QUEEN'S BALL Bridgerton Challenge

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today 12 girls are competing in a Bridgerton and real life challenge to win the title of the Queen's Diamond I'll be putting the girls through a series of challenges to figure out who deserves the crow but if the queen doesn't like who I choose she will give me an extreme punishment and we're starting with the first challenge the queen says ladies the queen says balance a book on your head I hope the challenges have cute boys they better be smart oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'll do anything to win the queen says walk forward with it Sam fam let's see which one of these girls wants to be the diamond the queen said stop and take off the book no no it's not fair she tripped me I did nothing you oh my goodness I'm sorry you are eliminated this is not fair she's clearly not fit to be the Queen's Diamond things got aggressive fast the queen says put your book down the queen says wave to the Zam famam I challenge you guys to subscribe right now before they're done the glov mean that I have 10 fingers instead of five the queen says curtsy to the queen curtsy to the Fountain oh the queen did not tell you to do that I am sorry lady white but you are eliminated man the Diamonds Are Falling fast the queen says find a parasol hidden in these Gardens and meet me at the front whoever does not find a parasol is not moving on I got it yes that's my parasol binders Keepers remember not everyone will find a parasol I'm amazing I got it got it looks like you found all nine parasols so I'm sorry lady Olive but you are eliminated but I'm supposed to be the diamond maybe next season everyone else please open your parasol [Music] something fell out of mine me too now that you have your invitation you may come inside where are the boys maybe in the sky I haven't seen you here before I'm new I don't know anybody who invited you the queen she must hold you in high favor you must be lady Scarlet everybody thinks you're going to win Diamond I've looked up to you for so long hey it's a competition anyone can win do you mind tightening my dress oh yeah okay all right ladies now that you have gotten your invitations you may open them what the girls don't know is that the next challenge has already begun what is this looks like something else was in your invitation please read it out loud you are the winner of this challenge you may pick a lady to eliminate there's not much competition here no one really stands a chance against me but I don't want anyone who was invited by the queen to be competing lady blue you're eliminated I thought you were my friend well you thought wrong I'm playing to win I'm sorry lady blue you have been eliminated everyone else take a few moments and then meet me out in the garden for the next challenge you're coming with me are you lady seser I didn't do anything while was helping Rebecca set up the challenges I intercepted a note in the garden dear Rebecca none of these ladies deserve to be the diamonds so I will release one rumor about these ladies every hour until their secrets have been revealed and yours will be the big one yet what's Rebecca's biggest secret I hope it's not what I think it is because if it is that would be bad if it got out another note was dropped while everybody went inside the house so everyone inside the house is a suton suspect you're about to go down for this I really hope this letter is read so that everyone knows that lady blue wears diapers to bed how did she know she knows a lot I guess you wouldn't reveal that rumor so you're free to go you're not lady certon I really have to find Lady s before she reveals Rebecca's big secret check out this footage I found while you were gone that's the letter I found that be Ladi hton I better hurry before it's too late this is the balloon pop challenge each of you will take a card that will help determine which balloon to pop lady orange since you won the last challenge you can go first how's it going bestie it's going so great you know I met lady Scarlet she said she was going to help me oh I'm just so happy my best friend is here me too oh that means you can choose to pop lady black or lady Teal's balloon when both your balloons are popped you are eliminated well I don't really like lady Black's energy but sorry lady teal I don't like know it- all oh well that was not smart lady blush you're up next oh and you dared to come next to me if you were so smart then you would be the diamond you think you're the diamond look at your will wao these girls seem to not like each other they don't have to they're trying to become the diamond all right ladies it looks like lady blush must choose between lady yellow and Lady lavender oh that's me that's not a good thing hey Zam which balloon do you think she's going to pop well yellow's too dumb to win so I'm going with lava it's okay you still have one balloon left lady teal you are up next what does this mean another letter from Lady sstt hold on something must have got mixed up it says Lady Pink kissed lady lavender's Crush Who would know that I thought they were best friends you kissed him no no he he kissed me at least the first time you kissed him more than once I'm sorry she cheated on her boyfriend who does that Sam fam I am not the one who put that there I had no idea about that secret only lady suser know Secrets like that okay lady teal that one didn't count so go ahead and pick again you must choose between your own balloon or orange well I'm obviously not going to pick my own balloon but I'm more than happy to pick the orange one Revenge she's super sus she might be lady suton lavender pick your card lady pink or lady red okay Z she just found out her best friend kissed her Crush which balloon do you think she's going to pop I thought that lady pink was my friend but she's kissing my crush yeah that one is expected you kissed someone's Crush one time more three times more all right seven times you deserved it lady black pop your own balloon she's not intimidating at all excellent lady black and next up we have lady pink pop any balloon you want although I am mad at lavender you're the one who kissed her CES Scarlet seems to be getting the most attention from the boys so sorry feel so bad for lady lavender she looks so defeated look I am really sorry it's okay you wouldn't have liked me anyways lady yellow pick your card it looks like you have lady black and Lady orange oh this might take a while I'll pick orange because you you are mean m e e n mean and you are d u m b dumb it looks like all of Orange's balloons are popped which means she has been eliminated finally we have lady Scarlet little miss perfect you must choose between lady yellow and Lady blush everyone says she's the favorite one to be the diamond samam do you think she's the right one well I could do lady yellow but she has no chance at winning so that would be a waste and Lady blush well she's just too tomboy for this compe ition wow she did call her little miss perfect let's switch up the order for round two lady lavender pick a card I don't think I can do this right now look I know what happened to you but you have a chance to be the diamond you have to at least compete I don't think so trust me just pick a card oh man Lavender is having such a hard time I feel so bad for her but she can be lady suton we need to stay focused okay you must choose between lady yellow and Lady Orange's balloons yellow still has two so I guess it's only fair if she has one all the girls only have one balloon left which means any of them could win this who do you think it's going to be lady black is kind of scary she's not the only one what oh like ghosts pop any balloon you want yes think she knows who she's going to pick already payback lady Scarlet is out lady black or lady lavender lady black is out pop any two balloons you want what no Lady Pink and Lady teal you both have been eliminated and then there were three lady lavender lady yellow or lady blush this is it one of these girls is going to be eliminated who do you think it's going to be I'm so sorry yellow lady yellow has been eliminated you made the right choice looks like lady lavender has been eliminated which means lady blush is the winner of this challenge Zam if I don't pick the right Diamond the queen is shaving my head lady scarlet and Lady blush are the Front Runners but there's something about lady lavender maybe she could be the diamond I need to talk to her since lady blush is the winner of this challenge she gets to choose one girl to eliminate one step closer to being the diamond while my heart is telling me one thing I'm going to be strategical and eliminate the smart one teal what and I thought that the yellow lady was the dumb one lady Teal's eliminated time to interrogate okay head inside for the next challenge lady lavender could we talk we need to talk okay look if you're here to talk to me about Lady Pink I already apologize to her and she feels okay now wait you apologize to her she's the one that kissed your crush yeah but I didn't want her to feel bad I know you're concerned about making other people happy but what about making yourself happy yeah I like to make myself happy but I think that it's important to make everyone else feel happy around you I mean there's nothing wrong with that I got to go fix lady Scarlet's dress so I'll see you in there I figured it out lady Lavender is a people pleaser if I can just get her to see that then she'll put herself first and she'd have a shot of being the [Music] diamond get down here you're lady certon aren't you no you said a lot of things out there so what I'm smart if you're so smart then tell us who lady suton is you would like to know you better tell us or else you're bluffing legally you can't do anything I want to do some St let me try something now lady teal I saw it went out not there and that was embarrassing but um don't you want to you know get revenge on those other girls lady orange cheats now we're getting somewhere this is The Spill the tea challenge each of you revealed a secret to me that is now up on this board but before we start this challenge I need some help [Music] finally these are our Lords and they will be trying to figure out whose secret is whose I didn't know she was going to reveal our secrets can't be that bad Lord Isaac you can go first I would kill to be the Queen's Diamond who do you think that secret belongs to I'm going to choose here because your looks are killing me why do guys always tell her that Lord Javier I've never even kissed the boy who do you think it is definitely you is that a bad thing nope a true Diamond does not reveal their secrets so don't give anything away Lord Theo H I kissed my best friend's crutch I wonder who that is luckily these boys don't know anything of what happened in the previous challenge not this time not this time you mean it happened before okay Isaac I stole the dress I'm wearing hold on what is this I did not put that there lady blush has an embarrassing tattoo on her wrist what no I don't it must be lady SST T another rumor that means it's not lady teal you have to let her go get out of here this vanan is about to get dumber when I leave what is that supposed to mean it show it show it hey we'll see if this person is telling the truth J D an ex okay you got to text you have your ex so embarrassing not sure where this came from but uh go ahead and pick who you think it is must have been you you sto my heart you must have stolen the dress why would you think it's me I literally just explained you're not the brightest but you're still beautiful jaier whatever Secrets they get right those girls are eliminated I don't wear undergarments I usually never get these things [Music] wrong okay well that was awkward next all right I think I'm better than everyone here that's not a secret I think it's pretty obvious although don't worry me too and finally I don't like tea she may not like tea but she is a cue it's not a joke now that the Lords have made their guesses it's time for me to reveal which ones are right I can't believe we have not found lady certon yet if we don't figure this out then Rebecca's Secrets going to get revealed it's huge all right boys you guess I've Never Been Kissed by a boy was lady yellow you are wrong it was Lady lavender secret I stole the dress I'm wearing this actually belongs to too her I knew it I don't wear undergarments another one you guys got wrong it was Lady black looking I say they're so restricting you know I'm not wearing any now either I don't like tea which is crazy because everyone here is a lady but lady yellow does not like drinking tea well I don't like drinking it I just said that I think I'm better than everyone here got to be right actually it's lady Scarlet well it is true she's definitely going to be the diamond this said I would kill to be the Queen's Diamond kill really seems a little intense but it's accurate especially if you are lady blush she would kill to be the diamond you know what that sounds like that could be lady ceson right here okay I hope she gets eliminated so we can interrogate her you Lord did not do very well it figuring out these lady Secrets which means they did a good job everyone except you lady pink you guys guessed her secret she kissed her best friend's Crush as we found out earlier today which means Lady Pink I'm sorry since you cannot hide you are secret you are eliminated you are not the diamond everyone else please head to the Tea Room yellow doesn't even like tea cuz she might not be the diamond but she could be Lady certon it's time to interrogate her let's go are you okay again hey boys um I was just wondering if anyone wanted to get tea with me now okay I'm need them later you need to leave that's a no come on hopefully she's still around later are you lady sutin no I don't have time for all that gossip writing I'm trying to catch a man but you admitted to cheated on your boyfriend well until he puts a ring on it I'm free to do what I need to that's sus maybe but I'm not lady suser we'll see this is the salty challenge a true Diamond must keep their composure and not react even if they have salty tea so one of these teacups has salt the others don't if you react you are out um I think there's something under my tea what I didn't put this here it's another letter lady suton again says lady orange is actually lady yellow's cousin another letter you're free to go thank you cheating's still not cool Princess Peach I'm trying my best good luck with that why would you guys keep that a secret because her family is an embarrassment we're not actually related her mom is Siblings with my dad so your cousin let's just continue with the challenge because I need to find the diamonds so everyone grab a teacup what the ladies don't know is I put salt in all of their teacups so let's see how they react ladies go ahead and sip your tea oh that was so gross lady blush and lady yellow you two reacted you are eliminated two girls were eliminated now it's time for Tic Tac scone how do you know the challenges I set these up this is Tic Tac scone if you win you move on to the final round we have lady lavender versus lady scarlet and Lady Black versus lady orange uh do you mind if I go first oh yeah sure [Music] [Music] both the girls are fighting for the same scone to win all I have to do is get that backat corner so do I Scarlet won um I think he might have taken my turn did I oops go ahead and take the first shot you clearly need the advantage these two girls clearly do not get along [Music] why are you even here you hardly even try anyways I have my reasons do you think lady Black's the one revealing the secrets oh orange is not doing as good as I thought she would looks like lady black is moving on to the final round it's not over yet I've got my eye on you two more girls are eliminated now it's time for my favorite teapot Challenge and in front of you are teacups the first person to fill their teacup while blindfolded will be the overall winner of this Challenge on your marks get set spill some [Music] tea oh oh you did it lady black is the official winner I can't believe it what can't you believe that you beat me I always have a perfect poror I guess you can't win everything we're never going to find Lady s him like this we need to step up our game am I thinking what you're thinking yes torture undercover what okay yeah yours is probably a better idea mine still could have work though since lady black won this challenge she gets to eliminate two girls from the competition that's not fair life's not fair when you're competing to be a diamond hey hot stuff on a hot okay we should torture him right time me get his cloth come on eliminate two I'll go with blush and yellow but I would have been a great Diamond I'm sorry but you two need to leave the Bridgerton house everyone else to the Blue Room Monique is all set in her disguise I can't believe that we just did that but it's like somebody got eliminated hey hey hey hey hey get over here you guys might be L you're coming with me you got some explaining to do is this still part of the challenge no you have some explaining to do right now which one are you susing I'm not talking without my lawyer that's something a guilty person would say uh no I'm just trying to find love but if you're looking for somebody sus it's lady black oh way to deflect she was really sus the last challenge I've heard enough no secrets were revealed this last hour which means that it could be one of you guys or lady black what she said okay you know what we're going to watch this but we're going to watch in silence this is The Suitor challenge a true Diamond must be able to court a Suitor which is why I will be putting you through three rounds to see which of you is the most datable it's going to be me well actually I'm not deciding they will for this round each of you will rub your hand delicately on their face lady orange you may proceed why don't you go first no no I really don't want oh no no no I insist I've never done this before it's a first for me too yeah right [Music] if they think this challenge is intense just wait until the kissing challenge I'm so uncomfortable wait is that Theo he looks different oh wow try that again I didn't feel wow okay thank you next wow so soft and smells so good it's my natural scent I wish I smelled that good all the time this was a bad idea wait can you try to get and feel it oh okay thank you next ah I kind of like that oh I said gentle oh ah one was enough I felt it okay next The Best For Last wow so gentle H way better than Ramen hands gentlemen take off your blindfolds it's now time to reveal the ladies let's go with Lady number one that was Lady lady lavender a favorite for sure yeah even though lady lavender hasn't had a first kiss the boys really seem to like her so as long as she doesn't let other girls make her decision she could be the front runner to be the diamond lady number two was Lady orange not to be on the nose but a close second lady number three was Lady black I kind of like that I'm just glad you guys don't have any scars and finally lady number four was Lady Scarlet M that was a good one right yeah yeah that was round one but now it's time to dance hopefully my person inside is able to get some information I don't want to reveal anything to you guys you guys are bull sus a diamond must be a good dancer so each of you will have 10 seconds to dance with each of the gentlemen before you [Music] [Applause] switch Rebecca yes I heard that you had to shave your head if you didn't pick a diamond that the queen would like you heard that if you picked me the queen would not be disappointed thank you did you hear that lady susteren's here she's been revealing Secrets this whole time honestly I think it might be lady black switch Partners lady orange was supposed to go first in the last challenge why did you go well she asked me to and I just didn't want to make her mad but did you want to go no I and why didn't you just say no well then she would be mad at me you know it's okay to say no sometimes so I hear you might be lady Suson did you why do you care so much about lady Suson I don't sweet which it's so crazy everyone always tells me that I'm such a great dancer what do you think you are so tell me why should you be the diamond oh I'm elegant eloquent and I'll do whatever it takes to win plus I know you have a lot writing on this does everyone know that what do you know about lady suert and time so uh do you know who lady SA is why do you want to be the diamond who says I want to be the diamond why are you here why do you want to know because I am the one picking the diamond it's kind of my job isn't it time time Sam bam she is sus now that the gentlemen have gotten to know all of the ladies it is time for the last and final challenge this is the kissing challenge what kissing you'll be passing this tissue down the line using only your moue let's start the challenge with Lady lavender okay oh it got smaller oh oh yeah no sorry come on just lady black there's still some tissue good this will factor into the gentleman's decision I'm sure it will we have gone through three different challenges and now it is time to pick the lady you would most like to date Isaac please step forward definitely not you who would you like to choose miss lady lavender lady lavender excellent Javier I will choose lady orange it all comes down to you Foo Which lady would you like to choose uh you must choose one lady Scarlet lady Scarlet which means lady black you have been eliminated oh my God I'm crushed uh the door's that oh CFM did you see Lady black she purposely got eliminated why would she be here if she didn't want to be the diamond speaking of the Diamond lady lavender was the first pick from the guys but if she can't stand up to these girls and put herself first then I can't pick her as the diamond lady black was just eliminated I have to go do something right now CH you guys up yes yes I'll be right back oh every time uh Theo may I talk to you you look a lot different well you know I just grew some facial hair things guy things you're not Theo are you hey I think I know who it is saying lady how do you know how do you know one of the girls told me how do you know lady blush and lady yellow are in the van right now they told me the same exact thing where's lady black oh she just got eliminated I think she's out here somewhere are you kidding me we need to find her before she reveals Rebecca's big secret let's go this is the hair dryer Challenge and we are down to our final three for this challenge you will use the blow dryer to control this ball and drop it in one of these containers Whoever has the least amount of points will be eliminated do you mind if I go first this is kind of my thing yeah sure thank you choke like last season Oh no you're losing ballet I'm losing control oh two points is better than no points two points is now the score to beat lady lavender okay lady lavender has a chance to win excellent job lady lavender you got four points lady Scarlet has to get five if she wants to win are you nervous I'm never nervous I'm the diamond looks like I won congratulations lady Scarlet you are the winner lady orange you had the lowest amount of points which means you are eliminated let me take your place in the Queen's Court I'll be the Queen's Diamond I I really want to be here no please give it to me no you can leave do you want to be here yeah and do you want to be the diamond more than anything then you need to learn to stand up for yourself and say no to people it's just really hard well if you don't learn to say no you're never going to get what you want Lady Scarlet is still the favorite because she has the confidence to stand up for herself and make her own decisions my gut keeps telling me to pick lady lavender because she seems the most genuine but lady Scarlet would be the safe bet it is time to present your diamond to the queen okay let's go black let's go get her you're under arrest hey we're not cops we can't arrest her you're not under arrest what are you holding there this it's a letter from lady suon we got got her yes I knew it are you ready to present me with my diamond Rebecca and remember if you don't I'll shave your head it has been a very tough decision but the person I choose to be the diamond is Lady wait what are you doing I figured out who lady suton is lady suton but this is a bad time Matt no no no no I want to hear this make it quick one second Queen we got her I knew it was her lady black is Miss suton no lady black is the lady that found Miss suton bring her in let go of me lady yellow she's too dumb to be lady suton she was just pretending I've been trying to track down lady suon for weeks it's literally the only reason I was here fine it's true I'm lady Suson told you guys and there's one last secret that hasn't been spilled oh no this is bad lady Scarlet has been blackmailing me and she threatened me in the garden after the balloon pop challenge no no no that's not true that's a lie I was with Lady Lavender in the garden right tell them is it true no you're lying and I'm not going to let you push me around anymore and because of what you did you don't deserve to be the diamond enough enough I'm getting bored Rebecca are you going to bring me my diamond or not I made my choice but I think I'm going to go with my gut now I believe the diamond is Lady lavender she has all the qualities of a diamond and now I know she has the confidence too come lady lavender [Music] Rebecca excellent choice lady lavender will make a splendid diamond oh my God I did not want to have my head shaved thank you so much I didn't dip him I picked the right diamond what [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 2,292,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridgerton, but, in real life, queen, ball, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: cCjtnPYxp4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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