Aphmau and Aaron HAD TWINS in Minecraft!

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today we need to raise the perfect twins to become the best Minecraft family twins easy I'm going to be the ultimate twin dad your dream Zane I've got this in the bag too bad it's not a diaper bag twin fight oh trying to cover your missing M no what the hir boys boys twin parenting is about teamwork and the best twin parents would obviously be par and me what do you mean you insane Aaron and I are obviously the best parents no we are there they are huh wait what what are you two doing here are you coming in on sheep jeez wao now what the TR to get away from you two watch while we're on this island you sharks you left us behind when we wanted to play too you guys don't even know what we're playing who cares we wanted yeah I want to win I want to win fine but don't say I didn't try to warn you oh there's the block are you guys ready to see who would be the best parents parents huh don't worry about it just go yeah let's get started time to school you all oh please H what wao much Rob here oh wait why does that block look weird what is this what oh it's a one block wait we got one too nice everyone's got one we got to go we got to prove that we're the best parents yeah which means this is a competition what a here casy you know we're going to beat you oh this is so nice and finally we get a break from those losers over there excuse me who's the one that rode it on sheep huh bother talking to them you may catch their dumb hey it's not contageous Pierce get your dumb away from me this here and oh it's here it's here Aon what do you mean what's here oh it's a twins block we don't have a house yet we don't have anything it's time it's time let's go we just got here just give me a second to we need them oh wao those are some big kids wao they're big look how adorable they are though oh and they BL oh they are pretty cute oh they actually look cooler than we do I think we already have the best family yeah clearly did you hear that Zane what Zane hurry up break the okay okay I got it oh looks like they're getting ahead we should probably go look at them I made a boat go find them a little bit right really nice thank you Aaron I'm going to go take a look real quick just be quick all right a you're just so cute oh you guys got your kids look at him oh your babies are so cute even C than yours even you haven't even seen mine girl please um a but all of the babies are adorable aren they I don't need to I just know M are the cutest don't break it whatever you do oh no no way I'm not touching that no sir wow I thought you guys wanted to play the game okay so you and I have a deal right no one touches the one block ever what how are you guys going to build if you don't break the one block U well I mean or even get more treasure we will use what's on uh the island it it's not worth it what uh I'm with her what I think you can help with this congrats no you didn't oh [Applause] no look at them they're so adorable you guys are so lucky I hate it a but this one does have my eyes though and it does have my hair they do don't they all right I've got to go back to my Hi family and see what they're doing oh wait time remaining wait whoa whoa whoa whoa what does that Boss Bar mean oh no it might be something bad we got to get ready yeah it's going down fast I'll get some more stuff too in case I already made some ladders and some fences but I only have one sword though you keep it here take some extra planks in case I wait time's up time for what why are the Shadows moving the Sun is going down which means night is coming oh no I'm scared of the dark I mean the kids are scared of the dark well good thing got some coal from the Block and made some torches now the kids won't be scared we really need to make the house something the blood wait the blood mood is coming find shelter or the twins will explode what wait wait they explode Aaron look the moon it's red kind of like you we got things more up up we need to get up into the tree here let me make a few ladders there you go go go go go I'm getting more stuff watch out skeletons I've got this protect the kids I'm going to do that I'm making me a sword and I'm coming coming waa Aaron you got arrows in you I know I can kind of tell sorry I was just trying to get to the point well you know I'm dying you can fight and I'll build up on it take this skeleton I got a bone to pick with you guys this is my life now Aaron I got one good I made a way up all right don't die okay I won't hey Aaron you should make a living room up there wa well why because then the skeletons can't enter you know very funny quick you save the girl look get the boy on it come on girly and this way and up here and there she's safe good I'm going to keep putting down ladders yeah I can kind of see it's Bare Bones right now oh skeleton you deserve that I'll keep doing it don't test me here let me clean up a bit need some ladders over here don't worry I got some I got some I put them down good um all right there watch out I think we're safe right block this off right now uh Aaron Do you have a a headache no why oh yeah yeah yeah I see it now I wonder have everyone else hold that a little help here well I'm trying to protect you and the kids right now Zan's got two sword help building the shelter oh yeah I don't think he's doing so good come on you beasts I'll take you all on what Ian appear oh ah Ian appears you've got my kid what what do you mean I I got your kid he's got my eyes no he's got my hair where's your anyway I don't know where is my kid then I H got it I think I should go help them yeah I can see that you do what you got to do I'll keep things safe here you're the best Aon be back just be safe we'll do help uh all right Pierce Ian you need any help I don't need a hand I just need a to not be attacked yeah that would be nice let's see got him for you and do that you know I'm only helping you because of the kids right who cares about kids okay I think I got it all right oh there's a creeper oh man oh man oh least he exploded over there I did it yeah you sure did all right I'm back how you doing I got rid of the mob so I think we're doing good that's my man how much longer do you think oh the star I think it's over I protected my babies now thanks to someone excuse me I was putting all my heart and soul into protecting you from those monsters oh yeah sure all right now that I've got all these Bridges backy I need your help uh we have we have a problem uh um are the kids okay are they scared from last night not quite but you know there's is thing I need you to look at there's a what it's a block and I mean uh oh what is this I mean it's pretty darn clear what it is it's a sheep don't let Pier see this you know how he's going to get I know I block the window don't you think I know how he gets all right do we just break it yeah it's ours it was given to us oh let's see what happens all right sheep don't kill us please be something good oh we got rainbow sheep oh that's a lot of sheep this is actually kind of nice though there's a lot maybe we shouldn't have built around the one block we didn't want it to be outside you know in case we got something cool like this hey uh did you guys say something no don't worry about it I mean I could I can start killing them you want me to kill them no I don't want to they're so cute you sure you guys aren't hiding anything it's none of your business how'd you get here so fast what wait what's that noise um nothing babies you know you know it's me it's is that oh my goodness how could you look at our house without our permission sir what can't believe this sheep remember if we touch these guys we'll catch their dumb what all right Pier see they can't even use properly oh these poor dummies fine y'all can take one each I wouldn't have been so nice I just don't want to touch them Ian and Pierce I mean you're right plus Ian's going to eat those sheep anyways no and I'm here for that drama should we get the Sheep outside yeah yeah I'll make up a pen or something whatever ooh what going calm down don't tell anybody go check it out take whatever they got if you can just don't let them touch you remember the dumb is it going to make the kids grow it has to be hey what you guys got over here oh no no nothing nothing don't worry about it so you're acting kind of sus here yeah she's just uh she's being a better parent we're just being parents yeah yeah just being better parents I can see her behind you you know no fine we can have a grow up block what ooh yeah as the better parents we got it first are you sure I mean it doesn't mean that the kids are going to grow up but maybe it means they're going to get taller of course it is watch all right okay let's see what it does oh wo huh what did you do what did I do it was probably AAU cuz she's here w asmo wow blaming me for your parent problems can't take responsibility oh boy let's uh okay w w oh my goodness oh there they go oh what are they doing oh I'm not a toy I'm not a toy get away Sho sh sho I think they want to play with you oh I think they might be hungry too okay get a few more things oh hi baby look at b b bab are you tired yeah oh wait what the what is that oh yeah yeah oh there's a big block very big block a crazy Big Block it's huge yeah the opposite of you right what don't get jealous let's just break it and see what it does wa that's a big one look at this looks like a how do we uh SCH it's so cool what's going on yeah it's definitely a school come here and take a look at this thing what is it it's like a mega block though it's so big you know what that means big block means big big treasure big treasure more like big school let's see what happens don't know if every one of us wants to go to school see what happens who are we in the school right now we got to learn what I'm too smart to be in here sure you know if that's what you think I'm not but I still don't want to bring your kids to school the first two teams to get both their kids to school with we it's a oh we got to bring our kids to school to win yeah yeah we got to find the kids come on have to go to school our kids do come on new school for us all right time to bring the kids to school we got their lunches we got the backpacks we got the Stanley they're going to be n of those things whenever just get the kids they're hiding all right kids you can't escape where are you little Aon J's in the tree how kid what are you doing up there how did you get up there all right let's go up come on you get him I'm going to look for a little girl uh keep looking for her I'm going to get little Aaron come on where are you hiding in the bed or something parents where are my kids you're a little F I don't know where are your kids where she go she better not be hiding anywhere crazy yeah she's definitely not in here she's about to be outside still um there we go there she is she's in there she's hiding wait you got her okay good good I'll get him guys guess who getting their kids to school what my kid's got to get to school or he'll get the dumb I better hurry guys there we go hurry Aaron I got him I got him there there woo oh the kids are gone we sent our kids to school all right Pierce bring our bring our other kid to school we got this what but but what he doesn't want to go to school if I don't want to go to school he probably doesn't want to go to school so why would I come to school know you should listen to your brain on the side so you don't have to win the competition so if he doesn't want to go to school you don't have to take him to school hey you're using those funny words on me to make me convince me to do to go to school huh well I'll show you I am going to send him to school see how that see what you think about that huh I try to convince him otherwise we could win all right Casey Zay all right we're coming we're coming wait what no way that's got a thing Pi are better appearance than you we're the last onesing they beat us why are you guys so slow anyways who oh Theo's gone where the kids go Oh school's gone where's the kid they're fine this is free time for us parents Pier are they gone are they back home little Pierce I think they're back on the islands oh yeah they're back home yeah yeah they're here come on kids going to give up parents 2 seconds of free time that's why School exists now now we can party later I huh wait wait oh there's a treasure here oh it's a firks I'll take two yeah yeah I'll grab the other two where do we use these we can why does as I want some I can't be the best pair without fireworks I promise Casey I'll make it up to you I got this I guess you have to win in order to get the prize Z what are you doing I am mining I am mining in order to make the next block come up we mine faster I'm going Casey so Casey how are things going didn't got you anything yet uh not really he got me this flower oh that's so nice you know Aaron got me these diamond boots which I think are really nice but not my size hey did someone steal my diamonds whaton shh quiet Were My Diamonds oh he got me these boots yeah totally huh oh a new block come let's go see if we get another contest then we can prove his family's the best uh it's going to be mine dog okay Casey you guys becoming last in every challenge maybe we need to shop for something okay as much as I hate to agree with you that would be awesome shopping SP get some stuff don't go crazy here all right we'll see what happens wa we have the kids in the carts wait I got $5 and we're at the Tex store Stop Till You Drop by the best items to win oh okay let's see um all right Casey let's start looking you notice how there's no employees around here don't you dare excuse me I would like to purchase this hot tub for a $1 I don't think that's how it works P oh yeah oh there's red particles wait why can't I why can't I do it well I guess you have to put the right amount into the area yeah dude there's obviously prices going around each one of these things want to spend on money uh wait wait there's a there's a switch Nintendo wait wa maybe that means we can play together oh that'd be fun all right we're definitely getting one of these at least $20 $20 okay let's see wait how do we oh wait I I think I got yours we mine I don't know you got one too why do we need two I don't know four controllers duh fine fine I want to get some other stuff here give me the switch and I'll bring it back to the house yeah right I'm going to go finish the shopping a little bit more all right but you better not spend all our money let's see there's a hot tub this will be great all right let's see there we go hot tub we got a hot tub baby what all right let's see tell you on Z we don't need this yes we do we need Pistons to make the house better for the kids I don't think so we need I don't know we need a switch kid switches a switch Yeah fine oh Casey look at this bunny isn't it cute oh it oh my gosh it is it's adorable here I'll give you a dollar that way you can get some more stuff all right Ian Pierce what you guys getting did you buy a fridge yeah yeah how else do I keep my food cold oh that's a good point that is kind of useful M yeah uh I bought uh three hand cannons what what are you going to do with those what about the children all right well I'm going to go back to the house put down the hot tub let's see over here hot tubs cann't give it to the TNT sheep but that's fine Aon where should I put the hot tub the what wait did you spend all the money I got a hot tub I can put it in the back there we go ooh how did we won how what I guess we had to get like a big hot tub we security cameras and all that other stuff isn't it nice it's nice but it's not going to stop some people from stealing my diamond yeah there's no water but we can fill it later I bought five hand cannons for nothing here's we need better stuff for our house okay while putting the fridge in all right let's see oh ooh it's like a family block another one so soon maybe this is the final challenge let's what do we what is this you know cuz we the best family I was going to break it you're could have waited a second for everyone to get it see what happens oh and we're back at our house wait oh uh why are we over here collect all the children what we're stealing the children it wants us to it wants us to steal babies we're born for this babe steal those babies children steal each other's babies uh oh wait a minute this is a battle royale Aaron to see who would be the best parir all right keep going keep going I'm going to kill anyone who comes there we must protect the babies I mean let's see we have this one we have that one that that's all of our children right pretty sure oh no hey hey guys I'm just visiting want to say hi I know it's so hard to take care of the baby and you guys honestly you're going to try to give a hand Canon so I got to take the baby repr well you know I have wanted to take a break and uh yeah see I'll take care here I gave our kid away but but but it's your kid wow okay all right hi how you guys doing I'm building a wall so someone can't get our kids oh that makes sense all right we should keep working on that seems like a good idea I'm leaving bye let's see I got one get himun out to run out to run out see you guys see wait a minute what get back here not working you didn't even notice oh my gosh I got the baby oh yeah I'll bring him inside give me a sec Zane what what are you doing drowning what does it look like we got to go in the office um hey Appo yes so about my kid um uh I actually uh wanted to trade it for some other stuff so can can I have a Nintendo switch if I get you pierces oh my God you're horrible all right look sure how about that all right okay and you know here here's 50 bucks to take it off my I can't believe oh my gosh I's terrible I'm going to go distract Casey and you will get hers okay you want me to steal the baby I appear something's going wrong with your sheep what what did you do hey no oh no my sheep oh no take him all finally I have the house to myself thank you I'll get you the switch in a bit I can't believe you fell for that wait why is he handing you Pierce's kid all right last one and we should be able to win you can't take care of the kids it's so obvious we're leaving what do you mean wait no Casey reconsider this no I won't consider anything oh my gosh you just threw the baby got the baby Aon go run wait what Oho get back here wait what did you do thought I was still on the baby oh hey Casey this wasn't the plan A wait is that it or there we go s you distracted me wait I fine you know now there's so many kids we are going to need to Big your house no no babe there's no way we're keeping all these kids
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,780,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: b_aUmrU5AWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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