Giant RC 747 Crash
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Channel: Jase Dussia
Views: 1,554,095
Rating: 4.8619785 out of 5
Keywords: Crash, RC Plane, Airplane, Plane, Jet, Jet crash, Turbine 747, Huge, Turbine, 747, Boeing, Radio controlled, rc plane crash
Id: eT4kxp7sYs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
bad pilot. flying way too fast for its level of structural stability - wing ripped right off lol.
how much money we talkin here
About 2:10 I bet is were most of that structural damage occurs. 45 degree bank, severe control inputs... you can see the fuselage getting torqued. Slick but expensive fly by!
Going wayyyyyyy the fuck too fast, especially for the level of input he was giving.
I didn't know they made a 747 max.
There's someone on the wing of the plane! Some THING...
(Not seeing a line of small speeding ambulances leaving the scene)
Cows be like: It's The Day! Messaiah arrived, Prophecy is Fulfilled!