Let's Catch Some Frog Bass!

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foreign howdy everyone I'm back at it again I was actually on my way up to a different lake with my kayak I was planning on doing some frog fishing there just taking some back roads on my way up there and I drove past this man it looks froggy doesn't it I think I'm gonna drop the kayak here we're gonna give this spot a try so I'm gonna get my fishing gear tossed in the kayak we'll paddle around in here a little bit and we'll see if we can find a few frog Bass all right I've got my kayak all rigged up and ready to go let's head out here and we'll see if we can catch a few fish it sure is pretty out here nice change from last week when I was fishing about 50 feet from semis doing 80 miles an hour a little more peaceful out here there's more my type of Lake foreign a little bit of splashing around out here as I was getting my kayak loaded up not sure if it was bluegill or bass or what but got something in here it is kind of shallow looking but I do believe this little Pond here does connect to a bigger Lake so it should be able to sustain life through the winter up here you got got to be a little bit careful with these shallow Pond type spots a lot of them just won't hold life through the harsh Winters unless they connect to a bigger body of water like this one does I was looking at it on satellite maps and I couldn't really tell quite how well it does connect to that other Lake I don't know if I'll be able to paddle into the main Lake over there or not so depending on how easy those fish can swim into this little pond we might find a whole bunch of them back here we might get skunked at this spot I'm prepared for either one it's just a perfect day to be out here in the kayak either way I do know that much so I'm tossing the frog out here today I've just got the cheap little two dollar Walmart frog tied on threw one of them around a few times last year you always seem to work pretty well so I figured I'd save myself a few bucks no sense in spending eight to ten dollars for a hollow body frog when a two dollar one we'll get the job done so he did catch a lily pad there but that's to be expected with any frog let me get into this real thick stuff nope I'd say I thought I had something chasing them there's just a little bluegill came up and grabbed his legs well if there's bluegill in here there should be some bass we'll see if we can get that frog in front of a couple out here today oh something must Splash over there he came up and got my frog get them through these lily pads here he's just a little guy but I'm gonna get him in the net that's the first fish of the day right there a little Bass he'll get us on the board yeah I had to work in here a little ways but we found one it's kind of starting to wonder if there's going to be any fish back here or not but I don't know we'll work our way over here to where it connects with the other Lake I Believe sometimes that's where all the big fish will be hiding out or the two Lakes connect but we got one in on the Frog no getting skunked at least Splash right next to me over here just a little bluegill or is that a big old bass well I haven't even hit that spot over there yet that looks fishy over there check and see if I see anything swimming around down there foreign [Applause] [Music] man that always gets the adrenaline going when you see the wake coming over toward the lure real fishy in here though I wouldn't be surprised if that one's got a buddy back here somewhere oh swinging a mess fix him up and toss him right back over there oh man some braids just a mess it'd be easier to just cut this off and re-tie [Music] oh maybe not got him that time that's a decent one nice pretty little frog Bass we're finding a couple back here seems like find the little patches of Open Water and you find the fish at this spot a bad little bass right there they're all fun on the Frog there we go come here oh yeah that's a good one nice look at that that's what I was looking for nice chunky frog Bass oh I'm just having so much fun out here today beautiful little Lake getting some nice bass on the top water frog it's tough to beat that action this looks real fishy up here it'd be kind of surprised if we didn't find something [Applause] come on big smash right here I thought I saw a little bit of movement right over there off to the right of where I had that frog so we're gonna toss them over there right over there I thought I saw something move she almost kind of looked like a wake it's coming toward my frog from over there for a second oh maybe it's just bluegill I don't take a little nibble at my frog legs there that's something up there I just saw the Wake come on that corner I know there's a fish over there I didn't think I got him there dude I didn't even hit it that hard that's actually a nice fish I knew there was one hanging out up there you just came up and hit that frog ever so delicately I thought it had a little dink on but it's another nice one on that two dollar Walmart frog sweet you want to jump back into the kayak with me I'm just fishing my way along the shoreline just looking for any little open spots like this within the lily pads that seems to be what's holding the fish today but see a little green sign right over there that must be where the two Lakes connect I don't know if I'll be able to paddle through there or not but I believe the water flows in out of the other one so that might be a good spot to find a fish or two over there we'll work our way over there and find out at least well I didn't find any bass hanging out back here in this corner where the two Lakes connect but I might see if I Can Break On Through To The Other Side here [Music] yeah I think we should be able to [Music] [Music] well that's good to know because this Lake doesn't have a public access on it so now I know I can get in here so I decided I'd worked my way around this other Lake real quick too it's not a real big lake and for the most part it looks like it's more of a jig and Wacky Worm kind of Lake but I did look at it on Google Maps real quick there are a few patches of lily pads out here so I figured we'd do a quick lap around the lake toss the Frog at those lily pads you just saw a nice bass swim by there yeah we'll see if we can find anything over here on this one if not we'll just paddle back into the pond that we started on there's one hanging out up there [Applause] there's a decent little guy about the same size as the fish I was catching on that other Lake over there nothing wrong with that little Bass with a side of salad try to get that out of his mouth so he doesn't swallow it looks oh he saw me he saw me he took off I was gonna try throwing my Wacky Worm at him real quick but we'll stick with the Frog oh I tell you oh I got a basket in the tree okay I thought oh am I gonna do this here it's probably easier if we just shook it now get up here leave my drag open do one of those numbers hopefully I didn't just break my rod I think we're all right another little guy just hanging out right up in this corner here got him that's it didn't look like a bass hit a little Pike hit a little Pike on the Frog thanks for not taking it from me like those Pike like to do so much well I finished fishing a quick lap around the second little Lake here not a whole lot of action in this one I did find a few but a little bit smaller average size then over here where I started today foreign it's a little bit more froggy looking back in here too I could have probably tied on a jig or a wacky worm and caught a few out there on the other Lake but I don't even have my fish finder with today I figured I'd be throwing the Frog all day long so we'll try over here on this side again see if we can find another fish or two willing to come up and try to eat that frog before I paddle on out of here for the day thank you [Music] no I caught one in here earlier today we'll see if there's another one up here willing to bite foreign too late we got him look at that yeah a little bit nicer size fish than the ones that we're catching on that other Lake I mean nothing huge out here today but no complaints a lot of fish like that coming up and slamming the Frog that is a heck of a way to spend a day all right you guys I've made it back to where I started from I think that's going to do it for today's trip it was a fun day of fishing out here though we caught a handful of decent Bass with that hollow body frog yeah it's always nice to come out and try some new water too yeah I definitely think I'll come back and fish this spot again in the future it's a fun little spot to drop the kayak in for the afternoon well I think that's it for this one I had a lot of fun out here today I hope you guys enjoyed it too thanks for coming along with me again I'll see you next time
Channel: NDYakAngler
Views: 172,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NDYakAngler, kayak, kayak fishing, fish, fishing, largemouth, bass, bass fishing, river, MN, Minnesota, ASMR, calm, calming, relax, relaxing, exciting, topwater, action, hollow, body, frog, pond, backroads, back, woods, backwoods
Id: MgQhoPSzElY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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