GIMP Tutorial: Pressed Leather Effect

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this pressed leather effect using and if you'd like to learn more about how works be sure to check out Skillshare who was kind enough to sponsor this video skill share is an online learning community with thousands of classes covering dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills and that does include they do have a nice selection of tutorials to check out Premium Membership gives you unlimited access so you can join the classes and communities that are just right for you whether you want to fuel your creativity or advance your career skill share is the perfect place to keep you learning and thriving skill share is also incredibly affordable especially when compared to your traditional in-person classes and workshops an annual subscription is less than $10 per month and because Skillshare is sponsoring this video you could sign up with the link in the description and get a two month free trial so go ahead and check that out if that sounds interesting to you so we're gonna go ahead and get started here and dip the first thing you want to do is just open up our leather texture I'm gonna have a link in the description to all of the assets used for this tutorial so go ahead and download the leather texture here and open it up with and then we'll be good to get started the next thing we're going to need is a copy of a logo that we would like to impress into the leather here and for this tutorial I will be using the logo itself so I'm just gonna click and drag that into here and again I'll have a link to this as well if you want to follow along with what I'm doing here so go ahead and click and drag that into like you see here and let me zoom out a little bit by holding ctrl and rolling down the mouse wheel I just want to scale down that logo so it fits inside of the image here I'm gonna grab the unified transform tool which is right here click on the image the logo and hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard and grab the larger look for one of the look for one of the corners here the large square going outside of this diamond hold ctrl + Shift + click and drag that in like that to scale that down right about there right about there is pretty good we can go ahead and press ENTER on the keyboard and what we want to do now is we want to take this and just move this beneath the the leather texture layer because we're not gonna actually use this we're gonna create an alpha selection from that shape and create an entirely new layer so I'm going to right click on that logo layer and go to the alpha to selection and then I'll click on the layer above that which is the texture layer and I'm gonna create a new layer on top of that I'm gonna go ahead and click OK and what's once we've done that I'm gonna go to select feather and we want to feather the selection by 10 pixels so go ahead and type in 1 0px click OK and now we will go to edit fill with foreground color but before doing that just make sure that you have your foreground and background sets of black and white respectively this is the default when you open up so you should be good to go here unless you were using another color previously I'm just gonna go to edit fill with foreground color and now I will go to select none and what we're gonna do now is take the mode the blend mode of this layer and set this to soft light like that and you'll notice some of the texts are showing through on that black logo there I'm gonna take the opacity of this and bring this down a little bit as well maybe to about there and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna create another alpha selection from this I'm gonna right click on this and go to alpha to selection I'm gonna create a new layer on top of this so I'm gonna click on the button that says create a new layer and add it to the image click OK now go to select invert because we want to invert that selection and now we want to go to filters light and shadow and we want to choose drop shadow legacy not the drop shadow with the drop shadow the legacy version right here and the defaults we're going to be working with offset X we want that set to 8 we want Y set to 8 as well we want the blur radius set to 15 we want the color to be black we want the opacity all the way up at 100 and allow resizing is disabled then go ahead and click OK and it's gonna add an interior if you zoom in and look it's gonna add an interior drop shadow in there so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go to select none to get rid of the selection and I'm gonna create a duplicate copy of that drop shadow layer that's on top of the image I'm gonna click on the layer that says drop shadow and I'm just going to duplicate that though duplicate that with this button that says create a duplicate of the layer and add to the image just so it stands out a little more and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna create another alpha selection from this logo I'm going to come down here to the layer that's just above the layer the the leather texture right click that and go to alpha selection then go back to the top up here and now what we want to do is go to filters light and shadow and choose drop shadow legacy once again only this time we're gonna use different settings we're gonna set the blur radius to 10 we're gonna set the color to white and then we'll go ahead and click OK and now we can go to select none and where it says mode actually you know what we want to click on the the drop shadow layer on top of it the very top layer now we're gonna go to mode we're gonna set that to overlay and what we can do now is we can go back to our original layer right above the leather the leather texture layer and we can adjust the opacity accordingly so if you don't want it all the way up like that because it doesn't quite look natural but there should be I mean theoretically there should be some darker color within this layer here because it is sitting inside of it is impressed into the layer so the question is how much discoloration do you want I think it's just a matter of personal preference I think right about I don't know maybe 40 percent looks pretty good there and if you want to get a good bird's-eye view of it you just zoom out and you can see how it looks there you can see it really came together there so I think that should do it for this tutorial that's how you can go about creating a pressed leather effect using if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 34,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp pressed leather, pressed leather effect, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: X2soim-1xCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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