BUGSNAX Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1

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[Music] okay a map oh snap oh i have an airship no whoa that sensitivity's through the roof okay that needs to go down right now okay uh yeah to like 20 at least i mean at most okay that's still a little high that's reasonable i suppose yeah i think we fell in these places [ __ ] creation straight from purgatory well that didn't take long don't be control you may see i might rebind that to she's okay oh it's the statue to the strawberry [Music] no it faded out of existence is the recording running it is it is thank you excuse me okay ah oh we have to cross we gotta go run well no turning back now who's in the bush who's in the bush come out come out of the bush why was i attacked by a pizza oh that's gonna hurt two weeks earlier are we rolling greetings i am lisbet megafig intrepid explorer seeker of the unknown hunter of undiscovered creatures and she's a real charmer ichabel stop what the people deserve to know you're the only one who gets to know i'm lisboa and i have made an incredible discovery here on snacktooth island but this is more than a mere expedition my followers and i have started building a new community here construction of our settlement is well underway what draws us so far away from civilization what discovery could tempt us to start a new life in the untamed world bug snacks they're the most delicious thing in the world you haven't lived until you've tried one it's true half bag half snack there's nothing quite like him there's one now i got it i got it good effort good effort well done as for you i'm sure you're wondering why i've sent you this film i've read your work the shadow of grandfather the secret of soylent grump stella pieces of journalism like me you have a passion for discovering unknown truths and also like me if you truly recognize your talent you are just the grandpas i need to share my story with the world i've sent you a map to our settlement come to snacktooth island together you and i will share the incredible tale of bug snacks okay let me catch up so someone redeemed a proportion pro boys he's pro balls he's proished of the boys he's never getting young and i sell those switches i love very much i pressed this because they look very dirty too dude there was like one isolated bush in the entire town and then the strawberry like runs inside of it the guy just flops over like oh well i guess it got away it's in that one bush what are we gonna do we can't reach it anymore you might be a mess we have the spirit they do just getting around your pro boys everything is gonna be just fine new grump city college does that mean you're grumpy you look grumpy c clumpy clumber nut what triple c columbia okay let's begin wow that's your new lead another monster hunt do you have any idea how much trouble you caused me no i had to recall half a million papers and give a public apology all because your grump foot turned out to be a lost football mascot we've been over this it doesn't matter how eye-catching your articles are if i'm stuck cleaning up your sloppy work no you're already out of second chances and now you're gonna follow elizabeth to some grump forsaken island elizabeth megafig is either a con artist or a lunatic remember that whole mess with grumplantis this bug snacks thing is just her latest delusion why don't you believe in bugs oh i guess this is progressive we'll do all of them okay yeah i'm not young never knew him she's thank you for looking for player i appreciate it why don't you believe him i mean she's got a point though so apparently i thought there was so there was a grump foot it turned out to be some football mascot and then she had to pull back half a million papers and give a public apology that sounds pretty terrible now that i think about it i guess we have messed up pretty badly boys you're not doing so i kind of get where they're coming from actually why don't you believe in bunk sleeves because i've got a working brain what's wrong with snack tooth do your research ships go missing around there all the time the place is like me before i get my coffee deadly what do you know about liz burt she got a little famous after stumbling across some forgotten civilization in grumpsylvania she's been coasting off that success ever since well i'm going this is absurd only a desperate loser would follow lisbon i'm not a desperate loser well it is a tantalizing story if true we'll just have to hear it from lizbert herself say you get an interview with her and make it back alive you just might keep your job now get going and try not to fall off a cliff or something bro [ __ ] i never fall she says oh thank you it should be good now present day strawberry there's a strawberry cliff it's not a cliff it's it's it's a ladder ledge thing that's a difference i fell from the wood not from the stone so it's not a cliff anymore strawberry this is the crumb crumb food group ladies and gentlemen i think it does strawberries i'm not that's strawberry bug snacks there's strawberries are you the guy that fell over when it tried to get the other store is that you oh thank grump you're alive that i'm dying though this is me philbo what happened i was looking for you but i got hungry and i couldn't catch any book snacks okay what that's a weird question lizbert moving on wait you're not liz bert oh grump it doesn't matter who you are please give me something to eat sure ow um i think there's a bug snack right over there could you get a good look at it i know which one it is for me scan the bug snack scope a very simple snack watch its walking pattern okay loves was that a beetle bilbo they're a little shy but that's okay they just need some space strawberry we're gonna catch the strawberry okay i scanned a strawberry oh oh good that that one's pretty easy to catch well you're me anyway how do i catch it okay do me a favor and take my snack trap where were you storing that you don't have your stackers this was cute wait tracks come out of this bush let's put the snack trap down there and then we'll hide why can't you just go run and hide and grab it there's no reason to hide yes pick it up before it sniffs now yes i got a strawberry the strawberry's mine now replaces my not a grump i'm not a bunsen i am a grub this is a different thing it is your drinks are good yes yeah yeah boy not the other butt bro boys i did it how do i put this away oh right it's telling me talk wow you got it okay now toss it into my mouth hole ah but no it's mine i i earned it okay fine oh i have to actually [Music] what oh yes i'm safe are you though your arm is strawberry no what happened to your arm this pretty neat huh it's a side effect of eating bug snacks but that's not good i'm still recovering i could use maybe three more bug snacks but i'm sure that scope of yours will come in handy skin and plan i always say no oh no fine so i was like porgies don't need a plan boys we're gonna rush in no no [Music] it's called setting traps watches you're setting traps i run up to you i set a trap right next to you and then i detonate the trap for abortions no no glaring at me it's my pro boise strat [Music] dang it no no come back i was kidding it was it was a joke it was zero come come strappy strawberry see i i'm stroppy like you no give it back what the heck is that a flying lemon how dare you [Laughter] it's like a lemon or a lime sneaky sneaky boy no get back here no no no no no no give it back give it back stop why can't they grab it no kill the strawberry now wait didn't i get it i didn't get it dang it very much come here yes okay i did it i'm a pro hunter yeah i know paul morgan uplift i never knew him where's another strawberry there's a carrot [Music] burrows into the soil when scared same rule same come come from pro boys look like a pro porch all right i brought the food [Music] how are you gonna walk on that yum and carrot awesome oh dear lord are you able to are you able to walk like that you are a lifesaver buddy oh sorry i was too busy dying to introduce myself i'm filbo fiddlepie i'm the uh mayor around here um sorry if this is a stupid question but uh what are you doing out here hmm never ever know i'm just because i'm not young she's never even seen everything i'm proposing something in the bottom left oh shoot okay i'll fix that a bit let me take a look at that first also let me unpause alerts [Music] i'll check it in a moment i'll check it in a moment it's probably not showing right now why why all the job scares no literally all of them yeah you're bad no wow that's a lot yes freeze them no okay holy moly [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay okay finally lizardman has to be joiner that's not true well actually you know it is true i'm here to investigate bug sex if my last chest had a good story oh you got the film i helped lizbert make that yeah kind of you're the journalist i knew it was stupid to ask desperate said you'd be coming you're a bit late though still it's my job to show you the way to town follow me okay ah yes i see there's like backpack slots let me right here maybe make it a little bit lower all right that should be good julio how are you how are you walking on that you have like a a carrot you're walking on a carrot and the head of a strawberry how's that not like shattering and splattering and you're just collapsing over and dying in activity i have to tell you something okay i'm supposed to take you home but lisber might not be there okay where's lizberg i don't know where lizburt is i was out here looking for her but who knows maybe she will be there when we get back i'm sure she wouldn't want to miss her interview with you i'm ready to go buddy yeah i'm ready wait wait no i'm ready i'm ready all right through here yeah how are you unable to catch the starter you can just make a bush go poof like that how does your tail moving works out [Music] no oh there's a farmer hey wambus how's the farm you're still alive thought you just starved to death by now nope i found a journalist they're also pretty good at hunting bug snacks i was gonna bring them back to snacksburg that's nice don't you wanna come with no no why not i got my paws full with my ketchup crop catcher without lizberg around to catch bug snacks i gotta keep us all fed uh we can't just eat ketchup well it's better than nothing you want us to die out here no no but uh but this garden is just so far away from everybody maybe you could start another one in town call this one quits i don't quit okay i'll kindly leave and take a ketchup for the road [Applause] get out of here stranger i could use your help this bunger goes wild for ketchup there's a pen set up nearby take my sauce slinger gather up some ketchup and use it to lead the bunger over yonder okay thank you for the lizard okay nearby sauces to pick them up why can't i just grab you you seem kind of strong though while you're actually growing ketchup what where are their eyeballs and all right google eyes in the dirt okay where am i trying to lure you here oh yeah here we go what's his name what's it called bunger this bug snack knocks away traps also tackles anything covered in ketchup bunga okay i've had just i had to set up scarecrows just to give them something else to tackle dear lord food wildlife well wow gnomes that's actually pro boys and noises i took care of that bunker thanks stranger we better go check on filbo [Music] wait let's collect i'm gonna take all your ketchup apparently i need this plants that grow ketchup naturally grown organic catch see when you buy organic ketchup from the store this is exactly what it is it grows from plants that's how you grow the ketchup and then you know much plenty to catch up on graveyard exactly you can grow your own ketchup naturally grown like what should i say exactly i was thinking these are all like pokemon except i don't really play pokemon wolfsback oh you okay you got lunch pretty far from that for that from that burger are you all right phil uh don't you worry i'm a i'm a little sore but uh i'll be a-okay i'm just happy you're getting along with wambus he's having a hard time and his wife isn't around much these days so uh just see if you can help him out i'll stay here until my brain stops hurting ouch i'm sorry stranger i didn't mean for philbo to get hurt like that he's right though i'm in over my head i know farming would be easier back in town and those shishka bugs and bungers she's harassing me well i'll be cold and buried before those walking appetizers make me go home starving let's start with the frieder lure it down with ketchup and then let me eat it okay what's the fryer it's like french fries oh it's a spider oh shoot oh yeah i i know i know i know you oh no that's the shish kebab it's dancing once this pest hides it won't come out of hiding until it's forced out these darn varmints ruined my form so what's the what's the friday drama simple pigments these murals depict the defeat of a giant bug snack by cave dwelling grumpuses hiding push up push the smaller bug stacks and hide in larger boxes bounce off and scare out whatever's inside oh we gotta find it wiggle wiggle wiggle yes these people look at the muffins you have to see other combinations of ages i'm looking forward to it let's play on words is actually pretty good i need ketchup no don't shoot it no no no everything's fine everything's fine you i need your help come [Music] uh no no no no see how you like it he washed it off all right let's get a better look at this mural hang on it must be you fryder climbs to the high walls out of reach but will come down if it smells ketchup ryder got it these designs dude they're so silly so these are the the cave grumps they defeated the big uh bug snack creatures interesting so what i don't understand is if these if this if these people have been living off of bug snacks the entire time why are their bodies completely normal when i got here maybe it wears off over time maybe it's not permanent i don't know i mean you guys have been eating bugs next for a while why isn't your entire body made of made out of different fruits and fast food items all right here you go you wanted this one right enjoy it all right all right i got a french fry arm why are you so okay with this tastier than i thought now i want to eat those darn shish kebabs dang it one way ahead those pets are easy to spook and they don't even like ketchup not sure why they bother with me figure out how to wrangle them and i'll be set all right all right i'm way ahead of you your arm turned into a freaking dish car it's got a tomato and a mushroom on it no meat though wait didn't i do it oh i have to catch another one okay fine yeah you read fiverr's favorite text dude yeah yeah i actually need to read it wait actually is there something for this no no there isn't i don't think there are any more fighters i'll remember to do that later you know i thought the whole capturing thing would be kind of tedious but it's pretty quick and easy so it's fine [Music] for me yeah porsche pro dinosaurs did these are actions these are actually making me hungry would you eat something that was supposedly the most delicious thing in the world if it would turn your limbs into that kind of food boosh backpack frogs get together yeah have fun walking on a spongy mushroom that's good no yeah i would not even all right last bit of business let's get revenge on those bunkers what they're too wily for your trap but if you can get them all woozy and vulnerable you can scoop them right up with this net then you can pick up bug stacks and they're stunned they're vulnerable well let me go where's my neck catch a bunker how do i stun you think [Music] maybe i just realized just walking around on onion rings and it's like uh it's tusks or onion rings too so we're not sure why not if it's starter i guess it depends how temporary was if i do a boris it's going to see oh you came boards it's gonna see boys maybe if i make him into a tree what you missed try this one longer longer yes how do i stun you maybe if i got two bunkers to ram into each other maybe that's what i should do no no bunker here okay we have an idea [Applause] [Music] i appreciate it about welcome how do you guys like curly fries oh i think you're right maybe the voice actor is i think so goodbye stranger hearing yum justice is served that's dealt with for now but they'll be back eventually okay well i'm fixing to get my old garden group let's get moving right away you know you're a pretty good hunter like filbo said it's been rough since liz burt vanished been rougher for some than others uh hey i sure could use help with this tree well best not to dwell let's go hold on i got this there we go yeah push out with your french fries and mushroom are no ow ketchup har har [Music] oh well i don't know maybe maybe ellen might be replaced with something else mushroom the food bud oh okay hard really no i fell okay oh hey subs up hey there um like oh my god is this sqweeb really talking to me right now i'm not a sqweeb it says right here on my snack scope filbo personality type squeeb it also says you're a terrible leader hey you ah you're mean like are you still here zonk off sqweeb hey no eat ketchup ah get ketchup you're that journalist i haven't seen a new face in like forever i'm befika winkle snoot and i know everything about everybody oh do you know really glad yeah yeah exactly what a bully that's mean uh can i help you i love your snack scope you and me are toads twins we're not i bet you've seen lots of great stuff let me take a peek at your church no no my journal fell off a cliff you lost your journal no big deal you can borrow one of mine i keep them in my cave bring it here i'll show you how it's done new assignment higher learning pick up the journal oh you mean in here you really love hot dogs huh yeah i see you like to play solitaire because you're solitary you live by yourself nobody likes you because you're mean you're a bully gee i keep playing solitaire have fun with that oh that's your diary huh let me give it some treatment [Music] you still have ketchup on your face i have the journey way to play fetch okay excuse me [Music] you're bugapedia here you can scroll through all the bugs actually scanned through snack scope you can also check on their likes dislikes and hints on how to catch them now check out the other pages see what they're all about oh dude oh my gosh look at their calorie count this one is 30.3 000 calories what the recommended daily intake for the average like adult human is like 2 000 or something 30 000 do olympic athletes even eat that much 30 000 calories you're gonna get mega thick eating these hiding red beards good to see you that's right not you wanna play fetch really yeah exactly how rude don't don't eat these everyone's just huge maybe i don't know and then the entire areas are just a scale how many calories you have no no i'm almost jumped but you're smaller because i'm not dick how is the french fry thing more calories than the burger this is 30 300 this is 36 500 calories this is 25 200 why it's freaking are these toothpicks for like a shish kebab i guess they are that would make sense it's freaking toothpicks tomato meat and and mushroom why is it 25.2 k calories okay thank you lisa strawberry's only 400 calories a carrot is somehow well i say only what the heck 400 calories for a strawberry i mean it's way less than these but it's a strawberry 2 500 calories or were carrots wait i missed something oh was i able to catch these maybe i should go back for it i don't know uh let me get at least you that much really dang what's in their community daily calorie intake for a dragon okay well that would probably depend on their size uh you drag your there you know they should drive you much more people well yes well depending on their size i suppose how much faster those rise i don't know there's some dense fries yes these toothpicks 25.2 looks like a comma to me pretty sure that's a comma that doesn't look like a period doesn't that look like a comma pretty sure it's a comma the lemon guys yeah i go with these carrots be for your eyes you eat one carrot and you're obese overnight more under the others to be the thousands maybe i think that's a comma yeah i think that's a combat too so i'm pretty sure it's 36 500 calories all right anyways other tabs this is like your grumpeda it's like a bugapedia but for grumpuses the spanx blank space will fill up with your notes once you get to know each grumpus better okay i guess i'll read these the missing leader passion for adventure discovery likes nature documentaries the unknown and cool hats and she loves whoever this is and the mayor filbo the self-appointed mayor seems to be trying his best likes making friends throwing parties and having boundless optimism loves the mayor we've got the farmer wambus trouble him a folksy farmer often brusque likes honestly hard working cacti loves whoever this is hates whoever this is a sharp tongued socialite snoop my bestie apparently likes gossip photography breaking and entering hates the mayor and hates whoever this is yeah no wonder you don't love anyone you're such a jerk i missed a few people already oh yeah this person call me clumber nut my editor used to love mondays and now despises them likes hot scoops accolades and slamming a table dramatically hates uh lizbert interviewed oh interview notes lisbet used to be a renowned explorer liz was disgraced when grumplantis turned out to be a hoax columbia things bug snacks are a similar waste of time also that only desperate losers would believe in whisper okay so maybe we have to interview people this is your clues page is where you'll keep all your progress on finding whisper you also select the clues to get a closer look at them reporting lisbon's discovery bug sex was included along with their invitation to snack tooth island sadly the photos were all blurry i can't open it this is your quest list you can get in-depth info on all your ongoing quests you can also pin a quest to keep invisible while you're walking around return to befica check all the books not going home fillable offered to lead me back losers can't supposed to fall in front of all i'll find when i get there follow filibert yeah this is your snack pack that's where you keep the bug stacks you've caught okay this is your map of snack tooth it's like it's a map well yeah okay i figured this is a realistic tools just want to keep track of our snack catching gear all right that's everything cool simple enough 25 counselor that would be low true uh well yeah i think it's a common thing to do there's like combat things i'll do again with the snake right club a club isn't covered in chocolate maybe watch time i appreciate y'all thank you back sure will be helpful everything you scan with the snack scope winds up in the journal sweet i have more for you to do but wambus is scaring all the snacks away you'll have to come back later until then you should get filbo out of here uh-huh [Music] let's get this over with buddy how are you making the bushes go poof like that can i like bring you with me for the hunt so i don't even have to use the the burgers to like ram the little creatures out of the bushes oh the loading screens include all of the bugs that bug stacks i've caught so far that's cute so that includes the french fry the burger and the uh snack it's a regular old ghost town i don't know what i expected without liz bird around nobody would want to come back here oh oh it's not much but it's still home let's get moving poor thing i am coming in shining somebody if you don't mind your limbs turning into food for a little bit they still haven't reverted so i don't know how long that lasts you're doing a pretty good job already thank you don't mind me walking all over your soil i'm here i'm sorry i guess you're not going to get that interview with lisbon anyway it's okay the illusion of choice all right why don't i interview you really me i mean if you want to um ask away i guess all right who are you well why don't we start with this who are you i'm filbo fiddle pie i guess i'm sort of like a deputy mayor i don't know i'm not good at most stuff but i like to help out oh we can ask everything let's just ask everything why come to sniff your thailand well lisbert asked me to tag along so i dropped everything and here i am simple as that thoughts on bug snacks oh they're great i mean they taste good and they make everybody happy so what's not to love any info on it on this very oh lisbet and me go way back lisbert was is awesome she always knew what to do and she brought out the best in all of us she leave me in charge of watching snaxburg when she went out hunting and that's how you became mayor i mean i wasn't really in charge nobody took me seriously but as long as lisbert came back with bug snacks everything was fine so what happened to snacksberg one day liz brooke went out hunting and she didn't come back i tried to step up and keep everybody calm technically i was in charge right but that didn't last long oh why didn't it last that was a big fight and then an earthquake and then everybody decided they'd be better off alone they couldn't even keep us together for one day i honestly don't know what lizbert saw in me oh i think we're done sorry buddy i didn't want to bum you out lisbert might be gone but you're here now nobody listen to me but but you you're pretty good at stuff and well nobody hates you yet you can catch bug snacks and bring everybody back to snacksburg once they're here you can do some more interviews and figure out what happened to lisbert all right sounds like a good plan where should i just should find gramble on the beach if we get his ranch going again that'll be a big help you could also go back and hop to bethlehem i guess anyway i'll be here if you need any advice all right good luck buddy bro boys huh you got several questions you check your questions journal pin the one you want to have appear in the corner got it okay how did you start that fire with your strawberry limbs okay is that true for things like this you should yeah yes i don't think he really needs my help you and your boys all right but keep it short i got work to do let's go who are you wham is trouble ham farmer why come to snacktooth island to start a farm can't you start a farm back home like i can afford that seems like you never had to pay property taxes thoughts on bug think about snacks they're pesky tasty confusing what's so confusing about bug snakes well they ain't animals and they ain't plants no organs no seeds nothing and you have to eat them raw or they turn to mush and i call that confusing that is weird why'd you leave town well when lizberg vanished i knew we needed a reliable food source without snacks i figured i'd farm sauce as an alternative though we would have been fine on bug snacks if it weren't for gramble why what happened what's your problem with granville that weepy little rancher thinks all bug snacks are his pets but but they're not paternium eternal i know something you know words no brains no hearts yeah i i hope we're going to learn more about the bug sex i'm legit pretty curious i don't know how they're produced dude there's a mystery here bilbo said you have a wife where is she i hope we find somebody needs to shut his grumping mouth tiffany is off somewhere poking at skeletons none of my dang business what happened with tiffany well when you've been married this long the little spats just pile up it doesn't take much to knock them all down any info on this group respectable type elizabeth we'd trade sauce for snacks now and again or plants for dr batter nugget to fix his medicine here's dr batter nugget oh that's the town doctor you know eggabel liz's partner hmm i'm the lizberg i couldn't say she was off hunting most of the time dangerous work could have slipped and fell could have got caught in an earthquake could have got thrown in a volcano that's all thanks for taking the time seems like a waste of your time if you want answers you need hard evidence here i dug this up the other day oh i'm thinking it might help you find elizabeth what is it now back to work what'd you just give me new clue gave me notes about a strange advice check your journal for details let's see what he gave us strange device knows the door is attached to some ancient mechanisms looks like it might take at least three compasses to activate these i think they could have made this text a little bit bigger i mean i can read it but i don't know how well you can see it the door is attached to some ancient mechanisms looks like it might take at least three compasses to activate these huh so we need some friends to come with us oh yeah don't sleep then now this game is just like irl horses don't sleep no portia sleep just not as much as they should [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't think this is the beach oh [Music] journalist despite your lack of any and all useful skills i require your assistance journalism is a useful skill hey as is extracting feces from the latrine excuse me my experiments were halted with the unfortunate disappearance of egg bell since the settlement's dissolution finding new subjects has been vexing what how dare they give that's right the local physician elizabeth's companion very likely deceased silence yourself and listen hey you've likely witnessed grumpus limbs transforming into bug snacks i call this process snackification okay under normal circumstances this occurs at random however i have developed a method to direct the effect to specific limbs it's simple once you understand the internal mechanisms behind the molecular dissemination of snack particles this is the snacktivator feed me strabby pokes an activator in foot foot turns into strabby understand hey boys you're smarter than that you know what no i'm going to give you this now intriguing enjoy you get this now [Music] for the time being i meanwhile have some very interesting plans for my leg i look forward to working with you oh i have more interesting how about i devour your leg and you're crippled for the rest of your life thank you very much you're right hi your dragon bro it's good to see you i'm high guard welcome welcome wait what is this chocolate chocolate i want to grow some chocolate chocolate you should put a chocolate plant in your backyard and grow some chocolate oh some fancy people his name is wiggler [Music] i said wiggle your song's nice and all but you're scaring the little ones but it's such a beautiful story inspiration is so hard to find i just have to sing wherever it strikes me well maybe it could strike you over there it's beautiful but i'd hate to go alone won't you join me for a long walk on the beach like a date of course darling it would just be you me and your delectable strabbies singing the night away until we drift off to sleep wait is it sorry every time i go to sleep around you my snacks just up and back so no to all that but the date's still a maybe very well i will go and seek my inspiration oh my gosh oh my dear that's actually genius calm down little ones wiggle means well she does not mean well i don't understand you like what do you dude oh my gosh she doesn't even care about him at all she's like he's the rancher he has all of these uh strabby pets she just wants to like bring him and like like lure him on a date until he like falls asleep and then devour his like pet strawberries that was actually genius oh my gosh bump in the night wow hey boys are friendly i didn't eat any of you yet hi who are you i haven't seen you around here before if you're looking for bug snacks you best turn back these little ones are my kin well they're mine yum she's now i was looking for you actually well that's a relief sorry to be short with you i haven't slept much lately i'm granville giggle funny i'm an aspiring bug snacks breeder wait so they do breed excuse me uh i'm not too keen on going to town but i'm running out of room down here i want to get back to my barn trouble is some of my snacks went missing i'm not going back till they're all home you sure they weren't you want to help me and i got a friend to introduce you to follow me okay let me unpause the layers real quick whoa dragon bros so thank you so much for the volatile span the butts send the lights send the likes and looks and the pause show dragon bros all your love and support and appreciation for that follow thank you so much for watching i appreciate it means a lot to me thank you for the sport all right what do you need my help with see that strabby i've been training him to follow my pointer in his buggy ball we were in the middle of training see if you can guide sprout back here to us okay it's like a hamster it's adorable that's cute uh where am i guiding you exactly oh under under the bridge [Music] there you go got the buggy ball now he likes you sprout's always been a good judge of character sprout loves adventure always got along well with lizburg too anyway i'm missing my three peel bugs they like to hide out inside little holes around the beach please find them those little cuties must be so scared without me okay so i guess we're gonna need this [Music] are those the peel bugs they're like orange slices flush them out oh i have to use a trap huh wait an orange peel oh there's different kinds okay here we go exactly now come here is that an ice cream no hey stop defying gravity get down here how am i gonna catch you that does not work dang it wait wait wait i bet you like chocolate don't you snack kiri sleeps in out of the ocean needs to be caught mid leap i won't have snacks on the beach yeah okay i can't just net you wait did i get it no i did not how do you oh no wait you're vulnerable [Music] snack here i just put ketchup all over that ice cream thing oh it's a crab a pineapple yeah it's not going to work pina colada no no no actually i like the whole evening where they're talking it's cute yes sorry sorry yeah yeah yummy [Applause] there's appealing in there hang on you [ __ ] okay we get more chocolate i don't know what we need it for yet this curious night likes to dig things out of the sand and bring them to its lair i've been calling it grapple financially wait like a tarantula but pineapple it burrows into the sand perhaps another bug second i'll dig it out so the apple for sure but how do i lure you no what is this do you like these yeah it doesn't care just seashells and stuff what can i lure you with maybe chocolate oh it loves chocolate oh because it wants to be like chocolate covered apple i guess hanging here she's bro crab apple it is you got it you ish go ahead run to shelter run to shelter oh wait we're filling up on food uh oh grapple we only have room for like one more okay let's find some holes oh hello i just have something for you no get in there wait that's not a queeble it's a kiwi i'm full on snacks what do i do also come back i don't know what to do you're not evil oh it's cute yeah let me see he would maybe well your porsches don't want the limbs like them if all things that it likes it nudges them with its spoon that's cute it loves chocolate this curious snack likes to dig things out the same brains right it likes chocolate and whatever this is it fears the crabs frozen santa perhaps another bug second to get out yes the orange people likes chocolate rolls up and hide inside holes or logs they have to be pushed out so it's nikiri leaves it out of the ocean needs to be caught mid leap hmm well i need to do something with these snacks will you eat them you probably will not eat them anyway i miss it please find them yeah but can i give you two so i can like make room does someone want food where's that one chick that was like trying to trick you into to into letting your guard down so you can eat your friends yeah well we have a problem can i release them oh yeah i can release them okay uh they're all unique though so i kind of don't want to man we can always get more it's fine all right people you get to you get to escape oh it's a raspberry fruit i caught two things there uh release the crab i guess yeah rubble let me see the description for the uh the raspberry the strabby of the beach oh okay no no bro [ __ ] all right let's go talk to the person hello i did the thing i got your bugs you got my little ones back but geez you spooked them real good they don't even want to unroll they don't like being in your trap much hey i had to get them something but i want you to bring them to me without catching them in your trap how lucky you got sprout to help out smother him in chocolate and those queevils will follow him till the end of time oh interesting wait wait i never picked you up oh there you are no no i'm friendly that looks like poop that does not look like chocolate no no i'm friendly no i'm friendly it literally looks like i smothered him in poop it's a meatball for the game it's really really cute no go there man this game is adorable stop where's the other queen i don't know go that way no no no no no stop no no no go to the chocolate go to the chocolate there we go no no don't kill him go this way stop joey you're fine oh grump [Music] yeah i have a good one probably [Applause] whatever it takes i must learn the bug snacks i have to find loose bread love the chocolate i swear dude it looks like poop it does not look like chocolate looks disgusting boys here bro i really wish they changed the color of that a little bit especially with those fumes coming off of it oh no dude do i have to reload the area because i uh i had one of those kiwi guys but i released them yeah follow follow the chocolate follow the chocolate yes yes yes yes but no no no no stop eating no no no no no no come back come on come on come on come on come on yes wait where's the guy no this way i think no no i don't like the auto targeting if i if i mouse too close to the bug snack itself did it okay don't you ever leave me again okay we did it yard chocolate does it does oh everything brown smells poop put that color in the fumes it looks like it could be a different shade of brown just doesn't look good i got your bug size back here you did it oh my ken are all together again i'm so happy i could cry okay here goes okay i did it i'm ready to head back to the ranch thanks for all your help i want you to take sprout with you he's always wanted a life of adventure i'm just holding them back all right good because i need him papa's got a job to do all your friends are going to a new home you're going with this nice grumpus right here i'll miss you something fierce but it's okay you can come see papa anytime you take care of sprout or else okay oh it's cute why is the audio glitching out like that what if i try to capture his friends right now oh i can't deploy it no let me deploy it let me yes yeah [Laughter] we'll go put sprout here it's bath time do bug snacks need to breathe probably not because you've been in there forever pretty sure you've exhausted your supply of oxygen you'll be fine i'll tell you guys it's good to see you it's all good irl comes first of course oh what's that that's a new one no everything's okay there is no problem you're not gonna come out are you you like chocolate come on what do you want chocolate bush why can't they make the bush go poof like the mayor can look fellow bug snack play play with me play with me i'm bug snack like you play it's not working fine you win this one which is one so true well they breathe out something they don't have organs too i don't know they bug stacks no i don't want to have limbs like them did he come out yet he's still in that chocolate bush all right well i'm leaving goodbye would you consider this a slam rancher wannabe well i haven't played slime rancher so i i can't really compare them i don't know what slime rancher is like but this is this is definitely meant to be a really silly game i kind of enjoy it it's fun it's normal no that's the other one what like do my hair i need to pay more attention is that one still in the bush by the way yeah dude they like never leave once they hide they're there forever i don't think there's anything i can get to ram into that bush to get him to come out all right fine oh we did that already okay okay i'm leaving what are there dragon balls dragon bug stacks well those are animals and what are food well these well food is still food but like this is a particular island where the animals are food but then you eat them and it turns you into that food is there anything i can do garlic what do you mean just being here you're doing just fine bud just keep doing you i appreciate you bud whenever you're able to make it to pleasure chat with you but irl here cacti there you are i need to interview you donation look what the snack dragged in oh i wouldn't have come back if i knew you were here that's so well i ain't about to leave now oh yeah me neither then i reckon we're neighbors again howdy neighbor i got my eye on you wambus trouble ham hey you best keep your eyes on your snacks seems like they're getting away from you oh charlie where'd you run off to charlie's a funny way to spell yom shish where's the nyom nyomiji oh i can donate bug snacks uh okay sure why don't you just take them all i donated [Music] donation campaign okay where are you where the heck did you go how's it going wait you want to talk to me it's going good because i don't come to your streams well then yeah it's okay but there's like no pressure hello how are you doing kevin it's good to see you over google your drive people need to use the raptor buying groceries yes i i will buy the groceries i'll bring them and then we'll have a lovely meal together you are what you eat especially in this game they're just allowed to eat them enjoy that thought well but it's not the same kind of a lie they they are intended to be eaten and you enjoy this thought okay for mr biochem major the purpose of a fruit is to lure an animal because they're so colorful and bright and delicious the animals lured to the fruit to eat it so that it can then poop out the seeds which are designed to survive the gastrointestinal tract and then the seeds get scattered so that the plants can spread and grow in other locations that is the purpose of fruit you're welcome and that's why poop is such good fertilizer hello yeah basketball how's the farmer holding that hoe that is a very good question i do not know science with gary yes i didn't know you did biochem i did i got my bachelor's degree in biochemistry you need help oh this stranger i could use your help with something see nobody's figured out how bug snacks reproduce but i got an idea i think i might be able to garden them throw them in the dirt like plants uh okay i thought you're gonna see one of me to watch them but okay we'll try well half of them look like fruit but i reckon there's more to it than that i've seen bug snacks crawl out of the dirt that weren't there before fresh and gooey-like seems promising to me so they come from all i need to start off is a root and a fruit should be simple enough okay how do i get that rent oh shoot i just donated my fruits and fruits [Applause] no a root and a fruit what does that mean well fruit is straightforward what do you mean by a root a root bug snack [Music] how many oh there you are i was looking for you have time for an interview never done an interview before um how does it work just answer my questions who are you uh gramble giggle funny i look after all the bug snacks in town to make sure they don't wander off welcome to snacks island i heard burt was gathering up some grumps to be part of her new family and i thought i could really use one of those you don't have a family i did but then they uh can we talk about something else yep that's fine thoughts on bug snacks well they're just the cutest little things aren't they i don't understand how anybody could look into their googly little eyes and want to eat them i mean their food but everybody dogs eat bug snacks um well they don't eat none of mine and that's what counts why'd you leave town without liz to bring in snacks everybody got mighty hungry it untreated my barn like a grocery store i held him off for a while but i should have known wambus never quits what did wimba still the next night i woke up to him throwing my snacks into a sack i panicked and i let the rest go free broke my heart but it's better than them getting eaten i left that night for the beach and started rebuilding my family okay are your bug snacks safe from maybe wiggles a lot but she's got a good heart if she really likes me she'll learn to love bug snacks the way i do mmm i wouldn't be so sure buddy ain't info on this very elizabeth she'd bring me lots of new friends to take care of sometimes we'd work together training my little ones sometimes she'd ask for one and i'd have to say goodbye what would you do with the bug snacks i like to think they're all like sprout helping out like little sidekicks but sometimes she didn't get enough on the hunt she always liked to bring something back for agabell can we talk about something else what happened to lizard sometimes i wake up at night and i'm out of bed lost in the woods what i think i see liz bird out there watching me like a vengeful spirit can we talk about something else dang okay well you're good i don't think i like interviews very much well it's fine bluesberg dropped this in my barn back when i never got around to giving it back i don't know what it's for but you can have it if you promise never to interview me again okay all right you're fine a diary key is it the key to that chicks diary the the the one that i hate the pink the purple one you may have your parties maybe maybe you don't numb your horses you may hug the [ __ ] how is he not starving and i don't i don't know maybe he lives off of ketchup and chocolate sweet all right well i need to get more roots and fruits you know did your buddies maybe just a little bit yummy sometimes oh airship all right well let's go back we got to go help the chick look at all the lovely snacks we've caught oh i forgot i could scan people a sharp tongue socialized knew my bestie apparently bad because attention details right she notices everything that's wrong with me oh my gosh where are the flying lemon things i think i was in the previous area wasn't it all right what do you want welcome back now that philbo and wambus are gone there are way more snacks around here what do you want scan all the snacks here fill up your journal then we can swap deets but don't be surprised if they're not all out at the same time bug snacks gotta sleep too ah so the time of day is actually important got it so we might have to go back to town and sleep why don't we go ahead and work on that how long it's gonna be i don't know i can't imagine it's too long more snacks yes we're gonna scan them and maybe catch a couple for that garden white strawberry exactly describing every other way than this pale color the heck yeah i'd be scared too i don't blame you i didn't expect it to fall over like that but it doesn't seem to mind anymore okay all right seriously it's very serious wait that's a new one that's a new one weenie worm a lazy little worm is only motivated by ketchup but it's a weenie flavor falls let's consider bug snacks in garden grove the bug snacks and yummy and i'm gonna scan and catch them because they're actual i wonder we got your carrot real quick because i think i need it i think i need the carrot can we wear so bad they're just so predictable i can catch them in my trap what's this branch trust so you can grow ketchup ranch dressing and chocolate okay wait twisty snack pot hidden around flavorful not quite as healthy as you think how do i catch you oh i can just net you i like that music by the way oh during mics for my bronze onto a cheer one sub jasmine i love the butts of websites the pause spam everything welcome back derrick mike's big examples wiggle your awesome i appreciate you thank you so much for that support you get the guard love garbage girl paul once again subscriber images in the discord had no idea watching the stream enjoy those emotes enjoy your language privileges and chat enjoy the sub badge next was that a sandwich [Music] loves what is that yellow thing nothing gets its attention [Music] okay hmm well we can get the carrot at least what you turned here oh trap hmm i do something more intelligent for those how do you catch this nobody wants to be in the middle of a santa wait what do you like though we love ranch have an idea dang it ugh my trap smells like ranch now maybe they'll all like huddle up inside of it all right let's see if this works no don't fall over okay [Applause] is standard are you happy i've covered you in the ranch wait i don't think i have the tool necessary to catch these guys it's too big yeah okay let's get out of here so seriously look i got sasha herrera all right sure thank you refreshes remember wiggly see you soon big boy isla would you even have the inventory space oh yeah that's true maybe i wouldn't what are strawberries like probably ketchup if i had to guess no but but ketchup i mean but chocolate just come already it's chocolate yes of course you're getting a little bit impatient okay i already caught the weenie ladies again this is bug snacks game of the year we're back at his farm uh yeah i went back to because this chick wants me to scan different enemies i mean different bugs just come right you're bad yes this is bug snakes you can get it on pc on the epic games launcher i think we need to come back at a different time of day let's come back at a different time of day okay it's not orgasm different on your bug snacks they're not enemies they're bugs huh you know it it looks just a little bit um exploded but i'm sure we can patch that up eventually that's mine oh it's yours well you travel in style buddy well if you don't mind i'd love to fly it someday okay so yeah how do you think good do you think this game is um the dialogue and characters are pretty fun at times the the creatures are kind of funny and the trap gameplay i did it right where's the farmer wait you have a hat of a of a strawberry at the strabble i need some chocolate thank you and now you're a ranch very nice so whatever i find he starts growing no i don't usually remember everything you know you're getting a drink on your backyard wake up we need to talk i did the thing i planned yourself thank you kindly i'll get those bug snacks growing you'll see all right i did it now i'll donate some snacks here sure have this have this like this the size of your heart is growing so you're inventories just keep donating ah i had a feeling yeah so the more you donate the more inventory space you get oh oh you come back to mark snacks party kiwi is it really comfortable to have a spoon wedged into your body like that pie pie oh yes squirrel this girl it's good to see you every week i don't want your pie pie pie fruit didn't i donate like a weenie thing to where's the weenie oh part of pineapple's tarantula part part part the tropical drink right is that how you look at me you're turning towards me but your eyes are on the side of your head i'm hungry backyard yes go guard they go to a full turn where's the weenie where's the weenie hiding i donated a weenie where'd you put the weenie what did you do with the weenie i gave you where's the weenie i gave you a weenie where is it where'd you put the weenie hey there i donated a weenie but it's not here it's gone we know you only know where's the bat no but seriously it's like the only it's the only bug stack i can't find didn't i donate the weenie is it in here no it's [Music] pretty sure i donated the weenie not the octopi i don't know where it is escaped i don't know where it went that's kind of creepy dude what do you do i don't know where it is okay well whatever moving on i need it to be daytime okay so let's sleep i'm using your bed now sleep till noon show you on your [Applause] what did he ask me he asked me to donate animals you need help i suppose even though we're home the little ones are still restless i think they might be getting lonely after all the barn used to be chock full of bug snacks i'd be real grateful if you donate a few more bug snacks to my barn maybe a half dozen or so i already did that oh they're all so cute thank you so much hopefully my little ones will settle down maybe i can even start training them again [Music] okay yeah sure thing all right let's go back up buddy bad is there a track or the progress you made what do you mean i mean yeah i have a journal to like track my quests and stuff farming games right yeah everyone try this right love you so much okay well that's new are those peppermint wings sweetie fly it's just running fast enough so it eventually sets down to rest she ain't tired where are you going though okay so you can't knock it out of the sky like the drink okay i mean i did scan them all i guess i scanned all the gross necks gee you really got them all i knew i picked the right grumpus not that i'm surprised after all i've read all your articles have you noticed even if i don't believe in the grumpa acabra or whatever your interviews were always on point good picks too well thank you you've got a way of digging up the truth out of the lies but enough about you let's talk befica i want you to use that journalistic instinct to find out what my favorite bug snack is and feed it to me ops how about i use the key on your journal that's my diary [Music] no no no she's want secrets i guess the key goes to something else there's a lowly attack attached to make the lesson he's already done yes pro force lizard happy every happy hug big eyes kyle uh keep the commands to me exclusively kyle [Music] well i think she likes the pineapple things don't be a sucker like them oh they're like mosquitoes oh gosh candy patch pile of sugar sticks evidence of a bug stack this bike does seem to appear during the day but when it's not raining wait let me see can i loot this oh no i can't hmm [Music] yes [Music] you're gonna learn all these secrets nothing can be hidden from the boys the boys decide the best oh my i haven't seen because they don't taste like peppermint yeah i wouldn't lie i know i i agree on a percent uh did you figure it out when i was here my the burgers are cute they are they are they are adorable hmm well i'm gonna i'm gonna go get the pineapple i have a feeling it's either the tropical drink i think actually i think she likes the tropical drink i'm gonna go get it when i look back at the room i think he missed a clue oh did i those living screens are longer than i would expect and my cam goes haywire during them and big eyes empire they're doing blind yes yes just keep it blind no backseating no spoilery knows i'll take a look cuz i remember her commenting on the drink she seemed to be interested but let's see oh she likes to weenie she likes the weenie okay i see okay well we'll go get her a weenie then 33 he's awesome well done longer here the more you earn another vice versa it's not no it's not no wall it's it's a hot dog weenie i don't think i got your bad he even knows the glue first oh dude i got bite up my dirt i guess i forgot [Music] [Music] okay now you have you will now have a weeny left foot good answer you really get me i know you're just doing this stuff for me because you want me back in snacksburg but i don't mind if you really want to be besties with me i want some dirt wambus acts totally mysterious before he goes to bed around 10 every night i want you to find out what he's up to and tell me what you don't want to wait around you can always just take a nap until it's time between 10 pm and 1 am huh all right i guess it's time to be a snoop it is a weenieware no i know i don't like the weenie that means i imagine you commented the first time hmm two grams of this area like we bought only one what bro boys you weenie wrote do i don't what i mean i mean this is good nyamji it's a hot dog it's good yum she's proportions thank you adam we know it's yes but but not not not in the other way okay i will donate you will have bunger you will have shish bug how do people eat this you have legs and fangs that are like toothpicks and like yours you have a spoon but they eat them whole oh there's the weenie i was looking for you where were you before weenie worm and then you're the peel bug where's the bunger where'd you put the bunker i guess it's only displaced some of them at a time whoa even wiggly devin brad thank you so much for the followers in the box send the lips send the licks in love us and the paws show devon brad your loving support and appreciation for that follow thank you so much i appreciate it means a lot to me thank you for the sword if you'd like to see us a snack draggy hmm i don't really know to be honest wiggle wiggle pog wiggle we already know there's a pizza pizza like bat or something hmm what else maybe like a ramen octopus or something with like noodle tentacles now there wouldn't be enough ramen has to have way more than that it'd have to be like a what what's that sea creature that has like tons of 10 is it called a nautilus or something there's a particular secret like octopus only has eight tentacles right there's a sea creature that has like i think hundreds or something i think it's like a nautilus does anybody know what it's called a soda soda might be interesting never ever ever gain uh midnight works i guess between 10 p.m i mean it looks like he's just going to sleep oh he's getting up that was a quick sleep don't mind me i'm not snooping you miss your wife huh yeah farming didn't go so well today soil's depleted oh but i won't give up yet i wonder how your day is going oh trippy i miss you so much i would hug your cactus facsimile but it would only hurt me further please don't hug that that i wasn't stupid no yeah poison no [Music] dude he literally just took like walked three feet away from his bed and did that why did you even need my help i don't really think that was very difficult to discover like your graves grapes might be interesting you're bad and you're bumping the night no pup in the night he misses his wife okay his wife is green cactus is green so he uses a cactus to represent his wife that he misses omg wham this has a fake cactus wife like he wasn't prickly enough already ten out of ten hey you're so mean snacksberg sounds way more fun than sitting around in this cave i thought it'd be relaxing but it's toads boring plus i don't know nearly enough about you yet i'm just itching to dig up more dirt hmm bestie yeah sure okay oh there's a total of 12 we can see at the top left yeah that's my bad where's my new that's weird i never do as long as he doesn't like the cactus yeah don't hug what does facsimile mean by the way that's a new word for me i guess like a replacement or something that represents something else what is a facsimile can someone define it for me i need a dictionary where's your pure and not where do you like to chill frames yeah every time i go through a loading screen the frames crash dude i'm starting to think my pc is dying or something because in the youtube stream yesterday i was complaining about how i have to run godfall and like minimum settings and someone else was like oh they could run at a much higher settings with like weaker specs so i don't know dude shouldn't you drive advisors today i appreciate my personal really ish a copy i see wake up we need to talk interview time i thought you'd never ask omg i have so many hot takes dear lord you're such a narcissist all right start interview let's go who are you i'm befika winkles new and i basically do whatever i want yep sounds about right sure but what do you do professionally let's just say i'm an information specialist okay so you do nothing why come to snacktooth island i'm here on vacay uh unrelated fun fact did you know that no international laws apply out here is that fun fact unrelated i'm just saying if you got in trouble like a lot of trouble and all your friends turned against you this would be a great place to hide out forever so you're a criminal thoughts on bug snacks oh they're so cute i could literally eat them up and i do why'd you leave town there's drama and then there's drama we have too many geminis around here and i'm done getting caught up in social dumpster fires fair and that's why you were living in a cave hey my cave was sweet plus it was close enough to wambus that i could swipe some sauce when i needed to thief but what specifically made you want to leave cromdo that greedy little squeam started looting the second liz was gone then he tried to sell me her projector dang so i like posted pics of all his little crimes and then i got out of there before he could get back at me hey i'm pulling lizbert what don't i know about liz bert wink please answer the question uh liz is smart and fearless and she can see the talent in all of us it's impossible not to look up to her she's practically invincible but she does have one weakness and what's that pega bell liz would go to the end of the world and back to make her happy and if i've learned anything in life it's that you can't let your happiness depend on somebody else what happened to lizberry liz and agabell got in a big argument before liz went hunting i haven't seen either of them since oof if i'm being optimistic maybe they're on a romantic getaway sorting it out together [Music] all right that's everything thank you no prob i'm just happy to see your interview skills in action oh and before you go i think you should take another key it's the key to liz's cabinet the stuff in there is really personal but finding her is more important than keeping all her secrets wait so is her place here i have two keys for her place how many more secrets are you keeping how did you come buy that key sorry interview's over don't let me down bestie liz cabinet key check your journal for details all right that's true don't you use facebook but still how old was your computer two years just saying wait i mean yeah for sure for sure how was your computer really international laws no no you make the law shiny law is still here all sides belong to me and i'm not in yom it's another law wait i could swipe toilet paper okay so she's a word right freaky little bet you know i'm not young so she believes that you can't allow your happiness to depend on someone else so that's why she's so mean to everyone there's some truth to that some truth to that you need to be able to have some independence in terms of your happiness to where like you're not dependent on someone else how they feel about you what they say about you to feel happy you need to be able to trust in yourself and believe in yourself to an extent but at the same time i do believe a source of happiness can be making the lives of others around us happier making a positive difference in the world and that's what i want to do every single day doing what i can to make my wigglers wigglies happy all around me every single day there's some truth but that's not entirely true but it's not to the point to where like oh like i mean yeah i'd be pretty sad if i had no wiggles like if everyone left i'd be every person i'd miss everyone i mean i love my wigglies to bits but it's not like my happiness ultimately 100 depends on them and there has to be some kind of internal i mean this it's the sort of thing that keeps me going like even if the numbers drop yeah it like affects me but i can still push and believe and keep fighting because i have a certain degree of confidence in my own beliefs and capabilities that the numbers can come you know if that makes sense basically it's more complicated weren't you sleeping why did you get here so fast it's more complicated than that oh dragon tv you're glaring at me i'll talk to him in a moment uh drag tv to criminal free i didn't show you hey what was that one poem about happiness you mentioned a while ago poem about happiness i had a poem about productivity you mean if campfire i don't remember a poem about happiness uh two years later i'm going to just restrain from the regular streams position could be that's all the numbers are about let's hope indeed i mean should be nice to have everything but it's just like a campfire like i kind of had to address what she said because that was kind of a philosophical point there there are some moments in this game where they throw they throw depth out of you at you out of nowhere you kind of have to catch it you look excited you're really doing it you're bringing everybody back you even got bethica here and she's awful you know what we should do we should throw a welcome back party sure let's do it big ice approaches that movie mingle with the party guest [Applause] [Music] let's get a good tune yeah this one's good i want to see my options though [Music] this is decent as well nah i kind of like this one it has a tropical feel to it [Music] although he's the only one dancing nobody else cares hi well howdy stranger seems you're getting along just fine royalty-free doing okay on mine things like this don't sit right with me it feels like i should be getting worked up that's exactly how i feel i can respect that we are not friends oh geez well i don't agree with that one hey don't be so mean yeah i always feel like i should be getting work done oh hey you remember charlie how's my little sprout doing he misses papa yeah of course he does maybe you should let me watch him for a few days oh maybe even a week or a year or two uh welcome back how's the barn well it's good and locked uh great it's it's good to be secure what happened to the snacks you were babysitting for me uh-oh great catching up with you buddy [Laughter] newsies shocked oh i was gonna say something oh yeah but just to make a point this is why like people say oh like don't feel bad if you take a day off or oh drag you should take some time for yourself i can't it's not just about like oh i don't have time to like i can't fall behind i need to keep pushing to grow it's not just that it's also like i can't enjoy time off because if i ever do take time off i'll constantly be thinking about the work i could be doing to potentially grow more to bring in new weeklies more people i can make happier every single day and to continue to snowball growth so like i can't really enjoy time off because i always feel like it's a missed opportunity to do more work to progress further so and it's not even like you may you may think oh that sounds horrible like dear lordran that sounds terrible you sound trapped no not really because honestly i love what i do i'm very passionate about what i do it's okay especially when i see results dear lord when i see results i have basically infinite energy like i i never i i have no need for rest i i'm very passionate about what i do i love what you do i don't mind how hard i work and i'm willing to work even harder that's perfectly fine with me and honestly this new system we have in place you might think oh my gosh draggy you streamed it you stream to three different places every day and you upload like four plus videos a day and like and then all social media posts and catching up with all notifications you respond to all comments how the heck and first off i have a lot of help i have my team but second off yeah man i just love what i do i love what i do i enjoy it that being said when i do get time freed up i would like to be able to get more sleep and some other things but in terms of like needing to like i don't know take a vacation to other stuff i have no need for that i'm fine i think i personally love you so much 20k hugs heck yeah baby that's a major milestone i like it i'm not you know she takes your time off of enjoyment yeah you could say that i love what i do you know you know your passion okay let me put it this way someone put it to me like this before you know you're passionate about something when like even if you were independently wealthy you would still want to do it and that's how i feel about this that's how i feel about content creation big as a person and i don't mean just the streaming like everything like i mean the youtubing like it it's kind of growing on me i'm starting to like it you know there's no notifications or sleep it's not just gaming but it's content creation social media management youtube video creation it's not easy so you do just sleep big as a precious laser gamer if it was just streaming dear lord i would be streaming much longer every day it's a lot more to it than just streaming and the reason why i can i throw the youtube streams on top is because i can take that footage and make videos out of it without worrying about any 24-hour live content exclusively there bestie good to see you finally somebody worth talking to living here is better than that cave but it's still pretty dull like where's the drama ad thanks for coming to the party beth i like live here now you started a party around me geez what a shirt i'll take what i can get how's the butt juice isn't this just water well uh it's it's bug infused so it's about as strong as you i give this party a two you're such a jerk why are you so mean to him uh come on everybody it's a party drink mingle get wild befka doesn't this music make you just want to dance with you as if my new besties the only reason you don't even use me as an excuse to be meaningless gramble you two probably have loads to talk about i got nothing to say to a guy like wambus [Music] oh yeah well go on and say it it's your fault we're in this mess if you to let us eat your precious livestock we could have kept together they weren't livestock they were my little ones by ken you lied and stole them away cause you can't grow food for yourself you think these walking vegetables are your family i got news for you gramble bug snacks will never love you you don't know a thing about love that's why your wife left you violence to you no no hey let's let's all take a breath here don't act like you're in charge if you had the spine to lead us everybody would still be here fine all y'all gang up on me it don't make me wrong you all won't drift me back so bad go find her yourself dang dude wow oh that fell apart fast no oh that wasn't ideal poor thing but maybe after a few dozen more parties we'll all be friends again are you okay bud either way thanks for being here buddy no like are you really okay i just realized you haven't had any bug snacks yet well you must be starving no i'm good i don't want to turn into that have a strabby on me maybe we can end this night on a high note no no no no i didn't oh i have to huh i'm not sure i want to eat that come on at least try it you got to be curious right no i don't want my arms to turn into that my journalistic integrity forbids me huh how can you write about bug snacks without first-hand experience secondhand experience dang it that's the spirit [Music] what just happened uh are are you okay oh gosh i'm so sorry buddy i uh i guess you're allergic to bug snacks i didn't see that coming oh gosh don't worry about it all right as long as you're fine i'll um i'll get out of your hair ugh are my limbs okay at least my feet seem fine my hands i can't pull out my traps here um big eggs yes uh i don't get why do they have food limbs so they eat the bug snacks and then their limbs turn into food like the snack they ate yeah i decided um i spiked you there what the heck that did get really dark i want to see my arms i think my legs are okay i can't i can't pull out a trap here okay so we need it we need to free more people that bridge is still up you okay oh that old coop wambus he thinks bug snacks grow if you plant them in dirt definitely in this game is that normal it is normal for them yeah take care dude this thing is temporary it's not wearing off their limbs are still that but i wonder why that's only been happening that's good all right you seem chill again i only came out here for tiffany but sometimes i wonder if she'd do the same for me i'll find her buddy bye-bye what happened was afk a fight we tried having a party and it went south did not go well at all here you go beach do we have any other options what's up i was wondering where that music came from all right let's go this way okay i know i missed a few messages i apologize i i was kind of focused on that cutscene you can repeat your message i'll read it all right you're not wet scorched gorge oh dang oh i forgot to check liz's place for the keys is that a fire scorpion first this pop tick that's chocolate they're too small to catch in a trap and maybe some heat will puff them off scorpeno the snack oh it's got a jalapeno stabby tail lobs fiery peppers anything that catches its attention i thought i heard something make noise behind me it loves honey i don't have honey i got to make it puff up with heat i need to use that but honey gets its attention i don't think there's anything oh and my hands are fine okay so good i'm not turning into bug snack limbs thank goodness what is that is that the pizza no these things never land if only there was a way to catch the mid-air dude it's got dorito wings and it's a cheeto body is it attacking me oh it's definitely attacking me oh my gosh spidey protects his center by charging intruders with its powerful jaws it loves ketchup it hates other spuddies huh you seem like you shouldn't be too difficult to capture though hey you oh yeah up here hi follow me and i'll show you the deal of a lifetime hey come here that does not work what do you like again ketchup okay what even are you oh you've got like a baked bread surrounded by i don't know what your body is there's like it's bread with butter on top and then are you chocolate around i can't tell what is this hot sauce oh i get it make them ram into each other me hey come back i need you yes yes it is i'm sorry got him spotty well that's interesting maybe i can get this to get you to open this for me hi i can smart can you not what are these shy weeny worms stop yeah you can't get me up here what are you gonna do laser worm is only motivated by its hatred of ketchup hates ketchup that was impossible this game is like island saver yes popcorn dude is there normal squares man i got a big one that's on fire yes it sounds nice honey thank you very much julie maddy is it's nice to make other people happy very warm but there's always little you give too much yourself to put it so you could also be detrimental to your mental health important sometimes put your sufferers especially even means take care of doing that you love exactly ah yeah yeah thank you ty i appreciate it that's very true i agree 100 baked potato ah i think you're right baked potato baked potato gravy part looks like foil ah that would make sense with the spuddy that makes sense yeah the skeletons oh boy what happened here i think you're right that makes a lot of sense oh wait no come back i mean what if i just wait for you to like come into the trajectory i don't think i have to do any tricks here keep going keep going wait wait oh peel bug green peel bud limes so wait what if i shoot you with hot sauce let me see again you love honey and chocolate you hate hot sauce wait why oh oh gosh i don't think he likes that very much to your lord has shot fire at me so let's go get icee do you sleep on my wiggly dragon dream all right it's good to see you dear lord no no i think it's mad at me wait maybe i can get it to shoot here don't burn your pores can i catch it now what did it say maybe some heat will puff them in here is some bits somewhere on like facebook or something you probably have yeah yeah facebook facebook i do post there thank you so much 100 bits i appreciate the support every time i share hype in chat you're out of power no worries sorry to hear that dream yeah yeah i am indeed on facebook thank you thank you so much i appreciate it means a lot to me pop tick so they're cool it's the corn colonel you pop them to get the popcorn i see that's funny no no no no stop setting my trap on fire no okay try again but thank you so much brad i appreciate it thanks so much for 100 bits yeah that's my facebook page why is it on fire did it even shoot shooting yet stop shooting my trap yep forget it you suck oh oh okay we're in attack now dude i think that guy just really doesn't like the traps okay we'll patrol this way right so just yeah he just really hates traps is there a way i can like break line of sight with him yeah maybe that works but yeah thank you so much everybody baby shoot with something yeah i was thinking maybe using a hot sauce to scare but it looks like we'll be fine here got it pretty good oh man blind yeah my skin no backseat no spoilery nose i like it i think bug stuff is actually pretty good game but yes if you're enjoying this stream make sure you don't forget to follow doucheroom every single day starting at 12 pm ending at 4 pm central it'd be great to have you with us and also join the discord it is a level 3 discord server tons of dragon emotes are missing out if you're not already in there so make sure you hop on in high they worshipped the almighty flying pizza oh i forgot to scan these this mural the grumpus is opening a section of wall near the river they are carrying some sort of parcel interesting i really just stopped a billboard off the wall did i'm here random how are you doing my wiggle it's good to see random these are actual yum she's crazy almighty pizza yes oh ripple ripple peed let's hide sit still maybe because some sauce could get it to move what sauce do you like hot sauce [Music] we'll talk to you in a moment okay hi yes oh goodness i didn't notice you there hi how are ya i'm tiffany ladablog you caught me doing some archaeology try not to step on the skulls yeah can do we come back to snacks you want me to come back to snacksberg gosh look around ya there's a whole civilization buried here and i barely dug one hole but i could use a trip to the old research tent once i get a few samples your husband is there though these skeletons something's fossilized in their stomachs looks a bit like a local bug snack i'll need some live ripple peeds if you wouldn't mind could you help me find some they like to hide on the walls and these your ruins yeah i got one of them you need three i don't have that much hot sauce we might have to go get some more oh we have enough all right one more oh i might be able to get that one without doing anything well that was easy thank you bro boys these are very pro boys uh so crazy i live cool so everyone's told everyone kind of busy we gotta check her out it's all good randomly ladies good to see you bro boy she's thank you remember wiggly got it no take care wait oh i gotta feed them to you why do you wanna eat them sure you're gonna walk on bones now have fun have fun balancing on those oh oh i could have done it to your leg oh that's new [Music] look like they have bones they're squishy all the way through oh so what did these fellas eat then well like grandma always said if you want answers dig through their sock drawer i want to get into that dwelling over there but the door's blocked up if you could do something to get that door open that'd be real swell apparently i already did that you're welcome oh you're too kind meet me inside okay um anyway so what i was gonna say is maybe that spoon from that one uh bug snack wow why you don't care about her but you try to kill me and maybe the the uh toothpicks on that other bug snack they aren't actually a spoon or a toothpick what you're not wait i didn't sand welcome it's good to see your void not yummy ribs are delicious i like ribs too they taste good but they're just really messy to eat i don't like food that i have to use my hands so much to get the ball saucy probably part of the reason because i'm always working i need to use my mouse and keyboard all the time so i i can't work and like eat ribs or anything so i don't like eating food that i can't cleanly eat with my hands what are you looking at get out these murals are still preserved as far as i knew we were the first grumps to settle this island but here we got a thousand years of history unaccounted for generations of grumpuses who hunted and ate bug snacks just a cosmic reminder that nothing really lasts say hmm what's this looks like there's a hidden chamber somewhere in the canyon could that be where they stored bug snacks would you mind finding that chamber and if there's bug snacks there please bring them to me take care apparently i already did that i already did that wait wait wait wait wait i already did it i already did it oh apparently oh i left my my thing over there oops come back i did it already it was the shy weeny worm neat oh that it's like clipping into each other the taste is a little off i'm wondering how long those snacks were in there very long did you find anything else in the chamber a lot of corpses hmm that's a little intense for an ancient storage shed you know that just might have been a burial chamber but if that's where they put their dead why are all these bones out in the open hmm well i gotta solve this mystery sorry but i won't be going back hey but i did what you asked what about wambus if wambus wants me back well he can come out here and tell me himself dang you might have heard things haven't been too good between us i keep telling myself i'll get around to cnm but it's just easier to uh stay out here with the bones what wham has dressed the cactus to look like you oh my sweet deer i guess the big lug really misses me well i miss him too but i'm still mad i thought maybe time would help but time's just pushing me closer to the grave and i'm not feeling any better i suppose i could try being among the living for a while that's a good idea hey i did it [Music] you know you're not young as i was doing your bumper than i do i can't get candies actually um why are they still getting stunned over there i pulled my i pulled my ball back i retrieved it they're like infinitely stunned i may have bugged them or something happy no yeah should i go that way let's get out of here first oh wait what about the guy oh this is what's happening these guys are continuously knocking into each other i have to see this hang on why oh cause they hate each other right right right right this is what's been happening well gee thanks for making it so easy i appreciate it much appreciated oh you bugged the bug so that's what happened he even died in this game i don't think so i get you may have blocked the whole easy hole [Laughter] bro see i'm so good at catching bug snacks proposes what's over here he's a little easy-peasy oh this is back to snacksburg okay what about the guy who told me to follow him i think i'm missing something i need to go back there you know like you're going to the same bag then yes bro gamer bro boys let's go let's go you're back oh had to come by and pick up supplies is that a new garden you got there yep are you gonna stay for long well that depends there any reason for me to stick around dang man trippy i'm sorry i've been a dang fool yep it's just i can't grow much out in that desert yeah and you got a lot of growing to do i wasn't gonna give up my dig site either we may have different goals sometimes and we may not be in the same place but that doesn't mean we're not together i guess i could leave my farm every now and again and come see your dig site maybe even lend a helping paw you better now give me a kiss you hot dish gladly welcome home what said no nothing yeah they are very territorial nice night out yeah hey buddy i'm glad you're here uh i've been talking to the other grumpuses and uh i think they could use your help what's wrong not just with chores and stuff but you know uh personal issues it can be hard dealing with your problems alone you know it won't get you closer to lisberg but it'd mean a lot if you could help the others nice night out okay yeah you just said that are you growing peppers now yes or hot sauce good good good good good we need all of that all right i'll donate these bug snacks i don't really have a use for them [Music] you're no longer popped like that little popcorn command's a nice night out nice night out though yeah very nice night out he's nice [Music] all right well this isn't really working they're not growing so what do we need to talk about ah another fine date stranger i want mince words thanks for bringing trippy home you're welcome get along now you don't really seem to want to talk to me you oh that old coot wambus he thinks bug snacks grow if you plant them in dirt how does that make any sense i mean maybe okay do you want something bug snacks are toads delish 10 out of 10 woody again i could just sit here eating bug snacks all day so i do okay bye-bye it's chilly tonight where's where's the chick where's tiffany where's the one i just brought here did she leave already i don't know where she went well i said that's a lot of watching bad news you're no i do not i am so done with realm don't need too many bug snacks yeah i don't want to turn into you know you don't want to turn into a bug snack if you eat so many dude what if that's what it is what if you eat enough bug snacks you eventually actually become a bug snack oh shoot i didn't even think about that like like fully like what if we're actually eating the other people oh no oh oh gosh [Music] dude oh geez i literally just thought of that what if we're eating other grumpuses that turned into bug snacks oh god oh gosh it might be cannibals there you are i was looking for you yeah sure sounds like a real hoot yeah it's certainly a real hoot we get bad those are people maybe but we're gonna learn more who are you oh i go digging up bits of history and try to piece them back together just an old coin or a severed toe under a rock but this island's chalk full of fines but then again there are those bones so maybe not your name oh goodness my name i'm tiffany ladablog welcome to snacktruth island i heard about the trip to snacktooth and thought well i could keep scraping at odds and ends till the day i die or i could really get out there try following in grandma's footsteps his grandma you might have heard of veronica a lot of blog an adventure in type just like lizbert she filled up our old house with relics and sketches taught me to love history bless her heart lots of bug snacks amazing don't you think we got paintings about snacks from a thousand years ago grumpus civilization rises collapses and turns to dust but the bug snacks they always stay they are walking records of history hmm why'd you leave town it's less i left and more i stopped coming back i wasn't even there when the fight broke out imagine me coming home to find wambus all red in the face and at ramble's throat is that why you and william split no no nothing so simple as that i wanted him to come with me to the ruins honest but he wouldn't give up his farm not even for me stubborn fool any info and lisbert lovely gail that lizbert wasn't often we'd both be in town at the same time and when we were we usually be in the medical tent getting treated by agabel we'd swap stories about what we found and show off our grisliest scars you got injured that often adventurin is a dangerous business archaeology less soul but the lotta blog method can be unconventional bug the heck outta egabel she never liked to see anyone hurt least of all liz um what happened to lizburt you know out here it's only a matter of time before you fall in a hole or get wedged in a crevice especially with all these earthquakes shifting the geography around not to be morbid but it could be a thousand years before somebody finds where lizberg wound up thanks learned a lot do you have any anything for me oh you're too kind i'm just happy to chip in and solve a mystery or two speaking of mysteries something we can read it's locked i think we have a key for it open without damaging whatever's inside i'm thinking you might have better luck with it yeah yeah i think i have a keyframe anywho i've nearly talked your ear off better get back to work eh yep yep i have the key i have it i have it i have it don't walk into me cool all right you can't be allergic to people those are good very much about weekly well maybe when they're in that form love history yes feeding all their bugs we'll see we'll see anyone got anything no no medium all right let's see it's a scroll this is a secret code check your journal for details cool mouse looks like i need to weigh down the pressure plates in order first left so we know we need three people yeah door's attached to some h effect it looks like it might take at least three compasses to activate these so there's three pressure plates you start with the one on the left all we know so far the cabinet in liz is hot where's her hat oh this huh oh make a video diary check your journal for details oh yeah we should watch this a while ago let's take a look number two did we miss number one do we have a way to play it oh we do i'll start with this one i don't know start with number one you do die trigger journal for details okay okay okay ah we'll be able to unlock that later there's lizbert and the doctor i forgot her name already drawing pictures of the bug snacks there wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle what was your name buggy that you got it girl i think canadian accent yeah i i think the characters are well done i'm actually enjoying them like this is way better character design than godfall all right and and way better dialogue too let's start with the first one back in town just in time for a gorgeous doctor to treat my grave well this gorgeous doctor thinks you're an idiot it's too quiet well that stinks and after i faced those snacks just for you don't joke around i don't want you taking risks to impress me but you are impressed trying to look strong for your audience so how's it look bill i think i'll be up and hunting soon no you need to stay awhile liz iggabel you miss me that much i just want you in peak hunting condition speaking of you haven't seen the hallmark from my latest excursion oh did you bring me something good you tell me it's a brand oh that's sweet what did how do you think this game is i'm feeling at least an eight so far stuff i mean you know it's not perfect but i'm i'm feeling i'm feeling so far i feel eight i'm i'm i'm enjoying it i'm really really enjoying it like i want to continue you're saying i was always saying the bar too high true very true surprise i'm back early and have i got a story for you bill okay i couldn't help both of them everybody was shouting at me i didn't know what to do and none of that you unfold what's the point if i can't help anybody just sit here all day while everybody else is out there all productive and happy that's not true you help me all the time like when i cut my pool you only got hurt because you were getting snacks for me you were there when the world was laughing at me you were there for me during the worst days of my life yeah thanks liz it's so sad yeah there's a surprising amount of depth to these characters i thought i was gonna be something super childish but i'm actually kind of interested in their interactions and their stories that's really sad poor ecobell is the gameplay yesterday in your stream oh god fault well yesterday in the last night in the youtube stream yes yesterday in the twitch stream i played uh i don't even remember what did i stream yesterday oh miles morales that's right rng okay let's go find that guy that we're supposed to follow i didn't see any other routes in the desert if i didn't take a good look around so let me see scorched gorge wiggles i want you all to know something you're very precious to me and i appreciate you every single day each and every single one of you all of you individuals you mean the world to me thank you all so much for being here and i don't want you to ever think hey i'm talking to my wiggles okay yeah yeah i got that you said that earlier i want you to know that seriously seeing your names here every day makes me more happy than you can imagine and i appreciate you i don't want you to ever think you don't make a difference that you don't matter or that i don't notice or anything believe me i do notice and like i don't see your names as much i miss you because i love you very much we're a family here and i appreciate you mean so much to me so don't ever think that you're worthless or you don't mean anything and i'm just one person i'm just one small piece of your lives you have i'm sure other people in our lives could say the same but from my perspective you mean so much to me every single day and i appreciate you thank you so much i love you very much what time is the youtube stream there's no scheduled time it's experimental it's at night you're asleep by then i'm sure because you live in eu you know i know i'm not young only best for dragon ball and i think so much streaming oh my name is more of a positive negative it is a positive i appreciate you thank you of course it's a positive choice the rest of us that you have but seriously i appreciate you all so much thank you for being here you mean so much to me every single day you have no idea how much i love and appreciate you you're part of my family you're my wiggly crondo bar you have a shop out here bridge for sale hang on let me look around first oh we got the burgers here wait why are you where are you coming for me why does he love me and he's trying to kill me stop no no bunger no bunger no bunger i think he likes it do you want bonger no no more bonger please it hurts i'm still hurting from last time bongo no no bonger no bunga because i love you let me do do you want bonger can we have some bonger tonight monger bridge for sale no do it to him not me can i capture you no he's too strong well gee thanks hi okay we're safe here i need him to ram into something no dude leave me alone what do i do with you bring me to a cactus oh wait what is that crystal sweet sweetie flies zips around faster to wait trash eventually no you freaking jerk oh thank goodness there's a stair step up here okay let's not aggro him okay he's playing with shooting down hello friend welcome come on over take a look i assure you you won't be disappointed fairly zones of australia the name's kramdo face the one and only salesman in paradise i'm getting abused by a burger leave me alone can you help me with that friend have i got a bridge to sell you beautiful isn't it hard wood new construction oh baby what a bridge all yours for just 100 bunk snacks what do you say i don't even have that much i don't want or need a bridge oh whoa whoa whoa can't afford it no problem i got a specialty item just for you cheap is free follow me pal okay bridge for sale some assembly required buy at your own risk all sales are final offer void where prohibited shirt and shoes optional may contain nuts or shellfish guarantees not guaranteed what this is a scam and a con artist if i've ever seen one offer void where prohibited so where is it prohibited shirt and shoes optional oh yeah you're not wearing it may contain nuts or shellfish what guarantees not guaranteed you're bumping tonight underground goodies all just gave her rings gonna pay for it feast your eyes on this beautiful lunch pad totally for sale and not at all stolen lunch pad you're itching to try it out i can tell what does it even happen yeah my windmills over there got stuck why don't you want to take it for a spin and knock him into shape ah so it's a it's a little bounce pad how do i use it aim at the launch pad ah i see wait i think i need to launch something towards it what what no stop okay what i don't understand aim the launch pad fire it seems to aim at the thing that i'm trying to launch oh no no no okay so why are you logging on to this no hang on hang on here launch me over there should not be able to aim very far i'm confused well i'm confused as far as money back something maybe uh it's aimed at the rock dirt bat bite death by derp why does it aim at something when there's not even anything on it am i supposed to throw the rock here well that didn't make it oh thank goodness there's no fall damage that's quite the drop do you have anywhere with right click oh oh derp oh yeah yeah i knew that purple butt your yeah right you still can't go very far with it though yeah this is so weird wait ricky ricky chill with the backseat let me figure it out okay okay well we got some rocks to pick up wait can i throw this stuff no don't sleep we need things give rock i understand now i mean i just thought you just walk on and you launch yourself i don't know why i guess you have to be able to launch objects there's a lot more on rails than i expected it to be okay there we go okay one more rock you're wrong you get a refund yes i'll derp dude you don't everybody else here because even why do you have island saver what's island safer i've never heard of it you're trying to save an island there you go [Music] also i see a new creature sweet fries are similar to frieders but sweeter sweet that hot fries breeze now it's time to pay up pay up i helped you you bought it there's no such thing as a free lunch excuse me yeah you could pay me three of those cheap roofs they think they're so great flying around let's see how they like flying into my mouth i guess that's not too bad we should get some practice anyway hmm we gotta knock him out of the sky unfortunately we've like used all of our rocks but you're gonna put out those women's where i could absolutely do multiple rocks aside for sure sweet potato rice and yum receive animals from goo i see oh shoot are there any rocks nearby what if i just watch myself that works i like that song by the way that plays whenever you catch a bug snack it's catchy bro nerd yeah bro that one's kind of high up is someone that's lower somewhere hmm here are all the rocks oh here's one oh with that one i can't put it down what the heck deploy it where'd you go well i guess you're mine me no come here oh geez he's knocked it away no i needed that please voice his advantage proportion strat oh you again bunker no no no hunger oh wait wait hold your lord he can change directions very fast hi no no no no don't ram me that's not how you show love wait wait ah it's not funny no no longer longer no no longer no longer here come here i want to capture you oh here we go see how you like it oh it's cute okay i did it you want these huh i mean that looks like a proper limb to an extent but i mean how would you actually like i feel like that would shatter very easily there you go you got cheesy legs okay okay i know you're just itching to get your paws on that bridge so i don't cut you a deal friend i want a fighter but it's on this ridiculously tall rock and i wasn't exactly blessed with stilts full eggs they have cheese for legs a sweet fighter we saw that earlier you yeah oh shoot hang on again we'll just get figured out boys come on almost no no once you can figure it out what's the best way to do this maybe from here it's not going to work unless i can control my momentum midair no you can't they're really they're dude you have a good bump in the bumper no no ponger cheese will melt it will hmm i can launch other things there but how would that help think think think think think how do i get there can i get up here nope hmm can't go high enough can't go far enough maybe i need an object then scare him wait can i lure him out what is he like let's catch up then we just blew him out come here come here what why did you forget about it so quickly um come on he doesn't care about anything on the walls no we got to get over there you launch the trap i can only have one placed at a time oh i mean like okay well number one no more backseating isn't that the second time too time out for 10 minutes no more backseating yeah i think that's the solution i would have figured it out eventually but no backseating whatsoever what do you think he ate it well i mean there's the ones on the wall he doesn't seem to be attracted to i think goodness the trap fell i wouldn't have been able to retrieve it got it yes i got the sweet fighter obviously he was gonna have a random wiggly sleeper yes it is blind as clearly stated in the title no vaccine no spoilery nos all right i did it there you go pleasure doing business with you hey you're my best and only customer i'm starting to think i should get a better location back in snacksburg but uh moving all this inventory across the desert is real sweaty work i'll need a way to keep cool if you make both my feet into big popsicles then walk in the hot sands would be a breeze popsicles god i gotta warn you you won't find popsicles in the desert better look elsewhere pale wait didn't you say i get the bridge once i did that oh wow what a fantastic quality bridge it's all right everybody thank you she's wearing yummy it's good to see my wiggly your bridge sucks i can't even talk about that bye well i don't know if i can make it across maybe i can go let me wait invisible wall no my lunch bag all right i'm leaving all right that was pretty good actually i'm enjoying it launch yourself maybe time out for 10 minutes okay the time for mercy is over people have been warned enough time out for 10 minutes you've been warned plenty of times no more backseating from this point on any backseating whatsoever is going to result in a bare minimum of a 10 minute timeout if not more rules yes the rules are in the panels will the stream you see the rules if it's your first time in my server and the rules actually i think it's in there it's in the title the back seating spoiler thing that's in the title of the stream no vaccine no spoilers how you doing because that changes per game that's not always the rule like spelunky two i allow backseating yeah literally just look in the title of the stream so if it says no backseating no backseating i'm good i need ketchup though all right where am i going to find this creature he wants sounds like it's like a pop-tart thing um i still have to keep looking all right well for now let's donate some bug stuff you made right yes you're just like well yeah it seems to do that we're just gonna deal with it it's just a loading screen it's okay if it lags there you're not gonna attack me here are you good glad we can be friends here looking there's a regular bunker here hey oh thank you this girl's back pretty quickly good good i need ketchup hmm let's go in here legend i remember that meme never young yeah exactly no backseat it makes it worse um mentioned popsicles yes something like that lovely lovely sweet fly is where'd he go i went there to rest dang it it's not gonna work you have an object to throw at you that was a brilliant idea well we know where he likes to rest so let me just put it here i don't think that's gonna work there why don't you go take a nap time it's bad time what i i mean spike slingshot timeout victor for 10 minutes there's a married bro it's good to see you this is bug snacks why are you going to bump each other yes they can okay i was going to ask what no i was very clear i said not to well that was an idea i'll probably get time now for it yes sweetie let's keep looking around well that's the shrimp thing that keeps running on tropical but she's everyone's scared still aggressive snack attacks it loves okay okay [Music] tropica bug i don't see any new creatures here that's a peel bug oh that yes bro boys hmm no new people i thought we might find wiggle out here we saw wiggle here before but then they left no don't eat him he's mine doesn't seem to be anything useful here at least right now we may have to come back at night big popsicles we need to find some popsicles i mean i would think that they'd be at the beach if i had to guess seems like the right place for them [Music] all right in the donations box everything okay yep just give you everything i don't really want any of these so there's growing so is your inventory so we keep doing it to keep growing well they seem to be getting along more nicely hide the pretzel case you can't get that bridge down just yet there isn't really anywhere to go except locations you've already been at different times of day we already know the desert is not going to have the popsicles let's go to sleep yeah we're going to go to sleep we're going to sleep till night time don't mind me i'm going to be using your bed it's amazing i'll call everybody gabe we should you know when's your birthday it's in seven it's a week from today actually the twenty second might have to go to sleep all right should be frosted with wiggly yum juice never ever getting let's see if we can find some popsicles here not you not you [Music] nothing seems to have changed wait can we like venture out here wait what is that candy patch hmm evidence of a bug snack this box just seems to appear during the day but not when it's raining i mean that's the candy fly things right i don't think so oh there you are how did i not see you let's let's talk aloha darling welcome to wiggle wiggle bottom steamy one wiggle wiggle lucky you you get an autograph i didn't know oh i can see you're utterly starstruck don't fret darling i always have time for my fans i no will you come back to snacksburg [Music] darling it will have to wait i simply cannot wrestle i appreciate it apology and it won't happen again i'm really sorry in darling if i want new ideas i need a new look um how about a wild new hair dude get me a financial and we'll see what we can do you like being transformed it's all good devin thank you but i appreciate the 50 bits and apology accepted don't worry just be careful most of the time when it comes to story driven games i do not like backseating or spoilers because i like to preserve the experience and i put that in the title it's all good wiggle wiggle wiggle you wish all right so i remember correctly okay i got the thing [Music] with a new head i can think new thoughts that's the magic of bug snacks now my creative juices can plug that doesn't sound like a good thing no i'm flowing i'm flowing [Music] this flow is more of a dribble i need you to turn it up darling find me a grape skeeter a one they're too fast for gramble or eye to catch but maybe you can find a way to slow them down a grape mosquito grape skeeter from nearby reefs i've never seen that it's all around a certain times and you should come around during the day everybody loves chocolate [Music] sweetie fly i'm not sure but clearly we need to come right different i know creators sorry it's okay it's all good just be careful in the future but no worries all is forgiven grape skeeto i'll come back during the day i guess we've already been here during the day um wait wasn't there like a tenth or i think i could change the time of day there without having to go back to town pretty sure there was a way oh hey you got the statue here cool don't you be recording me i was you're doing some hard work i don't want to see video come to the stream or youtube i don't mind me i'll be sleeping here where your wife is sleeping uh let's go 5 a.m oh no no he's turning deviant oh oh anyway this thing is above you [Music] wait what what do you mean what spot no no watchbot no you you you are not a person you have no soul you serve a purpose you transform messages into butt fruity goop it's fruity leafy glob of evidence about this box it seems to appear at night but not when it's raining [Music] we were there at night and it wasn't raining as far as i remember so i don't think that's the green grape sceeto that we're looking for let's replay oh oh shooting shiny like chicken jordan [Music] you're bad no right [Music] at night but not when it's raining and we need to come back at night hmm i don't know you gotta see the other thing dragon bro i have a the only new hint that i've seen from scanning the environment is this the fruity goop here at night but not when it's raining okay we can try is there a bed here so i don't have to go back to town yet there is right here let's wait till night well it's not raining that must be everything okay this one plumps up and slows down if it eats another buck snacks wiggle who doesn't darling what plump some souls don't eat another bug shack well i don't i wouldn't eat that bug snack so let's make them chocolate no no no that's too much got it [Music] is wait where did you want it i forgot where you wanted it i hope i put that in the right place i look fabulous the colors are striking no and now the ideas will flow [Music] any second now come on now i assure you oh who am i kidding i have nothing there simply isn't a snack on this beach that can give me the inspiration that i need which is why you should look no go back to town i need to look that pops a look that's hot darling i would be so delighted if you could go to the scorched gorge and catch two pop-tarts wait so they are there isn't that the same thing the other guy wanted oh no no he wanted like popsicles right what are my quests right now two pop ticks and you want big popsicles oh it's different all those things i had them dude dang it big popsicles i still haven't seen whatever this is okay we'll have to keep an eye out for it then all right we'll go get that i know how to get the pop ticks no problemo no problemo easy peasy poisons are catching all the bugsies the bugsies are yum actually i really feel like these areas shouldn't be taking so long to load let's go i know how to get these at least how they say their name i got the same exact vibes okay i need water there's no water dude apparently i'm okay can we deal with this guy he's annoying hmm we need to get that scorpion out of the way voice is really similar kind of is yeah you can just sit in the regard come here monger what you suck lose a rock then i show you with the freeze why are you missing what the heck this is maybe if i shoot him first to get him to like calm down okay there we go he's gonna stop moving well he did for a little bit how do i get you off the wall i don't have honey hmm i could try it on the ground real quick no pick it up no there's no water here wow this is very annoying oh really guys no i can't that thing sucks dude bad dad's like there was a point you were never numbable to begin with can i lure these in any way they love chocolate okay okay uh can i catch both at the same time longer longer no no no no no no no no stop it no longer there got one all right now longer please will be a little bit happier no no no longer got it okay i'm out of here let's go bye bye snoop dogg snoot is a happy snoot show apartheid so schnoot will be a little bit happy to hide the snow thank you i appreciate everybody's departure the more you put this dude the happier it is you'll find the suit so it will be even happier yes thank you and there's a lesson to be learned from this game if you love someone do not ram them bonger i guess you like me but stop trying to ram into me that's not how you show love you're happy how are you doing i'm good i need chocolate though no it's not you it's bad back to the beach all right you're on your nose don't you i do not no boop is acceptable boop is acceptable not the ram and not the num but the poop is fine let's get some chocolate chocolate very good excuse me over here now all right you're gonna have some popcorn hands it's like a little pom-poms you're a cheerleader now oh oh wait i look really ridiculous and i don't have oh shoot for your feet in my head i've taken i i didn't realize i had to feed them to certain areas oh no oh no that's the other person oh thank you i apologize for putting you through such an ordeal i'm panicking for a second it's all for the sake of art not a gadget is priceless i can see that this simply isn't working and i believe i know [Music] jeez although it pains me to return without a new single i shall face the music and greet my adoring fans aloha darling okay well we succeeded fantastic here we go you know it really does pom-pom popcorn hands okay let's go interview her i got to figure out how to turn that guy's feet into big popsicles because i don't know how he how you doing for a life in we go i love these designs they're really cute and clever and creative this game is so silly but in a good way all right interview time wait you want to talk to me wait interview first and then we speak ramble dear huh are you free for a little stargazing uh sorry i can't i gotta watch my little ones of course you do come on gramble surely you can take a night off nobody's desperate enough to steal from you anymore maybe but even still my kin might wander off if i'm not here it's only natural dear i'm sure they long to return to the wild but don't say that this is their home they they love it here they just get lost sometimes is all ugh whatever you say darling let me know if you're ever free she'll be right on top of your bug snacks when you're free you don't remember all two or so of them yeah we got 20 minutes for that today yeah you're right i got to figure it out okay first you and i interview i am no stranger to interviews darling hit me with your best shot let's go start who are you you've certainly heard my number one single a do the wiggle that's mine not yours if i stuck my head for a solid month you see wiggle wiggle bottom needs no introduction dog okay interview wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle why come to snack tooth island well i'm here to gorge my cell phone no life experience to get my creative juices melting as it were so your juice isn't flowing oh well you know no hit can stay on top forever and i'm afraid the audience didn't care for wigglesworld or wiggle baby one more time i've been accused of being a one-hit wiggle thoughts on bug snacks every taste is like a star going supernova inside my mouth creative energy like i've never felt before bug snacks are worth whatever price i have to pay darling what price is that exactly bug snacks are forbidden fruits darling i believe something exists to keep us from them she will come for me one day but not before i dazzle the world once more oh why'd you leave town that's simple i was following gramble he certainly knows his way around snacks are you using granville for his food supply no goodness no he's far too sweet like a little strabby no i would never take advantage of him no matter how easy it would be [Music] any info on this bird ah lizbert she and eggabel were big fans of mine you know i met them backstage at my first farewell tour they didn't have passes mind you liz climbed in through the air ducts what but if somebody breaks the law out of love for my music who am i to turn them away does that happen a lot not nearly as often as i'd like oh really what happened to lisbet that night when liz went missing i ran into the woods looking for her but instead i found something terrifying towering over the trees the queen of bug snacks her screech was deafening and i ran for my life is that the flying pizza what is this queen of bugs sack bug snacks thing well i can't be sure all i saw was a menacing silhouette but if liz cross passed with that that thing then i fear for her i think it's the flying pizza thanks wiggle that's a wrap ah i feel the warm glow of free publicity i know my story about the queen sounds far-fetched but i swear on my platinum record it's true if you don't believe me go and see for yourself oh what's this if you'll excuse me i've got music to make we'll give you a map to liz's last location check your journal for details ah cool oh no screeching this is all yeah guys i'm pumping that dog screeching but yeah that was pretty fun looking at the map list was liz where was this last night where was liz's last name location so those are looking down on camp from between the trees beneath the snow line so like here huh well for now let's i think we're gonna have enough wait you want to talk to me again what do you want need something if you're not busy darling i could use a helping paw jimmy run-of-the-mill bug snacks aren't getting my creative juices flowing i need something oh spectacular hmm i overheard wembas talking about a sandopeed a snack made of many pieces working in halimoney that may be just what i need yeah i don't know how to catch it how do you catch that [Music] well i likes ranch but i don't know how to use that to my advantage hmm well let's talk to you first and then we'll figure that out you got that party look at that is looking pretty busy tonight seems like a great time to gather everybody around the old campfire let's do it it's time snow yes in the snow nothing like a campfire hey buddies beat sitting in the dark i tell you there's some spooky stuff out there there ain't nothing out there just bug snacks and trees you're just yellow i'm not yellow i'm pink there's really something stalking me watching me from the shadows keeps me up at night i've seen something similar up on top of the canyon real curious probably just a wild animal darling there are no animals here none but we ladies i uh i too saw the thing can we talk about something else you know the desert grumps they had some odd rituals they take their old and dying and seal them in secret caves whatever for were the dead going to rise from the grave no not as such it's more the bodies would just disappear what oh the writing's kind of vague sadly all i know is they had a rash of vanishing corpses sacrifices long as they were exposed oh heck even if they buried them in the sand the body wouldn't be there the next day though some of the time there'd be a little left just a few bones dude i think the bug snacks are people i really think they're people getting a chill just thinking about it you're getting a chill because the fire's gone out oh you're right uh hey buddy would you mind picking up some firewood it's over by the mail oh we're gonna see something for sure wait where i don't i'm not a derp but i don't know what the mill is where oh here hi i knew that purple wait ah yes hey probably yeah i got the firewood no nothing happened oddly enough okay where were we um tiffany you were saying something about the zombies no no zombies listen spooky as the disappearance stiffs may be that's just a story i read on a wall we got nothing to fear from the dead i'm more worried about the living the living obviously we're not the first grumpuses to make it to snacktooth so what makes us think all the others are dead i've seen those chewed up skeletons around the island we all know something kills grumpuses out there and it has teeth bug snacks don't have teeth and like wiggles said there aren't animals out here other than us she's got a point she's not wrong about the bones ah uh uh time out i gotta use a little crumb shrimp now hold on you saying grumpus has turned cannibal that's ridiculous we ain't got the stomachs for it fluffy eats grumpus no way that's true what's floating oh it's true oh one of the kids one night i saw floofty dragging something along the beach when i got closer i saw what it was a severed leg and as i watched they held it up to their mouth and then they took a bite out of it don't mess with my head beth you're gonna scare me snackless the whole grump is somebody gonna yeah i'll take a look dude this is dark it is i don't buy it but i forgot where the bathroom was i was there oh yeah it's in here isn't it you okay in there [Music] [Music] oh hey buddy uh sorry i uh i got a little too spooked and i came here to calm down oh who's in the bathroom i i don't know what you're talking about buddy are you feeling okay you look like you've seen a ghost well uh let's keep it together and get back to the fire uh no wait what excuse me okay that's weird okay sorry about that what a mess can we just quit it with the spooky stuff i don't think i could get any sleep darling calm yourself for i know what lurks in the shadows [Music] it's the queen of bug snacks a bug snack bigger than any we've ever seen she conducts this delicious orchestra bringing music to [Music] she gobbles us up that's precisely right darling this story makes no sense why would bug snacks have a monarchy oh wambus it's just a title i've seen bug snacks big enough to eclipse the moon what else would you call that um a hallucination believe what you will wham this for i know what i've seen regardless of what sort of monster you believe in something is looking out there and it's only a matter of time before it comes [Music] it's coming for us [Music] no need to freak out it's probably just uh something safe i'm freaking out whereabouts i'm not getting eaten by some monster or floofty just cause you won't admit you're scared don't worry gramble we'll go check it out if something goes wrong sacrifice bilbo first no [Laughter] he kind of interferes with the immersion but that was well done i'm enjoying this oh what's going on here something broke into the mill house let's go up oh it's you hi what are you doing here chandlo whoa it's filbo and somebody new hey how are you doing better these days yeah uh snacksberg is coming back together i noticed i saw the fire and i thought whoa snacksberg's on fire so i came down here to check on it then i remembered i left some stuff at the mill so here i am did you have to like break into it is sheldon around oh no nobody's seen sheldon since the uh the fight major bummer bro i could use her wisdom right now anyway can't stay and hang i gotta get all this stuff back to snorpy right away you know how he gets don't you at least want to say hi to everybody ah if i do that they're gonna want me to stay catch you later that's the point no no but i do want you to stay oh darn it oh well let's get back and tell the others oh well lego please don't do it chad it is i have an anvil make me some weapons porsches won a sword don't worry folks i'm fine um oh and and the noise was just chandler oh that's a relief hey that's don't you care about it you're good and safe and boring but wait what if chandlo was the queen of bug snacks oh please that brute doesn't have the grace required for royalty yeah if anybody's queen around here it's me no you know the desert grumps had a history of matriarchal leadership real fascinating system they had every year the ladies would go hunting and the one to bring home the biggest bug snack was the new head honcho hey buddy okay well that actually went pretty well nice oh drinking i do my wiggly it's good to see you very very interesting story i'm enjoying this a lot i'm really curious to see how it progresses but unfortunately it is three minutes to stream end time so we do need to wrap things hey buddy neil you just arrived we did hello i don't think anybody wants to talk to me right now you still have a quest for me right you wanted me to get sub santa pete's i don't know how to do it maybe we need a new tool every time he indeed yes i know but wiggles we're gonna wrap things up here i'm enjoying the game i hope you are too and it seems like it's relatively short maybe just one more stream but maybe two one to two more streams i think will be done with this game i'm looking forward to it oh and we can go this way now sweet awesome we'll definitely have to do that i like the num num game it's pretty good it's pretty good i'm enjoying the characters in the story are interesting and i look forward to seeing it develop further but yes we're wrapping things up here so thank you all for tuning in hope you have fun if you liked what you saw and you want to see more please feel free to leave a follow it helps out a lot you see every time i go live i stream every single day starting at 12 pm central landing at 4 pm central so make sure you follow me to catch me next time if you like this video please leave a like and comment it does help out a lot i do upload a new video every single day so make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell so you never miss out join the discord level through discord server tons of dragon emotes are missing out if you're not already in there so make sure you hop on in all these links in the description and in the panels below the stream but that's gonna be it for tonight thank you for tuning in hope you had fun and i'll catch you next time
Channel: GaroShadowscale Streams
Views: 185,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BUGSNAX Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1, Bugsnax, Bugsnax Walkthrough, Bugsnax Gameplay, Bugsnax Gameplay Walkthrough, Bugsnax Let's Play, Bugsnax Playthrough, Bugsnax First Gameplay, Bugsnax First Playthrough, Bugsnax First Let's Play, Bugsnax First Walkthrough, Bugsnax Blind Gameplay, Bugsnax Blind Walkthrough, Bugsnax Blind Let's Play, Bugsnax Blind Playthrough, garoshadowscale
Id: b0_pOcPp1ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 12sec (12432 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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