Engine Trouble Flying Home a New Wilga 😬 | Scrappy 30

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all right guys i got a new plane on the way home over the mountains the engine quit and a quick tease on dropping scrappy let's get to work it's physics math and engineering it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings all right guys this video is going to be a little bit different i'm sorry there's been no videos for three weeks i have a great friend chris does the editing of the videos and he's been traveling he took a cirrus overseas and he's just getting back settled in with his family and so we're behind on videos but i want to talk about safety so i mentioned that the engine quit it's my second time i have an engine go out in wilga last time catastrophic i'll add that to the end of this video if you want to watch it when the rod came out of the aircraft this unfortunately wasn't as bad but spoiler alert we made it so i've got a new wilga this is two here we got a white one and a green one i'm not exactly sure why i've got two right now but maybe one sparks maybe two planes i don't know we got draco x to do but uh i've now got two wheel goes i don't need any more but let me tell you a little bit about this trip so this video is not so much about build although i am going to show you a little teaser about dropping scrappy before i put the motor on the front and i'm going to do a real video on that going through all the details later but i want to talk about safety so we picked up a new plane and over the years i've been flying 20 years roughly 10 500 hours and helicopters and everything else i've had numerous engine failures and so i kind of wanted to address that i lost an engine on a p210 the oil line exploded and blew all the oil over the front of the windows that was interesting emergency to a runway asked everyone to leave because i couldn't see out the front at all i've lost an engine in a 421 with an engine that had 200 hours on a gitzo motor gear assembly came apart went through chewed up the whole motor blew it up that was uh 25 000 feet on the way to las vegas with seven people on board lost the engine in my wilga uh airplanes are safe if you have an opportunity to put a parachute in it these stories are why i did it on on scrappy and i want to do it on more aircraft but they're safe but they're still man-made they're still mechanical components things still go wrong so that's why i want to emphasize being safe maybe reduce flight at night if you can or eliminate it entirely really think about those flights over the big high mountains and where your outs are going to be and what roads options you have kind of refocus on safety and how you can fly differently or slightly inconvenience to add two three four hundred percent more options when things go wrong there's risks when picking up a new plane flying a plane you haven't flown this one quit on us so the owner been flying it regularly you would expect there wouldn't be issues with a sitting engine or rust on the piston rings causing a ledge that wears out your compression this one really simple we're flying back we're over mountainous terrain um we got good altitude good weather and uh a friend of mine is in the co-pilot seat making minor minor adjustments to the mixture so you expect if you're coming back real slow you might feel it start to get a little bit lower rpm and you turn it back in watch your gts get it where you want it well tiny adjustments i'm talking spinning the dial my new change and all sudden engine went out and you think wow that's no big deal push the mixture back in it's going to fire right back up and it didn't and i just say hey put it in more put it in more and he and mark no panic god okay it's happening everybody stay calm everyone what's the procedure this is just the strangest thing so of course at that point push it all the way in let's see what happens push the mixture all the way in and it took a little while it came alive but it wasn't making full power and the egts weren't in line with where they should be so what happened we didn't know we went right to an airport landed decaled the airplane the mixture cable assembly broke off the airplane it would have broken off somewhere along this flight it wasn't making a fine-tuned adjustment it just happened to be that little tiny adjustment gave just enough pressure to take a hairline crack fatigue crack from bending movement continuing vibration finally let go and disconnected the mixture cable completely from the bucket which meant that pushing the mixture in and out was moving the mixture arm very little to none what's something i want everyone to think about is these kinds of things shouldn't happen but they do so when you're doing all your training and you're thinking to yourself vengeance probably never going to quit but i'm going to learn how to do it get that thought out of your head over the years i've learned and watched through friends of mine personal experience it's mechanical components they fail things screw up mechanics make mistakes engineers make mistakes we make mistakes fly your planes counting on it going out so this turned into no big deal we landed safely we repaired it but i wanted to bring it up because the area that it broke all of you welga owners out there that fly a wilga 2000 a newer series has this assembly and i'll have this picture you can see here they're all gonna break eventually so um i'm gonna put in a call to the faa let them know what happened what happens is the engine runs it's flexing that bracket on the back of the mixture so where mine broke was not a mechanic doing something wrong it was not a repair done wrong it's a certified aircraft certified components with a design flaw it needs to be reinforced so there's 24 of you out there flying wilga 2000s um take a look close look at this picture and take appropriate steps anyway guys it's a beautiful flight the mountains were amazing the train was awesome new york was great i ran into a friend in aviation every time we stopped um all of you that come up and say hi of course the wilga got a lot of attention and brought a lot of people over so i'm super excited to be here be safe be careful fly your planes like something will go wrong at any moment and take it seriously it's happened to me a few times i've been fortunate enough to get him down this one was fortunate enough to get it started but most of the time i've had to dead stick into dirt fields runways um the middle of nowhere roads i've done it all plan on it happen to you and you'll be safer uh i'm gonna get back to work and we'll show you a little bit about scrappy be safe have fun your family wants you home okay guys quick update on the part that broke that caused the engine to quit during a mixture change on this wilga um i went back to my older wilder that was draco who's the last willga ever made and i grabbed the bracket to check it out compared to the bracket that broke in flight and the difference is somewhere along the line or they just missed it on this wilga they added a doubler plate and you can see it just on the back there's a much thicker plate of aluminum and if you're looking at the front side you can notice a few extra rivets here this aircraft only have three right here all the holes drilled in extreme close proximity to each other with not much material around it on a really thin aluminum so somewhere along the lines it got fixed or this got mixed uh missed i don't want you guys to get too panicked about all these engine failures i've had i've had a few almost all my flying is in really unique aircraft different kinds of builds certified not certified i've had problems in both the reality is they all got down safe without damage except for when i didn't do good on takeoff we'll leave that out but once i've had engine failures we got them all down okay and so can you so i just i'm a little bit worried that telling you about these engine failures will scare some of you out of the aviation i don't want it to try not to talk yourself into it will never happen to you when it likely will never happen to you kind of get your mind back on track that when you're doing your early flight training and you're practicing engine outs there's a reason we do it and it's just in case and then if it all goes bad and you happen to be one of them that have an engine failure like several you've met or myself it can be fine but just be aware of it be safe that's my point don't be afraid of flying just be aware of the risks and accept them and then be prepared for them so i called the faa i'm sending them pictures of this one and the other i explained what's going on just to help make sure we're going through the process to let everyone know that has one to check it let's all fly safe be careful let's get back to work all right guys this isn't the drop test video i'm not building anything in this video but just for fun while we're waiting for chris to get back and get some videos put together for us uh this is just before we had a motor on it we all took turns climbing in the airplane while someone pulled the last to drop it from about 30 inches and that's actually above faa certification heights but no motor didn't sandbag extra weight for the wings didn't add weight for the fuel it was just what happens if we get in it for fun and we all take a turn riding it down 30 inches so this is just a sneak peek of what's coming really soon we're going to do an in-depth drop test video soon with a motor on the front see you soon what do you think dex take him higher there you go it's all away that's awesome what'd you think of the landing [Music] what do you think how did it feel right yeah when it goes when it lets loose it's like violent [Music] that was the landing that was silly we'll do a longer video later it was so fun hey so right now i'm going to throw on the video of when the engine quit on draco before it was draco the piston engine stuck it in a farmer's field just just just to remind you this stuff is real be safe it can happen at any time uh if you don't follow my videos if this is your first time on i hope you liked it i like to build crazy aircraft like subscribe follow me along i hope to see you soon check out this wild landing in a cornfield we're glad to be here i'll be safe let's go back to work some tense moments for a group of pilots near spanish fork today after one of them lost an engine out over utah lake thankfully the pilot lived to tell the tale and he spoke with our new specialist sean modi about getting that plane safely onto the ground sean that's quite a exciting day for him yeah it really is probably some excitement he'd have been glad to do without this is one of those things that pilots always trained for but hope they never have to use mike petey told me it was that training and some discipline that kept him safe today i've been building and racing planes for a long time you never know what's behind a hanger door it's a 720 cubic inch eight cylinder at spanish fork springville airport mike petey has quite a collection it goes family aviation and i love my family but there's one plane missing today was different mike started saturday off with a little formation flying with his friends at the flying cowboys so we had three big events of only airplanes today i got through two of them before he could get to his landing contest though something went wrong they were over utah lake purring like a kitten to catastrophic in three two one gone i radio back and i said guys get eyes on me i'm going in i'm not gonna make the land but just as mike was about to hit that water he got one final push i gained a couple hundred feet and then it went violent again and then just died mike's friend shot video as he came down in a cornfield his brother just off his wing realizing you're safely on the ground after something like that is a heck of a feeling you can walk away from the good one mike may not have gotten to his competition but he put on quite a show anyway none of those guys have smoke in their plane and i still got my landing so i consider i won a mike's airplane wilga is what it's called it's still sitting out there in that muddy cornfield he hopes to get it out of there by monday and he already has another engine that he planned on putting it in there he'll just get started on that project a little sooner than he anticipated keith back to you and he's still laughing about it tonight how about that good good luck for him thank you sean [Music] you
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 360,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Turbine Lancair, Hillside Landing, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made, wilga 2000
Id: m6qdBh2q9p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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