DIY Hot chocolate bombs

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- [Barry] Oh! (clattering) Mrs. B! (laughs) No! - [Mrs. B] Oh no! (upbeat music) (bubbles pop) - Hello everybody! - Hello. - Welcome to our kitchen. - Our kitchen. - Our kitchen! - Yes, it is. - Well, actually, it's your kitchen. (Mrs. B laughs) Welcome. Whether you're on the bus, whether you're sat watching us on a TV, which always freaks us out, welcome to your kitchen. The last couple of weeks, I have been bombarded with requests to make something called hot chocolate bombs. (fire roars) - [Mrs. B] They sound amazing. - They do. Ah, they're gonna taste, it's gonna be a taste- - [Both] Explosion! - Yay! - They're gonna go off with a- - Bang! - Yes, anymore? - Ticking time bomb. Are we gonna do that? (both laugh) (clapperboard snaps) - Oh, by the way, the Kim Jenner cake thing, that was, um- - Kendall. - Not Pac-Man, yeah, Kendall Jenner, That was not Pac-Man. That was, she cut the circle out 'cause everyone hated the way she cut her slice out, so to say "Mm" to the haters, she just cut a circle in the middle of it, which I love. - Oh! - Fair play. Everyone said it looked like Pac-Man, but- - It did. - Anyhow- - Anyway. - Hot chocolate bombs that are gonna taste brilliant. - They are. - You found some online the other day. A lot of people are selling these. - Yeah, 'cause it's Christmas. I think it's a big thing, isn't it, this year? Hot- - Christmas is a big thing. Yeah. (Mrs. B laughs) It better be, this year. I understand everyone's got to make a living, but some of them are like 15 quid. It's basically, I think why we've been asked to do 'em and why people have been asking me, they've actually seen the same. They're like, "Wow, that's quite a lot." And also, it's a homemade gift, so you can actually make them yourself. - Yeah. - And there's that, more of that personal touch. - Definitely. - So I'm setting myself the challenge of making it, and it's very minimal indeed, actually what you need, but we're gonna make a few little fun twists on it. I might do a Ferrero Rocher one. I might do a Malteser, and I might do a cookies and cream Oreo one. Two bands of colour! - (gasps) Yum! Can't wait! - All right, you see, that's what we're doing today. - That's what you're doing. - Shortest intro ever. - Bye! - Where you going? Bye! (Mrs. B laughs) Okay, so to make these hot chocolate bombs, the most important thing you'll need is a spherical silicon mould thing to help shape the chocolate that's gonna house your fillings. Now this is a gigantic one that I've got, and I tested it on my mug this morning and pfft! It would just literally sit in there and not actually be a bomb. It would just kinda like be a lid, so, huge, that is. But these ones are slightly smaller. When we make those and join 'em together, they're kinda gonna be still big, like the size of a snooker ball, but they will ultimately fit in the mug. And what we do is we make the bomb with the filling that we want and then pour it in hot milk, a little stir, and it should be sensational. So the key, main ingredients you need for the basics are some chocolate so you can mix it up any way you want, some cocoa powder, and for that hot chocolatiness that everyone loves, marshmallows, which, of course, you can exclude and then change for other stuff. So, let's get going. Okie dokie, folks, let's get it out of the way for the time being. So when it comes to chocolate, I've actually got the dark, white, and milk, so I'm gonna do a few different varieties. But for example, you might only be able to eat white chocolate. I know some friends that can only eat white, but there are ways that you can enhance it. Like all of these chocolates, you can add some flavouring. So this is orange extract. I love Terry's Chocolate Oranges. If we add that to that, just a little bit, that will be awesome. You could actually dye the white chocolate orange, as well. Don't try and use the gel stuff. White chocolate is very temperamental. These are some concentrated food colours. You just get a toothpick and mix that through, and you've got a really good chance of it not seizing because white chocolate, as you've probably seen on the channel before, is very temperamental. But anyhow, I am gonna go for the microwave method. (button beeps) (fan hums) 30-second blasts, as you've seen before. Once you've got it nice and smooth, I will stir through the rest of this chocolate just to sort of cool it down quickly and add a little bit more to it, and I'll be doing that the same with all these ones, too. So that's basically it. Every 30 seconds, stir it. Also, don't be tempted to lick the spoon, okay? You might be. I am, but any sort of traces of water can seize the chocolate when you're melting it, and like I said, with the white, it's not great. It turns to like clay. Blech! So I'll basically be doing this with the dark and the white chocolate, as well. So these are in slightly smaller pieces, and the residual heat from melting that, as we stir it through, will make this, will make this? (chuckles) Well, yeah. They will make this melt all the way through very quickly indeed. Look at that lovely jubbly. (metal utensil whirs) So now would be the time to flavour it, and also, with the white chocolate, to dye it, just so you get the colour ratio just about right. Also, once it's nice and smooth, if it does start to set, you can bang it in the microwave for about 10 seconds just to loosen it up again. (metal utensil whirs) Right. I'm gonna do my other two chocolates. All right, folks. So I've got my milk, ooh, I was wanting it to slightly thicken it up. I've got the white, yep, and I've got the dark, all nice and smooth. If you want, at this stage, as I say, you can divide it up. So, just to show you, this is just a little bit of spare white chocolate. This stuff, you do not need much of it, which is great, as I say, because any sort of tampering with white chocolate, (chuckles) I mean, you could just marble it like that at the end. That's pretty cool, that's another option. But the more that you add to this stuff, it just goes to clay. If you've ever seized chocolate, it's just a horrible moment 'cause you can't stop it happening. Look at that. Slightly off pink, and I'll take that. All righty then, folks. So we just kinda want to fill the shell out, and there's a couple ways you can do this. I mean, I always just did this bit where you sort of push it up with a spoon. You can sort of flatten it like that. (mould bangs) But what I'm trying to do, you can just lift it just slightly because that edge is where it's gonna seal. (metal clangs) So my top tip right now is to make sure you cover the whole area, and then work on your other halves while the chocolate kind of sets a little bit, and then you can push it back up just to get that slightly thickened edge. Yeah, so hopefully you get the gist of the idea there. I've done three different colours. The milk one is almost setting already 'cause we warmed it first. But look, I did a marbled one. (chuckles) I just put all three in together. So just play around with it. You can make it look quite cool. I'm actually really, really happy with that. I'm just gonna lift it up a little bit more with the spoon, just to try and get a better edge. If not, we'll do our best to seal... it together. But I wonder if you could just spot something that I've only just spotted. Hmm, have a look. Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. Yes, there's one missing because, in a semispherical mould, the person that created this has decided to come up with the amazing idea that you need an odd number. So I only need 14 of the 15, but I suppose maybe they made them with the aim of having it like an open dessert or something like that. I think I might just make one, anyway. So it's good to have a spare. It can move quite a bit, so we're putting it on a flat surface, like (door shuts) a board. It's all good. Let's talk about fillings whilst they're setting. All right, so when it comes to the fillings, we said the cocoa powder is your basics with the marshmallows, if you want. That's even gourmeting it, because the cocoa powder will mix with the milk. If you want to be naughty, instead of cocoa powder, put a little bit of chilli powder in there with it, as well. A bit of Mexican. (gasps) That was my second-ever video. I went from poaching an egg, the second video I ever, ever did was Mexican hot chocolate. I am gonna be making atole, which sounds a lot like something you would say when someone has given you a parking ticket. A little bit. Wow, memories. We're gonna do a Ferrero Rocher one. We're gonna put a blob of Nutella in the middle of the sphere with some chopped hazelnuts and some wafers. Remember a few weeks ago when I did homemade Kit Kats? I couldn't find these rectangular ones which are perfect for anywhere. They're everywhere now. So maybe there was some sort of, I don't know, shortage with the first lockdown or something like that. So that's gonna be amazing. We're then gonna get a white half and a dark half, fuse it together for a cookies and cream vibe with Oreos inside, and then maybe sprinkle some more on top. (exhales heavily) We've got the marbled one that we did. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that, but remember, you've got your other chocolate that you can drizzle over the top, too. Finally, I thought we could do a Maltesers one. Just, so rather than putting cocoa powder in there, there's something called Horlicks, which is like a malted drink. They do two versions. Malted powder, and they do a chocolate one, as well. I'm still trying to master homemade Maltesers. One day, I'll do it! But we're gonna put them 'cause they dissolve amazingly in hot fluid anyway, in a Maltesers bomb. (blows out) Mmm! All right, so they're out of the freezer and (taps loudly) they are nice and solid, because we want to get them out as quick as we can. As soon as we get them out, we will still keep them cool, so work in small batches, maybe one sphere at a time. Keep your hands cool. Touch them as less as possible, and keep them dry, okay? It all helps. Oh, (chuckles) look at that! Yes! (mould crackles) Amazing! But the one that I just damaged, I'm gonna stick it back in the mould and just build it back up again. You don't need to worry about that. I just want to show you what it looked like at the end. Okay. Keep 'em cool in the fridge, and we'll work on one at a time. Yeah, I've just put that one back in and just put a little edge around it just to build it up. That will actually set it quite well. (microwave beeps) (door shuts) Why did I just microwave a plate, you ask? Hmm, well, I'm hoping this is gonna work. This is my building spherical station. This is gonna be my shot glass, which is gonna mount one of the semispheres, and we're gonna fill it and then join it. But first, the warmed plate, I'm gonna have keep, oh! We'll rub that on there to get a nice, smooth edge. We'll join them together. And then if we need to seal it, we can dip this, this is some warm water and a spoon. I'll dry it, completely dry it, and run it around the edge to seal it. But, yeah. Ready? Ah! Oh, it does fit amazing with one of those. But we're gonna just rub it just very gently, oh my gosh, on that warm plate. See? Yes! Nice flat edge. We do the same to this one. That should help give it a better join. Oh my gosh! We'll put some marshmallows in there. You want to get about a teaspoon of cocoa powder in there. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. That is almost perfect! I can't even see what I'm doing. This is where it's much easier if I'm not filming. I would just turn it around so I can see it, but I'm trying to show you guys it. That is working. That is actually working, but I think it's fine. It's quite nice to have a join, plus, it's just gonna go in there anyway, isn't it? Whoops! Sorry, lens. (laughs) I don't think I'm gonna seal 'em, you know. It's up to you, but that is one of our bombs done. I'm gonna put this in the fridge. I'm not gonna touch it very much anymore. I'm gonna do that to the rest of 'em. Folks, I've just found an easy way to spiral it, okay? Take your warm plate and just run it along there. I need to warm the plate back up, but if you really, really want to do that, just rock it back and forth along it. Oh! Yes! I'm not gonna show you all of 'em, folks. You'll get the general idea, but this is the Malteser one. So you've got the Horlicks powder in there, and I'm fitting three, I could probably stick another one on top, but I want to eat them. Three will be enough. Three Maltesers and we'll join it. (balls rattle) You can hear 'em in there, amazing! I've got another idea for this, as well. For the Malteser one, and this'll be the same with the other ones, I'm just gonna put a little blob just on the top and that's gonna be a sort of landing pad for some more Horlicks powder, like that. Oh, yes! - [Mrs. B] Now that's a good idea. - [Barry] It looks like a bauble now. A little bit of melted chocolate on the bottom, and half a Malteser. Oh, look! That's awesome. (laughs) Now I know which one's the Malteser one. Oh, Mrs. B. Yes! The pink chocolate, and then sticking a marshmallow on top. - [Mrs. B] Yeah. - [Barry] (chuckles) It looks cool. It looks like an ice cream. I'm drizzling chocolate on it, as well. Oh my gosh! Oh! (clattering) Mrs. B! (laughs) No! - [Mrs. B] Oh no! - I just dropped, we were just doing this one final scene. What was that? Was that a dark one? I think- - That was dark. Have you got a spare? - [Barry] I have got a spare. - Phew! - [Barry] I'll make another one off-camera. All right, folks, this is ready to go, but I just want to show you, amongst all of this craziness, Mrs. B has reverted to doing her puzzle. - (chuckles) It's taken me two weeks, so I can't give up. - [Barry] We've got that dark one. We quickly redid another one. So I'm gonna go for the white. Oh, we'll quickly do the warmed plate. Oreo crumbs going right in there. To give it that real sort of cookies and cream element, we're gonna join an opposite colour half to it, like that. And that is just sat on there amazingly. Look at that! For the dark, another little blob of white chocolate to create that catchment area, and then salt bae style, if you want. (laughs) Unnecessary salt bae! The Oreos on top, and that's bloody awesome. Look at that! The hardest thing has been working out, no, no, no, you can't do that! I want to do it like that. - Oh. - Do you know what I mean? It should be a bomb, shouldn't it? You should drop it from a height and scald yourself with hot milk. - (laughs) Oh, yeah. - I mean, you should, right? - 'Cause it's more of a mine. - So you put that in first. - Yeah, and don't they look awesome? - It's gonna get stuck halfway down, you know that. - Well, it's gonna melt, isn't it? - Okay. - The hardest thing off-camera has been deciding which one we do. (Mrs. B chuckles) So there's the strawberry milkshake, which the kids will love. - Yeah. - And our kids do like Nutella. - Yes. - So should we do, I want to do the cookies and cream one. - Go on, then, and I'll do the Malteser? - Yeah. We warmed the milk up in the microwave. (ball clatters) - Oh! - Oh, I don't wanna let go! - Never let go, Jack! - Oh yeah, no, I'm wrong! Sorry, it does fit. - Yeah? Cool. - Yeah. - I'm going. (milk ripples) - Oh my gosh! Oh, you can see it melting away in there. Oh, I feel so bad for it. Ah! - Oh no! - It's got a little hole from (Mrs. B gasps) oh, it's gone! - It sunk! - That's like the Titanic. - Should I pour- - Oh yeah, right away to the top now we know the volume. There we go. All right, and then the Malteser. Let's give that, oh look at the bands of colour! (milk ripples) Is, that's the white chocolate, isn't it? - Oh! (milk ripples) - So what we're hoping with this one is that the Maltesers kind of just melt and dissolve the maltiness into it. - Oh! (laughs) - Oh, they popped up! Did you see that? - [Barry] They bubbled. Look! - [Mrs. B] That's cool! - (laughs) So let's just give it some encouragement. Ooh! And it needs some encouragement. I'm really excited. - Oh, this one smells really Horlicksy. - Horlicksy. (metal utensil clinks) - My Maltesers have melted! - That's the idea, mate. That's all turning into exceptional, stonking flavour for your homemade gift. You're gonna get one of these for Christmas, you realise. (gulping) Ooh! - That's really nice. That is amazing. - Oh! - That Malteser one is so nice. - Is it, can I try a bit of yours? - Yours is very Oreoy. - Yeah. - Oh, I like that one, then. - I can imagine doing a puzzle, sitting down, having a, all right, brilliant. - Don't need to remind me, then. - (laughs) So they are sensational! I have put a fair few amount of tips through this video, but I will do them in the write-up, so do check that out, and don't forget to subscribe for regular videos. I think the kids'll come home from school, and we'll let 'em try some of these and see what they think. But give 'em a go! Put your own spin on it, different flavours, all that stuff, and don't forget to try the prank one. Cheers! ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ - [Barry] Have you picked a bomb? - [Both] Yes. - [Barry] A phrase I thought I'd never say to my kids. Ferrero Rocher? - Yes. - [Barry] And I think that's the strawberry milkshake powder one, right? - Yes. - [Barry] Cool. And we warmed this up in the microwave? - [Mrs. B] Yeah. - All right, and whilst I've been editing this video, I've thought to myself, imagine if you did put coffee granules in one and made a mocha one. (exhales heavily) Or gravy. You could put gravy granules in and serve it. No, don't do that. All right, let's go. - All right, ready? - [Barry] Yeah. So that goes in. (milk ripples) Oh, god, it's like bobbling away again. What is going on? - What, oh, careful, great! - [Barry] Ooh, there's a bit of a spill there. Good. - [Mrs. B] Mmm! - Now you get stirring, Chloe. Get stirring, mate, as soon as you poured that. - Oh, marshmallows! There are marshmallows inside! - [Barry] Is there? Oh yeah, look at that! - This reminds me of a coffee. I know how to make a coffee, but mummy won't let me make one. (Mrs. B laughs) - [Barry] Stick to your gin, mate. - No, that's mummy's job. - [Barry] Do you like it, Phoebs? - I can taste strawberry and white chocolate, and it's very yummy. - [Barry] Cool! - Well done. - [Barry] Oh, she's downing it. (laughs) Kid, slow down, soldier! - [Mrs. B] Slow down! (laughs) - Mm! - [Barry] Yeah, you like it? - I can't believe I'm saying this. Stonking!
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 532,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot chocolate bombs, chocolate bombs, hot chocolate, edible gifts, DIY, homemade, ferrero rocher, nutella, oreo, malteser, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, how white chocolate, exploding, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, drink recipes, chocolate, cocoa, viral recipes, drinks, non alcoholic drinks, how to make hot chocolate bombs, edible gift, hot chocolate bombs, hot cocoa bombs, hot cocoa, easy hot chocolate bombs, tutorial, marshmallows, cocoa balls
Id: iOtW7oT8k3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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