Nobody At School Knew I Was a Princess! (Full Movie)

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citizens of Genovia the gates are now open your requests will be heard Queen the first Villager has arrived and it is the baker thank you sister we shouldn't be wasting our time on these peasants enough beatric as the queen I believe I am the heart of the people and I believe all of their voices should be [Music] heard w The Queen Is Dead my daughter the queen oh this is horrible but jobia does need a leader and if no one else will do it I will actually the queen had a secret daughter so technically she's the air to the throne well where is she bring her forward that's the problem she's in high school I have to Ace this test okay oh you're in my way sorry what is going on with your hair huh you're never going to get a boy like that I'm focusing on my studies right now studies don't get you mrss degrees why is this table so sticky sorry I I spilled my orange juice but I'm cleaning it up I adopted you to make my life easier and now it's a huge mess you eat all my food and I need to get more for that look what you made me do I tried to warn you you're grounded for a week I wish you were here Mom can you help me with those save the sea otter Flyers tonight I can't I'm grounded all week your stepmom again she's the worst I know well at least you don't have to go to Dance I mean who even likes Dancing Yeah hey nerd mom said you forgot your lunch again stop it it's tuna hey Rebecca nice St you can go we just don't forget your lunch it's getting annoying like I was saying who even likes dancing I I mean I don't think it's that bad as long as you go with someone you like wait do you have a crush what wait you have a crush L and her friend let's get your class I literally have a name come on it's [Music] Rebecca who's the new girl me we've gone to school together since first grade Veronica Amber have you decided who's going to take me out this weekend hey Dylan that's enough let's get in our seat why does that always happen okay class today we are going to go over the geometry problems that are going to be on the test tomorrow so what is the conjugate of 7+ 3 I would anybody like to come up and solve the problem I think she's the [Laughter] problem Rachel it's Rebecca [Laughter] sure hey my glasses which one of you is Rebecca um okay I need you to come with me immediately am I in trouble no yeah oh oh s looks like the fashion police finally got her no they took her because nobody wanted her not even Rachel's parents wanted her her name is Rebecca your majesty Rebecca is here wow cool Crown Is that real it is are you like a queen or something something like that oh darling you have something in your hair oh slime again it'll get out hold on one sec stop that have somebody that will do that for you okay usually peanut butter scissors works best you have the family CR my mom gave this to me yes I have one too I am your grandmother what your mother was the queen of xanovia my mom was a queen wait that means that I'm a princess shut up shut up excuse me I'm a princess shut up excuse me shut up you m see shut up is just something kids say these days it means surprising it's atrocious oh my God shall we have some tea I'll explain everything sure ah hot hot hot you have anything to cool it off why don't you try some sugar then [Music] yes I really like sugar so I so what did you want to talk about you I'll just wait until you're done oh Rebecca do you remember reading in the news about an inent ENT that happened to the queen of Genovia m-m well I'm so sorry to tell you darling that the queen your your mother well she was killed wait what [Music] what so she really was a queen I thought it was a Halloween costume and this was her favorite photo of the two of you that's me you see Rebecca your mother loved you more than anything but her evil sister wants to take the the crown that's why she sent you away to keep you safe 3 days from now if you don't claim the throne beatric will take it and she will rule Genovia forever what do you say are you ready to be a princess look I'm sad my mother is gone but I never met her and I've had to live with an evil stepmother and you're my grandma you never once visited me until now that you need something so I'm sorry I'm not a princess I'm a nobody you are not a nobody you are a princess your majesty you mustn't give up the queen wouldn't Where Have You Been you're supposed to be grounded I I'm sorry I'm late like I said this is why I adopted you to make my life easier you were supposed to cook me dinner and now look at all these dirty dishes I'll clean them up but I was actually wondering if maybe I could have a night off being grounded so I could go to the school dance why would you go to the school dance nobody cares about you you're nobody no one even know that you're there you're like a ghost now clean the dishes Grandma I've changed my mind what changed your mind I know what it's like to not have a voice and I want to make sure the people of Genovia always have one well there's a lot of work to do let's begin with walking I mean I I mean I I know how to walk I walked here not in those in these okay remember Rebecca to walk in heels you must keep your head up high keep your shoulders back tummy tucked and tush in straight line now okay these are a lot higher than I'm used to here we go head up high shoulders back tummy to to okay I think I got [Music] it oh dear now let's begin with greeting our citizens of [Music] Genovia try a wave hey guys I'm so excited to meet you how about a little bit less you do have to do this all day your arm will be very tired a little bit less hey your face looks like a grumpy old man remember it's more of an acknowledgement you're saying thank you for being here thank you for being here you're not unscrewing a light bulb and you're not a duck you want to give the same greeting to everybody you see yes everyone I am greeting you you don't need to say anything dear you just want a nice sweet smile I think we're doing the same thing don't move your head you're going to sit straight shoulders back Tummy in sit and turn your head side to side what if your stomach's upset hold it in spaghetti is my favorite excellent elbows off the table remember you're going to use the outside and work your way in outside Rebecca Rebecca chew your food no slurping no no we never use our hands that's why we have napkins all right you're going to use your spoon you're going to scoop it and twirl scoop and twirl scoop and twirl get it on the fork and then bring it to your [Music] mouth chew it mhm remember every princess needs to know how to dance just follow Joe's lead okay and 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Turn 2 3 my sorry about that sorry sorry I'll get it I'll get it 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 [Music] 3 thank you for being here thank you for being here thank you for being here well [Music] done being a princess is a lot harder than I thought can't beatric just be the princess no beatric just wants the power so that she can silence others unlike your mother who wanted the best for Genovia you cannot let her be the princess what about you why can't you be the princess because I'm not of Royal Blood I just married into the Royal Family do you still have that picture of you and your mother yeah turn it over read the back a princess must persist for her people this was your mother's motto I trust that you will live by it as she did what do I have to do next so we want a princess's outer beauty to reflect the inner beauty inside so meet Paulo oh Madam I have have arrived the Royal stylist now let's see what we're working with well I do love a challenge and this will be my finest work thank you don't thank me yet oh no ow when is the last time you brush your hair what it's like combing a yak ow you broke my brush this was my grandmother's time to give this univers a sister oh Beauty can be painful but it's [Music] better I now present a princess oh you look just like like your mother she would be so proud I'm so excited to show everyone at school no no no no no you must not tell anybody we must keep it a secret if be for to find out we don't know what she would do okay I can keep it a secret a little longer here's your ticket to Genovia you must leave in 2 days 2 days that means I can still go to my school dance I I mean if if someone asks me really do you have a crush this talk to me if I ask Rebecca to go to the dance tonight what will she say it's kind of weird it's not weird but if I asked the question what will she answer well I'm not going to stand in the way of love but she might have a crush on you what was that she might have a crush on you perfect because I'm going to ask her today look at I got flowers it's all set up okay awesome all right Rebecca Where Have You Been what are you wearing uh I have a lot to explain you've been gone for days yeah about that so the fashion police let you out obviously not look what she's wearing who are you trying to hide from being a loser is that why she doesn't have any parents okay you know what I'm going to draw it right there know you guys have like a slime shop or slime to go get back to go back to Middle School your Locker's not even close to here uh I I have to go Rebecca Rebecca where are you going also T the fish again why are they so mean they wouldn't treat me like this if they knew who I really was that's right you are going to be the Princess of Genovia and people need to respect you I know I'm supposed to keep this a secret but how bad can it be get ready to see the real [Music] Rebecca who is she that's Rebecca you're right it is Rebecca and FYI my mom didn't leave me she was busy running a country all right everybody let's get to class [Music] Rebecca Rebecca I'm confus wow you look great in that tie I've never seen anyone wear that tie and your eyes they're beautiful it's like a big bonfire like a break bonfire you never told us you were a princess well that's cuz I had to keep it a secret I mean my mom's evil sister would pay a lot and I mean a lot of money to find out where I am but you guys wouldn't understand it's a princess thing okay class let's get in our seats it's time for the next lesson and that's how you get 9 over five thanks again for helping us I mean if anyone's the perfect tutor it's you you got a name this class last year by the way Rebecca I really like your new look thank you I liked your old one too well it seems seems like I have a lot more friends with this new look not real ones what' you say's that Dylan you are so beautiful I've thought so since I saw you in math I've always wanted to date a princess will you go to the dance with me so what do you say there is no way she's going to fall for this cheesy Stuff I've never been asked to the dance before yes hey Rebecca people want to know are you dating this commoner can you give a statement yes she said yes to the dance I should go inside smile over here all right she's gone stop taking pictures go scram come on Paparazzi get alive get alive I cannot believe Dylan asked me to the dance he's like the most popular guy we're going to go okay thanks for helping steady my my mom's pen what what happened to it emergency wait my grandma just tried to call 26 times oh no what is the meaning of this princess goes to prom long lost princess found I didn't think it'd get out besides I only told a couple people so they'd leave me alone I am so disappointed in you we did this for your own protection I don't see what the big deal is about a couple photos besides I good in them the big deal is I told you to keep it a secret and you disobeyed me well I'm tired of people telling me what to do besides isn't the point of being a princess getting to do what you want no the point of being a princess is helping others not just yourself you know maybe you're not ready to be a princess at all I think you're just jealous because I get to rain and you don't how dare you you know I'm just trying to help you well I don't need your help I have to go to a dance with a boy that doesn't tell me what to do [Applause] [Applause] you look fabulous I love your hair it looks so good thank you a princess should never get her own drink I'll go get you one so tell me what's it like being a princess well it's pretty cool I mean you have to have banners but obviously I'm trained and we get to eat a lot of fancy foods I can't watch this I'm going to use the restroom get our hair done we have a butler Palace has mostly gold in it she's going to make me a lot and I mean a lot of money I hope we get a piece of it just follow my plan five people are doing your hair at once thank you can I talk to you over here here you actually showed up I thought you said dances were laying he dragged me along but I overheard Dylan talking to the girls and they're going to do something to you I don't think they're your real friends I'm just trying to warn you oh I get it you're jealous because I'm finally popular and you're not it's not it at all oh it's not it at all because they're talking to me and giving me attention that you have to take it off because you wish that you were me but the truth is you'd never be a princess why don't you try listening to her she's your real friend what are you going to do make slime with them now no you know what would you like to dance yes I would it's really bad timing but Mom said you forgot your lunch again it's tun fish I'm really glad you asked me to dance I'm really glad you said yes there's actually something that I wanted to ask you so from the first time that I saw you I knew that you were a princess at least to me and there's nothing that I would love more than to spend the rest of my life getting to know the princess that you are hey prcess well wait for the [Music] [Music] camera I can't find her anywhere I'll check the bathroom okay I'll keep on looking outside Rebecca Rebecca what was I thinking I was never meant to be a [Music] princess Rebecca I hear you you need to clean up those dishes in the kitchen nobody cares about you she's right all I'm good at is cooking and cleaning and not being a princess Mom I wish I could be more more like you but I'm not I miss you princess must persist for her people it's not about me it's about the people of Genovia if I'm not their Queen then they won't have a [Music] voice I have a plane to catch and with no other choice I Crown you princess beatric queen of Genovia stop I am the rightful heir to this Throne Rebecca do you really want this person as your leader she's not fit to rule listen I've made mistakes but I care about the people of Genovia I'm sorry Rebecca but she's right we need somebody who understands what this position means wait Matt what are you doing here in jopia came here to bring the truth beatric does this look familiar all right I held up my end of the deal pay up all right perfect they'll never let her Rule now after I killed her mom she's the only one standing in my way we're doing business with you likewise beatress you framed me and you killed my mom the only person that does not deserve to sit on that clone is you do you really think anyone's going to believe that I do I do too so do I I'll take this take her away beatric you are under arrest for the murder of the queen of Genovia what no no princess this belongs to you my mother's pin that's where it went and now this belongs to you as well and it is my great pleasure to Crown Princess Rebecca as Queen of xanovia wait stop grandmother you've taught me a lot and I care about the people of ovia which is why I know I still have a lot to learn and I'm not ready yet to be Queen I Want You grandmother to be Queen but that's not possible yes it is as the only heir to the throne I'm allowed to choose someone to Rule the Kingdom as I see fit and I choose [Music] you well I will only accept on the condition that you will take your mother's inheritance inheritance you're making a big mistake no I'm not with my inheritance I had enough to buy this house that you rent and guess who I W as a roommate nobody so could you please leave oh and for the record I might not be a princess yet but I'm still a somebody that felt good I did it I completed the program how' you like being a princess I mean honestly it was exhausting could I have some water no this is the real world get your own come on
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 2,616,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess, diaries, in real life, became, i became a princess, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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