Huge 7 COLOR LOBSTER!! Sashimi + Deep Fried w/ Garlic | Ultimate Food Aquarium!!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in phuket in southern thailand and phuket is known for seven colored warm water indian ocean lobsters this is one of the biggest lobsters i've seen we're gonna have the full seven colored lobster sashimi experience today wow we're gonna go to the source to get the lobster uh we're gonna see the entire preparation from start to finish and i'm gonna share an entire lobster sashimi with you in this video we're getting onto a boat here at the pier and we're just going to go to some of the i think it's only a 10-minute boat ride very close to the shore uh where they raise the lobsters where they keep the lobsters in the sea thank you [Music] [Music] literally a five minute boat ride uh you're starting to see the platforms this is the seven colored lobster territory uh the famous phuket seven colored lobsters this is a big bay area the water is calm we're surrounded by other islands and inlets uh water remains calm it's great yeah for fishing it's great for uh producing seafood and then all over in the distance you'll see a lot of yachts a lot of boats as well because it's a safe haven of calm water here and we have arrived a bunch of different wooden platforms all connected little rampways uh floating nets and a whole kind of visitor center here's a little bit of information about the spiny seven colored lobster which is also known as a painted spiny lobster it is yeah seven different colors found throughout the warm waters of the pacific and indian ocean um and that's what we're here that's what we came here for that's what they specialize in and i know at this facility at this place they also raise a lot of the lobsters which are then distributed to many of the hotels throughout phuket as well but we're coming directly to the source to eat the lobster i didn't realize that this place was so developed that it's so organized and that they raised so such a huge variety of different fish it's a straight aquarium of fish that they're raising here [Music] i think for the rest of the people on the boat on this tour it's kind of like a shopping a trip to the supermarket they're choosing fish or seafood that they want which they're gonna then take back with them to the restaurant to cook right at their restaurant uh but for us gohban who is the owner of the restaurant and the owner of this facility uh he's arranged for a chef to come out to the platform to prepare the full sashimi lobster seven colored phuket lobster sashimi experience on the on the platform within the sea so before we get the lobster it's going to show me some of the fish and i think they have some sharks as well just be a little bit careful where you're walking it's a type of a black black ear a black ear shark or a black tip maybe a black tail black tip shark oh yeah you can see the fins have a black tip on them wow small fish actually grow up ah so you all the fish are from local fishermen yes and then you take care of them and yes and grow them fish okay oh is that an eel i was just saying that the color always changes and they want to show me a really big fish on the other side on the opposite side [Music] it's like an entire fish community aquatic center aquarium from here we're gonna go get the lobster which is in one of the front nets that they have reserved saved for us and it's gonna be a giant lobster [Music] giant it's a huge two kilo yeah about two kilos that is a massive lobster okay they're gonna pull it out okay it's beautiful the seven colors the the rainbow of colors it's as big as my torso [Music] he spreads it out that is the size of your torso almost [Music] everybody say hello to chef sanji and he is preparing all of his his ingredients the knives and something that you'll notice is we have some champagne cups with a sprite here but we're not drinking any wine we're not drinking any champagne spices look come on [Applause] okay so the first menu is lobster blood and the sprite turns this blue almost neon color lobster blood cocktail okay mic up cheers wow it actually tastes just like sprite but with a little bit of lobster juice aroma to it wow that's fresh [Music] okay oh sorry king [Music] that meat goes into uh a bucket of ice like you said it's gonna make the meat more crisp um tighten it up a little bit i think and that sits in a ice bath real fast but wow this is just a straight up private sushi bar floating in a bay in phuket [Music] oh [Music] yes uh the lobster it's just it literally is almost transparent you can almost see through it you can almost smell the sweetness chef did a beautiful decoration with the lobster head with the body with some vegetables all on a platter of ice and now he's just slicing up and placing the sashimi placing all of that fresh sliced lobster back onto the the shell back onto the head back onto that platter of ice that ice [Music] bed [Music] now that is what you call a centerpiece chef has completed that is a work of art with the head with the body all the decorations the wasabi there's some fish eggs some roe on the top wow that is impressive that is world-class seven color phuket lobster sashimi [Music] look at this it is a straight like trophy cabinet centerpiece oh that's pretty heavy to go wow that's unbelievable that is impressive what a lobster man you actually have to stand up to eat this there's wasabi there's lime you can garnish with whatever but first you have to taste the pure lobster i actually have to lift up the antenna to get there i find a nice little look at that like stringiness of it try it first with nothing on it before adding any soy sauce before adding any wasabi it is so pure all that texture on that crunch and that sweetness wow that's fresh that is amazing and just that texture is impressive the the crispness of it and just the strandiness it's strandy wow okay but i do i think it would be awesome with a little bit of soy sauce and a little bit of wasabi in there or maybe even lime juice we'll go wasabi first wasabi there and then this is soy sauce or should i just mix it yeah just mix it together okay i'm just gonna go ahead and do the wasabi soy sauce mixture video that's the way i like it extra wasabi okay there we go just a little dip in there if you look at these slices of lobster in the sunlight you can actually see that they're see-through they're transparent oh yeah wow okay it's good on its own but that enhances it oh with that wasabi with that salty punch of soy sauce and the same like the sweetness just comes out of that and the crispness it's unbelievable like the freshness the pureness the quality is just on the next level you know what i was just thinking it almost tastes like uh scallop like hoisin it almost tastes like scallop when the raw lobster almost takes like a really sweet scallop that's the same texture almost the same texture almost the same sweetness you might be good with just some lime juice on it lime juice is good but the wasabi soy sauce combination is even better [Music] lobster will shove you up the nose wow that is awesome and that is a lot of meat a lot of lobster that head those tentacles are just crossing the table um we haven't even eaten half of the sashimi two kilos of a lobster sashimi that is a lot of sashimi that's a lot of lobster meat in order to get some diversity and to try a different a few different variations versions of lobster what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the lobster the meat and especially the head back to the restaurant back to the shore back to the restaurant um they're gonna cook us a dish with the lobster meat and then also cook us a soup a dish with the lobster head so that's the next plan of action but what an unbelievable lobster sashimi start oh man it is so unbelievably good okay we're going [Music] back [Music] we're back at phuket lobster house this is the restaurant it's half restaurant half amusement entertainment food park half or a third botanical garden just with this huge structure just with trees with plants with uh water flowing with birds uh and then just lobsters all over the place and tanks all over the place it's definitely quite a unique restaurant what's up i think they had already just quickly deep fried and deep fried the shell uh but just toss that wok toss that uh with garlic with green pepper and with chilies and then a kind of a soy sauce mixture solution sauce just really quickly wok toss to that in a hot hot fire um and then for the head they chopped up the head into bite-sized little pieces into nuggets got all that tamily all that head butter out of it chopped up the tentacles into bite-sized pieces as well and that's gonna go into a miso soup that he's making oh yeah [Music] oh [Music] and that completes two more dishes with the lobster i'm excited to try both of them [Music] and we got some rice to eat with this but that's awesome being able to eat the sashimi on the platform on the ocean with that cool breeze and then coming back to the restaurant to eat totally totally different dishes uh miso soup is japanese but then this is thai style with the same lobster and two more two more huge massive dishes in thai it's called so it's just tossed with green pepper with chilies with a ton of garlic oh wow this looks incredible the same nuggets of lobster oh wow oh that's insane oh man the texture totally changes but you still feel that sweet muscular texture of that lobster oh that's so good it's not too overpowering but just really garlicky the pepper is just there kind of in the background of your your mouth not overpowering that sweetness of the lobster something i didn't know before is that there's so many different textures within the lobster tail some parts are more stringy some parts are more fall apart tender some parts are more muscular like shrimp there's such a variety of different textures within that same tail and this is all just the tail meat [Music] oh yeah wow that stir-fried version is just awesome and the garlickiness this will be extremely good with rice too oh with rice cream and that glaze and those chilis and the sweet lobster that's so awesomely good and then for the miso soup a huge miso soup just full of lobster head and lobster tentacles how's that miso soup it's good just a wonderful mellow salty just umami from the miso soup and then i want to try especially some of that tamale uh some of the the head butter juice which has actually been cooked so it's not runny anymore it's like the texture of egg yolk a little bit starchy but silky at the same time there's still so much meat in here as well from the head uh from all the different little sections this is the part that takes a while to eat that you can just kind of suck on that you can juice that you can uh suck all that meat out of the different crevices i think they actually before i got to the kitchen i think they really kind of loosened up most of the meat and cracked the shells they're getting easier they're good too well cutting it into bite-sized pieces too oh yeah [Music] oh that's firm i got from the base of the tentacle wow that is [Applause] muscular so many different parts of the lobster so many different textures [Music] the stir-fried lobster is insane okay i love the sashimi and that's the pureness that's the ultimate test of freshness and it is extraordinary but this i don't know i think i mean lobster is good raw but when it's wok tossed like this it almost brings out the sweetness even more i'm not going to say which version is better because i think this was the best case scenario being able to have sashimi then a stir fried dish and the soup all three dishes but i'm gonna say do not eat it all i sashimi try it stir fried like this as well oh it's so good so incredibly good [Music] back here on the pure stomach full of love lobster overdose a two kilo lobster but that was a fantastic just ultimate lobster experience from the entire sashimi uh to yeah again that stir-fried lobster was sensational top of the quality lobster seven color loco phuket lobster and that does not come cheap though uh it is four thousand for the big one that we got it's four thousand baht per kilo uh so we had two kilos that's eight thousand baht that was not cheap at all uh it is expensive but you do pay a price for that quality you can arrange to go to the the lobster farm where we went uh you just take a boat there and you can do a tour you can see all the fish like we did and you can even eat a lobster there if you arrange or you can go to the restaurant uh where they have lobsters you said typical lobsters are about 800 900 up to one kilo so that's going to wrap up this video i want to say a big thank you for watching i'll have in all the information in the description box that you can check out and huge thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up and leave a comment below and if you're not already subscribed be sure to 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Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,742,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thai food, lobster, spiny lobster, seafood, Mark Wiens, Phuket Thailand, things to do in Phuket, Thai seafood, Thai cuisine, things to do in Thailand, restaurants in Phuket, Phuket food, Phuket best restaurants, Thai food videos, food videos, food vlog, Thailand vlog, Thai videos, Thailand travel guide, Thailand guide, Thailand videos, Thailand vlogs
Id: RYun7EXYon8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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