Harvest City Church

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[Music] i know this is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you might not feel like it right now but i dare you to open up [Music] the spirit of the lord is in this place the spirit of the lord is in this place fall fresh on harvard city church of god so fresh on harvest city church oh god so fresh on harvest city church oh god the spirit of the lord is in this place hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus god is doing something special in this place god has been doing something special in this place so we welcome you not just the harvest city church but we welcome you into the presence of god we welcome you into the presence of god where everything that you need is right here in this house whether you're watching online or whether you're sitting here with us everything you need is in the presence of god we love god we love his people and we love the city in which he has called us and that's not just greensboro because we're where people are listening worldwide so god we just want to reference you today oh god we just want to give your name all the glory honor and praise oh god we know that your word says that where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom of god when the spirit of the lord is we also believe there is healing oh god we also believe there's rejoicing oh god so lord i pray that you meet every need unspoken oh god the things that we need that we've been praying and crying for oh god i pray that you meet us exactly where we are today lord god and we will not stop to give your name praise god we will not hesitate to open up our mouths oh god we will not hesitate to give your name the highest praise we won't hesitate to shout hallelujah when we feel it in our spirit oh god today god it's not about us but it's all about you god and somehow someday when we make it about you it comes back to being about us on god so i just pray in the name of jesus that every request that's been laid at your feet oh god that you would answer it and do it quickly god we won't wait until tomorrow god we need you today and right now in the name of jesus we give you all the glory we give you all the honor and all the praise and it's in jesus name we pray amen hallelujah we serve almighty god we serve an awesome god [Music] [Applause] water you turned into wine open the eyes of the blind and there's no one like you [Music] out of the ashes we rise and there's no one like you none like [Music] [Music] i is is [Music] is yes there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah [Music] i is i got sing with me how great [Music] on and help me lift is up and see how great [Music] hallelujah [Music] and hallelujah [Music] you are worthy [Music] everybody [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] [Music] that's who you are a strong lord i love you boy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy [Music] of jesus he's worthy there's nobody like him hallelujah [Music] than your cheer and our heart will sing how great and our heart will sing how great [Music] and our heart will sing how great [Music] is our god he really is a great guy he really is a great guy he really is a great guy he really is a great guy do y'all believe that he really is a great guy he really is a great guy nobody like your husband is a great guy he really is nobody like you jesus [Music] [Music] you are and our heart will see it's our god yeah he loves to hear you sing to him sing it again you're on the name [Music] and you are worthless [Music] and my heart will sing how gray and our heart will sing how great and our heart will sing how great is our god hallelujah jesus cause it's your breath in our lungs so we pour [Applause] [Music] is foreign [Music] so [Music] our hearts will cry [Applause] come on lift it up together this morning [Music] our hearts [Music] we're doing it together this morning [Music] our hearts are gonna cry [Music] [Music] me [Music] come on live yourself is so [Music] do y'all believe that [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] it's your breath in our lungs [Music] it's your breath [Music] one more time hold the music it's your breath it's your breath in our love [Music] it's your breath [Music] [Music] so we pour it's your breath in our lungs so we pour we pour your [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on come on it's your breath come on [Music] come on you got to pour it out come on it's your breath in our lungs come on so we pour [Music] it's your breath in our lungs so we pour [Music] oh something is breaking this is sweet come on it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your breath it's your now take 30 seconds and give it back to him thank you [Music] come on take 30 seconds and give it that to him come on come on take 30 seconds and give it back to him [Music] come on come on take 30 seconds give it back to him give it back to him give it time to him come on come on [Music] [Music] come on follow me come on up [Music] come on come on give it back to him come on one more time give it back to him oh give it back to him we gotta go [Music] give me [Music] give it back to [Music] give it back to [Music] give it back to one more time give it back to give it back to it give it back to give it back [Music] [Applause] give it back to him one more time everybody give it back to [Applause] at this time city kids can be dismissed we give it back ages 2 through 10 walking age 2 through 10. give it back to [Music] we're moving yes we are but give it back to [Music] [Music] we'll take 30 seconds just to give it that don't worship him come on come on take 30 seconds [Music] i give you [Music] my storage is empty i give it back to you give it back to you give it back to you give it back to you i'm sorry y'all i feel something there [Music] it back to you hallelujah give it back to you [Music] you deserve it [Music] all right we gotta move on i'm gonna try my hardest we gotta move on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] follow me hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] open up your body [Music] [Music] you deserve it we're moving we're [Music] to moving all the glory all the others [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you so much welcome to harvard city church where we love god we love people and we love the city clap your hands and give god praise come on you can do better than that what a wonderful god we serve what a mighty god we serve hallelujah i'm glad to be here in the land of the living hallelujah my god i'm so glad to be here um we're going uh we're going to first timothy 4 to my saint the christ he said you're the son of the living god something about something that lives just gets me he said you're the son of the see i like y'all harvest when y'all start getting excited about sound doctrine i can rock with y'all he said you're the son of the living god go to verse 17. he said blessed are you simon bar jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven watch this come on russell calm down i'm sorry i'm fired up y'all hold on hold on jesus is saying this jesus is showing us something because they respond to him right but peter gets it right in other words what jesus is saying is just because you have a perception of me doesn't mean that it's valid yes something i'm john something i'm a prophet but who has the right perception it's peter that says you are the christ the son of the living god y'all are right he says you're christ somebody says christ can i talk to you for a moment christ is not his last name i know some of y'all because we say it's so easy like no i'm gonna deal with some stuff because we say so he's like his last his first name is jesus well really is yeshua and really if you take that out the reason we say yeshua is because there are some vowels that are missing in hebrew language so when we put it together it comes out to be yeshua but really this yeah he said your christ christ somebody said i need to know christ is not a name you're jesus christ it's not it's not like you're bill russell yeah jesus no no no christ means anointed one callisto's somebody say anointed one really each and every one of you can be a christ hold on i'm getting ready to break something up anointed one but that's the plot of the enemy because crystals doesn't just be an anointed one in greek but if you go to the hebrew origin it doesn't mean anointed one it means messiah and in other words what peter is saying you're the anointed messiah anointed is many things but not everybody is messiah he said upon this truth who is he said i am upon this truth i build my church let me break it down because somebody ain't gonna like this i ain't talking about four walls he says says my church my ecclesia what does ecclesia mean russell calm down ecclesia means set apart he says upon this doctrine you shall be set apart [Applause] why is this something because god sets his people apart and the reason why he sets his people apart is because israel is in the culture of polytheists where there is many gods but god tells israel he says hear o israel the lord your god i know what people say around you but the lord your god just look at your just look at your name i just say yeah come on hold on hold on hold on why is this important because we have to come to a fundamental understanding before you can combat or receive or expel any doctrine you got to find out who is jesus [Music] he's not just a man he's not just an example he's not just a good prophet he's a messiah somebody say who is jesus so let me expose to you what the enemy wants to do yellow right let me tell you the doctrine of devil what the enemy wants to do is diminish who christ is to just an anointed individual one of the ways that we are that they are trying to diminish him as it to an anointed individual is through this idea of christ's consciousness it is the idea now let me talk about this it is the idea because one of the bishops of the church that was in the church talked about this on this thing is the idea of creating and cultivating within ourselves a level of consciousness similar or equivalent to christ himself all you have to do i'm gonna help you is love everyone freely and open sound a christ yes but this is implemented by practicing karma yoga how can you be like christ but you need something else to make you like him to accept what is and not being able to cling to the things and this is a buddhist foundation so can i talk to you about this doctrine what they want you to do is to be like christ sounds right right sounds biblical right be like christ however this thought comes with something else so christ came to be the example and we can be like christ the anointed way and in many ways we're also gods because the bible says oh no no the bible says we are gods does it psalms 82 it lets us know that you are god hold on hold on hold on but in that word you are god's the word that translates for god is elohim elohim has many meanings but in this tense elohim doesn't mean a divine being it means you are a judge and actually then we're going to do this pull psalms 82 is y'all are yellow right y'all sure y'all are right y'all sure because i love y'all because i'm gonna i just i gotta do this time is 82. tell me tell me when you have something to do i'm sorry i didn't give this to you y'all ready he said god stands in the congregation of the mighty he judges among the gods how long will you judge unjustly he's talking about judges and magistrates why do i know this to be true why because god says in his word that he sits on a council of his own self [Music] and if he sits on a council of his own self there's no reason for this to be other god john 10 and 34 little john 10 34 because you got to understand that god is a word smith because he is the word john 10 go to john 10 and 34 tell me when you get harriet john 10 and 34 glory to god hallelujah glory to god go ahead john 10 34 real quick cause i'm just going to start reading hallelujah amen jesus answered them many good works have i shown you from the father okay hold on let me that's 34 go to 34. jesus written jesus answered them and said is it not written in your law i said you are gods jesus knowing the word because he is the word is pointing back to the word and he's telling him something he's saying what is he saying somebody said what is he saying he's saying if you accept that gods are judges why do you have a problem accepting me and my claim that i am the god hold on y'all we got to deal with this because in other words let me show you how deception is being used what god what the enemy tries to do is give you a word and you use it but you don't understand the essence of the word so now we say we are little jesus okay let me help you out you're not a god there's this culture going around especially our millennials you got to be careful because it's running rampant on college campuses and you think because it's hot you take the language of what is hot and you don't realize it's a plot of the enemy so now you wake up and say good morning gods and goddesses you are not god what the enemy is trying to do through this new age teaching is to diminish who god really is christ was not just a good man he was god john 1 1. bring it up real quick let's run john 1 1. in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god john 1 and 14 because i got to show you something he wasn't just a man but he was god and the word became flesh and god became flesh and dwelt among us and we be we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the father full of grace watch this word truth because it's coming back around he's not just a man he's god in the flesh god is the word the word becomes flesh and dwelt among us how we know this go to john 3 and 16. for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son i want y'all to read this come on go to first john 3 and 16 king james version by this we know love go to king james version we got it all right here we go we're gonna like it by this we know love because he laid down okay here we go hereby perceive we the love of god because who god laid down his life for us in other words he is the son that he sent when we could not get to god god came to isaiah 9 and 6 bring it up he's not just a man he's god for unto a child i'm gonna let y'all read it go ahead uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh stop just because he's the son doesn't mean he's not the father he will be called everlasting [Music] he's not a man he's god he's the son and the father at the same time now sit down why is this important because the world seeks to make jesus a man that tapped into his fullness of consciousness that we also can possess but it's dangerous if he is god and not just if he is god and not just a divine powerful consciousness being if i can say i'm like him i can also be a god because he's attainable somebody say he's attainable go to isaiah chapter 14 for me and verse 14. and satan says i will ascend above the height of the clowns and i will be like the most hot the plot of the enemy hear me because you got to see what's happening the plot of the enemy is to make you think you're going to be like god now watch this i know we're made in his image i know we ought to be like him but i will never beat him because the truth of the matter is the enemy was already like god but that wasn't good enough for him he said i'm all sick y'all don't believe me um i didn't give you this scripture sister jamie so please help me um pastor bill is so sorry but i need you to go to one thing go to uh genesis chapter three and go to verse 4. i got to tell you what the plot of the enemy is i'm sorry genesis chapter and the serpent said unto the woman he shall not surely die go to verse 5 for god does know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil what y'all are right what the plot of the enemy is to make you try to exalt yourself so you don't have to submit yourself [Applause] it is the spirit of rebellion satan rebelled against god the thing is if we are y'all are right i ain't born y'all arma if we are all gods if you are god and you are god and yeah you are god uh your brother you a god yes you were god oh yeah even you if you are god that means who's submitting who because we're all gods but the enemy is trying to get you to a point so you exalt yourself so you'll never have to submit yourself there's a thought proving in the church about this god's thing and it's called pantheism not only is it called pantheism but they go as far as to say christian campaign because they put christ there and what christian pantheism is that god is everything god is in the truth god is in the air god is the chair god is you god is the bird god is everywhere they use the scripture when david says if if i make my bed in hell thou art there if i if i sin to the heavens thou art so god is everything but what you can't do is misjudge his omnipresence that yes he's everywhere but he's not everything because god is god because he always was you were made in his image so automatically you are disqualified from being god because you're a created being [Applause] there was never a time he did not exist but there was a time you did you did y'all are right but god is god because he's all he always was god that's why although jesus is the son of god he is god because there was never a time he did not exist you don't believe it bible says before the foundations of the world christ sent his son hold on before the foundations of the earth before you came see can i say this and i'm gonna move because this is really my soapbox so i gotta really move fast i'm sorry y'all i love this i was watching i was listening to a music a song that came out maybe like 10 years ago right and the song said if if your sin produced calvary your praise will produce something as well and everybody went off yes that's deep is shallow and it's unbiblical your sin did not produce christ on the cross it was already in the plan all right now remember the word of god says john 1 14 the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory in the glory of the only begotten father full of grace and truth somebody say true john 14 and 6 says i am the way [Music] i am oh wait oh no i'm sorry i am the way somebody said the way i am the truth i am let's say it again i am the way i am the truth i am the light no one comes to the father what happens is this oh lord uh yeah i'm good what happens is this yellow right if we are all gods then the truth becomes relative and not absolute in other words because we are gods whatever we feel is true which is where this new phrase is coming from live your truth whatever you feel live your truth whatever it is live your truth why because truth is relative but he said i am the way i am what hold on if you denote him watch this if you denote him to a divine being of consciousness he had a truth and you have a truth but that's not what it says and if everything becomes true watch this tell me when you're ready y'all ready tell me you're ready tell me you're right i just felt that i got excited if everything becomes true whatever you feel becomes true then there is no such thing as a lie if everything you feel is true is your truth eventually there is no such thing as a lie what is the devil's plan he wants you to think that there is no lie why because he said the bible tells us that he is the father of lies so if he can get you to think that a lie is a truth you'll never recognize you're operating under disguise [Applause] everything is true if everything is true that means there is no such thing as a lie y'all got that but if everything is true that also means that there is no such thing as right or wrong because everything is and if everything is true and everything is right and nothing is wrong there's no such thing as sin and if there's no such thing as sin there is no reason for the shedding of blood because if it had not been for the shedding of love there would be no remission of sins so it's easy for the world who accepts everything to make him just an anointed conscious being but for us who realize that the devil is real we know that we don't need another god but we needed god himself and when we could not get to him he got to us how do i know that he is more than a little god and he is in fact god because according to pantheism christ consciousness we are all gods but if this be true come here brother marquis come here brother david there's no sustenance because everybody has their own truth but i'm going somewhere if you help me y'all got me so far i'll be back in bible study ask me a question i want you to do something the bible tells us according to pantheism that there were three gods on calvary's cross because we're all gods so there's three of them sitting up there two thieves i mean two gods next to god i mean our god three of them sitting up there but one god i mean he says to our god who is god today when you come into your kingdom this little god submitted to this big god because he was never god says when you come into your kingdom remember [Applause] all of them die all of them die but when he died the bible tells us that he was wounded for our transgression that he was bruised for our iniquity that the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his strength we are healed i got to tell you something three of them were on the cross but only his blood suffice for me three of them were on the cross but he was the only one that could wrap his arms around me three of them were on the cross but only his blood had the ability to work what can wash go back to your seat away not since nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus all three men died but i gotta tell you only one got up all three of them died but one god up turn me up and i want you to know on the third day he got up with all power in his hand i gotta talk to you huh others have been resuscitated others have been brought back from life but there's only been one risen savior jesus the son of the living god and because he lives i can faith tomorrow he's not just a man he's god he's not just a being he's gone at the mention of his name demon tremble he is the alpha and omega he is the beginning and the end he is the stone that the builders rejected he is mary's baby he is the lamb of god he is the son of david he is the high priest he is the intercessor he is the king of kings he is the lord of lords he is our kingsman redeemer he is jehovah jairo he is jehovah nixon he is thinking to her he is turned to your neighbor and said he he him grandma would say she didn't have all the fancy words but grandma would say when i was sick he was a healer he's a lawyer in the courtroom he's my all and no he's a burden bearer he's a heavy load sheriff he's a hot fixture he's a mind regulator he's a father to the fatherless he's a mother to the motherless he's a friend to the friend he's not just the source his name is jesus he's not the universe his name is jesus some trusting horses others trust in chariots but we will trust in the name of the lord for the name of the lord it is a strong tower the righteous running and they are safe i dare you to say jesus see them the more i call them the better i feel even demons know that there is one god and there are demons that tremble at its name i want you to do me something turn to your neighbor and say i got the secret say what is the secret i don't like that side say i got the secret say what is the secret this is my section it turns into i got the secret what is the secret let me ask you my middle section got me turn to somebody say i got the secret what is the secret tell me are you ready i'm getting ready to tell you it says living he loved me dying he saved me buried he's coming back one glorious day but rising he justified me forever and one day he's coming back i don't care what you believe he's coming back i don't care how long you been here he's coming [Applause] why is the enemy after the name of christ somebody said why it's back into our text and he said to peter on this rock i build my church and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it i want you to know that when you have his name hell don't have nothing on you when you have his name demon starts scared when you have his name her victory is your portion that's why he said he said i'm not going to just give you his name but he said to him peter he said peter i will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever you on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on earth will be loot in heaven go to acts 2 and 38 pull it up he said peter i'm going to give you the keys of the kingdom i'm going to give you access to the kingdom acts 2 and 38 pull it up [Applause] and peter santa go to 37. [Music] 37 go all right i got to go do it myself come on all right now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and to the rest of them of the apostles the men and brethren what shall we do go to verse 38 and peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ christ the messiah christ the routine one christ and he shall receive the gift of the holy ghost so you shall receive the gift and if you receive a gift that means you're not you're gonna receive the gift of the holy ghost i don't care how much you get in you you'll never be it because it's a gift saints hear me the reason why the enemy is after your theology is not just so you can adapt a new terminology but so you can become so comfortable with who he is you don't realize his silithic power if you are a god then you have the ability to save can i tell you something church hmm i went through some stuff before and when i went through something i was in some trouble and when i was in trouble i started calling people and before they could get to me there was a name i called on and the moment i called him he showed up showed up if you call me it'll take some time but when you call chief he shows up he shows up he shows he's shot everybody's standing [Laughter] [Applause] tell somebody i know who god is my god has a name [Music] but they yet turn out a lot about shia what the enemy wants to do is to make you think he's just everything so you don't get the revelation of who he is but tell somebody i got a revelation and you can't make me doubt him i know too much about him and that is why i love himself not because of a car not because of a house not because of money but he is the living god he is the soon coming savior [Music] listen all right watch this excuse me musicians we're not supposed to do this today because i'm preaching about strong doctrine but can i tell you something i praise god because the one thing somebody say why [Music] i praise god because he's god and i'm not [Music] i praise god because he's god and i'm not break it down [Music] look at your name as a neighbor i thank god [Music] that my salvation is not in your hands break it down [Music] all right hold on i'm sorry sorry ministers i think i gotta take a sunday off because i'm so excited break it down why was his blood good enough why is he not just a god but he is the god because when sin came in the first thing that adam and eve did they went and got fig leaves and they tried to cover themselves but the issue is the moment the fig leaf comes off the tree it begins to dry because it's disconnected from the source so jesus walks into the garden and he says you're still naked he takes a covering of animal skins that have the blood and he covered them but that was only temporary then cain kills abel and although abel was a good man and his sacrifice was accepted his blood wasn't good enough he said to them all right it's getting bad now children of israel the death angel is getting ready to pass through and i need you to put the blood on the door oh when i see the blood i'm on passover why somebody say why [Music] the bible tells us this in leviticus i believe it's chapter 17 that in the blood is life ah hold on break it down in the blood is life there is nothing that can defeat death but life jesus comes to the disciples and he says how can bells above cast out bells above a house divided against itself cannot stand so in order for us to be who we are we needed the opposite yes sir but it could not just be any type of blood because sinful blood could uncover sinful people but there was a man who was fully human and fully devout he was without sin you little guys got a lot of sin because you were born and sinned and shaped in iniquity but the devil tried to tempt him and he got out of it and did not sin and he's able to keep you from so the redeemer that we needed could only come from one person in the old testament wrestle stop we gotta go just regular describe it in the old testament there's a testimony about a paschal layer i say pasha lamb i'm not supposed to be talking about this i'm sorry a pancho lamb was a lamb that was spotless and after the day of passover at high at the third wash at the high noon they would slay the lamb and they would say it is finished on calvary's cross when he was on the cross after they named him in his hand put nails in his feet the spotless patcho lamb stood up there and said i think it's done now it is finished into your hands i commit my i got one thing to say you don't have to slay the lamb anymore you don't have to sprinkle the blood off the door all right let's go home i was looking at something i was looking at something in sister town this week it was an article about taking christ out of christianity [Music] and let's just have a christian culture but he doesn't have to be god but if you take god out of christ you're messing with my salvation and i know i need a savior because one day when i was lost he died upon the cross and i know we don't like talking about this but turn to your neighbor and say i know it was the blood taught me we gotta go home all right let's stand go home the blood still works [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's still saving it's still redeeming it's still causing me to bounce back [Music] it's the blood of jesus [Music] all right break it down we're not supposed to do this i'm talking about theology but pastor he says now behold we are the sons of god and it shall not appear what we shall be but we know that we shall be like him emphasis on delight we shall be like him it's the like for me we are the sons of god well let me help you adam was the son of god israel was the son of god angels were the sons of god y'all don't believe me remember they said the sons of men and the sons of god got together and started producing okay sons of god has many emphasis but there's only one son of man and that comes from daniel chapter seven he's not just the son of god he's the son of man did you do you remember when they were in the um the fiery furnace and he says i thought it was three of them in there but i see another one all right let's go home [Music] you need to know theology because the enemy is trying to present you everything and if you don't know who god is you'll fall for everything i'm so glad that when i went into the fire by myself [Music] he showed up all right let's go this is what we're gonna do i gotta move i will give you 30 seconds to praise god that he's god and you're not we're not praising for houses caused the land i'm just praying that he is the savior he came to earth to show me the way and i am saved from the hands of the inner you got 30 seconds one he's gone he's drunk he's god he's gone he's god and god all by himself and beside him there is bread of life lift up your hands you got to know who he is bread of life you got to know who he is you are the living word you got to know who he is get your hands lift your hands quickly you lift your hands get your hands [Music] everybody all over this place we praise god because of he is god we praise god because he is come on lift god hands 30 seconds or worse yes come on come on you prepare the table [Music] bread of sent life from [Music] this is who he is bread of heaven sent down from glory many things this is who he is y'all [Music] say awesome rule gentle routine he's god with us come on come on come on [Music] come on you are [Music] bread of life [Music] sit down from glory come on [Music] say many things a holy king you are say bread [Music] down from glory yes sir come on come on [Music] yes sir come on come on you are the awesome ruler [Music] come [Music] on with us [Music] but what what a friend [Music] you are here we go jesus jesus that's [Music] that's what we call you when we call you boys [Music] that's what we call [Applause] come on [Music] hey y'all this is who he is say you want to say jesus jesus we're declaring who he is [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] come on [Music] oh you're in this room and you have not received communion i want you to lift up your hands and we'll get you a communion cup if you need a communion [Music] you can't just take this and not know who he is this is the purpose of who he is come on we're gonna get it for you we got some people in the back we have someone over here [Music] you are the living word [Music] um if you're in this room you say i need to know him for the remission of my sins i need to know that he's the only one i want to renounce and repeat to any type of theology that i have accepted that is outside of god when we try to get to god outside of god things happen you remember the tower of babel right they tried to get to him but it wasn't his will when we try to get to god the mount everest of spirituality outside of god danger happens matthew chapter 16 he even starts out by saying it's the wicked that seek a song but the bible says signs and wonders shall follow fulfill that believe so today all eyes closed if you're here you say i don't know the lord as for the part of my sins and i want to get my life tail i want to announce anything because i want you to know this whole series i'm coming against her i'm coming against some meditations i'm coming against manifest and i'm coming against channeling i'm coming against all of these doctrines zodiac signs all of these things because we're going to know what we believe but we don't just accept everything so if you're in this room you say you know pastor you're talking to me now i want to give my life to god i want to align myself with the great god who purchased my salvation all eyes closed just lift up your hands there's one come on come on come on come on come on come on oh i don't want to just go between doctrine and doctrine i know who my god is he said israel i want you to be different everyone else has multiple gods but i want you to know that there's only one god i want you to repeat after me god i denounce any other god any other theology that i have picked up that is not like you you are god and not us not myself you came to earth to show me the way you went to the cross you died just for me three days later you got up with all power in your hand and i believe that you're coming back just for me i believe that you are the way the truth and the light and no one goes to the father but by you today i receive salvation i'm not just saved from the world i'm saved from myself he said simon simon the enemy seeks to switch sift you sweet he said but i pray for you that your faith failed now tell somebody my faith is strong in god if you need a if you need a communion cup just lift up your hands we'll get it say jesus jesus jesus [Music] come on come on come on [Music] you are there is one way there is [Music] come on from creation to green hallelujah one way come on do you believe it it's still one way come on one more time for there is one come [Music] on creation from [Music] holy communion is a time where we give things to god and we remember the sacrifice that jesus made he's the only one that made this sacrifice this is the last meal that he had with his disciples first corinthians chapter 11 verse 24 through 27 and when he had given things he broke it and said this is my body [Music] no one else could ever do this [Music] this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me and in the same way after the supper he took the cup saying this cup is my new covenant see a lot of people think the new covenant started in matthew but the new covenant doesn't start until he gets to the cross i talk about the bible on wednesday if you have not heard my bible study about the introduction of this go back and listen to it on when from wednesday and then meet me on wednesday on virtual he said but whenever you eat this bread and drink up this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes so then whoever eats of this bread and drinks of this cup in the lord in an unworthy manner we'll be guilty of sinning against the body in the blood of our lord jesus we remember you let us pray god thank you for letting a people like us be connected to a god like you thank you for letting us be in the body and letting the body be in us god for every sin forgive us the bread represents his body which was slain and broken for us it represents the magnitude of his love for us jesus you are the bread of life and without you we cannot make it with this bread bread we take on your body and we become one with you let us eat and eat all [Music] i'm gonna teach us a lesson about the communion too because it's not just an act it is taken on his body this cup represents his blood the ultimate sacrifice that was shed on calvary which represents his new covenant to us it represents his covering and his grace thank god for his forgiveness saints we lift the cup above our head as a representation of the children of israel when the death angel passed by he said for when i see the blood i'll pass over let us drink and drink all [Music] do me a favor take 30 seconds and worship your god come on come on [Music] thank you for being gone thank you for being god thank you for being god [Music] thank you for being god thank you for being god 30 seconds [Music] thank you for being god come on 20 more seconds come on thank you for being god thank you for being god thank you for being god jesus jesus [Music] there is something about that name [Music] like a fragrance after the rain jesus [Music] clap your hands and give god praise harvard city church i want you to hear my heart i love you to all of our guests thank you for joining with us if you are a first time guest we want to get your information please text the word welcome hallelujah to 336-360-6080 we want to get your information just to say thank you for worshiping with us we love god we love people and we love this city [Music] welcome i'm sorry something about the blood next week we celebrate five years of ministry come on five years of ministry come on five years of ministry [Music] now listen [Music] on that saturday hear my heart we're coming together what we did this week is because you sold out last week we opened up a few more tickets listen look at your name and say neighbor i want you to be there with me saturday we have college student rates college student rates are only 20 adult tickets our 30s kids tickets are 15. we want you to be there listen i got to tell you all the things that's happening we have a great artist that's coming from raleigh her name is tlz come on [Music] we have one of our very own sister nessa come on we get excited about home i got to tell you what else we have we have a photographer coming a professional photographer coming come on so look good so you can take pictures i got to tell you because our chef for the event walked into the room today i want you to know we got chicken and waffles we got um macaroni and cheese we got fried chicken we got spinach dip we got uh i don't know what else we got we got a lot of other stuff i ain't name it all didn't i we got cake we got be there and find out what you got but if that wasn't good enough we had to add a little pizzazz on it and we got one of those 360 things you know you stand in you take the pictures and stuff we're gonna have a good time turn to your name and say get your ticket i wanna see you i wanna see you listen we don't wanna be a family that shouts together but we don't enjoy each other fellowship cornine so do me a favor would you come celebrate you with your family tell somebody i want to see you there i want to see you there i want to see and then on sunday now we don't have a lot of afternoon services but we will have one next sunday sunday morning at 10 30 overseer evan richard will be with us from texas from texas and then that night our very own bishop sy younger and the ramp church international and they are bringing their choir so you want to be here can i just tell you something don't y'all like the new chairs come on we have to make room we have to make room we are growing and i believe god is doing something new and i want you to know if you can get through the teaching of this meet you're going to be all right i don't teach to be popular i teach to save lives and it's only the word of god in which we can be saved so let's give let's sell we're sewing i almost forgot about offering i got so excited we're sowing and we're sowing into good ground amen come on we're sewing into good ground we're sowing it to good ground hallelujah we're sowing into good ground glory to god hallelujah hallelujah i am i want you to know i love you if you need an envelope wave your hand but i want you to know that you can never beat god's given no matter how hard you try the more you give the more it'll be given to you now i know y'all say that's a that's about forgiveness yes it's also a principle i know the word come on show we're showing today also this thursday is choir rehearsal come on our choir is singing next week so if you want to sell you can sow by cash hat you can sow by texting the amount hallelujah can we praise god for minister campbell who's going to close us out and give us our benediction prayer i want you to pray for me i want you to pray can we also send a word of prayer for new jerusalem we want to pray for them they lost one of their members this week a great person in the community guilford college guilford county schools and so a lot of us in this room have been affected by that so pray for the strength of pastor williams as he begins to eulogize his member today harvest we love you i love you so much god bless you so much [Music] all right let us say our confession all of my needs are met all of our bills are paid and i have more than enough one more time all of our needs are met all of our bills are paid and we have more than enough let us pray father we thank you god for what you did today we thank you god that you sent the word lord jesus right when we needed it and we just thank you god that you are god and god when we couldn't find you you found us so father as we leave this place but never from your presence we ask god that you go before us god we thank you god that you protected us and you shielded us and we thank you god that you'll bring us back to here in your love and care in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Harvest City Church GSO
Views: 143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vy4b6h0lUX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 38sec (6038 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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