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[Captions by Y Translator] Hello friends! It's your favorite French YouTuber, back at it with another juicy episode of Dr. Phil. I haven't upgraded okay. 2019. We still got the wire. Broke Squad assemble. I'm just kidding. Airpod users can't even afford a wire. This my friends is a luxury. Because I don't to have like charge it. Okay, so today we got this babysitter Ashley over here. She always coming up with some wild stories. You know, that's no big deal, right? In early 2017, it was revealed to me that Ashley had been faking a twin pregnancy. So I reached out, and Ashley confirmed that she was in fact 33 weeks pregnant with twins, and have been in a horrific car accident. First of all, what is up with Dr. Phil, and all these ladies that are obsessed with pretending to be pregnant? Plenty of dudes out there. Just ask somebody. You don't have to pretend anymore. She posted pictures of very very small children in the NICU hooked up to machines, that these were her children, Hudson and Braley. I decided to take the images into a reverse Google image search, and they came up to the Huffington Post. Oh, exposed. See, everybody learned that from Catfish, that reverse image search. So ain't no more catfishing anymore. I mean, y'all see this baby belly? I don't know what legitimate pregnant ladies belly looks like, but that don't look legit. Look how stiff that is. That's literally a balloon. She got a balloon under her shirt, and she out here making TikToks. Like look how pregnant I am. Why is this a thing? What is the obsession with pregnant women, babies, families? Like I don't understand. I knew in my heart at that time that the twins were absolutely fake. She's a scam artist. I think she's a very very mentally unhealthy individual, but I also think she's dangerous. Your local middle class mom, who goes to yoga three times a week, and lives in a gated community. She's dangerous. But I also think she's dangerous.. I know she lying about being pregnant or whatever, but she dangerous. Ashley came to me, and told me that she was pregnant. She would show me ultrasounds. She would call the doctor sometimes from my house. One day, I was looking out the window, Ashley have left my house, and from a distance, it looked as if she had pulled something that looked like a pillow out from underneath her shirt. You couldn't wait till you pulled out of the driveway, turn the corner... Girl, what you smuggling under there? She was in fact faking the pregnancy. I searched the internet, and I came across a Facebook profile of a girl named Cheyenne Lane, which happened to be my son dressed in girl's clothes. What? So while she was babysitting these children, she took pictures of her son dressed as a girl, and made a profile for him as a girl named Cheyenne. Look, if a 40 something year old woman can do her digging, and find your Facebook account, you ain't sneaky enough. You ain't sneaky at all. Somebody's 40 year old mother was able to find your Facebook page. Just stop. Quit. Delete your account. I was completely dumbfounded that she was doing this. It was just a complete betrayal of trust. The look she gives you before dinner, but you are the dinner. That looks like some baby eating teeth. I met Ashley at the Gymboree Play class in June of 2011. Oh my God, there's even more women that she's done this to. What? All these women seem so traumatized. How dare you use my child's photos. The more we talk, the more we bonded, and she had called me up one afternoon, and told me that her son Blake had died in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. Whoa! This is what she does. So when one of the woman found out about her using her son's pics, she told her other friends that the baby died. I don't have access to this child anymore. I'm going to kill him off in my imaginary life. So y'all can't ask questions. I discovered a post on the internet stating that my son had died in an accident. Once I fired her, she had to kill him off, because how is she going to explain she didn't have that child anymore. What an absolute mess. Like why doesn't she block her to begin with? Block the mothers, so they literally cannot see what you are up to. And don't show got mutuals? Like if you share in the post with some of your friends, and they go look at the post, and be like, hey, that's not her child. That's Margaret's child. What is going on here? Do people not think about these things? Like if you're gonna have this whole other life, you got to be more elaborate. Like Ashley, you suck at this. I can't speak for the other girls, but I know for myself that she inserted herself into my life, and preyed upon my kindness, and she never-- What Emily went through, but for what I went through, my children were digitally kidnapped. Digitally kidnapped. So in 2019, you can digitally kidnap kids. Like it's a real thing. It just sounds a little extra. It's like catfishing, but with somebody else's kids. Like stealing pics of other people's kids, and using them like on your Facebook saying they're your kids. Uh... I mean, if you so scared of somebody doing that, stop posting pictures of your kids on Facebook. Look, if you're so worried about that, why do you have the need to do that? Like you see like Cardi B, she never shows her baby's face. She's protecting her child. Yeah, we got all these moms with their kids wearing all Gucci, Burberry, whatever like, flexing on all the other babies. And someone gonna be like, right click, save as, snatched. Digitally kidnapped. Mine. And that's how mafia works. She preys upon what people are feeling, what people want, what people need, so she's like, you know, one kid had a heart defect, and she needed donations for that, and she couldn't bear the thought of any more baby gifts, so she gave them away, or she sold them. Whoa, so she's actually a scammer too. So she be like, oh, my fake child has a heart defect. Gofundme. $10,000. That's how mafia works. And then people actually gave her expensive baby gifts. Oh, look at you. You're pregnant. $400 stroller. And now she's like, oh my twin conveniently died in a car crash, so $400 stroller someone got me... I can't possibly use this anymore. And then she created the picture-perfect family on Instagram, so she could create all these followers, and have this happy perfect lifestyle. Whatever audience she could get, she will find. And that's why she went on Dr. Phil. You worked as a nanny, right? Yeah. You use the child you cared for to pretend that he was your own? Yes. Did you dress him up, and post pictures of him claiming him as your own? Yes. Why? That's exactly what I want to know, Dr. Phil. Literally, why? There's so many dudes out there that will be so happy to touch you. Let alone put a baby in you. If she breathes, she can get the D. I don't fully know. I think I just wanted the attention. I wanted to feel like I had a purpose. But there were people that knew you didn't have a child. When I would post those photos, I would change the settings on who could see the posts. Oh, that's sneaky. Okay. I don't know. It's like she's trying to flex. Literally weird flex, but okay. I'm flexing these kids that I don't even have. I wanted to act like I had a purpose. What's your purpose is literally not a purpose. She's stealing other babies pics, and saying that it's hers. What purpose is that? Scamming? Lying? Deceiving? Literally no purpose. Your son, Blake, had been killed in a car crash by a drunk driver, and you also lost a baby you were carrying at the same time. I had been fired, and I had to figure out a way why I wouldn't be able to provide photos. Geez. This girl has got some issues. Dr. Phil, I don't know, lock her up. Oh, no, my secret life was quickly unfolding. What do I do? Oh, that's right. Car crash. Yeetus to the fetus, and we Gucci. This is a mess. But you don't stop. You allegedly steal photos of a blogger, and you're posting photos of her children on Facebook as your own. That's just embarrassing. Come on. Taking a bloggers pics, and post them as your own? Somebody is gonna find out. Well, like at this point, does anybody believe Ashley? That these are actually Ashley's kids? But Ashley, how do you keep getting new kids? Where are all these children coming from? Like every few months, she got a brand new set of kids that she posted pics of. Where art thou children coming from? Not thine womb, I can tell you that. You eventually created identities for all your fake children. There was Blake, and Cheyenne... Shaylen. Shaylen, Jaden, Zoey. She don't ever remember all her kids' names. How many damn kids this girl got? I mean, she's not even making new profiles for herself. She's literally making profiles for the kids. But what? They're supposed to be her kids? This don't add up. You follow somebody on Facebook, you see them post pictures with like 20 different kids over the course of a few years, claiming it's their kids, what are you doing? Some things up. This fishy. Somebody got a close their legs. Why so elaborate? I mean, this was just for attention. You have got-- I think I wanted it to be real. Anyone that knows me knows that being a mom is what I want the most. You've had a total of seven fake pregnancy. Oh! 7 fake pregnancies, and no mans? Who is the father? Is it the same father? What is going on here? Yeah, low-key, she reminds me of that girl from Hills Have Eyes that want a baby so bad. Ruby! Ruby, the protector of the baby. You made up a backstory to this fake husband, Shane. You told different stories to different people. You posted that he was loving, and to others, you described him as abusive, as a cheater. Oh God. So, she got this hypothetical man's. Even the man's is fake. Babies fake, the family's fake, the man's is fake. Like what is she doing at home in her spare free time, when she's not babysitting, but she's not Facebooking? I wonder if she ever just thinks about this like, yeah, it's pretty messed up. Maybe I should not. You posted a picture of two children kissing pretending it was you and Shane when you were young children. Yeah. She's like the stereotypical, Oh, let me Google a photo, post it on Facebook, and pretend it's me. So this little black and white pic, you know, obviously a professional model pic, is supposed to be her and her hypothetical Shane. What good are moms if they don't take embarrassing photos of you when you're little. And what's the point of keeping them if you don't use them and embarrassing birthday posts! Happy dirty 30 to my partner in crime from the age of two, and the first boy that made me realize not all boys had cooties. And she even got a fake profile for her fake hubby. Yeah, her mom definitely took that pic. She did this all for 9 likes on Facebook. Girl, you could make yourself a TikTok, do some Fortnite emotes, you get a lot more than 9 likes. I don't understand why I do it. I know I hurt people, and that's not my intention. But you get caught, and you just do it again. I mean, it was like, '08, 2010, 2011, 2012. 2014. It's kind of like an addiction. She's been doing it for over six years. A lot of the people that do this kind of thing, you know, like catfishing, fake profiles, whatever, they've been doing it for years, and it is a problem. It's like an addiction type thing. But anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. You think this woman's crazy, hit that like button in the face! And make sure you subscribe, join the Wolfpack. I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys.
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,677,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, dr phil, babysitter, lying, caught lying, people lying, sssniperwolf dr phil
Id: 1hzFeX6VFis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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