Harvest City Church

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father in the name of jesus we honor you we bless you we magnify you we lift you up oh god hallelujah there is no one like you hallelujah father as we go through this series oh god as we um just embark on everything that you have for us god would you speak to our hearts would you speak to our minds oh god would you give us revelation oh god would you give us understanding and for this we honor you we praise you in jesus name amen amen okay so we're going to second timothy chapter 2 verse 14 through 15 second timothy chapter 2 verse 14 through 15. tonight our first four-hour bible study i want to deal with the bible itself i want to deal with the bible itself so we're going to talk about this word of god this this bible that we have and what it means for us and what it means to us and um how it was put together just a little information about that so i want you to go um to second timothy to chapter 14. when you have to say i have it hallelujah say i have it i want to see i'm talking i'm trying to interact with you guys tonight amen okay here we go and the bible says remind them of these things charging them before the lord not to st before the lord not to strive about words to to no prophet to the ruin of the hearers be diligent to present yourself approved to god a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth i want to say that one more time rightly dividing the word of truth i'm just going to say that one more time rightly dividing the word of truth so let's just kind of deal with this the bible lets us know that we should study to show ourselves approved watch this to god we should study to show ourselves approved to god the first reason that we need to study to show ourselves to prove is because uh it's not just to defend the bible or to defend the gospel which is apologetics but it is honestly to please god we want to please god by getting to know him this keeps your learning pure if you're just learning about the bible learning the words so you can debate and that's just for vainglory how can we learn about a god that we don't take time to seek in knowledge so when we're seeking the bible when we're going after god what we're doing when we're going after the word of god what we're doing is we're learning god and i don't know about you but the more i read the word of god and the more i learn about god is the more i fall in love with god hallelujah how can we learn about how can we learn a god that we don't take time to seek in knowledge i get nervous when people are very spiritual but they're not word based i'm gonna start off already i'm getting excited i get nervous when people are very spiritual but they're not word based what do i mean by that because that we are living in a generation and a time where people would prefer to say you know i'm spiritual and i i'm spiritual but but my question is that's nice but what word do you know like uh i'm spiritual pastor i'm spiritual i i i love the word i love god yes i know you love god but if you love god you also have to take time to learn his word i don't i don't want to have no church tonight i love god with all my heart but i want to learn his word why is this important because what is guiding their spirit to make sure it is not contrary to the word of god see when i learn the word of god what i am learning is watch this i'm learning my boundaries i'm learning my parameters people who are spiritual but don't have the boundaries of the word of god they scare me saying i'm gonna be honest with you they scare me why because my question is what word do you have that's guiding that thought what word do you have that's guiding that ministry what word do you have that is guiding you in this purpose or this place so the spirit of god is confined by his word it is confined by his word okay let me talk to you like this john 4 24 says this that they who worship him worship him in spirit and in truth watch this the spirit works best with truth the spirit works best with truth you need the truth of god to guide the spirit hallelujah let me tell you um there's a satanic spirit demons are spiritual hallelujah but what is telling you it's the truth of the word of god that tells me and keeps me from operating in divination see even with the prophetic i get nervous i'm gonna move on i'm sorry i'm on my soapbox but even with the prophetic i get nervous when people can exalt themselves in words of prophecy but they don't know no scriptures like how do i know you are in the boundaries of god okay y'all don't want to have no church okay let's keep going because i'm getting excited so the spirit works best with truth proverbs 19 and 2 says this lets us know to desire without knowledge is not good desire without knowledge is not good that you can find that in proverbs 19 and 2. i'm moving on because i have a lot to say you are limited hear me out you are limited to the word of god that you know hold on you are limited to the word of god that you know the word of god is our guideline hallelujah okay let me give you some examples here i go you don't know all that you can be until you read it yes sir you don't know all that god can say all that god has to say about you until you read it you don't know all the ways god can move until you read it reading is your reference point you don't know the language of god until you read it hallelujah you don't know the best prayers until you read it okay here we go you don't know the tone of the prophets until you read it so you are limited to the word of god that you know i i was sitting in one day um i was sitting in the office with minister darius campbell and minister trayvon and i was just sharing with them about some things that i want to do important to the ministers and one of the things i told them is have you ever went to a have you ever went to a um a restaurant right and you're getting ready to order something and you know you have enough for that meal you probably have like a dollar or two over for that meal and you see the bill right and when you get the bill you know okay okay i have enough for this however when they run when they run your card you get nervous why do you get nervous okay hallelujah is because your bank account is low oh yeah yeah yeah i won't like this in college i never had to do this right so what we need to do is fill our spiritual account up with the word of god so we never have to be fearful that we're getting ready to run empty hallelujah you need the word of god to define who you are and what you're doing y'all don't want to have church tonight i'm sorry can i let you in a secret when you're spiritual walk is becoming stagnant it could be it could be because you aren't reading any new scriptures you aren't studying anything new you aren't exploring anything new oh taste and see that the lord is good saints of god you got to hear me this word of god is fun this word of god is exciting i'm telling you i'm having the time of my life with the series the word of god is good but sometimes we can get stagnant sometimes we can get stale eventually you got to learn more than psalms 23 eventually you got to come out of psalms and go into ezra and go to nehemiah you got to learn the minor prophets eventually you got to look in another place to see what else god is saying when we are so familiar with the word of god we become content and you have to wake up your desire for the word of god by finding things so let me tell you i i'm going to say this i'm just talking tonight i got a few things to say we're going to break it down one i was talking to a friend this week and we were talking about they were like man of god like you liked the word of god and i was telling them can i let you in on a secret they were like yeah i said i'm gonna be honest with you i'm just kind of nosy and then i apply that to the word of god so then i find out something to be like hold on let me find out why why this happened let me find out who said this i ain't nosy i'm inquisitive what i'm trying to tell you is you have to go in the word of the lord and search the scriptures and and find something new find something new get a new understanding hallelujah i continually expand my flow when i learn new things because of exposure to the word of god can i tell you something start with the word of god and end with the word of god even for those who are like oh well let me go into this let me see this um even in divinity school in seminary one of the things we learn is start with the word of god finished with the word of god yes if i if i go here and then i go to a historical book that the historical book confirms what's in the bible start with the word of god then you can look and then go back to the word of god because the word of god is our hiding place it is our guiding place the word became flesh hallelujah in the beginning was the word we talked about it amen so okay let me go because i'm getting excited i'm sorry thanks i want to mess with y'all tonight i'm so sorry i'm getting so excited okay here we go here we go studying is only partially taught it's not based upon an instructor as much as it is determined by the student here we go pastor i need i just need to help somebody today studying is only partially taught it's not based upon the instructor as much as it is determined by the student so in other words i can preach on sunday mornings i can talk on wednesday nights but it is up to the saints of god to go home and start studying this material it's up to you to say oh well pastor said this let me dive a little deeper you know what really conflicts us as preachers is when saints are like oh we want you to go deeper yeah well going deeper is sufficing you on sunday but if i if you don't take the word that i preach on sunday morning and dig into it monday night you're expecting me to do something you're never willing to do in your personal time okay y'all don't want to have church today i'm trying to tell you we're trying to bust up the doctrine of devils tonight and how do we bust up the doctrine of devils by understanding the significance of the word of god it is only partially based upon what is taught but is also determined by the student so i so to recap i am learning the word of god to expand my relationship with god first communication understanding it's like a manual uh it's like getting something and before you can really understand it if you read it you understand all the functions of it like for instance so many of us have these cell phones amen so many of us have these cell phones but can i tell you something none of us have read the manual on it come on let's be honest we go right to it and we start we start fumbling with it until we find out its functionality but the truth of the matter is because we have not read the manual we are probably only operating like 10 of the capacity like for me it is i always have to go to brother sam to be like brother saying what is this oh you didn't know you could do this right i did not read the manual and that's why some of us are operating at have capacity and low capacity in our lives because we have not taken time to read the manual that says you can be everything you are come on y'all don't wanna y'all don't wanna have this word let's move on so after learning about god it empowers me to empower us to empower others god is the reason for my learning god is the reason for my seeking god is the reason for my desire hear me out because the bible tells us i think it was matthew chapter 16 that is a perverse generation that seeks signs so the truth of the matter is i have to want to be where god wants me to be at my desire has to be pure in my learning my desire has to be pure in my learning i get excited when people are like i'm learning this i'm learning it's cool but are you learning it so you can get closer with god or are you learning it so you can get on more stages are you learning it so you can get closer with god or are you learning it so you can impress men are you learning it to get closer with god or are you learning it come on somebody for something or an ulterior motive that is not pleasing to god what is your reason for going after god somebody said check your motive check your motive galatians 5 and 26 it talks about vainglory i'm not going to be there long okay let's let's go um let me keep going amen might not suggest that we are often taught scriptures we are often taught stories we are often taught themes but we're not often taught about the bible itself we're often taught about the scriptures we're often taught about bible stories in in sunday school y'all remember sunday school yeah we're often taught about that but we're not always taught about the bible itself so it's one thing to understand the scriptures but it's another thing to understand the book that they are in it's one thing to understand the scriptures but it's another thing to understand the book that they are animals say that one more time it's one thing to understand the scriptures but it's another thing to understand the book that they are in so let's deal with this okay so when it comes to christianity we are actually the most unlearned sector of religion i know that sounds bad but we're talking tonight we are often the most unlearned sector of religion to be a jew watch this you must have a writer passage ceremony and after learning the torah and how to defend it so you know the jews they have to learn they have a bar mitzvah they have to learn the text muslims are not only taught the quran but they are taught our bible too so if you speak to someone that is uh um that is muslim they're not going to just know the quran they're going to know our book too we have to understand the book to understand is power so we have to realize that listen we've got to train ourselves in the word of god so we can stand in these last and evil days that is why there is a great departing of faith that is why people are coming to these seducing uh spirits these these um doctrines of devils why because we don't know the faith that we believe so let's talk about the bible tonight amen that's all i want to do i want to talk about the bible tonight so i hope you have something to write with because that's where we are going we have to understand the book to understand the power so let's look at it from genesis to revelation it consists of 4 000 years four thousand two hundred and twenty eight some scholars say so there is a span between genesis and revelation of four thousand to four thousand two hundred and twenty eight years that is a long time okay i hope you guys write this down this book is comprised of 66 books and i'm telling you this is going to be a little shorter because i'm giving a lot more information this book is comprised or composed of 66 books however because we got to learn everything however the catholic bible contains 73. our book contains 66 books however the catholic bible contains 73. there are seven books that we do not regard as scripture that the catholics accept and it's the books of apocrypha okay it is the books of apocrypha a-p-o-c-r-y-p-h-a apocrypha there are seven books of the apocalypse that we do not accept this book uh or these books would be situated between the old testament and the new testament it would be between the old testament and the new testament it talks about a jewish nation overcoming difficulties in captivity and gaining independence it doesn't sound bad right so if that's the case why don't we accept these books and hello facebook and youtube family come on in why don't we accept these books the reason we don't accept these books these seven books of apocrypha is because it does not fit the narrative okay so old testament narrative is this what is the old testament narrative is that god creates humanity right humanity falls god chooses to redeem humanity and to show his love by producing the children seed of abraham which become jews and to show his redemptive work well the continued well they continue to reject him time and time and time again and eventually end up in captivity under babylonian they end up in captivity in babylon so even when you see like jeremiah they're in babylon babylonian captivity which is why jeremiah tells them oh you're going to be here for a while okay pointing towards the messiah the old testament is pointing towards the messiah now what is the narrative of the new testament the the new testament narrative is the messiah that we've been waiting for in the old testament has come the apocrypha therefore is not accepted these seven books between um the end of malachi and matthew are not accepted because of this it does not speak of the messiah every book and i'm gonna get to that at the end of this every book speaks of the messiah so therefore these seven books the apocrypha we do not accept them because they do not speak of the messiah they don't say anything about the messiah okay let me tell you some more doctrinal reasons why we don't accept these seven books so they're like first and second maclabees and things like that if you've heard it the apocrypha here we go it it um it says that you can pray for the dead yeah that you can have prayers for the dead it's yeah you see why we don't accept it right it says you can have prayers for the dead like you can literally pray for people who are dead so we don't accept that another reason why we don't accept that is because it says that you can atone for sins by alms and other reasons in other way it means that you can pay for your sins okay hold on you can pay for your sins not through the blood but through money why do okay can i talk to y'all i hope we're enjoying this tonight because i'm like i love this why is it that the catholic church accepts the book of maclabees and we don't and it says you can pay for um your forgiveness by alms you can pray for your sins by alms why don't we accept that book well let me give you a little history lesson the catholic church the roman catholic church went through some trouble um i can't say years ago i mean like centuries ago they went through a lot of trouble and one of the troubles that they went through was financial a lot of this was about money so what happens is the pope at that time to increase the to increase the finances of the national church of the roman catholic church what he did was he started saying listen i'm going to allow you to pay you're going to be able to pay that your loved ones make it into heaven you're going to be able to pay for the remission of your sins now we already know that's dangerous because there's only one person that paid the price for our sins and that was christ and his blood purchased it sin has left the crimson stain but he washed it white as snow his blood purchases purchased it but the pope at that time says listen i'm gonna let you buy your way into heaven i'm gonna let you buy your family's way into heaven even if they have been dead so what they start doing is sending all of this money to the pope right which is also talks about this in the book of mackleby's right i believe it's second maccabees why is this crazy because at this point martin luther now has an issue because martin luther is like that's not in the bible like that's not in the bible so at that point is where you get the 95 thesis because he begins to um to contest the catholic church and saying this is not biblical this is this is uh this desire is because of money so you get that desire which is written in mclebee's maccabees because of a financial greed so now because of that you got to be careful when churches start selling salvation okay let's keep moving why else don't we accept the apocrypha um because it says you can atone for sins by alms okay and then it teaches watch this it teaches that the dead can pray to god no no you're dead no no no no no no you can't pray to god no no no the dead can't pray to god okay not only does it we reject it for that we reject it because there's another doctrine that's found in this book we reject it because it says that god created the world out of matter hold on no no our god created the world out of nothing maccabee says i mean the apocrypha says that he created the world out of a substance that would was already present well that doesn't line up with who god is he was all existing okay so already that is another reason why we reject these seven books in between malachi and matthew okay and also another reason that we reject this book is because the jews rejected it i know i know this is um you're not getting no miracles tonight but we're gonna learn about the bible the jews rejected it okay it is not mentioned none of these seven books are mentioned or quoted by jesus and the disciples in the new testament it is not prophetic therefore it is not scripture it is more so like a footnote that will give us insight like history but it's not scripture so it gives us some insight to what is happening during that time but at the same time it is not scripture you got to understand during this time there are other books that are historical books but just because it's historical does not mean it is scriptural okay i need you to know that just because it's historical does not mean it's scriptural and we're going to get to that why i hope i'm not boring y'all but this is what we got to deal with we got to know the book that we're reading out of here we go so now we have 66 books 39 old testament and 26 new testament okay the old testament or what jews consider the tanakh it is broken down to three sections i want somebody to write that down so i know y'all still here i see y'all three sections three sections it is the historical books it is the books of poetry and it is the books of prophecy the historical books books of poetry and books of prophecy okay there are over 30 writers of the old testament some believe that there are more than that you know most people believe that moses wrote the first five books of the bible yeah okay that's nice and and it's it it a lot of people defend that me personally i don't believe moses wrote the first five books why because he dies in them so if he dies in them okay like okay okay he wrote about his own death okay so anyway so there's two schools of thought that moses wrote the first five amen but then there is another school of thought that the first five books actually have many writers they actually have many writers hold on so that is the old testament now let's talk about the new testament new testament 26 books anytime that there is anything new there will always be counterfeits hear me anytime that there is anything new there will always be counterfeits so as the scrolls the scrolls you got to remember they want books like we have today as the scrolls were coming together false books were also being created so as people were showing that hold on this is the book we have people in the sidelines were writing books and saying okay this is the book of this this is a book of this so anytime something new is occurring there will always be counterfeits that will preach by its own self okay so then so here let me give you another little piece of history i really ex i get excited about this there's a guy by the name of marcion right who decides there needs to be a bible that is produced that would only contain the new testament because the jews did not accept christ he would get rid of anything that he's gonna um in his own bible what he's going to do is get rid of all jewish writings everything that points to the jewishness of god everything that points to the old testament and guess what y'all this martian thought actually shows up thousands of years later how does it show up thousands of years later i know this is a history lesson but i hope y'all enjoying this it shows up thousands of years later with hitler remember hitler's idea was to erase the jews well marcion actually started this so what happens is after martian comes together he says he's gonna write his own version the church has to get together and they have to say to themselves okay what versions of the bible what are we going to accept like what are we going to accept and this becomes the canon this becomes the canvas so if you see anybody says okay this is the can not the canonical the books of the bible or what is the canon it came because there were so many different versions that people were writing there were counterfeits people were trying to make their own books and they had to come together and say what is a universal book what are the universal books that we will receive okay so when they come to this um this canon when they come to this canon certain things have to be they have to agree on the first thing so these are the things that have to agree so that it can make it into our bible so when it says how did the books in our bible in our new testament make it here let me tell you how okay i hope y'all with me here we go so for a book to make it to the new testament here it goes it must be written by the prophet or apostle or by those associated with a prophet or apostle so who wrote the book that was very important who wrote the book the second thing is it had to be faithful and consistent to the old testament in other words you're not going to give us a whole new version and they don't got nothing to do with the old testament we're already because you got to understand something the first writers were actually very jewish okay so they wanted to honor the jewishness of the text because for them it wasn't that they were trying to rid jesus of his jewishness jesus was a jew he wasn't a christian that term doesn't come up until later in antioch in acts so they honored the jewishness of god so they did not want to say okay we're going to remove so they wanted to honor the old jewishness of the old testament they wanted jesus if jesus is the messiah it has to build off the old testament references so it had to be faithful and consistent to the old testament here we go it had to be recognized by the church at large in other words if we just could kind of make it just to kind of bring it to some terms if if it couldn't be a church that it couldn't be a book that only harvest city church believed it was true it had to be recognized throughout the greater church so it had to be a book that was distributed and that most churches would say you know what we believe this is true we believe that this is right we believe this okay because i'm going into some other things okay so it had to be recognized by the church at large and it had to be written in the first century so most some of the books that were rejected came hundreds of years after christ lived so it was like where how do we receive that as being contextual and it wasn't written in jesus time so in order to make it to the canon it must be written by a prophet or apostle or by those associated with the prophet or apostle because when you get to hebrews we don't know who the writer is of hebrew but we know that hebrew got his writings from learning from the apostles because it states that it has to be faithful and consistent to the old testament it has to be recognized by the church at large and it has to be written within the first century new testament books okay so let's deal with the counterfeits because people who are trying to combat you with these doctrines of devils they're going to come at you with this and you need to know these things why is it if why isn't judas in the book why isn't the gospel of judas um in our canon okay well people tried to create writings to push their own agenda but why don't we accept the gospel of jude i hope you guys are with me tonight jude is rejected it was the attempt to advance gnostic thoughts or the gnostic demiurge it came in a century too late it came in the second century and it was not written by judas so they call it the the doctrine of judas well how is it the doctrine of judas if judas died okay y'all don't want to have that type of conversation so judas didn't write this book it was it was trying to push a gnostic thought let me tell you one of the gnostic thoughts okay gnostic let me give you this so you can write it down g-n-o-s-t-i-c um one of the gnostic thoughts was and i'm gonna talk about this when we get to our next communion was that jesus's body was not um it was not real it was almost like i'm gonna give it to you like in terms that we would relate to it was almost like jesus's body was a hieroglyphic like and the reason why they thought that was because how can a man walk on water it defies the flesh it defies natural abilities how can jesus walk through a room walk through the wall well how does that so but the thing about that is if you take away his body i'm sorry i just got excited if you take away his body you take away our salvation because he was nailed to the cross he went through that he suffered the cross it was not a fake body that was up there he was fully human and he was full of man so we reject that doctrine okay the doctrine of the demiurge that there's another god there's an evil god no no no we reject that so that is the gospel of judas i hope i'm not boring y'all tonight because i get really excited about this stuff and if you didn't want me to teach this you should never let me go to divinity school okay seminary but praise the lord so then we reject the gospel of thomas we reject the gospel of thomas why because it was written after the new testament was done uh-oh timing then i told you it had to be written within a certain time period new testament how could it be referenced by something that it was not that was not canonized yet so it's talking about a it references the new testament but the new testament hadn't even been a can there was no term for new testament so if it was if it mentions the new testament what does that mean it came after the new testament was written so it's like somebody you ever hear you ever talk to somebody and they acted like they they ain't been there but they give you a little information about something that was there that is exactly what that was so the gospel of thomas we rejected because it was written after the new testament the gospel of philip okay i'm not gonna be i'm not gonna keep y'all too long the gospel philip it makes reference to a well-established church but it did not come till the second century philip was not alive during that time so how can so people would write and they would say okay well philip wrote this well philip did not write this and they would present it like we found the scribes of philip and then they would look at it and they're like hold on hold on hold on but it was no it wasn't any congruency within the word of god the gospel of peter here we go now this is really interesting so i need you to know this the gospel of peter y'all share this if you're enjoying this the gospel of peter it argues that now here we go peter now peter upon this rock peter peter dead one simon simon the devil seeks to sift you as we but i pray peter the gospel of peter hold on but then we have a peter no this is another gospel another gospel of peter that was rejected it argues that mary was a virgin for the rest of her life now if you know the word of god you know that jesus actually does have siblings mary was not a virgin for the rest of her life the other issue with the gospel of peter is it doesn't have jesus dying of physical death it ha and it also has like a magical talking cross in it like the cross is talking it's it's really weird so we reject the gospel of peter not first and second peter we're not talking about those books we're talking about there was another gospel that we rejected that did not make the canon it was called the gospel of peter okay then the book of enoch everyone wants to talk about the book of enoch the issue is enoch walked right into heaven okay but what if he did leave a book the author is unknown in other words we don't know who wrote it we we don't know who wrote it and enoch did not write it and they can they can tell that by the times they can tell that by chronological time okay it wasn't written by enoch and the greeks not even us the greeks deemed it fake inconsistent with the scriptures that already were revealed it also had historical errors jesus or anyone else does not refer to us so some people say what jew does it actually doesn't jesus doesn't refer to it or reference the book of enoch so therefore we reject the book of enoch just somebody put in here we reject the book of enoch hallelujah okay um yeah okay i'm getting ready to close this out because i've been up here long enough i'm i enjoy the word of god in the study of the word of god this is why we're here in bible study okay here we go so let's talk about some counterfeits the first one we're going to deal with is the koran muslims founded six were founded 600 years after christianity muhammad gets this book from the angel and begins to recite them allah they do not believe in the bible but they believe that it is human error and corruption and the quran is perfect because it is a clear book free of doubt and error okay so let me let me let's talk about this so 600 years after christianity um islam has found it muhammad gets this book from an angel do y'all remember the word of god that says to us if i or an angel gives you another doctrine it shall be a curse bim i just talked about that on sunday and last wednesday so it lets us know that angels can give other doctrines it's in the word of god he gets this he gets his word and he says it's without human error and without corruption so the quran is perfect because it is a clear book free of doubt and error we see this as a counterfeit the book of mormon of latter-day saints joseph smith now watch this joseph smith said he was visited by an angel here we go if remember they told us paul tells us if i or another angel give you another doctrine it should be a curse book of mormon latter-day saints joseph smith said he was visited by an angel in 1823 who told him about an ancient text that had been lost for 1500 years of how jesus y'all i'm about to get upset jesus came to america it took him six years to write the book of mormon now i'm gonna tell you the truth uh let me tell you the funny let me tell you funny story just to kind of lighten the mood a little bit because this is really hard i remember as a kid they used to um give you the book the book of mormon for free and i would just love god i just love bibles i didn't know it was another text so all you had to do was call the number next thing you know they send you the bible man as a child i would have bibles the book of mormon coming to my house all every every other month they would just deliver and i didn't know it was another but i just i just love god so i thought it was a free bible so i would order it it is not the word of god it says angel gave it to him and it took him six years to write the book and if if you actually look into um mormonism there's a lot of different things that you would realize is not biblical okay here we go let's bring this in let's bring this in okay y'all laughing at me but i love y'all let's bring this in second timothy 3 16 it says through 17 it says all scripture is god breathed and useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work all that we have in our bible is breathed by god how can this be if we created the canon i'm glad you asked because god uses man to get his glory um listen uh uh sister and i somebody run real run here real quick somebody uh somebody run here real quick i want to show you something because a lot of times we want to get me that bottle of oil a lot of times we want to counterfeit things but i want to show you something god is using come on praise the lord for sister tonight god is using humans uh god is using a people who are faulty to to to communicate a faultless word it's like this this is a bottle right here you see it this is a bottle this bottle if i touched it it's just a naya touched it whoever touched it at oil their fingerprints is on it but can i tell you something it's still a bottle and that's the same thing with the word of god yes it has been transcribed yes it has been passed by but at the core of what it is it's still the word of god so people don't okay i'm gonna get into that it's still the word of god just write that down it's still the word of god it's it's still the word of god hallelujah still the word of god let me just talk to us about this this is the miracle in our book what is the miracle in our book that there is no other book okay i'm about to get excited let me stand up what is the miracle in our book somebody said the miracle in our book here we go the miracle in our book is this that there is no other book in the span of over 4 000 years by over 100 different authors in different time periods that make their way to each other and still have congruency there is no other book that took over 4 000 years to put together and it still has a line of congruency i don't care how you read it i don't care listen if you take too long to write a book eventually the end's going to be different from the beginning but if you're saying okay that's cool but you're talking about hundreds of different writers over a span of over 4 000 years or 4 28 years they all all of these scrolls find themselves together and they come in one book and they still speak of jesus that is the miracle of our book jesus over a hundred writers and even if you look over there some people say way over 100 writers but it speaks of jesus in every book okay all right i'm getting excited so let's go home russell um it speaks of jesus just turn somebody say it speaks of jesus it speaks of jesus let me just go through it real quick genesis jesus is the creator and promised redeemer exodus speaks about the passover lamb leviticus speaks about the high priest due deuteronomy he becomes the curse for us joshua he becomes the commander of the army of the lord judges he is the deliverer delivers us from our injustices ruth he is our kinsman redeemer first samuel he's all in one he is the prophet priest and king second samuel he is the king of grace and love first kings he's a ruler greater than solomon second kings he's a powerful prophet first chronicles he's the son of david that is coming to rule second chronicles he's the king who reigns eternally ezra he's the priest proclaiming freedom nehemiah he's the one who restores what is broken down my god esther he's the protector of his people people job he's the mediator between god and men hallelujah songs he's our song in the morning and in the night proverbs he's our wisdom oh i feel excited calm down russell ecclesiastes he's our meaning for life a song of solomon he's the author of faithful love isaiah he's the suffering servant jeremiah he's the weeping messiah lamentation he assumes god's wrath for us ezekiel he's the son of man and daniel he's the stranger in the fire with us hosea he's the faithful husband even when we run away joel he is sending his spirit to his people amos he delivers justice to the oppressed obadiah judges of those who do evil jonah he's the greatest missionary micah he cast our sins into the sea of forgetfulness naom hallelujah proclaims future world peace we cannot even imagine habakkuk he crushes injustice zephaniah he's the warrior who saves haggai he restores our worship zechariah he prophesies a messiah appears for us malachi he's the son of righteousness who brings all healing matthew he's the messiah who is king my ark he is the messiah who is a servant luke he is a messiah who is a deliverer hallelujah john he is a messiah who is a god in flesh acts he's a spirit that dwells in his people romans he is the righteousness hallelujah of god first corinthians hallelujah he is the power and love of god second corinthians he is the he is the down payment for what's to come galatians he is our very life ephesians he's the unity of the church philippians he's the joy of our life colossians he holds the supreme position in all things first thessalonians he's our comfort in the last days second thessalonians he's our returning king first timothy he is our savior of the worst sinners second timothy he is the leader of leaders titus he is the foundation of truth for layman he is our mediator hallelujah hebrews he's our high priest james he he matures our faith oh yes and james first peter our hope in times of suffering second peter the one who guards us from false teaching first john he's the source of all fellowship second john he's the god in all flesh third john he's the source of all truth jude protects us from stumbling revelations he's the king of kings the lord of lords the alpha and omega the beginning and the end he who is coming and will come again who makes all things new how is it that over the span of four thousand years and opened the span of a hundred writers our book comes together and it tells one story and who doesn't tell the story about it tells the story about jesus the son of the living god our king our lord who is over israel who is one god our god is one who else could write a book over this span of time and keep it consistent and it still points to jesus who else could write a book that's relevant thousands of years later who else could write a book that after the last author is dead prophecies are still coming to pass who else this book doesn't just contain words but this book contains life i'm sorry y'all i'm sorry i'm trying to help you or something that's why the enemy is trying to come after our book hear me somebody this is the doctrine of devil he's trying to come after our book do you remember the first tempting that he did he said to eve did god really say he said that he said eve did god really say that and since the beginning of time the enemy's tactic has been to come against the word of god which is why we have to know the word of god okay let me go let's let's go let's go i'ma move quick i got to get you out how long have i been up here oh god i got to get you out of here listen listen listen yes there are subscribable area errors there are subscribable errors what are subscriber errors well um in samuel and king's there are 18. in other words in the beginning for 1500 years the bible was not transcribed by printers that you have in your house it wasn't photocopied at xerox it wasn't none of that it was literally written down by people they would transcribe it to okay i'm gonna transcribe it i'm gonna okay i'm gonna copy it so in that transcribing there would be times that a number would be left off so it would be in one version would say 700 and like in chronicles and then and then if you looked in a samuel it'll say seven thousand it was one zero that was left off because it was translated but there is no book see when people try to come against us you gotta look at stuff there is no book that has been translated this many times by scribes that does not have these contextual errors however let me tell you about this like for instance um when the when the um when the enemy comes in flood comma the law when the enemy comes in most virgins said when enemy comes in like a flood common the lord shall lift up a standard right okay cool but really the comma should have been when the enemy comes in comma like a flood the lord shall okay in other words there are some contextual things but watch this these contextual issues only make up about one percent of the word in other words these contextual issues do not derive from the message and the truth of the book and then there are some issues like okay well um let me just give you a example matthew and mark says that there was one angel at the tomb and luke and john say that there were two angels at the tomb which one is right it seems like there's a problem no no everything has a reasoning it's almost like this if i go to a game and i talk about one team right and i come home and i'm like listen i went to the game and um ant won and okay well a t wasn't the only team there that's just the team that i talked about just so just because it mentions one in matthew and mark does not mean that there were not two in luke and john see it is all about these are men mere men who are given angles and perspectives so therefore when we come together we rectify it what is the what is the benefit that we have of the bible yes there are some small contextual things okay but what is the benefit that this book has so many versions we hear this because some of you like oh what is that in other words that's a good thing for us why because there's so many things that have been transcribed that we can bring it together and still get the truth it's almost like this if you were only presented with two books right and one book said this happened and the other book said that this didn't happen it's hard to figure out which happened and which didn't happen but if you have 20 books and they all say the same thing and one omits the story you'll realize that the one that omitted the story is not valid and the ones that have it in are because it's more of them than it is the one that's not valid so the good thing for us is that the word of god was transcribed because we don't have the original scrolls and sometimes for our benefit we don't because if we had them we would worship them like some other people claim they have them right so in other words the the the amount of prop amount of times that this thing has been produced is for our benefit because contextually we can come together and say okay okay okay and that's how we get thank god we have four gospels rather than just one thank god we have four then just one why because our gospels give different perspectives of the same event so it is not an error of the difference but if you look at it if you really study the truth and stop just listening to people that are upset and won't study for themselves and tell you okay well this is wrong with your bible this is wrong oh no i see that and one of the things is that as believers we can't be ignorant to these things because what happens is the moment that people talk to us and they say but doesn't it say this here and doesn't it say this yeah yeah you got to be able to give an account for it because the moment you'd be like well i don't know they've won that argument they've won that moment yes it says that but i am not afraid of that discrepancy because i have a word for i have an answer for i can study to show myself approved and give you a a reasoning and rectify our scriptures our book is not just a book it is the word of god so yes yes yes it is a holy god that left his word in the hands of imperfect people and i thank god for that that he would do oh y'all don't want to have church today but let me give you one more example okay let me tell you one one thing okay i'm moving i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll get excited i'm sorry harvest i love y'all i'm getting ready to give announcements and we're getting ready to pray and go on okay watch this watch this um if you go um go to and pull up isaiah 40 and 8th if you go to uh if you have anybody watch the laws anybody ever like watch courtroom shows and stuff like that um well in courtroom in courtroom movies and stuff like that what lawyers do when they are intimidated by the truth that somebody has okay i got to stand up for this one when lawyers aren't intimidated by the truth that somebody has what they attempt to do is discredit the witness so whatever the witness has to say whatever the witness has to say comes off as false and they discredit the witness so they don't so the so the jury will never hear what is proceeding out of the witness's mouth one of the doctrine of devils that we have is the attempt of people who are trying to isolate and break down the living word of god so that they don't have to accept what is in the word of god so if i break down the word of god and what is in the word of god i can create my own truth i can create my own doctrine so therefore people are attempting to come against the word of god which is why we have to be able to stand flat-footed and understand the word of god because if i can depe if i can pick apart the witness i don't have to accept what it says and it gives me a reason not to live by it hallelujah it gives me a reason not to live by it and you know people say oh well that book you know and especially now in this in this openness uh in this open um doctrine where everything goes and everything accounts for everything you really got to be careful no no no i stand on the word of god this is my guideline for life it does not restrict me it keeps me safe hallelujah and then they say oh well your doctrine it keeps you safe your doctor is narrow-minded well he is the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by him if you take away the truth where do you find yourself in hell and that's what the enemy wants to do so he wants to break down our word of god so you have to know what it stands for so you can stand for it watch this the grass withers the flower fades but the word of god shall stand forever isaiah 40 and 8 the grass withers the flower fades but the word of god stands forever i want you to know that you can stand on this book i'm telling you you can stand on this book and let me tell you something i'm gonna say this that i'm moving on because i really get excited about this subject there are even now there are even so many things that are in like greek culture that we are eight that are able to be um confirmed because of the word of god they can literally go to the word of god to find out what happened in their culture and they have been using that to find out things historically in other cultures and near in near you know asia and uh middle east they've used our word of god how is it that the scriptures are pointing to things that are happening today and it's been written so many years ago things have gone it's got to be real it's got to be real it's got to be it's got to be real so you got to stand on this and you can't let nobody pick this thing apart because you don't know it you got to know it you got to know it you got to know it and you can't be afraid of knowing because sometimes they would say you know well don't mess with anna because if you pick this part you pick everything apart yeah yeah yeah but you got to know something you got to know something amen but the word of god shall stand forever what amazes me about this scripture i'll pull it up one more time isaiah 40 and 8. what amazes me about this scripture and i'm going to let y'all go uh oh lord i haven't been preaching for hours sorry y'all i really love the word of god but well this is the doctrine of devils we're talking about we're coming against it so you got to know this stuff but what amazes me about this scripture is that this scripture was written in isaiah and how is it that this scripture is written in isaiah but the whole word of god hadn't even been finished canonized the whole word of god had was still being written and isaiah prophesied this is the same one that prophesies the soon-suffering savior the soon-suffering servant that he would be wonderful for our transgressions boost our iniquity yeah and he's telling you the word of god ain't gonna fade the flower phase the grass with us but the word of god's gonna stand forever so tonight i just wanna encourage your hearts to let you know you can stand on this book oh yes you can stand on this book you gotta know it you gotta know the book and the scriptures in it you gotta know how you gotta know the history of it you got to know something today i'm just giving you crash course because there's really a lot that can go into this type of study but you got to know it you got to know it so you can stand on it so praise the lord i pray that you enjoyed yourself tonight listen one announcement um this week is our fifth church anniversary oh amen i'm here by myself i got to scream so it's our fifth church anniversary there are still i think five more tickets five more tickets for our um day party on saturday listen i am so excited about that melanin white theme browns and white uh just come enjoy yourself it starts at 11 o'clock it'll end actually at 2 o'clock it is at the elm street lounge like i said you can buy tickets on our website www.harvestcitygso.com and then on sunday at 10 30 overseas evan richer is coming here from texas hallelujah and then that night our vice presiding bishop bishop s y younger will be here let me tell you something both days you want to get here early you want to get here early because the church is going to be full to celebrate what god has done for five years and i am grateful that we are the only reason we are still here is because we stand on the word of god because the grass withers the flower phase and the word of god shall stand forever so let's give let's sow in this time we're sowing into good ground i pray that this word of god has blessed you hallelujah to continue on to be strengthened in what you know and why you know what you know hallelujah i believe god has given us a great one of the greatest tools it's the word of god it's the sword of truth hallelujah and we will use it now don't it's a sad thing to have it and not use it so we're sewing tonight you can sow through cash at by dollar sign harvest city or you can text your amount to 84 321 or you can um give on our website www.harvestcitygso.com can i pray over you father thank you and keep us from the evil one this week i pray that our faith fail not in jesus name we pray amen god bless you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Harvest City Church GSO
Views: 60
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BvIfuQQdROg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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