SUMMER GLOW UP 2021 | nails, hair, piercings! Nicole Laeno

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blow up with me for summer i am upset oh my god cute okay i look crazy [Music] hi guys it's nicole and welcome back to my channel it is glow up time y'all by the time you're watching this i think i'm out of school which is pretty exciting but when i'm filming this i still have a week left of school which is finals week but it's gonna be okay because summer is right around the corner and i'm just so excited there's so many things to look forward to we're going on a trip like right after the day that i end school and i just can't wait because things are opening up again in summer it's just gonna be a good time but anyways it is time to gloat for summer i do these videos pretty often but we're gonna be doing some fun things my nails cutting my hair maybe getting a piercing but i think school has just been like a stressful time so i'm going to be doing a few things to change my appearance up a little bit and just get ready for summer so i hope you guys enjoy this video and now let's get into the summer glow up first things first i'm going to get my nails done so here are my current nails i love this set you know pink is my favorite color so i just fell in love with it when i got them done but we have a couple broken nails the story behind this one was i was closing my door that leads to my bathroom and i closed it on my finger so this one just cracked and like fell off and then we have this one i was trying to dribble basketball under my legs did not go well and it also cracked and just so we definitely have to change up the color maybe get a design and then also fix the broken nails but these are actually my real nails i don't have acrylics on and i just get gel polish i think i want to do like a summer nail design i saw this picture on pinterest i'll put it on the screen but it's like yellow and then there's some flowers i think this is what i'm gonna ask for i usually get yellow around summertime and i think it's really fun but i am so excited to go to the nail salon because honestly it's just so relaxing to me when i'm there i don't know something about it it's just like self-care you know yesterday i just had my class calm for my school and that was a different vlog so i'll link that down below but it's just been an exhausting week all around so i'm just gonna take this day to really relax and just do stuff for me which is really important make sure to do your self-care okay let's go to the nail salon hey guys happy self care day yeah i'm currently eating the channel bar sea bar iced oatmeal cookie the best flavor ever slaps we have like a whole jar of this flavor and this flavor only because that's all i eat anyways we're on the way to the nail salon i go to the salon called bella's nails lounge or bella i think it's just bella bella nails lounge and i go to this girl darlene every single time because she does a really good job yeah i forgot what else was gonna say i think you just wanted to talk about your granola bar i will [Music] differently you came in at the right time baby you have changed i just got out of the nail shop i am obsessed oh my gosh can you stop them oh sorry oh my god they're so cute i love the yellow these are my nails i got this really fun summer yellow and then my ring finger i got these daisies i am in love they came out so good and i did like a square shape and if you're wondering how they fix the broken nails they just added like a small tip onto it and now they're all the same size i'm so happy now my mom and i are gonna get some lunch because i have a hair appointment in like an hour yes um so we're gonna get some food we're currently at an udon place but we're finishing our food right now and i have a hair appointment in about 30 minutes i thought i would explain to you guys what i'm getting but here's my hair currently it's actually kind of long since the last time i cut it the last time i cut it was back in september and i cut it to my shoulders so like here and it's already grown like that much but today i'm going to be cutting it to my shoulders once again i was debating if i wanted to like let it grow out or cut it for summer but i decided that i wanted to cut it because i feel like whenever i go to like the beach and like in the ocean my hair is just like a lot to maintain so if it's shorter it's like easier so we're getting short hair today i don't think i'm gonna get any color to it because my hair is like a it's virgin hair like i've never done anything to it so i'm just gonna get a quick cut [Music] [Laughter] oh my god too late now we make it look real easy but trust [Music] okay guys here's my new hair i like it cutie patootie she cut a lot like she just kept going but i like it it feels like there's nothing on my head because there basically isn't there you go there you go i'm back home and i just got a package from sunbum they sent me a pr package so i thought i would open it on camera it comes with this little note introducing your new shave dad hat just in time for sunny days or when you don't feel like washing your hair oh my gosh cute i just got a hat from princess paulie if you guys saw that in my haul and i think caps are really cute so i'll probably be wearing these this summer let's see we also have this really cute tote bag perfect for the beach and then we have some different products okay so this is the scalp and hair mist oh mini sizes of the shampoo and conditioner this is perfect for like traveling too we have the three-in-one leave-in a sunburn sticker and then last but not least some of their sunscreen and lip balms they're tinted and they also came with this rubber band around it which i can use to tie my hair or actually i don't even know if i can tie my hair anymore i guess i can do half a pack down oh there's half of half down i don't think i can do like a full ponytail because it's so short but thank you sunbu if you guys want to check them out this is their instagram this is their website but i thought i would show you guys because i'm definitely going to be using these products during the summertime it's a little bit later and i just got out of the shower first of all my hair is so easy to maintain like when i was washing it i know it's just so quick because like i obviously don't have a lot of it and then also i'm pretty sure it's not going to take a long time to dry but when i was showering i also shaved my legs and i consider that a form of self-care personally because i just like feel very smooth after but right now i actually want to do a face mask so i bought this face mask the other day from glossier it's called the mega greens galaxy pack it's a detoxifying face mask and if you've noticed like my face i'm sunburnt and i'm pretty sure it's because since we've gotten our new pool i've been spending a lot of time outside and i just burn super easily someone remind me to put sunscreen on because i always forget anyways i feel like my skin is like always peeling it's not right now but sometimes it gets really dry and like it starts peeling so i put this mask on the other night and i don't know it's really nice so i'm gonna do it again i keep it in my skincare fridge so it's like really cold and it feels nice on my skin but this mask is really cool and sometimes like face masks they have some type of ingredient that doesn't work well of my skin but this glossier one did not make me like break out or get redness or anything so i'm using it again i'm also using this brush i got from laura mercier oh my god i look crazy oh i'm using this brush to like paint it on and i'm trying to make it look all cute but let's see how it works okay i'm done i'm going to let this sit on my face for like 10 to 15 minutes and then i'll wash it off but i think for the rest of the night i'm just going to lay in my bed probably do some editing maybe talk to my friend and then call it a night and go to bed good morning guys today is sunday today christian and i have a bunch of things for church first we're going to sunday mass as a family and then after that me and christian are helping out for their like food pantry drive i think it's from 12 30 to 3 30 so we'll be helping out for three hours and that's for our confirmation because we had to do like service projects and this is our parish one i'm so crazy [Music] i'm getting my ears pierced so right now i'm with my mom and christian and we're heading to the mall and going to claire's i need to get my seconds done because if you guys remember last summer or was it like videos around august i got my second piercings done um but then they closed because i had to take my earrings out for my dance shows for my high school team so then when i took them out and i tried to put them back in they just wouldn't go back in because they closed so i have to get those redone and then i'm also getting my cartilage done on my left ear i'm only gonna do one year because i feel like that's what people usually do but i'm excited i think i want to get like either gold or just like silver studs i'm not sure yet i'll definitely show you guys what i pick downside is that i can't swim because my cartilage might get infected so we'll see how i deal with that this summer i'm gonna get this like a gold ball for my cartilage because it comes in like a sand and then i'm gonna get three mmcz which is like a stud for myself i'm in the chair about to do it wow that was quick wait you did it oh shoot that's why if you do it first you don't feel it well there it is wow these are this quick it looks like yeah wow oh my god that was literally so fast i like how she did it like nothing well the longer that you take the feeling the more you kind of enter right wow all right here is a close-up of my new piercings she did the cartilage one first because the first one you like don't expect and those hurt more than the seconds so it looks like that i got a little ball i really like it and i like the location and then she redid my seconds i would say like the second one probably hurt the most because i was anticipating it after the first one but like honestly it's just like a quick pinch and that's it and then i can't swim for like two days or like that's what's recommended and then if i do swim then i just have to clean it like a lot but they gave me this little baggie aftercare cleanser so i have to put this on morning and night time but i'm really happy with how they turned out because the last place that i got my seconds or the first time i did them they didn't turn out like the best because they're like a little uneven but they look a lot better now so i'm very happy and to conclude this video i wanted to do some bible studying i have my journal and then also my bible that i use i'll link these two down below because i've gotten questions on which ones i use but basically i will just read some chapters i'm currently studying the new testament right now and then i will reflect and like write about it in this journal but i wanted to show this because self-care is not only doing superficial things that you think are fun like getting my nails done or like cutting my hair like yes i do enjoy those things and i think they're relaxing but self-care is also about like self-reflecting and honestly just taking a step back and just looking at your life i remind myself to do this really often because i truly have so many blessings that i'm so grateful for including my family my friends you guys just know that i'm so appreciative of like everything and all of your support it literally means the world to me and i i'm just so grateful for all of you so yeah i think it's really important for everyone to just take a step back and like realize how many good things are in your life because yes there can be so many downs but like genuinely there are so many ups as well and if you look at the brighter side of everything like things will go really good for you and also i've seen a few comments lately sorry i just feel like getting real with you guys right now but i've seen some comments saying like oh my gosh your life is so perfect i wish i had your life and honestly it's kind of like unsettling to me when i read those because i created my channel to you know make videos and for it to be a safe space for people to come and hopefully when they watch a video then their mood is brightened and i never want you guys to like compare your lives to mine and feel bad about yourself because that is like the last thing i want you guys to do when you watch my videos but i know it seems like nothing is wrong in my life when i put up videos so i also wanted to let you guys know that everyone struggles with a lot of things in their life i think that's why social media is kind of toxic sometimes because it alters and makes other people look like they have these perfect lives but in reality like they also have struggles and and to be honest with you guys this week was so exhausting probably one of the most exhausting weeks i've ever had and i cried almost every day um so like yes it's it gets really overwhelming and i do get stressed i think people think that i just balance everything so perfectly but to be real it gets so stressful at times and really overwhelming and i find myself crying about it because it just gets kind of tough so i just wanted to come on here and like tell you guys that and just and say that no one's life is perfect like there's always something that's going on in their lives so i just don't want you guys to compare yours to mine and think that like nothing is wrong but if you take away anything from this little talk i just want you to be grateful for what you have in your life and also know that i love you and i thank you so much and i'm just so grateful for all of you so yeah this is my end to like this little self-care glow-up video i'm gonna finish my bible study and then also hang out with my family for the rest of the night but i hope you guys enjoyed watching me glow up for summer get ready for summer content i'm literally so excited and we're going to make this summer like so freaking good but if you're watching this let this be a little reminder to also take care of yourself do things that make you happy take a step back and be grateful for all of your blessings and if you're not on summer good luck on finals because that's me this upcoming week and then if you are in summer then i hope you have an amazing next three months but i will end it here so thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to like or comment on the community tab subscribe to my channel turn on my post notifications and go cops from colleen merch i love you guys so so much stay positive [Music]
Channel: Nicole Laeno
Views: 1,223,169
Rating: 4.9775333 out of 5
Id: WliIWWqvzc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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