GIMP Tutorial: Adding a label to a cylinder or can

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in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to add a label to a cylinder object um i've seen a few tutorials of this where people get it really wrong what so i'm just going to paste a random label and we're going to do a bit of a wrap around around the cylinder let me just make it a little bit smaller about let's say we're going to get it around there and it's going to wrap it around the midsection of the of the can okay so that's a cylinder and we're going to wrap that around okay what a lot of people do is they go straight to distort and they go to curvebend and they think that curving this is enough for that realism but there's an extra step in there and what needs to be done is under the distortion there's a i believe it's the sphere eyes okay um let me just confirm this yes so if the the name's a bit misleading because spherize allows you to do cylinders as well so you can do a vertical um or even horizontal right so what we want is horizontal that's that means stretching or skewing horizontally what that does is is this okay so it stretches the middle part out and that's that's something we do want that is um you know um stretch the middle part out a little bit and then bring the so you can see the middle characters are a little bit stretched there then you bring the two ends more like that okay and suddenly they're not so stretched anymore they're normal however these on the extremities you can see the text there is quite compressed as it would be on this angle so that's the first step you do then you go to con distort and bend so we want to bend at the same angle that the can is bent at let's have a look at that uh preview now we wanna the lower we want the upper to copy to the lower let's preview again now for the purposes i'm not gonna spend too much time getting it perfectly right for the purposes of this demo to me that's kind of sufficient i'm just going to leave it there okay so you can see that if i do this do that okay that has wrapped around the text here is compressed on the left hand side the text is compressed here on both the left and right hand side and it's quite normal in the middle that's because we had that uh sideways stretching through the spherize function under filters and distort okay so that's how you do that now of course there's a father few of the lighting effects that you know you want to do but that's in effect that's what you got to do if you want to um so if i wanted to go the extra little distance and just say all right brightness let me just reduce the brightness a little bit so then i can grab the dodge tool and you know just add some shine there and there so you see what i'm what i'm getting at here so some shine there where else we got a little bit of shine let's say some shine here and here one thing you can do also with straight lines if you click hold shift down click it does a straight line super handy for doing this sort of stuff i like that so you know that starts looking like a real can have a look at that there you go that wasn't too difficult so again thanks for watching any questions please leave me a comment
Channel: Eli Afram's GIMP
Views: 9,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, GIMP, tutorial, can, edit, labels
Id: Eg10xTOcrCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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