i love being around my guy friends because they're super chill and also like very caring of us like the girls so what do you look for in a guy i can name so many qualities but i'll try to name just a few the first one is a huge one for me which is respect first of all he needs to have respect for himself because if he can't respect himself then how should i expect him to respect me he should respect himself he should respect me he should respect his parents as well as my parents and just like people around him you know like like oh my gosh guys who are rude and mean to other people for no apparent reason is such a turn off like it's like why are you so rude yeah respectful i think is very attractive on a guy obviously super caring i would also say like protective like when i'm with him i want to feel like safe and protected loyal trustworthy those are good ones too and then also supportive like we should be able to support each other through everything oh you know it's a good one good communication i feel like i'm naming a lot which reminds me have you guys seen this it's like the 5hs i've seen it on a tick tock video there's like five h's that you should look for in a guy it's like hygiene hair yeah he should have really good hair height sorry but in my opinion like my personal preference i would like the guy to be taller than me i think another one is hands but like i don't really care about that i feel like there was five but i can't think of the fifth one but i think overall he just has to be like a nice person very sweet to me and like other people and also if he's just immature like that's just a no-go for me how to talk to your crush girl i would want to know too i know it's hard because this year it's like everything's online like in person i feel like it's easier to start talking to them when you're in a group and then like over time eventually you could like shore in the group and just talk to him but since everything's online i think everyone expects to like talk to you over snapchat and like social media which kind of sucks because i miss like the old days when people would just like come up to you and talk like i think that's pretty cute but i would say do like a little flirting you know just like get to know them be super nice and just let your personality take over but then also if they're not like returning it back like if they don't put effort into it but you are just say bye like move on to the next one how do you know if a guy likes you obviously i'm not a guy so i can't speak for them but i will say guys if they like you they will take time out of their day just to talk to you like let's take snapchat for example if he responds to you pretty quickly you know he most likely wants to talk to you and stuff like if he's leaving you on like an hour delivered i'm sorry i need to break it to you but he probably doesn't want it oh ladies listen up to this if he wanted to he would to give you an example if he wanted to snap you he would if he wanted to facetime you he would but i feel like you can take a hint and you can tell if the guy just doesn't want to talk to you then that's that you know i feel like their body language and then eye contact also says a big thing like if you constantly see them looking at you they probably have a little crush next question kind of ties into the last one how to tell if he's not into anymore again with this guys take time out of their day to talk to you i just find that guys will put in effort if they want do you think the guy needs to make the first move yes and like honestly i feel kind of bad for the guy because obviously he might get rejected like it's either 50 50 yes or no but i'm sorry yes the guy has to make the move i feel like that's been known and i've heard like guys like when girls make the first move because it makes it easier on them but like girls don't chase them make them chase you if a boy confessed his feelings what should the girl do slash react okay well if the girl likes him back obviously congrats man like you guys can like start a relationship if you want to but let's say the girl doesn't like him back and you don't know how to reject the boy girls listen to this rejection hurts less than being led on and then hearing it later let me give you an example we have julie and john that's the girl and boy in this situation let's say john said that he likes julie but julie doesn't actually like john but she doesn't want to hurt his feelings in the moment so julie says she likes him back but in reality she doesn't this is bad because for the next few weeks john will be like oh my gosh this girl likes me back like this could actually turn into something and his feelings are going to shoot way up but then eventually julie is gonna have to tell jon that she doesn't like him and this might be like weeks later john's gonna feel like poop because he has adopted all these feelings for julie but then he's gonna find out that she actually doesn't like him so let me just say again rejection hurts less than being led on so girls if you don't know how to like reject a boy i would say tell them no in the nicest way possible of course but also don't sugarcoat anything like just tell them straight up i guess you could say i'm sorry i don't like you back like the feeling is a mutual and i think that we would be better as friends i feel like that's the easiest way to tell a guy that you don't like him i think that's all i have to say for that shout out to julian john if i like someone should i play hard to get playing hard to get it's kind of tricky because i think you should do it but just for a little because playing hard to get it's like flirty and everything but if you do it too much to the guy then it's gonna like steer him away and just like he's gonna get annoyed by it so i would say do it like a little in the beginning when you're talking to your crush but don't do it too much to the point where he's like over it last question for this category how do you cope after getting rejected by someone i would say for any boy that doesn't like you back they do not deserve you because everything happens for a reason and that just means that that's not the right person it's not your time to like each other and there are so many other boys so many other fish in the sea that actually deserve you so i would just say keep an open mind that there are other guys that will be in your future and don't be too sad about this one boy just know that he wasn't the right one for you okay that's it for boys let's go into relationships ooh is it necessary to be in a relationship no i feel like people expect like going into middle school or going into high school that you have to jump straight into like dating someone that is not true you don't have to be in a relationship in high school especially if you're not ready like if you're not ready then don't date anyone i would totally say work on yourself first and make sure that you're ready for it and then start talking to boys to get into a relationship but like if you don't want to date anyone at the moment then don't it's not like an obligation when you step into high school like you have to date someone when is the right age to start dating again with the last question like date when you're ready there's no right age to start but i feel like people start like in high school or in college thoughts on relationships in high school i would say dating in high school like that's cool there's nothing wrong with it but i would also mention don't think that you're going to meet your soul mate in high school because if you think about it let's look at the bigger picture our world is like over 7 billion people so most likely your soulmate is not going to be in your high school which is like what a thousand to 2000 people i mean yeah that could happen there's a possibility they are but i'm just saying like high school relationships they're fun and everything but if you don't find anyone during that time frame which is only four years of your life like don't be scared because you're gonna meet so many other people when you grow up going on with like relationships i also wanted to answer some that are talking about friendships this question asks have you ever been in a toxic friendship and the answer is yes i've actually gone through a few friends growing up and that's totally fine that's gonna happen to like everyone you're not gonna be friends with the people who you were friends with in like elementary school and the reason for that is because you mature into different things like you're gonna have different interests and everything and also you guys listen to this people were meant to be in your life but there are some people who weren't meant to stay and that's okay because you're going to experience so many fun things but also you're going to grow out of people and like your friendships and that's just a part of life i kind of went off on a tangent there but have you ever been in a toxic friendship yes i have and i try to get away from those as fast as possible let me just name a few things that like a toxic friendship that you shouldn't be around first of all if they're fake if they like talk behind your back or they're just not a good friend they're not like trustworthy or loyal or they do stuff because actions speak louder than words of course if they're negative because you should be hanging out with people who make you happy and who will bring your mood up and will spread positivity like you shouldn't be hanging out with someone who'll like bring you down and like always put you in a bad mood like that's not a friend and yeah i think those are like the two biggest things of being in like a toxic friendship advice on losing a friend i already kind of touched on this topic but i'll like say it again growing up you're just gonna meet so many people but that also means like you're gonna lose friends as well and that's totally fine because it happens to literally everyone you just have to know that everyone has different paths and everything happens for a reason so it might be sad for a little bit and you might miss your old friends but just know it probably was for a good reason and when one door closes another door opens trust me that has happened so many times in my life and i know it's like a cheesy cliche but it's honestly true how do you make friends to be honest it's kind of like really hard to do that right now because we're in quarantine i feel like school was such a big part of like meeting new people and just being around humans so when we have that atmosphere again i would just say being open to meeting new friends like being friendly to everyone you should just always be nice to people like even if they're not nice like obviously you don't have to like be best friends with them but you don't want to like start beef with people so i would just say be open to making new friends oh and another thing for this is usually people meet people through people that probably was confusing but like mutual best friends so if you have a best friend they probably have other friends so like you can meet them but also make sure that you're not using your friends in order to get to people because that is toxic last question about relationships is how do you get real friends honey if i knew the perfect answer for this question i would totally tell you but i can just give you what i'm thinking and honestly that's pretty hard because there aren't a lot of real people i feel like nowadays it's kind of sad but i think you just have to let time do its thing because if you meet a friend you're probably not gonna like trust them right away but over time and when you like build on your friendship hopefully you build a trust you know and you like get to know them better and you're like okay cool i can trust this person and then last category for this video is like talking about girl stuff and like random things i guess i kind of just threw a bunch of different questions in this category first one do you plan on having kids yes yes yes yes i love kids and i definitely think they're gonna be a big part of my life when i'm older obviously not right now like i don't plan on having them anytime soon but definitely when i'm in my 20s like starting my life and starting a family oh my gosh i can't wait that's definitely like one of my biggest goals it's just to start a happy family but i'm living life right now as a teenager but yes i do want to have kids i would say two is like my ideal number and like maybe three acrylics are manicures i would choose manicures and this is sad because i haven't been to the salon in so long i used to go pretty often but since the nail shops have been closed i haven't but i've never actually gone acrylics before but i have tried gel and sns like dip powder but these are my real nails and i heard like acrylic kind of damages your nail and just makes them weaker but i'm satisfied with my real nails so i would pick manicures what's your biggest struggle as a girl um i guess i would say being insecure because honey everyone is insecure but growing up you're just gonna have to learn that you are beautiful just the way you are and you should be grateful for the body that you were given cause you're only gonna have one in this lifetime so you might as well just be thankful for it i just appreciate everything about it like you're healthy you have moving limbs and yeah just think good about it instead of bad things next question how do you gain self-confidence i'm still trying to learn how to be self-confident myself and it's definitely something you're not going to gain overnight i think self-confidence is something you gain over time but i think one of the biggest things that gave me confidence was actually dancing i started dancing when i was seven and i used to be like the most shy person ever but when i started dancing it just felt so right and it just made me more outgoing i guess and happy because i just loved it so much but also another thing that i've learned and this ties into the next question what advice would you give other girls your age or younger do not compare yourself to other girls because trust me i find myself doing it all the time and it's just and there's not gonna be good that comes out of it for example let's just say i'm just going on instagram i see all these pretty girls i'm like oh my gosh they're so pretty i wish i was like them like what good comes out of that instead of doing that just learn that you are beautiful and you are perfect and you are amazing just the way you are and that everyone is unique in their own way and also people that post on social media most likely not everything is what they post there are things that are going on in everyone's lives but social media kind of tweaks that and makes it look like they have a perfect life and everything but you just have to learn to not compare yourself to others which might take time because it did for me but i've definitely gotten better with that like if i see myself doing that i'll put away my phone i'll literally turn it off because i'm like stop like why do you have those thoughts in your head you know you just have to learn to love yourself how do you feel about today's beauty standards i don't like them it's kind of sad because you just go on social media and you see all these like perfect bodies or faces and it's not good because you also see all these little girls looking up to them and trying to look exactly like them but instead we have to normalize that all bodies are perfect all faces are perfect but it kind of sucks for girls because i think a lot of people get insecure when they go on social media but again self-love self-confidence why do you think drinking and vaping and all that makes you cool i do not i do not think that i actually think that's very unattractive on a person especially as a teenager and like being in these early years of living getting addicted to that stuff obviously people are gonna like try it and like experience stuff but i don't think it makes you look cool as a person last question of this girl talk video how do you overcome negativity and try to move on i've been on social media for a few years now and i don't get that much hate which i'm very grateful for but obviously i have seen like a few hate comments and they're not that nice some people can be super rude and just and they think that making other people feel bad will make them higher or something but it's not like that and and i think i've just realized that those people who choose to make those comments or hate on people they don't matter in my life so why should i care about their opinions you know like if you don't like me that's okay i'm not trying to get everyone in this world to like me like that would be really hard to please everyone like you don't have to like me and that's okay like i know that i'm a good person and i know that i want to surround myself with people who love me who i love and who will just make me happy and if you don't want to be a part of that that is totally fine so yeah i think just knowing that those people they're probably in a bad place if they're hating on people that they don't even know so you know what i'm just gonna do a little prayer for y'all who like to hate on people bless your soul i hope that eventually you realize that you should just spread positivity and not hate but yeah there's your little prayer and another thing that i've learned that i just want to be happy in my life like the people i surround myself with the things i do in life i just want to be happy you know so if there's any negative things people objects hobbies or anything like that i just cut them out of my life if it's not making me happy then there's no point so yeah that is how i deal with the negativity that comes along with growing up in life and that was the last question this video is probably super long but i hope you guys enjoyed this video maybe i'll do another one of these because there are so many topics that we can do for a girl talk you know but to all my girls out there just know that you are loved you were cared for you matter in this world and you were meant to be here and i love you thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed make sure to like or comment on my community tab subscribe to my channel turn on my post notifications and go copy some kohli merch i'll see you guys in my next video i love you guys so so much stay positive [Music] bye you
Channel: Nicole Laeno
Views: 1,059,967
Rating: 4.9814773 out of 5
Id: h5189UmOJeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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