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[Captions by Judy V. at Y Translator] Hey guys. Today's video is sponsored by the post office. Not really. But I have a story for you. So, I went to the post office yesterday, and there was this guy who was trying to send money to some girl in Nigeria, and they were asking him, they were like, "Do you know her?" Apparently, she was supposed to give him something in return, and then the guys working at the post office were like, "Do you know this girl?" He's like, "Yeah." They're like, "Have you met? Do you like know each other?" He's like, "Kind of. Yeah?" He's like, "Have you met in person with this person you're sending money to?" He's like, "No." They're like, "Nah, don't do it." Everybody in line was like, "Nah, don't do it. You ain't gonna see that money again. You ain't gonna hear from her again. This is a huge scam." Not just from the Nigerian prince in your email. We got this happening in every day on Twitter. People using people's pics pretending to be somebody else. We got people who got called out for it, like this girl. "I'm 20. Psycho but cute. Looking for someone between 25 and 30. Must have a car and iPhone." Damn. Imagine a requirement to date someone. Must have an iPhone. Get your green text ass out of here. And then the girl in the picture is gonna call her out, "Why the f*** are you using my pics?" Um, to catfish duh! Man, this is a whole lifestyle, the easy way out. If you don't take good pics, if you ain't cute in real life, just use someone's pics. No, don't actually do it. "Take a pic with a fork so I know it's real." Oh, so the girl ended up being real, so she took a pic with a fork. But wait! Catfishes, they have gotten smarter. Like the girl's using other girls pics, they're getting smarter. [Oh man.......] "This is gonna sound like the weirdest s*** you'll ever hear in days but I used you to catfish, and this guy's willing to buy me stuff if I show a selfie with a peace sign. I'm so ugly, honestly." And my girl, she pulled through. She sent the pictures with the peace sign, and she's like, "go get you some nice things." Hey! How y'all gonna play dudes like this? This girl just straight-up encourages it. "I have sugar daddy but he wants a picture with three fingers up. You want to help with sister out?" Bro, are we for real now? She gonna send the picture like, "Girl, get your coin." Man, y'all see these females conspiring. This is what y'all up against. My sugar daddy, he ain't buying it. Let's get a little more specific. Put your pinky finger on your nose, and take a pic, and she did it. But that's not what we're here for today. We are literally here for the original catfish. >> Hey Jerry! I'm here today to finally meet online crush for the first time. >> We got this guy right here. He went on Jerry Springer, so he can finally meet his crush. >> How long have you been communicating with your crush? >> We've been chatting online for a couple months now. >> Oh, okay! But you never met her in person. >> No, never met her in person. >> I see. So this is it. >> This is why y'all got a FaceTime. How you gonna spend money on somebody, do all this without knowing they exist as a real person? You could be talking to an attack helicopter for all you know. You could be talking to an AI pancake. Man, this the future. You don't know who you talking to. >> What was attractive about her that-- >> Uh, we have a lot of things in common. Um, we both uh very athletic people. >> Yes. >> Both love going to the gym. >> All right, so they got lots in common. So, I mean they should like each other no matter what, right? It's all about that personality. >> And she likes to do the same thing apparently, is what you're saying. >> Oh yeah. She's gotta be able to keep up. >> Oh yeah. >> Yeah, we talk, like I said for four months online. Uh, she's helped me open up tremendously. >> Okay, we got this guy, just super hype. Got his flowers and everything, ready to meet his crush that he's been talking to for four months. >> Both love same music. Both Love Lil Boosie, my favorite artist. >> So, this is what she looks like. These are pics of her. Um, we love Lil Boosie and going to the gym. >> You are ready now to meet her. >> I'm ready. >> Okay. Here she is. Here's Dolly. >> Dolly? Man, when you hear a name like Dolly, you should probably be a little suspicious. Oh my God! [.......................I have 0% words] Bro! First of all, look at that size difference. He crushing on her, but she can literally crush him. Oh my God! Is she just tall or he just tiny? I'm sorry, but can we talk about this horrible two-piece? Girl, first of all, you wearing the wrong bra. Try a strapless, and then that two-piece it's just not doing it for me. Let's be real, it's not doing it for you either. Literally can't even look her in the eye. He gotta stand on that chair to look her in the eye. Man, what is this audience? He just threw those flowers like, "Damn! Pick it up!" She don't ever care, it seems like she just wanted to be on the show. >> Hi Dolly! >> Hi Jerry! >> She doesn't say anything to him. Like, "Oh baby, it's so nice to meet you." No, just like, "Ay, here I am." Man, you a little smaller in real life. >> You look different in the picture. >> I know. I've been using um my homegirl's pictures to you know, make money. >> Just straight-up "I've been using my homegirl's pics to make money." Not to meet guys, but to make money. Alicia didn't use the excuse, "Oh, those are old pictures of me." >> Why would you do that? >> Because I needed extra money. >> Oh my god, her face! "Why you do that?" "Because I need extra money." Duh! >> So, the whole entire time that I think I'm talking to her-- >> You've been talking to me. >> You're a freak! >> And guess what? I am, and guess what? I'm a man. >> Bro, this guy in the audience. "Yes! Yes! The best possible outcome. It's not the girl in the pic, and it's a man. Yes!" We love a plot twist. >> You've been sending your friend's pictures. >> Yeah, um... Why would you do that? >> I would like you know start catfishing when I was like younger, and it was just something I just stayed doing so... I would just do it for fun. >> I swear this is a thing. Some people are just like addicted to catfishing. I know some people look at it, they're like, "Oh, it's all fun and games." But you really hurting someone, you wasting their time, you're wasting their money. But I mean, some people they gotta do what they gotta do. >> Yeah, but then you meet the person, and the person's upset because it's not the picture of you. >> Right... >> So, what do you get-- That's what I don't understand. >> I mean it's just fun, it's something to do. I mean... >> Oh, I hurt his feelings, who cares. I was just bored. >> What do you-- what you want to say? Because this is-- >> I mean, I can do jumping jacks for you. >> Try to keep up with this. Man, this is the first Jerry thing I ever watched, I already like him better than Dr. Phil. This show is so fun. It ain't all like serious and lowkey attacking people like Dr. Phil. >> You could go to the same gym together. >> I know, right? >> No. >> Okay. So, uh-- This isn't gonna work because this is not who you thought. >> Not even close. >> I mean I could care less. I just wanted the money. I need to go get my nails done. >> This b**** really got no chill. Like she don't even care. Okay, I'm gonna pretend to be cute little Ashley, but you gonna pay up. Let me just say, this guy is a hella dumb for sending her money before he even like Facetimes her or anything. Never do that. If someone doesn't Facetime you, don't send that money. Ever! >> You can go find somebody else then. >> Who's-- Let's bring out Trina. >> Who Trina? Is that the girl in the pictures? Who this girl? >> Trina's your girlfriend. >> Yeah, Jerry. >> Oh no! You could have fooled me! I thought it was the girl in the pic that the other girl was pretending to be. But no, that's his real girlfriend. What? >> I packed up everything, my entire life in Michigan, moved to Tennessee. I thought we were building a family. >> Yo! No offense! But listen, y'all hear her voice. >> I let you spend Christmas with me and my daughter. Everything... I thought we were working on it. >> Well, you're moving too fast for me. >> But now we got karma over here, doing jumping jacks in your booty hole. Well, all I can say is sucks to suck. He gonna cheat on his girl, and this gonna happen. >> 23. You got a kid. I still like to go out on the weekends, party with my boys, drink. You know... I don't have time to really settle down right now. >> Well, I know this is your first adult relationship, but you really need to grow up. >> Now, he's got no girl! Why he thought he could go on Jerry Springer, and have the new girl and keep his girlfriend, and live happily ever after? But now he don't got anything. And this girl, who seems like a good wholesome girl, this is the type of girl you wife up, he's gonna grow up, date a bunch of thots, and then be like, "Damn, I wish I had a girl like her." >> Would you have idea that he was cheating-- >> I had no idea. He means the world to me. >> Girl, if he's gonna cheat on you one time, he's gonna do it again. I mean shoot, I mean, whose money is it like, he'd been sending me money, baby like... >> You sent this b**** money? We could have saved for a house. >> Damn! He out here sending random hoes on Facebook money. >> What was your money used on? >> I got-- you know, I got the Kylie lip sticks. You know I got-- I don't know. I just went you know, I'm saving up for surgeries. You know, I'm just-- you know, I don't know. >> You know, I don't know. Just doing you know, I don't know. You know I got the Kylie-- This b**** kills me. >> You've been using Peyton's pictures. >> Yeah. >> Here's Peyton. >> Here is the dream girl right here. >> You've been using my pictures to scam people? >> Yeah. I've been using your pictures. >> And you were supposed to be my friend? If you want to be a hoe, do it on your own time. >> What? I thought she using them with permission and everything like, "Girl, get your coin!" >> No, she coming in here mad as hell. Bro, she hella tall too. Or is this guy just really really small? Man, how tall are these girls? They gotta be like over six feet, and he got to be like five feet. This is just so-- The height difference is just, it's so weird. >> So yeah, you didn't do anything wrong here. She is using your pictures. >> No, she was supposed to be my friend. >> Girl, you know how to make money, girl. You know what's up? >> Okay, do that on your own time. >> She's doing it on her own time. >> Guys, I don't know. Is this fake? Is Jerry Springer fake? This is literally my first time watching it. It's lit. If you guys want more of these, make sure you hit that like button in the face! And comment below if you've ever catfished anybody, or somebody's catfished you. And make sure you subscribe and join the Wolf Pack! I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys. [Music] Subscribe to da peeps who helped!
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 17,499,747
Rating: 4.9185114 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, catfish, catfishing, online dating, mental, social media, love
Id: MPlf_fX6m7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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