Gibi ASMR Reacting to Other ASMR Channels

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel I am in my streaming room which is not soundproof so apologies for that but oh y'all are going off about how you like white noise me love background sound so you get what you ask I'm in this room today because I need my full monitor I need my monitors and we have a lot of tabs up right now a lot of tabs up what happened was on November 7th I tweeted at 2 a.m. today calm /g be a visual and I said it's 2 a.m. so I figured it's a good time to ask I'm gonna do an ASMR or a few video if you make ASMR content and wouldn't mind if I reviewed your channel or specific video drop it here and I'll choose a bunch I got so many responses so many I'm always insanely blown away by how big the community has become I truly used to recognize every single ASMR channel out there like way before I started my own channel you know I figured like I knew everybody who was posting and now it's like thousands thousands of people so I decided to split this into two videos this video I'm going to be reviewing channels that I have seen before so channels that you might know or are familiar with etc I would say like experienced as some artists people have been posting videos for a while or you know stuff that I've actually used to fall asleep and things like that and the next video which will be on I think sorry if this has been correct but I think I'm gonna post this on a Thursday and the next one on this upcoming Tuesday I'll be rolling you can pick like random comments with a generator out of Twitter feed and I'll be grabbing a bunch of brand new channels like really really small channels that like I've never ever heard before seen before maybe you've only posted one or two videos there were so many brand new SM artists dropping their links in the description and I would love to review them so I thought it would be good to split the video into like a two parts so Tuesday's video will be me reviewing like brand new or even just like very like unknown or you know kind of haze some our channels that maybe you should be on the lookout for so I'm definitely not here to like roast anyone anything like that I just wanted to watch some ASMR as an a as some artists it's like ASMR commentary on ASMR videos and hopefully this alone this will introduce you to some new channels or new content that maybe you'd like to watch let's get started I pulled up so many channels I'm not sure we're gonna get through them all but they might as well start alright so basically I was recording for 40 minutes and did not realize that my cable was loose so the entire audio in the background had a mm noise in it almost 500 videos later still uh still messing up so we went ahead and pulled up the tabs of the people I already reviewed and put them at the end so we'll like we go back over them and I'll tell you let me get to them but apologies apologies but I'm just gonna keep going on channels I haven't reviewed yet and the first one is slight sounds hey some are now I realized that I haven't seen a lot of her videos so I don't know which one I want to pick but I want to pick one like within the last two weeks she is such a sweetheart as I hear on Twitch a lot like I've watched cherry and some are on Twitch and I see her on on Twitter and because I'm literally like some live on Twitter I like I want to pick this one but I want to do like a more traditional like show you off the video personal attention loop to look at me focus it's okay relax positive affirmations sleepy morning chat with a friend yeah these videos are hard cuz you have to literally talk to yourself for 20 minutes this is really cute are you like are so old plays like this like you're just like thrust into reality and you like kind of just accept your favorites just a lot of people are triggered by like the personal attention of like your friends or like maybe like you've installed your kind of nostalgic about the thing I've never actually I mean you forgot yeah these kind of things are really good for me when I'm trying to fall asleep just because it's show like she's like is capturing my attention with her conversation tomorrow I'm like yeah yeah you know like she's talking to you know me I'm just so cute she is simple however from my first 40 minutes of footage I realized um that I because I just start watching the video I'm not good at being a reaction channel yet but good job slight wonderful job the comment section the comment section so cute oh it's wonderful would recommend oh fast as a mom Oh baby fast ASMR isn't oh gee I've been watching her long before I started my channel um six years ago yeah that's what I thought so let me see her new videos I have to say I've been watching her stuff on Zeus cuz I like turning my phone off there's like whatever so it doesn't seem like I've seen a lot of her recent videos but I've seen them I've seen most of these already so I don't know which one I want to pick hmm I guess I'm I've heard people who don't get tingles I don't think I've seen this one she does a really really really really good job just with like a sound sound assortments know what i really like i watch this toys i watch this i'd like a sucker for room tours hotel tour nice giant stuff like last so she does that I think she'll always happen and something like oh I'm like getting tingles right now should I even start something about people and explaining where they live for like you I like going through like tiny deep house it's picking up her whispering really well right such I guess Apollo word has whatever you tap on I would like anyway hey there you go BAM she immediately hits you with scratching oh I like that actually did you have to clean your entire apartment before you did this taste looks like kind of like a door it's like a little ASMR on everything in my home I really like these because you like move around in the space with the person like I find this I find this more satisfying than like if she took these items and like held them up in front of the camera and tapped on them you don't Amy I don't know why I've no idea why it's a it's very like isn't pretty insurance aside I'm like a baby oh speaking uh she goes our whole apartment it's sweater that's so wonderful she does gonna serve her videos and I feel like I have to show you like most of her videos are and more like of this style and what's actually really wild his English is not her first language so learning is fast ASMR so if you do like more intense sounds fast tapping literally doesn't do just that but you'll definitely find out her channel I love her stuff I really do okay I always go back to her channel next we have answer bar hello listen no mercy hello I'm gonna be savage I'm ready to review your videos you ready for this listen I clicked on this one because you put in the title trust me on this one you'll love it haha so here we go you're gonna get you know live proof okay for someone you look freaking gorgeous look at this background her thumbnails setups backdrops outfits like looks 10 attend there so like a varied hold it I'm like girl how do you make everything look so cute cozy her hands are so delicate like like mio like just like she has first of all I love the wrist but um her whisper quality is so good sorry I have just the device in the background is our I almost made a video like this I almost made a video like this but I couldn't I couldn't pull it off I like I filmed it and that I went to go record the triggers and I'm like I didn't like it oh you've done it you had a woman that was unexpected did you see my genuine face a lot expectedness I was fully expecting tapping it's giving me like body tingles okay let me see what she's got essentially layering other sounds on top like a visual cue that you wouldn't expect did you recycle the sounds when did you get the sound of the tapping candle and put the tapping candle oh I like that glow is a reason that I got a 60 frames-per-second upgrade to my camera I can trust you glow you're too good you're too good girl you're too good she has a hit that sub button you know I just found out I don't know if I said this and I I said it in the part that got corrupted but I just found out that the default bail has been like they changed it to all personalized and none and the default switched it to personalized on every single channel so I'm going around and fixing my pals bad quality see faux faux I was on a huge seafoam kick a few months ago and watch like all of her videos dragons and the doctor Widow and okay I really love I'm like very partial to her role plays but this one I think I watched like like dr. fritter kind of scares me you know what I mean like like genuine least a little bit scared even though the thing is that I really like the OL voice that she does and she has a she has a reading a bedtime story like I watched this one a million times too your whispers perfect but the whole voice I love it it's only eight minutes long some that's why I've watched like a billion times yeah she even said short video look at all the sea foam on the side but this one yeah they were thise one she gave me two of them and then after I asked her if I could take them snack yeah so I like this roleplay because she does her own voice but it's like a long role plays like the first half she's like that teacher did her nails oh my god I have okay yes you can have okay she's in the middle what's her name again what is this kitty cat feel happy yeah I like that topic happy that's right how did you tell spy I guess my drawing skills are better than I thought okay everyone do you remember all the emotions that I showed you today I really like basically gonna teach you oh my god baby sure hmm what's not no it's not these are couples yes I asked my mom she said I could I couldn't pull this type of video off so I'm really glad that she can and makes content that I can enjoy my did you see Tara called Makela woman her content is insanely creative it's okay it's uh a channel I've been watching for a long time actually and she has she has a lot of I would be doing a lot for like variety of content but I think a lot of people know her for I've been watching [ __ ] idiots or clients I really like his comedy that video is very out of date and as I've been getting she's very I heard yeah he's a deacon I have heard a lot more I kind of like how she talks to the camera a lot for but a lot of people know her for you know this Irvine's need that there's another a some artists that I haven't watched in so long and I used to watch her videos every night where if you Inc a get out there toss this around I love these types of road closures like sassy whatever it's like literally so you are here for embodying some very specific type of person that's some french tips perfect girl I need to get I need to get you a microphone or there's mine told me that french tips are out and that I would be tacky I said honey the only thing that's tacky is that frosted lip with your junkie Hanna it's okay I pull I did I told her sorry so that sound that you're hearing in the back I'm gonna do an actual review right now well go GP I think what it is is when you hit the chord or the surface of whatever your blue Yeti is sitting on and it took me forever to like fix it in my videos the arm like the arm really helps we're like avoiding the court New Hampshire New Jersey I think she said she is hacking brilliant she's brilliant I love her god that's okay everybody all right next we have ASMR Shanny was literally the biggest biggest we don't I think she's a fairly new channel forgive me if I'm incorrect this one I just wanted to show you a tiny clip of because I thought it was so amazing yeah see I commented she's she's okay that's why she like sets up this ankle with the mirror another where's the microphone how does it sound that good so she ends up and I watched the whole thing I did not skip through I'm self-righteous she does her entire makeup like and then the video ends like when she's ready to go it's really good I wanted to show you that but also show you a more typical video so she has I think it's an ongoing series right now it's like her newest videos like zodiac elements it's called the zodiac water triggers for water science a gs5 Hayley wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful people out there it will wash in an again welcome bats I hope you all are having a great day or night whenever it is that you're watching thank you so she's a very unique coin so much for my mini series right for those of you who don't know I had planned on releasing one of these zodiac videos every day for four days okay that's hard though girl when I went to edit this video that I'm Lee filming right now oh no there was terrible terrible background noise so my lcd wouldn't let me put that video out so it's our way it sounds we have on hand we're re-recording oh I like this she's she is she's awesome I love the quality of her videos she's very creative Bank I'm a fire sign Sagittarius what spray bottles it's not the same one so no I thought that was the same super super specific spray bottle but I had she does a really good job of making her videos really dim but not just like boring black background I really like alright next we've got creative called a Samar I think the very first as much as I kept with this video I haven't seen yet but I picked because it's such it's such a creative calm video she has a lot of role plays um a lot of them are very cheeky as they say in the UK but always very funny you know people say this is my comment section of the sponsored Saturday all the time but like whenever when every day is somewhere just does that's a sponsor do be on it I said did the whole thing I'm like I like it okay so the launcher story then what I'm gonna do is if you would like to try any of these on okay we'll do that towards the end okay and that's you all come she is really really good at talking to the camera estimate discount okay so are you ready he has a good customer service let's get started now I believe when my colleagues spoke to you she said that you were really into more of the non wired bras okay did you go Sean unlike shopping yes that's cute this is a mix of her accent is I don't know I don't know any other a some artists like them it's really so I honestly have no idea how do you make so many videos I really don't because already it has a really nice underwire band so that means it's just going to sit nicely under the bust and not cause very believable very very good well if you like it like a motion this is gonna be a great bra - Wow under a and it's just crazy like all these people that I've been watching like people who make videos for a long time and I'm that's why I gave such a good dress and they're padded a stylehaul you must be king just because my kids whisper quality public service and you know that you're well supported this particular one is actually in a balcony style so you can see actually if I move the mesh off here actually the padding good job Lucy good choppers okay next we have s/m our planet now I found his smart planet she has a lot of like doing makeup on like doll faces like mannequin heads and stuff like that and I've never seen this one before but I was very intrigued [Music] always where is it is it down she gets a little delicate sound like a a couple of channels that I call like their whole channels like makeup related or like the majority of their videos and it's like just perfect like ASMR subgenre for me because I love like Jarrah sounds personal attention I've got my boogers all that are like instant win for me I've been filming for too long I'm like slowly this is wonderful such a fan of her her videos like you guys you can probably see like I put my like a a trend or a certain agus of our tastes peace and sarai tea ASMR this is I can comment on this video this was a year ago but it's such a good video I really really hope you check out her channel because she has like a lot of like gems and um very varied content as well she depending on what you like but this is I'll skip ahead a little bit I don't know I mean I wish I'm gonna tell you but I need her for your brother my brother Charlie and this lady right here that's like a lot of ministries you're like recover murder mysteries yeah well I feel like her videos haven't been so Charlie doesn't know getting recommended to me I love it [Music] oh my gosh good beard sounds I was she's really talented I really like her channel alright so next up we have gues Matt our Matt is another og I think he's been around for quite a while and he does I think almost exclusively I can't remember this one video then we're gonna watch next but just audio like audio only role plays and does a really good job of like immersive characters I'm talking this one yeah this is just this is binaural um the fact is really really really good you don't skip forward and he's still saying Mario I don't know what I'm gonna do really at all time this godforsaken website of people my favorite part is when he says Mario Luigi said yeah I'll show you another one in this video gosh darn it Vegas matter you really did that to me yes okay I knew you had it one of the space I know though we take that off I got a nice out of your buddy it's brilliantly focusing on other things today I'm gonna just get my glasses I didn't take a better look at you y'all know that classic scene in Toy Story 2 when what he gets repaired everybody who didn't know ASMR was love that scene oh my gosh this is brilliant this was published like last year you can't rush art I haven't seen this in a long time alright oh my god those eyeballs were looking a little dusty dust my eyeballs definitely some grime in those ears looking a little pale you've got a big old bald spot nothing to worry about there I'll take care of that his arm fell off his arms about to fall right off Oh Mike it's your hair full pound looking pretty good for the most part but oh my god these boobs could use a bit of a Polish polish we'll also take care are you from that evangelism on this one what shall I say vandalism sons really this is brilliant do you have the airbrush I can't remember are you done with he's airbrushing pretty good how am I supposed to review perfection you know damn oh speaking of perfection articulate design a that's why a true gem to the community his videos never fail I have like I talk about it later with some other craters as well I like that small are soul of as some are channels that like never failed to give me like insane like legitimate tingles because I don't always get tingles when I'm watching and some are but articulate design is one of those people it's like I don't know if it's I don't know what it is just that perfect combination of all of all the good stuff I guess um let me find he does really well with like um I want to say like particular role please like there really like like a sugar tiller like it's not it's not a typical role play he also is really well at doing like like service role plays like a waiter bartender suit fitting like that sort of thing definitely excels up because he is really good like polite voice and I can say oh I actually found his like original videos and I kind of want to pullin up his original videos of like the ASMR news those were so tingly and like oh my god baby I really wish that he would bring them back where did they go did you where did they go is of our news buddy where where are all your videos where are your ass of our newest videos where are your hands of our newest videos oh my gosh what the matter you as always you're right on time do take a seat and make yourself comfortable he's got the loveliest loveliest accent we have a lot to get through today okay and I do mean a lot I'm ready chief I'd like to kick things off with our class Zed now as you may or may not remember he's a classical world-class light when the product is still I don't think you see nothing kind of very zero maybe to the client but I think you got him you're like that legislation unaccepted we have ten phases of testing and after a product classes Stage six it is introduced at stage seven to clients first like what are you talking okay wants to pass a stage six it's been approved to mass produce and sell on market mmm seven eight nine in ten just consists of refining that process I'd like to invite you to try one of our looks so bad Corian seahorse I will elaborate and I like how he describes laying cleared but before we go further ya know as you beginning to see a theme with a class-b what kind of candidates that there's a heavy emphasis on the milky texture he's really good at just chocolate raisin coming up I like sounding description silky quality get out of town I love his content I really doing some really really talented I I realize that I've been recording we're like almost an hour I'm so sorry I'll try to go so lightly faster but like I really like I really like what people to get like the gist of their content before I move on you know okay review consience this is busy be ASMR I've not seen this video but she linked it for me to watch so I'm gonna go ahead and watch it it's ASMR fallen angel wants to take Oh oh what a human me did you one of you wanna me some of me which one of you love me which one of you was it it was you wasn't it not scared bum says we people do you just summon angels this is people playing with the Ouija board in eighth grade technically I'm a demon I'm fallen angel right wasn't it fun up in heaven okay so here I am you summoned me so did you a little we do mard what do you want you have to want something some answers or something this is creative I like that I'm popping forward here I'll give you all six what are you talking about all an angel out of context I feel like I have a leg up dog does I'm not a demon I'm still an angel just like Lucifer you know she's a new talking really didn't feel like I feel like I introduced food into my videos when I'm hungry while I'm filming no I really want talkies man why'd you do this to me really mean crumbs everywhere it's name in your house so this is cute this is very different all right we've got planned next oh my gosh cat plant it's such a tall she's okay um this one I really liked yes Wow I want to do like more recent videos but look at her look at her hello and welcome today's video is proudly sponsored by glasses USA dawn I love love like glasses videos things like that I'll skip through this bouncer just because you know yeah I don't know about contracts and stuff but I like that this is in her kitchen cuz it's an at-home eye dr. exhale okay now I'm gonna do it up and down I really really like her audio quality I think you can't see the mic but it sounds like she's right on it you know and she's really good with I got that good job I'm just gonna jot some notes down and prepare for the next exam for you okay I thought the wick you were for hanji I forgot to ask but would you like a dilation during this eye exam her movements are sodium's okay we don't need to do it right now just send a just let me know and I'll send a request in okay you know what's funny it's like the way her mouth moves like reminds me like a reminds me of somebody I can't think about it it's very delicate oh my gosh the glasses stand in the back I want to see all the classes it style you're having that certain day what you're trying to accentuate what your mood is I was coloring etc I am here you could say let his type in the gold rims and you could go a little smaller if you want going nice really hard to make videos of glasses because it reflects things in the background it might show off your more prominent features because but this is not bad my colors you should sometimes it can be really distracting but she's yeah I like this larger set of frame I really like slide she says she's really good she's really good yep she has the right attitude for phrase summer I think she's done let me see her a hunch evideo that I really like oh yes she did a bunch of Fortnight videos back in the day um yeah you know yeehaw she's wonderful all right the ASMR Ryan as you can see the first video maybe I think the first video i watch from Ryan Watson's officer good deer roleplay and it like literally made me fall in love with his channel but he does a lot of like horror themed stuff and I don't always watch that but this was a I think this was for yeah more Halloween II he's got really really solid production I think hey there did you miss me I missed you it's me the devil but as you know you can call me Lucifer welcome to hell did you do this back up yourself it's pretty good again they're like highlights and everything that's pretty good how you been I don't believe that you did it yourself in a lot I don't believe it who did it who did your makeup definitely great to see you yeah you're good shake my hand are the kids you've got a really funny / interesting attitude right summer as well it's very it's very different hi ring ring ring ring hello - secret something I like to do here you know mess with people if Ryan Seacrest today is amore same vibes honestly though I got a hand - do you or like Andy Bernard mixed with take it oh my gosh what's the same Andy Bernard mixed with Robert California like that that is my earbuds lefty-loosey righty-tighty says there's can pretty much get you anywhere on the human body we're gonna pick your brain okay no whoa don't worry he'll only be like I don't know how I feel about out of your mind for a night I don't know 30 seconds you'll be fine come on across here do something like this there we go why is my brain says walk oh my god just mean I haven't a good I haven't had a nice tender brain in a while and honestly I thought this would be a lot bigger and I mean okay buddy all right he has some really really great videos on his channel as well um he's like he's like Hollywood a summer all right it's time and this is Scottish murmurs I had seen her is good and she has done many videos the first year the first person to do impersonation ASMR her impersonation no mean has gotten scarily accurate 135 I will be in piercing that's my purse like this you can hear it but she's trying to go for she's the reason that I realized that my boys is actually like a little bit deep like I almost sound like Ash Ketchum from Pokemon you know to me like a woman doing a small boy impression she was a really good job it's pretty impressive considering this she doesn't have an American accent I don't I don't plug people American yet they're like she has other really really awesome videos all I wanted to show you guys the only the impersonation one but she just she doesn't love it like more session today or you can really appreciate her accent don't be worried I can see this is your very first time here she has a very slow thing to be worried but her service pattern of speech just try I never really works a lot of people cuz like I have to watch ASMR that's like like normal normal speed like but this is like to me this is like a SRS kind of like slightly really fun you know like I like any test videos alright medic tingles Mattie tea Mattie tingles is very smart because he well if a video does well people requested a lot he well do it again what is this shoe store number it's like 70 you know I mean shoe collection 21 like Apple Store fortnight videos like I really like I actually really like that he does that it's funny because like I tend to be like well I just did that video so I'm not gonna do it again and I don't make a lot of sequels even though I really like when people I watch make sequels so yeah it's kind of good I don't I don't I don't get myself and he's he's usually really creative with like that's weird any of these types of like asked videos that are popular on the Internet this is a great a smart he's like I'm not gonna read I'm not gonna wait for Wired to invite me to interview he's a great great great videos zoom air pods in the forefoot which is here I really really love his shoe videos cuz he just scribes them really well and I think shoes are such a good don't think I don't because they have so much texture in the different the new thing that Nike did with these is you know they've came out with flying it okay and then foamposite those are two separate you think so knowledgeable you know I really like bottom Isaac's and they combined okay I like I saw space designed to what to make what they're they're calling knit posit okay so you're just like talking to you like a normal person but it's just like couple slightly soft speaking and as microphone gently across it's like almost an experience that you could get into real life like heightened a little bit ago there is that make sense I really like it nice work there and then of course I've always really liked this okay okay so imagine this right here you're running out on a coin good job buddy you're wonderful all right no Rosie is Ammar as he rose a lot on Twitter but I have not seen a lot of her video so I'm actually really excited hi people say we look alike are you using the no I don't how come everybody's cameras autofocus it's quiet she's very like a personal I like the non meditates she just went like 100 to zero she was like she's like reminds me like a friend I love Yeti picks up if I had pneumonia I would not be recording a video they'll be telling well props to you bad girl that is dedication that is dedication it sound pretty good for pneumonia and a sinus infection we'd have to I'm gonna save this one for later Oh Danny docile people people people people Danny docile Jesus Christ I YouTube hasn't been like saving my cuz I've seen I've seen like all of these videos and it doesn't like show that I've seen them for some reason but Danny six years ago I used to watch so much because he was like one of the very first channels definitely the first channel I found that was like straight-up parody comedy ASMR but still like true ASMR and like actually extremely like tingly so he did like a lot of like backstreet videos like let me try to find like an old classic one like these are really old but very good and he he still makes videos let me see what's the last video you made a month ago yeah let me let me watch what I like is my recent video checking in checking him he is such a lovely voice I let me have the address yeah yes that's what we're heading we're just taxiing to the runway now we should be there with next 40 to 45 minutes out and he's oh it's just so bored like so kind to you and when I was like those tiny little ants somewhere does thank you Wow Danny Desai oh you're getting you're getting high production quality airport security preprint footage check on the flight I'm afraid I bought you about 700 of these yeah which we will invoice for you very handy steady you just type in the right passcode whatever it is I'm gon twist it and it keeps it everything secure I wasn't saying all of your cupboards downstairs are now fully bad locked I love this voice it's so good anyways we me laughs so like especially when I felt like super anxious or like really really like could not sleep and loved watching Candide I saw videos cuz I would like I would like laugh and then I would relax and then I'd fall asleep I think comedy is somewhere it's like super important something that I did I watch a lot delivering a baby like this 2013 people this is like this is like classic friggin ASI Mario he's wonderful I think extremely under ADA doesn't making videos for six years like this is this is wild this is wild to me and just check him out check him up because he definitely definitely not how the service myself advises okay White Rabbit answer parm her content her content every single one I think like pushes the boundaries she is so constantly creative I like I can't keep up with all of her all of her videos I'm first of all look at her look at her first course you would not know that because you did not pay for anything out the jeweller's so you wouldn't know if you had your purse which means you've left it at the restaurant I'm like so tickled I'm so tickled by her versatility of all of the all of the crew all the characters she does I think the first videos I saw with her we're actually like her Kim Kardashian videos because I used to watch um Lily whispers Kylie Jenner and I think this showed up in the side and then like I went from there to all of her other videos but you can see like first of all she she is definitely definitely I think like how underrated so if you like um immersive role plays and a lot of different characters I would definitely check her out her like nada serious all the voices she does are so so good like Twilight video yes I love this one Kim Kardashian thank you for coming on I said I've seen this video like a tent on short notice as you know I there has been a bit of a scandal in my family she gets writer if I'm still kind of you just solving two of my family members and therefore it's one of us as soon as you touch it two of us at the same time it's like like she goes from bad to that to this milk I can't human you wanna cookies with them remember when you were a little kitten you always said you remember when you were a kid and you put cook in the bay in the milk didn't you eat there was nice no that's crazy that's crazy [Music] I'm like literally like just becoming her characters is absolutely wild to me thank you my name's Alice nice to meet you so you're the one Carlile recently turned I'm always just very impressed because it takes me so long to get together and like do character role plays and she does them all the time it's I'm like very very impressed me okay okay we are back to of the handsome artists that I reviewed first and then the footage a classic ASMR blunder this is a Samar ELISA and she is remember what I was talking about the a some artists their voices gave me tingles like every single time she is like number one on that list like her Karuna like I say articulate design potala and I really really like her repetition she I think she is like almost like the og of like repeating words and phrases like over and over again that I found like a really effective it's it's so good for my age did you just expand it that's basically where her Yeti sound your slavery to me I don't know why maybe it's because it's my frame [Music] she's awesome okay next is Samar sharp now I really like her videos she is such a cutie pie very like like casual in a good way you know I mean like shall I just talk to you very casual which I prefer and she does an entire video of it and I just love that like this is accessible like this is a video that you can find on youtube like when I used to get acrylics when I was younger like I loved getting them because I could like [Music] she's got a lot of really good videos actually and I'm sorry that like my my audio messed up the first time I was recording all this but I but I found her pretty recently so I'm actually looking forward doesn't go back I love it I love it our mic settings are really good and I like the own I like the lighting a lot too okay this is okay this is destiny and this is literally like you know how um you know how people like have an affinity towards I glow if I ASMR right whatever the opposite of that is needs to watch its of our destiny because imma let it speak for itself like this is wild the entire video 18 minutes is just the brushes I'm like first of all always moving that dolly are we moving the dolly and how is it so quiet baby dances so like I think with the movement of the dolly what I assume is post-production um like the dust particles lighting in the background just like the way he's moving like all this visual ASMR it's again it's an 8k Ultra HD if you haven't meet Katie they really should be like putting this video in a Best Buy like if I tried to show off surround sound I like a big TV but this to me this is like this is an ASMR performance but that makes sense that's how I that's how it makes me feel I think when you isolate the sound of the freshman and you just had like that mp3 you know if the person sees in the same like sighs like that sound would be someone like simple like really Pleasant or very simple and then you add the music the movements the lighting and it's just like totally different so I'm very impressed he linked me this particular video but um all this stuff is like if you like high production quality [Music] I'm gonna show you that you should sailor tail speaking of high production quality I love that that sounds so good I have to go it's my fault it's my fault I knew this would happen if I was just watching gang somewhere Amy k DK girl Amy K I am a new Amy Kate what are the amy k k is called what her what's the fan name oh my god I have a new AV k stand i found this video like last week I think it came out last week so first of all I'm like a sucker for anything that's like I just had a reading Black Butler and like um like Downton Abbey and stuff like Dalek role plays where you're like in a completely different universe or situation like I am a prince yes yes I am Prince thank you so much and she does such good attitude acting that her voice quality in the scene doctor why is that like the inversion is impeccable I thought you'd say and as I was like once we must feed you I bra I realized like there's not any higher like this print / princess you may not care about your well serious that I do yet I need more first things first is it okay if I feel your forehead wonderful definitely warm but it's not burning so I got here just a time might be a house before it gets too bad I love taking care of you videos I'm like you know I don't think I've ever seen one worry like it might be good boy llamas dinner do you have a call it's such you don't have to always hide from them they won't see you as weak you know in fact it might even humanize you yes that's a good thing I'm not going to show you all that you really should watch this video the whole series it was like actual spoilers I can't skip through it's a small church on the eastern we were only here in the opulent two Kingdom oh my god she gets so sassy with you because you were supposed to marry the princess and now that you aren't oh you look sad I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up I didn't know listen if it makes you feel any better she would have never liked you anyway well because she doesn't like men how do I know oh I'm sorry yes I love it oh my god Amy Kay reviewed okay this is rupee true ASMR now I know Ruby from twitch and I actually had no idea that she posted her videos on YouTube okay but yeah just take a listen take this is like a really good and like twitch setup like the echo you hear a lot more like echo layered triggers very um like twitch tendency I think she was a lot of really like alternative ASMR as well I think she has one where she's like fire-eating but she also has like just incredible like a really good knack for first sounds like this deep here attention that I know like a lot of people really like and this is hard to do for 30 minutes you know like that's a that's a livestreamer you know that's a livestream I really like it she has really good control over over the sounds I think this is like this is like white noise but better you know but I was like looking at her channel Harlequin Harlequin so yeah I can't I have to this video switcher to milli two hours but but yeah I really a lot of these channels like her are very like varied very varied so totally just about Sophie Michelle I started with Sophie Michelle when my audio ruined so I was in the middle of watching this video this video is so tingly so basically that the carnival show DCA was matched on first of all my first question these are using 3d I'll kind of what we going for this show so you remember come back okay because I feel like sometimes the 3d we can ruin sounds beautiful people looking like hype I like you almost I only here with the three view and I don't know why that was oh you mean lost yeah but this you occurring for something a little bit more so we all going for sorry like and cozy I'm loving the black backdrop perfect are like sweated the little measuring tape around her neck perfect idea and this I remember I noted that like I could see she has a really good job of character I like making an excuse to like be around your head and neck a lot because it's like a headdress it's like I'm saying summaries me up to me like I make up excuses I said like why we need to discuss the best place right here some are like I thought this was brilliant she's really talented she does something really wonderful wonderful it is and I love how she measures I want to get a partner she's measuring neck here they're like muttering under your breath I'm watching you so every two hours my brain my brain I'm like so just the final details I'm going to be doing your eyes if that's okay so I'm just going to be getting the width of your eyes and then they use the confidence between distance between apologies and then just I like what people correct themselves in the middle of videos to watch it's like real if I do need any more now my Casas Leicester good I liked it's like yeah all right so we are ending on one of my absolute favorite favorite favorite is Amarna I know I've said this a lot this video please give Phoenician sailor huh I fall I would check about absolutely incredible and literal cinematic a of our masterpieces so he link to be this one to watch government scalp don't judge me for not knowing where's my [ __ ] magazine Avila's anyway that nicely courage also accounted for the fact that the family was touchy the subject of land that Sam Knorr was well aware of this fact literally flawless with icon that I was aware of boys I have to show you more I'm so sorry I have to show you all of his videos look at look the Joker um um the diehard one that was amazing the one with Gordon Satori that was amazing everything that you love he has done he has oh my gosh sleep like a baby ones are amazing his little finger he has oh my got the broadchurch one the Logan one was me I don't even see Logan and like men I'm gonna show it to you and yes the darker ones like honestly there's like he's a couple mr. Jefferson wants it does mean there's a lot of dark areas you can get away with a lot look there's also a lot of feel like you see it then mrs. crow see this is just my absolute leave of these dragon colorful people the Chinese on the other hand believe these dragons were gods today there do exist huge reptiles called Komodo dragons meet in this one you're a baby the first one and like a lot of his videos have plot twists so like you have to pay attention to which is hard because he's like putting you back to sleep but you like wake up and be like broadchurch you know sounds like a lot of like a intro so like set the mood and everything listen to this accent right squeezed back in my jacket pocket mrs. not green-screen this is not green screen he said this up taxes of grown old even glasses I'll tell you I was bucking the trend and then they said no that that's what happens right before you don't need reading glasses so and I don't need them all the time just if I go too long without using my get I fit he okay [Music] it's lost its dying children revel in a memory what I once was I don't even think I have it it's the difference between fireworks display and a nuclear arsenal I just love the variety I truly do I think that is my almost to our ASMR review thank you so much to everybody who responded to my to e and let me look at your videos you're all incredibly talented again I'm going to do a review of brand new channels after this one see this one took me almost two hours of like actual footage so I'm glad that I decided to split it up I'm gonna wait until that terrible radiator outside stops going and thank you guys everybody's channel links of course I'll be ended in the description so be sure to check them out they all deserve some love thank you guys for watching and thank you for letting me be a part you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 1,125,451
Rating: 4.9140038 out of 5
Keywords: gibi, asmr, review, reviewing, channels, other channels, advice, meta, watching, react, reacting, glow, alyssa, phonecian sailor, creative calm, articulate design, sharm, shanny, scottish, impressions, community, long, hour, hours, for sleep, rose, busy b, fast, slight sounds, ruby true, destiny, matty tingles, ryan, asmattr
Id: -cWqTaC0jnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 46sec (6526 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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