Girl Meets World was a disaster

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you know one thing that no one's ever said before is how there's way too many remakes reboots and sequel whatever's going on these days like i can't believe no one's ever brought this up until me just right now alex meyers doing the thinkery like really though icarly sequel gossip girl sequel charmed reboot she's all that remake sharkboy lava girl sequel how i met your mother's spin-off reboot thing no one ever asked for there's even a wait wait no no no no they're making a tim allen santa claus series who asked for that okay who's the one with the monkeys paw right now and to this point way back in the ancient year of 2014 disney channel made a sequel series to boy meets world called girl meets world and is a huge fan of boy meets world back in the day this new like sequel series thing was atrocious i never actually watched it until like just now for this video but like oh my goodness what happened but before that really quick this video was brought to you by established titles so established tiles is a company that allows you to become a layered of scotland by buying a square foot of land that will then help preserve it from being destroyed or developed so in scotland there's this old obscure custom that land owners get to be called a laird which is like lord or lady in regular english so what they do is they let you put your name on a small plot of land which then would technically according to this custom allow you to call yourself lord or lady so and so which then you can put on like your credit card you're playing tickets or whatever now obviously this is not a peerage or title of nobility but the most important part is that you help them protect this land from whatever might happen to it otherwise and for every order they plant a tree with non-profit organizations like one tree planted and trees for the future to fight deforestation all over the world and just to be sure i've also independently confirmed this to be the case with these nonprofits really you 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mention the world you know 400 times you get it kids because if it was your world maya would have you on the subway already thinking you put something over on me riley do you know what i want more than anything for this nightmare of a show to be over oh wait never mind already happened make it yours i will and when i do will you still be there for me right here we'll be right here what the heck is even happening in this show so just like right off the bat first thing the show is just relentlessly punching you in the face with its premise so riley's trying to sneak out and corey catches her and then he's all like this is my world but you gotta make it your world get it because that's what the show's called alright anyway so go ahead go out there and do whatever you want in new york city 12 year old daughter of mine i'm such a good dad and like that's pretty much how the entire show is how long do i have to live in my father's world until you make it yours like what do you mean make the world yours the girl's 12 corey she can't even make a grilled cheese sandwich right i remember back when girl meets world was first coming out and there was like this huge push towards people of my generation who grew up on boy meets world right it was all like cory's coming back mr feeny's right here hey you thought dapanga was hot before well we're about to blow your mind but then they just made like the most disney channel nonsense show about a girl who does whatever she wants and has no consequences and learns nothing i come here every day why can't you teach me everything i need to know while i'm here no homework more freedom no homework more freedom no this is a kid you want to be like this is this is the cringiest dialogue i've ever heard in my life and i've watched all the after 50 shades and twilight movies okay and i'm just i am doubled over in pain right now and like again with this relentless bizarre focus on riley being 12 and like she's gotta have her whole life figured out now i gotta make it my world dad i'm 12 now but soon i'm gonna be like what 17 is there even any point in living past that not the good life ever happens after 20 dad trust me i've read every john green book at least three times okay so i know a thing or two about how life works dad now watching this show got me wondering like how was boy meets world back in the day you know like maybe i just retconned the whole thing in my head so i also went back and watched the boy meets world specifically the beginning and i'll tell you right now okay like it's not even comparable boy meets world even back in like the very first episode was light years better than whatever this garbage is supposed to be a candy bar doesn't your mother feed you a proper breakfast oh yeah she does and i gotta get the taste of this shredded wheat out of my mouth mr feeney who cares about some guy who killed himself over some dumb girl it's about the all-consuming power of love and the inevitability of its influence on each of our lives are you aware that i'm only 11 years old the whole thing about boy meets world is that he's a kid who wanted to be a kid but life keeps coming at him fast he has to figure things out as he goes boy meets world you know a show about a kid who has to kind of figure out his place in the world as opposed to girl meets world a show where everyone talks about the world every 45 seconds world's world and then nothing ever happens also like i said cory and topanga being in the show like it was obviously a huge nostalgia push for people like me to watch the show but then like corey's this schizophrenic character who oscillates between being exactly how he was freshman year of college having learned nothing over the last 15 years but then sometimes he's like you know when you buy like pokemon cards or something on ebay and you think you're getting a bulbasaur but then you pull it out and it's like bonkasaur and then at the bottom it just says please let me die corey's like that but with mr feeny like corey's parents back in the original show were smart sarcastic they were actually believable as parents even back in the first episode when corey gets upset because his brother eric ditches him for a girl yeah i know right can you believe it and corey gets so mad that he moves out of the house and into the tree house in the backyard okay mister drop my son's underwear mom it's me how do i know it's you who else would want my underwear all i'm saying is it is natural that people grow up and priorities change you're always very cordial to me when i lived here i want my old room back well that comes with quite an economic blow but we'll try to get by i get that they wanted corey to be more of a main character in girl meets world than his parents were in boy meets world but again so if that's the case then like who's the show made for is it for people in their late 20s and 30s because like i can barely make it through any episode of the show without just cringing myself into a coma just watching maya thanks gretchen you're really cute we should hang out sometime you make me happy you don't pay enough attention to me this isn't working out it's you not me we can still be friends not really i've been in love with riley since the first grade but i'm also weakly in love with maya some might say the great mystery of the universe is who's gonna be the first mrs sparkle oh no no no no this freaking guy can we just can we just talk about farkle for a second okay that's more than he deserves but still the show is bad enough with maya and riley just having the most try-hard overwritten dialogue of all time i'm making a choice about who i want to be about whose world i want it to be do you really think i'm one of those girls who follows all of the rules and never gets into trouble how important is it that you don't know me at all you think i did my homework i think you did mine too i did i did and i really liked it don't save me what let me be me but then they had to go and introduce the most unwatchable character i've ever seen ladies sloppy joe or chicken pot pie or sloppy joe or chicken pot pie oh this could go on for a while turn it off turn the shell off right now guys i can't do i can't watch this anymore to be fair he does get a lot better later on but it takes like half of the entire run of the show for this character to become even remotely tolerable now obviously this dude's supposed to be the minkus of the show like like literally he's minkus's son but like i went back and checked okay and mingus was a big old nerd he was obnoxious sure of course other than that he was actually pretty normal am i the only one who read the summer reading list tom sawyer he's sucking you in to do the work for him mr minkus this test didn't require an essay answer but how refreshing that you've chosen to include one suck up future plumber and then they have farkle who's just the worst of anything you could possibly imagine may i overstep my balance sir you always do riley is a son warm and bright and lights up my whole day maya is the night dark and mysterious how can i love these two different women how can i not thank you i am farkle wait what is that what is this class this sparkle kid is straight up harassing these girls in front of everyone and then corey the teacher just gives him the room to do whatever he wants i mean this is like literally systemic harassment at this point and it's all just played off for laughs now in season two there's this episode where we find out that farco maybe has aspergers which i guess is supposed to explain why he does all this stuff but then plot twist turns out no he doesn't and he's just like some weird kid so they did more testing on me they want to see if i have autism i might have a type of autism called asperger's syndrome you don't people with asd can fall anywhere on a spectrum of different behaviors they talk to me for a long time and you know what i don't have asperger's so basically the show's like look at this weird kid isn't he's so weird and funny how he's so creepy to these girls all the time isn't that hilarious oh yeah well guess what he probably has some kind of mental issue yeah oh yeah bet you feel real stupid laughing about that now don't you how dare you make fun of this poor child sake now i could go on and on about all the bizarre choices they made and how they utterly failed to do what they set out to do which is capture the essence of what made boymi's world such a great show not without faults to be fair but like altogether a very good show like how maya is clearly supposed to be sean but like they just completely missed the point for as long as i can remember it's always been riley and maya now i always believed a friend helps another friend out of trouble not into it i'm sorry i am too because you go too far i have nobody at home who helps me with my homework uh okay i mean that sucks but like you're over at my house literally every episode okay and i'm your teacher you have like every possible resource available to you you see sean gets abandoned by his mom who turns out is not actually his mom and his dad who shows up later and then dies and throughout the show there's a lot of like economic class issues that get touched upon with sean being the popular kid who also ends up homeless and then corey is like a total loser but he lives in like a nice house his family supports him and loves him that kind of thing i'm a geek who didn't know he was a geek cory yeah do i hang out with geeks no that's why i'm leaving come on you're my best friend man you just gotta loosen up you don't think i'm a geek of course not you think i'm cool of course not then what am i you're corey i'm sean just like it's always been as opposed to maya who's just raised by a single mom who buys her tons of expensive clothes apparently and tries her best to be there for her when she can and maya's biggest socioeconomic issue is like she has a flip phone but yeah so uh in conclusion woof
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,975,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, girl meets world, alex meyers disney
Id: n1_iWcPIAbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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