ASMR | School Nurse & Lice Check [60fps]

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Hello everybody! This video is sponsored by Sun Basket, and since this is the first time that I've talked about Sun Basket on my channel, let me give you a little rundown of what it is. It is a wonderful food service that delivers you organic, healthy, nutritious, fresh ingredients and recipes right to your door. Everything that's in your basket is organic, non-GMO and it actually is wonderful for specialty diets, such as paleo, gluten-free, pescatarian, diabetes-friendly, vegetarian, and vegan. So I've been cooking the meals all week and trying them out and I've been really, really happy with the results. For me personally, I like when things are quick, so one of my favorite things on the site is that you can sort each dinner by specific sort of... categories. So I can search by the less than 20 minutes and choose recipes for that week that are quick to make. You can also sort them by low calorie, and other sort of specific diet options. You can also do little fun add-ons, like, I got a salad this week, so they sent me all the ingredients and all I had to do was put it together. Booda-beem bada-bam. If you follow the link in the description box below and use my code, "GIBI", you can get 60% off your first box. You sign up, you choose a menu type; either classic or family, and then you choose your meal plans. And then you get to choose your recipes, and they change every week, so you're always getting something new. As you can see, the meals turn out looking delicious. If you'd like to try out your very own box of Sun Basket, you can use the code "GIBI" and follow the link in the description for 60% off your first box. Thank you so much, and enjoy the video! (PHONE RINGS) Hello, this is Nurse Gibi. Oh, hi! You're at the elementary school today? And there's a lice breakout? Oh no... Ok. Whose little sister is it? Ok. Ok, well I can have him called down to the office and we can take a look at him. Yeah, we know how fast it spreads. Right. Ok, well, when I have any students come in, I'll make sure to check them as well. But thanks for giving me the heads-up. Oh! I have to go, there is a student waiting for me. Ok, ok. Yeah, thank you so much. Bye-bye. Hi there! Are you feeling ok? Aww. Yeah, I guess not, since you're here. Ok, well, I am new to this school; I don't think that I've seen your face before. Can you tell me your name? Nice to meet you. You can just call me Nurse Gibi. Um... no, what grade are you in? Ok. And why are you here at the nurse's office? What doesn't feel good? Hmm, you scraped your elbows, I see that. And what were you doing to scrape them up like that? Well, the jungle gym can be very dangerous, but... You know, it happens sometimes-- it doesn't look too bad. And do you have a headache? Ok. Well, why don't you come in? Take a seat. Let me get to those arms first, little elbows. And then we can see about your headache. I don't know if you heard me on the phone, but I might do a little lice check on you too. I would be surprised if I found anything, but... it's good to, y'know... double-triple-check. Ok, so. I got my first aid kit, you know what that is obviously, yeah. And what I'm going to do is make sure that your scrapes are clean. Ok? So with that, I'm going to get a little pad here. And what I actually want to do is put on some gloves, since there is a little bit of blood--it's not so bad. You know, just like, a normal scrape. Oh, these are nitrile gloves. You don't have a nitrile allergy, do you? Yeah, well we have a lot of people, lot of kids come in with latex allergies, so we don't even keep them in the office anymore. Ok. So I'm going to take a little bit of this rubbing alcohol and so, this is gonna sting a little bit, like, don't be shocked, essentially. Just gonna go like this. Get a lot of it on the pad here. I'm gonna close the lid before I spill that all over the place. And I just want to see your arm. Yeah, does it sting a little bit? Sorry. There, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick! Over nice and fast. We'll do it again for the other arm. You don't want to get an infection. That is no fun. Ok, so let me see this arm here. Ooh, ok. Ok. So... I'm gonna need to find a good bandage for you. I think... These are the ones I'm looking for. These will fold really nicely around the curves of your elbows. That way, you can keep moving your arms and playing, and... not worry about ripping the band-aid off, which can be kind of uncomfortable. Ok. So. Once again, I'm just going to see your arm here. There you go. And... The other one. This is still a little bit wet from the alcohol. You know, we just... There you go. Is that better? Ok. Oh, these gloves are too big. Ok... Get your arm out there. There we go, there we go, there we go. Ok, so that is that. Now you said you had a headache? When did the headache start? Ok, this morning. And on a scale from 1-10, how much does it hurt? Ok, aww. Alright, well let's see if we can get you some medicine. I'm gonna look up your file and see what's listed that's ok for you to have. Ok. One second. Hi, this is Nurse Gibi. Yeah, I needed to get the access code to the files. Yep, I realize that. Cheryl never gave it to me. Ok. Ok, great. Thank you. Ok, got it. Bye-bye. Ok, so it should be on this computer here. I had 6th grades, but I don't have your grades. Ok, and your last name...? Ok, we're going to give you some Advil. Which should be pretty easy. It just comes in this little packet here. And if you want, you can get a cup of water from the water fountain behind you. And just put out your hand. Are you ok swallowing pills? Very good. Yeah, yeah. Some people... some people can't do it. But it's not so bad once you figure it out. That should help with your headache; do you want an ice pack? Yeah, I can do that. Yep, got the little mini-fridge right under here. Ooh, this one's cold. Yep. This is... it's gonna be really cold at first. If you want, we can get you a paper towel. You're ok? Are you sure? Alright, here you go. This is just gonna press up on your head like this. It is a little cold. Ok, let me get you a little rag here. (RIFLING THROUGH CABINETS) Here we go. So this can be right like this, is that better? Much better? Ok, you can hold onto that then. There's popsicles in here. Do you want one? Ok! There's orange, green, red... You want red? Ok! This is the good nurse's office. Here you go, just peel the top. So if you heard me on the phone when you came in, There was a bit of a lice outbreak over at the elementary school. So do you mind, just while you sit here and recover, if I just Take a little look? Ok, yeah. Absolutely, I just have a little bit of a light right here. And then in my bag... This little... tweezers. And magnifying glass. And a little stick to part your hair. I am gonna wanna put gloves on again. Ok. So I'm going to be getting a little bit close to your head and I just want you to... just turn when I say to turn. Ok? I'll put these gloves on first. I really have to order them in smaller sizes. I don't know how big Cheryl was, but... her hands must've been very big, because I already have big hands. Ok. Yeah, she was kind of a short lady so I'm kind of confused, but Alright. I am coming in armed. So what I'm going to do first is look around with my light. And the stick just to make sure that there's nothing major that I'm missing. Ok... Very good. Yep, if I could just get you to tilt your head down, that would be fantastic. Down, like this... so you look at me and then just down. Perfect. Ok, so... I don't see anything... major... Well, it takes awhile for lice to... to mature. But if you caught a couple of the major lice, then they could lay eggs and you get nits and... not pretty. Ok, I'm gonna wanna get a little bit closer. I'm gonna use this. They're quite, quite, quite quite quite small, so I'm actually going to go around to the side and look... Ok. Ooo-uh-uh. Uh-oh. I think I might see one... oh dear. Well, this is what I was afraid of--ok... Don't worry--don't worry, don't worry. Let me just double check on this side. Hmm... It's just a few eggs. That is... ok, that's not... Ok, ok. It must've spread across schools. I'm gonna have you put your head up--ok! And what I'm going to do is just remove a couple of the major ones. So I'm going to just be... Ok. So... I am going to send you home. Yeah, we definitely can't have you at school unfortunately! We're going to--and don't worry-- We will make sure to not tell anybody if you don't wanna tell anybody. Having lice is... I know, can be kind of scary, but it's not a big deal. It's just a nuisance and you have to squash 'em out while you can, so... Actually, lice prefer very clean scalps, so... They can give it to you as a compliment. I'm gonna throw this all out here... So, let me write you a pass. Who did you have in class today? You came from music class? And that's with... Ok. And the time is... ...20, so right before lunch. If you want, we can get one of your friends to grab you something from the cafeteria. So who is the person that you would like me to call to come pick you up? Ok, let me access those files. Ok, and is their phone number...? Awesome, thank you, and I'm just going to write... Ok, so what I'm going to do is send you home with your headache. And in a few hours we'll be doing our lice check of the whole school, ok? Yeah. Alright... Hi, this is Nurse Gibi over at the middle school. Yes. Yes, unfortunately they're going to need to be picked up. Well, there was a little bit of a lice outbreak over at the elementary school, and it seems as if it has come over here. Yep, they did not get too lucky, unfortunately. They also have a bit of a headache, scraped up elbows, so honestly might not be too bad for them to go home today early, anyway. Yep, so we will actually be doing a full lice check of the entire school. Well, I assume that since it came from the elementary school... Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of kids with it. Absolutely. So we'll also be sending out in the email, a little newsletter, sort of memo just to let all the parents know what to do in--in... in the case of lice, and make sure you wash everything in very hot water, gonna put things in black plastic trash bags, and there are a couple lice treatments that-- that you can do at home. A couple of medicated ones and a couple of natural ones as well, yeah. Ok, yeah, we can absolutely get all those details for you, it's no problem, yeah. Are you able to get to the school, pick them up? Ok, great. Great, well I already wrote their pass for out-of-class, so I will make sure that they get their backpack, and homework and everything all sorted, so that... when you arrive, you're ready to go. Alright. Ok, thank you so much! Bye-bye. Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. I actually had lice 2-3 times in my life. Yeah, well I guess it does come with working at a school. Only 1 of them was when I was in when I was in school myself as a student. Mhm. The other 2 were as a nurse. Well I used to work at the elementary across town. Yep. But Cheryl's on maternity leave now-- oop, sorry, I was always a mis-speaker. Well, she just had her baby last week. Yeah, a baby boy. Mhm! So I'm filling in for her. So, now we just get to sit here and wait for you to be picked up. This? For your reflexes? Has a doctor never done this to you? Well, here you can try it out if you want. Oh, no no no. Here, here ok. So, you want to hit the part of your knee-- just below your knee and it should pop. Ready? Very good. And this knee? Very good. You can actually do it to your elbows as well, but I won't do that today because of, um... Little injuries over here. Let's see what else I have... Stickers. Well, they're more of a hit at the elementary school, but you are welcome to pick some. I wasn't sure if the middle school students were really gonna like them. Ok, here we have... This pink tiger; I think it's pretty nice. We have... some Valentine's stickers. Well, Valentine's Day passed, but they're still good. There's little letters. A bee, "bee mine". "Bae". I am hip and with it. They give you letters--ooh, some llamas... No prob-llama. Here, I want to give you this sticker. No prob-llama. Well, you did so well today, and y'know, it's no fun, so... Donuts. Do not worry--"Donut worry, be happy." It's making me hungry. We've got some cats with glasses. Oh, speaking of hungry, did you want-- did you want me to call in on your lunch order? Well, that's the best perk. You can get it to go; you already paid for it, so... Are you--you're on the meal plan? Awesome, ok. I think today is meatball subs. Is that ok? Hi, this is Nurse Gibi. I have a student going home, But we were just going to pick up their lunch. Yes. So we could just get a meatball sub, with french fries on the side. Ketchup. And... the side salad. What would you like to drink? Chocolate milk? Lemonade? Could we do a chocolate milk and a lemonade? Thank you. Ok. Yep, I will have one of his classmates come pick it up. Thank you, bye-bye. Alright, so who is one of your good friends in your class? Ray? Ok. One more phone call. You said you were in music? Hi, this is Nurse Gibi. Yes, yes-- unfortunately, they're going home. We actually have a bit of a lice outbreak. Yes. But don't worry because... We'll be checking everybody. Probably not until next period, after lunch. We'll let everybody have their lunch. Yeah. Could we... send Ray up to grab the lunchbox? Ok. Awesome, thank you so much. Ok, bye-bye. Bye-bye. Ok, so we have your lunch settled for you. And... everything should be good to go. Now, I'm going to start getting everything set and you just let me know if there's anything you need. Nothing as of now? Your lunch is coming, you've got your popsicle and your ice pack. Got your Advil. Wonderful. Alright! Well I hope you feel better soon, and I hope to see you back in school very quickly. Ok.
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 5,307,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibi, asmr, school, nurse, lice, check, doctor, exam, personal, attention, sleep, for sleep, relax, relaxing, for relaxation, 60fps, light, test, eye, vision, ice
Id: KeG5iTFw_1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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