Gianni Russo Rejoices Over the Recent Death of Frank Cullotta: He Was a Piece of Sh** (Part 11)

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uh okay and uh you've been shot before shot six times stabbed no i'm i was thrown out a window no i i've gotten in situations that go crazy where what part of the body were you shot at i i well it happened in corona we used to go dancing late at night and that's when they all had zip guns and all that stuff i was at regina padre's school and i didn't know you know wise guys don't dance so all these young mobs were in one corner room and went dancing with all their girlfriends so this street gang shot me and i'm running i took three in my leg and one on my ass i go down a storm sewer and i'm holding on to the ladder and they're running all over the top and listen to them and then finally got calm i got out i went to a phone booth called a friend of mine and he took me to frank the druggist took care of everything for me i've been my career has been nuts man okay and you've been stabbed as well yeah i was stabbed twice but the knife wasn't deep enough to do it fortunately a lot of this stuff happened in the winter so i i wear fur coats the [ __ ] and you know i mean two seconds later i had the guy but uh okay crazy and you've been run over by a car yeah my father ran me over you believe this wow i bought him a house on legion place i made the guys i remember the grim oldie brothers i made the the guys telling me you wanted it on you know it was 17 000 was a great house but it was great for him seven legion place and i was living at the dartmouth hotel right on staten island for a minute i was hiding out and it was a snowstorm so i figured let me go down i'll shovel the driveway my father's in the driveway in the garage with his car the driveway maybe he's 50 feet and he's blown on shovel faster shovelfast and i'm shoveling i'm about this far to the curb he's plowing down the driveway i didn't get out of the way i went right over to windshield's car i'm laying here my mother runs out and i said he just ran me over she said he didn't see you the phone he ain't gone five minutes i knew where he was going he's going to his club he calls he said is he hurt my mother said you saw him i said that's it i mean i was always trying you know quietly to try to do something this is my mother and father and they didn't know about it i knew my mother was abused but you know but that was the last thing i said no no more done well i've interviewed a couple other mob guys since our last interview uh larry mazza who i just interviewed they don't even know me these guys don't know me okay street people sammy the bull started talking about me he don't know me how is he gonna know me it's in 6162 they were hijacking trucks and bensoners i was so above and under the radar do you think i was going to have or costello or even right now chicago i mean i'm still friendly with a lot of guys but what i do is legitimate you think i was having drinks with street guys come to my daughter's wedding get that thing out of here frank colada frank colada had an interview who thank god he just died he what a piece of [ __ ] he was and he's he was with patrick ben david he's johnny russo as what he says he is if we want to go to his club we can go to his club because they came one night to state street i said you're not allowed in because tony spalacho was in the black book and the next morning he got a call so don't go near that guy's club not because i'm a tough guy i'm not a tough guy anybody you talk to today these kids don't know me thank god yeah right because you mentioned it we actually did frank colada's last interview he died uh a few months ago from covet he was 81 years old i know and uh i guess you're not shedding any tears over that over him passing but he was a he was a he was a burglar the hole in the wall gang we all knew we was and that's that's he got he got sam g and conor killed him and tony spelatra got him killed because ricardo said pull him in you can't control him he thought he owned vegas spilatro destroyed vegas like gotti destroyed the mob in new york they went public the only reason god he arranged me to go see pablo escobar he thought i was never coming back john hated me because if it wasn't about john in a room like at regimes they'd invite me all the time i didn't want to go because if i went in and said everywhere everybody said well that's johnny rooster i'm the godfather this guy's face would contort you think i trusted this guy now i'm too smart man i stay away from the mom i got who you know my mom friends are the real guys the real old guys i so see a guy in corona yet i just win a guy a couple months ago just before he died real guys michael's father sonny real guys these guys they say they're doing television interviews these are mob guys doing edward armor are you out of your mind could you see carlo gambino talking to you on they wouldn't do it see the only reason i can't i'm not a mob guy everything i'm talking about statues of limitation are gone you can't do nothing to me i could talk about millions and millions of dollars i laundered i had a document i played this if i had to live to 100 i'm screwing up more people's minds because they can't talk about it i have a great life you know how many fbi agents tried to make a career coming after me i sent the guy when he retired the guy that went to my house and talked to my little son luciano he showed him his badge and his gun he's i know your daddy's hiding in the house show me where he is i left through the [ __ ] background to my underneath my tennis court i was gone i went to w brown uh international i was at out of the country in an hour and a half he was still in my house i left for three years then i don't go to jail
Channel: djvlad
Views: 388,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I8IsTBlMi1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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