Giant MONSTER Made From Chilli's Attacks an Island

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how's it going champs we're back playing tiny town we've got loads of stuff to build today i just found this little scene here that i can't quite remember what it was even about let me know in the comments if you actually remember there's a guy here having a staring competition with a crab it makes no sense there's a dude holding a pizza a guy who looks like he's probably pushing an invisible shopping trolley so in the last video i asked you guys what we're going to delete in this giant tiny town of ours and i said you could pick anything from the whole world you guys picked a variety of stuff but the most votes i got was for fire siren head so sorry champ you're actually going yep we're getting rid of this guy i know some of you guys are gonna be sad to see him go he's actually a pretty cool creation but we're gonna delete him anyway i'm gonna start his legs i might leave some of the fire behind though you know what i mean like people will still remember who he was i haven't erased him from existence like spider-man all right let's go i'll delete his body he's just a flaming arm now he kind of looks like a flaming cheeto doesn't he which you know i've actually never eaten a flaming cheeto but i reckon they'd be super hot okay how's that look that looks pretty good we're looking pretty good what do you reckon mega siren had he's pretty happy with himself screaming at my face okay now i want you guys to pick what we're gonna delete next giant spidey ufo some of you don't seem to like this guy very much or huggy zilla i know a lot of people hated huggie zilla not because he was a bad build but because he was too terrifying alright huggy zilla spider ufo thing i don't know what it is it's too weird okay we got some building to do so i got some requests this is just for a small build to build a pikachu doing some stuff i'm actually building down here like pikachu lives in like a trailer you know what i mean now i need to get my custom pikachus ah there he is so the request was a giant pikachu eating fries but instead of fries it's humans okay so let's see if we can do this um i guess i guess he's pretty big he's just this big chunker let's put him right here he's quite massive he looks like he's just smashed a bunch of burritos or something we're also going to be building another video game character you guys guessed the last one really easy so i'm pretty i don't know i think this one's gonna be a tough one i think i might be able to stump you guys with this next one um so i need to make some fries hang on a second i'm gonna try and make an actual you know like mcdonald's fries looking packet here we go nice there that looks like fries i'm talking about the red box not talking about a big red fry shaped like a cone that's weird so instead of fries it's people this is a very weird request you guys always come up with some really strange stuff to build all right so if you have anything else strange that you want me to build let me know just stick it in the comments okay so we need some good humans once that look like they would be fries that is very fried colored okay let's put their arms up like this they're trying to be straight there you go you are a fry do your best to look like one please this guy can be a fry as well put your arms up they kind of look like they're going down a water slide yeah good one chips just need a little bit of ketchup on there or something oh let's get let's get the famous old lady she loves being eaten all right there we go there you go old lady get in the fry box so it's been about oh it's got to be almost a month since i last played tiny town i kind of forgot what we were building then i had to go have a look and it was i noticed we've got big snack island over there so we're going to go build some big snacks today there we go put them in there oh yeah you guys are really good fries now we need some in his mouth there we go champ go ahead and get in pikachu's mouth he kind of looks like he's sort of half chewing on him a little bit there we go that's pretty good giant pikachu eating fries but instead of fries it's humans and we've got a bit of an m on there as well it's not yellow but it's the best i could do okay that guy's looking pretty good high five so if you've been watching my bug snack series you'll notice that i've been playing some modded games now so we've got a few mods coming out for bug snacks which is awesome one of which is a head crap so i want to add headcrab in here i know i've got one headcrabs are creepy man so creepy grab hold of your head and they just they crab there we go cool so we've got chandler over here i'm gonna transform chandlo into the head crab bug snack there we go gotta put that on his head and we've gotta do his body which is sort of like this there we go chandler you've got a you've got a giant head cramp just latching onto your chest there that is so nasty all right then we'll get this on his arms i noticed i actually haven't made many of these bug snacks characters like we haven't done floofty or whambus or anything like that i thought we would actually do some characters today in bug snack form like they've mutated you know oh this is good let me know in the comments if you do actually watch my bug snack series i know some of you guys you know they only watch tiny town or you're only watching like slime rancher or something like that which is fair enough it's just yeah i'm curious there we go all right let's put a couple of them in the trees as well just climb in the trees i love how snorpy is more concerned about the celly sticks behind chandler than the actual bug snacks he's covered in or the head crabs okay so this is the video game character that i made on the last video some of you guys guessed it some of you thought it was a fortnite character i haven't played fortnite in a couple of years so i don't know man i don't know definitely has a fortnight gun though got the tack shoddy let's go ahead and just delete this and i'll tell you what it was it was octoling from splatoon a lot of you actually guessed it well done i'm super proud of you and i'm sure your parents are proud of you as well alrighty let's build another one this next one i'm actually going to build in the forest over here let's just go down now this location should give you a bit of a clue as to what this is maybe i'm just trying to trick you so we need a blue sphere wait until you see what this thing looks like i hope i can do it right that's probably as close to the right color as i can get oh actually hang on no no that's right it's more of a purple color i'm not gonna add too many details i know i promise that sometimes you know i'm not gonna add too many details and then i basically make the thing look identical to what it is not today okay then i'm going to kind of go like this i'm going to add these shapes here like that actually that looks a bit better oh this next part's really hard to build shrink that down a bit there i'm actually really curious to see how many people are gonna get this one this character is quite quite popular but also a little bit obscure so i don't know maybe you'll guess it maybe you won't oh this one's actually super hard to build it's all right i'm gonna try oh man how do i do this okay this is sort of looking like it's supposed to uh the shapes a little off at the moment might need some spheres or i could probably use this now there's one more little detail that i need to add in that should probably make it fairly easy to guess if you've ever seen this thing before all right there we go i'm leaving it no no hang on i'm going to add one more thing just adding one more thing a kangaroo there we go the kangaroo should give it away i'm just kidding kangaroo doesn't go there i need a sword let's add the sword in his hand that's it that's all the clues you're getting let me know in the comments if you know this video game character what game they're from or what games they've been in because they've been in quite a few couple of crossovers i might say okay back over to big tooth is that the name of the island so in the last video we built this dragon made out of doritos you guys come up with some great names for it drago rita was probably the best name i think that's a perfect name for a dorito dragon i'm gonna oh there's fluffty down here hey champ i'm gonna go ahead and transform floofty into a bit of a bug snap so let's get maybe just a variety of you know things maybe like a banana what else do we have here piece of cake it's a good one let's go the blue cake and we've got some soda cans hot dog i kind of feel like making a hot dog befrika just like the one of the very first bug snacks videos i did all right he's gonna have a cake arm cool thing about fluffy is that they grew their arm back uh you know mutating into a bug snack bananas for arms cool let's give him like a cookie face that's pretty good and like maybe a soda body oh that's kind of hard to do doesn't quite cover up the body that much and we'll give him paddle pop ears there you go what's the name of the bug snack that's made out of like paddle pops palatos or something they're called just such a disgusting mix of like [Music] this is the final boss of bug snacks okay there we go let's get some eyes on here um just to make them still look like they're an actual monster yeah cool are you ready for the hot dog transformation let's go oh maybe down in the cave yeah cool secret cave world you found my secret door that no one knows what's actually in there it's a secret man could be anything could be my video game dungeon that's where i hide all my video games prepare to become a hot dog we got hot dog arms got a little bit of mustard on your arm there your hot dog legs hot dog legs was my nickname in high school big old hot dog like this that's actually really hard to pull off how do you do that the actual like sausage part goes right up there into a face i'm trying my best this is actually quite hard oh i just ripped her arm off okay you can wear the hot dog like a hat all right nice put some eyes on there and bang yes you have been snackified into a hot dog person that's what you get for being an annoying character all right i'm gonna grab this chili whoa this one's actually pretty big okay so i'm gonna put this one like sort of right there i think i think that's a good spot i'm gonna build another bug snack or a big snack i guess let's go ahead and sort of put that there we've got the cold milly mochi right and i'm gonna get this uh this guy right here to kind of make a bit of a chilly like centipede like a chili pee you know what i mean this thing's gonna look like that pokemon the what's it called center scorch yeah gonna look a bit like that and that actually looks pretty awesome i kind of want to make it look like he's breathing fire though down towards the milly mochie all right nice nice not looking bad not looking bad now we need to give him some legs so he's obviously a centipede so he's gonna have lots of legs all right i guess i'll just create like a bunch of them and then just apply them all oh man so many legs they're looking kind of awesome though whoa this thing's creepy looking there's something about insects with lots of legs it's just mega creepy let's make some of these ones bigger yeah nice definitely has like a weird sort of pokemon look doesn't it but then again so does bug snacks in general kind of wish in bug snacks you could catch the bug snacks and make them battle gonna give him like bigger legs down here kind of like he's got bigger just a couple of bigger legs that he uses to sort of power run yeah nice that's looking pretty good dude that thing looks crazy creepy there we go shrink them down a little bit more again it's coming up towards the head how many legs does a centipede have do they actually have a hundred or is it one of those things where someone found it and they're like whoa that thing's got a hundred legs i'm gonna call it a centipede when it's it's got like you know 40 legs or something is it a myth is what i'm trying to say puts them on the other side as well chili peed what a cool name all right spin that around start building the other side as well here's the part where i have to try and make it look symmetrical oh yeah that's actually pretty cool looking i like this one i kind of wish this was actually a bug snack now put this one here like that like it's a little bit of a stinger there we go we might even like put it on fire perhaps that'll look pretty awesome how's our chili peed looking not bad trying to turn the world around there we go turn the world around cool we've got a chili here that we don't need let's throw that one away all right now we need to give this thing eyes otherwise it's not a real bug snack okay so i'm going to give it green eyes i'm going to put them probably a little bit more like they're cool it's got a bit of a derpy look about it that's all right oh what if they're out here like this whoa that thing looks weird it's got weird like articulating eyes that can just like see all over the place how do we give this thing a fire breathing mouth all right hang on let's get some fire for its tail do we use this fire that kind of looks a little bit like a blast nope but that could come out of his mouth like this that's pretty good yep shooting fire at the milly mochie he's about to get smashed in the face put some fire there also put some fire just on his back you know what i mean like he's kind of just burning he's so hot yeah that's awesome what if i was to try and use this as like a mouth part hang on a second like if we went sort of like that like a bit of a floating mouth situation that's just crazy so crazy i don't know if i like it it sort of works you know sort of okay and there we have it we have the milly mochi obviously cold right about to get blasted by fire by the chiliped what's gonna happen is his face just gonna fly off is it gonna melt i've got no idea let me know in the comments what you think should happen next but thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 105,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, bugsnax, snacktooth, custom bugsnax
Id: hmI_7jYCi7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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