Girl Hates Her Asian Culture | Dhar Mann

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what is that smell mom are you for real burning incense again you're stinking up the entire house [Music] mom did you not hear me i told you not to burn incense anymore it smells disgusting it's so hard no it doesn't you know that's our culture this is america mom not asia and what in the world are you hanging up these they're for chinese new year come over help me no uh please do not hang this crap around the house look my friend hannah is about to be here and now the house smells horrible and you've got these ugly decorations everywhere how could you say that honey these are our traditions even though you were born in america you have asian roots don't forget that if you wanted to do this kind of stuff maybe you should have stayed back in asia do you know how hard it was for me to come to america by myself i left my family my home everything because i wanted you to have a better life you are very lucky to have strong roots please don't take that for granted whatever mom you just don't get it great now hannah's here and she's going to see all this this is so embarrassing hey girl come in i just wanted to apologize in advance for what's that smell oh i know i'm sorry it smells disgusting my mom lit up some stupid incense no it smells amazing actually i really love it really wow uh okay come on let's go to my room oh hi mrs long hi hannah it's nice to see you it's so nice to see you too what are you hanging these are for chinese new year it's a big celebration all over the world you see save it mom nobody cares i'm sorry i know these decorations look beautiful i love them this is so cool you serious thanks hannah by the way have you eaten can i get you anything no i'm okay are you sure i just finished cooking you know it's our asian culture to make sure that when guests come over they eat she said no mom stop trying to make everything about asian culture oh well if that's the case then yes i'd love to try your food great please have a seat i'll be right there your house is so awesome i wish my house was decorated like this look you don't have to pretend you can tell me that you hate it what no what is this nobody's going to eat this can't you order pizza or something this is our traditional food but if you don't want it this is so good it's like the most delicious thing i've ever tasted i'm so glad you like it there's more on the stove so help yourself oh thank you mrs long you're so lucky to have a mom who cares so much about your culture lucky she's so asian it's embarrassing i wish she was more americanized you should be proud of your culture sweetheart and what about you hannah do you get embarrassed by your mom what's wrong is everything okay i'm sorry what's wrong honey you can tell us well you see when my mom was pregnant with me she was really poor she barely had any money and wasn't able to take care of me [Music] when she finally gave birth she had to make the hardest decision of her life to give me up for adoption [Music] so i never got the chance to actually meet her [Music] i moved through foster care all of my life getting raised in different houses i went from mom to mom to mom never getting to experience my own culture so you see i never got embarrassed by my mom or my culture because i didn't get a chance to know either oh my gosh i'm so sorry hannah i feel so bad i can't believe i never knew it's okay i've never really talked about it before [Music] i'm so sorry mom i feel terrible about how i've been acting you were right i am so lucky to have strong roots and i should have never taken that for granted do you think you can forgive me of course we aren't and hannah i would love to teach you more about our culture so come over any day and there will always be a hot plate waiting for you really oh my god that would be amazing thank you eat [Music] mmm this is good next time you two are helping me in the kitchen oh i can't wait hey dar man fam make sure to subscribe to my channels and check out this next video i know you're gonna love it guess who's here i don't understand why we have to share a room just because sabrina is adopted doesn't mean she isn't your sister you're never gonna be a part of our family you don't have to be related to be family i'm your real daughter she's just adopted
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 20,628,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, family, Chinese new year, Chinese culture, Lunar new year, being proud of your culture, being proud of your asian culture, asian culture
Id: 5iKNl7db0Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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