Giant Haribo fried egg.... from Haribo fried eggs

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- This might be, a really bad idea. Oh my gosh! (triumphant music) Hello everybody, it's Barry here, hope you are well, welcome to my, welcome to our kitchen. I think I might just change it our kitchen. Today we're doing a giant food, I've not done one of these for so long with the virus. I really wanna do it with my friend, Jimmy James, or of course, sometimes I do them with Mrs. B. I do the odd one on my own, but I really like to do them with my friends just for basically moral support and just for fun really. But today might be the first time, I can ever do a one ingredient, giant food, but that one ingredient, is quite a fun one. Yes, this ladies and gents is six kilogrammes of Haribo fried eggs. It's actually my favourite Haribo out of all of them and I didn't realise you could buy them individually. I'm not going to eat them, no. We're gonna try and make a giant Haribo fried egg out of Haribo fried eggs. I have the painstaking task of removing the yolk, okay from the egg white, because we're gonna boil both sections down and then bring them back together. One big pot of yellow yolky sweetness, and then the foamy white which I'd hope that's gonna boil down as well. So we're gonna get it red-hot, reset it and reshape it into hopefully an enormous fried gummy egg thing. So I think it's gonna work, it's just gonna take some time. We can hopefully just rip the yolk off of the white, but no I'm seeing by doing this, Oh gosh, I want it to be perfectly clean. So the white that is actually fine, but unfortunately, the yolk I'm gonna have to rip all of these if I do it that way isn't quite great. So what I'm thinking is I've got some scissors we're gonna have to nip off, see, it's getting there. Oh gosh! this is gonna take forever. Oh, there we go. That is how much yolk I'm gonna have left. So the aim is to boil down one of these and one of these. This is gonna take probably ages. Get that off and then you are genuinely left with a yolk. So that has taken me about, I don't know two to three minutes to just do those, that's two eggs. I'm gonna be busy boy. (upbeat music) Oh my gosh, it's been three days. I'm just gonna rewind and show you a little segment. This is horrible, this is so horrible. I've been working away at this no joke legitimately for over four hours, had a little break for lunch for 20 minutes and then I'm back to it. So my three kilo bag, this is the first one, we're probably about a third maybe about halfway through it. It's just taking so long. I mean, I've got quite a lot of the white so that looks quite good actually. And the yolk, I mean look at that, I promise you that is loads there. I've tried craft knives, I've tried bread knives, I've tried loads of different things. If I can just get through one three kilo bag, and I think I'll give the other bit to a food bank. Plus all the scraps that were left with we're gonna be loving Haribo for weeks. Gosh, you know what the other thing I was thinking? Was why don't I just buy a pack of Haribo yellow gummy bears and just melt them down? But no, I've gotta stay true to it. We've got to make an egg from an egg. I've almost had enough of this. Update folks, I cut myself, then I cut myself again once it healed, I thought I don't need a plaster on it, cut myself on top of a cut, Mrs. B is helping me out. Yeah, it turns out that three kilogrammes of Haribo takes a very, very long time to empty. So I've left this momentous moment, see there's one egg left. Folks, I'm getting quite emotional, so this is what I was doing, I've sort of narrowed the strategy, I just pinch it with my strawberry huller, pull it back a little bit, and then I get sort of like a clear line. That took so long and it gave me a nice piece of yolk, a good old lump of it that's got not any white bits on it at all. Bargain. Just to give you an idea, like a handful like this, I grabbed it last night and tested it with Mrs. B, there's probably like 30 in my hand alone. So we've probably done at least 4 or 500 in there alone, and for me, that's gonna work. If it's gonna work. So now we better try and make the giant egg, right? In this bowl our yolk we're gonna be traditionally quite gummy, okay, and I think that will boil okay. It's gonna be like a standard jelly, whereas these are a little bit less gummy, they're more foamy and spongy. And I feel if I put them in a sauce pan and direct heat, it's gonna make them possibly stick and weld to my sauce pan. So my plan with these is to actually join a food style by Marie over a steamed pan of water, and we'll do this first and hopefully this will all fit in there. It's getting a bit exciting now. I literally have no idea if this is gonna work and I might have wasted three days of my life. I'm gonna be confident and think it does so I can start to make my mould, which I have put exactly no thought into. So we'll just make something with what I've got. Folks I've dug into the archives and found a gadget that I've never actually ever reviewed before called the Bake Snake, right? It's supposed to be like a train track, which means you can manipulate things and make really funny. Can you see that? That's like a butterfly cake. You got a number two, I was gonna do some, really crazy cakes, but as it is, first use of this, it's silicon as well, amazing it's gonna be to make our egg shape. This is a perfect wall so hopefully that will hold it fairly after all this. I'm gonna do it on some baking parchment, non-slip surface, pull that away once it sets when it sets and it could work. Look can you see, it's like a merging there, I bet I hope I can get this done. I can't remember for the life of me, what I was gonna do with these, but I actually bought two packs, so I wanted a double up two pack, yo sup. I just hope it's got enough to keep no gaps in it otherwise it's gonna leak everywhere. (upbeat music) I think that's gonna look brilliant. Oh my Gosh, it's like hungry hippos. It's quite hard to make something look like not normal when you want it to look not normal. If I was trying to make a rectangle now this'd be perfect. I think I'm happy with that, all right. But then look at this, look, can you see that foamy layer? It's all starting to sit within each other. Yes. There is some serious goo down there. It's like you stood on chewing gum with your trainers. I am starting to think though, whether baking it in that sort of setup from the start, it would have just smoothed out might have done it way easier. Bugger! Do you know what? I might actually try that folks 'cause we're getting that gooey layer, but inside it's like a weird cobweb. Look it's like a nest of protective Haribo egg whites. I've preheated my oven and we're gonna just put a little blob in the middle and see what it does. Oh my gosh. Stop being silly. You're a grown man. Come on. No don't crease. It's literally stuck. Right. No! Right. Now my hand's stuck. Right. The baking parchment clearly isn't working. So I'm gonna replace that with a very little silpat. All right, long story short that is down on there a blob and what we're hoping for by warming it in the oven, which is gonna preheat any moment now, (beeping) The first move's out, that's brilliant, but the bad news is we've then got to get all of that into there. It does cool down quickly though, and look, yeah, I mean the least we can do is try, so just to see that as quite a lump at the moment looks like a blob of moran. Oh my gosh. It's almost worked and I'm baking it, it's starting to brown, right. That method has worked, but at the same time, look at this, this is finally getting there. I think I'm gonna pour this out as best I can right into there, bake it with foil on it. Well, this was supposed to be the easy bit. Yeah, just taken it out and that is pretty brown over there. So I'm gonna let it cool, look how much that's expanded, that's crazy. I'm gonna let it cool, cut that bit out, we'll pour the rest on and then bake it covered so it spreads and fills all of that. I'm feeling very, very hopeful about this. The only stumbling block now is getting that into there. It's make or break time. So my plan is to pour that, Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. All right, it's gone a bit too far one way than the other. That's actually loads, that's loads hang on. It's stuck to everything. We'll just encourage it into the middle, I think that's gonna find its way you know, based on the other bit. So foil on there, bake it for about 20 minutes, forgot that pan's hot just touched my belly. All right, in you go my friend. Should we work on the yolk? So for the yolk we're gonna go standard with a sauce pan like this. Wow that looks so simple, just a big lump of egg yolks, but that is hours and hours of labour folks, all for you. So I wanna control this one a little bit more, so I'm putting it on the smaller hop ring and I'm gonna stare at it like a mad man. But just while that's starting to warm up a little bit, I'm gonna show you the two thoughts that I've got for the mould. This is like a measuring cup, this is one cup, and you can see how that would give us that lovely yolk shape right in there. We could pour it straight in there, let it set and potentially push it out like that. So I don't know which one I'm gonna do it's either this one, or you might remember the giant Lindor lint ball thing that I did. That's actually on the giant food playlist that you're watching right now. So if you wanna put any sweatband and have a barathon do check that out in this video. Some absolutely stonkers on there. I kept this mould, I don't know why I thought one day I'll need it again. So this is the non sort of dented side to which would potentially make it's a lot wider than this is, this is more height, this would give us more width and a bit more 'cause the yolk is quite dominant in the Haribo so I think this could work. The only problem is it has a little stump there. I think we'll get rid of that with a heat gun. So this might be a really bad idea, this is for generally blasting like wallpaper off of walls and things like that. It's very, very hot indeed. (heat gun motor roaring) That ain't a game folks. Oh my God. I could melt my lens, you are quite far away, but it's very, very hot. I'm gonna try it from afar, but it's quite wide it could melt my entire mould. (heat gun motor roaring) Damn I lowered it but I remembered there's a hole in the top, no that's actually a hole. Right. Look at this. Oh my gosh, that smells like marmalade. We're doing this I mean, I know we're doing it, but we're doing this. I might actually use the heat gun again to plug the hole, it's made a teeny little stumped bit back there, but look, it's holding water. I'm gonna dry this out, I'm gonna lightly grease it, I'm gonna submerge it in a bowl of ice water so that it doesn't melt this, which is a potential thing that could happen. Damn I have gotten to the three days. Oh my gosh, look at that, floating completely submerged in ice cold water, which will hopefully stop that warping. If we've nailed that I think we've nailed a cracking fried egg. You have a glimpse for Christmas, it's happening. Actually you can look first, this is genuinely, you can look first. Boston, Amy, can you look for me? ♪ Hallelujah ♪ No words. All right I'm not gonna rush this, what is an extra day amongst friends? So I'm gonna let this cool fully overnight because I mean it's quite thick anyway, but I wanted to make sure it fully sets before even trying to remove that. The same for this as well, I think I'm gonna skip that out as a bloby blob thing, stick it in the middle, but with that heat gun as well, just to tuck it on, and hopefully this time tomorrow we'll have a giant Haribo fried egg made of giant Haribo fried eggs, stonking. Morning everybody. I think it's fair to say we've had a little bit of a kerfuffle overnight. I feel like we've nailed it, we're on the home straight, I've left the dishwasher on to add to the tension 'cause I'm feeling a little bit apprehensive. The yolk is in the fridge, it's set, looking amazing, which is brilliant. The egg white thing, well, let me show you. So the yolk, if I just peel it away, see, see. I'm sure the yolks were yellow when I started cutting it, and obviously the burning hasn't helped, but that look we've made a fried egg. Can we just stop now? Here's the problem, now when you have the Haribos, generally you'll probably find that a little bit they're not sticky at all, they've got a slight, it feels like a dusty on it. So what I did last night, I put a little bit of icing sugar on and took away the edges and it just popped off just like this. It was amazing when I used my knife around the edges, a little bit of icing sugar on there and it came away like an absolute dream and I can pick it up. Look, I'm nearly there, but here's the problem, it's now dried and set it's solid, and that yolk, isn't gonna stick to that. There's a little bit tucking this to it, but I think it's gonna slide off. So we're gonna get the heat gun and try and make a sticky patch for it to grip it and then it'll set or failing that we return to the Bake Snake bake it again to get it tacky then sit the yolk on top and let it set. Basically in conclusion, I probably should have done the yolk first and stuck it on whilst it was still setting. That's why I'm doing this and you're not. What we've got here with the yolk done, we know that the mould is gonna be rounded about this shape, and the great thing is from doing so many Haribos last few days, the yolk to white ratio is almost 50, 50, it's quite a big area. So this is gonna give us a real idea for where we need to get the heat. So you can see the heat gun just to one side there, my plan is just a very short 30 second blast maybe not even that of this area to see if we can make it tacky so that the yolk will stick to it. If it doesn't, I don't know. So in the lower heat setting, which is still about the heat of the sun from a great height. (heat gun motor roaring) (soft music) All right I'm going for it. Yes. Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. Right, like lip it lip it lip it, that's what we're doing we're gonna lip it, alright. Today's word children is lip it. Oh, it's sort of doing it for me, amazing. I feel like I've just made a baby. It's not like that in real life I promise. I think we've done it. All I've gotta do now is stick it in my garage to chill and set just to bite this. The rest is nice and solid and hopefully my aim is 'cause I could just go, Oh look, it's done. I wanna be able to hold it up like properly vertically and go and life will be good. Ladies and gents it's out of the garage it's been two hours and the tray it's so cold out there, it's like a fridge, that's set it, this is now tacky and firm and hmm Now you must get it off first of all from the icing sugar infested tray, and then we'll see if we can hold it up, which is basically make or break. Oh, here we go, here we go, here we go. Yes, yeah baby. Look, I'm very excited. So before I take a thumbnail, I'm just gonna, let's just, yeah, I've got the board. Oh my gosh. I think it was there, but I need to support it and it's very wobbly. Well I've just gotta go for it aren't I? That's the thumbnail folks, look at that, that is amazing. I just had to nip and shut the blinds 'cause it was the white of this is like blowing the contrast out. Okay, right, here we go are we ready folks? It's a bit tough, oh my gosh. It tastes identical, I think it possibly adapted the sugar properties just a teeny bit to make it a teeny weeny weeny bit tougher, but that is rather stonking indeed. My daughter's home. You gotta really bite it, I'm gonna pull it other way. Go on, keep going. It's nearly there, it's nearly there, it's nearly there. (both laughing) Can you explain to people what that tastes like? - Eggs. - It doesn't taste like eggs. Okay folks, if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to smash, smash that subscribe button with a giant Haribo egg if you wish to be notified of all upcoming videos. I think as I teased it in the video if I have to do another one of these, if you guys enjoyed it that much, I'll probably do one of these, whether I do a homemade mould again with the Bake Snake or whether I use a Cola bottle, I dunno. I actually prefer the ones that are like coated in sugar, but there we go from one of these, which actually looks real maybe that's a different version, it's a yellow yolk there. But when we cut it, it went very orange indeed, and I'm glad I got out before I did 'cause that could have burnt even more. And that would have looked more like a century egg, which I'm not doing. Thanks for watching, don't forget to check out the rest of the giant food playlist and I'll see you again next time, bye-bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchens bore me ♪ ♪ So there's moustache goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ This bag I was gonna give it to a food bank, but they said, because it's not individually wrapped, they can't really accept it. So luckily Becky's friend or Mrs. Barry's friend or which actually makes her my friend too Crystal, she's local to me, she's opened a business called Sweet Tooth where they do lots of sweets and they deliver them locally. Now, if you wanna freak her out and actually probably help her out a little bit too, you could place an order, from wherever you are in the world for some sweets and I think that would be pretty cool indeed. So I'm gonna give her these because she can then wrap them up individually. And you never know if you order one of her packs, you might actually end up with one of these eggs and I'm not even yolking. That could be epic and she'd be like, "Why have I got orders from America and random places like Fiji?" That would be amazing, I'll leave a link in the description. But also if you're wondering what happens to a giant food once we're done with it, as you've seen in the past, friends and family will eat it, food banks and nursing homes, which we put on videos in the past, which we absolutely loved, but with COVID, it's a bit more limited. My friend Gary has a daughter called Layla who enjoys the video. So what we'll do is trim off the bits where we've eaten and probably have a little bit for ourselves later and I'll give that to her as a sort of bonus birthday cake. So I won't film that, but that's pretty much where that's gonna go. She she's a big fan of the videos and I think she likes Haribos. So happy birthday Layla. - Thank you Barry for making me a giant fried egg for my seventh birthday. It's stonking.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 192,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Giant Haribo fried egg.... from Haribo fried eggs, giant haribo, haribo eggs, haribo egg, haribo fried egg, barry lewis giant food, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, haribo, massive egg, fried egg, giant gummy, giant food, XL, worlds biggest, world record, gummy, candy, sweets, DIY, project, sweet, taste test, food challenge, biggest egg, biggest egg ever, british, enormous, epic, huge, gummy sweets, cola bottle, fizzy, starmix, haribo starmix, bake snake
Id: KMPeoNGvkus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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