New CORRUPTED Slime Can Eat TARR! - New Slime Rancher Mods

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how's it going champs we're playing slime rancher today we're checking out a brand new mod it's called corrupted tar which is kind of like a regular top but it actually infects the other slimes the thing sounds crazy i think the first thing i'm going to need to do though is go and check out my pumps that i've got going on out of the slimy sea and see if we can get some slimy solution now if you're wondering what's a slimy solution it's the thing that you can actually drag out of one of your pumps out here you can feed it to a tar and it calms the tar down makes it nice and calm so you can actually ranch tar it's part of the tar rancher mod all right slimy solution that does not look very slimy let's check this one in come on dude salami solution none of these are slimy solution maybe we need a drill no oh my god there's only one thing to do jump in the water okay and now we can try again come on slimy yeah two of them oh nice all right let's go ahead and empty this pump yep it's like the pump is vomiting onto the ground it's kind of gross when you think about it let's get this slimy solution i don't want the other stuff uh i'll get everything who cares let's just get it all we'll put it in the resource thingy out the lamp i could probably do with some more resources now that i think about it all right fantastic so along the way i need to get myself some tar right what do we got going on over here oh just some regular slimes why don't you guys start turning into tar that'd be kind of cool hey look at that thing yeah you want to eat that don't you eat that plot eat that plot scuff it in your mouth turn into a top come on do it it's yummy it's yummy it's right there okay i'm just gonna shoot it into his mouth done oh it's raining oh no no my sloppy solution it's gone ah the tar's dying because it's wet hmm stupid rain killing all the tar for me okay maybe i can kill the rain set weather zero hey no moraine here eat this eat the slimy solution ow i am not slimy solution don't eat me come on come on did he eat that did you eat that thing come on eat it oh yeah he's eating it he's eating the slime solution oh jump okay yay come they're 70 as large and maybe 75 is aggressive yeah because he's still fighting me stop biting me that's nice that is not how you treat your owner man this pep tar is the worst ow oh hey i'm gonna pop him in there with these guys um i don't know if he's gonna hang out with them in a friendly manner i mean i think he is he doesn't seem to be wanting to eat the other slimes and let's just leave him we'll see what happens now that we've got a tamed tar i wonder if we can actually put some fashion pods on this guy oh you can you can you can jazz this guy up well so we can give him some wings oh yeah we're giving him wings come on oh he's the most beautiful tire i've ever seen it's like a fairy tale all right these slimes are annoying he's not even eaten he looks so cool okay so the next thing i need to get is a manifold cube the only place i know where to get those things is out here at the lab the lab what is it called the science place it's the slimulation i need to give my tara a nickname i want you guys to come up with a nickname for my tar guy and we'll go ahead and we'll name him in the next video what's that thing popping up all righty there dudes let's go let's get this one got ourselves a bit of debug spray need to shoot this ditto guy all right all right get back here get back here got one one retro slime come on got him yes hey get them there's a few of these dudes around isn't that man they just scatter they go everywhere hey come back dinner slimes are the best so i've got no idea what a corrupted slime looks like i'm really really keen on seeing what it is maybe it looks exactly like the other ones i'll be a little bit disappointed if that's the case but its characteristics should be a bit different as well like i said it can infect other slimes normal tar they actually eat the slime and then another tar pops out the tar itself multiplies whoa so many hey get in here why are these ones called retro ones what has blue got to do with being retro all right we're doing pretty well at the moment we've got ourselves 31 glitch slimes that's fairly decent that's a good amount i knew that that rock was not supposed to be there it was a fake rock all right hey hey just run into the water oh dudes that's not supposed to be there no way that rock's normally there it's normally there that that rock is normally there so if you guys have never seen the slimulation before right because i don't go here very often there are slimes called the glitch slimes that are hiding or pretending to be other slimes like this one right here just like a ditto pokemon pretty much so you can see his face is very derpy looking it's because he's actually a glitch slime right and he just ran into the water he can't even swim but not only do they hide as other like slimes they also hide as other objects as well the only way you can tell is if the object's not normally there or if it's like it wobbles i'll try and find something oh oh yeah see that wobble this one's wobbling as well watch this yeah it's fake get here come on round them all up they just scan it just like cockroaches when you turn the lights on get in my gun that was all three of them okay it's time to get the heck out of here trade in my glitch slimes there we go get some manifold cubes nice thank you very much i got three manifold cubes for that are you serious dude okay so the next thing i need to do is actually make some tasks just a regulator here we go eat that we've got it why is he dying it's not even raining okay let's try one of these here eat this done all right that one's not dying we need more time come on oh i can hear a lucky slime hey stop it stop it eat this come on eat the manifold cube that's what makes a corrupted tar oh he does look different corrupted we are tall whoa he looks much darker he's not actually not biting me that's interesting not biting me at all okay so let's put him around some actual slimes and let's see what happens to the other slimes when he eats them okay he ate that one that was just a regular he just ate it i thought he was supposed to what the heck what what's going on there that's weird stop it you're freaking me out oh there we go we've got another corrupted tar okay eat that slime he just vanished i'm so confused right now whoa there you go eater eat that all right become corrupted all right i'm going to keep this one i'm going to try and feed a regular tire over a calm tower a wrenched one to where this guy okay pop in there i'm going to take this guy now he's going to try and eat him right the corrupted tar will eat the calm come on come on eat him i know you can very what just happened he just vanished okay let's try this again with a fresh tar right here there you go eat that plot nice now you eat the manifold cube there it is don't eat me eat the manifold cube come on come on come on stop chasing me stop no no eat this dude what is he doing he's running away yeah there it is you can eat that aha done corrupted tar he can go in there he can eat that and then that should be job done i think when he eats that kantar or the the tame tar we should get there we go whoa tar essence darker than black it's tar 2.0 okay now if i feed this tar essence to any slime that slime becomes a corrupted slime let's get this dude sparkly nebula largo alrighty get in there champ we're doing this for science you're gonna eat the tar essence let's go eat it yummy get it in your gob so tasty okay clearly he's not gonna eat anything let's go ahead and get a different slime one that seems a little bit more hungry and willing to eat some crazy black stuff all right oh yeah here we go red slime nice come on dude yeah yeah that's it whoa what just happened he just exploded what why ah okay why don't you guys eat that tar essence come on eat it eat the tyre essence i think the problem with them disappearing might have something to do oh my god red car he just exploded again i was gonna say it might have something to do with the secret styles but i don't think so okay after a bit of playing around i've managed to get myself a pink corrupt largo he's massive he really is really big so i don't think the corrupt slimes or the corrupt tar work with their secret style slimes which is why they were kind of disappearing and i don't think they like water so if this guy gets wet he did let's just go ahead and get one of these other slimes um let's see what he does are you gonna try and eat the other slimes like a normal tart he just died why are you dying okay that there has me super confused i don't know why these corrupted tars they just keep vanishing i think the point of the corrupted tars is so that you can make like tar lagos or something i'm not 100 sure that there is a pink fire lago it looks super weird it really does but if you guys might have some ideas on how i can get these corrupted tars working let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 611,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Scuba, Slime Rancher Treasure Pods, New Slime Rancher videos, Slime Rancher Fynnpire, Slime Rancher Youtuber, New Slime, shiny slime, rare shiny, shiny, slime rancher 2021, slime rancher 2, lucky gordo, slime rancher cheese slime, slime rancher update, slime rancher 2 release date, bumble bee slime
Id: GUysFWYwrmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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