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i want to know what that secret candy bug snack is it appears during the day the little corn man needs to poop off you go champ just light that candle done what the heck is that [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing bug snacks all of the grumpuses here are looking pretty much transformed into bug snacks we've got wiggle here who looks like a piece of lettuce crumb dough looks like a pizza it's so good sheldor over here though she actually hasn't eaten a single bug snack because she says she doesn't actually eat them what [Music] what why i didn't think you actually ate them why is she eating bug snacks first minute she tells me she doesn't actually eat them and next minute she's just straight up eating them this is weird i'll have a nutty snack pod i'm gonna turn her into bug snacks she wants me to stick stuff in the box here she's got this bug snack box here you go have some bombinos nice so we've taken down two of the legendary bug snacks and we've got two to go which is pretty awesome i want to try and get another one going on today i need to donate something to gramble here hey gramble how's it going champ i think he wants a praying picantus all right there we go and he also wants uh something else i think we gotta get him a scoopy panupi i'm gonna head up to the mountain and we're gonna see eggabel while we're at it there's quite a few bug snacks up here that i actually haven't caught yet so we've got a mount saudi i think i have caught one of those we're looking for a scoopy banu though those things are super hard to catch because they're frozen and they actually smash all your stuff around but i have a bit of an idea if we get maybe one of these right i'll go like this and then shoot the flames let's just find out where this guy is actually walking i'm gonna scan him now watch this i'm going to get a launch pad i'm going to aim it at the fire no i'm not dude just knocked himself out are you serious champ what that was so easy to catch hero was saying how difficult they are man the guy just like walked straight into a thing and just like smashed his face and then i was able to catch him all good let me get some peanut butter just because i love peanut butter so much let's catch a few of the bug snacks that i haven't caught yet have i caught one of these guys a student i don't know do you like hot sauce dude i don't know if he does he just does yeah go touch the ice okay the fire didn't go out when he touched the ice that's not gonna work all good i've got another idea let's get this strabby oh yeah there we go he's gonna follow the strabby come on dude follow the strabby let's go i'm just gonna lead him out of the cave and then hopefully the mount saudi right that little bug snack will actually smash him with uh with his liquid and that should put the fire out on him just bring it down here there's the mount sorry yeah nice thanks champ all of the soda bug snacks they hate fire so they always put the fire out oh hey ergobel how you doing i have liz burt's journal oh my grump yeah dude where'd you find this i can't remember no i don't remember where i found it you catch half i'll catch you the other half okay back here so good i'll catch these three what are these ones that's a chili nilly mount saudi and a strudel okay what we need to do is actually feed the bug snack to this like stone statue thing all right so let's get a student there we go yeah yeah just go ahead and eat that one champ good job what else do we have we need a chili nilly and a mount sodie was that a chili nelly yeah it is it is it's a little bit like a charmelo okay chili nelly how are we gonna get this one uh maybe we can shoot him with fire where are you flying to champ where are you going he's all icy so i'm not going to be able to catch him unless i warm him up a little bit all right here's my plan i set fire to him using this fire watch this i'll put that right there like that and then ready champ i'm gonna just smash him yeah he got him nailed him oh god him man he looks so delicious he looks like an ice cream sandwich she doesn't want to eat that thing let's just see if we can attach this trip shot just to the inside edge here like this and then yeah dude that was so simple look at me like some kind of bug snack catching legend that was good now if you guys know of any secrets in this game or cool things to check out you know what i mean let me know in the comments without giving me story spoilers i don't want them spoilers okay so i need to activate two more statues this is the mount saudi there it is and this should be the chili nilly even though i want to eat the chili millie i love ice cream sandwiches you're okay hey ikebel you are okay what happened to your eyes no you used to have two ones numbness or missing limbs sorry okay next she says we need three grumpuses we need three grumpuses we need another grumpus i'll wait for you here all right i'll go and get filbo and we're gonna try and push these pressure plates and see what happens phil bow baggins come on champ we're gonna get filbo but i'm also gonna donate one of these scoopy banoopies there we go oh yeah we've done it we've done it we've donated all the things we have to do come on filbo let's go champ i need your help you do yeah man really come on corn man i am a corn and i can't get up mountain huh he's too long to stand come on champ get up again grump i knew this was a bad idea he'll be fine i'm fine real packable oh it's really you yeah she's alive dude no sign of elizabeth i don't know where lisbet is i think lisbon's dead we're gonna get this door open we're gonna open the door i don't know what's inside can't wait to see though all right let's go let's push the buttons oh what is that thing liz thought it might secret door champ let's go let's push the thing ready let's do it are you guys opening the door three [Music] what is crawn on the cob man gonna do it's literally corn and the other person is a hairy egg oh grump i could have killed us all what did i do wrong you're an egg that's what you did from home so liz burt is underground don't be that sucks i'm used to it sucks to be liz burt where are you going you just disapp she just disappeared what that was weird she vanished into thin air god this game is scary sometimes the snack squatches up here is the snack squatch over there it's not there tonight oh man a whole bunch of them want me to catch various bug snacks for them all right let's have a look what does sheldon want sheldon wants an in-trap a cheeser and a green pill bug okay i think we get the green peel bugs from here in these little holes so if we send in our strabby go in there strabby go and get that green peel bug all right where's the other hole here it is i'm gonna put a trap there we're gonna trap the peel bug when he comes out i'm gonna stand on this plant so the spotty doesn't get me all right here it comes here he comes got him all right now i need to catch a spotty which means we need to get two spotties to run into each other come on spotty have you noticed spotty rhymes with buddy that is cool maybe because they're friends or something i don't know are you guys going to smash into each other come on come on come on just just smash him yeah that's it got him i've got a spotty got your spotty there whammis no oh you go and feed that to fit there right you want me to grab his turds after he's eaten uh spotty made soil okay all right then dude we have to feed a spotty to filbo wait for filbo to go for a crap then we have to steal his crap all right um how's it going let's eat there you go champ smash his body let's turn his horn there we go he's looking so weird right now though suddenly i'm feeling nature oh he's gotta go all right he's gonna run he's gonna run the little corn man needs to poop off you go champ we got these as well okay a cheeser there we go and what was the other one green peel hey there's a bag of poo better grab that there you go dude got your fertilizer that stink could raise the bed i reckon all right now i need to catch an inch ramp in order to do that what you actually have to do because they stay underground right is you need to make them run into like a rock so you go like that and then bang he hit the rock all right check do it again there you go right there got him okay one more bug snack for the box there we go we need to put in an inch wrap nice got them all in there for you there champ oh great um return one day okay i'll see you tomorrow i want to know what that secret candy bug snack is it appears during the day so i'm gonna sleep until it's daytime and i found some other candy patches just over here so maybe it appears over this way as well there it is what is it rainbow sweetie fly how are we supposed to catch that one oh he's going for a nap maybe i can throw a basketball at him let me know basketball all right i'm gonna throw the basketball at him he moved he doesn't like anything dude he's super hard to get i would love to turn one of the grumpuses into this guy all right he's going for a sleep let's throw this at him that did nothing he's just he's just flying around now i'll put it there and then i'll shoot it all the way down there oh yeah yes i got one a rainbow sweetie fly almost there you should see some flares along the way oh some flames no you may need help there is snoopy how's it going grandpa not he would expect the grumpa naughty that and i'd hate to make you do such a guy's like a massive conspiracy theorist i'm surprised he doesn't have a tin foil hey we could probably make him a tinfoil hat out of a spotty though oh yeah champ hey there's a candle there perhaps you should like that suspect it is a suspicious candle what is that dude what's this thing just light that candle done that was pretty easy what the heck is that dispose of this devious dessert before it brings the mountain down on us chief what is that thing all right let's scan it it's a daddy cake lex this behemoth doesn't like having its candles lit a flaming trip shop might do the trick what candles oh it's got like candle legs oh it's got candles on its sides as well okay hang on let's get a flaming trip shot shoot that there yeah is that going to work oh yeah nice there's one candle what yes i got the other candle we beat him oh no we didn't hey there's little ones what are these little ones clever cake hasn't [ __ ] up well not to worry let's catch the water once quick get it out of the way dude yeah i caught all four of them baby cake legs i got four baby cake legs that is good okay all right where has he gone now have you noticed all of the bug snacks disappear from like that like the zone when you're taking on one of the legendary bug snacks it's like they clear off it's a conspiracy man it really is yeah here we go there's another candle shoot the thing no escape oh yeah i got one candle he's gonna get the other one he's coming back get him wow wow oh yes i got the other candle all right he's going again let me catch the little ones i like these little ones another tactical retreat oh yes eight of those little cake bros dude my bag is full of bug snacks at the moment i've got so many oh they can't the candle's just right there he hasn't gone very far okay all right oh there's someone's lantern there all right i need to light the candle again do this i've got it in my sights what say we take the cake let's do it let's do it snoopy me and snorpy to the end best of bros okay just gotta get this guy oh he's got one more candle oh god dude he's so easy to get that is such an easy boss all right let's get him where's his face oh there he is hey i got him okay i need to throw away something let's throw away a wee melon there we go got him dude we have to feed him to snobby okay all right let's feed the rest of the stuff to snorpy as well we'll turn his hands into candles he's got cake biceps nice and a cake foot looks so good all right and the body oh that was the teeth oops hey i'm going to try and catch this little dude we managed to get the legendary bug snack oh yeah grab him all right where's he going what i'm gonna set up a [ __ ] i'm gonna trap him i'm gonna trap him just go like that and go like that yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna smash this little guy when he comes back around so we got the legendary bug snack the cake guy right that's his name his official name is cake guy we managed to catch him there's still one more legendary bug snack to go i don't know where it is i don't want any spoilers all right we're gonna try and catch me in the next video and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 356,752
Rating: 4.8718138 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Bugsnax, Slime Rancher, Bug snacks, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax download, bugsnax epic, bugsnax release date, bugsnax location, 'bugsnax update, legendary bugsnax
Id: L9pgFkmvOHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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